
=== Lump|AFK is now known as Lumpy
studio-user032ciao a tutti!07:16
studio-user032sono appena entrato nel mondo ubuntu studio07:17
tjingboemi tried 13.04 and nvidia in different ways10:15
tjingboembut was unable to get it working10:15
tjingboemis this the place to report things like that?10:16
tjingboemi tried 13.04 and nvidia in different ways15:07
tjingboembut was unable to get it working15:07
holsteintjingboem: 13.04 is not released.. try #ubuntu+115:08
holsteintjingboem: you tried the drivers from nvidia?15:10
tjingboemyes, i found 3 different versions in Synaptic, tried them all -no luck15:14
holsteintjingboem: and the drivers *not* from the repos? the ones from nvidia?15:14
tjingboemeven tried to upgrade from 12.0415:14
tjingboemi tried the ones that i found in Synaptic after a clean install15:15
tjingboemdid not try the ones from nvidia15:16
holsteintjingboem: ok.. there are ones at nvidia you can try.. the most recent15:16
tjingboemthat is one step too difficult for me :)15:16
tjingboemin 13.04 i tried, from the repo, version 173, 304 and 31015:17
holsteintjingboem: ok.. its not released yet, so thats not a problem15:18
holsteintjingboem: that is also not ubuntustudio specific15:18
tjingboemnow i'm back to 12.0415:18
tjingboemi'd rather wait for the release of 13.04 :)15:19
holsteinif you want to run the upcoming releases, you need to hang in #ubuntu+1 and expect breakage15:19
tjingboemi understand, holstein, but i do not have the time and have to set priorities15:20
tjingboemi awaiting the Maudiophile Delta 1010LT15:21
holsteinsure, im just saying, in the future.. there is no reason to run a non-stable release unless you are into spending a lot of time with it15:21
tjingboemthat will surely need all my attention to get it to work etc.15:21
tjingboemyou're right...i was too curious15:22
tjingboemand if the nvidia drivers from the repo worked i would have stayed with 13.0415:22
holsteinthey might15:22
holsteinwho knows15:22
tjingboembut i'lll report to ubuntu+1, maybe it is good information..15:25
holsteini doubt it15:26
holsteini wouldnt bother unless you have a lot of time15:26
holsteinyou get "open a temrinal and run" and you have no 13.04 to test with15:26
tjingboemokay, holstein, i will keep my mouth shut15:26
holsteintjingboem: you can search for a bug report, and add yourself if you want15:27
Len-nbtjingboem, What are you running that needs the nvidia driver?15:28
Len-nbfor most audio work, the open driver is fine15:29
tjingboemi want 2 monitors15:30
Len-nbI have an old nvidia TNT2 and none of the nvidia drivers work for that15:30
Len-nbAre you sure the open driver doesn't do that?15:30
Len-nbI can run two monitors with the open driver15:31
tjingboemno i am not sure, but i never found that information anywhere15:31
holsteini cant.. i have to have the proprietary one, or so its seems15:31
Len-nbPlug a second monitor in and check settings manager display to see if it is listed15:31
Len-nbThey default to one on top of the other, but can be moved to side by side15:32
tjingboemi re-installed 12.04 and the nvidia drivers were installed automatically15:34
tjingboemi'll look in Synaptic - they are called the nouveau drivers, right?15:34
Len-nbThey are probably already installed15:34
tjingboemyes they are15:35
Len-nbthey are part of the kernel modules15:35
tjingboemi see15:35
* Len-nb wishes I had some newer hardware15:36
Len-nbI would like to try more stuff out15:36
tjingboemwell - i just bought a 10 year old soundcard :)15:36
Len-nbThe ice1712 based cards are good15:37
holsteinthose are nice.. good value.. i didnt get it because of the lack of phantom power, and the pci interface15:37
tjingboembecause it just works with linux15:37
holsteinyup.. good linux support15:37
tjingboemi got a good external mixer with phantom15:37
Len-nbI have a delta 6615:37
holsteinalso, no balanced ins15:37
tjingboemi just read you can set jumpers on the Delta so that accepts XLR line level15:38
holsteinif i want to use an external mixer, i have to connect unbalanced15:38
Len-nbmy spdif pre has all that15:38
holsteinthat will help though.. ^^ and i read that as well15:38
holsteinthe jumpers15:38
holsteinthat'll get you 2 channels in balanced.. and good quality, and good value15:38
Len-nbthe mackie mixer has enough preamps for the other ip.15:39
Len-nbThe D66 has balanced line ins. but really, with line levels and short cables, there is not enough difference to worry about.15:40
Len-nbfor home use it is possible to make sure electrically noisy stuff is turned off while recording.15:41
