
yofelas long as they talk the same protocol it shouldn't matter which one is running00:00
shadeslayerand this automated email is my cue to head to bed, ciao everyone :)00:01
ximionClient Side Decorations might eventually become an issue00:01
shadeslayerximion: oh btw have fun using live-build00:01
shadeslayerit's the most fun thing ever to build ISO's00:02
ximionI am detecting irony here... :P00:02
shadeslayergood, your irony detector works :D00:03
yofelyou'll get CSD over martin's dead body ^^00:03
yofelI'm cursing CSD every time I use Windows. And dexpot can only help to some extent00:04
ximionyes, and I am excited that Martin goes for non-CSD00:06
ximionI even see close to zero reasons why someone could possibly want to paint own window decorations00:06
yofel"unified application look"00:07
yofelwhatever that is00:07
yofelbut I would like for kwin to somehow blend with the surroundings00:07
ximionSteam does CSD...00:12
ximionand it is horrible00:12
ximionfor some reason, the whole app becomes transparent from time to time or grays out00:13
ximionI suppose because KDE doesn't know how to properly handle that window00:13
ximion(or because the software is crappy ^^)00:13
yofelyou know... I only noticed now that it's full CSD - probably been using it for too long on Windows so I'm used to it00:16
ximionthe first thing I noticed was that it is not using PackageKit, but some incredibly crappy steamdeps Python script specific to Ubuntu00:21
ximionstill waiting for a reply from Valve on their bugtracker, where I offered to help them with implementing PK :P00:21
yofelwell, that would be a sane usage of packagekit even on ubuntu for a change00:25
ximionPK was built for these cases ;-)00:27
ximionand I already killed most of the issues Valve would be facing when creating Listaller, so using it would be trivial for them00:28
ximionand Ubuntu uses the PackageKit APIs :P00:31
ximionjust not PK itself ^^00:31
ximiongn8 everyone :)02:08
* ximion really needs some sleep...02:08
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
lordievaderGood morning09:10
Riddellhi lordievader 09:24
lordievaderHey Riddell, how are you today?09:28
Riddellmeh the cold I had a couple weeks ago has come back09:28
lordievaderHmm, that's less :(09:29
valorieis anyone awake to try out mumble?09:36
valorieI don't want to get up in a few hours and not be able to hear anything09:36
RiddellI need to test it09:36
valorieok, my sound in general is working09:37
valoriebut so far, I've heard nothing in mumble but the little announcement from the application09:38
yofel_you're alone in the channel that you're in (master)09:38
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofeler, Root rather09:39
valorieok, now I'm in "session"09:39
valoriewhere the meet will be, correct?09:40
lordievaderHey smartboyhw, how are you?09:40
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | Congrats to smartboyhw for Kubuntu Membership | Mumble Meeting today at 2pm UTC https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/MumbleMeeting
smartboyhwAnd time to remove the membership thing:P09:40
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | Meeting today at 2pm UTC https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/MumbleMeeting
valoriehttp://paste.kde.org/697280/ for the error message09:46
Riddellvalorie: hum, maybe a reinstall?09:50
valorieI've already re-installed it once09:50
valoriebut sure09:50
Riddellvalorie: got libgl1-mesa-glx installed?09:51
valorieyes, apt-get says newest version09:52
valorieveromix has mumble volume at the top09:52
Riddellvalorie: what distro version is this?09:52
valorieand the rest of sound works09:52
valoriewhatever latest is09:53
Riddellwhat's  lsb_release -d09:53
Riddell  say?09:53
valorieyes, and I have KDE 4.10.109:53
valorieUbuntu 12.1009:54
yofelcan you try the sound with pavucontrol? That shows the sound level as well so you can at least see whether the microphone itself works09:54
valorieso latest but not the Quantal packages09:54
valoriewell, you can probably do without my input, but it's not much good if I can't hear you all09:55
yofelnow it looks like it's doing *something*09:56
yofelbut I can't hear you09:56
valorieeverything looks normal in pavucontrol09:57
valoriemic little bar is moving09:57
valoriein pavucontrol09:58
valoriebut the sample sound never plays in the mumble configure09:58
yofelhm, what did the audio wizard say?09:58
RiddellI still think this is very significant "Cannot load library /usr/lib/mumble/libmumble.so.1"09:59
valorieok, I changed from default to my soundcard and now I get shreeking10:00
valorieit's my mic that is screaming10:03
valorieyes, I looked for libmumble, but there is no package called that10:04
