
blairis https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCloud/Images/Publishing still accurate on how Ubuntu Cloud Images are created?01:02
lifelessblair: clearly not edited for a while, but its the sort of thing you don't need to futz with that much01:13
lifelessblair: smoser: will know01:13
blairlifeless, thx, i'm looking for the latest instructions since i want to build EC2 images with cloud-init but tweak some things, since the images are a good base for what i need01:14
lifelessblair: you could just build on the images that smoser builds; thats what we are doing01:15
blairlifeless, actually, i'm trying to get zfs as a root fs so i can snapshot, so i'm thinking i need to build the fs and then layer all packages on top of it01:16
lifelessyou could just use ebs snapshots, much simpler ;)01:17
blairwhile the system is running?01:17
lifelessblair: as for transforming; take the ubuntu cloud image; make a zfs fs, copy the contents over; drop in whatever modules you need.01:18
lifelessblair: re live snapshots - http://serverfault.com/questions/79077/safe-to-use-an-amazon-ebs-volume-while-snapshot-in-progress01:19
blairlifeless, thx, i will try the transforming approach.  i need the snapshot for getting a consistent backup between two different databases01:22
lifelessyou can't use point in time backups for them ?01:23
blairone isn't even a real db system.  it's a third party software solution that uses a db and flat files, with no guarenteed ordering between updates to both, so i want to stop the service, do a snapshot, and start it, all very quickly01:24
blairi have btrfs working on a KVM, but it looks little too risky for a SAAS with paying customers, so i'm looking at zfs and the nfs-native ppa01:25
lifelessyou could use lvm snapshots more easily I suspect01:26
blairi've had a btrfs fs lock up on boot due to a bug in the orphan cleanup code and following the btrfs mailing list, they keep on finding stuff that looks risky01:26
blairlvm with xfs?01:27
lifelessuse the stock image, use an EBS volume for data storage, and put lvm on that01:27
lifelesslvm with anything01:27
blairso umount the EBS long enough to do the snapshot?01:27
blairerr, i mean, unmount the volume in the LVM01:28
lifelesshuh, just snapshot it live01:28
lifelessthats the whole point of lvm :)01:28
blairdon't you put a fs on top of lvm, so you would then mount the snapshot it would need to recover?01:29
lifelessstop your service; sync; lvm snapshot; start your service01:29
lifelessblair: the sync isn't needed with fs's that are lvm aware01:30
lifelessblair: I don't know exactly which ones are aware01:31
lifelessblair: zfs has a raft of nice features but most of them are not unique to zfs :)01:31
blairright, it's just all in one nice layer with checksums ;)01:32
lifelesssaves you from disk corruption but not memory faults ;) - you can checksum bad data very happily :)01:32
blairthe URL says that snapshot will ask the fs to be in a consistent state, need to see if ext4 supports that01:32
blairlifeless, http://lwn.net/Articles/446618/ says there are ext4 patches for snapshotting that are outstanding as of June 8, 2011, i'll have to see if it made it into recent kernels01:35
lifelessblair: no, thats different01:42
blairlifeless, how so?01:43
lifelessblair: thats in-filesystem snapshots like btrfs or zfs01:43
lifelessblair: lvm aware support is -massively- simpler.01:43
blairlifeless, so i'm missing something then.  this is my understanding.... lvm provides block devices and doesn't know about the fs.  you can put any fs on top of lvm01:44
blairbut if you snapshot at lvm level, you can have the fs be in an inconsistent state01:44
blairand xfs, ext{3,4} don't support in-fs snapshots01:44
lifelessright, but there is an in-kernel api to tell the fs a snapshot is happening01:45
blairright, that's what i meant, and i couldn't find confirmation that it's in ext401:46
lifelessit is01:46
lifelessshows analysis of a regression related to that code01:46
lifelesscan't happen if it wasn't ;)01:46
blairoh, i misread the lwn article, there's a 'n' in 'next3'01:47
xnoxblair: lvm snapshots with ext3/4 are rock solid.01:48
blairxnox, thx01:52
lifelessblair: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=c4be0c1dc4cdc37b175579be1460f15ac6495e9a01:55
blairlifeless: nice.  because this question doesn't give one good feelings that it's supported on all kernels: http://serverfault.com/questions/79077/safe-to-use-an-amazon-ebs-volume-while-snapshot-in-progress01:56
blairthat's your link, i meant this one: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1940093/01:57
lifelessthe answers are fairly clear it should all work01:58
lifelessthe amount of ignorance out there is unbounded :)01:59
