
ScottKshadeslayer: We want the latest git, don't we?00:00
ScottKSo I'm confused.00:00
shadeslayerhmm, true enough00:00
shadeslayerfrom what I read on the ML, all kio-mtp bugs are now fixed00:01
shadeslayerScottK: uploaded00:02
ScottKYep.  THat's why I suggested updating.00:02
valoriesince I got updates a few days ago, the screenlocker no longer works01:14
valorielove the screenlocker; where to file the bug?01:15
* valorie is in the midst of listening to the meeting02:18
valorieso far, great!02:18
valorie\o/ for shirts02:20
valorieboo for no fezzes02:20
valorieI loved it02:43
valoriesure hope I can get mumble working before the next one 02:44
valorieI think the mp3 link should be on the etherpad02:44
valorieand/or wiki page02:44
testHi there, I just updated Kubuntu Quantal to Raring and after user login XServer immediately crashes - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5618592/  any idea?07:32
testhi valorie07:44
valoriehi test07:44
testwell, starting over with precise install07:44
valoriesorry, not a developer so I don't know, but I'm planning to upgrade at least one if not two computers to test the upgrade07:45
testsince there's no alternate installer for quantal or raring07:45
testand encryption doesn't work customized 07:45
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lordievaderGood morning08:46
Mamaroktest: make sure you have kde-workspace-randr09:03
testMamarok: yes, have it09:03
Mamaroklikely a packaging error, but I thought that was fixed. How did you upgrade?09:03
testdo-release-upgrade -d09:03
Mamarokright, but you must have some missing package somewhere09:04
Mamaroktry to look for other missing packages in kde-workspace09:05
testwell, wiped it and did another install from 12.04 since there's no alternate installer anymore09:05
Mamarokwhy 12.04? That is old, you should at least have 1.10 by now09:06
testno alternate installer since 12.1009:06
Mamarokwhy do you need the alternate installer?09:07
testfor manually setting the encrypted partitions09:07
testthe desktop install can neither activated existing encrypted partitions and even creating new ones makes it fail09:08
Mamarokencrypted how?09:08
testwhat do you mean how?09:09
yofelencrypted LVM09:09
testno lvm09:09
yofelubiquity's manual partitioner can't do that yet09:09
testI don't like lvm09:09
test(1) start installer09:10
test(2) select to manually partition the disk09:10
test(3) create a partition09:10
test(4) select it to be encrypted09:10
test--> error regarding encryption keys$09:10
testalso when you have ssd, you want to adjust the cryptsetup payload from default09:10
testso you could ctrl-alt-f209:10
testand issue:  cryptsetup luksFormat --align-payload=8192 /dev/sda209:11
testonce done, you go back to installer and just activate that partition09:11
testthat's not possible in the gui installer either09:11
Mamarokhm, that is unfortunate09:13
testso what I did now is09:13
testinstall from alternate 12.0409:13
Mamarokthen upgrade09:13
testalter lts to normal in the /etc/update-manager/release-something-file09:13
testdo-release-upgrade -d09:13
testdo it a second time to update to raring09:13
testand then run tasksel to install kubuntu-dekstop09:14
testthat seems now to work09:14
testbefore I did install kubuntu-desktop upon installtion.... but now I just did basic ubuntu install with openssh-server and no desktop09:14
testmakes the do-release-upgrade faster09:14
yofelwouldn't it have been easier to install ubuntu-server 13.04?09:15
yofelthat just doesn't ship a DE09:15
testdidn't have an ISO by hand09:15
yofelah ok09:15
testbut its a good idea09:15
testalthough kernel needs then to be changed to -generic09:15
yofelthat is generic these days - unless they changed it again09:16
testdidn't server have a seperate kernel?09:16
yofelthere was -server once, but it was merged with -generic09:16
