zequence | Len-nb: I hate custom entried though, which is why I'd rather work on standardization | 00:14 |
zequence | I mean, I don't like customization | 00:15 |
zequence | The further you go with it, the less you can build on it | 00:15 |
zequence | It's like programming. Better to solve stuff with a few functions and variables, and keep the work to a few lines of code, rather than pages | 00:16 |
zequence | Was it me who added that task? I'm thinking yes | 00:20 |
zequence | Anyway, we know what the important stuff is for this release. | 00:21 |
zequence | I started a new theme. Same ide, but a different pattern in the background | 00:24 |
zequence | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/RockTheme | 00:24 |
zequence | Just getting the light right is a big hazzle. Need to try make this monitor as neutral as possible | 00:25 |
len-1304 | Fixing wrong placement in the menu can just a easily mean fixing the source desktop file. | 00:31 |
len-1304 | In fact we should reword the BP item that way. | 00:31 |
len-1304 | We should start with the applications we ship and starting at the SW author ask to change it... with a patch they can use. | 00:32 |
len-1304 | I just sent email to Sean about Hexter today with regard to that. | 00:33 |
len-1304 | I don't think he includes one, but I want to make sure. (I couldn't find it in his source) | 00:34 |
len-1304 | The hexter desktop file is broken. We fix it in settings, but I want to move the fix upstream. | 00:34 |
zequence | The desktop files definitely matter the most, I think | 00:35 |
len-1304 | Its going to be a one at a time thing, but worth it I think. | 00:36 |
zequence | absolutely. After all, they don't only end up as entries in the Ubuntu Studio menu (since not everyone are using it) | 00:37 |
zequence | I'm pretty happy with this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/RockTheme?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=rock-grey.png | 01:23 |
zequence | Got some ideas from what Scott talked about. | 01:23 |
zequence | And the light should be good now | 01:23 |
len-1304 | What happens 0on a small screen does the cof shrink to tiny? | 01:36 |
* len-1304 shrugs, | 01:37 | |
len-1304 | I figure most people will have high rez monitors | 01:37 |
len-1304 | those like me with a net book are used to small graphics already :) | 01:37 |
len-1304 | I would be happy with that too. | 01:38 |
len-1304 | Though to be honest it looks more like leather than rock. | 01:38 |
len-1304 | Like the stuff my amp is covered with :) | 01:39 |
zequence | It's called egg shell | 01:39 |
zequence | The pattern | 01:39 |
len-1304 | It works fine. | 01:39 |
zequence | I think the image is just scaled to whatever monitor you have. And zoomed if it's not the right ratio | 01:40 |
zequence | I think it works great, but the only detail I'm not sure about is the color hue. | 01:41 |
len-1304 | Even at half size if zoomed/shrunk to fit the netbook, it will still look good. | 01:41 |
zequence | It doesn't fully work with the US desktop right now | 01:41 |
zequence | It has a lot of detail, yes. Looks good even when you get really close | 01:42 |
zequence | I'm using a 1920x1080 HD TV as monitor. The wallpaper is scaled down | 01:42 |
zequence | The icon is better now too | 01:43 |
zequence | I'll play with the hue a bit tomorrow. After that, i don't think I can do much better | 01:44 |
len-1304 | Mine is 1680x1050 | 01:44 |
len-1304 | I've put it on my desktop to see how it works | 01:44 |
len-1304 | to be honest, most of my DT is normally covered with open Apps anyway. | 01:45 |
zequence | My windows are usually always maximized | 01:45 |
zequence | But, it's still important. You want it to look professional. | 01:46 |
zequence | The first impression is important too | 01:46 |
len-1304 | All it needs is a few half pealed off stickers that say Jamaica or something. | 01:46 |
len-1304 | Ya it has to have a great first look | 01:46 |
len-1304 | The sticker is kidding BTW | 01:46 |
zequence | The problem now I see is that the XFCE theme doesn't have very complicated coloring, so the wallpaper is not blending in well. | 01:47 |