blairlifeless, i've gotten a healthy skepticism for the word "should" in answers, been burned by stuff that "should" work in production02:05
blairlifeless, thanks for the suggestions, its definitely a safer solution than zfs or btrfs,02:15
zorkyhello, anyone who can help me. i need to setup a dhcp server using isc-dhcp-server . but i forgot how the dhcpd.conf should look like.02:37
zorkywhats commented in the dhcpd.conf file is no use. it dosen't state what should be uncommented, so make it work. and i can't find any guide on how to setup dhcp02:41
tedskizorky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/dhcp3-server02:41
zorkyplease explain. why i should use dhcp3 instead of isc-dhcp-server?02:43
tedskithe configuration is the same02:44
zorkyokay. but now comes the question. where do i put all that into the dhcpd.conf file?02:45
tedskiwhat do you mean where?02:45
zorkythe dhcpd.conf from dhcp3 . what do i copy into the dhcpd.conf from isc-dhcp-server?02:46
tedskii don't think you're understanding how it works02:46
zorkyi do. the only reason why im asking for help now. is because it's the first time im seing this config file without it has been edited.02:47
zorkyi work with linux servers at work. setting this up on a regulary basis. but i have never installed the dhcp service. because i allways roll out premade images, made by a coworker02:47
tedskiwhen you install the isc-dhcp-server package, it will create /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf02:47
tedskiopen that file and read the comments02:48
tedskiit explains each configuration parameter02:48
tedskiyou'll need to create a stanza for the subnet you wish to offer IPs for02:48
tedskiand you have the option to push some things like dns servers, routers, etc. through that stanza02:49
tedskiyou can also do static-dhcp if you wish02:49
tedskiat the minimum you'd have a default-lease-time, max-lease-time, authoritative, and subnet02:50
tedskidoes that make sense?02:51
zorkytedski, default-lease-time 600;02:51
zorkymax-lease-time 7200;02:51
zorkyoption subnet-mask;02:51
zorkyoption broadcast-address;02:51
zorkyoption routers;02:51
zorkyoption domain-name-servers,;02:51
zorkyoption domain-name "mydomain.example";02:51
zorkysubnet netmask {02:51
zorkyas i recall. the dhcpd.conf look something like that. and only that from the work servers.02:51
tedskiokay, do you understand what each option is saying?02:51
zorkysomewhat. yes02:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:52
tedskizorky: you'll want to put theoption statements into the subnet stanza02:52
tedskisince they are specific to that subnet02:52
tedskizorky: also, if you don't have a need for 2 ranges,  you might as well just remove one02:53
zorkyit didn't work. and im getting anoyed i can't get it to work03:10
zorky can anyone send me a pastebin with a working dhcpd.conf file and your interface file?03:10
zorkyanyone who will be kind and help me out with this? i need a dhcpd.conf and interface pastebin.?03:29
uvirtbotSpamapS: Error: "serverguie" is not a valid command.04:28
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/04:29
Diegonathi guys! Do you know any software to monitor what users in the network do ? What website do they surf and for how long?10:57
ogra_Diegonat, have a look at wireshark ... though that needs some level of background knowledge how networking and all its layers work11:11
Diegonatogra_, but that is not a proper solution... is it not a workaround?11:11
ogra_it is the best tool to see what packages go from where to where and which protocol they use11:12
ogra_not sure how much more proper it can get :)11:13
ogra_if you are not an experienced network admin the sheer amount of data it gives you might be a bit overwhelming ...11:13
eagles0513875_hey guys im looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixAmavisNew does that setup spamassassin to use baysian filtering?11:27
ikoniaeagles0513875_: no11:30
ikoniathere is a link on that page to more detailed tuning, see if that does11:30
eagles0513875_ikonia: that page does not exist yet11:30
ikoniathen "no" is the short answer11:30
eagles0513875_ikonia: ok but at least that is a good start for spam filtering which can be tweaked to use baysian filtering at a later point in time no?11:31
ikoniathere is no setup defined, look at what it doesn' it just enables the default config11:31
eagles0513875_ikonia: ok so i would need to read the documentation for amavis spamassassin and clamav and configure accordingly11:34
ikoniaeagles0513875_: do you know how to do it without reading hte documentation ?11:34
eagles0513875_sadly not i can read the man pages and figure things out that way11:35
