
Seniorita [Ubuntu Security] USN-1758-2: Thunderbird vulnerability  http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1758-2/00:58
zdobersek... earlay in the morning!06:22
sternarelay in the morning?06:22
sternaorle, orle in the morning.06:22
SenioritaDrunken Sailer - Irish Rovers - YouTube06:24
zdobersekje res!07:21
lupastrodobro jutro07:22
dz0ny_zdobersek grumpy much?07:28
zdobersekdans ste pa kr zgodnji07:28
zdobersekdz0ny_: sploh ne!07:28
zdobersekne, res ne.07:28
CrazyLemonne gumpy much ampak grumpy always07:41
zdobersekCrazyLemon: +v maybe?10:42
_XeN_hi everybody11:19
_XeN_can I ask you something about Slovenia?11:19
sternait's not generally polite to ask if you can ask on irc11:21
sternajust ask the question11:21
_XeN_Now I'm Italy and I'm supposed to go to Celje11:24
_XeN_could you tell me how to reach that city from Ljubljana?11:24
sternahow are you travelling?11:25
sternatraveling even11:25
_XeN_I think by bus11:26
sternaif you're arriving to ljubljana by bus you'll arrive at the bus station11:26
sternayou can get a bus to celje from there11:26
SenioritaVozni red11:27
_XeN_you mean Avtobusna postaja ljubljana, don't you?11:27
sternaoh great11:28
SenioritaVozni red11:28
sternayou can use this11:28
sternajust click search11:28
_XeN_Is Avtobusna postaja  near to Zelezniska postaja ?11:28
sternaand you'll get departure times11:28
sternayes, it's like in the same square11:29
sterna50 metres from one building to the other11:29
_XeN_very well11:29
zdobersekyou can also use train to get to Celje11:30
zdobersekI'm pretty sure it'll be cheaper as well11:30
sterna_XeN_: http://www.burger.si/Ljubljana/2007/21_Ljubljana.html11:30
SenioritaKulturni projekt MASKE V MESTU. Kulturni projekt MASKE V MESTU (Parodija na sklep urada informacijskega pooblaščenca leta 2011.)11:30
sterna_XeN_: the big yellow building is the train station11:30
_XeN_nice site11:30
sternaand the building to the left of it and between the two streets is the bus station building11:31
sternabut yes, the train might be cheaper11:31
_XeN_anyway, I tried to visit slovenian rail  web site but it's difficult for me11:31
sternalet me try11:31
_XeN_thank you so much11:32
SenioritaVozni red s cenikom - Slovenske železnice d.o.o.11:32
sterna_XeN_: http://www.slo-zeleznice.si/en/passengers/slovenia/timetable/timetable-with-prices?entrystation=42300&via=-1&exitstation=43100&date=13.3.201311:32
SenioritaTimetable with prices - Slovenske železnice d.o.o.11:32
sternathis one is in english11:32
sternayou can change the date to whenever you're traveling11:33
_XeN_sorry but I can't read prices11:33
sternanormal fare is apparently 6.60 or 12 euros depending on the train11:34
sternathe express gets there in an hour and the local train in an hour and a half11:34
sternayou can go first class with the express and it's a bit over 17 euros and i think they may have power sockets and wifi11:35
sternabut i'm not certain11:36
_XeN_and could you tell me the best way to rent a house there in celje?11:36
sternawhen are you getting here?11:36
zdoberseka full-blown apartment or just a hotel/hostel?11:36
sternaan entire house?11:36
_XeN_I'm supposed to stay there for about 6 months11:37
_XeN_so i think i will need an apartment or something like that11:37
sternait usually takes a couple of weeks to set that up11:37
yang_XeN_: try www.airbnb.com11:37
yang_XeN_: you can rent per day/week/month there11:37
sternayou can go to nepremicnine.net but i don't think they have an english interface11:37
sternathey do11:38
Seniorita:: REAL ESTATE :: REALESTATE-SLOVENIA.info :: Slovenia ::11:38
sternathen you select for rent and whatever you want to rent11:38
sternaand you get a list of matching offers11:39
_XeN_nice thank you very much11:39
_XeN_Any of you huys comes from celje?11:39
sternai don't know if anyone here does but i know a couple of people from celje11:40
zdobersekI do11:40
sternaand i've been through celje quite often11:40
zdobersekI'm not in the real estate market though so can't really help you there :>11:40
