
edinnyxubuntu 12.04.2 amd64 desk does not seem to fit on a 700 MB CD00:43
edinnydid I miss something?00:43
edinnyDo I burn it to a DVD?00:44
=== Lump|AFK is now known as Lumpy
DMCAyeah your gonna have to use USB00:45
edinnyWill a DVD work? I don't have a spare USB00:45
edinnyAny way to put the ISO on an NTFS partition and run a smaller CD to start it?00:46
DMCAyeah use the same apps u would use for making a bootable USB but point to that00:46
edinnyI don't have a spare thumb drive. Will a DVD work?00:47
DMCAusually not as its the wrong format. but you can use a hard drive partition00:47
edinnyI need an entire partition?00:48
DMCAi guess it depends on the burning app. mine spits the DVD out teling me to replace with a CD00:48
GridCubeDMCA, what? why would you say that?00:48
David-Aedinny: are you sure about not fitting 700MB ?00:48
edinnythat is what Baserio says00:48
GridCubeyou can burn it to a dvd edinny00:48
edinnyBrasero does not like burning it to a dvd. Do I have to use CDrecord from the command line?00:50
Dr_Fetshow large is the file?00:50
edinnyoops...does cdrecord even exist anymore?00:50
GridCubeedinny, it should work from brasero00:50
DMCAif you dont have a USB and your burning app wont let u burn to DVD, you can make a 3GB partition and "burn" the ISO to that00:50
Dr_Fetscalled wodim now00:50
GridCubei know i've done it00:50
David-Aedinny: ok, I see now, it says 707MB, it is not likely to fit a normal 700MB cd00:50
GridCubexfburn too00:50
Dr_Fetsit's a cd image, it should fit00:51
GridCubeedinny, what iso you want to use?00:51
DMCAwell it doesnt00:51
DMCAthey havent been good about making the ISO conform to the 700MB max size00:51
David-Aedinny: (the xubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso was 697MB, so it is growing on all of us)00:52
edinnyDownloading "alternate", but I was hoping to make a live CD to carry around, too00:53
Dr_Fetsuse wodim -overburn00:53
Dr_Fetsit should fit then00:53
edinnycan I find 12.04.1?00:53
edinnyWho cares about updates00:53
David-ADr_Fets: are you sure -overburn will help if the max capacity of the cd is e.g. 703MB ?00:54
Dr_Fetsthere should be 10 more at least00:54
Dr_FetsI would try it00:54
Dr_Fetssudo wodim -overburn dev=/dev/xxx image.iso00:55
Dr_Fetsevery cd has a bit spare space00:55
DMCAuh you cant count on that. not all CDs have more than an extra 2MB00:56
DMCAand you can damage the drive if it doesnt00:56
Dr_Fetsnever heard of that00:56
Dr_Fetsanyway, can you just use a dvd?00:56
DMCAbraserio spits it out telling you to use a CD00:57
edinnyit says to replace the dvd with a supported cd or dvd00:57
Dr_Fetstry xfburn00:57
Dr_Fetsor just use command line wodim00:57
David-ADr_Fets: I have had cds where the limit seemed to be around 703-704MiB (binary mega) which would be around 738MB (decimal mega)00:58
Dr_FetsI wonder why they release such a big image00:59
Dr_Fetsand name it cd image00:59
DMCAcuz for some reason ppl are against actually burning to a CD00:59
Dr_FetsI burned 730mb once on a 700mb cd00:59
David-ADr_Fets: good question. a bug fix that takes several megabytes between .1 and .201:00
edinnyDVD seems to be writing with woburn01:00
edinnynope, woburn will not do it with a dvd01:00
Dr_Fetsmaybe something is wrong with your dvd?01:00
Dr_Fetstry to format it01:01
edinnywodim seems to write with overburn...01:05
Dr_FetsI hope it works01:07
edinnywodim: Make sure that you are root, enable DMA and check your HW/OS set up.01:08
edinnyoh well01:08
Dr_FetsI don't know why they replaced cdrecord with wodim01:10
Dr_Fetscdrecord has more features01:10
=== Lumpy is now known as Lump|AFK
Pizza90hi all, does anyone how i can lock or remove the anthy bar that floats for the desktop while i use it?(anthy is used to type in japanese) thanks02:02
GridCubePizza90, could you share a screenshot?02:34
