
jbichanot yet, should I now?00:00
cyphermoxwhenever you're ready, I'd say00:00
cyphermoxprovided it was fine re: freeze and all o that00:01
jbichaok should be done now. The rename was a "bug fix", the only other changes were translation updates00:03
cyphermoxjbicha: the merge is up and was approved by mterry, but I'm waiting for jenkins to pick things up. that said, we can rerun tests later if they fail in daily landing00:17
pittiLaney: ah, we should add the signal emission to our "fallback to pm-utils" patch indeed; mind filing a bug for it to track, with the details?05:41
pittiGood morning05:41
RAOFpitti: Good morning!05:49
pittihey RAOF, how are you?05:50
RAOFPretty good.05:50
RAOFpitti: It appears that DEB_HOST_ARCH05:51
RAOFisn't set to “linux” while running the auto-pkg-tests?05:52
RAOFAlso, could I trouble you for a colord & colord-gtk upload to Debian?05:52
pittiRAOF: autopkgtest calls "debian/rules build" AFAIK05:52
pittiRAOF: i. e. you can't rely on anything dpkg-buildpackage would set for you05:53
pittithat's a bit weird, but actually Debian policy says that packages need to be able to build with just that05:53
pittiso you need something like05:53
pittiDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH || true)05:54
pittiRAOF: uploads> sure05:55
pittiRAOF: toss me the .dsc or git links?05:55
pittiah, I still have a colord checkout05:55
RAOFI'll do the git links.05:55
pittibut maybe you want to fix the DEB_HOST_ARCH thing first?05:56
pittiRAOF: seems debian/rules already does it for MULTIARCH, so you just need the same for D_HOST_ARCH05:56
RAOFpitti: Ready to roll06:26
pittiRAOF: ack; want to dch -r/debcommit -ar ?06:27
RAOFpitti: Enjoy the debian/0.1.31-1 tag.06:28
pittiRAOF: as soon as you push and push --tags :)06:29
RAOFpitti: Done. Also, git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/colord-gtk.git06:31
RAOFNow, Zoë bath.06:31
pittioh, that pulled some 15 tags :)06:31
* pitti is always annoyed by the requirement to do git push --tags separately06:31
* pitti fires up sbuild06:34
pittiRAOF: colord-gtk> release/tag please?06:35
bochecha_pitti: about git push --tags: http://stackoverflow.com/a/298818206:36
RAOFpitti: debian/0.1.24-106:48
pittiRAOF: thanks; currently looking how to tell sbuild to enable experimental06:48
RAOFpitti: Urgh. You'll need --build-dep-resolver=aptitude06:49
RAOFIn addition to actually having the sources in there.06:49
pitti^ that I do06:49
pittiRAOF: push your colord-gtk release, please?06:50
RAOFpitti: git thinks it's already pushed all of colord-gtk06:52
pittiah, now; apparently there's some delay somewhere in between06:54
pittiwould anyone know how I can get logs or other details from failed unity test cases?07:14
pittididrocks perhaps?07:14
didrockspitti: do you mean autopilot tests?07:14
didrocksor something else?07:15
pittimake -C obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/ check07:15
pittithe debian package does check-headless, but that doesn't run the D-BUS tests (which I'm interested in)07:15
pittiI'd like to see unity's output (it already does some logging) for a particular test case07:16
pittirunning just one test would also be helpful07:17
pittisorry for being a n00b here07:17
didrockspitti: I'm not really familiar with the check-headless tests TBH07:17
didrocksI think Trevinho would be of a greater help ^07:17
pittiok, thanks07:18
didrocksxnox: I will let you fix what Ricardo told and then, having a look07:18
didrockssorry pitti07:18
pitti[  FAILED  ] TestGnomeSessionManager.LogoutFallbackLogind07:18
pittithis is delightfully unhelpful :) I guess that can't be the end of what this test runner can do07:18
didrocksxnox: you should add to the changelog "general packaging cleanup"07:18
didrockspitti: well, this is what is shown in all Unity* pieces when something failed though07:19
pittiright, but there could at least be the particular assertion that failed07:19
pittianyway, I'll ask in #ubuntu-unity, thanks didrocks!07:20
didrocksyw pitti07:20
RAOFpitti: colord and colord-gtk got rejected for not containing source?07:22
pittiurgh, sorry07:22
RAOFpitti: Also, it looked like colord was going to unstable?07:23
pittihm, it seems sbuild is doing strange things07:23
pittisbuild --build-dep-resolver=aptitude -d sid colord-gtk_0.1.24-1.dsc07:23
pittithat's what I ran07:24