IntuitiveLeapgood day all, anyone here have experience with setting up the sound servers on Studio 12 LTS  with Integrated Audio ALC888S-VD?15:44
Len-nbIntuitiveLeap, does the that interface show up if you type arecord -l in a terminal?15:46
Len-nb(and aplay -l)15:46
tjingboemLen-nb, i'm looking at the display setting, but there is only one monitor there15:48
IntuitiveLeap**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****15:48
IntuitiveLeapcard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC888-VD Analog [ALC888-VD Analog]15:48
IntuitiveLeap  Subdevices: 1/115:48
IntuitiveLeap  Subdevice #0: subdevice #015:48
IntuitiveLeapcard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 2: ALC888-VD Analog [ALC888-VD Analog]15:48
IntuitiveLeap  Subdevices: 1/115:48
IntuitiveLeap  Subdevice #0: subdevice #015:48
IntuitiveLeapthats what i get from arecord15:48
tjingboemi guess it is because of the nvidia driver?15:48
tjingboemis there a place where i can choose for the nouveau driver?15:49
holsteini usually specify in xorg.conf15:49
Len-nbIntuitiveLeap, then it should just work pretty much.15:49
tjingboemperhaps i have to de- install the nvidia driver?15:50
IntuitiveLeapit does work, 'pretty muc', but i have this issue with my analogue microphone just going straight through to the speakers, no volume control, etc.15:50
Len-nbtjingboem, I am not sure. What holstein just said makes sense though15:50
tjingboemperhpas there is some info in the ubuntu pages...15:50
IntuitiveLeapnothing i do with jack or the alsa/pulse settings affects it! >.<15:51
Len-nbtjingboem, yes this is common to all ubuntu and there are more people doing ubuntu than studio15:51
tjingboemi will investigate....i have to wait for my Delta 1010LT and can spent my time on issues like these :)15:52
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:52
tjingboemso you keep telling me holstein - thanks!15:52
Len-nbIntuitiveLeap, there may be a monitor level that you can see from alsamixer15:52
IntuitiveLeapi dont see any monitors listed when i run alsamixer15:53
Len-nbView: F3:[Playback]15:54
IntuitiveLeapeven the main volume control for the PC doesnt impact the analogue mics volume at the speakers. the only way i can adjust the volume is at the input device (my digital mixer unit)15:54
Len-nbif you see anything listed as mic, that is a monitor level15:55
Len-nb(micboost is different)15:55
IntuitiveLeapso, 'Front Mi' is a monitor?15:55
Len-nbif it is listed on the Playback screen yes15:55
IntuitiveLeapyep, that's what im looking at15:56
Len-nbThe mics input level will be on the capture screen15:56
IntuitiveLeapi wonder why the 'Master' volume on the playback screen doesnt impact the output from Front Mic15:57
Len-nbThat would be HW dependent.15:57
IntuitiveLeapi have Master set to 0 and 400 deibels coming out my speakers!15:57
Len-nbThere are a lot of different HDA HW that are mostly the same and use the same driver, but have little differences15:58
IntuitiveLeapit seems as if there is a direct hardware connection between my analogue mics and the speaker output15:58
Len-nbThat would be atypical :)15:59
IntuitiveLeaplol yes16:00
IntuitiveLeapaside from this issue though, i like studio ubu. it's a much nicer interface than that unity16:01
Len-nbRealtek makes a lot of codecs, I would be surprised if they made one like that.16:01
IntuitiveLeapi am a noob at setting up with jack, likely i am missing a setting that will fix this seeming issue.16:02
Len-nbI don't think this is a jack issue.16:07
Len-nbyou need to get it right in alsa first.16:07
Len-nbThe alsa stuff seems to think it is the same as ALC88616:08
Len-nbanyway, getting things set in alsamixer so that mic does not go straight through is the first step.16:08
IntuitiveLeapany suggestions for changes i can make in alsamixer?16:09
Len-nbnext question is how are you getting the mic into the computer? are you using an external mixer or anything?16:09
IntuitiveLeapi have a guitar plugged into a Zoom digital mixer/effects board, plugged into my front mic on PC16:10
IntuitiveLeap(waiting for my s/pdif wires to be delivered)16:10
Len-nbOk, and it is not also plugged into your amp?16:11
IntuitiveLeapim using the mixer as an amp, basically16:11
Len-nbSecond thing, is there a line level input you can plug into?16:12
IntuitiveLeapit has built in amp modelling, etc16:12
IntuitiveLeapline in?16:12
Len-nbYour zoom will have a level that is higher than a mic in is built for.16:12
IntuitiveLeapi have tried the Line in plug also, unfortunately i only have a stereo connector and line in is mono lol16:13