yofelthat symbol is undefined here too, so I wonder what the problem is10:05
yofel$ nm -DC /usr/lib/mumble/libmumble.so | grep glPopClientAttrib10:05
yofel                 U glPopClientAttrib10:05
valoriethis seems to be a pa problem: http://paste.kde.org/697298/10:07
valorieonce I finally got the sound to turn on10:07
yofelbut pulse works fine otherwise?10:08
yofelcan you go to the settings, enable advanced in the bottom left corner and then check what device is used?10:09
valorieyes, I think so10:09
valoriewhat device for input, or output?10:10
yofelinput - for me it's PulseAudio and DefaultInput10:11
yofelcan you choose something else?10:11
valoriewith default input I got nothing10:11
valorieonce I switched to Built-in Analog Stereo I got screaming10:11
yofeljust for the sake of bashing pulse: quit mumble, run 'pulseaudio -k' and try again10:15
yofeland I guess you still get the library error?10:15
valoriewith also, no sound with any of the selections I've tried10:18
yofelmeh, I still have one quantal system around here, let me see what it does there10:19
valoriealthough alsamixer also seems normal10:21
valoriebleah, it's 3:30am here10:21
valorieI'll just skip the meeting -- someone will record it, correct?10:22
valorieI can listen later in the day10:22
yofelwe'll make sure someone does10:24
valorieI've added a couple of items to the wiki from the channel10:24
valorieniters all10:24
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyhello everyone10:34
smartboyhwhey murthy 10:34
murthysmartboyhw: hi10:34
sheytanapachelogger: ping10:52
murthyyofel: can tomahawk be backported to quantal?11:05
yofelmurthy: it already is?11:05
murthyis it?11:05
yofelin the tomahawk ppa11:05
murthyvery nice11:06
yofelmurthy: those packages have been there for quite a while already11:06
murthyi was not aware of the ppa until recently, for that matter not aware of tomahawk's awesomness11:07
murthyyofel: did you see its bug reposrting method?11:08
murthyyofel: *reposting 11:08
murthyyofel: i have to see a doctor along with apachelogger11:09
yofelno, for some reason I never ran into it ^^11:09
murthythats nice11:09
jussimurthy: hrm... what did you and apachelogger do together that you need to see a doctor... :D ? ? :D11:48
murthyjussi: ha ha ha11:49
yofelthey want to meet doctor who11:49
yofelthat's all11:49
smartboyhwyofel, +111:49
smartboyhwNice joke11:49
apacheloggersmartboyhw: that was no joke...11:56
smartboyhwapachelogger, OK sorry:P11:56
apacheloggersheytan: pong12:17
sheytanapachelogger: so, will we have the ldm stuff in raring or not?12:20
apacheloggerI do not know12:22
apacheloggerpropose it on the mailing list I guess?12:23
soeeany idea when the skype/nvidia bug might be fixed ?12:24
apacheloggerwhen both opensource their code? :P12:26
soeewont happen :)12:26
soeeany idea why this happen: Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/soee/.ssh/known_hosts).12:26
jussioooh, owncloud now has RSS reader built in :D12:40
jussitsimpson: perhaps you want to upgrade our owncloud instance now :)12:42
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
ScottKI just posted a review of the current release schedule proposal on kubuntu-devel to help with today's discussions.12:52
ScottKComments please (probably on the ML).12:52
apacheloggeram I getting no emails again?12:56
apacheloggerScottK: btw, kubuntu-patched-l10n in new12:56
BluesKajHiyas all12:57
ScottKapachelogger: My fault.  Sent from the wrong address.  Resent.12:57
* smartboyhw checks12:58
smartboyhwGot it12:58
apacheloggerScottK: I have a history of broken ubuntu.com alias ^^12:59
smartboyhwapachelogger, oh12:59
ScottKWell.  Dunno if you got it or not, but now it's at least sent.13:00
apacheloggeryeah got it now13:00
MamarokI am really annoyed by this permanent pop-up of the Device Notifier, where else could I check what is wrong? /var/log/sylog didn't really help13:06
Mamarokand it started happeneing yesterday, so something was changed that triggered it, not the kernel as I waas on the previous one when it happened13:07
soeeMamarok, what happend ?13:09
Mamaroksoee: well, the Device Notifier pops up every minute, it really is damn annoying13:10
* Mamarok is on raring13:10
soeeno any extra devices plugged?13:11
Mamarokno, I have the same devices plugged in as ever, I changed absolutely nothing on my side13:13
* smartboyhw does not have a mic hmm13:13
Mamarokthose are external harddisk attached to the docking station of the laptop13:13
Mamarokmounted and in use13:13
Mamarokso there is absolutely no reason the Device Notifier should pop up13:13
soeestrange im on laptop now running 13.04 and no such problem13:14
