
=== juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones
=== juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away
=== juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones
Akiva-MobileI just thought I would share this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-shopping/+bug/115610001:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1156100 in unity-lens-shopping (Ubuntu) "Bare Bottom Midgets in Unity Dash" [Undecided,New]01:04
Akiva-Mobilelong story short, type gnome into the dash, and get greeted with this: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41mS5Op6GfL.jpg01:06
LordShadowWinghello everyone01:11
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, whats wrong with that?01:14
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Some people are more modest than others.01:14
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, so?01:15
tgm4883that is hardly NSFW01:15
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: don't peddle your dope to me.01:15
tgm4883and not adult material01:15
Akiva-Mobilein your opinion. Values are subjective.01:15
Akiva-Mobileand that is too much for myself.01:15
Akiva-Mobileand my grandma who runs ubuntu as well :P01:16
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, I don't smoke, can we also ban smoking pipes from showing up in results?01:16
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Yes, i would like to.01:16
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, IMHO, it's that type of attitude that is wrong with the world01:16
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: There is porn in unitdy dash as well.01:16
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, but we aren't talking about porn, are we01:17
tgm4883we're talking about a garden gnome01:17
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: But that is the issue. I get "Non - Adult" material which I would call pornographic01:17
tgm4883Honestly, the worst thing about that is the title of the bug you posted01:17
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, out of curiosity, where are you from?01:18
Akiva-MobileYah, true, I thought it would get a lark.01:18
tgm4883Is that something that someone could put out in their front garden in Canada?01:18
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Technically you can be topless in canada01:19
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, so I'm guessing that is a yes then01:19
Akiva-MobileBut what does that have to do with anything?01:19
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: You do realize that we have to draw the line somewhere,01:19
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, it has to do with a lot. The reason porn shouldn't be in the dash is that in some major localaties it is illegal for people under a certain age to view it01:20
Akiva-Mobileas I could make the argument that there is nothing wrong with necrophelia, or voluntary child porn, or incest, etc etc.01:20
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, I am unaware of any locality that bans those garden gnomes01:20
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: My house, we ban those.01:20
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, you could make the argument all you want, but those things are illegal in most countries01:20
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, perhaps search results should only be provided for approved, whitelisted content01:21
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: You are arguing against yourself. Drugs are mostly illegal in all countries01:21
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, such as Pepsi products and Silly putty01:22
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, and?01:22
Akiva-Mobileand yet you seemed to support the idea of crack pipes being present in dash.01:22
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, I never said that01:22
Akiva-Mobileyou said pipes01:22
tgm4883This is not a crack pipe  http://www.amazon.com/Brand-Classic-Durable-Tobacco-Smoking/dp/B0037J7ZIG%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAIQ733ZDLGFIV6PEQ%26tag%3Du1treatyrslf-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB0037J7ZIG01:23
Akiva-MobileOkay, I read a bit into your comment. I will retract it.01:23
Akiva-Mobileso what about ciggarettes?01:24
Akiva-Mobileor tobacco?01:24
tgm4883what about them?01:24
Akiva-Mobileor drug paraphenelia?01:24
Akiva-Mobileshould they show up in dash?01:24
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, as far as I know, there is nothing illegal about viewing them, so they shouldn't be banned01:24
Akiva-MobileSo its only legality you are concerned about01:25
Akiva-Mobilenot whether it will offend users?01:25
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, yes01:25
Akiva-MobileAfter all, I have seen full on nudity in my dash, but seeing as it is classified as art,01:25
Akiva-Mobileit could hardly be illegal.01:25
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: I think the principle that should be followed, that is "What is hateful to you, do not do to another" as the most effective way to present dash.01:28
ali1234all you have to do to evade dash filters is prefix query with space01:28
Akiva-MobileAssuming that it is ubuntu's goal for the shopping lens to help users, rather than to peddle dope.01:28
ali1234just sayin'01:28
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, I'm not sure what that has to do with anything01:28
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: if your dash shopping lens suddenly started trying to convert you and your children to a religious cult, would you take issue?01:29
cjaredruni would listen intently....01:30
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, "If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed."01:30
dank101one day d2att port status: Downloaded: 3001:30
ali1234Akiva-Mobile: that's why i stopped using unity01:30
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Of course, but as said, ubuntu's aim is to be helpful, assuming for the vast majority.01:30
