
bash321does any one use a authenticated proxy at home, work, university or tafe institution?06:24
bash321on ubuntu desktop?06:24
bash321to connect to the internet?06:25
blahdeblahbash321: yep06:38
bash321blahdeblah: is that at home or work? do you configure that via a gui or cli?06:42
blahdeblahbash321: Work; you can do it in a couple of ways.  In the GUI there's a network proxy control panel which allows you to enter it.06:43
blahdeblahAt the command line you can just export http_proxy=http://user:pass@proxy:8080/ or similar06:43
blahdeblahditto for https_proxy & ftp_proxy06:43
bash321blahdeblah: if i configured it via a gui method would the authentication apply as you have written it in the url for the command above... using network manager?06:45
bash321simply i cannot find via a gui method to get authenticated proxy to work.06:45
bash321there is an option is a tool called dconf editor.07:07
bash321i will test it out and see if it works..07:08
bash321ok... now this makes sense... to configure authenticated  proxies via gui settings on ubuntu. you have to install a tool called dconf-editor. the problem is with this program it gives a way your proxy server password.. defeating the whole purpose of authenticated proxy.07:17

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