Mamarokno CD in the drive, keyboard and mouse are on other USB ports13:14
Mamarokwell, I don't know what happened and why it is doing that, but it started yesterday morning after I exited the screensaver13:15
Mamarokand every minute is realy, really annoying and distracting13:15
Mamarokif only it would stay poped up it would bother me much less13:15
ScottKMamarok: Does it happen with all USB ports.  I have one USB port on my laptop where the connection is funky and if I bump the plug, I get the popup?13:15
Mamaroklet me try changing the ports13:16
Mamaroknow it pops up even more frequently, hell...13:18
Mamarokand now accessing any of the partitions in that drive takes like a minute, or doesn't even happen, telling me the device is busy13:20
yofelMamarok: checked the kernel log (dmesg) whether the kernel is constantly disconnecting a device?13:27
=== mck182 is now known as mck182|afk
Mamarokyofel: let me see...13:39
Mamarokhm, that doesn't have a time stamp13:40
Mamarokapparently not coming from the kernel13:41
MamarokI wonder if it is the docking station, let me plug that thing in elsewhere13:42
apacheloggerMamarok: solid-hardware listen13:43
Mamaroklet me see...13:43
Mamarokstill pops up, despite having added the HD to the laptop directly, and solid-hardware listen doesn't show any output13:44
apacheloggerI do not think it is an actual hardware event then13:45
apacheloggerunless the solid-hardware tool is broken13:46
Mamarokand the HD is mounted,so no reason it should pop up all the time13:46
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Server: yofel-vz.dyndns.org
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Port: 64738
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Mumbling Kubuntu Server: yofel-vz.dyndns.org Port: 64738
apacheloggerMamarok: kdebugdialog -> activate all, restart plasma and check if any related output appears13:48
* jussi fails apachelogger at topic changing...13:48
Mamarokapachelogger: doing that now13:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: can you hear me?13:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: no13:49
apacheloggerjussi: quassel interprets pasted \n as enter, no clue why13:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: u no talky :P13:49
shadeslayerall I get is weird electro noises13:49
smartboyhwCan someone post the agenda!?13:50
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Mumbling Kubuntu Server: yofel-vz.dyndns.org Port: 64738 Agenda: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/MumbleMeeting
apacheloggertopic editing with quass0l is a flipping pain in the bum13:50
jussimumbe not working here..13:51
jussiblank grey box :(13:51
jussiahh just slow13:51
=== apachelogger_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Mumbling Kubuntu Server: yofel-vz.dyndns.org Port: 64738 Agenda: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/MumbleMeeting | Konversation > Quassel!
Mamarokapachelogger_: sadly no konsole output when it pops up13:53
apachelogger_big surprise,  plasma is well known for its useful debug output :P13:53
smartboyhwWhere's Riddell?13:55
Mamarokapachelogger_: *sigh*13:55
Darkwingapachelogger_: When Konversation give me a core (quassel-core) and an Android client (quasseldroid) to connect to it along with a windows client to connect, I'll switch. :P13:55
smartboyhwEveryone: Join the mumble meeting:P13:55
apachelogger_Darkwing: bouncer13:55
yofeljussi: did you hear Darkwing at least?13:55
jussiI did13:55
Riddellsmartboyhw: moi?13:55
MamarokI leave you folks with the meeting for now13:55
jussiI DID 13:56
yofelshadeslayer: are you intentionally disconnecting?13:57
shadeslayeryofel: that was from my phone, I needed to check if it worked so I could do other stuff and roam about13:58
shadeslayerapparently that doesn't work13:58
smartboyhwAnyone think of a key shortcut that will not be used normally!?13:58
shadeslayersmartboyhw: ctrl + space13:58
shadeslayerthat's what I have13:58
jussiwoohooo... mumble crashed...13:58
jussiand no crash report...13:58
shadeslayeryofel: I can't register for some reason :p13:58
smartboyhwshadeslayer, damn it doesn't work for me, switches between users13:58
yofelshadeslayer: Darkwing somehow managed to do that13:59
DarkwingCertificate wizard13:59
apachelogger_I can register you all13:59
apachelogger_<- all the powas in the world13:59
DarkwingConfigure > Certificate wizard13:59
apachelogger_Darkwing: < also all the powas (I think)13:59
apachelogger_sorry colon pee14:01
* apachelogger_ rofl14:01
shadeslayerapachelogger_: register me14:03
RiddellScottK: will you be in the meeting?14:03
Riddellshadeslayer: what's your status?14:03
RiddellJontheEchidna: around?14:03
shadeslayerI'm there14:03
apachelogger_shadeslayer: where are u?14:03
