
raevolxfce is pretty darn sophisticated, just lightweight at the same time00:00
raevolxubuntu only suffers because of thunar00:00
raevolbut! ttyl00:00
pleia2SF Ubuntu Hour tonight \o/00:19
kalenjohnsonToo bad I'm not in SF00:19
pleia2indeed :)00:20
pleia2going to a debian dinner after00:20
geofftthe Ubuntu Hours are so early, for those of us who work south. But I'll be at BAD00:22
pleia2geofft: yeah, so not to conflict with BAD00:23
pleia2(which traditionally starts around 7 or 8)00:23
=== jono is now known as Guest54570
kdubhavent seen phillipballew in a while17:00
grantbowhe's around17:05
grantbowoh, but in IRC you are right, Feb 1st.17:06
=== mikestewart is now known as ms|eating
=== ms|eating is now known as mikestewart
=== kdub is now known as kdub^lunch
=== kdub^lunch is now known as kdub

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