pittiapparently that's not paying attention to the debian/changelog target then, and doesn't include the source?07:24
* pitti builds again07:24
pittiah, -s07:24
pittioh, it's -c sid, not -d sid; bad mk-sbuild manpage!07:25
pittiseems it still wants an explicit -d experimental, though07:25
pittiRAOF: ok, building again, sorry!07:26
RAOFpitti: No problem07:30
pittiok, looks better now07:35
RAOFpitti: Thanks, that got accepted.07:41
jibelgood morning07:49
didrockssalut jibel07:52
didrocksça va?07:52
pittibonjour jibel07:56
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
jibelSalut pitti et didrocks08:12
pittibonjour jibel, ça va ?08:12
jibelpitti, ça va bien et toi?08:12
pittijibel: un peu malade :(08:13
jibelpitti, rien de grave j'espère?08:15
pittijibel: seulment un rhume08:16
seb128hey desktopers08:32
didrockshey seb12808:34
seb128lut didrocks ;-)08:35
seb128Laney, good morning09:03
Laneypitti: bug> sure - I hacked up a version which does emit the signal by delaying the return and calling send_prepare_for at the end. I'm not entirely sure if that's right though.09:04
seb128pitti, @re: logind, would you prefer to delay the systemd-services use to after raring?09:13
pittiseb128: your call really09:13
pittiseb128: the basic functionality of timezoned etc. works fine, and I wrote autopkgtests for them09:13
pittiseb128: but I understand for proper ntp handling we need desrt's shim?09:14
seb128pitti, well, our side is rather ready, I just don't want to create too much issues for you09:14
pittiseb128: anyway, I'm going to disable the upstart job for logind, so that one can install systemd-services without libpam-systemd and thus logind09:14
seb128pitti, we do yes09:14
pittiseb128: the logind FFE was finally decided (rejected), so we now have a clear path forward09:14
seb128Laney, there is a new glib out, want to do the update?09:45
seb128Laney, pango as well... ;-)09:45
Laneymy favourite!09:45
seb128Laney, thanks09:45
tkamppeterAnyone in charge of GNOME Control Center here?10:20
=== Pleiadian_ is now known as Pleiadian
seb128tkamppeter, that would be me?10:21
tkamppeterseb128, we came to the decision to let the GCC open system-config-printer instead of its own tool for printer management in Raring, as the new tool has improved but is still missing stuff, like a button for sharing printers.10:28
seb128tkamppeter, who is "we"?10:28
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tkamppeterseb128, I think it was discussed on some desktop meeting10:32
seb128tkamppeter, yeah, we discussed it last week, and we said we should discuss it after the meeting again, I was just curious if you had another discussion on the topic10:33
seb128tkamppeter, so I will upload gnome-control-center to hide the icon under unity10:33
seb128tkamppeter, you should probably restore 06_rename_settings_panel.patch in system-config-printer?10:34
Laneyah there we go, I have systemd sending the event seemingly at the right time and indicator-datetime responding to it10:34
tkamppeterseb128, to return the name from "Print Settings" to "Printers"?10:34
pittiseb128, Laney: I'm pondering how to make systemd-services work without starting logind, and at the same time make it easy to enable logind for testing and preparing the migration (as that will happen in May)10:35
Laneypitti: Yeah - I was thinking of holding back the packages10:36
pittiseb128, Laney: my initial idea was to disable the startup condition in logind's upstart job, but WDYT about just moving the upstart job into libpam-systemd?10:36
Laneybut perhaps just have the PPA be what people should use to do the migration10:36
seb128pitti, that would work for me10:36
Laneymmm, yeah that works10:36
pittithen you can install systemd-services without logind starting, but if someone installs libpam-systemd (and thus uninstall libpam-xdg-support), you'll get logind10:36
pittiand we woudln't even need to revert that change in May10:37
tkamppeterseb128, so tell me when the changed GCC is uploaded and after that I will re-introduce the patch in s-c-p.10:38
Laneypitti: is that all you need to do to disable logind?10:40
Laneylike there's no dbus activation or anything weird like that10:40
pittiLaney: yes; if you call loginctl it'll dbus-activate, but fail because of the missing cgroup10:41