testre-install almost done..... previously installed apps get installed and backup data pulled from local backup server09:17
testdidn't know about the merge09:17
testhaven't used ubuuntu server for a long time.... current servers I setup I do with debian wheezy09:17
yofelI think we now only have -generic, -virtual and -lowlatency09:18
yofeland some rt variant09:18
testdebian added a while back a nice feature to remotely reboot encrypted fileservers09:18
testnot sure if ubuntu did that also09:18
testbasicaly they provide an easy way to integrate dropbear and early network start into the intiramfs and a script that does the unlocking and contiuation of boot09:20
yofelmeh, I'll need to debug the tmpfs usage in the upgrade tester09:35
yofelfor some reason it's not releasing memory after cleanup()09:36
mitya57hi, can anybody please look at lp:~mitya57/kubuntu-packaging/qt-lp1094360?10:20
mitya57it should fix bug 109436010:20
ubottubug 1094360 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "qt4 apps such as vlc: QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme unless libgnome2-common is installed" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109436010:20
BluesKajHey folks12:38
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shadeslayeryofel: have you ever used kvm such that any changes to the img file are non persistent?15:32
yofelshadeslayer: no, and I wouldn't know how to do that without snapshotting15:58
yofelwth happened to grub though.15:59
yofelthe OS selection suddenly has a Debian logo, and says "Kubuntu GNU/Linux"15:59
shadeslayerWe defected16:01
shadeslayerthat's what happened16:01
yofeltotally :D16:01
shadeslayerapachelogger sekretly made the change16:01
shadeslayeryofel: my upgrade failed because tmpfs says it ran out of space16:02
shadeslayertotally not true seeing how I have so much free RAM16:02
yofeltmpfs default is RAM/216:03
yofelI have override code for that here16:03
yofellemme commit that16:03
yofelI have issues with tmpfs not freeing memory though :S16:03
yofelshadeslayer: bzr up16:05
yofelnow I'm setting it to fixed 12G16:05
shadeslayerbzr and git feel so orthogonal16:06
shadeslayerI keep doing bzr pull in bzr and git up at times16:06
yofelperfectly orthogonal16:06
shadeslayeryofel: we should get these changes merged into lp:auto-upgrade-tester :)16:08
yofelmost of them, yeah16:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: yofel: hm?16:20
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyhello everyone17:16
yofelbah, this is too weird17:17
yofelno tmpfs for me :(17:17
murthyyofel: that means swap disabled?17:17
yofelno, when I run the upgrade tester the data in tmpfs isn't destroyed after it finishes17:18
yofelbut I find no mounted tmpfs17:18
murthydaily or beta 1?17:18
yofelnow I have 7G RAM + 4G swap filled with junk17:19
murthythats bad17:19
murthyyofel: did you confirm with other testers?17:19
yofelnot yet17:20
yofelshadeslayer should try it again 17:20
yofelalso new kernel in archive17:20
* yofel reboots17:20
yofelok, next try17:22
murthynew kernel? i have to test then, updating the image17:22
yofelyeah, -1317:23
yofelwell, we won't need tmpfs for the production tests anyway. But it's really weird17:24
markeyapachelogger: hey, what's the state of that pGst backport?18:34
markeythis streaming bug is driving me nuts18:34
apacheloggerpending testing?18:34
markeyah yes, I thought that I forgot something :)18:34
apacheloggermarkey: bug 1115276 bug 1115270 bug 1115286 bug 1115277 bug 91868818:35
ubottubug 1115276 in phonon-backend-gstreamer (Ubuntu Precise) "crash when gstreamer cannot be initalized" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111527618:35
ubottubug 1115270 in phonon-backend-gstreamer (Ubuntu Precise) "desktop file validation failure" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111527018:35
ubottubug 1115286 in phonon-backend-gstreamer (Ubuntu Precise) "cannot play audio cd from drive >1" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111528618:35
