
=== Lump|AFK is now known as Lumpy
agronholmhi, does anyone know how to get the network connection menu in the xfce panel to work? the popup appears when I press the arrow-up,arrow-down icon, but none of the menu items do anything00:18
xubuntu682Should I install anti-virus software to xubuntu?07:53
laitexubuntu682: there is generally no need for anti-virus programs in linux07:55
laiteviruses (at least) haven't been so much a problem on linux than on windows07:57
xubuntu682There's a lot of people that say:"You don't need to use anti-virus programs in linux." But nobady can explain why07:57
laiteyou can check some links by simple googling, it seems that malware in general is rising also on linux side :(07:57
laitexubuntu682: If you're interested, wikipedia seems to have quite a good topic on this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware07:58
Myrttirootkits and facebook junk is more of a problem08:04
Myrttijust don't click everything in Facebook and run rkhunter or similar once in a while08:05
Myrttiand keep.your system up to date08:06
Myrttithe software, that is08:06
Myrttiand don't install software you don't need08:06
Myrttiespecially java08:07
louigihey fellas! I am on Xubuntu 12.04. Having problems with settings - anytime I edit anything connected to Xfce, like to not display session chooser at start up and not save the session, etc., these settings are remembered but are not applied08:38
louigiand I have to enter the password every time08:38
louigiI was adviced to delete .cache/ folder which I tried doing08:38
louigibut to no effect08:38
louigiany advice?08:38
xubuntu437how can I get xubuntu to recognize my web cam09:34
baizonxubuntu437: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam09:47
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
abderraouf_how i canchange xfce4-xkb-plugin label? for example: fr to en, and ara to ar12:21
ronaldsprobably some config for that plugin12:35
ronaldsthere is always a file for a lot of things in any wm, but nowadays people don't use them so much12:38
abderraouf_how i canchange xfce4-xkb-plugin label? for example: fr to en, and ara to ar12:38
ronaldsthey just want tiles in windows 8- worst thing ever (doh)12:38
ronaldsI don't know abderraouf12:39
abderraouf_how i canchange xfce4-xkb-plugin label? for example: fr to en, and ara to ar12:53
abderraouf_how i canchange xfce4-xkb-plugin label? for example: fr to en, and ara to ar13:08
baizonabderraouf_: try at #xfce13:09
ronaldsgames sometimes opens suddenly but other vise xubuntu is great13:11
abderraouf_how i can change xfce4-xkb-plugin label? for example: fr to en, and ara to ar13:18
ronaldsI have a problem with installing matlab on xubuntu13:55
ronaldsno commands or shortcuts creates after installing it13:56
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
n2diy can someone send me a message with my nick in it? trying to get sound notification working here.15:51
holsteinn2diy: here you go.15:52
n2diyholstein, thanks, didn't work, maybe I need to restart xchat?15:53
n2diyholstein, try again?15:54
holsteinn2diy: ping15:56
baizonhi hi18:18
XrmanI founded xubuntu + docky to be glorious18:18
xubuntu509hello! i'm attempting to download xubuntu 12.10 on my older macbook. I downloaded the torrent, but when I open it, I get an error message saying "disk images failed to mount. no mountable file systems." can anyone provide me with some guidance?18:18
xubuntu509fyi i'm completely new to linux18:19
baizonxubuntu509: http://tech-devnet.blogspot.de/2012/05/running-ubuntu-1204-on-mac.html18:20
xubuntu509great! thank you!18:20
baizonxubuntu509: and this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation18:20
Xrmanmacbooks also run linux well?18:21
baizonwhy not18:21
baizonits the same hardware as a pc :)18:21
=== reverendp__ is now known as reverendp
xubuntu509is there a way to partition bootcamp for free?19:01
shiki-Hello everyone! Any core developer online?19:06
bazhangshiki-, just ask the channel19:07
shiki-Alright. There is a fix available for the xfce4-appfinder SIGSEGV crash. Nick fixed it in a few hours after I mailed him. Want the devs to take a look and create a new version if possible / test it / upload new packages.19:07
knomeshiki-, bug url?19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058814 in xfce4-appfinder (Ubuntu) "xfce4-appfinder crashed with SIGSEGV in xfce_appfinder_category_model_icon_theme_changed()" [Medium,Confirmed]19:08
shiki-the official bugtracker: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=973019:08
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9730 in General "xfce4-appfinder crashes with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast" [Major,Resolved: fixed]19:08
knomeshiki-, i've forwarded it to our developers. if you want to follow the progress, you can join our developer channel at #xubuntu-devel19:10
shiki-ty knome19:19
nikolamToday I was thinking like getting source and buiding.19:25
nikolamI get it with apt-get source evince19:25
nikolamI installed buid packages with apt-get buid-dep evince19:27
nikolamand I tried to build it right away, from unchanged source, with dpkg-buildpkg -us -uc .19:27
nikolamAnd.. It failed to compile...19:28
knomenikolam, do you have build-essential installed?19:28
nikolamand make package19:28
nikolamknome, i guess I have, but will need to go to that machine in about 10 mins to check everything again.19:29
nikolamknome, will get back with that.19:29
knomenikolam, well if you do, and you fail to build, you should look at the documentation for evince on how to build19:29
knomenikolam, the source most probably has instructions on that19:30
nikolamsure thing, knome. not all things are generic.19:30
nikolamwill get back in no time.19:30
Belialanyone using 13.04 point me in the direction of the cpu scaling applet/19:43
Beliali can't seem to find it.19:43
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for 13.0419:44
Belialalright well, let's forget i said 13.04. is there a cpu scaling applet for xubuntu?19:46
baizonBelial: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-cpufreq-plugin19:47
Belialbaizon, thank you.19:49
baizonBelial: should be available in 13.0419:50
Belialbaizon, it is. thanks again.19:51
fabiomighow to add more light to my monitor? its says its at maximum but appears to be in min20:03
fabiomigi cant change20:04
GermainZHey guys, I'm trying to set up a chroot (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot).20:29
GermainZI'm not sure if I should use the Xubuntu repo tho20:29
GermainZAs in: sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch=i386 hardy /srv/chroot/precise_i386 <xubuntu repo>20:30
GermainZIf so, can someone give me the link? Can't find it.20:30
GermainZForgot to replace that, should be precise20:31
bazhangthe repos are all the same20:31
GermainZSo I can just use http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/?20:32
bazhangwell a local mirror is probably faster, but yeah20:32
GermainZI only have a 64 bit ISO :P20:33
GermainZI'm trying to set up a 32 bit build environment20:33
GermainZAnyone set that up? I'm wondering how much it'll download, I have a slow connection.20:38
=== GermainZ_ is now known as GermainZ
john_ramboCant play video  http://pastebin.com/zW6pdAuX21:06

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