pittiLaney: if that's worrying you we can disable it further as well, but I wouldn't like to cripple it too much for just a month10:41
Laneyno, the scope of that seems quite limited10:41
LaneyI was more thinking of services dbus activating logind and then hanging forever waiting for a reply or so10:42
pittiall services that we grepped for check sd_booted(), which will fail because the cgroup is not mounted10:43
pittithere might be some third-party sw out there which just blindly talks to the logind D-BUS API without error checking, but I can't help that10:43
pittiit'll fail without logind in a very similar way as with our "broken" logind10:43
* Laney files a bug for the PrepareForFoo stuff10:44
pittiLaney, seb128: FYI, I adjusted bug 1156074 for that issue, fixing now10:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1156074 in systemd (Ubuntu) "installing systemd-services without libpam-systemd loses device ACLs" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115607410:52
seb128pitti, ok, thanks10:53
seb128weird that I don't have that issue10:53
seb128I've systemd-services installed10:53
pittiseb128: with libpam-systemd?10:53
pittiseb128: do you have /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/ ?10:54
pittiand logind running?10:54
seb128oh, sorry, I've libpam-systemd installed10:54
seb128weird, I wonder how it got there10:54
BigWhaleGood Morning everyone ...10:54
seb128I'm just using the desktop ppa10:54
pitti<jedi wave>it is what you want</jedi wave>10:54
seb128and I just installed systemd-services for the hostnamed, etc work10:55
seb128I though the pam change didn't make it to distro?10:55
* seb128 is confused10:55
pittiseb128: "the pam change"?10:56
seb128pitti, installing libpam-systemd10:56
pittiseb128: oh, you mean adjusting the seeds? no, it didn't10:56
pittiI guess you uninstalled ubuntu-desktop10:56
seb128I wonder why that got installed for me10:56
seb128right, ubuntu-desktop is not installed10:57
seb128but that should bring less new stuff, not more :p10:57
seb1282013-03-16 10:16:09 install libpam-systemd:i386 <none> 198-0ubuntu410:57
Laneyaptitude why libpam-systemd10:57
seb128i   systemd-services Recommande libpam-systemd10:58
seb128is that wanted?10:59
* seb128 is confused on what bits of logind should be pulled in10:59
seb128tkamppeter, oh, you need to restore https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-printer/1.3.11+20120807-0ubuntu11 as well11:01
seb128tkamppeter, I'm uploading g-c-c to hide the upstream icon, please update s-c-p whenever you are ready for that11:02
pittiseb128: ah, good point; I'll drop that11:04
seb128pitti, danke11:04
seb128pitti, on the good side I've logind installed and running and I didn't notice11:04
seb128so it seems things are just working for me :p11:04
* seb128 hugs pitti, good work ;-)11:05
pittiseb128: nice!11:05
tkamppeterseb128, I will do.11:06
seb128tkamppeter, thanks11:06
pittiseb128: so you didn't see Lennart's face in the boot splash?11:11
seb128pitti, no, but it's not april 1st yet... ;-)11:13
davmor2hey seb128 quick query in the Gnome Control Center is there a reason why startup apps isn't in there?  I have an app that is set to auto start up I just kinda instinctively went there and it wasn't an option.11:13
seb128davmor2, because nobody worked on "startup applications" in years and it's neither integrated nor good quality11:16
davmor2seb128: ah okay, that's as good a reason as any I guess, thanks :)11:16
GunnarHjseb128: Hi Seb, can you please add a Precise task to bug 1156670, so it shows up in the sponsorship queue.11:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1156670 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "Cannot chose language with home on nfs export" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115667011:21
seb128GunnarHj, hey, done11:23
GunnarHjseb128: Thanks!11:24
seb128np ;-)11:24
xnoxdidrocks: seb128: do we have ubuntu-wallpapers-raring yet? the contest did close on the 8th of march....11:25
didrocksxnox: not sure we have winners yet11:25
didrocksJohnLea_: ^ do you know?11:25
seb128good question, dunno11:26
seb128Trevinho, there? I would like to go back to the old indicator-session dialogs for raring (still some issues with the new one and that landed a bit late, I want to play it safe) ... is there an easy way to tell indicator-session/unity to not use the new dialog or do we need commits reverted if we want to do that?11:31