len-1304 | In some ways that is good, it means everyhting is visible and not hidden. | 01:47 |
zequence | That's if for me this night. See you tomorrow maybe | 01:48 |
len-1304 | Good night | 01:49 |
len-1304 | The panel can have the alpha channel turned way down zequence | 01:51 |
len-1304 | smartboyhw, good morning | 03:02 |
smartboyhw | len-1304, hiyas | 03:03 |
smartboyhw | len-1304, saw your bug report | 03:03 |
len-1304 | Take a look at <zequence> I'm pretty happy with this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/RockTheme?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=rock-grey.png | 03:03 |
smartboyhw | Bug 1153032 | 03:03 |
ubottu | bug 1153032 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "ubiquity slideshow for ubuntustudio is out of date and incorrect" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1153032 | 03:03 |
len-1304 | Ya, there are two. The ISO looked pretty good | 03:04 |
smartboyhw | len-1304, the slideshow is knome's job I think | 03:04 |
smartboyhw | len-1304, the artwork is great | 03:04 |
len-1304 | zequence has the source too. | 03:04 |
len-1304 | I put that background on this machine. | 03:04 |
smartboyhw | len-1304, then give it to zequence to fix:P | 03:05 |
smartboyhw | I will fix the lmms bug first I think | 03:05 |
len-1304 | I am not sure it still is a bug. There were two releases less than 24hr apart | 03:05 |
smartboyhw | len-1304, whoa!? | 03:05 |
len-1304 | It may have been from getting things mixed because the package list was downloaded mid change. | 03:06 |
len-1304 | The depends look right to me. | 03:09 |
len-1304 | there was one at Thu, 28 Feb 2013 20:58:18 -0600 and one at Wed, 06 Mar 2013 13:01:25 -0500 | 03:11 |
smartboyhw | len-1304, uh which one's version was earlier? | 03:12 |
len-1304 | Actually they are a week apart... my mistake | 04:04 |
holstein | !proaudio | 04:41 |
ubottu | For information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro | 04:41 |
len-1304 | zequence, and whoever else... I'm off to bed. Re bug 1153032 see my email. If no one else can fix I will do a quick one as per email. | 06:14 |
ubottu | bug 1153032 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "ubiquity slideshow for ubuntustudio is out of date and incorrect" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1153032 | 06:14 |
smartboyhw | micahg, ping | 07:03 |
* smartboyhw wonders should he fix the slideshow... | 07:20 | |
smartboyhw | But first of all: The LMMS bug | 07:20 |
smartboyhw | Really simple fix | 07:20 |
Len-nb | smartboyhw, there is a new slide show being uploaded as I type. | 08:11 |
smartboyhw | Len-nb, ok | 08:13 |
Len-nb | it will be lp:~len-ovenwerks/+junk/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu | 08:13 |
Len-nb | if people think its ok I can do a merge request. | 08:14 |
smartboyhw | Len-nb, em I can't branch it | 08:23 |
Len-nb | Not yet | 08:23 |
smartboyhw | Len-nb, LOL | 08:23 |
Len-nb | This is a slow upload | 08:23 |
smartboyhw | Len-nb, fixed the LMMS bug. Waiting for somebody to review. | 08:23 |
Len-nb | Great. | 08:25 |
smartboyhw | Len-nb, it turns out it is just a missing > :P | 08:27 |
smartboyhw | Len-nb, tell me when it is uploaded | 08:27 |
smartboyhw | it = the slideshow | 08:27 |
Len-nb | Its at 16M out of 55M | 08:27 |
Len-nb | best I can tell | 08:28 |
smartboyhw | Len-nb, ok | 08:28 |
smartboyhw | Some of the people leaving Ubuntu set up a #ubuntu-expat channel at OFTC (LOL) | 08:28 |
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw | ||
smartboyhw | Len-nb, how much MB have you uploaded to the bzr branch? | 09:46 |
zequence | len-1304: The wallpaper looked weird on your desktop. It wasn't centered or anything | 11:44 |
zequence | Also, it's not 100% done yet | 11:45 |
zequence | I haven't yet fixed the logo exactly in the middle | 11:45 |
zequence | And I want to change the hue | 11:45 |
zequence | These two work really well I think. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/RockTheme | 12:58 |
zequence | But I'm not sure if the ration and size is the best. | 13:09 |
* smartboyhw claps for zequence | 13:16 | |
