
=== NerdyMe is now known as _NerdyMe_
robert_ancellWhat is the review process for mir? If one person and jenkins have OK'd code does the reviewer set the MP to approved or do you leave that for the proposer?03:28
robert_ancellRAOF, ^?03:33
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RAOFrobert_ancell: I believe the reviewer can set that, but I don't know if it's documented03:41
robert_ancellRAOF, what have people been doing?03:41
robert_ancellalso, is one human review sufficient (as long as they are confident in it)03:42
RAOFAgain, I think so.03:42
RAOFAs far as I'm aware, reviewers have been setting it to approved.03:43
robert_ancellok, I'll do that then03:43
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LeylandAre there example or demo clients that show the use of input?15:44
LeylandI am able to build and run the demo_client_accelerated on X, using my wrapper libraries that map mir and EGL calls to X and glx, but I don't have anything to see how input works.15:54
alan_gLeyland: not yet. input is a work-in-progress16:20
LeylandThanks! :)16:21
Ranomier_Hey there i used ubuntu for a long time because i was new in linux now im using gentoo/archlinux, because i want go deeper. Anyway, is there a differenz between mir and wayland?16:42
Ranomier_*difference xD16:43
FunnyLookinHatRanomier_, yes.  :)  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MirSpec16:43
FunnyLookinHat(It's in the topic)16:44
FunnyLookinHatAn even breakdown by RAOF of the design differences specific to Wayland: https://plus.google.com/u/0/113883146362955330174/posts/PXc93m8nKwk16:44
FunnyLookinHat*even better breakdown16:44
Ranomier_mmmh and why it where developed bihind closed doors?16:46
Ranomier_why u guys said 5 or 6 months ago hey that thing in wayland is not good for us, we thinking about mir ...16:47
LeylandToo many chefs spoil the broth?16:47
Ranomier_No thats not the point, im not talking about that the source code was behind close doors, im talking about the idea and the problems u have with wayland ...16:49
LeylandI'm just asking if that was the reason, I don't know myself16:50
FunnyLookinHatRanomier_, there's plenty of public discussion on that in the various social networks ( primarily in the comments of the post I linked ) - afaik this is a place for technical discussion, not philosophic arguments :)16:50
Ranomier_im not at g+ and fb ... and now?16:51
Ranomier_Sry but for this single point a want a answer, why u not just saying something?16:52
Ranomier_why u develop 6 months and no one knows it ... everyone thought u using wayland. My company too.16:53
artiso, G+ post say basicaly two things that wayland lacked 6 month ago: 1) no input stack (then write one,  less work then dooing everyhing from start) 2) server-side buffers (pach it and send upstream, less work then dooing everything from start)16:54
artigui toolkit's would be needed to rewrite anyway but just not qt and gtk have to support 3 backends(x11, wayland, mir) instead of two (x11, wayland) whitch means more work16:54
Ranomier_yeah thats technical reasons and good reasons, but how about saying something 6 months ago?16:56
artiyes, not talking with developers is the worst part16:57
Ranomier_sry for my bad english, my pasive vocabulary is good, but active ...16:57
artimine isn't better either but everything sould be readable16:58
Ranomier_ubuntu is for people ... i missunderstand this sentence ... it is not for all people - it is for the users majority. And u think they dump. U dont care about the developers that are users too16:59
Ranomier_our company thinked and tested code with wayland and ubuntu, but now ...17:01
Ranomier_next time just say something!17:01
LeylandRanomier, out of curiousity what project are you working on that uses Wayland?17:02
Ranomier_iptv´s for hospitals17:02
Ranomier_they are touchsreen17:03
Ranomier_just say something, NOW! Sry but im a little angry17:04
LeylandI'm not sure Wayland is dead from Mir, especially if they both can leverage the same universal EGL backend.17:06
Ranomier_http://xkcd.com/927/ !17:09
artii hope that it doesn't get that bad but i gues it already is that bad17:11
artix11, wayland, mir, directfb17:11
LeylandHa, I don't think it's that bad, I created a thin wrapper of some EGL functions over GLX and I was surprised by the symmetry. In fact the last project I worked own was in essense faking OpenGL on 2d blitting hardware17:13
Ranomier_"this is a place for technical discussion, not philosophic arguments" it is not philosophic it is a company decision!!!17:16
LeylandI think we got the wrong impression with what you initially said.17:17
Ranomier_yeah and now please tell me why u not said something in the past, said that aspects of the wayland project is not what u need....17:20
vibhavThis channel is for technical discussion regarding Mir17:21
FunnyLookinHatvibhav, +1  :)17:22
Ranomier_ok then i join #ubuntu-mir-company-decisions and then im alone ... why u cant tell me in short words here why not.17:22
FunnyLookinHatvibhav, Are you https://plus.google.com/u/0/107393039276001104013/posts ?  If so I'm https://plus.google.com/u/0/107253373337628904473/posts - nice to meet you  in IRC  :)17:23
* vibhav hugs FunnyLookinHat 17:24
Ranomier_ok where i can post or write something, to get the imformation about ur silence 6 months ago.17:28
Ranomier_have i to register at g+ to get an answer?17:29
vibhavRanomier_: sorry, but can you rephrase what you said?17:33
Ranomier_ok, i want to now why canonical said they are using wayland then develop mir behind closed doors wothout saying something? And other comanys think they can develop and test code for wayland with ubuntu.17:36
artihe want's to know why didn't canonical contact wayland devolopers about their shortcoming before starting Mir17:36
Ranomier_no not only the wayland developer17:36
artiwell everyone17:36
artiwhy didn't they tell everyone about mir from the start17:38
Ranomier_now i and we rephrase our answer ... and now?17:47
Ranomier_Ihr seid beton köpfe, genau wie siemens enterprise. U are concrete heads, just like siemens enterprise.17:51
Ranomier_ok i have no time for that my girlfriend is waiting for me at home, i have to go bye for now but i coming again, day for day^^17:54
Ranomier_im reading the news im waiting for ur answer. bye17:56
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|eod
racarrHmm. Today does not seem to be the day where I have a mystical epiphany on the mysterious prepare-for-inprocess-egl jenkins failure20:23
thechefIs Mir a fake-project designed to emulate competition to wayland developers so the finally implement binary driver support?20:39
R__my understanding is that binary drivers that work for Mir will also work for Wayland20:40
R__or at least that's what we're being fed right now ;p20:40

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