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, "Be careful that what you write does not offend anybody or cause problems within the company. The safest approach is to remove all useful information."01:31
dank101Ubuntu is god01:31
dank101the end01:31
dank101if you disagree01:31
dank101you are wrong01:31
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Opensource software offends Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates; does that mean we shouldnt pursue it?01:31
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: A bare naked gnome is useful information?01:31
ali1234open source software does not offend bill gates01:31
ali1234he said so on reddit01:32
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dank101it doesn't01:32
ali1234so it must be true01:32
Akiva-Mobileali1234: I recalled a quote, hmmm01:32
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, you apparently believe we shouldn't because it offends Microsoft01:32
dank101he made winNT opensourced01:32
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dank101then he got flamed01:32
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, if you are searching for garden gnomes, then yes, it is useful information01:32
dank101for comparing windows to linux01:32
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Either you are a troll, or you misunderstdood this :"ubuntu's aim is to be helpful, assuming for the vast majority."01:32
Akiva-Mobilethe view of steve ballmer is not the vast majority.01:33
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, just because a majority of people think something, doesn't make them right01:33
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Let the garden gnomes you search for keep their pants on.01:33
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Where did I claim it was?01:33
ali1234i'm really confused what this argument is even about any more01:34
dank101Windows, OpenSourced, and lawn gnomes01:34
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, when you assumed that we should ban "mooning garden gnomes" in the name of pornography01:34
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883 thinks that anything goes in the unity shopping lens in so long as it is not illegal to look at it.01:34
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, because that is what the "majority" would think01:34
dank101JUST SHUT UP01:35
ali1234what's wrong with that?01:35
dank101STOP FIGHTING01:35
tgm4883dank101, we aren't fighting01:35
ali1234personally i think it should either be unfiltered or not exist at all, precisely because of arguments like this01:35
dank101could not agree more01:35
ali1234you can never decide on what gets filtered and what does not01:35
tgm4883dank101, this is called having an adult discussion about a topic. If you can't handle that, this is IRC and you are welcome to leave01:35
ali1234someone will always be like "i get offended by chairs" or something01:35
tgm4883ali1234, I disagree01:35
ali1234tgm4883: i fine with that. i don't use it anyway :)01:36
tgm4883you can decide on what gets filtered, if you have a basis for your reasoning01:36
Akiva-Mobileali1234: how about "No nudity of breasts or bottoms whatsoever."; that should suffice for 99 percent.01:36
dank101ali1234, is right the end now be quiet before i offend all of you using chairs01:36
LordShadowWingim back lol01:37
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, I disagree, a mooning garden gnome is not offensive (and I think the majority would agree with me)01:37
LordShadowWingI concur01:38
tgm4883dank101, why01:38
dank101it's annoying01:38
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Its better to remove rather than include. I don't care if 75 percent of people want dash to display kiddie porn on their shopping lens by default. At best, put a filter option when you install, and let people choose their level of promiscuity01:39
tgm4883dank101, so we shouldn't have a conversation about a bug report and decide whether it needs fixed or not because it annoys you?01:39
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, you're points would go further if you would stop using instances that are almost universally illegal in all countries01:40
ali1234since always, read the log01:40
tgm4883dank101, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-shopping/+bug/115610001:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1156100 in unity-lens-shopping (Ubuntu) "Bare Bottom Midgets in Unity Dash" [Undecided,New]01:40
* dank101 turns to a pile of goop01:40
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: and if Kiddie Porn was legal in all countries, then your answer would be to include it by default?01:41
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, as much as I wouldn't want to see it, I wouldn't say we should ban something that isn't illegal01:41
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, providing it was legal for everyone to see01:42
LordShadowWingAny new functionality in the most recent nightly01:42
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: I agree. I think we should be able to choose our levels of promiscuity, and that it should be set to safe by default.01:42
Akiva-MobilePeople would be less offended if they knew that porn was deactivated by default, rather than enabled by default.01:42
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, but it is set to safe by default01:42
ali1234does anyone have a link to said gnome?01:43
dank101it must be a amazon problem01:43
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: safe is not safe enough.01:43
dank101the end01:43
ali1234nvm i found it on bug01:43
ali1234yeah that's pretty tame01:43
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, not safe enough for you perhaps01:44
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Exactly. Including my children01:44
dank101I have a fix01:44
Akiva-MobileI don't want them picking up bad habits.01:44
dank101and since WHEN was ubuntu for kids01:45
dank101that's edubuntu's jub01:45
Akiva-Mobiledank101: .... if kids don't qualify as human beings, then I guess you have a point ;)01:45