smartboyhw | zequence, however do we need to wait for ScottL to pick the wallpaper or? | 13:18 |
smartboyhw | After all he's the one organizing the artworks | 13:18 |
zequence | smartboyhw: I think we can just go ahead. We'll just be chaning the wallpaper for now. And it's only for this release | 13:38 |
smartboyhw | zequence, oh ok | 13:39 |
zequence | For the future, we need to put more effort on the artwork, and have a look at all that is included | 13:39 |
smartboyhw | zequence, so do we want to do the change today? | 13:39 |
smartboyhw | zequence, and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ubuntustudio-meta-testing what is this? | 13:40 |
* smartboyhw wonders why it's bold | 13:40 | |
zequence | smartboyhw: That was just a temporary PPA for testing the meta when I was changing it | 13:43 |
smartboyhw | zequence, oh | 13:43 |
zequence | I think it would be good if we could have any changes in before bet1 | 13:43 |
zequence | beta1* | 13:43 |
smartboyhw | zequence, /me is surprised that len-1304 isn't in the LP US Testing team... | 13:44 |
* smartboyhw adds it in | 13:44 | |
smartboyhw | s/it/him/ | 13:44 |
kubotu | smartboyhw meant: "adds him in" | 13:44 |
zequence | I'm looking through the web if I can find some good looking ones | 13:53 |
smartboyhw | zequence, :) | 13:54 |
smartboyhw | Oh no our dear old astraljava went bye | 14:02 |
zequence | I updated my Ubuntu development install yesterday. Icons and wallpaper management broke | 14:11 |
zequence | Sorry, Ubuntu Studio dev install | 14:12 |
zequence | I wouldn't recommend anyone to upgrade between releases | 14:12 |
smartboyhw | zequence, uh hum we are supposed to test it...... | 14:13 |
smartboyhw | For Beta 1 | 14:13 |
smartboyhw | Or do we simply remove them!? | 14:13 |
zequence | Perfectly alright to test | 14:27 |
zequence | And it may even succeed. Doesn't mean it's something we should recommend | 14:27 |
zequence | If it doesn't we should fix it of course | 14:27 |
smartboyhw | OK | 14:28 |
len-1304 | zequence, I did this more as a backup in case no one else got to it. | 15:05 |
zequence | len-1304: Ok. What kind of resolution do you have on that desktop? | 15:06 |
zequence | btw, Debian is going through their annual Project Lead Elections http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2013/03/msg00003.html | 15:07 |
zequence | The first name of that list (doesn't seem willing to become project lead) http://www.debian.org/vote/2004/platforms/algernon | 15:07 |
zequence | Ah, that was 2004 | 15:07 |
smartboyhw | zequence, LOL | 15:08 |
zequence | Sorry :) | 15:08 |
zequence | Maybe he's more willing now, 9 years later | 15:08 |
smartboyhw | zequence, :) | 15:09 |
len-1304 | I used the same rez as the old one. I off centered the COF because I thought it was only showing the top left corner of the desk. | 15:10 |
len-1304 | I realized you might change the hue, but because I was only using the center of it... the whole thig looks a lot lighter | 15:11 |
zequence | len-1304: No, I mean, what resolution do you have for your screen :) ? | 15:11 |
len-1304 | My screen? 1680x1050 | 15:11 |
len-1304 | Or the screen on the slide? 450X410 | 15:12 |
zequence | I'm just wondering how the wallpaper got to be so zoomed in | 15:12 |
len-1304 | It is not zoomed or shrunk , I just cropped to fit. | 15:12 |
len-1304 | I left it that way on purpose because I felt for the slide it shows nothing else. | 15:13 |
zequence | Ok, I see what you were thinking there. It looks a bit weird to me though | 15:14 |
zequence | I think either just do something else, or use a normal look | 15:14 |
len-1304 | Scott did the same thing last time, but then the whole thing was bigger to begin with | 15:14 |
zequence | I mean, a normal, default zoom/ration | 15:14 |
zequence | Did we have a shot at the menu, let me look.. | 15:15 |
len-1304 | all I did was keep the top panel and add the bottom | 15:15 |
len-1304 | Basically so long as the resulting image is 450x410 it'll work | 15:16 |
zequence | I think we should make a shot to show the menu instead | 15:16 |
zequence | The detail in the wallpaper doesn't matter IMO. It's just a shot of the desktop | 15:17 |
