
=== knoppies is now known as kato
=== kato is now known as Kato
=== Kato is now known as knoppies
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salepetronijeI have a system upgrade from 12.04, through 12.10, to 13.04. On xubuntu xfce session notifications not working, displays notifications from the ubuntu session. I have multiple sessions. Is this a bug, conflict, or a custom setting on xubuntu 13.04?11:31
abderraoufhi all12:16
abderraoufhow i canchange xfce4-xkb-plugin label? for example: fr to en, and ara to ar12:18
abderraouf_how i canchange xfce4-xkb-plugin label? for example: fr to en, and ara to ar12:45
knomewhat's our opinion on synaptic?16:49
knomesince it seems to be supported, i have personally no problems putting it back16:49
knomeotoh, i don't see we *need* to do that either.16:50
Unit193I'd be more in favor of that than USC, but that's just me.  I think having something that half supports offline package installation would be a very good thing.  If we do use something else, may want to change !offline16:51
Unit193But, it is me after all.16:52
knomei don't think we're talking about a replacement.16:52
knomeunless we change the xubuntu mission statement16:52
knomewhich we most probably aren't going to do16:53
Len-nbsynaptic allows seeing deps and at least tells you the list of other packages it will install16:53
Len-nbUSC doesn't seem to do that16:53
Len-nbI don't know how much that matters to the average user though.16:54
knomeprobably not too much16:54
Unit193Synaptic seems to be a little bit of a middle ground, I would have thought it would fall under the "if you want it, install it" but I've seen several in #xubuntu that seem to think it's gone...16:59
Len-nbPersonally it is one of my "install first" apps.17:01
knomei used to use it much more, but apt-get has replaced synaptic for me in most of the cases17:02
Unit193Indeed, I have it installed, but almost never use it.17:03
knomethat's one of the reasons i'm not too eager to reseed it17:04
knomeif we're not really using it, why would others?17:04
Unit193It's a middle ground.17:09
Len-nbMy use case is different than average. I often do not know the name of the app I am looking for. most users would use USC for that, but because I am looking to see if I want to seed it, I want to know all the crap it drags in. leave it out probably makes sense.17:11
Unit193Len-nb: If I don't know the name, I search as well...  apt-cache search audio editor  (with grep too.)17:13
* Len-nb likes gui sometimes...17:14
knomemicahg, mr_pouit: can you look at getting this medium/major bugfix to R? https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=973019:09
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9730 in General "xfce4-appfinder crashes with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast" [Major,Resolved: fixed]19:10
knomeNoskcaj, hey! you seem to have the double-join problem...19:18
knome21:16 » Noskcaj [~jackson@CPE-121-217-101-43.lnse2.cht.bigpond.net.au] has joined #xubuntu-devel19:18
knome21:16 » Noskcaj [~jackson@CPE-121-217-101-43.lnse2.cht.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Changing host]19:18
knome21:16 » Noskcaj [~jackson@unaffiliated/noskcaj] has joined #xubuntu-devel19:18
knomeNoskcaj, set your nickserv password as the "server password", and you should be fine19:18
Noskcajknome, ok. 19:18
knomeless joinflood to the channels too :)19:19
skellatknome: Unit193 pinged me elsewhere about having an offline installation tool and I noted that apt-offline and apt-offline-gui are under active development while having the added bonus over Synaptic that they also update repos besides allowing for package downloads19:20
knomeskellat, we haven't got too much questions about offline installation, so i'm not sure how useful those would be for our users19:21
skellatI'm probably one of the few who needs to use it but that's due to Time Warner Cable having craptastic infrastructure locally.  Both are relatively small things to sneak in.19:22
Unit193knome: Recently there was another, but I'm not a main pusher behind this.19:22
Unit193!offline | is all but useless.19:23
ubottuis all but useless.: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD19:23
knomehow's aptoncd?19:23
skellatapt-offline and apt-offline-gui are safer and more recently maintained.  APTonCD is great for copying already downloaded package pools between machines.19:24
knomei think it might make sense to seen apt-offline and *-gui if we had some documentation for those19:24
knomeif we don't they can prove to be as useless as nothing19:24