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, honestly that sounds like bad parenting to me01:46
dank101they do01:46
dank101but they are YOUNG human beings01:46
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, but that isn't really the point of this discussion01:46
ali1234the "human beings" thing was dropped long ago01:46
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Send the social workers.01:46
Akiva-Mobileali1234: Really?01:46
ali1234"ubuntu is not aimed at you" is now default answer to any complaints01:47
dank101something i want to show you Akiva01:47
Akiva-Mobilethanks dank10101:47
dank101linux for young human beings01:48
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, so where would you like us to draw this arbitrary lines?01:48
dank101get the LTS01:48
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, should we remove pictures of guns too?01:48
dank101should we remove pictures of cars?01:48
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: I already told you; the majority 99 percent of users..01:49
tgm4883dank101, that is a good one. Cars create pollution. We should probably ban pictures of cars01:49
Akiva-Mobiledank101: Only ricers.01:49
dank101Hell should we remove the amazon lens entirely01:49
dank101we should remove pics of mario!01:49
dank101he kills people everyday!01:49
Akiva-Mobiledank101: He kills monsters. That is different.01:50
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, should we also ban wikipedia?01:50
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: who said anything about ban?01:50
dank101Remember what ubuntu means01:50
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, you did. You want to ban these things from showing up in search results in the dash01:50
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: I clearly mentioned that users should be able to choose, and the default level should be set to safe, and that the safe needs to be safer than it is currently.01:51
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, there is a wikipedia lens, and that can return results about the KKK and the holocaust01:52
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, are those safe?01:52
dank101Akiva-Mobile, focusing on everything's allegiances and relations with each other.01:52
dank101thats what ubuntu means01:52
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: No, those are adult subjects as far as I am concerned, and should be approached in the presence of an adult who can provide context.01:53
dank101so mario OBVIOUSLY should be banned01:53
Akiva-Mobiledank101: Strawmen should be banned too.01:53
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, but they would still show up in search results in the dash01:53
dank101GNOMES MOON YOU01:54
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Images is what I am most concerned with. Text is another matter that I frankly havnt thought through.01:54
ali1234how are you going to filter images though?01:54
Akiva-Mobiledank101: For example, there are many grotesque images from the holocaust.01:54
ali1234i don't wanna be the guy who has to program the filter that detects mooning gnomes01:54
Akiva-Mobileali1234: ha ha01:55
dank101ali1234, i don't think anyone does01:55
tgm4883ali1234, you would probably need to have lots of known mooning images to test with01:55
dank101and thats why parents should stick with edubuntu01:55
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, for your 99%, in the small, non-scientific poll of the 4 people in this discussion, 3 of them don't think that image is offensive01:56
tgm4883I have a feeling the more people we get in this poll, the more people think that image is fine01:56
Akiva-Mobileali1234: to me, the solution would be an efficient algorithim that compares the tags of the result to  a dictionary of prohibitted words.01:57
dank101THEN USE http://www.edubuntu.org/01:57
Akiva-Mobiledank101: that is a good suggestion.01:57
ali1234amazon has plenty of stuff i legitimately wouldn't want my hypothetical kids to see01:57
ali1234but this gnome is not one of them01:57
dank101tl;dr if you have kids01:57
dank101use http://www.edubuntu.org/01:57
tgm4883lets not get hung up on the "how do we filter it" and instead discuss the "why should we filter this"01:57
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Look, I am a moral nihilist, and so I approach these issues with a utilitarian frame work.01:58
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, I'm a person. and I approach these issues without fancy words for myself01:59
Akiva-MobileMost people are less offended when a setting is set on safe by default, rather than promiscuous by default. Ergo, I say set it to safe, and make it safer than it is right now.01:59
dank101this is linux for people01:59
ali1234but it already is on safe01:59
dank101NOT YOUNG PEOPLE01:59
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, the issue is that we 3 of the 4 people here don't think that image is unsafe01:59
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: .... do you not know what Moral Nihilism is?01:59
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, AT ALL01:59
dank101i used edubuntu when i was in school01:59
ali1234i don't01:59
dank101i graduated02:00
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dank101fix of your problem02:00
Akiva-Mobileali1234: it basically means within a secular framework (IE, not bringing G-d into the equation), there is no way to be certain if a)Absolute universal morality does exist, and b)If it does exist, to be absolutely certain as to what it is.02:01
dank101Akiva-Mobile, follow my suggestion02:01
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, honestly, I don't think that is a non-safe image. You should probably take it on yourself and disable the amazon search in the dash02:03
Akiva-Mobileergo (18:57:57) tgm4883: lets not get hung up on the "how do we filter it" and instead discuss the "why should we filter this"  -- is a statement not suitable for this discussion, unless speaking about some hypothetical utilitarian end.02:04