IntuitiveLeapbut i had the same problem with no volume control using line in16:13
Len-nbI am guessing that you have guitar->zoom->mic in?16:13
Len-nbor do you have guitar->zoom->mixer->micin?16:14
IntuitiveLeapguitar->zoom->mic in is correct16:15
IntuitiveLeapthe zoom is an amp/mixer all in one16:15
IntuitiveLeapit has stero RCA master out jacks that i am using with a Y adapter to stereo mic in16:16
Len-nbAre you using it to amplify your output as well then?16:16
Len-nbor what is your output chain?16:17
IntuitiveLeapit is doing all the signal processing at the moment, yes16:17
Len-nbso output is computer out->zoom->speakers?16:17
IntuitiveLeapi dont have a problem with distorted sound (too high level)16:17
IntuitiveLeapthe audio output is going to my PC's speakers16:18
IntuitiveLeapwhich is what i want lol16:18
Len-nbJust making sure :)16:18
IntuitiveLeapthe problem i am having is that the only way i can control the volume is by adjusting at the mixer, not on the PC16:19
IntuitiveLeapi mute the PC and it still comes lol16:19
Len-nbmicboost should be 0... mic in the playback panel should be MM. Then in capture..your mic level may show as capture rather than mic.16:20
IntuitiveLeapon the alsamixer?16:21
IntuitiveLeapwhat do you mean MM?16:21
IntuitiveLeapnot sure how to MM it16:22
Len-nbif you move the cursor over to the mic at the bottom there is a 00 hit m and it should change to MM16:23
Len-nbmeans mute16:23
IntuitiveLeapoh, im in terminal alsamixer16:23
Len-nbI forgot there is a gui one too. I can't play with that right now though to see how it works on this machine.16:25
IntuitiveLeapok i have front mic set to MM on playback and on Capture screen i have input source set to front mic and capture set to 1816:25
IntuitiveLeapits all good, i am on terminal16:25
Len-nbok so you through level works now?16:26
IntuitiveLeapgonna test it now, gotta fire up everything again16:26
IntuitiveLeaphmm, now no sound16:30
Len-nbThat is how it should be16:32
IntuitiveLeapok , whew16:32
Len-nbThe next thing to do is open up the pulse controler16:33
IntuitiveLeapim there16:33
Len-nbif you go to input devices tab16:34
Len-nbyou should see the meter bar on the bottom show activity when you play the guitar16:35
Len-nbyou can adjust the level there too16:35
IntuitiveLeapdo i need to set it as fallback?16:35
Len-nbI don't see fallback here16:36
IntuitiveLeaphmm , dont see activity on the meter16:37
Len-nbBut the main thing is to see a level first. If you are going to use jack a lot of the pulse settings don't matter16:37
Len-nbAre the level lines blue?16:37
Len-nbcan you adjust the levels?16:37
IntuitiveLeapfront left and right are at 'Base'16:37
IntuitiveLeapyes i can adjust them16:38
IntuitiveLeapdoesnt impact the meter tho16:38
Len-nbHmm, does changing the level effect the level on the alsamixer?16:38
IntuitiveLeapone question ... on the input devices, which device is it that i want?16:39
IntuitiveLeapmonitor of analogue or built in analogue lol16:39
Len-nbWhat do you have?16:39
Len-nbAre you looking at the port or you you have more than one input section?16:40
IntuitiveLeapyes changing the built in levels moves terminal alsamix16:40
Len-nbDo you have a line that says port?16:41
IntuitiveLeapi see three input devices. HDMI (which isnt connected) monitor of built in audio, and built in audio16:41
IntuitiveLeapnothing says port16:41
Len-nbyou are at the Input devices tab?16:41
IntuitiveLeapyes in pulseaudio16:42
Len-nbshould be the built in audio16:42
IntuitiveLeapoh i see port now, its set at front mic16:42
IntuitiveLeapit was off the screen (too many windows!)16:42
Len-nbIn my case on the meter bar even with no sound plugged in I can see slight bit of blue jiggling at the very left side of the meter bar16:44
Len-nbwhen I have the level at 100%16:44
IntuitiveLeapon  mine it is all the way full , even with the input mixer powered down16:44
Len-nbat base there isn't16:44
IntuitiveLeapim at Base16:45
IntuitiveLeapeven at silence it is showing a full meter16:45
Len-nbWhat options does port give yoou?16:45
IntuitiveLeapfront mic , rear mic, line in16:46
Len-nbYou want to use line in.16:46
IntuitiveLeapwill it draw from the front mic jack?16:46
Len-nbBecause you are using an external preamp.16:47
Len-nbAlso the mic input will have 5v on it that your pre may be shorting.16:47
Len-nbThis is to power the cheap computer mics16:47
Len-nbyou line in is likely on the back. But it would be in your MB manual.16:48
IntuitiveLeapi didnt have any issues with distortion on front mic before16:48