zequence | And the menu is worth showcasing | 15:17 |
len-1304 | No problem. If you send the message to as an attachment I can drop it in. | 15:17 |
len-1304 | Add a png as an attachment I meant | 15:18 |
* len-1304 was up too late last night... | 15:18 | |
smartboyhw | len-1304, oh | 15:20 |
len-1304 | Anyway the other slides are fixed. It is just the one graphic that needs to be done. | 15:20 |
len-1304 | zequence, how about if I do the menu and panel full size and drop the BG under it centered? | 15:23 |
len-1304 | zequence, got email back from Sean Bolton. He feels the desktop integration can be done by the packagers. so the Hexter desktop file has been added after somewhere. | 15:25 |
len-1304 | I'll have a look at the debian package later and see if it is there... | 15:27 |
zequence | Let me just calm myself down after attempting to use image paste services, and the one I usually use is hacked, and the rest rely on Java, which I didn't have | 15:34 |
len-1304 | :) | 15:35 |
len-1304 | zequence, for what it's worth, the grey BG ends up more the same shade as the theme bg. | 15:45 |
len-1304 | zequence, do you want the slide to be zoomed way out? or can I make it pixel for pixel? | 15:52 |
len-1304 | I think if we are going to ""showcase" the menu it needs to be pixel for pixel or the menu will be too small to really see. | 15:53 |
len-1304 | I have hovered over the graphics menu item because: | 15:54 |
len-1304 | I wanted something not audio. | 15:54 |
len-1304 | we have more graphics people hanging around than any of the others. | 15:55 |
zequence | len-1304: I just took a shot of the desktop | 15:59 |
zequence | I guess one could take a closeup of the menu instead | 15:59 |
zequence | I'd think our main user base are audio users, but doesn't matter to me which menu is displayed | 15:59 |
zequence | the audio menu is the most custom | 15:59 |
zequence | I see plymoth on my machine, btw | 16:00 |
zequence | I think it depends on the graphic card or something | 16:01 |
len-1304 | I see it too, but I have heard comments from people with band new machines who say it just flashes on and off very quick. | 16:12 |
len-1304 | I chose the graphics menu because I would like to see us move from being audio centred to covering all the workflows. | 16:13 |
len-1304 | I would like to attract more people to contribute from other areas. | 16:13 |
len-1304 | Looking at the menu, It is kinda plain, mostly text on grey. | 16:16 |
len-1304 | I think using the menu for our first screen is a bad Idea | 16:17 |
zequence | Then use a pic the entire desktop | 16:17 |
zequence | Was there some problem with keeping the ratio for those slides? | 16:17 |
len-1304 | zequence, I would like to take the COF from the centre of one of the desktops and expand it so it looks like it is a symbol. | 16:18 |
zequence | If you edit the look of the desktop, it won't look like our desktop | 16:19 |
zequence | So, if you want to showcase the COF, just showcase the COF | 16:19 |
len-1304 | That is what I meant | 16:22 |
len-1304 | !pastebin | 16:22 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 16:22 |
zequence | I don't agree that the menu doesn't work though | 16:23 |
zequence | It's just a slide show | 16:23 |
len-1304 | http://imagebin.org/249743 | 16:23 |
len-1304 | I think some thing like this | 16:23 |
len-1304 | zequence, ^^ | 16:24 |
zequence | I could redo the wallpaper with a bigger COF. | 16:24 |
zequence | It just puts a lot of focus on the wallpaper | 16:24 |
zequence | But, I guess that's ok | 16:25 |
zequence | That's the old wallpaper, isn't it? | 16:25 |
zequence | never mind | 16:25 |
len-1304 | I am just talking about the first slide | 16:28 |
zequence | I know you are | 16:28 |
len-1304 | If we want to show of the custom menu, we should do a slide that just does that. | 16:28 |
len-1304 | But the first slide just has to say ubuntu studio | 16:29 |
len-1304 | I am willing to try to make another slide to show menus | 16:30 |
zequence | len-1304: http://imagebin.org/249749 | 16:32 |
zequence | I think that works just fine | 16:32 |
zequence | The slideshow is something the user reads while installing | 16:33 |