ali1234well if you're only interested in the how... then the simple answer is we can't filter everything perfectly02:04
ali1234we can't even filter most things badly02:04
ali1234if you're going to include stuff like this02:04
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, if we aren't discussing why it should be filtered, then wtf are we discussing?02:04
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: I took it upon myself to report this as a bug to Ubuntu. It is their company, and they should know that at least one user does not find this content to be appropriate to look at.02:04
Akiva-Mobilethey can judge whether it is worth their resources, or whether it is worth it at all to deal with this.02:05
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: I am sorry for being technical, but since you asked; We are discussing Hypothetical imperatives, not categorical imperatives.02:06
Akiva-Mobileor at least, I am not discussing a categorical imperative because I believe that endeavor to be mired in perpetual folly.02:06
Akiva-Mobileali1234: there are two types of "imperatives" or "Reasons" as to why we ought to do something.02:07
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, cut the crap. We're discussing whether or not a bare butt on a garden gnome should be filtered by default or not. The "don't discuss how, discuss why" quote of mine was that we shouldn't discuss how to technically filter it (eg. in code), but as to whether or not it should be filtered02:08
Akiva-MobileA hypothetical imperative is the most common, simply meaning that "We ought to do x so that we can accomplish y". For example: If I want to go to the store, I ought to stand up, go to my car, turn it on, drive to store, etc etc. This has been shown to work.02:09
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, there are more than enough ways to actually get rid of the particular images, which is why I didn't think we should bother discussing it02:10
Akiva-MobileA categorical Imperative is the type of thing you "Ought" to do simply because it is the "Moral" or "Right" thing to do, and not because of any benefit you may derive from doing so.02:10
tgm4883for instance, we could look at image tags and filter out when certain keywords are met (although this requires that people tag the images)02:10
tgm4883or we could filter on page content (although we'd probably just combine this with the one above)02:11
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: and I already told you; the reason why I think ubuntu should remove it, is because I don't like it.02:11
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, and I asked you where we should draw all this arbitrary lines02:11
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: I already said; no nudity of bare bottoms or topless women.02:12
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, we can show guns though?02:12
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, cause I'm from 'Merica, so that is kinda a deal breaker if you want to filter guns out ;)02:13
Akiva-MobileFor my tastes, I don't care. If someone is willing to say no, it is upon them to pipe up.02:13
Akiva-MobileIf they disable guns by default, I won't be angry.02:13
tgm4883what about flag burning? should we filter that out?02:14
Akiva-MobileIts up to the people who see that as so intollerable to make their concerns heard.02:14
ali1234people only do it to get attention anyway02:14
ali1234quite what?02:15
dank101FOR THE 6K TIME THE FIX IS INSTALLINGhttp://www.edubuntu.org/02:15
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, ok, what about automobiles? they pollute the environment, so.... filter them out?02:15
dank101what about mario02:15
Akiva-MobileIts up to the people who see that as so intollerable to make their concerns heard.02:15
dank101he kills people all day02:15
dank101breaks ubuntu02:15
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, what about images of Stalin or Hitler?02:16
tgm4883<Akiva-Mobile> Its up to the people who see that as so intollerable to make their concerns heard.02:16
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: dank101 - Remember, Ubuntu is a company selling a product, and it is presumably in their best interest to satisfy their customers to the best of their ability.02:16
dank101Canonical is a company02:16
dank101not ubuntu02:16
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, actually, no. Canonical is a company that is selling a product (Ubuntu).02:16
dank101ubuntu is a word02:16
dank101a legacy02:17
dank101a South African legacy02:17
Akiva-Mobiledank101: okay, ubuntu is a product of a company.02:17
Akiva-Mobileand that product presumably aims to satisfy its users to the best of the abilities of the company who supports it.02:17
dank101Ubuntu is south african for  focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other02:17
tgm4883I'll half agree that Ubuntu is a product of Canonical. Canonical employes a lot (most?) of the developers of Ubuntu02:18
dank101consitoring Mark Shuttleworth is south african02:18
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: I think its 40 percent user contributed02:18
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883:  I could be wrong about that number, but I recall hearing that recently.02:18
dank101ubuntu == south afican for unity02:19
Akiva-Mobileand canonical is about 500-600 employees strong.02:19
dank101$30 million stock02:19
Akiva-Mobilewow, I have to buy in :P02:19
Akiva-Mobilethat is still fire sale02:20
lilstevie dank101 which south african language :p there are a ton of official languages, none of which are named south african :p02:20
lilstevieI'm assuming Afrikaans though02:20
Akiva-Mobileafrikaans is germanic, no?02:20
lilstevieAkiva-Mobile, it is very heavily influenced by dutch, so yes02:21
Akiva-Mobilelilstevie: Interesting; I thought it evolved from the german colony, but that makes more sense.02:22
Akiva-Mobileit is a nice quaint language; I quite enjoyed listening to it.02:22
lilstevieand ok, ubuntu is zulu :p02:22
Namidairoand unity is english for EWWW WHAT IS THAT02:27
* tgm4883 likes Unity02:28
lilstevieNamidairo, lol02:28