IntuitiveLeapyea i have it connected line in now16:48
IntuitiveLeapproblem is my plug is stereo and line in jack is mono16:49
Len-nbI am using a netbook and the audio in can be switched from mic to line.16:49
IntuitiveLeapok i am connected to Line In now, and still show a full meter16:49
IntuitiveLeappreamp is no powered at all16:49
Len-nbthat is not normal, normal would be a mono mic and stereo line.16:50
Len-nbdoes it make any difference unplugged?16:50
IntuitiveLeapim using the master out jacks from the preamp16:50
IntuitiveLeapthey are stereo16:50
Len-nbYour line in should be stereo too16:51
IntuitiveLeaplets pretend it is :P16:51
Len-nbThat is HDA standard as far as I know16:51
Len-nbBut a stereo plug would still work.16:52
IntuitiveLeapat any rate, i am plugged into Line In16:52
IntuitiveLeapport shows Line In16:52
IntuitiveLeapvolume is set to 'Base' and the meter is full, pre-amp is powered off16:53
Len-nbDoes moving the level towards silence do anything?16:55
Len-nbDoes the mute button work?16:56
IntuitiveLeapit doesnt change the meter16:57
SunStarwould changing to OSS have any effect you suppose Len-nb?16:57
IntuitiveLeapbrb 1 minute, phone16:58
Len-nbI wouldn't want to go there :)16:58
Len-nbI am not sure what is being seen16:58
Len-nbmuting the signal should not be card specific as I think that part is internal to pulse.16:59
Len-nbOSS is not easy to deal with in jack either, and we want to use jack at some point17:00
IntuitiveLeapim back17:01
IntuitiveLeapi unmuted the monitor of Line In on alsamixer and i have straight thru. i remuted it17:02
IntuitiveLeapso i do have sound17:02
IntuitiveLeapjust not where i want it lol17:02
Len-nbI find it odd that the meter shows full.17:02
IntuitiveLeapyea, even when i power doen the external amp and unplug the line in jack on pc17:03
SunStarhave we tried recording a sound check to rule out meter malfunction?17:03
IntuitiveLeapshould i restart pulse u think?17:04
Len-nbYou could try that, open audacity and record17:04
Len-nbpulseaudio -k17:04
Len-nbit won't hurt anything17:04
IntuitiveLeap-k restarts it?17:05
Len-nbkills it then it auto respawns17:05
IntuitiveLeapok so, i restarted pulse, now i have meter at 0 lol17:12
IntuitiveLeapshould i maybe restart alsa too?17:12
Len-nbdoes moving the level to full give at least something?17:13
IntuitiveLeapi can see it moving in alsamixer though17:13
IntuitiveLeapthe capture moves synchronous with pulse17:13
Len-nbYa, HDA audio does.17:14
IntuitiveLeapas i adjust the pulse Line In, it also moves in alsa17:14
IntuitiveLeapbut the meter still 017:14
IntuitiveLeapwhich is weird cuz if i unmute the monitor of Line In on playback, i hear sound lol17:14
Len-nbtyr recording something17:15
Len-nbAudacity is probably easiest17:15
IntuitiveLeapyea audacity records it no problem17:16
Len-nbOk, so it looks like things work except for PA.17:16
Len-nbWhat use do you want to put this to?17:17
IntuitiveLeapyea the pulse meter must be torqued17:17
IntuitiveLeapwell, i have all the standard audio apps with Studio17:17
Len-nbThe PA meter may be looking at the wrong thing17:17
IntuitiveLeapi was thinking Ardour17:17
Len-nbOk, next step is jack.17:17
Len-nbclose audacity :)17:18
IntuitiveLeapbasically i have a bunch of tracks on this mixer that i would like to mix and master, so ardor sounds about right, dont u think?17:18
Len-nbCan you DL through USB? or do you need to transfer as audio?17:18
IntuitiveLeapi have to trasnfer as audio sadly17:18
Len-nbEither is fine17:18
IntuitiveLeapi didnt buy the SCSI interface17:19
Len-nbaudio just takes longer17:19
Len-nbqjackctl is the best way to start jack.17:19
IntuitiveLeapso ... jackctl?17:19
IntuitiveLeapyea what u said17:19
IntuitiveLeapdo i still need pulse and alsmixer open?17:20
Len-nbI would leave alsamix open, but not pavucontrol17:20
Len-nbbefore you start jack make sure it is using the right device17:21
IntuitiveLeapit says (default)17:21
Len-nbThere is a > beside that, click there17:21
IntuitiveLeapwhat is HDA ATI SB?17:22
IntuitiveLeapthat the software sound card?17:22
Len-nbHDA should be the one you want, what others do you have?17:23
IntuitiveLeapi aslo see ALC888-VD17:23
IntuitiveLeapwhich is listed on my hardware specs17:23
Len-nb you should be looking for hw:0 or hw:117:23
Len-nbnot hw:0:0 or 0,117:24
IntuitiveLeapi have hw:0 hw:0,0 and hw:117:24
Len-nbGenerally those work best17:24
IntuitiveLeaphw:0 is the ATI SB17:24
IntuitiveLeapill try that one17:24
IntuitiveLeapthat was on the interface tab, yes?17:25
Len-nbset sample rate to 48000.17:25