knomefortunately writing docs isn't impossible19:25
skellatWhat sort of documents are needed in this case?19:25
knomei'd imagine a subpage on the offline documentation would be a viable option19:25
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline is pretty sparse.19:26
knomeand "apt-offline" points to http://offline.debian.net/ which gives me a 404.19:27
skellatShould be: http://apt-offline.alioth.debian.org/19:27
skellatBetween the two, Synaptic doesn't have a way to update repos from an offline state.  apt-offline does.19:31
skellatI need to document this somewhere.19:31
knomethough i don't there is a fair comparison between apt-offline/synaptic19:37
knomeessentially they are tools for different tasks19:37
abderraoufhow i can change xfce4-xkb-plugin label? for example: fr to en, and ara to ar20:08
shiki-question guys: what's this offline discussion about?20:36
shiki-guess I'm too late for the party20:37
pleia2shiki-: a tool that allows you to install packages without being online (you download them when you are online prior to installing)20:40
pleia2came up because people want an alternative to the ubuntu software center, and the tools suggested have the benefit of also supporting offline sutff20:40
knomeskellat, per our strategy document, i'll approve you to the team once you've contributed to docs20:46
knomepleia2, hullo20:47
pleia2hi knome <320:48
knomepleia2, you have time/motivation to work on [thing]?20:48
knomepleia2 <320:48
pleia2maybe tomorrow or tonight, right now getting ready to go out for some st paddy's day fun (beer!)20:49
knomeheh, ok :)20:49
knomewhat is "tonight" ?20:49
pleia2oh, it's almost 2pm now20:49
pleia2so 6 hours or so from now prolly20:49
knomeugh. that doesn't work :D20:49
pleia2I'm around for a few minutes now20:50
knomedid you have a quick update re: case badges ?20:50
knome+ where do we want to work on the flyer text?20:50
knomei'm not sure if i should switch to scribus at this point.20:51
knomethat would allow much much easier text flowing20:51
knomeand consistent styles20:51
* knome sighs at ubuntu doc team irc presence20:58
pleia2oh yes, case badges, can you send me a .svg of the image (or tell me the filename if you did and I lost it)20:59
pleia2I am sure it's around somewhere...20:59
pleia2and what font did we use? ubuntu?20:59
knomewhat's their response?20:59
knomeyeah, it's the ubuntu font. i can convert to paths20:59
pleia2I'm going to work with them to try and re-create it all vectorized, they wanted an illustrator vector image :(20:59
knome(i can't remember if i did or not)20:59
knomelet's say so:20:59
knomei can do it...21:00
knomebut that's not viable for our uesrs21:00
knomes/do it/get it done/21:00
pleia2yeah, we can provide both formats to users I think though?21:00
knomenot sure.21:01
knomeprobably depends on what "traces" illustrator leaves in the file21:01
knomethe other option is to switch vendor.21:01
* pleia2 nods21:01
pleia2not that I know of any who work with svg :\21:02
knomewould they accept pdf?21:02
pleia2they want vector, non-vector is what caused pixel problems21:02
pleia2pdf is non-vector21:02
knomeat least text is non-vector..21:03
knomenot sure about pure graphics21:03
knomebut the point is, they failed with the font21:03
knomenot the outline21:03
knomei'd need to check that, but i don't know where my badges are21:03
knomei'm remembering it all wrong21:04
pleia2it was all pixelated :)21:04
knomethere *was* no outline... :)21:04
pleia2they have no problem doing the font though, I'll send them the link to the ubuntu font21:04
knomethat doesn't fix it though21:04
pleia2well, it doesn't fix the image :)21:05
knomethat's what i was thinking about21:05
pleia2that might work21:05
knomebecause i can't be that lousy in my job21:05
knomethe problem is that if their first reply is "give us an illustrator file" they might not be the nicest people to work with debugging possible problems with pdf21:06
pleia2I think we can send an .svg over too ;) if they want to fiddle with inkscape (which is cross platform!)21:06
pleia2they've been responsive, it was a phone call that got me this info21:06
pleia2and seemed wiling to work when I said we didn't use illustrator21:06
knomethe problem most probably isn't that they didn't know inkscape or svg21:06
pleia2aaannd they'll do a mock-up, so i don't need to spend $100 and learn they aren't so great again21:06
knometheir printer probably just doesn't support the svg-workflow21:08
knome(and i imagine it doesn't)21:08
pleia2they were willing to fiddle with files to probably make an illustrator file to feed their machine21:08