shadeslayerIn the lounge14:03
Riddellshadeslayer: no you're not14:03
smartboyhwshadeslayer, you're ricktimmis?14:03
ScottKRiddell: Let me find out.  Where's the instructions on joining?14:04
apachelogger_shadeslayer: no you are not14:04
smartboyhwAren't you Rohan Garg?14:04
RiddellScottK: topic14:04
* smartboyhw scratches head14:04
RiddellScottK: mumble14:04
yofelshadeslayer: wrong server?14:04
shadeslayeryofel: [7:34 PM] Connecting to server yofel-vz.dyndns.org.14:05
shadeslayeryofel: and then nothing14:05
shadeslayerI don't see anyone else14:05
yofelshadeslayer: try again14:05
Riddellshadeslayer: restart it14:05
Riddellwe're all there14:05
apachelogger_shadeslayer: wrong port?14:06
shadeslayer64738 ?14:07
apachelogger_shadeslayer: reconnect?14:07
apachelogger_restart mumble14:07
shadeslayertried and tried14:07
shadeslayerokay I'm on my phone14:08
RiddellScottK: how's it going?14:09
ScottKHorrible feedback problems.14:09
ScottKWorking on settings.14:09
yofelScottK: push to talk should work if you have feedback14:10
Mamarokwerent you guy supposed to test your installation to avoid these problems in the meeting?14:11
smartboyhwMamarok, and we completely forgotten14:11
shadeslayerfor some reason it worked for me earlier14:11
shadeslayerand now it only works on my phone14:11
Mamaroksmartboyhw: bad excuse, really, Darkwing sent enough mails warning you about that14:11
smartboyhwshadeslayer, !?14:11
smartboyhwMamarok, and I forgotten....14:12
Mamaroknot only you apparently14:12
smartboyhwI have classes + other Ubuntu Studio + UbuntuKylin matters14:12
Mamarok2why don't you guys just use a hangout without video?14:12
shadeslayersmartboyhw: what happened?14:12
smartboyhwshadeslayer, doing listening exercises14:13
MamarokOH NO, pysolfc doesn't work in raring anymore :(14:14
shadeslayerwas I muted or sth?14:14
shadeslayerapachelogger_: mic is shit?14:14
yofelshadeslayer: we didn't hear anything from your14:16
yofelonly noise14:16
shadeslayerI don't suppose you can join 2 channels at the same time?14:16
apachelogger_we heared static :P14:20
shadeslayeryofel: any ideas where mumble stores it's setting?14:20
yofelnot really14:20
* apachelogger_ is yawnbling14:21
apachelogger_sooooo tried14:21
shadeslayertried? :P14:22
apachelogger_shadeslayer: you can start a second client14:22
shadeslayerseriously dude, go see a doctor14:22
apachelogger_no money for doctor14:23
shadeslayermeh, screw the desktop client14:23
smartboyhwNo need for doctor if tired:P14:23
shadeslayeris someone taking notes on an etherpad ? :D14:26
shadeslayerah okay14:27
smartboyhwshadeslayer, :D14:27
shadeslayerRiddell: hehehe14:51
shadeslayeryofel: btw auto-upgrade-tester still stuck at building tarball: '/home/auto-upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-testing/share/profiles/kubuntu/dist-upgrade-quantal.tar.gz'14:51
shadeslayerso it's a bug14:51
yofelweird, doesn't happen here14:52
yofeldoes it happen on my server too?14:53
yofelwith whatever settings you have14:53
shadeslayerI basically just brached the kubuntu branch and ran : sudo python3 bin/auto-upgrade-tester -b UpgradeTestBackendChroot share/profiles/kubuntu --html-output-dir=/tmp/auto-upgrade-tester14:53
shadeslayerhaven't tried your server14:53
apachelogger_Riddell, ScottK: kubuntu-patched-l10n still in new *hint*hint*14:54
shadeslayerDarkwing: but paypal is evil :(14:54
shadeslayerhorror stories on the internets14:54
smartboyhwshadeslayer, LOL14:55
apachelogger_JontheEchidna: did you testy the konversation?14:57
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
JontheEchidnaapachelogger_: will do after this meeting14:57
shadeslayerDarkwing: we should do this more often14:57
shadeslayerDarkwing: yep14:58
shadeslayeryofel: what's the bandwidth IO on your VPS like right now? :P14:59
yofelnot measuring it..14:59
shadeslayerI'm getting alot of jitter14:59
apachelogger_shadeslayer: tcp or udp?15:00
shadeslayerI have no idea15:00
shadeslayerthe phone app doesn't say15:00
shadeslayerDarkwing: we can just use AWS instances when we have alot of users15:01
Darkwingshadeslayer: bingo15:02
shadeslayerDarkwing: just use the wiki for the audio?15:04
apachelogger_finally music again \o/15:06
* shadeslayer goes to grab dinner15:06
apachelogger_somehow PA was being smartass and did volume control music while mumble outputs sound15:06
shadeslayerisn't that a good thing15:07
smartboyhwSomeone update the topic please:P15:07
apachelogger_ah yes15:07
=== apachelogger_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | Go test konvi 1.5!
smartboyhwWhat the!?15:08
=== shadeslayer changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | Go test konvi 1.5 and kde-config-gtk-style!