Pizza90GridCube: i gave up for tonight02:34
GridCubeok :)02:35
Pizza90GridCube: basically anthy looks buggy on xubuntu 12.04 i can turn it off and on once then i see like a keyboard icon transparent (not in the dock)02:35
Pizza90and it's unusable <.<02:35
xubuntu273To install xubuntu, can I use OSX's Disk Utility to burn the iso to a 700MB CD?05:09
WizardGood morning.08:14
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gmg85hi guys...is there  a program similar to archbey that i can install on xubuntu/ubuntu?11:41
bazhangwhat is archbey11:41
gmg85on archbang/archlinux whenever you open a terminal archbey prints out the archlinux logo in ascii art along with some other useful info such as kernel version etc etc11:44
baizongmg85: i recommend to look at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/byobu.html11:46
baizonor you can write your own script11:46
Wizardgmg85: Why won't you just install archbey on Xubuntu? :)13:06
gmg85Wizard, let me try that....though it would be nice if archbey will print the xubuntu logo13:29
gmg85will it?13:29
WizardI doubt.13:29
knomeunless you modify the app/a certain file, it most probably won't13:29
Raucherzimmerhi all13:47
WizardHi Raucherzimmer.13:47
VinceThePrincemmm where are params defined? In the model? @user.personal_info  = params["personal_info"]13:57
VinceThePrinceknome, yes13:58
knomecould you elaborate on the context - what are you trying to do?13:59
VinceThePrinceknome,  I think I found it I need to add an extra field to the model personal_ info :)13:59
VinceThePrinceknome, so I can fill it up to transfer data from the view to the controller14:00
knomei still don't know what you are talking about14:00
Raucherzimmerlooks like ruby^14:00
knomeyes... this is not the ruby support channel.14:00
VinceThePrinceooh lol14:01
VinceThePrincewrong channel14:01
VinceThePrinceFML Right14:01
userUbu0804I cannot run Xubuntu from my bootable USB, it gets stuck on that menu.14:08
userUbu0804Anyone? Advise?14:10
knome!patience | userUbu080414:10
ubottuuserUbu0804: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:10
userUbu0804patience word is not in my dictionary14:15
userUbu0804thank you knome,14:15
GermainZIs there a way to find out why the system hung?15:17
GermainZI'm pretty certain it's the GPU (screen glitched weirdly and everything hung), but would like to make sure..15:18
WizardGermainZ: Check logs.15:20
Xrmancan't seem to run matlab 2012 version15:21
Xrmanshows that jre is in some folder15:21
GermainZWell Xorg didn't crash15:23
GermainZWhich logs should I be checking exactly?15:23
WizardLook at /var/log/messages.. If it exists on Ubuntu.15:24
GermainZI am looking at logs in /var/log but there's no "messages", if that's what you meant.15:24
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Skogsmull3nany 1 know how to change the style of the panel at the bottom in xfce16:54
Sun`Starlike how?16:54
baizonSkogsmull3n: right click and panel settings16:54
baizonits that what you mean?16:54
Sun`Starsize / color position would be right click -> panel -> panel settings16:55
GridCubeyou can choose another gtk theme too, or choose an image as its background and make it transparent, and...16:55
Skogsmull3nye the last 116:55
Skogsmull3ngtk theme16:55
Sun`Starthats all in panel 1 prefrences16:55
Skogsmull3nhttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/give-your-linux-desktop-new-hope-with-this-gtk3-theme i mean the bottom 116:56
GridCubeSkogsmull3n, thats a dock, probably docky16:58
Skogsmull3noh :o16:59
GermainZDefinitely docky17:00
GridCubeit could be avant, but i havent used any for too long :P xfce panels are pretty enough17:00
GermainZI use cairo-dock but tried docky recently and that's exactly how it looks. :)17:01
GermainZI like eye candy.17:01
usr13 If one of us xubuntu'ers wants to try out Unity, we only need to install ubuntu-desktop.  Right?  or...?17:02