ubottubug 1115277 in phonon-backend-gstreamer (Ubuntu Precise) "waitcondition timeout too long for short samples" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111527718:35
ubottubug 918688 in phonon-backend-gstreamer (Ubuntu Precise) "phonon-backend-gstreamer seems to have issues playing from http" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91868818:35
markeyhow can I get the package?18:36
markeyit's lost in backlog18:36
apacheloggersee ScottK's comment on the bugs18:36
markeyhey, just out of interest, can you point me to the commit that fixed this bug?18:38
markeystreaming I mean18:38
apacheloggersee git log I guess18:38
apacheloggershould contain the string webkit I think18:38
markeyI did. it looked like you pushed a huge bunch of commits without rebasing. or you're writing horrible commit logs in general ;)18:39
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: bug 115601918:39
ubottubug 1156019 in Ubuntu "[FFe] Konversation 1.5 (pre-release)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115601918:39
apacheloggermarkey: in pgst?18:39
apacheloggeractually doesn't matter, maintenance branches do not get merges ^^18:40
apacheloggermarkey: efdc92f2de8dc47abbc5af2de9c2bcc5e6cf020018:40
markeycheers honey18:40
markeymeh, I'll just build from source18:42
apacheloggermarkey: you'll need to use the package to verify the bugs as fixed18:42
markeywe can pretend I'm using it18:43
apacheloggerit's about QAing the package, not some git hash ^^18:43
apacheloggeryofel, shadeslayer: ddebs vs. -dbg?18:43
apacheloggersheytan: ping18:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: also am I getting this right that rekonq master is actually not building at all? Oo18:45
yofelapachelogger: for PPA?18:48
yofel-dbg would be the more space efficient solution. .ddeb the easier one18:48
* yofel preferst -dbg but is lazy18:48
apacheloggerjust wondering18:49
apacheloggerbecuse you have a card for adding autogeneration of -dbg18:49
yofelI added that before shadeslayer added the one for ddebs18:49
ScottKapachelogger: Approved.18:57
ScottKapachelogger: Did you know there's a package in the archive called hslogger?18:57
apacheloggerlol, no18:58
apachelogger!info hslogger18:58
ubottuPackage hslogger does not exist in quantal18:58
apachelogger!info hslogger raring18:58
ubottuPackage hslogger does not exist in raring18:58
apacheloggerScottK: ubottu doesn't either :P18:58
ScottKIt's a source package name.18:58
ScottK!info libghc-hslogger-prof18:58
ubottulibghc-hslogger-prof (source: hslogger): The Haskell Logging Framework, GHC profiling libraries. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.4+dfsg1-2build2 (quantal), package size 124 kB, installed size 601 kB18:58
apacheloggerhaskell ftw!18:59
blazehow i supposed to run qmake-qt5 in raring?19:59
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shadeslayerblaze: just call qmake-qt5 ?20:31
shadeslayer!find qmake-qt520:31
ubottuPackage/file qmake-qt5 does not exist in quantal20:31
blazeNo command 'qmake-qt5' found20:32
blazeit's installed20:32
shadeslayer!find qmake-qt5 raring20:33
shadeslayersilly bot20:33
ubottuFile qmake-qt5 found in qt5-qmake20:33
shadeslayerheh fun 20:33
shadeslayerblaze: did you make sure qt5-qmake is installed?20:34
shadeslayercan you run : dpkg -S qmake-qt520:36
blazehere's the output of dpkg -L http://wklej.org/hash/44e300d41b2/txt/20:36
murthyits just qmake ?20:37
shadeslayermurthy: seems so20:38
shadeslayerblaze: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake20:38
shadeslayerthat's what you want to run20:38
blazeqmake is qmake-qt420:38
shadeslayerblaze: can you check what ls -l /usr/bin/qmake-qt5 says20:39
blazels: cannot access /usr/bin/qmake-qt5: No such file or directory20:40
shadeslayerinstalled it, apparently it doesn't symlink a binary called qmake-qt520:41
murthyldd wont tell?20:41