JohnLea_seb128; Is there a way we can keep them in?!  We've tested the new dialogues very well, I think we have shaken out the bugs, and they got a very positive reception11:37
JohnLea_seb128; if there is anything we can do to keep them In I would like to do that if at all possible.  I'll owe you lots of beer if we can! ;-)11:37
didrocksJohnLea_: do you mind answering on the wallpaper question? :)11:38
JohnLea_didrocks; just about to ;-)11:38
seb128JohnLea_, there is a bunch of bugs, we get different dialogs in the user session and on the greeter, and we loose the fix we just got to ask password to reboot/shutdown the machine if other users are logged in11:38
JohnLea_didrocks; we have the default wallpaper in don't we?11:38
didrocksJohnLea_: never saw any request for that, so no :)11:39
didrocksJohnLea_: didn't see as well the wallpapers for contest winners btw :)11:39
seb128JohnLea_, the default wallpaper ... did it change or is that yet another hard to notice variation over the same one?11:39
didrocksthe default yes11:39
didrocksit's already in raring11:39
didrocksI think we discuss about the other ones11:39
JohnLea_didrocks; ok, I'll chase the new default wallpaper right now and get back to you.  Do you know if the wallpaper competition is still being run by Iain Farrel?11:39
seb128JohnLea_, default wallpaper is in this decembre11:40
JohnLea_seb128; I think the new wallpaper is already in, but let me double check.  I think we did it right at the beginning of the cycle this time11:40
JohnLea_seb128; ok, I thought is was11:40
seb128JohnLea_, yeah, no need to check11:40
JohnLea_didrocks; ^11:40
seb128right, didrocks said so as well11:40
seb128<didrocks> the default yes11:41
seb128 it's already in raring11:41
seb128so all in agreement11:41
seb128remaining issues are11:41
JohnLea_cool, all good11:41
seb128- contest wallpapers11:41
seb128- session dialogs11:41
didrocksyep :)11:41
JohnLea_seb128; do you know if Iain Farrel is still running the wallpaper competition?11:41
seb128JohnLea_, I've no idea11:42
seb128I don't even know if the competition was run this cycle11:42
JohnLea_seb128; the community wallpaper competition is something that has been 100% community run for the last couple of cycles, we haven't had any direct involvement with it for a year and a half at least11:42
JohnLea_seb128; humm, will need to dig and find out what is happening.  I'll email Iain and cc you11:43
seb128JohnLea_, no need to Cc me, just ping us if there is an updated set of wallpapers to upload11:43
Laneymterry handled the update last cycle - perhaps he can tell us where they came from11:44
seb128let's check with him when he gets online11:44
JohnLea_seb128; cool, will do.  I assume deadline is in 2 days11:44
JohnLea_seb128; so on to the shutdown dialogues...11:44
seb128JohnLea_, see my query on that11:45
* didrocks grrr on omgubuntu to not give any link to the source11:45
didrocksonce more11:45
didrocksand so, hard to find where it was announced :/11:45
didrocksso, it's him11:45
didrocksJohnLea_: ^11:45
Laney14/03/13 – Deliver final selection to our kind packager extraordinaire Ken VanDine. Thanks again, Ken for offering your help.11:46
JohnLea_seb128; so from you comment above there are two issues.  a) different dialogues in the greeter b) shutting down if other users are logged in?11:46
seb128JohnLea_, c) some bugs11:47
JohnLea_seb128; is there a list somewhere?11:47
didrocksLaney: at least, we have dailies for the package, it's just a MP away (well with… the right images) ;-)11:47
seb128JohnLea_, like the fact that opening the lock screen/shutdown dialog makes all the apps pop a dialog about unsaved work, even if you only wanted to lock the screen11:47
seb128JohnLea_, @list: a minute11:47
JohnLea_seb128; cool, let's get a list together, I can go through it and review and add comments, then discuss what *has* to be fixed for this to be included, and rope Trevinho into the conversation to see if he can fix any of the blockers.11:49
seb128JohnLea_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=indicator-session-new-dialogs11:52
* JohnLea_ starts looking at bug list11:52
* didrocks adds one more, one sec11:52