IntuitiveLeapdo i need to adjust input or output device?17:25
Len-nbinterface sets both input and output17:25
IntuitiveLeapthey say (default)17:25
Len-nbno just interface17:25
IntuitiveLeap48000 check17:26
Len-nbthe input and output section is for those who have a separat inout and output17:26
Len-nbProbably the latency is fine for what you are doing17:26
IntuitiveLeap42.7 msec17:27
Len-nb1024 is fine17:27
IntuitiveLeapwont that be echoey if i try to actually play guitar through the pc?17:27
Len-nbYa, you would go less for using the computer as an effects box but for recording that is fine.17:27
IntuitiveLeapwhat's a good latency for play thru?17:27
Len-nbProbably the lowset you will get is 12817:28
IntuitiveLeaphow do i determine what is my lowest?17:28
Len-nbgo lower till jack won't start :)17:29
Len-nb64 is really good17:29
IntuitiveLeapwell, i had it starting at 3217:29
IntuitiveLeapill try 6417:30
Len-nbgood. you find that at 32 you get more xruns though, but that means at 64 things should be stable17:30
Len-nbI can get as low as 16, if I tweak well enough17:31
IntuitiveLeapsays it started fine17:31
IntuitiveLeapcheck messages for xruns?17:31
IntuitiveLeapoh dear17:32
IntuitiveLeaplots of them lol17:32
Len-nbthey will show in red17:32
IntuitiveLeapso i should hit stop and adjust things till i see 0 xruns?17:32
Len-nbYa, there are some things you can do with the rest of the system to help too17:33
Len-nbMy wireless gives xruns17:33
IntuitiveLeapprolly need to install a realtime kernel lol17:33
IntuitiveLeapthis one is low latency, but i dont think 'realtime'.17:34
Len-nbif you are using studio you should already have lowlatency17:34
holsteinyou shouldnt need it.. realtime17:34
Len-nbI can do very well with lowlatency17:34
Len-nbLike I said 16 frames while running guitarix. no xruns.17:35
IntuitiveLeapso ... i switch to 32 and no xruns17:35
Len-nbold P4 computer17:35
IntuitiveLeap16, no xruns17:35
Len-nbif you look in your connections window you should see all your inputs and outputs17:36
borodinoi need some help17:36
Len-nbborodino, please explain, we can try17:36
IntuitiveLeaphiya boro17:36
borodinoi am trying to use Tor17:37
borodinofor firefox17:37
IntuitiveLeapim in your boat boro. too noobish to live17:37
Len-nbIntuitiveLeap, you should see 2 ins and 6 or 8 outs17:37
borodinomy problem is17:37
borodinoi need to configure the proxy17:38
borodinoi am using this as a guide17:38
borodinoproblem is...17:38
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl17:38
Len-nbWhat is Tor? So I have at least some idea where this is going :)17:38
holsteinborodino: i would go to #ubuntu or #xubuntu ...since that is not ubuntustudio specific17:38
IntuitiveLeapwhich are the ins?17:40
Unit193You can also pretty much do http_proxy="http://bleh:8888" firefox   and it'll work.17:41
IntuitiveLeapi only see 'readable clients' and 'writeable clients'17:42
Len-nbReadable, click on system17:42
Len-nbit should expand17:42
IntuitiveLeapoh ok, i see now17:42
Len-nbStart meterbridge17:42
IntuitiveLeapshows capture 1 and 2 going to PA jack source (front left and front right)17:43
Len-nbIt should show up in Writable17:43
IntuitiveLeapthat an app?17:43
Len-nbIt will give you two analog looking meters17:44
IntuitiveLeapok got it17:44
Len-nbclick on capture 1 and then chanel 1 on the meter in connections17:45
Len-nbconnect button on the bottom should ungrey17:45
Len-nbhitting that should pop a line across17:46
Len-nbyou can do channel 2 as well17:46
IntuitiveLeapsystem (capture_1) -> bridge-17445 (meter_1)     that sound right?17:46
IntuitiveLeapok done that17:47
IntuitiveLeapfor both captures17:47
Len-nbThe idea is that the meters should show your audio in17:47
IntuitiveLeapthey do!17:47
Len-nbplay something back on the zomm17:47
Len-nbI would disconnect the 4 or more pulse lines :)17:48
IntuitiveLeapdisconnect everything pulse?17:48
Len-nbIf you are not going to be using pulse I would disable it.17:48
Len-nbyes everything pulse17:49
IntuitiveLeapoh wow i have like 20 pulse connections17:49
Len-nbFor what you are doing you don't need it17:49
Len-nbThat is fixed in 13.04 when we get it out17:49
IntuitiveLeapthis will disable sound from things like youtube etc?17:50
Len-nbpulse now defaults to stereo17:50
Len-nbYa as long as jack is running, but as soon as jack stops pulse will send youtube direct to the device.17:50
IntuitiveLeapnow i have only 2 connections, the bridge to the sys17:51
Len-nbYou probably don't need to listen to utube while recording though17:51
IntuitiveLeaplol nope, just a point of interest17:51