ikoniaok, so there is your answer. Do you need to read the documentation, well as you don't know how to do it without reading the documentation, the answer is "yes"11:35
ikoniaalthough to be honest, I think you are making a rod for your own back11:36
ikoniabut that's up to you11:36
eagles0513875_ikonia: seems like there is a really neat configuration tool for spamassassin cofiguration11:44
eagles0513875_that will create the config11:44
ikoniaI'd advise against it11:44
ikoniaI'd advise you actually learn how to do it11:44
ikoniabut then again - that is your normal approach, short cut, no understanding of how it works then ask in IRC to spoonfeed when it's broken11:45
ikoniatotally up to you11:45
eagles0513875_im actually goign to take your advice and read the documentation11:45
Diegonatogra_, thank you but it is not what im looking for12:02
DiegonatDo you know any software to monitor what users in the network do ? What website do they surf and for how long?12:02
histoDiegonat: wireshark?12:47
histoDiegonat: there are a ton of network monitors now that I look12:49
RoyKDiegonat: erm - spying on users isn't good12:52
RoyKDiegonat: if you really want to, use a proxy and analyze the logs12:52
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Diegonathisto, RoyK, my client wants it so I need to do it. However I need something to log their activity and an easy GUI for my client to use it...13:28
RoyKDiegonat: then setup transparent proxying13:28
histoDiegonat: nothing is jumping out at me i'm. Sure forums or askubuntu may help in your search.13:29
RoyKyes, but to do it transparently, you need a router supporting that13:29
DiegonatRoyK, I use an ubuntu server as router13:29
RoyKthat works - iptables + squid for transparent proxying is easy13:29
DiegonatRoyK, but the logs will be file texts thta my client cannot see13:30
RoyKyes, then you need some sort of tool to visualize those logs13:30
RoyKI guess there are several out there13:30
RoyKor perhaps you should ask your client if it's legal, or morally good, to spy on employees13:31
DiegonatRoyK, I cannot find anything13:31
DiegonatRoyK, in england 80% of companies do that13:31
RoyKDiegonat: I don't know, and I don't want to help out either - it's morally low13:31
RoyKDiegonat: 7 billion flies can't be wrong: Eat shit!13:32
DiegonatRoyK, i agree13:32
histoDiegonat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers#Monitoring13:32
Diegonathisto, im not sure that is what i need13:33
histoDiegonat: http://nagios.org/ this looks promissing13:33
Diegonathisto, nagios is to monitor services status13:35
DiegonatI need something like http://www.awarenesstechnologies.com13:37
Diegonatbut less intrusive13:37
dannyjorishi, I set up Ubuntu Server as a VM in virtualbox, but I can't ping the IP. THe network settings are NAT & Host-Only. It's a fresh install so I assume I need to configure it. ANy idea how?13:38
Diegonatdannyjoris, if you can use bridge mode, easier13:39
dannyjorisDiegonat: yeah, but isn't that less secure? All my other VM's work with NAT & Host only13:41
Diegonatdannyjoris, depends on what you need13:41
Diegonathowever it is difficult to troubleshot like that13:41
Diegonatdo u have firewalls?13:41
dannyjorisit's just for testing purposes. I'm at home.13:42
dannyjorisso I guess I could just use bridged13:42
eagles0513875_ikonia: do you midn if i ask you a question regarding amavis and postfix14:23
ikoniaif I know it I'll answer14:28
ikoniaI don't really use amavis though14:28
histoWhat do you use?14:29
greetasdfhi everyone!14:29
ikoniafor spam filtering ?14:29
ikoniaor for something else ?14:29
histodoesn't amavis just forward mail through spam and av filters?14:29
ikoniapretty much, it's a pass through14:30
greetasdfguys I really need some help, I deleted /usr/share/doc/openvpn/easy-rsa* with rm -r and can't find the package to reinstall this... what can I do?14:31
greetasdfI tried google and askubuntu for some time now and Im going crazy14:31
ikoniagreetasdf: surly it would be part of openvpn ?14:32
greetasdfwell I tried apt-get install --reinstall openvpn14:32
ikoniaand it's it just some documentation ?14:32
greetasdfwell it contains specific files to openvpn config, which all tuts on openvpn start with14:32
greetasdfI'm sorta lost without them14:33
ikoniathe config is held in the documentation directory ? that sounds wrong14:33
greetasdfthis is the tut I was following https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/openvpn.html14:33
greetasdfalthough I'm on 12.0414:33
greetasdfthe cp command would be cp -r /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/14:34
ikoniaah, so you're copying the examples from the doucmentation to the config directory14:34
greetasdfand I wanted to do a fresh reinstall and thought it's a part of the openvpn package14:35