JohnLea_seb128, didrocks; I've emailed Iain asking him to ping either of you in IRC when he gets my message11:53
didrocksgreat :)11:53
seb128hey iainfarrell111:55
seb128JohnLea_, didrocks: ^11:55
didrockshey ;)11:55
=== iainfarrell1 is now known as iainfarrell
iainfarrellThe gang's all here! :)11:55
didrocksheh, indeed!11:55
seb128so yeah, people were asking if we plan to land new wallpapers from the contest11:55
iainfarrellso, I sent the wallpapers package on th e14th to Ken VanDine11:55
seb128uif is this week11:55
iainfarrellbut I've not hear anything back from him11:55
seb128ok, that's the info we were missing11:56
iainfarrellI can pass them on to you if you'd like11:56
seb128better to use launchpad11:56
iainfarrellI had it nice and early, yeah he's packaged and done the LP part in the past11:56
seb128so there is public tracking and it doesn't fall into cracks when somebody drops the ball11:56
iainfarrellgive me a bug and I'll upload it11:56
iainfarrellnoted for next time :)11:56
iainfarrellhe's saved me in the past, clearly :)11:56
didrocksiainfarrell: just open a bug against ubuntu-wallpapers and attach them please :)11:56
iainfarrellon it :)11:56
JohnLea_hyia iainfarrell !11:58
iainfarrellhey JohnLea_11:58
iainfarrelldidrocks: I can't seem to report a bug - have a triangle in my way :)11:58
didrocksiainfarrell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers11:59
didrockstry the package :)11:59
didrocksbug tracking isn't opened upstream11:59
iainfarrellahh, I am so out of practice, I've added you didrocks, seb128 and JohnLea_12:02
iainfarrellCompressed file is up12:02
didrocksexcellent, thanks iainfarrell :)12:02
iainfarrellApologies for the delay, you'd have had it last week12:02
didrocksiainfarrell: no worry, and not your fault!12:02
iainfarrellI'm not sure what Ken usually does to it12:02
iainfarrellonce I've provided it12:02
didrocksiainfarrell: will take care of it :)12:02
iainfarrellbut there's the last few releases12:02
iainfarrellyou're splendid fellows!12:03
didrocksthanks to you :)12:03
iainfarrellI am, we all are etc. :D12:03
didrocksheh ;)12:04
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128kenvandine, hey13:06
kenvandinehey seb12813:06
seb128kenvandine, how are you?13:06
didrockshey kenvandine13:06
seb128kenvandine, want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu-wallpapers/raring/+merge/154070 ? apparently you were send those updates ;-)13:06
kenvandineseb128, sure13:07
seb128kenvandine, thanks13:07
seb128kenvandine, took us a while to figure what's going on13:07
seb128kenvandine, oh, and don't forget signon-ui :p13:07
kenvandinesorry :)13:07
kenvandineboth were on my list for today :)13:07
seb128no worry13:07
kenvandinebug 115697913:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1156979 in unity-lens-friends (Ubuntu) "[FFe] replace gwibber-service with Friends" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115697913:07
kenvandinebug 115694113:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1156941 in qml-friends (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Provide an API for access data from Friends" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115694113:08
seb128ok, well you can thanks didrocks, by the time we tracked down the status he did the update as well13:08
seb128next time would be good to use a public bug for the tracking13:08
seb128kenvandine, nice!13:08
kenvandinehe always sends me an email13:09
didrockskenvandine: wait13:11
didrocksjust seeing the update on the bug report13:11
didrocksiainfarrell: you should have ping me on IRC :)13:11
didrocksremoving the additional one13:12
didrockskenvandine: additional wallpaper removed13:14
didrocks(fine for reviewing now)13:14
didrockskenvandine: thanks for publishing friends ;)13:16
kenvandinenp, i checked the dashboard before i even had coffee today :)13:16
didrockskenvandine: sometimes, maybe you should wait coffee, when things are read :p13:17
kenvandineok, filed FFe for ubuntu-ui-toolkit too, bug 115719113:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1157191 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "[FFe] API updates for MainView, PageStack and Tabs " [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115719113:19
kenvandinetoday's going to be an MIR day too :)13:20
kenvandineqtdeclarative, ubuntu-ui-toolkit and friends13:20