_XeN_zdobersek: dont' worry :)  but could you tell me something about that city?11:41
yang_XeN_: the best way to get something temporarily is prolly from a website like AIRBNB, then from there on you can move into a more serious local agency market, like sterna suggested to you. Airbnb even offers options to check where you have additionals in the apartment, like Internet, Wi-FI, etc.11:42
zdobersek_XeN_: a nice city with rich history, not the most vivid community and no ecstatic night life, but the city is far from dead11:44
zdobersekother than that it basically boils down to what matters for you (in the sense of recreation and lifestyle)11:46
_XeN_zdobersek: are there many university-students? What about the transport?11:46
_XeN_Are there many gyms? Do many people speak English or am I supposed to speak Slovene too?11:47
lynxlynxlynxpoint and wave11:48
zdobersek_XeN_: not really, Celje is not really an university center (compared to Ljubljana where there's students everywhere)11:48
zdobersekthere's plenty of gyms to choose from, people (especially younger ones) tend to speak English11:49
_XeN_I'm trying to learn a bit of Slovene but it's quite difficult11:50
sternai have two coworkers from the states and one from russia11:51
sternathey're having a hard time, too11:51
_XeN_I can only say few word11:52
_XeN_such as dobro jutro o nasvidenie11:52
sternai think enough people speak basic english11:52
sternayou're not going to starve to death :)11:52
sternaand you'll learn quickly if you'll live here11:52
_XeN_obviously :)11:53
_XeN_But I'd like to get integrated the best I can11:54
yang_XeN_: out of curiousity why did you decide to live in Slovenia ?11:54
sternaand why celje? :)11:54
_XeN_There's a university european program11:54
_XeN_sending me there11:54
sternawhere are you from?11:57
sternawhich school is in celje?11:57
sternathat you're going to be visiting11:57
yang_XeN_: just listening to Toto Cutugno ATM :)11:57
_XeN_gotta go11:57
sasa84_lol yang :)11:57
_XeN_se you in 30 min11:57
sasa84_bye _XeN_11:58
sasa84_model gre v ce študirat? swašta11:58
yangsasa84_: zelis kopijo (.zip) ? :)11:58
sasa84_yang, a tota? :)11:58
yangno sej ti obvladas torrente, sem jo naredu za prjatle, k ne obvladajo tega11:59
sasa84_yang, jaz sem ostala pr insieme :)11:59
yangno mogoce se komu drugemu prav pride v4.si/Toto_Cotugno-Greatest_Hits.zip12:00
sasa84_ajaaaa, io sono l'italianooooo :D12:00
zdoberseksasa84_: jelly much?!12:00
sasa84_zdobersek, nou nou12:01
yangevo zdej Insieme12:02
=== frojnd_ is now known as frojnd
yangevo kaj je ratal iz Evrope *sigh*12:03
yangItaljani bezijo k nam12:03
dz0nyin rusi...12:05
zdobersekma muricans12:06
yangrusi bodo vse ta boljse place pokupli12:08
sternane bodo12:08
yangza njimi pa pridejo arabci in kitajci12:08
sternatudze necemo, svoje nedamo!12:08
CrazyLemonzdobersek fix plugin maybe? :)12:19
zdobersekCrazyLemon: porque?12:20
_XeN_here I am again12:22
CrazyLemonzdobersek because its broken? :)12:23
CrazyLemonin zdobersek a mogoče veš zakaj mi ubuntu ob povezavi na eduroam samodejno izpolni username pa geslo? s kje pobere geslo ..username verjetno najde v certifikatu ki je na disku.. samo še to nism zihr12:23
zdobersekiz keyringa?12:24
CrazyLemonmaybe..ampak zakaj me pol noče povezat na eduroam :)12:24
Seniorita [Web Upd8] Andrew: Install Pulseaudio With Built-In System-Wide Equalizer In Ubuntu  http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/3kvWqEJIWTU/install-pulseaudio-with-built-in-system.html12:29
zdobersekCrazyLemon: silly-op-not-giving-v+-to-zdobersek filter?12:30
sasa84_CrazyLemon, noče te povezat zto, k si prej brskou po p*rn site-ih12:38
CrazyLemonsasa84_ joke is on you.. ker nisem še bil povezan na eduroam12:38
sasa84_ti pa priporočam... torrente hitr dol vleče :P12:39
sasa84_nism mogla verjet, d je film lohk prej kt v 10min dol :P12:39
roxxxxxxoj ce mam win in ubuntu.. in formatiram win7 bom imel probleme z bootom?12:39
CrazyLemonče si pravilno namestil.. ne boš imel problemov.. in če boš res formatiral samo win7 :)12:41