apachelogger_who opped smartboyhw? 15:08
smartboyhwNow we're back in here15:09
apachelogger_whoever did it: the topic aint protected, no op needed :P15:09
* apachelogger_ takes a nap15:09
* smartboyhw really would like to find out who did it15:09
shadeslayeryofel: wibble, no idea why I was using the chroot backend15:10
=== mck182|afk is now known as mck182_
yofeloooops, I totally missed that part15:10
yofelwe can probably pretty much conclude that that one is junk15:11
cheneymaco: hi :)15:11
yofelI'm still lost on the grub issue in lxc though - it's related to LXC, not the upgrade tester, that much I know now15:11
yofelbut not what's wrong15:12
shadeslayereh what15:12
yofelhard to debug as it's a one-time failure15:12
shadeslayeryofel: is it supposed to exit after _start()15:12
yofeler, context?15:12
yofelusually not15:12
shadeslayerlemme pastebin15:13
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/697448/15:13
shadeslayerand then it exits15:14
yofelno, it should not @_@15:14
yofeldo you have the container already there?15:15
yofeli.e. something that lxc-ls would see15:15
yofelcalled upgrader-kubuntu15:15
shadeslayerlxc-ls lists upgrader-kubuntu15:15
yofelok, so the start is correct...15:16
yofelcan you log into that?15:16
shadeslayeruh, destroyed it, running the auto-upgrade-tester again15:16
shadeslayerand it didn't exit this time, it's just sitting there15:17
yofelHDD doing something?15:17
yofelor are you using tmpfs?15:17
yofelthe release upgrader is pretty quiet at the beginning15:17
shadeslayerusing tmpfs15:18
yofeler wait15:18
yofelif the container is destroyed it'll have to set that up again first15:18
yofelso it should now be installing kubuntu-desktop15:18
shadeslayerit's wgetting the packagelists15:18
shadeslayerso something is happening :)15:18
yofelyeah, that sounds like it's doing the right thing15:19
shadeslayeryofel: /var/cache/lxc/quantal/partial-i386/debootstrap/debootstrap.log has some progress logs, just tailing those15:21
yofelif it's fetching sources the debootstrap has already finished15:22
yofelactually it should just have used the cached image15:22
shadeslayeruhm nope15:22
shadeslayerI don't think I have a cached image15:22
shadeslayeryofel: how big is the lxc container for quantal + the cache?15:25
yofel278M    /var/cache/lxc/quantal/rootfs-i386/15:26
yofel3.6G    /var/lib/lxc/upgrader-kubuntu/rootfs15:26
yofelnote: that's with kubuntu-full15:26
shadeslayerthe main mirror is so slow today15:28
shadeslayerdebootstrap is taking forever15:28
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oh no15:29
shadeslayerheh yeah, I haven't done a sudo apt-get update for a day or two I think15:30
shadeslayerbecause the main archive is probably overloaded at the moment15:30
=== greyback is now known as bzoltan-smells
=== bzoltan-smells is now known as greyback
yofelshadeslayer: that intentional?15:32
yofelThe following packages will be REMOVED:15:32
yofel  plasma-widget-telepathy-chat plasma-widget-telepathy-presence15:32
shadeslayeror wait15:32
yofelyou sure notice the -proposed block... 331 updates15:32
shadeslayerwell .. I guess apt sees that they are no longer in the archive15:33
shadeslayerso it wants to remove them?15:33
shadeslayer331 updates? :O15:33
yofelhm, no, it shouldn't15:33
yofelsome update is breaking them in some way15:33
shadeslayerokay, I was merely guessing15:33
shadeslayerprobably because something wants to remove libktpcommoninternals315:34
shadeslayeris that marked for removal as well?15:34
yofelno, but libktpcommoninternalsprivate5 is marked for installation - I don't even have libktpcommoninternals315:34
shadeslayeryofel: either way, those packages are no more, kde-telepathy-desktop-applets should be marked for installation15:35
yofelyes, that's right15:35
shadeslayerwhich is the package that now provides all the widgets15:35
shadeslayercool :)15:35
yofelah ok15:35
shadeslayerwell, weird side affect15:35
shadeslayerI never wanted to force remove those packages15:36
shadeslayerand I /think/ they're still installed here15:36
shadeslayerokay, nope15:36
jussiIn relation to the donations thing we talked about on mumble, I have had setup for a while, this: https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/15:38
smartboyhwjussi, +115:39
jussiIt allows us to put any products there, is easy to get the money out (simple bank transfer style thing) and best of all, it has open budget/accounts15:39
jussiHowever, at this time, it only allows people from finland to administer it. Other EU and eventually world countries are coming, but for now they only support  the id systems used in finland15:40
jussiit has been used commercially, for example it was used to sell the SLUSH tickets (where Jolla made their big announcement)15:41
jussiso its both a ready made shop and a donations taker15:44
shadeslayerfancy stuff15:44
jussithe only thing Im worried about is currently I am the one responsible, and I worry about the taxes/laws involved with money etc15:44
