
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
darkxstHow would we go about getting Ubuntu GNOME added to the iso-tracker?00:31
phillwdarkxst: Is it not on the daily builds?00:44
* phillw goes looks00:44
phillwdarkxst: you're right, it is not there.00:45
phillwhttp://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/daily-live/current/ has them,00:47
phillwdarkxst: I'm not too sure what the -gnome team has arranged for iso-tracker, I do recall them saying that they wanted a beta 2 out.00:48
darkxstphillw, yes but how do we get testcases listed on the iso-tracker?00:48
darkxstwe haven't arranged anything, thats why I am asking :)00:48
phillwdarkxst: the best guy to chat to would be stgraber00:49
darkxstok, thanks00:49
phillwto have it listed, balloons can help with getting test cases allocated to it once it is on the iso tracker00:49
phillwballoons: is it stgraber who needs to list it on the iso tracker?00:50
balloonsinvolving him and the release team is best00:50
phillwballoons: while you are briefly here, can you remove the "" from the start of the topic on -quality and the " from the end, the latter is causing a fail on URL :)00:52
balloonsI saw that00:52
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
* cjwatson fixes the excessive livefs build attempts on inappropriate architectures that caused a few build failure mails12:48
infinityAlright, so.  udev/systemd have been violently jammed into raring.  For better or worse.13:10
cjwatsonUbuntu GNOME builds cronned, starting at 15:32 UTC daily13:35
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti

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