IntuitiveLeapsometimes i jam along with youtube stuff, so one day ...17:52
Len-nbOk, you are all set to use ardour now.17:52
IntuitiveLeapardor should auto connect to jack?17:52
Len-nbArdour has it's own stuff for connecting to jack17:53
Len-nbyou don't need the meter bridge either as ardour has it's own metering as well17:53
IntuitiveLeapso all i use the qtjackctl connections for is to disable the pulse stuff?17:54
IntuitiveLeapguessing i wont need the bridge except for testing new connections17:54
Len-nbcould be. Though you can use it for connecting ardour stuff if you want17:54
Len-nbit is possible to set PA to not connect by default... I would have to look though as I don't remember exactly how I did it :)17:55
IntuitiveLeapto not connect in jack u mean?17:55
IntuitiveLeapyea they dont play well together it seems17:56
Len-nbIt will make the jack ports but not connect17:56
Len-nbThe pa-jack bridging is improving... but it has a bit to go yet17:56
IntuitiveLeapmaybe when i am doing this in the future i should just disable PA before i light up jack?17:56
Len-nbIf you wish to do so The best way is to disable respawning17:57
IntuitiveLeapkillall -9, right17:57
Len-nbThat way you can use pulseaudio -k to stop it17:57
IntuitiveLeapoh u mean something else17:57
Len-nbif you killal -9 that would work but it will just restart.17:58
IntuitiveLeapnasty! lol17:58
Len-nbThe config file has a respawn yes or true or something17:58
IntuitiveLeapi guess there is a manpage or something that shows how to disable respawning of a specific app17:59
Len-nbthat needs to be set off. Then the pulse mixer will restart pulse when opened17:59
Len-nb/etc/pulse/client.conf is the file. You need root access to edit18:00
IntuitiveLeapis there not a decent front end for alsamixer that could be used instead of PA?18:00
Len-nbqasmixer is nice18:01
IntuitiveLeapwill Ubuntu Studio still function without PA?18:01
Len-nbI happen to have an app specific to my sound card18:01
Len-nbYes, but the desktop sound will not work easy18:01
IntuitiveLeapfor the regular things, like watching a youtube or listening to netradio, w/e18:02
Len-nbfirefox, etc. expect pulse18:02
IntuitiveLeapso prolly best to keep pulse and figure out a simple way to make it turn on and off and stay that way18:02
Len-nbedit the file  /etc/pulse/client.conf look for autospawn18:03
IntuitiveLeapyou're a great tech assistant for this btw. i was getting near to blowing up my pc lol18:03
Len-nbremove the ; at the front of that line and change the yes to no18:04
Len-nbit is hard to know what the other person sees at there end :)18:04
Len-nbBefore anything you do in this file will have effect you may have to logout/in, but pulseaudio -k may work as well18:05
IntuitiveLeapcool thank you, gonna try that now18:06
IntuitiveLeapwhat does the ';' in the pulse config file do? is it a commented out line?18:10
IntuitiveLeapoh nevermind i see it is lol18:10
Len-nbin unix ; and # are the comment characters18:14
IntuitiveLeapjust been always used to seeing just # for commenting18:15
IntuitiveLeapevery day, something slightly new :P18:15
Len-nbSo pulseaudio -k to kill probably pactl stat will restart it18:16
Len-nbor just open pavucontrol18:16
Len-nbAnything that uses dbus to talk to pulse18:17
IntuitiveLeapdo u find patchage helpful?18:18
Len-nbIt can be it is sort of a nicer layout than the qjackctl connect screen18:19
Len-nbIt also allows setting latency on the fly18:20
IntuitiveLeapbut is showing the same information, right? they are interchangeable, aside from the layout?18:20
Len-nbI have had it crash on me though18:20
Len-nbYa same info, it is not needed18:20
Len-nbjust a personal choice18:20
Len-nb44.1k and 48k... just so you know. Lots of people recommend 44.1k, but your sound card will work best with 48k.18:22
IntuitiveLeap44.1 would give you more leeway on the xruns wouldn't it?18:22
Len-nb48k it the HDA standard, it will work ok but 48k will sound better18:23
Len-nbthe difference in xruns is not going to be noticable18:23
Len-nbThe HDA bus is 48k anyway.18:24
Len-nbgoin higher than 48K will get you nothing, unless you are doing live sound where it can get lower latency... not better quality18:25
Len-nbfeel free to try both. You will probably not hear any difference :)18:28
IntuitiveLeapdo you use patchbay in qtjackctl?18:28
Len-nbIt is already open so why not?18:29
IntuitiveLeapis it like saved profiles for the connections?18:29
Len-nbit uses jack session18:29
Len-nbIt is good for systems using odd outputs and inputs by default.18:30
