
wxlhey cool check this out! http://www.lubuntutips.com/2012/07/best-lubuntu-apps.html#.UUeqc9Z33To00:00
wxlthat will probably answer all your questions and the forthcoming ones, too, pedor  :) ↑00:00
pedoryes, it will00:00
wxl!info synapse00:01
ubottusynapse (source: synapse): semantic file launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.10-2ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 485 kB, installed size 1892 kB00:02
wxlnot sure why it links to a ppa00:02
wxlit's in the repos00:02
csc`wxl, anyway, all i need is a quick and dirty way to get internet to a router and from that router to another computer00:03
csc`wireless -> ethernet -> router -> ethernet -> computer00:03
csc`whatever to you too then00:11
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cdoublejjSooooooo it's Guh-Nome, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME10:36
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cerebratehi genii-around15:42
* genii-around slides cerebrate a coffee15:42
cerebratey thank u15:42
* cerebrate makes some fruit juice tea herb soup, shares with all15:43
=== redderhs1 is now known as redderhs
Bonzodoghi guys18:23
Bonzodogok, so I am an ex-arch user who bought a brand new Acer 571 laptop which runs UEFI by default, and cannot be reverted to a legacy BIOS18:25
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:25
BonzodogI am currently using Ubuntu as the 12.10 installer can auto setup a UEFI install, but I am not happy with the idea of only having / partition. I have always used a seperate /home ince 199718:26
Bonzodogalso, i want an ob based system, as its what I have used for a long while18:27
holsteinBonzodog: you can make what you like18:27
holsteinBonzodog: you can use the alternate installer... you can use the advanced part of the live CD installer. you can partition using what you like (anything esle such as gparted live CD) and install to whatever you choose18:27
Bonzodogmy problem is I don know how to custom create a GPT disk18:28
BonzodogI can manually setup and partition an MBR disk18:28
Bonzodogah hah18:34
Bonzodogthanks guys18:34
BonzodogI will also probably go onto warty18:35
Bonzodogas I am an ex Arch Multilib Testing user18:35
BonzodogI liked living on the bleeding edge18:35
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.18:41
holstein^^ that is old and EOL18:41
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:42
holstein^ s what you would go on to18:42
BonzodogI mean the bleeding edge release18:42
Unit193You'd have to seek support in +118:42
BonzodogI thought it was codenamed warty18:42
Unit193But could be interesting.18:43
Unit193Bonzodog: Debian calls it sid, don't know what Ubuntu's devel would be.18:43
Bonzodogit used to have a seperate codename on the repos18:43
wxl#1. i don't think there are "codenames" per se :) like it's not insider information18:43
wxl#2. it's the latest, but it's not necessarily bleeding edge18:43
wxl#3. ubuntu went alphabetical in the 4th release: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(operating_system)#Releases18:44
wxlwill zesty zebra be the last ubuntu? or will it be celestial curassow? or will they just start over again?18:45
wxlnext on unsolved mysteries…18:45
Bonzodogoh, it used to be that the repos for a devel release would have their own name, but it doesnt work like that anymore18:51
Bonzodognow you run updatemanager -d18:52
Bonzodogand it shows you the current devel release18:52
wxlwell if you look in sources.list each source has the codename as an argument18:53
wxlso same repos, different section18:53
wxli should revise that: same server, different folder http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/18:54
wxlif you plan on hanging around lubuntu for a while and you plan on running the bleeding edge, you should join qa :)18:55
Bonzodogwhere would be the best place to ask about bumblebee18:58
BonzodogThis lappy is also an Optimus system18:58
Bonzodogbut I have a game that has to have optirun bash put in first18:59
holsteinBonzodog: all those packages are for any ubuntu versions, so i might try #ubuntu18:59
=== SilverLion is now known as Guest10865
=== Guest10865 is now known as SilverLion
SilverLionhi everyone20:33
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