
rick_h_first pycon talk hits the web http://pyvideo.org/video/1668/keynote-201:36
snap-lBringing up Windows to do our taxes01:50
snap-land JoDee's got a fever01:50
rick_h_and double doh01:50
snap-lAlso came to the realization that we treat teachers like shit, because she already used her "sick day" on her dad01:51
snap-lso now she'll have to show up to work or not get paid01:51
snap-lI honestly do not know why anyone would become a teacher, save for absolutely loving it01:52
brouschI use hr block online for taxes01:52
snap-lit is the monastary or convent of jobs.01:52
brouschNo windows needed for half a decade01:53
snap-lThe only thing I trust less than the government is someone else with my SSN and financial information.01:53
rick_h_yea, we farm out taxes ourselvse. It's too complicated and also my kryptonite01:54
rick_h_I can do calc 4...but taxes is just too much for me to get my head around01:54
rick_h_I take the opinion that I don't expect my tax person to go to school for programming and I pay them for that up to date know-how01:56
snap-lrick_h_: So, where do you take your taxes?03:02
snap-lBecause after putting my info into les taxact, we're owing the Fed 2k03:02
rick_h_droidthis year we're using a new accountant in lake orion my family's used for their businesses.03:02
rick_h_droidheh we've paid the last 5years or so.03:03
rick_h_droidbut they accountants help us remember things like car registration, days care, and other stuff to put in there.03:04
snap-lAh, ok03:08
rick_h_droidand nice to just hand them our Morgan Stanley statements and they figure it all out03:09
rick_h_droidbasically I drop off a folder of paperwork. they go though it and some questions and for more paperwork.03:10
rick_h_droidand then done wheee03:10
snap-lWell, I'm about ready to just go that route.03:11
snap-lSeriously, the biggest problem I have is the damn colleges don't take out enough $$03:11
rick_h_droidyea we've hard to have additional withholdings and might even go quarterly this year. a meeting later this month to figure that out.03:12
rick_h_droidguvment wants their cut03:13
=== noogenesis is now known as derekv
rick_h_party party, download-cache all the thigns17:45
brouschCaching thigns will not help you. You need to cache the right things17:47
rick_h_well, pip install --no-install --download-cache=download-cache/python -r requirements.txt17:48
brouschthat is nice17:48
rick_h_and mk_downloadcache and bin/pip install --no-index --no-dependencies --find-links file:///download-cache/python -r requirements.txt17:49
rick_h_phew, took a bit to push that17:49
brouschGonna make it easier to sprint on Bookie at PyOhio?17:56
rick_h_hopefully, and easier to package into something like a juju charm and such17:59
rick_h_less apt to blow up from network installing all the deps from pypi18:00
brouschYeah, that is annoying18:10
brouschWe ran into that on another project afterwards, but at least I knew what was going on due to last year's sub shop fun18:11
rick_h_hah, cool18:11
rick_h_yea, this will be better. In theory I could give out the git checkouts and you copy them and do `make all`18:12
greg-gugh, shivering18:41
greg-gI should be under the covers, instead I'm writing a "Sorry, can't do any contract work with you." email to CC.18:41
rick_h_that cold out west?18:42
greg-git's like 60-something and mostly sunny18:42
greg-gif it wasn't windy (it's always windy) I'd be outside laying in the slun18:42
rick_h_ah, gotcha. :( on being sick18:44
greg-gdid I type slun? sun.18:44
Blazeixit's saint patrick's day, you're allowed to slur.18:51
rick_h_jcastro: I'm scared! http://www.theverge.com/2013/3/17/4109522/lenovo-thinkpad-t431s-ultrabook-announced-priced-alongside-thinkpad-overhaul21:00
rick_h_the changes to the mouse buttons for the trackpoint frighten me21:00
jcastroI am saving up for the X121:02
jcastroT's are too big21:02
rick_h_yea, but I'm guessing this trickles down into the X21:02
rick_h_I'm wondering when they'll put a high res display on the x2X021:03

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