greetasdffail :/14:35
ikoniait should be part of it14:35
ikoniagreetasdf: try removing the package / purging it and re-adding it14:35
ikoniathe documentation should normally be in the base package14:35
greetasdfI tried apt-get remove --purge openvpn and reinstall14:35
greetasdfI only removed part of the documentation weirdly enough14:35
ikoniathere is a command...apt-file (I think) that can tell you what package a file belongs to14:36
ikoniaI don't have an ubuntu machine here to confirm the apt-file syntax14:36
greetasdfthat would be great, let me check14:37
greetasdfok so I thought I was being smart and apt-get removing openvpn and checking the doc files for leftovers14:47
greetasdfthen using apt-file to identify the package14:47
greetasdfturns out the dir is empty14:47
greetasdfI'm clueless14:47
greetasdfcan it be that hard to copy openvpn example files? I just couldn't find them anywhere online14:48
ikoniagreetasdf: it's not hard to copy them if you use the right command, you are the one who removed them14:48
greetasdfyes I know it's my fault :)14:49
greetasdfbut I thought it would be easy to copy them from somewhere else?14:49
ikoniasuch as ?14:49
greetasdfwell if I knew that I wouldn't be a noob in this chatroom asking around...14:49
greetasdfI would get it and extract the files and copy them14:50
ikoniagreetasdf: I would concentrate on getting the package that supplies them corretly re-installed14:50
ikoniathat would be the simplest approach14:50
greetasdfha! see, I googled the openvpn package and found the files14:52
greetasdfok so now I'm going to transfer the missing files from my windows 7 pc to ubuntu ... that really seems stupid14:52
greetasdfbut thanks for the help14:52
ikoniagreetasdf: as long as you are sure they are the same ones included in the ubuntu package14:52
greetasdfit says 2.2.1 but I think it installed 2.314:53
greetasdfI'm sure of it actually14:54
greetasdfthanks for the good point sir14:54
greetasdfbut I guess http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openvpn will provide the newest packages no?14:55
ikoniait will provide you with versions for each release.14:55
ikoniaI again suggest working out/fixing the broken package14:56
greetasdfbut I tried everything, apt-get remove --purge and --reinstall and install :(14:56
greetasdfok thanks, unfortunately I've run out of time, maybe it's because openvpn published a new version 2.3 which may be incompatible with any older tutorials...15:01
greetasdfhave a great day15:02
patdk-lapI haven't had any issues with 2.3 at all15:02
mhillsjoin /ubuntu16:43
SaidKLEQuestion: I have ubuntu server with ubuntu-desktop installed for gui on a laptop for testing and development purposes. How do I get wifi connections working in Network Manager?18:46
RoyKSaidKLE: that's not a server question ;) try #ubuntu18:58
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SaidKLEthat's what they told me over there...19:13
bobkaI installed ubuntu 12.04 server LTS. grub menu comes up fine. Then vertical scrolling. ATI ES1000, old VGA monitor. Rig work with Knoppix Live CD.19:19
bobkaCan't translate knoppix "nodrm" into grub - if that is the issue19:20
bobkalol - lotsa nicks - no traffic = no help?19:22
ikoniabobka: try being patient19:22
xnoxbobka: nodrm is linux-kernel command line boot option....19:23
bobkathx how do i tell grub that?19:23
bobkaI couldn't find docs or anything on nodrm. Don't know the acronym.19:27
bobkaI've set GRUB_GFXMODE=640X480X24 in etc/default/grub which is correct. And I've looked at headers in etc/grub.d, but I'm stuck. Don't think vsync or hsync are relevant.19:43
PryMar56bobka, we do server here. Append text to kernel cmdline20:17
ikoniawho said anything about #ubuntu-kernel channels ?20:21
bobka<PryMar56> bobka, we do server here. Append text to kernel cmdline20:22
tedskibobka: he means in the kernel cmdline in grub20:22
ikoniabobka: adding a boot up option does not mean "join #ubuntu-kernel irc channel"20:23
bobkatedski okay, I assume grub> is the command line. what text?20:26
tedskibobka: google is your friend20:27
tedskibobka: "how to enter kernel options grub" would be a good start20:28
bobkabrb - wait for me! :)20:29
bobkatedski - no DRM related options to the command line fixed the vertical scrolling21:21
bobka(DRM = Direct Rendering Management)21:41
bobkaI tried gamma=[HW, DRM] w/wo r128=[HW, DRM] w/wo nodrm - no luck :(21:42
tedskibobka: can you explain the problem more clearly?21:46
bobkamy old vga crt rolls after grub menu. I know it is possible to fix because knoppix CD runs fine with a few parameters.  what else would u like 2 know?21:51
bobkaknoppix params: screen=640x480 depth=24 nodrm. I edited etc/default/grub > 640x480x2421:54