GermainZIt'll come with bloat17:02
GermainZI would suggest you backup the last line of apt's log file, after you're done.17:03
GermainZThat way you can easily uninstall everything that came with it.17:03
GermainZUninstalling ubuntu-desktop probably won't do anything, as I'm guessing it's just a package17:04
GermainZ(someone might want to correct me about the actual term "package", not sure :) )17:04
ubottuk/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.17:04
bazhangmeta package GermainZ17:04
GermainZThank you, metapackage :)17:04
usr13(I'm trying to advise an adventurous new user that I've steered onto xubuntu.  She thinks she wants to try Unity and see what it's like.)17:05
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:06
usr13She has plenty of horsepower, so....17:06
GridCubeP: for testing there is nothing better17:06
usr13aaahhh Yea.  That's a good idea.  She can install Ubuntu in VirtualBox.17:06
usr13Thank you.  That's what I'll tell her to do.  (Or actually, I may just do it for her.)17:07
GridCubethat way she can learn a little bit more about computers too17:07
=== alcides is now known as Guest82825
Guest82825guys, how can I use btrfs and encrypt all my /home? I wish to find a releable tutorial for it.18:02
KeymanHow can I troubleshoot boot hangs after making a choice from the menu? I cannot boot a live DVD or attempt to install the distro from the DVD18:04
baizonGuest82825: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174693918:04
baizonKeyman: have you checkd your memory?18:05
KeymanYes the memory is fine. And I run a differnt distro on the box just fine.18:05
KeymanUbuntu 12.04.2 runs very well only having an issue with the HP SMART Array 6400 every once and a while.18:06
KeymanLocks the process to D on I/O18:06
KeymanI don't know much about troubleshooting the boot process at this level. When I hit escape I get a boot: prompt but don't really know what to do in order to trace down the exact problem.18:07
xubuntu472donde esta el raton?18:13
xubuntu472heyyyy mates!! :D18:13
knome!es | xubuntu47218:13
ubottuxubuntu472: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.18:13
dBLOODHi people!18:13
dBLOODcould anyone help me with wine?18:13
xubuntu472wine and league of legends?18:14
dBLOODI need to configure a wineprefix, wich is not the default one, but I cannot find the proper terminal command18:14
xubuntu472better HoN native DOTA18:14
bazhangdBLOOD, #winehq18:14
dBLOODno, I don't play gay online games18:15
dBLOODthx bazhang18:15
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/18:32
baizonn-iCe: i recommend git18:34
_ravenxubuntu 12.10 - seems to be a broken conf file: after login the window manager seems to crash - any idea how to solve?18:38
baizon_raven: try to clear the .cache directory (back it up first)18:38
knomeno need to back up ~/.cache18:38
baizonknome: ou well, someone told me once to do it so i repeat :) I dont back it up myself. Will remember now :>18:39
knomebaizon, sometimes you need to remove ~/.config and *that's* important to backup. ~/.cache is just temporary files and does not carry any settings or anything you'd want to keep18:40
_ravenbaizon ok tnx that solved the problem18:41
smurkhey there guys, may I ask for piece of advice? :) I'm running xubuntu 12.10 with dual monitors and flash videos seems to be little bugged.. sometimes their fullscreen is buggy.. I've tried google solution, but without success.. :<19:19
Wizardsabayonuser: Hi.19:57
WizardWhat does "pwttrerap" mean?19:58
GermainZMore like nBTTPePan19:59
bazhangits russian20:01
WizardCyrylics gibberish rather :D20:02
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:02
bazhangwould be the correct response20:02
WizardBut it wasn't even a word.20:02
bazhangit was an abbreviation of several20:03
