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mlankhorstis there some way to tell unity to use as little video memory as possible to see if it reduces the problems in bug 1121715 ?08:23
ubot5bug 1121715 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "Unity corruption with nouveau driver on GeForce 7025" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112171508:23
mmrazikdidrocks: FYI -- the upstream CI machinery is in in place for experimental/100scopes.cfg08:41
didrocksmmrazik: thanks a million \o/08:41
didrocksmmrazik: can you notice davidcalle, mhr3, pawel and thomas S. about it, please?08:42
didrocksmmrazik: so that they stop pushing directly to trunk08:42
mmrazikdidrocks: let me drop an e-mail...08:42
* didrocks had *another* breakage because of symbols not being updated08:42
didrocksmmrazik: thanks ;)08:42
mmrazikdidrocks: thomas S = strehl?08:42
didrocksmmrazik: yep08:43
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seb128sil2100, hey, how are you?09:39
seb1282 questions for you09:39
seb1281- did you look at this compiz bug I pinged about on monday? you said you would look at it "tomorrow in the morning", which was yesterday09:39
seb1282- do you know about those unity-team-staging quantal unity build?09:40
seb128I keep receiving emails about build failure09:40
seb128e.g https://launchpadlibrarian.net/134133221/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-armhf.unity_6.12.0daily13.03.13.1bzr3215pkg0quantal0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz09:40
seb128 /build/buildd/unity-6.12.0daily13.03.13.1bzr3215pkg0quantal0/services/panel-service.c:30:39: fatal error: libindicator/indicator-ng.h: No such file or directory09:40
sil2100seb128: I'm still in the middle of fixing the bug, as I mentioned to mterry yesterday - if I won't be able to fix it till afternoon today, I'll simply revert thhe fix09:47
sil2100seb128: the build failure I'll look into in a moment - thanks for pointing it out, since I was busy with Qt5 and this compiz thing, so I didn't notice09:47
seb128sil2100, yw, thanks ;-)09:47
didrocksdavidcalle: hey!09:58
didrocksdavidcalle: mind having a look? ^09:58
davidcalledidrocks, hey! Sure09:58
didrocksthanks :)09:58
davidcalledidrocks, I have issues with Tomboy and Launchpad tests. Tomboy sends data over dbus, I'm not sure how to mock that. And how to mock launchpadlib (without having to make a small fake lplib).10:00
didrocksdavidcalle: maybe you should talk to pitti with dbus-mock :)10:01
didrocksdavidcalle: for launchpadlib, I generally have a mock in process10:02
didrocksor adding it with PYTHON_PATH10:02
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didrocksdavidcalle: hey hey14:45
didrocksdavidcalle: good good news, you like karma isn't it? :)14:45
davidcalledidrocks, I *love* it. Tell me more! :)14:46
didrocksdavidcalle: I have a dummy comment for you on all python scopes :)14:46
didrocksdavidcalle: they should depend on a new shiny package14:47
didrockscalled unity-scopes-runner14:47
davidcalleWhy a separate package?14:48
didrocksdavidcalle: it's an executable and tool you don't need if you only have vala scopes for instance14:48
didrocksdavidcalle: and libunity should only have the lib14:48
didrocksit's a new binary package14:48
didrocksbut contained in the libunity source14:48
davidcalledidrocks, you never only have vala scopes, I'm making sure of that :p14:48
davidcalleI see14:48
didrocksdavidcalle: I'm seeing that! :)14:49
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didrockshey kenvandine!15:04
kenvandinehey didrocks15:06
didrockshow are you?15:06
davidcalledidrocks, sure of the name : unity-scopes-runner ?15:06
kenvandineqml-friends now has unit tests!15:06
didrocksdavidcalle: yeah :)15:06
didrockskenvandine: woot!15:06
kenvandinedidrocks, i am having trouble with autopilot though15:06
didrockskenvandine: is it daily landing? I saw you change your friends WI to done :-)15:06
kenvandinelooks like something isn't working in autopilot-qt15:06
* davidcalle closes his eyes and press enter15:06
didrocksurgh :/15:06
didrocksdavidcalle: karma karma…15:07
kenvandinedidrocks, and the qt5 stuff for autopilot isn't in raring15:07
kenvandinedidrocks, do you know if anyone is working on that?15:07
didrockscyphermox: ^15:08
didrockskenvandine: should we revert your friends WI to TODO or do you prefer to add a new one?15:08
didrocksas we want daily release for all the friends ui :)15:08
didrocksnot just the backend15:08
davidcalledidrocks, oh dear god, I was in the wrong folder. *go clean up the mess*15:09
didrocksdavidcalle: ahah ;)15:09
kenvandineoh... well i didn't block on qml-friends because we don't know if it is going to get the FFe15:09
kenvandinebut we can move it back to a TODO15:09
kenvandinealthough, i am going to add it to daily releases today :)15:09
kenvandineoh, actually i guess i am not going to15:10
kenvandinenot going to merge the branch with tests until i get the FFe15:10
didrockskenvandine: ok, let's revert it so that we don't forget it :)15:11
didrockskenvandine: set it to inprogress while changing the blueprint to "pending approval" :)15:14
kenvandinemhall119, can i upload some friends packages to the core apps PPA?15:42
kenvandinei've got a bunch of queued up changes pending FFe for raring, but want them available for our session tomorrow15:42
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mhall119kenvandine: I don't see why not, ping popey if you don't have access to upload15:59
popeykenvandine: you shouild have access now16:00
kenvandinepopey, thanks16:01
kenvandinemhall119, the twitter app can now get a model for the view like this:16:02
kenvandineStreamModel { account: 1 }16:02
kenvandinethey just need to find the account they want to display from accounts-qml-module16:02
kenvandinethey can also filter for all twitter accounts with service: "twitter"16:02
mhall119kenvandine: could you write a short blog post or someting showing how to do that?16:12
mhall119I assume the Facebook app can do the smae16:15
mhall119kenvandine: any idea when we'll have an UOA app for Touch?16:16
kenvandinemhall119, UOA app?16:18
kenvandinemhall119, yes, same for facebook, flickr, fourquare, identi.ca16:18
kenvandinemhall119, i'm also going to add a map component to display locations tagged in posts16:18
kenvandineUOA plugin is in raring already as well as the super-friends ppa16:19
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mhall119by kenvandine: "UOA app" I mean an app for adding/logging in/granting access for your online accounts16:42
kenvandinestill waiting for design16:42
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