[01:46] Omnifrog: how did you fix it? [01:52] I dunno :\ [01:53] when I put it back in my desktop on the original SATA port it was on to begin with but using a different style cable it worked again [02:04] Omnifrog: don't look, or touch it ever again and maybe it won't fail :) [02:04] lol [02:05] it's never failed before. I have no idea what the problem was [02:05] works now though [02:06] hopefully it will continue :) [02:06] and I got the opportunity to take a leaf blower to the wifes box before I tested it [02:06] good lord [02:06] ha ha [02:07] there was 3 cats worth of fur in there [02:07] cats... [02:07] i don't get along well with them [02:07] but i guess who does? [02:07] I coulda weaved a rug with what came out of the box [02:10] now that that is resolved I think I'm gonna give open Suse a spin and see if it can handle being a broadcast OS [02:10] it's not the platform I want but I'm curious [02:11] the ubuntu based side doesn't deal with audio and jack well [02:11] I know that all too well [02:17] new release I am downloading it now actually [02:23] too late for me to mess with today but I may do it tomorrow [03:22] i gots go [03:22] nihgt === Omnifrog is now known as Omnifrog|pond === Omnifrog|pond is now known as Omnifrog [19:05] * wrst makes some noise [19:10] * cyberanger sneezes [19:11] * wrst tries to avoid the flu [19:14] wrst: don't worry, it's allergies [19:14] apperently I'm allergic to wal-mart [19:15] cyberanger: i'm allergic to work [19:16] oh, I'm just shopping now [19:16] and I'm guessing dust [20:18] heh [20:19] do not $ yes | yes [20:19] http://blog.michaeltang.me/yes-yes-no/ [21:18] :o [21:18] Corrected notes on the feeding of yes to yes http://boingboing.net/2013/03/14/corrected-notes-on-the-feeding.html [23:29] http://www.logicbuy.com/categorydeals/computers/hard-drives-ssd [23:29] $93 for a 128gb SSD [23:29] Omnifrog: !! [23:30] wrst! [23:30] sorry that's cheap way less than $1/GB [23:31] ooh, down the page is an OCZ for 89.99 [23:31] I have an OCZ as my boot drive in the desktop [23:32] i bought this one: http://www.logicbuy.com/deals/samsung-840-series-mz-7td120bw-ssd/42947.aspx for like 130 something a couple of months ago [23:32] or maybe 3 months ago [23:32] glad to see the price falling its realistic to have everything here on ssd except freenas [23:33] I like my data on spinnie disks for the time being [23:35] when the more common sense features like on-board power buffers become a given standard and the next gen FABs are normal I'll think about it [23:35] yeah Omnifrog i have all my data on spinners [23:36] but love running my apps on the ssd [23:40] yeah, that rocks [23:41] gimp and libre open in 1/10th sec [23:42] hello all [23:42] hi jfenn [23:43] hello jfenn2199 [23:44] having a swap on the SSD is like getting a huge amount of slightly slower RAM too [23:45] only slower cause the data moves over a different bus [23:45] 6Gb/s is still pretty quick though [23:49] that's plenty quick for me really :) [23:53] I don't ever want a spinning disk for / ever again though [23:54] <60 sec boot times from click to reboot till fully functional desktop environment is teh bomb