Namidairoi'm being a tad harsh to it02:29
Namidairoit's appearance as a purple hippo's vomit is purely subjective02:30
dank101Linux is defiantly growing02:30
dank101Red Hat, Inc is gaining TONS of cash02:30
dank1012009 was the linux takeover02:31
Namidairohow much of that cash was thrown at ms to sign their bootloaders02:31
dank101Red Hat is highest in 13 years02:32
dank101RED HAT02:32
mattwj2002does ubuntu phone do anything yet?02:33
tgm4883mattwj2002, I've read somewhere that it will be a daily driver in a few weeks02:34
Akiva-MobileNamidairo: Unity's selling point for me is its HUD02:35
mattwj2002when you say daily driver do you mean daily releases?02:35
Akiva-MobileNamidairo: I can now use gimp without a headache02:35
tgm4883mattwj2002, no, I mean something that you could feasibly use on your device thoughout the day02:36
Namidairothe fact that it gave you headaches in the first place confuses me02:36
tgm4883mattwj2002, eg. it actually works02:36
mattwj2002oh that would be good02:36
tgm4883yea, that would be pretty sweet02:36
Akiva-MobileNamidairo: do you know how many menus and dialogues gimp has?02:36
mattwj2002no offense to anyone but I was disappointed with the developers preview02:37
tgm4883mattwj2002, why?02:37
Akiva-MobileNamidairo: Sure, after awhile you get used to it, and if you study it, you can memorize all the shortcuts and hotkeys etc02:37
mattwj2002there was very little functionality on my phone02:37
Akiva-Mobilebut for those who arent pro, like myself, it is a g-d send02:37
tgm4883mattwj2002, no offense to you, but I think you completely misunderstand what a developer preview is02:37
mattwj2002I tried it like day one or two when it came out02:37
Namidairoyou realise the purpose of the developer preview was not to have it all working02:38
mattwj2002none take02:38
Akiva-Mobilemattwj2002: All placeholder apps right?02:38
Namidairoit was so you could test your QML apps02:38
mattwj2002I have tried windows developers previews02:38
Akiva-Mobilemattwj2002: Do you blame them?02:38
mattwj2002I just thought it would be more developed :)02:38
Akiva-Mobilemattwj2002: Yah, it would be nice, but geez02:38
Akiva-MobileWhat a mountain to climb02:39
mattwj2002Akiva-Mobile: seriously could become way better than android02:39
mattwj2002I have great hopes for it02:39
mattwj2002*it seriously02:39
Akiva-Mobilemattwj2002: Oh me too, I am developing for it02:39
mattwj2002nice :D02:39
Akiva-Mobilejava really churns my stomache02:40
Akiva-Mobileso it was so nice to see that they were doing a native approach.02:40
tgm4883mattwj2002, When I first heard about it, I thought too little, too late. But once I loaded up the developer preview, and started using my android tablet more I really saw the potential in a Ubuntu device02:40
mattwj2002I think it has great protential :)02:40
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: I havnt been able to test it yet; do not have a device, but I do have a touch laptop, and unity makes so much sense. I absolutely love it on this device. Is the interface as nice to use on  a phone as the demos make it out to be?02:41
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, I used it on my nexus 7, it was pretty nice. Easy to use. I'm hoping that it is a bit customizable in what you can have on each screen02:42
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Does it have multiple desktops? how is it managed?02:43
mattwj2002I have a nexus 702:43
tgm4883it's done similarly to android home screens02:43
Akiva-Mobilemattwj2002: Jealous :P02:43
dank101NameSymbolLast priceChange02:43
dank101Red Hat, Inc.RHT50.44-0.2202:43
dank101Microsoft CorporationMSFT28.04-0.102:43
mattwj2002I won't tell you about my phone then02:43
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883, mattwj2002, What do you think of gnome-shells method for handling desktops? I kind of wondered if it would work well for unity.02:44
Akiva-MobileIts the one feature of Gnome-shell that really appeals to me.02:44
mattwj2002gnome shell?02:44
tgm4883dank101, uh, Microsoft has 45 times the stock volume02:44
mattwj2002like terminal ?02:45
tgm4883and 23 times the market cap02:45
Akiva-Mobilemattwj2002: its gnome 3.002:45
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, I'm probably the wrong one to ask. I don't usually use multiple desktops02:45
mattwj2002language please dank10102:45
ubot5Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.02:45
tgm4883dank101, https://www.google.com/finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=1363488383287&chddm=1173&chls=IntervalBasedLine&cmpto=NYSE:RHT&cmptdms=0&q=NASDAQ:MSFT&ntsp=0&ei=ey5FUfCAOcrWiAK3hQE02:46
mattwj2002I heard much about RedHat in years02:47
Akiva-Mobilemattwj2002: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSGfS6K7pI0  -  basically it creates and deletes desktops as you create apps, and drag them to it.02:47
mattwj2002Fedora yes not so much with RedHat02:47
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, perhaps I would use it more then. I seem to recall me using that when gnome 3 first came out02:47
dank101Once upon a time02:47
dank101RedHat INC was richer then MS02:48
tgm4883mattwj2002, thats cause redhat is big on servers, not as much on desktops (where they use fedora for that mostly)02:48
tgm4883dank101, I don't think redhat was ever richer than microsoft02:48
mattwj2002that makes sense tgm488302:49
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Yah. I am all about the multi desktop environment, but it seems like a good idea to not have desktops present when they are empty.02:49
dank101november 200102:50
Akiva-Mobiledank101: Oh, the stock market boom and bust02:50
Akiva-MobileWhatever, wallstreet gets so drunk sometimes.02:51
dank101Jan 200402:51
dank101Look at dat02:51
mattwj2002wallstreet is just rich mans gambling02:51
Akiva-Mobileetoys was bigger than toys r us, and it was just a guy who owned an appartment, with no product, no manufacturing, no stores, etc etc02:51
Akiva-Mobilemattwj2002: exactly.02:52
tgm4883dank101, but richer?02:52
tgm4883dank101, I suppose you should define richer02:52
dank101yeah :(02:52
dank101oh do i wish MS would stop plaguing linux02:52
