
grantbowjcastro: happy birthday!00:07
dholbachgood morning07:35
smartboyhwthx dholbach for uploading the fix:)09:17
dholbachhi smartboyhw09:17
dholbachno worries09:17
smartboyhwHey czajkowski09:20
bkerensa\o/ dholbach09:46
czajkowskihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu-harbox-app another app for the phone/tablet coming09:51
smartboyhwczajkowski, \o/09:52
vibhavgood morning10:19
dakerwow http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-uk/11:06
dakerczajkowski: http://loco.ubuntu.com/loco-council/11:09
czajkowskihmm are the envelopes meant to be able to do something11:10
czajkowskidaker: looks good11:10
dakerczajkowski: yeah you need to update the details (click Edit Details on the navbar)11:11
popeyoh so glad the icons are gone and there are text links to irc/forums etc11:12
dakerpopey: http://loco.ubuntu.com/popey11:12
popeythats less useful11:13
czajkowskidaker: thanks updated11:13
dakerpopey: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-uk/11:15
popeyyeah, saw that11:16
bkerensadaker: were we able to add the G+ stream support yet?11:48
dakerbkerensa: not yet11:49
dakerbkerensa: thanks for remembering me :)11:50
czajkowskidaker: great work, well done on it11:51
dakerwell the homepage is still buggy(waiting the cronjob to run)11:52
dakerczajkowski: thanks :)11:52
dholbachdamn, I fell into the "read the comments" trap13:45
* dholbach takes the dog for a walk to clear out my head13:45
* czajkowski hugs dholbach I did that last week, never again 13:45
vibhavdholbach: Your post on recent blogpost was so awesome that it hit Whats Hot on G+ the other day13:58
vibhavcongrats :)13:59
smartboyhwvibhav, :D14:05
dholbachvibhav, wow!14:37
dholbachI had no idea14:37
* smartboyhw hugs dholbach (forgotten to)14:38
* dholbach hugs smartboyhw back :)14:38
vibhavdholbach: :)14:40
* nigelb kicks daker 15:14
nigelbdaker: so much spam :D15:14
dakernigelb: sorry about that :)15:15
dakermhall119: can i PM ?16:10
mhall119daker: sure16:10
=== Guest16094 is now known as balloons
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:05
jonopopey, hey17:09
jonowed fine for me at 7.3017:09
jononight dholbach!17:09
* popey returns17:10
dholbachI'll stay bit longer - still found something I wanted to get done today :)17:10
dholbachand I still have some time until I need to pack records and stuff to play later on :)17:10
czajkowskidaker: record some new tunes please17:12
czajkowskiI need some working music :)17:12
dakerczajkowski: i don't make music, just code :)17:13
czajkowskidholbach: ^17:14
dholbachyeah :)17:15
popeyjono: ?17:16
popeywas that a nudge for dholbach ? ☺17:16
jonopopey, no for the podcast17:17
popeyoh, wednesday 19:30 UTC?17:17
popeyoh, missed that line17:17
dholbachsee you! :)17:28
dpmpopey, "Live Update from the Ubuntu Touch Core Apps project - Alan Pope and friends " - awesome17:35
popeydpm: you're a friend, right? ☺17:35
* dpm 's celebration was too rushed17:37
popeyyes, yes it was17:37
dpmI should be able to make it on Thursday17:38
JanCcan somebody tell Dell that "No Office Software Included - Ubuntu" in the XPS developer edition specs is incorrect...?  :p20:16
JanCI think it comes from a config option that normally allows you to select MS Office20:24
JanChttp://configure.euro.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?config_data=&c=be&cs=bebsdt1&fb=1&l=en&model_id=xps-13-l321x-mlk&oc=sbnb1335&s=bsd for the English language version20:25
JanCand it seems like it's the same when using other countries than Beelgium too20:26
popeyhave passed it on to the team responsible, thanks20:27
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
czajkowskihttp://www.muktware.com/5369/how-will-changes-ubuntu-affect-kubuntu-exclusive-interview-jonathan-riddell  pretty wild accusations of fraud there being tossed about22:01

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