roxxxxxxce sem pravilno namestil kaj?12:42
CrazyLemonubuntu in win in ne wubi12:43
dz0nyroxxxxxx: predvidevam da "formatiram" win7 misliš da zbrišeš win7 z diska?12:46
roxxxxxxaha super12:46
roxxxxxxzbrisem in se enkrat upisem12:46
dz0nypotem ne boš imel problemov, razen če si namestil prek wubi, torej si namestitev zagnal z windows sistema..12:46
roxxxxxxne ni wubi ne12:47
roxxxxxxsuper hvala pol :)12:47
dz0nyaja pa ko pobrišeš poženi update-grub, da ti ne bo kazalo več win7 ob izbiri boota12:48
roxxxxxxhm.. na boot hocem da mi prikze tako ubuntu kot win7 ko ga bom reinstaliraw..12:49
roxxxxxxaha sem rzumel12:50
dz0nypotem boš moral popravit grub v vsakem primeru12:50
dz0nyker win7 prepišejo grub12:51
dz0nyin en moreš več bootat v ubuntu12:51
roxxxxxxaha kot zbrisem win7 grem v ubuntu in dam update- grub12:51
dz0nyrecimo, samo ti hočeš reinstall win7 a ne?12:52
dz0nyče boš to storil win7 namestiev pobriše zagonski sektor diska, in ti več ne pokaže izbire kaj želiš zagnat12:52
dz0nymoraš zagnati live usb/cd12:53
dz0nyna njemu je program boot-fixer12:53
dz0nyki ti spet omogoči da botoš oboje tako win7 kot ubuntu12:53
dz0nysimpl povedano win7 ob namestitvi zjebejo vse12:54
roxxxxxxaha.. ko reinstal win7 dam ta cd12:54
roxxxxxxkateri je ta cd?12:54
roxxxxxxob win od ubuntuž?12:54
dz0nyna ubuntu cdju12:54
SenioritaBoot-Repair - Community Ubuntu Documentation12:54
dz0nymalo kolobocij je s tem...12:56
roxxxxxxaha ok ne zgleda tako tezko12:56
yangevo pticka na dimniku17:03
SenioritaCNN.com Live17:03
kekekedz0ny mogoče veš a se da v android emulatorju vpisat IMEI da ti simulira sim kartico18:00
dz0nybaje da moraš patcaht emulator18:02
kekekeblah, thought so18:02
kekekemen kr naenkrat ne bere več sim kartic mobitel18:02
dz0nyne dovolijo ker lahko simuliraš nakupe pa to :)18:02
dz0nyočisti z šnpsem sim pa kontakte :)18:03
dz0nyoziroma razkužilnim alkoholom :)18:03
kekekenevem če je to ker je bla skos notr in kr naenkrat nehala delat18:03
kekekepismo nimam nbenga alkohola tle18:03
kekekeno ja razn soju :D18:04
dz0nyal bambus18:04
dz0nyal kaj že majo korejci18:04
kekekeriž riž18:04
kekekesicer pa baje dans izide Galaxy S4 ne?18:05
kekekevsaj tko je pisal na enih sajtih18:05
dz0nyCrazyLemon: bo vedu :)18:05
kekekeCrazyLemon share your wisdom with us18:07
kekekeklinc nč ne pomaga tud če spucam kontakte pa simko18:10
kekekepomoje je vmesnik skurjen18:10
dhbikerje S4 reveal18:21
stupidBYdefaultčer vsem18:22
dhbikerheh kaki nick xD18:22
stupidBYdefaulta se morda da komu d malo pomagat?18:22
dhbikerrecimo :D18:23
stupidBYdefaultsem total laik, tako da.. si ga lahko privoščim18:23
stupidBYdefaultam.. a je normalno, da mi update manager pravi:18:24
stupidBYdefaultRequires installation of untrusted packages18:24
stupidBYdefaultThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.18:24
stupidBYdefaultchromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n chromium-codecs-ffmpeg libnm-gtk-common libnm-gtk0 network-manager-gnome18:25
dz0nyhm tole bi mroalo bit ok18:25
stupidBYdefaulthy, dzOny, kako?18:25
yangHabamus Papa18:26
dz0nypastebinaš celotno zadevo, tam nekje vmes je id ključa18:26
dz0nytega uvoziš in je potem mir18:26
dz0nyuu http://a.wholelottanothing.org/2013/03/the-veronica-mars-kickstarter-is-going-to-be-a-huge-success.html18:27
SenioritaA Whole Lotta Nothing: The Veronica Mars Kickstarter is going to be a huge success18:27
dz0nyat dearest marshmallows... I sold my soul :)18:30
stupidBYdefaultam.. a je normalno, da mi update manager pravi:18:34
stupidBYdefaultRequires installation of untrusted packages18:34
stupidBYdefaultThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.18:34
stupidBYdefaultchromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n chromium-codecs-ffmpeg libnm-gtk-common libnm-gtk0 network-manager-gnome18:34
sternanormalno je ja18:35
sternachromium je od googla, zanj ubuntu ne more jamčit18:35
dz0nychromium ne builda google ampak canonical, tako da tisto nebi smelo pisat18:36
stupidBYdefaulthe he he.. meni vse rata.. :)18:36