Akiva-MobileIt has been bad, but more of an annoyance.02:53
mattwj2002well windows 8 I think was a flop02:53
Akiva-Mobileand to wit, it could have even been a motivator to developers.02:53
mattwj2002I know I am currently running it02:53
mattwj2002on a personal computer02:53
mattwj2002Vista 2.0 :P02:53
Akiva-Mobilemy thoughts on windows 8; its probably fine, but we are all going to harp on big bad microsoft anyways.02:54
* dank101 loads the eggs02:54
tgm4883dank101, I think this comparison says it all https://www.google.com/finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=1363488842047&chddm=2715104&chls=IntervalBasedLine&cmpto=NYSE:RHT&cmptdms=0&q=NASDAQ:MSFT&ntsp=0&ei=BjBFUcCvBaGZiALMQQ02:54
dank101none use VIsta and are still alive02:54
Akiva-MobileMicrosoft is getting better, and xbox 360 has basically owned the game market02:55
dank101linux is about to send a queen out on that02:55
dank101one word02:55
tgm4883other than the first initial batches of the 360, I think Microsoft has always made good hardware02:55
Akiva-Mobilethey managed to create a pretty good community, and the xbox 360 has a full proof security system, which makes pirating very difficult.02:56
Akiva-Mobiledank101: ouya?02:56
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: like mice and keyboards? Yah, not bad.02:56
mattwj2002I heard about that dank10102:57
tgm4883Akiva-Mobile, mice, keyboards, OG xbox, wireless adapters/routers, xbox 360 after they worked out the production issues02:57
Akiva-Mobilefrankly, I think ubuntu will make a better gaming platform :P02:57
Akiva-Mobiletgm4883: Their controllers seem to be bar none, the best02:57
Akiva-Mobilegame controllers*02:57
tgm4883steam box > ouya02:57
Akiva-MobileI will probably agree. Speaking of which, back to my game :P02:58
mattwj2002steam box?02:58
* mattwj2002 googles it02:58
dank101box of steam02:59
dank101nothing more02:59
dank101Windows based02:59
tgm4883!stab wubi02:59
tgm4883dank101, the steam box is linux based02:59
mattwj2002!fish dank10102:59
mattwj2002!trout dank10102:59
mattwj2002it is?03:00
dank101steam box03:00
mattwj2002I still want a wind bel :(03:02
mattwj2002though I think it might be vaporware03:03
linusasus6is Sony xperia V is a supported device yet for ubuntu touch or not yet?03:06
gokuDid they release a newer version of the Developer Preview?03:10
=== goku is now known as Guest17484
Guest17484Did they release a newer version of the Developer Preview?03:10
tgm4883Guest17484, there are daily builds03:12
dank101i have a dare for everyone here03:13
dank101Write a history on Ubuntu without using wikipedia03:13
dank101from birth to now03:14
Namidairoand do it without inflating mark shuttleworth's ego03:14
Namidairothat's a challenge.03:14
dank101Who will do it03:14
robrudank101, here is the history of Ubuntu: "Linux could only be used by the nerdliest of nerds. Then, Ubuntu."03:15
dank101you get a F in history03:18
ali1234so did someone here post on my G+ or is there more to that gnome than there seems?03:19
linusasus6well I guess not since no one answer my question03:20
dank101Do it03:21
pjtDo what?03:22
dank101Write a history on Ubuntu without using wikipedia03:23
dank101<dank101> from birth to now03:23
dank101and do it without inflating mark shuttleworth's ego03:23
ali1234ubuntu was invented in 2005 when mark shuttleworth used the money he made selling SSL certificates to hire a bunch of debian developers to polish debian for the masses03:25
dank101google docs03:26
ali1234that's it03:26
dank101all of the history03:26
ali1234that's all i got03:27
dank101get all of it03:28
dank101use other sites03:29
ali1234so basically you want only the stuff from wikipedia that has a citation?03:30
dank101no wikipedia03:31
dank101WikiPedia is too big of a info farm03:31
ali1234this sounds suspiciously like homework :P03:31
lilstevieali1234, I have never heard of a school assigning homework about ubuntu03:32
ali1234well you never know these days03:34
ali1234maybe it was like a "write a history on your favourite piece of software" type assignment03:34
lilstevieschools have a major aversion to linux03:34
dank101DO YOUR HOMEWORK03:34
dank101OR ELSE YOU GET A F03:35
ali1234yeah but when you're writing a report like this it's not the subject that is important... it's about learning to write essays03:35
dank101the facts are the only important part03:35
dank101you can ditch spelling and grammat03:35
Namidairoexcept for mine where the entire IT school has flapped up Fedora installs03:35
Namidairothat for some reason or another decide to have synchronised hangs for about 10 seconds every 5 minutes03:36
dank101or mine where some kid did dd /dev/sd* on ubuntu03:36
Namidairodd if=/dev/sd* of=/dev/zero03:37
Namidairoor something like that03:37
lilsteviethat wouldn't do much03:37
dank101i had to pay for all the computers03:37
dank101and thats why you must block Sudo03:38
lilsteviewriting all the content from sd* to /dev/zero seems like a pointless endeavor03:38
dank101and then rm -rf /'d them03:38
dank101then rewrote the harddrive with /dev/urandom03:39
dank101it was dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1Mdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M03:40
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dank101▲ ▲03:41
Namidairoindeed it does03:44
Namidairobut I didnt want someone here copy pasting03:44
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dank101do your linux homework03:47
dank101anyone done with homework?04:42
Akiva-Mobilelooking over the gui guidelines on http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/building-blocks/text-field, is there a template app that features an example of each? I am not looking to reinvent any sort of wheel, so all I desire is a shortcut for getting my gui up and running.05:52
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_
viveakhi, I want to flash Ubuntu touch through windows PC07:27
viveakare there instructions to flash ubuntu touch from windows PC?07:29
kms_ssory, i need use only c++ in qt editor? i can't use golang?07:29
=== IanWizard-Cloud is now known as MarthaWizard-Clo
=== MarthaWizard-Clo is now known as MarthaWizard