james2013is there a better guide to follow then this ? http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-12.04-lts-apache2-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3 or is this considered the best setup guide21:55
tedskibobka: that's a vsync issue21:56
tedskibobka: at least in my opinion21:56
* tedski reminisces turning the vsync screws on the back of old tubes21:57
james2013tedski, i remember that also. But I also used to own arcade machines and had to deal with that often21:57
tedskijames2013: "best" is subjective21:58
bobkaok. where does vsync=60 go? BTW I didn't need it in knoppix, although i had it added originally.21:58
bobkalol don't even know the hsync on this dinosaur.22:00
tedskiwhy can't you just blink your eyes 60 times per second?22:00
bobka...haven't tried that yet,...22:01
bobkano, doesn't work either22:02
tedskibobka: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VESA_BIOS_Extensions#Linux_video_mode_numbers22:02
* tedski &22:03
bobkaNO Tedski,  789 that is for resolution - been there, done that!22:04
bobkaBTW, this monitor is pre VESA 222:05
bobka1991 - Were you even born yet?22:05
james2013tedski, know of a better guide ?22:07
bobkajames: subjective as in what do you want to do with your server.22:10
james2013bobka, standard web server mainly22:11
bobkaubuntu-12.04-lts-apache2 install comes with one button openssh dns lamp samba, etc..22:12
ikoniaone button ?22:13
bobkaI don't remember if Apache2 was a seperate option.22:13
ikoniawhat the hell is ubuntu-12.040-lts-apache2 ?22:13
ikoniawhy don't you just install apache....or the lamp group ?22:14
bobkamy bad, ubuntu-12.04-lts22:14
ikoniawhy do you keep saying ubuntu-12.04-lts ?22:15
bobkaexactly my point.22:15
ikoniasorry, am I missing what you're saying ?22:15
james2013I was just asking because I searched google for ubuntu 12.04 server setup guide and that url was one of the first links22:16
ikoniajames2013: https://help.ubuntu.com - there is a server guide22:16
bobkaikonia: read james previous entry22:16
ikoniajames2013: installing an official product, considered reading official documentation ?22:16
bobkahe has the howtoforge guide22:17
ikoniayes, and thats rubbish22:17
ikoniawhy would you read 3rd party stuff over the official stuff ?22:17
bobkaso, any help for my server install?22:18
ikoniayou need to explain the problem22:18
ikoniarather than saying "any help" as that means nothing22:18
bobka[17:51] <bobka> my old vga crt rolls after grub menu. I know it is possible to fix because knoppix CD runs fine with a few parameters.22:19
histobobka: pass the same parameters that you use in knoppix22:20
bobkayes rolls22:20
ikoniabobka: what do you mean my crt rolls ?22:20
histoikonia: I think he means vsync22:20
histoThat would be my guess22:20
ikoniahisto: possibly....be nice if he could clarify22:21
bobka[17:54] <bobka> knoppix params: screen=640x480 depth=24 nodrm. I edited etc/default/grub > 640x480x2422:21
james2013sounds like you either have the wrong resolution set or the refresh rate22:21
ikoniabobka: /etc/default/grub won't change anything22:21
ikoniabobka: you need to rebuild the config22:21
bobkagood to know!22:21
histoikonia: edit /etc/default/grub and sudo update-grub22:21
ikoniayes, I know how to do it22:21
bobkaI don't, please explain?22:22
ikoniapretty much exactly what histo has just said22:22
bobkaalready did that. (many times)22:23
ikoniabobka: what parameters did you add to your /etc/defaut/grub22:23
histoikonia: sorry didn't mean to send it to you.22:23
ikoniahisto: not a problem22:24
histobobka: hvae you tried booting with nomodeset kernel option?22:24
bobkathe issue seems to be nodrm. i added that as a kernel option, but no luck.22:24
ikoniabobka: what parameters did you add to your /etc/defaut/grub22:24
histo!nomodeset | bobka22:25
ubottubobka: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:25
bobkalike GFX_mode=640x480x2422:25
ikoniabobka: what parameters did you add to your /etc/defaut/grub22:26
bobkaI read grub & grub2 no help.22:27
ikoniabobka: what parameters did you add to your /etc/defaut/grub22:27
ikoniaactually - I'm tired of asking22:27
ikoniagood luck, I'm not interested any more22:28
bobkathx buddy22:28
dannyjorisI'm fairly new to server configuration, but is it ok to have php5-dev installed on a production environment? There's some pecl libraries that are dependent on it.22:39
ikoniadannyjoris: not something I'd recommend especially if you have compilers there too22:42
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bobkaI had GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480x24 . But adding GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset" fixed the problem!!22:55
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