
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
__dan__having 100% repeatable kernel panic with an lsi megaraid card using megaraid_mbox driver15:11
__dan__tried with latest ubuntu precise kernel 3.5.x and latest 3.8.3 kernel from kernel.org, getting same problem15:12
__dan__also tried throwing some boot flags (pcie_aspm=off disable_msi=1) with no effect15:13
__dan__ran out of ideas :/ card is known good, working for years on win2003 server15:14
__dan__was wondering if this patch http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=5383 has made it upstream yet15:14
__dan__or sidestream or whatever15:14
Jef91So I'm trying to compile the 3.8 kernel sources from raring on Precise, it compiles fine on 64bit Precise, but on 32bit precise I get this compile error related to turbostat -> http://paste.debian.net/242346/ any ideas/suggestions?19:59

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