len-1304 | Ok I can use that one. | 16:33 |
len-1304 | The size will probably work just fine | 16:33 |
zequence | The width is ok, but the height shorter, so I'm guessing there should be no problems | 16:34 |
len-1304 | There is a background behind. | 16:34 |
zequence | Are you saying there's a frame which you need to fit perfectly? | 16:35 |
len-1304 | No | 16:35 |
len-1304 | I need to try it to see | 16:35 |
len-1304 | Oh, I have the package on my other computer... Back in a bit | 16:36 |
zequence | len-1304: You know how to do it, right? I just had a look at that: ./test-slideshow.sh ubuntustudio | 16:38 |
len-1304 | Ya, but it is on the other machine | 16:38 |
zequence | Looks ok to me | 16:39 |
zequence | I prefer the blue wallpaper | 16:39 |
zequence | You just need some kind of color | 16:39 |
Len-nb | I was going to use what you sent me | 16:40 |
Len-nb | I agree | 16:40 |
zequence | len-1304: Do you know where the default wallpaper is set up? | 16:40 |
zequence | in our source, I mean | 16:40 |
zequence | I'm thinking we should just go ahead and do it. If someone disagrees, we can see about changing it between the betas | 16:41 |
Len-nb | It will require the change of two packages | 16:46 |
Len-nb | I think the image goes in look and the setting is in settings | 16:46 |
Len-nb | Do youn | 16:46 |
Len-nb | want it in lightdm as well? | 16:47 |
zequence | Yes | 16:47 |
zequence | But, I think it should be there by default now | 16:47 |
zequence | It changes when you change wallpapers | 16:47 |
zequence | However, there's some sort of bug there. The default wallpaper flashes just before the new one is loaded | 16:48 |
zequence | I'm working on adding the wallpaper to -look | 16:51 |
Len-nb | No lightdm is separate | 16:51 |
Len-nb | Ok, I can do settings later. | 16:52 |
Len-nb | I have updated the slideshow, I will send the merge request later. | 16:52 |
Len-nb | I have to go now though I have practice and playing | 16:52 |
Len-nb | zequence, ^ | 16:53 |
Len-nb | zequence, BTW I think anyone can link my branch. | 16:54 |
zequence | Len-nb: Have fun | 17:04 |
zequence | Len-nb: I updated and prepared for a new release for both packages | 17:52 |
zequence | Len-nb: Coudn't find anything related to lightgdm, so if you know something I don't, you'll need to fix that | 17:53 |
zequence | I asked the Xubuntu guys, and they tell me it's done from the user account service | 17:53 |
zequence | Which would mean setting the default desktop background is enough | 17:53 |
zequence | ..but I know there's supposed to be some lightgdm config, just that I can't figure out where in an Ubuntu Studio installation it would be | 19:07 |
len-1304 | I'll find it. It needs to be set so that it works for sure the first time. I wonder what happens if there is more than one user and they have different wallpapers | 20:54 |
len-1304 | This might be a useful page for those wanting to do a text install: http://maketecheasier.com/install-a-minimal-ubuntu-on-old-laptop/2012/02/24 An ok tutorial for installing from mini.iso | 21:06 |
zequence | micahg: To get our new default wallpaper in, we'd need to get two packages updated. I've prepared them for release, but I would also like to ask you for a quick tip on a workflow, for the future. Not sure we're doing everything right now. | 21:42 |
zequence | Here's 1. lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/UbuntuStudio | 21:42 |
zequence | and 2. lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-look/UbuntuStudio | 21:42 |
zequence | len-1304: btw, I added both wallpapers, but made the blue version default | 21:42 |
zequence | micahg: So, basically, I'd like to prepare so that we take care of all of our packages ourselves, to the point where we ask someone to upload it for us. And I'd just like to know what would be the best way to go about, in simple steps, updating the source, and then preparing the package | 21:44 |
Len-nb | zequence, there will be three packages :P | 21:46 |
zequence | Len-nb: Ah, right. The slides | 21:47 |
Len-nb | Plus the lightdm-theme | 21:47 |
Len-nb | zequence, I am thinking we should keep a copy of slides in our set of branches | 21:48 |