shadeslayeryofel: is it just me or does this thing download everything from archive.ubuntu.com when creating the lxc container15:45
shadeslayereven kubuntu-full15:45
yofelwith my latest changes not unless you actuall have that as Mirror15:46
shadeslayerthen I guess libssl is just part of debootstrap15:46
jussiSO if someone can clear that up, then its fine for me to run that, and I can add some other finns if need be to help admin15:46
jussi(Its not a good idea to only have one admin)15:47
* shadeslayer points out that we can host owncloud + this tester on BuyVM for 15 USD a month15:47
shadeslayerthough ... how much memory does owncloud take?15:47
yofelshadeslayer: is it in bootstrap() or start() ?15:47
shadeslayeryofel: doesn't say15:47
yofelshadeslayer: btw. what do you get when you 'wget http://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt' ?15:48
shadeslayer/home/auto-upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-testing/<frozen>:313: Warning: The python-lxc API isn't yet stable and may change at any point in the future.15:48
shadeslayerStoring the result in '/home/auto-upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-testing/auto-upgrade-tester/result/kubuntu'15:48
shadeslayerthat's it15:48
yofelarchive.ubuntu.com is in there for me15:48
yofelso maybe it just took that15:48
shadeslayerarchive.ubuntu.com is the last entry in there for me15:48
shadeslayerthe first one http://glug.nith.ac.in/ubuntu/archives/15:49
yofelsame here15:49
shadeslayerI wonder if that site takes into account which mirrors are 'fresher'15:49
jussithe other cool thing is, it allows us to handle expense claims - http://blogi.holvi.com/2013/03/06/kuitit-talteen-rahat-takaisin/?utm_source=Holvi+pilot+customers&utm_campaign=57086ddf59-Holvi_reports_expenseclaims6_3_2013&utm_medium=email#English15:49
yofelbut I force archive.ubuntu.com for debootstrap with current settings15:49
yofelshadeslayer: well, my current config is to have *both*15:49
yofelbut not during debootstrap15:49
shadeslayerI see15:49
yofelshadeslayer: go fixing: http://paste.kde.org/69746615:51
shadeslayereh wat15:51
shadeslayerupgrade went fine for me :/15:51
shadeslayeryofel: can you fix, I'm heading for dinner15:53
yofelcan do later15:53
jussiRiddell: you about?15:53
shadeslayerokay, I'll fix it after dinner if it's not fixed by then15:53
=== jessie is now known as jessie|lunch
* mgraesslin hugs the Kubuntu devs - just started into the latest beta and compositing is enabled16:39
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/697484/16:40
shadeslayermgraesslin: thanks for pointing it out :)16:40
mgraesslinjust a pity that the live image doesn't come with virtual box drivers16:40
mgraesslinand my exopc refuses to boot16:41
mgraesslinbut if one is crazy enough one can force KWin to use llvmpipe16:41
yofelshadeslayer: that looks familiar... do you have a network bridge?16:43
shadeslayeryofel: I have lxcbr016:45
yofelshadeslayer: only that? I got that on my server where br0 was conflicting with lxcbr0. Latter couldn't use dhcp16:46
kubotuyofel meant: "shadeslayer: only that? I got that on my server where br0 was conflicting with lxcbr0. Latter can't use dhcp"16:46
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/69749016:46
yofelhm, that looks fine - pretty much what I have here16:47
yofelshadeslayer: can you try to login to the container and check whether the network works?16:48
shadeslayerI'm a lxc nub, do you have a command for that?16:49
yofelfor me that trace came from lxc being unable to determine the container's network configuration - as there was none16:49
ScottKmgraesslin: Not sure if you heard, but I'm told the bug where there was no compositing in the live image is now fixed.16:49
yofelshadeslayer: sudo lxc-start -n upgrader-kubuntu16:49
yofelshadeslayer: there log in with ubuntu/ubuntu16:49
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1155687] KDE session didn't start after Raring upgrade (qdbus problem) @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1155687 (by avlas)16:49
mgraesslinScottK: see above - I just tested and can confirm :-)16:49
shadeslayermount: Cannot allocate memory16:49
yofelshadeslayer: later start a new shell and run 'sudo lxc-stop -n upgrader-kubuntu'16:49
ScottKmgraesslin: Excellent.  Thanks.16:49
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/697496/16:50
* mgraesslin is now testing on real hardware16:51
yofelshadeslayer: oh, is see efi in there. Bug? ^^16:51
yofeldoes it continue after that or hand?16:51
shadeslayerstupid overengineered POS16:51
shadeslayerthat's all I get16:52
yofelok, then it's hung. Give it a minute16:52
yofelshould continue eventually16:52
shadeslayermmm nothing16:56
yofelpress enter?16:58
yofelstill nothing?16:58
yofelbah, you *should* end up on a getty login screen17:00
shadeslayerCtrl +  C retarts the container17:00
shadeslayeryofel: how do you exit this thing @_@17:01
shadeslayerlxc-stop does nothing17:02