=== MarthaWizard is now known as IanWizard-Cloud
traxmachow do you get a test application to run on the device08:59
traxmacdo I need to add it somewhere08:59
mut3di guys how do we enable wireless09:11
IReboottraxmac: Check in the release notes for running an app on a device.09:25
IReboottraxmac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes09:26
traxmacYep found it, thanks09:44
doomlord<doomlord> does ubuntu-desktop for arm run on the nexus-10 [2]ubuntu-touch.. once there is a terminal, can one run compiler tools etc on arm10:49
=== SkavenXXI-[OFF] is now known as SkavenXXI
gregor_hello there!  Are there plans for integrating CalDav sync into the default calendar app/ is it in progess? (Only U1 is mentioned)11:17
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alo21hi all.. where are hosted all phone programs (not core only)?11:56
adam_balo21: I started a list here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Apps12:22
alo21adam_b, oh... thanks12:23
doomlorddoes the terminal app work yet12:36
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eschatusdoomlord, no, not yet12:56
zAo^Lol, how do you turn your device off? :D13:58
sycho12321hi I was wondering if it would be worth it to install on a nexus 714:00
DeihmosI was thinking about installing it but everyone seems to use for a minute then return to android14:00
sycho12321ya i know what mean14:01
sycho12321what apps can you get on it14:03
zAo^sycho12321: I have it on my n7, but its pretty much useless14:07
sycho12321oh ok thanks!14:08
hopkinskonganyone are here?14:31
hopkinskongi just compiled CM10.1 by following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting14:32
hopkinskongwhat next?14:32
hopkinskongI cannot find " /usr/bin/ubuntu-session "14:33
hopkinskongi just got the zip file.14:33
hopkinskongand i can't find the "init" file.14:33
hopkinskongThe zip i got is not the rootfs?14:33
hopkinskongpopey, i nned your help.14:34
asaunforgive me if i'm asking a frequently answered question, but is there still an intention to release a stable version of Ubuntu Core (i.e. Ubuntu desktop, not with the Touch UI) 13.04 for the Nexus 7?14:41
hopkinskonganyone could tell me what should i do for the next?14:42
=== spanner3oo3 is now known as spanner3003
spanner3003Hi all14:49
spanner3003Ubuntu touch is looking good14:49
spanner3003I have it running on my nexus 7 with multirom14:50
hopkinskongShould i download the preinstalled-image, and copy over my builded cm10.1 into it?14:54
hopkinskonganybody could help?15:25
LordShadowWing+OK A2p0w1Wk2wj115:45
LordShadowWing+OK Um9.y1KrNo./6G8Nb1qfwWf.15:46
LordShadowWing+OK BFIQe/vUYfP/ptda9.Lqa9z/8RZ2w/Hy.mH.CNNOp1tZJVX.MiYM..Fzp9r015:48
padme1no fish please15:48
padme1go do your fishing elsewhere15:48
LordShadowWingI was trying to figure out what it is15:49
LordShadowWingAny new developments with Ubuntu touch15:54
padme1don't expect anything explosive for the next few months15:55
LordShadowWingI was looking for at most basic gsm data15:55
LordShadowWinggonna flash it anyway15:57
LordShadowWingStupid windows updates.15:58
padme1check the commits in the projecto16:01
padme1it's the best way to know16:01
LordShadowWing Link to comments page?16:03
LordShadowWing thanks16:07
LordShadowWingflashing to my gnex, going to attempt use as daily driver, for extensive testing16:23
marcthenarchellooooo everyone!16:26
marcthenarcI have question.  I intalled ubuntu-core on my tablet.  Now I want to install Touch.  But the recipe for adb listing doesn't work.  How can I enable USB debugging in Ubuntu core so that the desktop might see it ?16:28
LordShadowWingI have no idea16:28
marcthenarcAwww too bad.  I don't want to reinstall android just to wipe it out again. :(16:29
LordShadowWingu r running ubuntu right?16:30
LordShadowWingin your pc16:30
marcthenarcAnd full functionnal but useless Ubuntu core on my tablet :)16:30
LordShadowWingdid you follow those instructions?16:30
marcthenarcYes.  But as I said.  I don't have Android anymore on my tablet, just an install of Ubuntu-core that was release 2 weeks ago.16:32
marcthenarcisn't it ? :)16:33
LordShadowWingim going to test its use as a daily driver16:33
marcthenarchello.  I might disconnected during this process the tablet and desktop are fighting for my connection :-/16:38
marcthenarcSooo ... no one has an idea ?16:44
LordShadowWingis it possible to SMB into ubuntu-touch16:49
ogra_hopkinskong, boot into recovety, make sure /data is mounted and has enough free space and flash the pahblet*.zip17:06
Nickname172Hey, I understand that the Ubuntu tablet operating preview system is currently only available for Nexus devices and that the Toshiba Thrive AT100 model isn't supported.17:46
Nickname172Except what I am not quite understanding is this text from the supported device list:17:46
Nickname172The table below lists the supported devices and their corresponding factory images, should you want to switch back to Android.17:46
Nickname172So, do they mean only those devices can switch back to Android, though any can get Ubuntu?17:47
Nickname172Help would be greatly appreciated.17:47
Nickname172Source: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Supported_devices_and_codenames17:47
Nickname172? Any support currently?17:50
Nickname172I can tell lots of help is coming our way here :/17:52
JanCNickname172: please be patient17:52
Nickname172At least I'm aware a supporter is here.17:52
JanCit's Sunday evening for most people  ;)17:52
Nickname172It is here for me also.17:53
JanCand AFAIK, only the Nexus devices listed are supported officially, but there are some unofficial ports available too17:53
Nickname172So even though my device isn't listed officially if I tried it may work but it isn't guaranteed to work properly ?17:55
JanCalso, I'm pretty sure that if you can install Ubuntu, you can also install Android again17:55
JanC*if* you have an Android image17:55
Nickname172I don't have the Android image for ICS, but thanks for the support anyways.17:56
JanCNickname172: I'm sure there are others who can give better and/or more detailed advice though17:57
DarkSimHello! I could need some help :)18:18