knomecan you link me to their website or sth if the had some technical specs (PM works if you don't want in channel)21:09
knomethe weird thing is that printers usually support pdf, as long as it's correctly exported21:09
knomeor they support it even if it isn't but then they don't guarantee expected results21:10
knome(and as i've said before, they usually want "fonts as paths", eg. no attached fonts)21:10
pleia2it's all really done by email and phone, not so much clicky on website for things21:11
shiki-(back to the offline thing: Back in the days (years ago) I had to download tons of dependencies and stuff just to get a basic package working. So the idea sure is great, but nowadays even my microwave comes with 3G ... so I'm not sure if it's worth the effort, if it requires extra work.)21:11
knomepleia2, yeah, i hate companies who won't tell their tech specs in advance21:11
knomepleia2, i skip those when working commercially if i can21:11
pleia2well they've been very helpful, and aside from pixel issue the stickers are really great21:12
pleia2they stay stuck, don't peel or fade21:12
knomeshiki-, internet connectivity isn't always that great21:12
knomeshiki-, even if your device had 3G :)21:12
shiki-well I always gone Windows every time I had to work with such limited connectivity places.... :/ It was just... more simple and easier.21:12
knomeshiki-, this isn't about hardware support :)21:13
shiki-yeah I know. Place A got connection, and you want to install B where there is no connection.21:13
shiki-You can grab all the deps and the main package on A and get them to B ...and install them. (I guess?)21:13
knomeshiki-, yes, that's what you need a tool for21:14
knomeyou can do it manually but that's not what average users will do21:15
knomeunless they really need to, and then it's usually getting some network thing working, and they only need to repeat it for a small amount of packages21:15
knomepleia2, what was our badge size again?21:18
pleia2ah look at that, i do have the svg21:19
knomelol, yeah21:19
pleia2I don't know exact, I could measure one ;)21:19
knomei might have an idea why they suck.21:19
knomethe "default" size for the svg is 60x7121:20
knomewhich is *small*21:20
pleia2they ended up using a png version of it21:20
pleia2which was huuge21:20
pleia2so they shrunk it, and..chaos21:20
pleia2it went "here are the svgs" "do you have a jpg?" "jpg sucks, here's a png"21:20
knomeseriously, they should've done a test :/21:20
pleia2yeah, they will this time21:21
knomejpg might've worked better though...21:21
pleia2yeah, perhaps21:21
knome17×20 would be 0,91$ per badge if you order 5021:22
pleia2after all the pain we went through getting good ubuntu badges several years ago (first ones rubbed off, next ones had a coating that didn't rub off, but would peel off) I'm not thrilled about the idea of starting from scratch21:23
pleia2we know these stickers are good, just need to work on the design :)21:24
knomenot the design...21:24
pleia2well right, the execution of the design21:24
knomecareful there.21:26
Unit193Site seems to be lacking.21:28
skellatknome: Understood about the Docs bit.  Merge proposal made and pending.  Reviewer requested was pleia2.21:28
pleia2skellat: saw and thank you, I'll try to get to it this weekend (quick glance looks good, I need to learn more about docs)21:29
knomeskellat, we should get the raring branch up asap (i've asked about it a few times, that's the reason for my frustration for ubuntu doc team presence)21:29
knomeskellat, but once that's done, i can review too21:30
knomepleia2, just tell me what you need to learn and i can try to teach.21:30
pleia2heh, jbicha has a massive From: pleia2 email in his inbox21:30
skellatknome: That's why, if this works like my PPA does, the bump I did to the debian control file in the merge *may* take care of it21:31
knomepleia2, want to add that raring branch thingy to it? :P21:31
knomeskellat, aha.. :)21:31
pleia2knome: my email was a larger "at the CC meeting you said desktop docs were critically endangered, teach me all the things, incl flavors details, so we can find people to care for things"21:31
knomepleia2, :)21:32
pleia2so my hope is that by getting an overview of all this, I'll also start understanding how *we* do our things too ;)21:32
knomei'm on top on how we're doing thing *right now*21:33
pleia2and hopefully get one of us added to ubuntu-doc so we can push this stuff along, waiting for jbicha to approve a branch is not scalable :)21:33
knomethe ubuntu doc team proposed some changes...21:33
knomethat might take a while21:33