kenvandinedidrocks, i updated to the ppa and no major breakages yet :)13:20
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kenvandinedidrocks, i am going to create a new stack for the toolkit/qt stuff13:25
kenvandinehow about naming it "toolkit"13:25
didrockskenvandine: platform? as there will be platform API in it?13:26
didrockslike the ubuntu-platform-api13:27
didrocksand other similar bindings?13:27
didrockskenvandine: ok, so head/platform.stack :)13:27
kenvandinedidrocks, also is the wallpaper branch in a daily release stack?13:27
didrocksfeel free to boostrap it13:27
didrockskenvandine: yeah! in misc13:27
kenvandinei approved it13:27
didrocksthanks kenvandine :)13:27
didrockswill be tomorrow in!13:27
kenvandinethank you for preparing it!13:27
didrocksno worry13:27
kenvandinemy todo list for today has gotten shorter :)13:28
didrockswas a refreshment in a world of 100 scopes :)13:28
didrockskenvandine: ensure we do have integration tests and a job to run them please :)13:29
didrocksif they need a real session13:30
didrocksbefore we really add the stack13:30
kenvandinedidrocks, there are autopilot tests that do run in the build13:31
kenvandinethere aren't autopkgtest13:32
kenvandineit tests quite a few components13:32
didrockskenvandine: oh, so they do have a fake applications and testing against it?13:32
kenvandinebut i haven't tried to figure out how the coverage is13:32
didrockswithout needing a real X session?13:32
didrocksok, please see how in a good/bad state we are :)13:32
didrocksto ensure we can have dailies with a safety net ;)13:32
kenvandinethey use the component showcase demos13:33
kenvandineand autopilot13:33
didrockssounds good, just poke a little bit at it, ensure it's running well in pbuilder and we are set! :)13:35
kenvandinedidrocks, looks like they test 17 components and confirm they object loads13:35
kenvandineand they are testing all the components gwibber use :)13:36
kenvandineso the only app that'll be in the archive using it :)13:36
didrockskenvandine: you should subscribe to the MP as well to monitor that they don't push new code without tests, and so on…13:36
didrocksdistro acceptance criterias :)13:36
kenvandineok, you assume i notice all those emails :)13:36
kenvandinei'm subscribed to 100s of them already :-D13:38
kenvandinedidrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/cupstream2distro-config/platform-stack/+merge/15408213:38
didrockskenvandine: hem, that's what jasoncwarner_ is asking us to monitor13:39
didrockskenvandine: and I'm subscribe to all of them :)13:39
didrocksit's the only way to ensure we know what's going to land13:39
didrocksand that the criterias are met13:39
kenvandinei usually look at the activereviews pages13:39
didrockskenvandine: on the 30 projects you are monitoring? :)13:40
didrocksand what about what happened during the night?13:40
kenvandinei know... not perfect, but so much gets lost in the noise in email13:40
kenvandinei look at them in email too, but so much noise i can't read them all13:41
didrockskenvandine: well, I think the management is seeing us as the gateway, if we don't do the tracking well, we should raise with them we can't do it13:42
didrocksweird that this wasn't raised before, I assumed everyone was looking at their stacks :)13:43
kenvandinemaybe i need to spend some time unsubscribing to stuff13:43
didrockskenvandine: filters ;)13:43
kenvandinei do look... i just can't spend the time to read 3000 emails a day :)13:43
kenvandinei have filters...13:43
didrockskenvandine: you do look at other stacks?13:43
didrocksor just yours?13:43
kenvandineok, that folder has 713 emails for yesterday13:43
kenvandineover time i've been subscribed to many13:44
didrockskenvandine: I have some filters working per team13:44
kenvandinei guess i need to create separate filters13:44
didrocksso I have subfolders for those13:44
didrocksI'm still looking at what entering in all stacks13:44
kenvandinethey don't show up per team for me13:45
didrocksbut I guess I won't be able to keep up and just rely on you guys :)13:45
kenvandinei guess i need to tweak procmail13:45
kenvandineyou can't watch all of them :)13:45
didrockskenvandine: do you have an estimate of the number of emails if you only receive those from your stack?13:45
kenvandinei use the autofilter procmail rules13:45
