
TheLordOfTimeanyone on IRCC able to advise on something?17:47
TheLordOfTimespecifically whether ubuntu release 'lucid' for desktop-related questions will still be supported.17:50
* TheLordOfTime is ireceiving conflicting information from someone on the community team at canonical, and what is actually truth on the matter.17:51
holsteinwhen it goes EOL, theres really not much to say.. i usually just quickly remind someone what EOL means, and briefly how to maintain things themselves, and what the latest LTS is17:52
TheLordOfTimebut what does "Desktop Support" actually mean?17:52
holsteinTheLordOfTime: i think the kernel will still get updates, for the server.. and other server specific packages17:54
Myrttiafaik everything that is ubuntu-desktop - ubuntu-server isn't supported.17:54
holsteinTheLordOfTime: i dont think the repos go down though17:54
MyrttiI doubt the IRCC has a policy on the matter17:54
holsteini thought it was the server that got the 5 years? and the destkop specific stuff was EOL soon17:55
holsteini dont think its a waste of time, or irrelevant in a support channel to state facts about what is EOL, and what is available17:55
Myrttiit's largely a personal preference. Most people suggest upgrading to the next available LTS anyway, irregardless of support windows17:56
holsteini think it could be problematic if someone required or asked for a lot of help supporting something that was broken about the desktop in 12.04.. something that a ppa broke.. or something that just doesnt work a year from now17:56
holstein^^ in 10.0417:57
TheLordOfTimethat's what i'm trying to figure out.  If 10.04 Desktop according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases has a EOL of April, does that mean Lucid becomes offtopic in #ubuntu?17:57
TheLordOfTimebut not #ubuntu-server?17:57
TheLordOfTimeor to put this in a better way:17:57
TheLordOfTime"Does the cessation of Desktop support for a release automatically dictate that support for the entire release is discontinued on IRC?"17:57
TheLordOfTimewith 12.04 i don't have to worry about such trivial crap... since both desktop AND server are 5 yr support17:57
Myrttimy personal line on water has been the aforementioned17:58
Myrttiie. offtopic for #ubuntu, but not for -server, as long as it really is a server issue. Then again there's the issue of if -server is a support channel or not.17:58
holsteinTheLordOfTime: i dont think its OT to say whats going on.. folkd dont understand, and in lots of cases, dont even know what version they are running.. or why17:59
hggdhTheLordOfTime: my take on it is desktop-specific issues get to be off-topic for #ubuntu, but not server packages18:58
hggdher, server required/available packages. Like openssh-server, ntp, etc18:59
hggdhIIRC, Lucid server is supported until 2015-0418:59
AlanBellholstein: server and desktop share the same repos, so normally they get moved to oldreleases.ubuntu.com but not until server is EOL20:52
AlanBelleven if desktop is EOL the repos have to stay there, there isn't really a separation of server packages and desktop packages20:53
* AlanBell has several servers that run headless openoffice.org20:53
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