
grantbowSo, why isn't every desktop running openstack? I've tried to get the config going on my machine but I'm having trouble.04:23
grantbowI am listening to this right now after a quick google search for "openstack desktop" http://www.openstack.org/summit/san-diego-2012/openstack-summit-sessions/presentation/cloudifying-virtual-desktops-how-openstack-can-reduce-the-cost-and-complexity-of-virtual-desktops04:26
darthrobotTitle: [OpenStack Summit Sessions ยป OpenStack Open Source Cloud Computing Software]04:26
geofftI have opinions on this subject!04:26
geofft(I work for a company that does locally-hosted virtual desktops)04:27
geofft(because cloud-hosted virtual desktops suck e.g. as soon as you step into a plane)04:27
geofftI do (naturally) think having every desktop run a hypervisor is a very reasonable direction for things to go.04:28
grantbowhi geofft04:32
tedskigeofft: openstack isn't really a desktop thing04:32
tedskigeofft: also, if you're in northern california, there's an openstack talk at the SFLUG meeting04:32
geofftYeah, OpenStack strikes me as the wrong way to do this04:33
geoffttedski: I'm planning on showing up! I do separately care about server virtualization04:33
tedskicool! see you there!04:33
grantbowI helped line up the speaker for balug.org on Tuesday :-)04:39
grantbowStefano Maffulli is the community manager of OpenStack.org04:44
grantbowbut I can't get it working well on my machine for my desktop, lol04:44
grantbowso geofft and tedski, have you tried different setups?05:11
geofftfor running openstack on a desktop?05:13
geofftwith my work hat off, all I've played with is kvm, which works pretty well05:14
grantbowthat's what I've setup - you installed an x server in your host?05:15
grantbowI haven't installed x yet05:16
geofftwait, I misunderstood -- I thought you were asking about the desktop case?05:19
geofftas in graphical desktop? kvm is what I use on my laptop05:19
grantbowI am thinking of the desktop case but was trying to run the host without X and only the client OS with X but I don't think I can do that.05:21
geofftah, that's theoretically doable but in practice not what you want05:21
geofftyou'd have to pass through the entire video card to the guest05:21
geofftand basically lose all ability to interact with the host otherwise05:22
geofftthe guest drivers think they own the hardware, and will get confused if you switch back and forth05:22
grantbowfor anyone following along, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_virtualization is descriptive05:23
darthrobotTitle: [Desktop virtualization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]05:23
grantbowI was trying to keep the host minimal but it needs x05:24
geofftfor work we actually install gnome-session, a custom WM, pulseaudio, etc.05:26
geofftespecially if it's a laptop, power management is nice.05:26
grantbowgnome-desktop-environment should be ok05:29
grantbowso many darn dependencies05:29
grantbow1022 packages05:30
grantbowso much crap05:30
geofftit's possible to strip that down and get GDM + session but not any applets05:30
geofftbut even so it's still big05:31
grantbowtrying to keep the host simple isn't simple05:31
grantbowit's not going to use all that on the host, just in the guests05:32
grantbowxserver-common or xserver-common-lts-quantal, hmm, probably the latter.05:34
grantbowand xfs and xserver05:36
grantbowerr, xfs and xserver-xorg-lts-quantal but those bring in another 64 packages of video servers I will never use05:37
* grantbow shrugs and installs05:38
geofftyou don't really need to install -all05:39
grantbowthe x dependencies are just a little heavy is all. it's just disk I guess05:40
grantbowhmm, kernel 3.5 just came in too. uname -a says 3.2.0-38 up to now.05:42
geofftthat gets pulled in by the -lts-quantal hardware enablemenet stack05:42
grantbowas long as it works05:42
geofftsince support for newer gfx cards want both kernel and Xorg patches05:42
grantbowfrom here gdm says it wants 502 dependencies along with it, lol05:43
grantbowcrap crap crap05:43
geofftre disk space, work fits the host + VMware Player + a VM running chromium on a CD with squashfs05:43
grantbowlightdm wants 22905:43
geofftso uncompressed I'd expect you to only need a gigabyte and change05:44
geofftwe do trim /usr/share/doc etc., but nothing drastic05:44
grantbowyeah, the time to trim is annoying though05:44
grantbowhmm, it's after 10:30. I was hoping to get a call before then.05:49
grantbowwhich wm do you use?05:50
grantbowa custom one at work?05:51
grantbowI'll try lxde first05:53
grantbowfor the host05:54
geofftwe have a custom WM that subclasses Mutter05:55
geofftmostly so that it can force VMs to go full-screen and do some other config05:55
geofftI've seen tiling WMs used to good effect here05:55
geofftI already use xmonad on my personal machines, so it works well05:56
grantbowlxde defaults to openbox05:56
grantbowalmost there. lightdm is ok but I think it's looking for mutter06:00
grantbowdamn network manager getting in the way06:09
grantbowdisabled in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf "managed=false" and /etc/network/interfaces "iface wlan0 inet manual"06:23
grantbowaha, selecting an lxde session did the trick06:26
grantbowfrom the lightdm login window06:26
=== toddc2 is now known as toddc
MarkDudegrantbow: ping20:36
grantbowMarkDude: pong22:48
MarkDudeHey G, trying to figure out where to ask, that package is "web/django app thingy" so arm is secondary it sounds like23:33

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