didrockslike, would it be workable?13:45
didrockskenvandine: ah, I do that manually ;)13:45
kenvandineit would be workable just for my stack :)13:45
didrocks(the filters for procmal)13:45
didrocksI wonder how we can do that in a robust way13:46
* kenvandine wants gmail13:46
kenvandinei should plan a house keeping day and unsubscribe from lots of stuff13:47
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
kenvandine713 merge emails in one day is too many :)13:47
kenvandinethe folder has nearly 100k of emails :)13:47
seb128kenvandine, are you subscribed to the whole launchpad? ;-)13:47
kenvandinemaybe :)13:48
kenvandinei've been subscribed to practically everything DX has ever done13:48
seb128kenvandine, spring cleaning!13:51
kenvandinei wonder if evolution will suck less if i do that spring cleaning :)13:52
kenvandinemy launchpad-bugs folder must have 500 subfolders13:52
kenvandineat least13:52
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
xclaesseseb128, any progress on purging automatically old kernels after updates?14:13
xclaesseseb128, had to repair my mother's computer again14:13
seb128xclaesse, not that I know about :-(14:14
xclaesseout of disk space in the middle of upgrade is bad14:14
xclaesseagain, 5G of useless kernels14:14
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
seb128shrugh, that issue sucks14:14
xclaesseIMHO, that's totally critical and release blocker14:14
seb128the upgrader shouldn't try to do the upgrade if there is not enough disk space to start with14:14
xclaessebut since all linux distro release with that bug since 20 years...14:14
xclaesseIf I was a bash guru, I would write a cron that purge all kernels but the running one at startup14:16
pittiat least they are now being marked for auto-removal14:17
pittiso, "sudo apt-get --purge autoremove" will remove all but the most recent two14:17
seb128pitti, it's a bit better but still doesn't help end users who click through update-manager though :-(14:17
pittiyeah, it's still lacking UI integration14:18
xclaesseseb128, but I have to rekon it's partly my fault to have a too small root partition... but still it's about 2G of kernel per year when you do all updates14:18
xclaessepitti, by "now" you mean raring? it doesn't work on precise at least14:18
pittiyes, raring14:18
xclaessecool :)14:18
kenvandinedidrocks, is unity-asset-pool setup to use the merger?14:18
xclaesseseb128, pitti: On my work maching, with a 300M /boot (the rest is encrypted) I got out of disk space in the middle of grub update, did not realize => system won't boot anymore14:20
xclaessethat was not that easy to repair14:21
rickspencer3didrocks, dash is working well for me today14:46
rickspencer3I'm experiencing a very tiny bug though, not sure where to report it14:46
mterryseb128, btw, the gcalctool fix landed in unity14:49
seb128mterry, thanks14:49
seb128mterry, the utah issue is being investigated by cjwatson and some others14:50
seb128mterry, it's an username preseeding issue in the installer14:50
seb128could be a bug on the Ubuntu side14:50
didrocksrickspencer3: hey! great :) do you think the bug is linked to the changes?14:59
rickspencer3didrocks, yeah14:59
rickspencer3the search field doesn't have keyboard focus on first run14:59
didrocksrickspencer3: see my email about it: open against https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity and tag it 100scopes15:00
didrocksthat enables to have one list to rule them all :)15:00
didrockskenvandine: yeah, it's in misc as well15:00
kenvandinedidrocks, saw that, but will the merger merge it?15:00
* rickspencer3 looks15:00
didrockskenvandine: should be :)15:00
kenvandinedidrocks, indeed it does seem to be... it just failed :)15:01
kenvandinedidrocks, did you see i updated my c2ud branch?15:01
rickspencer3I love the wikipedia integration15:02
rickspencer3that's sweet15:02
didrockskenvandine: let me have a look15:04
kenvandinerickspencer3, it is!15:09
=== dduffey_afk is now known as dduffey
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
czajkowskihyperair: ping :)15:44
hyperairczajkowski: pong15:46
hyperairwhat's up?15:46
jcastrodidrocks: man dude, the wikipedia thing is _nice_15:46
jcastrodidrocks: so over time it will learn I prefer wikipedia over say, music, and move those to the top?15:46