stupidBYdefaultje kritično?18:36
stupidBYdefaultpa bodo drugi update-i posodobljeni?18:38
dz0nysej ti pravim da poglej kateri ključ manjka18:39
dz0nypastebinaj cel log...18:39
dz0nypa ti povem(o) ukaz18:40
stupidBYdefault? to je bilo meni mišljeno??18:41
stupidBYdefaultam.. paste ka? kam?18:41
stupidBYdefaultfuck.. sorry18:41
sternav konzolo napisi apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade18:41
sternain napisi kateri paket je podpisan z neznanimi kljuci18:41
stupidBYdefaulttim@Z-I-O-N:~$ apt-get update18:42
stupidBYdefaultE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)18:42
stupidBYdefaultE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/18:42
stupidBYdefaultE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)18:42
stupidBYdefaultE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?18:42
sternaja ne mors tko18:43
stupidBYdefaulto, hy sterna18:44
stupidBYdefaultgužva danes18:46
stupidBYdefaultsaj pravim, da se laik, sterna, prosim, ne se jezit..18:52
stupidBYdefaultsudo dam spredaj?18:52
stupidBYdefaultaha, je šlo..18:52
sternasej se ne jezim18:53
sternapejstni kar izpise upgrade18:53
stupidBYdefaultdelovalo je tako18:53
sternaa kr skoz je slo?18:53
stupidBYdefaultja... najprej sem dal update..18:53
stupidBYdefaultčakam, da konča..18:53
sternane update je ok ce konca18:53
sternasudo apt-get upgrade18:53
stupidBYdefaultse še prvo ni končalo18:54
stupidBYdefaultkako pa to, da se je root spremenil v sudo?18:54
stupidBYdefaultspomnim se stare GNOME verzije.. si moral z live cd-a napisat dvakrat root18:55
sternanc ne vem18:55
stupidBYdefaultPClinuxOS je bila verzija..18:56
CrazyLemonkekeke jutri bo event.. 00.00 GMT +118:56
stupidBYdefaultali pa sem jaz imel samo do nekih butastih verzij dostop18:56
kekekeCrazyLemon eh pol zastojn čakam, tle je že jutr :P18:56
stupidBYdefaultzdravo CrazyLemon18:56
lynxlynxlynxhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluorine_absorption_dating <-- woah, samo v eng in slo18:57
SenioritaFluorine absorption dating - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia18:57
CrazyLemonlp stupidBYdefault18:57
CrazyLemonkekeke haha :)18:57
stupidBYdefaultte pa ni to čez 14 dni??18:57
sternalynxlynxlynx: kasne zmenkarije pa so to?18:58
CrazyLemonfosilne zmenkarije :D18:59
kekekeCrazyLemon kolk pa bo koštal tole a se kej ve18:59
CrazyLemonkekeke cheap ne bo19:00
kekekesi mislm ja19:00
CrazyLemonpo moje bo cena taka kot pri htc one19:00
CrazyLemonkateri je f'in awesome :)19:00
stupidBYdefaultmimogrede.. jaz sem moral ročno stisniti update.. in se spet vse nalaga..19:00
kekekestandardnih $650 v US in €650 v EU torej19:01
stupidBYdefault30 MB.. hjoj.. bo trajalo..19:01
stupidBYdefault1h minimalno19:01
CrazyLemonkekeke tako nekako ja19:02
CrazyLemonv sloveniji torej okrog 75019:03
kekekein tle dol najverjetneje 1 miljon ₩ :D19:03
kekekeuf ne to je premal19:03
Seniorita [Ubuntu Security] USN-1761-1: PHP vulnerability  http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1761-1/19:05
Seniorita [OMG! Ubuntu!] Unity 2D Updates in Precise  http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/0kIA4glPBnQ/unity-2d-updates-in-precise19:21
Seniorita [Web Upd8] Andrew: Ubuntu GNOME 13.04 Daily Images Available For Download  http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/b86pq5xFrw4/ubuntu-gnome-1304-daily-images.html19:25
SenioritaKali Linux20:25
zdoberseklmao http://techcrunch.com/2013/03/13/porn-site-breaks-down-searches-by-country-surprising-no-one/20:28
SenioritaPorn Site Breaks Down Searches By Country, Surprising No One | TechCrunch20:28
SenioritaFacts and Chicks20:47
zdobersekCrazyLemon: http://factsandchicks.com/post/44639169945/drukpa-kunley-was-a-buddhist-monk-who-promised21:01
SenioritaFacts and Chicks • Drukpa Kunley was a Buddhist Monk who promised...21:01
sasa84kaj zdej miške21:35
Seniorita [Ubuntu.si] Asterx: Samba dostop do zaklenjene mape  https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/39887/#p3988722:54

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