[00:07] shadeslayer: ping === skreech_ is now known as Daskreech [01:30] Quintasan: pong [01:31] shadeslayer: C question time [01:31] shadeslayer: You can't return a whole array from a function, right? [01:32] sure you can :p [01:32] wtf [01:32] hm, wait [01:32] like [01:32] lemme check something [01:33] int[1000] function(int x) ? [01:33] impossible [01:33] typedef it [01:34] and then use the typedef as the return type [01:34] though I'm not sure if this will work [01:35] you'll have to try it out to check [01:35] so something like typedef int[100] myAwesomeArray; [01:35] and then myAwesomeArray function(int x) [01:36] that's fucking retarded if I may say so [01:36] heh [01:37] shadeslayer: Let's say my function returns a pointer to an interger [01:37] okay [01:37] and that happens to point to beginning of an array [01:37] why not just point to the first element of the array [01:37] that's what I did [01:37] or well, you can phrase that better by saying you're returning a pointer to the array [01:37] right, go on [01:37] now, how the fuck do I iterate over that array without knowing it's size? [01:38] I know I can increment the pointer [01:38] but how the hell do I know when to stop? [01:38] do you know the size of one element in the array beforehand? [01:38] like, is it an array of int's? [01:38] well yeah, it's an array of int's [01:39] doing ptr+1 will actually do ptr+1*sizeof(int) [01:39] yeah so int is 4 bytes right? [01:39] heh [01:39] yeah, so isn't that what you want? [01:39] I don't really know when to stop my friend [01:39] say I do [01:40] ah [01:40] for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { cout << *ptr+i; } [01:40] and array is int arr = new int[50] [01:40] Then I will get gibbrish in the output, won't I? [01:41] bbiab [01:41] yes [01:44] Quintasan: so, what I'd do is #define a macro called MAX_LENGTH and then use that everywhere [01:44] C is fugly in that regard [01:45] that solution is still retarded because it kind of defeats the point of using dynamic allocation [01:45] OR [01:45] wait [01:45] I think I got something [01:45] hmmm [01:45] use structs [01:45] how does that defeat dynamic allocation? [01:45] your array is still dynamically allocated [01:45] it's just the size that's constant [01:45] how about you make the array +1 and make sure the last element is something like r#@WERWRQ and you parse for that? [01:46] sure, that'll work as well [01:46] but [01:46] well the point with dynamic allocation is [01:46] what if the you inserted the same value in the array somewhere [01:46] like you have a array of length 50 with data [01:46] if you need 50 elements then fucking allocate memory for 50 elements [01:46] and your terminating character is 55 [01:47] don't allocated memory for 2131221321 elements and use 50 of them :P [01:47] and the second element in the array is also 55 [01:47] Quintasan: use a linked list ? :p [01:47] so much better for this case [01:47] hmmm [01:48] you dynamically allocate each element in the list, you can traverse it easily, solves all your issues [01:48] the exercise was to write a program that factorizes a number [01:48] and my friend said they were supposed to store that shit in a array [01:48] a linked list behaves like an array? [01:49] well, they were told to use a fucking array bro [01:49] that's just idiotic :/ [01:49] like int arrrrrr[12312321]; [01:49] I told him exactly them same thing [01:49] well [01:49] :p [01:50] I mean sure, for some basic programming you can sue int array[65536] [01:50] but you can't keep using that for more complex problems [01:50] if the array was supposed to be allocated as int arr[100] then it wouldn't be hard since you can just iterate over 100 elements to display the result [01:50] right [01:50] but when you are supposed to use a function that returns and array a they want you to print that shit [01:50] TIP: the exercise has actually two parts [01:50] a) write that in Java [01:51] b) write that in C++ [01:51] C++ [01:51] ftw [01:51] if you have to write it in C++ it's easier? [01:51] I think his prof is kind of silly with that since in java you can do something stupid like .toString to print the whole shit [01:51] lol [01:52] shadeslayer: Look, you don't have toString defined for you in C, do you? [01:52] nope [01:52] That's it [01:52] but if you have to write it in C++ it's far easier [01:52] because C++ has better data types [01:52] In Java you can just .toString and tell everyone to get the fuck out [01:52] like what? [01:52] how would you do that in cpp? [01:52] vectors [01:52] http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/vector/vector/ [01:52] dynamically sized arrays [01:53] HOLY SHIT [01:53] that are resized as you push more elements [01:53] I HAVE TO GO TO UNI IN 5 HOURS [01:53] FML [01:53] haha [01:53] NIGHT [01:53] XD [01:53] heh night [01:53] Quintasan: srsly though [01:54] use vectors if you have to do it C++ [01:54] mmkay [01:54] will do [01:54] in C it's harder [01:54] but you can use LL's in C [02:22] bzr-tweet - Bazaar commit and push tweet plugin [02:22] because you want to tweet when using a revision control system :S [02:23] reminds me of terminal.app in OS X which allows you to tweet from the terminal but doesn't source ~/.bashrc when starting [02:23] argh, stupid twitter hlol [02:24] that's a good example of someone using something on the internet, and nobody caring about it [02:24] :) [02:25] shadeslayer: why is it any different than KGB for IRC? [02:25] KGB? [02:25] russian police, of course. [02:25] ah that thing which is replacing CIA [02:25] duuuhh ;p [02:25] is it doing anythign/goign anywhere? [02:25] idk [02:25] anyway [02:26] I don't view Twitter as a platform where you'd announce commit messages [02:26] new features in brief, sure [02:26] i use notifico right now, it's awesome [02:26] it's got a lovely site and it Just Works with my github project. [02:27] IRC is where developers hang out and it's usually useful to announce commit messages [02:27] Do developers hang out like we do on IRC? [02:27] erm [02:27] s/IRC/Twitter [02:27] no idea [02:27] i don't twat [02:27] me neither [02:27] the only thing i've used it for though is notification of amd catalyst for windows [02:28] since winderp doesn't have an update thing [02:28] Twitter is where I go to unwind, IRC is where I work [02:28] or rather..it's got thousands of them ;p [02:28] hehehe [05:28] apachelogger: hi, FYI one of your recent pkg-kde-tools uploads caused qt4 to FTBFS [05:29] I've fixed it in https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mitya57/kubuntu-packaging/qt-lp1094360/revision/356 [05:29] But maybe there are more broken packages... [07:22] good morning [07:26] morning soee [08:33] Good morning === apachelogger_ is now known as konvilogger === mitya57_ is now known as mitya57 [12:20] kde bug 314818 [12:20] KDE bug 314818 in ksysguard "Script error: Could not parse 'VmFlags: mr mw me ac'" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314818 [12:23] ScottK: curious, I hope you do not expect me to reply more than RTFM to the low-fat stuff? :S [12:23] no. [12:24] k ^^ [12:24] which reminds me [12:24] * apachelogger creates card to review low-fat [12:24] At they can get it from the correct distro. [12:25] hm [12:25] ScottK: actually forwarding to KDE may have been better [12:26] I'll leave that to you. [12:26] <- too lazy [12:30] pkgstriptranslations: no translation files, not creating tarball :/ [12:40] ScottK: think it would cause problems if pkg-kde-tools had a dependency on python? [12:41] ....either it needs to grow that dep or all our software that needs l10n does [12:47] I think it would be fine. I'd prefer python3, but not critical. [12:48] ScottK: it's an upstream dep, so not much choice ^^ [12:48] the l10n toolchain requires perl & sh & bash & python :S [12:48] K. === mck182 is now known as mck182|lunch [13:05] apachelogger: ping [13:05] sheytan: pong [13:06] konvilogger: you pinged me yesterday or something [13:06] are you going to suggest your lightdm/ksplash themes on the ML? === murthy_ is now known as murthy [13:07] Hiyas all [13:08] hello everyone [13:11] sheytan: ? [13:22] ::workspace-bugs:: [1156155] Script for menu option "Detailed Memory Information" fails to parse @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1156155 (by jhoechtl) [13:32] konvilogger: i don't really know [13:33] i