Len-nbmost apps expect 1 and 2 to be left and right. My spdif preamp ends up as 9 and 1018:31
IntuitiveLeapmight be good too if you are moving your sound hardware (guitar , preamp etc) to someone elses house to hook up.18:31
Len-nbor if you use guitarix or rackarak for on stage18:31
Len-nbOr any live use... I only pointed out guitar use because I know you do that at least. but for softsynths too18:33
Len-nbYou can save more than one profile of course18:33
Len-nbArdour will be your next thing... I'm not going to try and help there. I don't have it on this machine.18:34
Len-nbthere is a good tutorial on the ardour site though18:35
IntuitiveLeapi have been messing with it (using the manual at the ardor site) i feel much more confident about it than i did all this PA / jack mess18:36
Len-nbIf you have done tracking before it is easy enough.18:38
IntuitiveLeapyea, it not so different from using the hardware mixer i have.18:40
IntuitiveLeaphas a lot more capabilities though18:40
IntuitiveLeapmy mixer is ... 2nd generation Zoom lol18:41
Len-nbThe hardest part might be lining the tracks up once they are transferred18:41
IntuitiveLeapits an MRS-1044 if that helps18:41
Len-nbYou will have to do that by ear probably18:41
Len-nbI don't know the zoom models at all.18:41
IntuitiveLeapabout 10 years old now i guess18:41
IntuitiveLeapbut it has an awesome pre amp ability18:42
Len-nbJust about any preamp is way beyond what comes with a computer18:42
IntuitiveLeapmakes my guitar actually sound 'good' lol18:42
Len-nbThe average computer mic per is made for skype18:43
IntuitiveLeapi have another hardware question18:43
IntuitiveLeapthe zoom unit has s/pdif optical out18:43
IntuitiveLeapand my PC has a coax s/pdif jack18:43
IntuitiveLeapwhich i dont even know if it is in or out lol18:44
IntuitiveLeaphow can i verify this?18:44
Len-nbI have the oposite problem.18:44
Len-nbThe HDA standard has a spdif out18:44
IntuitiveLeapcan i use alsamixer to verify if the pc's jack is inbound or outbound (or both)?18:44
Len-nbspdif in is not common18:44
Len-nbCan't be both18:45
Len-nbIf you don't have two, it will be out.18:45
IntuitiveLeapso i will need a new sound card if i want to use the digital connection on my mixer, huh18:45
IntuitiveLeapis there such a thing as an external sound card that would go thru USB or something?18:46
Len-nbYes lots of them.18:46
IntuitiveLeapok cool18:46
IntuitiveLeapmy boat isnt sunk18:46
Len-nbHow much do you wish to spend...18:46
IntuitiveLeaplol isnt that always the ?18:47
Len-nbthey go from les than $20 to $1k or more18:47
IntuitiveLeapis USB a good type of connection to consider?18:47
Len-nbThere is great 8i/o unit for about $500.18:47
Len-nbthere is a nice one for $100 or so with 2 i/o18:48
IntuitiveLeapso that would be ... stereo duplex?18:48
Len-nbUSB is a bit tricky to set up18:48
IntuitiveLeapwhat type of connection would be better than USB for a common desktop pc?18:49
Len-nbFor USB Audio IF you need to find a USB port that is not used for anything else and has a no other IRQs it is sharing with.18:49
IntuitiveLeapthrough the router on ethernet?18:49
Len-nbether net audio interfaces are pricey18:50
Len-nbAnd there are no linux drivers for them at this time.18:51
IntuitiveLeapso, best option is really an internal sound card u think?18:51
Len-nbthe ice1712 devices for pci are very good. (what I use by the way)18:51
Len-nbAnd the PCIe devices are starting to show up now. I don't know what the state of linux compatibility is18:52
Len-nbFire wire devices are good, just be sure to get a FW interface that works well with Linux. holstein uses a FW IF and is happy with it.18:53
Len-nbWhen I say FW IF, I mean the FW adaptor it self18:55
Len-nb, not the firewire sound box.18:55
IntuitiveLeapi dont have firewire on this pc18:55
IntuitiveLeaphad it on my last pc and i dont think i ever jacked into it even once lol18:56
Len-nbPersonally, I take my computer to the music store and try out different things18:56
IntuitiveLeapmines a desktop, so prolly not gonna happen18:56
Len-nbmine is disabled too18:56
Len-nbSome places have rentals18:57
IntuitiveLeapit was funny, me getting this pc18:57
Len-nbThere are PCI(e) FW cards18:57
Len-nbThe ALSA sound card matrix is a good place to start18:58
IntuitiveLeapi had bought a nice new PC about 2 years ago, which basically never worked at all. it crashed at the drop of a hat and the service dept had no clue why18:58
IntuitiveLeapso they set me up with a different new one18:58
IntuitiveLeapand i immediately slapped linux on it18:58
