
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
=== NekoXP is now known as Neko
=== calculu5 is now known as calculus
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* Snark wonders how doctesting works09:15
Snarkthe ptestlong target of the toplevel Makefile calls sage with the "--sagenb" option, which is described neither in -h nor in -advanced :-/09:18
omapianHi eveyone. Why is there no omap3 sgx support in recent Ubuntu?16:13
ogra_because nobody stepped up to maintin it16:15
ogra_omap3 stuff has not been maintained in years16:16
ogra_(in ubuntu that is)16:17
omapianogra_: okay. That's kind of a let down... well, thanks for answering.16:17
ogra_if someone supplies the needed bits and takes care, nobody will block indeed, patches accepted :)16:18
omapianogra_: no idea how to do that. I hope someone will find a Minute or two for that.16:21
XorA|goneaaaaaah I see why suspend on chromeboox is impossible :-(17:51
SnarkXorA|gone, s/boox/book/ -- impossible sounds like a strong word18:10
XorA|goneSnark: armsoc crashes on VT change, which makes suspend fail as it does a vt change when it restarts18:10
XorA|goneSnark: switch to fbdev and it suspends again18:11
XorA|gonenow its just a pity closing the lid wakes it up :-D18:35
=== calculu5 is now known as calculus
XorA|goneogra_: Chromebook running much better now, thanks for the help21:56
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti

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