Len-nb | Thing is it would most likey always be out of date | 21:48 |
Len-nb | Maybe not such a great idea | 21:49 |
zequence | micahg: So, when we make changes, we bzr commit each change separately with a wise commit msg. And when we are ready to release, we prepare the package, but how would be the best way. Really, just a few example commands for a workflow would be enough to give me the idea | 21:49 |
zequence | Len-nb: Yeah, we should just have our own packages there | 21:49 |
Len-nb | zequence, how do I do a merge request slideshow? | 21:49 |
zequence | Len-nb: Is there a bzr branch for it? I would merge it there. But, one can also just give someone a debdiff I think, and they can update it right away | 21:50 |
Len-nb | How do I do that? | 21:50 |
Len-nb | zequence, make a debdiff? | 21:51 |
zequence | Len-nb: Let me write it down | 21:51 |
zequence | I'll start a wiki page about it | 21:51 |
Len-nb | OK, I'm busy for a bit anyway. | 21:52 |
Len-nb | zequence, micahg ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme is updated to new background | 22:02 |
* Len-nb wanders off to lunch | 22:02 | |
zequence | Len-nb: Ah, there was a package called that | 22:11 |
zequence | Len-nb: I've only done this once, so I might have the wrong idea about a lot of details, but this is essentially what I did with micahg last time https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/DebDiff | 22:21 |
zequence | However, looking at the source, it seems different people are uploading changes using bzr, I would presume | 22:21 |
zequence | So, probably a bzr merge should be ok | 22:22 |
zequence | I mean, looking at the changelog | 22:22 |
Len-nb | zequence, I can think of some reasons not to do a debdiff in this case. | 22:34 |
Len-nb | This package is universal to all flavours. Making a release ready diff might stomp over another flavour's qued change. | 22:36 |
zequence | Well, you can get the source from bzr too | 22:37 |
zequence | But, I'm still voting for a merge | 22:38 |
Len-nb | zequence, the place i want to merge to has a merge place to merge that to but my page has no place to merge to that. | 22:49 |
zequence | Len-nb: I don't remember, but it should work, as long as you created a branch off the branch you are trying to merge with | 22:55 |
Len-nb | zequence, I had to change my branch to be associated with the right project. | 23:04 |
Len-nb | Merge is proposed. | 23:04 |
zequence | Len-nb: You could ask for a sponsor in one of the channels. don't know which one would be best suitable. Paste the merge request | 23:10 |
Len-nb | zequence, I was going to ask that next :) I think what I need is a reviewer. | 23:15 |
Len-nb | Ok, the web page says "Merge proposals to package source branches will automatically subscribe the ~ubuntu-branches team, which should be enough to reach an Ubuntu developer who can review and sponsor your package change." | 23:24 |
zequence | Yes, but there's no saying if someone will pick it up quickly or not | 23:24 |
zequence | If you're lucky, someone will realize we'd like to have it quickly, and they see to uploading it | 23:25 |
Len-nb | They were pretty quick to ask if I could fix it :) | 23:25 |
Len-nb | There are a lot of channels around, release is real quiet. Moto is too. | 23:26 |
zequence | It's Sunday too, and you notice that it's not a workday | 23:27 |
zequence | From channel traffic, but also from a big decrease in mail traffic | 23:28 |
Len-nb | Ya that was my thought too | 23:28 |
zequence | The Beta 1 build I think was to start at 21:00 UTC tomorrow, so that leaves us quite a lot of time to get things uploaded | 23:28 |
Len-nb | Ok, I think I will just leave things as is. | 23:29 |
Len-nb | Next time I think I will add it ubuntustudio-dev. That way more than one person can work on it. | 23:32 |
Len-nb | zequence, BTW http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-sponsorship.html is quite helpful. | 23:37 |
Len-nb | they suggest doing the merge request first and then if a debdif is requested, it can be downloaded from the merge request. | 23:38 |
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