yofelyou don't, you open another terminal and run lxc-stop from there as I said17:02
yofelnot good17:02
yofelsomething dmesg?17:02
ScottKKC response sent to TB.17:03
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/69752617:04
yofelwell, that apparmor message looks bad as a start17:05
yofel[57300.862899] type=1400 audit(1363366251.749:53): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed flags match" error=-13 parent=28047 profile="lxc-container-default" name="/var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs/" pid=28071 comm="ureadahead" fstype="debugfs" srcname="none" flags="rw"17:05
yofelI have that too17:05
shadeslayeryofel: yeah, I kind of compile my own kernel17:22
shadeslayerit works if I reboot into the standard kernel17:23
shadeslayerthe efi error also shows up during the boot17:23
shadeslayerdidn't cause any issues until now17:23
yofelshadeslayer: maybe it needs something from the ubuntu one? mainline has no overlayfs yet btw.17:25
shadeslayeryofel: I basically just copied the config from the ubuntu one17:29
shadeslayerand built the kernel with one pach17:29
yofelah, overlayfs point stays though17:29
yofelwithout that the upgrader won't work right17:29
yofel(or rather you'll have to destroy the container every time)17:30
yofelthat's the LXC OS in Xephyr \o/17:30
shadeslayerre overlayfs, why do I need that17:31
shadeslayeroh upgrader won't work17:31
yofelwell, if you don't have that the upgrader will upgrade the container itself17:31
yofelso you can only use the container once17:31
shadeslayerI see17:31
shadeslayeris this fixed on raring?17:31
shadeslayeror do I need to do additional magic17:32
yofelyou just need overlayfs17:32
yofeldo you have that?17:32
yofel(it's a kernel module)17:32
shadeslayerso I guess yes17:33
yofelwell, modinfo would tell, but that you're fine17:33
yofelthe kernel ppa mainline builds don't have it :(17:33
shadeslayeraw :(17:33
shadeslayerbuild your own :P17:33
shadeslayerI'm kind of surprised dpkg-buildpackage didn't fail on kde-gtk-config17:35
shadeslayerbecause the preview so's are shipped in both the binary packages it builds17:35
jessie|lunchCopy and paste from GVim seems to broken for me on 4.10.117:35
shadeslayermeh GVim17:35
jessie|lunchThe text shows up in Klipper but I cannot paste it.17:35
shadeslayersomeone should make KVim17:35
shadeslayersomeone also needs to fix apoi17:36
shadeslayeryofel: can I somehow limit the amount of bandwidth the LXC interface is using?17:48
yofelshadeslayer: not that I know of, but I know very little about linux network bridges17:51
shadeslayerokay :)17:51
shadeslayeryofel: review please : http://paste.kde.org/69755018:06
yofelany reason why it's <= 0.5.3-0ubuntu1 ?18:09
yofelotherwise ship it18:09
shadeslayerthat's the last version we uploaded18:09
shadeslayerand doesn't policy say that Breaks/Replaces should be versioned18:10
yofeluploaded to raring? Then fine18:10
shadeslayerabout to18:10
shadeslayeryofel: so, should I remove the versioning?18:11
yofelno, it's fine18:11
shadeslayerokay, uploading then18:11
shadeslayerbah :(18:15
shadeslayerThe signer of this package is lacking the upload rights for the source package, component or package set in question.18:15
shadeslayerprobably not in supported18:16
shadeslayerhm, should be18:16
shadeslayerRiddell: can you upload ktp-desktop-applets with this fix : http://paste.kde.org/69755018:17
* yofel just realized that in his upgrade log 'grub-pc' was never upgraded18:31
yofelso no wonder that LXC would fail18:31
shadeslayerso, what's the way to fix that?18:32
yofelupgrade grub-pc as early as possible18:32
yofelI'm just trying a modified container to prove that18:32
shadeslayergo go yofel :)18:32
yofelI need to add a size setting to the tmpfs mode18:43
yofelthen again, not really18:44
shadeslayerso, LXC won't run in openvz18:54
shadeslayerso our current VPS setup is a no go18:54
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
=== jessie|lunch is now known as jessie|work
=== Adityab_ is now known as Adityab
ScottKRiddell: I just uploaded a Quassel update to fix some icon related breakage.  The best way to fix it was to add a new binary, so it'll be in New for your perusal here shortly.21:52
RiddellScottK: ok just ping21:53
ScottKWill do.21:53
ScottKRiddell: It's there.22:12
ScottKOnly New on i386.22:12
Quintasanyofel: Did you get around moving core once again:22:17
* Quintasan grabs images to test22:18
RiddellScottK: those icons were just not installed?22:18
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/22:19
yofelQuintasan: I only moved my stuff away. And I would prefer not to put the rest together again because I don't want to guarantee any uptime for my box 22:19
shadeslayerI know22:19
Quintasanyofel: Can you purge connect messages from mine as well?22:19
QuintasanI think that could make it a little bit faster22:19
yofelalready did, but for a proper cleanup I need to shut the core down22:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: was trying out the LXC backend22:20