WizardAnd half of slavic word uses cyrrylics. how would I know if it wasn't for example bulgarian or macedonian? :P20:03
WizardXubuntu 10.04, I want to have two keyboard layouts available, pl and ru with phonetic variant. Problem is, that "pl" has to be altered: ISO level 3 shift has to be moved from right alt to super key.20:07
GermainZCan't you change that in the Keyboard layout option?20:07
WizardI'm trying to construct setxkbmap command.20:07
WizardKeyboard layout options don't allow moving iso lvl 3 shift.20:08
GermainZOh, okay.20:08
WizardXFCE had "two state launcher" once.20:09
WizardThat would be handy.20:09
netcrashhello, I just compiled linux kernel 3.8.2 for x86_64 everything looks ok, except that I close the lid (6730b hp notebook) the computer suspends, after I lift the lid back and turn on, the notebook fan turns on at high speed and doesn't stop. What can be the problem?20:42
WizardI'm not sure if custom kernels are supported here.. Answering your question, I have no idea. maybe thermal module gets crazy?20:44
netcrash:S the temp shows bellow 44º20:48
netcrashI'm trying to place a option I missed in ACPI menu20:48
netcrashto see if that's is what's missing20:48
netcrashif anything is really missing20:48
smurkWhy doesnt the effin flashplayer work as it should? -.-20:56
Wizardsmurk: How it should?21:02
smurkWizard: I run dual monitor.. And most of flash videos are shrinked.. Either they are shrinked to the size of the smaller monitor, or they are weirdly shrinked vertically only..21:04
Wizardsmurk: Strange indeed..21:09
smurkWizard: http://i.imgur.com/ndY0xCK.jpg here's screen of what it looks like..21:10
WizardFlash is that game? or what?21:11
smurkits stream21:12
smurkhttp://imgur.com/q8no7xS and here what it looks like on youtube for example21:13
WizardSeems like it isn't calcualting screen res properly :|21:15
smurkBut sometimes it works correctly21:15
smurkbut just only sometimes..21:16
WizardHmm, does it work ok when you run it on primary display?21:17
smurkPrimary display you mean the bigger one or the one with task bar, etc?21:18
smurkwell if I run on the smaller display, it works correctly.. if I turn off the smaller display and run it only on the larger one, then it works correctly too21:20
WizardDo other multimedia (or fullscreen) appliactions behave like that too?21:25
smurknope, just flash videos..21:25
smurkIt's known bug.. But solutions I found online does not work..21:25
WizardSolution would be if Adobe stopped sucking at coding.21:26
WizardYou can fill a bug report, but I bet they will ignore it.21:26
WizardBTW, do you use nvidia's twinview or normal XRandr for dual head?21:27
smurkI do have ATI graphic card.. And I used xrandr at first, and know just whatever it is default in xubuntus's settings21:28
smurkwell, then xrandr it is :)21:29
WizardI meant XRandr as a protocol, not as console tool :)21:29
WizardHmm, than I'm 99% sure it's a bug in flash.21:29
WizardAnd I can't help you. Maybe somebody else here will.21:29
smurkThere are not any more sources where can I download flash plugin, apart from Adobe site and Software Center, right?21:30
* Wizard nods.21:31
Unit193You can pull the one from Chrome and use it in chromium...21:31
smurkWell I may try first, if it works in Chromium properly..21:32
smurkyea, it is buggy in chromium too.. :(21:36
Unit193Sure it is, it is flash after all.  Did you change h/w accel options?  And are you using pepperflash in chromium?  Doesn't matter as much if you are using the same version of flash.21:37
smurkI didn't change anything.. I'm using whatever is preinstalled in chromium and firefox..21:49
jimmyelrata Hi, what virtual keyboards do you recommend?22:16
jimmyelrataI tried xvkbd22:18
pleia2onboard is pretty decent22:18
jimmyelrata pleia2: Ok, thanks! I'll check it out22:20

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