can [13:33] but as i wrote you in an email, can you send me the files again? :) [13:33] lp:kubuntu-settings [13:35] 13:16 < stgraber> highvoltage, knome, Riddell, ScottK, zequence, phillw, (whoever else I forgot): Please make sure any slideshow change is in lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu by Wednesday 21:00 UTC. I'll review and upload on Thursday before UIF. [13:35] sheytan, apachelogger: same goes for boot splashes [13:36] * apachelogger is too old for this [13:37] Riddell: this wednesday? [13:37] the last boot splash was fine one was fine, [13:37] the last boot splash was fine [13:38] sheytan: i thought the boot splash was finalised ? [13:39] the splash is [13:39] everything else is not [13:39] apachelogger: why it is not? [13:39] ldm is, splash for kde is [13:39] plymouth is [13:39] lightdm is bugged [13:39] apachelogger: the integration part ? [13:39] splash has scaling diff with lightdm [13:39] apachelogger: what do you mean? [13:39] both were not approved to be shipped [13:40] i send you the back ground in diff res [13:40] as we have a standing policy to hold on to upstream we need to estabish agreement on whether to ship something else [13:40] sheytan: it's all bugged [13:40] so it's pointless for me to send this to ML [13:41] ? [13:41] we cannot put bugged stuff to the release [13:41] bugs can be fixed [13:41] we have no time? [13:42] I do not have time to fix the bugs now and then get bitched at by people for uploading artwork that was not approved [13:42] hence why you need to spam the ML [13:42] ok, i will [14:04] is it possible to add some text at the end of beginning of each line in Kate ? [14:04] I'd use emacs macros for something like that === mck182|lunch is now known as mck182 [14:08] soee: if you're using vi input mode: ":%s/^/what_you_want_to_add/" [14:08] for beginning, for end it's $, not ^ [14:09] (simple regex) [14:09] yofel_, vi input mode in Kate> [14:14] gambas support compiling to native exe? [14:21] !ppa gambas [14:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about ppa gambas [14:24] can this ppa be truested? ppa:nemh/gambas3 [14:29] going out bbl === murthy is now known as murthy_ [14:48] murthy_: no PPAs are considered trusted === Adityab_ is now known as Adityab [16:21] \o [17:01] weeeh, I think my l10n crap is finally working [17:01] hoorays [17:01] no dpm though [17:01] noooooooooooooooooooooooo :'( [17:03] * apachelogger emits sighing [17:05] hi, any qt5 edgers here? I cannot find qtimageformats in the ppa. where is it? :( [17:07] Mirv, hi, you seem to be responsible for building qt5? there were qtimageformats in other already deprecated ppas, but there isn't one in a qt5 proper. === Adityab_ is now known as Adityab === AbhiK is now known as AbhiK[-_-] === AbhiK[-_-] is now known as AbhiK [19:15] wow, quiet tonight... === Adityab_ is now known as Adityab [20:51] ::workspace-bugs:: [1156155] Script for menu option "Detailed Memory Information" fails to parse @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1156155 (by jhoechtl) [21:13] Riddell: tech board is discussing the new release proposal in #ubuntu-meeting if you're around ... [21:43] argh [21:43] ScottK: So we're rollling release? [21:44] No. [21:44] Mark's modified version where we just shorten the support window. [21:44] ScottK: I imagined you saying that in a grave voice. That sounded really grave. [21:45] It's going OK so far. [21:45] Hmm, so support window for non-LTS releases is 9 months now. [21:46] Yes. [21:46] But we'll also support upgrades of LTS -> Current so you aren't stuck on LTS. [21:55] lol [21:55] wtf === Adityab_ is now known as Adityab [22:56] ScottK: so a happy ending? [22:57] Riddell: Reasonably. They didn't get through the whole thing. What was decided is 9 months of support for regular releases and a standing symlink to the development series so people who want to stay on the development series can. [22:58] Also it's a "regular release", an "LTS release", or the "development series". No "rolling release". Concluded that's an oxymoron. [23:03] I'm glad that 'interim' term didn't stick [23:03] * ScottK too. [23:15] * Quintasan had to look up "interim" in a dictionary