IntuitiveLeapit was made for windows originally of course18:59
Len-nbWin is the os it comes with that is just so it has something on it, I throw it out as soon as I get home too.18:59
IntuitiveLeapso i sometimes run into some weird hardware issues, like this pulseaudio thing18:59
Len-nbAt least it plays back ok19:00
IntuitiveLeapoh we have it working well now19:00
Len-nbAnd, the alsa part works19:00
IntuitiveLeapjust without PA19:00
IntuitiveLeapim not very linux savvy as of yet19:00
Len-nbit sounds to me the pa output part works. That is the more important part19:00
IntuitiveLeapi tried archlinux19:00
Len-nbUbuntu is easy.19:01
IntuitiveLeapso i got a little experience on terminals using that os19:01
Len-nbI used to use Slackware19:01
IntuitiveLeapi actually rlly like arch, its just a bit beyond my skill lvl for audio set up etc19:01
Len-nbI started back before Slackware 1.0 in the mid 90s19:01
IntuitiveLeapactually i rlly like this studo ubuntu also19:02
Len-nbTerminal mode was standard.19:02
IntuitiveLeapi took a computer class in grade 9 way back when19:02
IntuitiveLeapwith punch card data entry19:03
IntuitiveLeapso :P19:03
IntuitiveLeapbut then i never took another one19:03
IntuitiveLeapso :p @ me19:03
Len-nbI learned on paper tape in the 70s on a pdp819:03
IntuitiveLeaprealistically i have only been using linux for about a year and a half19:04
IntuitiveLeapi just got fed up with paying for virus scan software and being bombarded with advertising19:04
IntuitiveLeapand now i get to learn some terminal, aint it great!19:04
Len-nbThere are some blind people who do recording on linux all terminal19:05
Len-nbthey use nama as a daw19:05
Len-nbhttp://juliencoder.de/nama/music.html check out some of these19:11
Len-nbhome page: http://freeshell.de/~bolangi/cgi1/nama.cgi/00home.html19:11
IntuitiveLeapNorth American Mycological Association, a learned society devoted to mushrooms and other fungi19:11
IntuitiveLeapwow, that is a gory interface19:16
Len-nbAnyway, nice chatting, however I should get some things done around here.19:16
Len-nbthink about if you are blind19:16
IntuitiveLeapcopy that, thanks again for your help19:16
IntuitiveLeapi guess they can use terminal with braile19:16
IntuitiveLeapand never have to look at it lol19:16
airlynxI have a question about recordmydesktop packaged in Ubuntu Studio 13.04, should I ask the question here or in #ubuntu+1?23:34
airlynxI'm going to ask anyways cause I've had the same problem with 12.04 and 12.10, I can never get recordmydesktop to work with JACK (exits with status 2816, improper window specification) but I noticed today that the settings window mentions that it must be compiled with Jack support, so I was just wondering if it was or not (is it worth my time to compile it myself?)23:38
zequenceairlynx: Interesting. I don't think anyone has been testing it, so if there's a problem with the jack support but that could be worked out with repackaging, that is something we should look at23:40
zequenceairlynx: If you are able to solve it by rebuilding, please let me know23:41
airlynxzequence: there is a bug filed on recordmydesktop about my exact issue, but zero response to the bg23:41
ubuntu-studioanybody know anything about the ardour 3 release date?23:42
zequenceairlynx: I guess this one bug #62118823:42
ubottubug 621188 in recordmydesktop (Ubuntu) "recordMyDesktop error: Window size specification out of bounds!" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62118823:43
zequenceubuntu-studio: It's released now, but 13.04 is so late in development, that it won't be included23:43
zequenceIt was released about a week ago, or so23:44
ubuntu-studioi guess I can download the source a take a stab at it.Thanks!23:44
airlynxzequence: that's the same bug, but I had a different bug report, hadn't been marked duplicate yet, but yes.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/gtk-recordmydesktop/+bug/103740223:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1037402 in gtk-recordmydesktop (Ubuntu) "JACK audio source: "Improper window specification" (exit status 2816)" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:45
zequenceairlynx: Thanks. I'll have a look at this tomorrow.23:46
airlynxzequence: I'd appreciate it, I'll try to recompile recordmydesktop, but my experience with compiling is limited at best23:46
airlynxzequence: while reading the bug report I noticed that autostatic published a patched version of recordmydesktop on his ppa, however it doesn't support raring23:58

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