pleia2but I have to start somewhere :)21:33
pleia2I've been trying for years21:34
skellatUbuntu & Flavors: It Isn't A One Man Band21:36
pleia2ok, time for me to go out now21:37
skellatpleia2: Have fun21:37
knomepleia2, see you :)21:38
skellatknome: I gotta get back to the kitchen to tend to my baking for dinner.  I tacked you on as an additional reviewer to the merge proposal.21:38
* skellat disappears to undertake culinary actions21:38
knomeskellat, thanks, i'll look at it asp21:38
knomeskellat, bon appetit :)21:38
Unit193knome: We're going for en_GB with the docs?21:47
knomeUnit193, hmm?21:49
Unit193As far as spelling, there's always the American way, and the $everyone_else way. :P21:50
* knome lol's at pstoedit's ai conversion of the badge21:50
knomeUnit193, if the standard for the source (lang) is en_US, we should do that then.21:51
Unit193Hrm, should I bother chaning a couple from GB to US?  I could also s/leafpad/mousepad/21:53
knomeUnit193, sure.21:53
knomepleia2, i believe this is the best .ai export i can get with purely open source software, and i already feel the same as i was cheating death: http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/marketing_casebadge/freesoftware_aiexp.png22:19
knomepleia2, i'll need to check with a colleague how that looks in actual illustrator, and if it appears in vector anyway22:21
Unit193knome: If you don't mind taking a look?  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unit193/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/revision/17  Also had the patch http://pastebin.com/Jhsu1NLT but reverted first as this is a language clean-up.22:38
knomeawgh, LP diff fail22:39
Unit193Some of the modifications may change depending on where you're from, I also consulted aspell. :P22:40
knomelol, i see i've been working on the docs22:40
knomelots of missing c-letters22:41
knomei should really switch to the new kb waiting in the closet, shouldn't i?22:41
Unit193And hange your password often!22:41
knomethe diff looks fine22:44
knomei'll try to get the raring branch issue sorted first, then see what we need to do with this22:44
Unit193`cat /etc/resolv.conf` doesn't help you on a default install, don't know what config file does.  There is a dnsmasq config file, but it's empty for me.22:44
Unit193https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+source/xubuntu-docs that's a little different, I'm sure.22:44
knomei think that's just the ubuntu package22:45
knomewe'd like to work on the "upstream" project though.22:45
knomei think.22:45
Unit193https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/xubuntu-docs Something that'd be listed here.22:46
knomeheh, hmm, that isn't current either22:46
knomei was thinking https://code.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs/22:46
knomeactually no, they are similar22:47
knomeyour link just doesn't show the series'22:47
knomeinstalling ubuntu natty22:50
Unit193Actually, my second diff should also say "If there is no DNS entries listed..." rather than "nameserver" (which should be nameservers)22:50
knomedon't ask why.22:50
Unit193I sure won't...22:50
Unit193Went EOL already.22:51
knomere: dns stuff, i don't know22:53
knomeif that doesn't seem to be appropriate or useful, we should remove that section22:53
knomehmm, i selected i don't want to install updates when installing, because the installer told me i have no network22:54
knomeit's downloading language packs though22:54
knomewill it download the jonoface-app for unity as well?22:55
Unit193nm-tool lists DNS.23:01
knomeupdates on natty done23:20
mr_pouitknome: done, although this is major only because apport pops up unnecessarily (we don't care when xfce4-appfinder crashes on logout, no data is lost)23:21
knomemr_pouit, right, thanks anyway23:21
mr_pouitI also fixed xubuntu-default-settings with s/leafpad/mousepad/ in some files :P23:22
mr_pouitsuper+e (default shortcut) was still launching leafpad (not installed)23:23
mr_pouitmaybe it's worth adding a test case, or similar?23:23
knomethat's a lot of work23:24
knomeif it works for people before b2, it's fine.23:24
mr_pouitochosi: updated xubuntu-artwork with your latest bugfixes, thanks.23:25
knomemr_pouit, i'll send you a wallpaper before UIF23:26
knomemr_pouit, can you fix the filenames this time?23:26
Unit193(updated: http://pastebin.com/zXRJ4Bk3 )23:27
mr_pouitI could fix it, we'll see :P (that'll require another upload of xubuntu-default-settings)23:27
mr_pouitknome: ^23:27
knomemr_pouit, yup, you could ;)23:28

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