shadeslayerwhat does ldd have to do with this 0.o20:42
shadeslayerblaze: anyway, I'm not quite sure why they don't have it, maybe worth opening a bug report?20:42
murthyshadeslayer: to know about the current qmake 20:42
shadeslayermurthy: uh, do you know what ldd does?20:43
murthyshadeslayer: shows the libraries loaded?20:43
blazeshadeslayer: here's qtchooser but it doesn't work, and yea someone already filed a bug20:43
shadeslayermurthy: so how does that help us in checking which version of qmake does /usr/bin/qmake points to?20:45
shadeslayer/usr/bin/qmake is basically just a symlink20:45
shadeslayerand you run ls -l /usr/bin/qmake to find out which qmake it points to20:45
shadeslayerfor me it's lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Mar  5 09:35 /usr/bin/qmake -> qtchooser20:45
murthyshadeslayer: i thought we would be able to find the version of qmake  if it loads any libraries with some relevant version number, it seems i am wrong, nothing regarding that is loaded20:48
shadeslayeryep, ldd is not useful at all in this situation since qtchooser will load either of the qmake's according to the settings at runtime20:49
starbuckis there any way i can find out what to do if plasma-desktop does not want to come up after an update of kubuntu 13.04 alpha to beta and instead it redirects me to lightdm?20:52
murthystarbuck: come to #ubuntu+120:59
murthyapachelogger: about the microblog applet bug, using queuedconnection crashes plasma and when using blockedqueuedconnection plasma-desktop hangs21:01
ScottKapachelogger: As lord king of multimedia, I ask you ...  should we be aiming at gstreamer0.10 or gstreamer1.0 this cycle?21:55
ScottKgstreamer0.10-qapt and kubuntu-restricted-extras both suggest we ought to do something perhaps.21:56
murthywho is lord king of multimedia ?21:59
sreichhow does one know which version of kubuntu they're using?22:04
murthysreich: can you come to  #kubuntu ?22:06
lordievadersreich: lsb_release -a22:07
murthylordievader: ty22:08
ScottKDoing networkmanagement.22:10
hanningwhat happened to oneiric on the backports?22:18
hanningaccording to some sites, i should be able to find amarok 2.5 there22:19
ScottKoneiric is pretty old.  You might consider updating.22:19
ScottKIt goes out of support next month.22:19
ScottKIf you upgrade to 12.04 (precise) it has amarok 2.5.22:20
hanningi think i spent nearly 1000hrs to modify lubuntu for my htpc-needs, upgrading (reinstalling lubuntu) would be a nightmare22:20
ScottKupgrading and reinstalling are two different things.22:21
ScottKAfter next month you'll have no more security support on oneiric, so you really will need to upgrade.22:21
hanningas far as i know one cannot update ubuntu without running into problems22:21
ScottK12.04 is supported for 5 years, so once you've done that, you won't have to again for a long time.22:22
* ScottK has systems that have been upgraded from 7.10 to 12.04 incrementally without problems.22:22
hanningwhat exactly does "supported" mean? i am specifically trying to get the latest qt, to get amarok 2.7 running22:23
ScottKIn any case, you might find it in a PPA somewhere, but the official answer is use 12.04.22:23
apacheloggerScottK: 0.10, note however that it can potentially cause problems if half the system is on gst1 and the kde part on 0.1022:23
ScottKSupported in this case mostly means gets security fixes.22:23
apacheloggeri.e. if both are loaded in the same app -> kaboom22:23
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  Thanks.22:23
ScottKBut if you want amarok 2.7 and the latest Qt, you really should run the latest release.  13.04 when it comes out next month will have amarok 2.7.22:24
hanninghm is 13.04 an LTS?22:24
ScottKLTS are every two years.22:25
hanningoh alright22:25
* ScottK needs to go. Good luck.22:25
hanningthansk scott22:25
=== murthy is now known as murthy_

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