Quintasanyofel: Well, do it when you feel like it's a good time to shut down the core22:20
yofelProfile 'share/profiles/kubuntu-amd64/' worked22:20
Quintasanshadeslayer: I see. how is that better?22:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: doesn't cost us monies?22:21
* Quintasan didn't get the scholarship for this semester22:22
QuintasanSeriously, I passed all the freaking courses and got a good average and they apparently have moneys for 120 people22:23
QuintasanI don't think even 100 passed all the courses22:23
Quintasanwil remain a poor student22:23
Quintasanyofel: t3h mumble meeting was today?22:26
Quintasanare there any notes from that or can you sum it up?22:26
yofelI can send you my recording unless Darkwing put his up already22:26
Quintasanwould be nice22:26
yofelQuintasan: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-2013-03-1522:27
yofelscott's part is already done22:27
Quintasanno thanks Harald22:27
yofelwhy not? :D22:27
QuintasanI think KDE suits would be better22:28
Quintasanwe want to look professional22:28
yofelyeah right, let us men in black storm akademy \o/22:29
Quintasanso not much but important stuff22:30
ScottKRiddell: We weren't using them at all before.  I changed the build option for the Qt only build to include them.22:31
QuintasanWho is going to be Akademy?22:31
ScottKPreviously we were relying on the idea that hicolor had enough icons if someone didn't have Oxygen icons installed.22:31
ScottKIt doesn't.22:31
ScottKRiddell: Sput and I discussed the way to fix it after a non-Kubuntu Ubuntu user showed up on #quassel with a serious lack of icons.22:32
yofelQuintasan: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/misc/Mumble-2013-03-15-15-08-34-yofel-vz.dyndns.org-Mixdown.mp322:33
shadeslayeryofel: does the LXC backend give you any updates when it's doing the actual upgrade?22:43
yofelshadeslayer: not while fetching packages, but you see dpkg while it's updating22:44
shadeslayerI see22:45
shadeslayerso that's fine then22:45
shadeslayerI just have to wait for it to download everything22:45
yofelhm... the tmpfs unmount went wrong o.O22:47
yofelnow I'm stuck with 6GiB of swap used...22:47
* yofel reboots22:51
DarkwingWell, that was a fun day.22:56
valorieI'll start a place on the etherpad for Akademy attendence23:00
DarkwingSorry we missed you Valorie23:01
valorieyes, that sucked23:01
valorieI couldn't sleep, either23:02
valoriegot up and tried installing mumble to my old laptop23:02
valoriebut was too muzzy to get it working23:02
valorieplus my dropbox daemon stopped working23:02
valorieso I couldn't easily transfer settings23:03
valorieby the time I remembered "thumbdrive!" I was just tooo tired23:03
valoriegoing to listen to the mp3 now23:03
valorieadd yourself if you are attending Akademy: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-2013-03-15 at the bottom23:06
shadeslayer"A new version of Kubuntu is available"23:12
shadeslayerI'm on Raring23:12
yofelignore that, that's the release upgrader dreaming about a future full of monthly releases23:14
valorieI'm going to use my old laptop and netbook to test with23:15
valoriethis one is broken enough (gRRRRRmumbleGrrrr)23:15
Darkwingyofel: I created a cert, now, the mumble server isnlt letting me in.23:17
yofelsame here, wtf23:18
Darkwing[7:18 PM] Connected.23:18
Darkwing[7:18 PM] Server connection rejected: Wrong certificate or password for existing user.23:18
=== Adityab is now known as hays_
=== hays_ is now known as Adityab
yofelDarkwing: didn't know how to fix it so I unregistered everyone23:24
shadeslayeryofel: is there a place where I can check the download progress?23:30
yofelI don't know23:31
shadeslayerokay, any ideas what the default username password is?23:33
yofelfor what? 23:34
shadeslayerfor the lxc container23:34
ScottKWho's doing kio-mtp.  The snapshot should probably be updated?23:42
ScottKshadeslayer: That was you, wasn't it?23:42
shadeslayershadeslayer is not available at the moment, please leave a message after the beep23:42
ScottKshadeslayer: Fix kio-mtp23:43
shadeslayerfwiw kde-config-gtk also needs updating23:43
shadeslayerScottK: can you upload ktp-desktop-applets with this : http://paste.kde.org/69774223:44
shadeslayerthe packageset needs to be updated once more since ktp-desktop-applets was only added recently23:44
ScottKshadeslayer: Are you fixing kio-mtp while I'm doing this?23:44
shadeslayerScottK: yes23:44
ScottKThen I can.23:44
ScottKAlso pacakgeset update got run today.23:44
ScottKThat didn't get pulled in.23:44
shadeslayerweird, it /should/23:45
shadeslayerI uploaded it at 6.15 UTC23:45
ScottKshadeslayer: Mine's done.  How about yours?23:46
shadeslayeronly getting started23:47
ScottK21:22 UTC.23:47
shadeslayerScottK: should I just go ahead and upload this?23:55
shadeslayerI can't really test with my phone because it's unsupported23:56
shadeslayeronly supported in git23:56

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