DarkSimI'm trying to install Ubuntu Touch on my HTC One X endeavoru, but I'm having a hard time understanding the guide18:19
IRebootI have contributed to MythTV for a while. I have a few of those contributions distributed through launchpad but have their documentation on the MythTV wiki. Is wiki.ubuntu.com appropriate to supply the same level documentation as in this example if I create a Touch app? See: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythTV-indicator18:41
The_Matrix Hello, I have a question regarding how should I learn QML. I have no programing background, except html and css. Should I learn Javascript, or is there a resource online to learn QML syntax. I have already gone to http://www.developer.ubuntu.com and followed the links there, but I did not find them helpful. Thanks in advance.19:20
eschatusKnowing javascript is absolutely helpful - it is very similar...19:23
eschatusThere must be some tutorials somewhere, but I've never looked for them so I can't help you with that. Google? ;)19:24
The_MatrixThank you for your response19:24
The_MatrixI have been looking on google.19:24
The_MatrixI did not have luck finding any tutorials for qml, but if Javascript works, then I'm good.19:25
The_Matrixas there are tutorials for that.19:25
eschatusnp :) I've just started with QML myself, but from the examples I've seen it's almost the same as javascript, so that will get you far. :)19:25
The_MatrixI guess that if I master javascript, then I will able to write apps for Ubuntu Touch.19:27
The_MatrixI have played with the sdk.19:27
The_Matrixand followed the currency converter instructions19:28
The_MatrixDid you have previous knowledge of javascript?19:28
eschatusYes, 10+ years... :)19:28
The_MatrixWell, I guess that is where I will start.19:28
The_MatrixThank you for your help19:29
eschatusnp :) Good luck :)19:29
The_MatrixThank you and you as well :)19:29
agcalamitaITAEvening guys. Can anyone help me in running the core apps? I've installed the terminal app using SSH (apt-get install) and I can run it via SSH however this seems to be open in the 'background' as when opening other apps it appears for a while, but disappears. Thanks19:43
ali1234that happens to me whenever i run anything from ssh19:45
agcalamitaITADo you use QT Creator to run them then?19:45
ali1234no, because i couldn't get that to work at all19:45
agcalamitaITAHaha! Did you get it to work at all... :)19:46
debb1046import QtMultimedia 5.020:03
debb1046Why dies it say module not found?20:04
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vthompson@debb1046, try to install libqt5declarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin20:21
frankencodeagcalamitaITA: try to start another app (like phone-app) before you start your app from ssh20:22
frankencodeor try to swipe in from the right20:22
debb1046 libqt5declarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin is already installed20:23
agcalamitaITAfrankencode, thanks -- I'll give it another go. I've tested the WhosThere app from SSH and that launches and runs ok20:24
vthompsonCan you start the app from the command line? Maybe it's a QtCreator issue on your end.20:25
vthompsonI'm using QtMultimedia in my development as well, and haven't had any issues yet20:26
debb1046it has that red swiggly underline in QtCreator editor and when I hover it says module cannot be found, then something about adding import paths to project file20:27
dank101is it just me or is  XDA slow today20:27
vthompsonWhat does your .qmlproject file say for importpaths?20:28
debb1046nothing set, used the QtQuick 2 application template20:30
vthompsonI bet your app would run from the command line, but you could add this to your project file assuming you're 64 bit:     importPaths: [ "." ,"/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml" ]20:31
debb1046OK, thanks, I'll try that later. Trying to port a game that I wrote for the N9 in Qt 4.7 and half of the code seems to be obsolete and not supported in Qt 520:32
agcalamitaITAdebb1046, random question as I'm no programmer, but what languages does QT 5 support?20:32
vthompsonCool, most of your QtMobility stuff probably won't work20:33
debb1046yeah, had QTMultimediaKit and labs.particles in there. Even ParallelAnimation class is missing functions that were there previously20:34
agcalamitaITAfrankencode, thanks! launching another app then running the command over SSH worked!20:35
debb1046agcalamitaITA: C++, javascript and QML (the latter being unique to Qt)20:35
agcalamitaITANot that the core apps are much use at the moment :)20:35
agcalamitaITAdebb1046, Thanks! The only programming I've done is C# (and windows batch files -- if that's classed) Might start looking into C++ and QML20:36
debb1046QML rocks (for small projects)20:37
debb1046No C++ required for simple things20:37
frankencodei learned most about qt by using pyqt back in the qt3 days20:38
agcalamitaITAMight have a look into QML then. I'm still involved in loads of Windows stuff because of work so don't get much time to play with Linux20:39
debb1046I once wrote a host for LADSPA audio plugins in Qt, and a Maps app for the Zaurus20:39
debb1046QML works for Wondows, too, I believe20:39
debb1046gotta go20:41
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=== SkavenXXI is now known as SkavenXXI-[OFF]
hopkinskongogra_, " pahblet*.zip" from the site? Daily built images?23:19
hopkinskongSo what is the use of my CM10.1 which i've just built?23:19
dank101see if it works23:19
dank101and the phablet23:19
hopkinskongbtw, i got NO "pahblet-*.zip"23:20
hopkinskongi got "manhattan-quantal-armhf-tar-20130317-1.tar.gz", and "cm-10.1-20130317-UNOFFICIAL-leo.zip"23:20
dank101http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip and your zip23:22
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
jonnie_im tryinh to build ubuntu for ray got most done but when i try to build i get build/core/config.mk:346: *** Error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please install JDK6, which you can download from java.sun.com. Stop.23:59
jonnie_anyone help ive tryed loads of things23:59

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