czajkowskihyperair: free for a pm please before I break more stuff! :)15:47
czajkowskiand I'm very close to firing my VM out the window!15:47
didrocksjcastro: not that you prefer wikipedia, but in general, people from your country/area prefers wikipedia15:47
jcastroah ok15:48
didrocksor rather even, "for this search, people prefer wikipedia" :)15:49
didrocksI'm sure dinausores will have wikipedia on top :p15:49
desrtpitti: how deep does your hardware testing stuff reach?16:06
pittidesrt: 15.324 meters16:06
* desrt needs 18m16:06
* pitti gets a shovel16:06
desrtif i have a bluetooth connection active when i suspend then my system gets into a 'bad state'16:07
desrtsometimes this means that it doesn't complete suspend16:07
desrtsometimes it doesn't complete resume16:07
pittidesrt: right now it coveres record & replay of usbdevfs (MTP, PtP), and arbitrary sysfs and /dev/ stuff16:07
desrtbut if it gets that far then probably i won't be able to start new apps after resuming16:07
pittidesrt: ah, it doesn't simulate actual hardware, it intercepts /dev/, /sys, ioctls. etc at the glibc level through LD_PRELOAD16:07
desrtso: kernel is too deep, in other words :)16:08
pittifor that we'd need to simulate actual silicon16:10
pittidesrt: something like a VHDL runner perhaps?16:10
pittiok, c'est l'heur de la glace16:11
pitti(for purely medical reasons of course, to soothe my sore throat)16:11
* desrt wonders how much of his problems are caused by living life on the edge with uefi16:11
desrtpitti: enjoy :)16:12
kenvandineLaney, do you mind taking a look at my FFe requests?16:24
kenvandinebug 115694116:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1156941 in qml-friends (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Provide an API for access data from Friends" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115694116:24
kenvandinebug 115697916:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1156979 in unity-lens-friends (Ubuntu) "[FFe] replace gwibber-service with Friends" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115697916:24
kenvandineand bug 115719116:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1157191 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "[FFe] API updates for MainView, PageStack and Tabs " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115719116:24
kenvandineLaney, gotta love pre-meeting spam :)16:24
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
LaneyI'll see what I can do16:27
Laneyhow can I test friends?16:27
Laneygenerally it'll have to be pretty solid straight away, and we've been quite hard on FFes so far as promised at UDS16:28
Laneyonly been sabdfled once so far though ;-)16:28
didrocksLaney: so far :)16:29
LaneyI feel one more coming ;P16:29
Laneythere's always a few tbh16:30
seb128it's meeting time16:30
* Laney runs16:30
seb128Sweetshark, qengho, chrisccoulson, Laney, jasoncwarner, kenvandine, mlankhorst, cyphermox, mterry, robru, tkamppeter, attente: meeting time!16:30
kenvandineLaney, it's all build in ppa:super-friends/ppa16:31
mlankhorstg; day16:31
kenvandineLaney, we really want to kill the old gwibber code :)16:31
seb128let's get started16:31
seb128Sweetsha1k, hey16:32
Sweetsha1kseb128: ho16:32
kenvandinehaha... i thought Sweetsha1k said "no"16:32
Sweetsha1kseb128: doing autopkgtests for LO4. not much else16:32
seb128Sweetsha1k, thanks ;-)16:33
seb128qengho, hey16:33
qengho* Created packaging for Amazon-for-Chrome extension.  ($)16:33
qengho* Analyzing a provided zipfile to make same for Firefox.  ($)16:33
qengho* Added our own GoogleAPI keys to chromium-browser. Got blessing from GOOG to include in source package.16:33
qengho* Integrating much of packaging suggestions from chromium-browser upstream.16:33
qengho  - Direct orig tarball download instead of buggy, terrible SCM checkout.16:33
qengho  - NaCl enabling?16:33
qengho  - Almost all system libraries used instead of integrated.16:33
qengho  - Much housecleaning in debian/rules .16:33
qengho* Working with community member to get webapps applied to dev-channel dailies also!16:33
qengho* Starting autopkgtest work on chromium-browser.16:33
seb128what's the amazon-for-chrome doing?16:34
qenghoIt's something that The Management wants to include in 13.10 almost certainly.16:35
seb128ok, let's see how that goes16:35
seb128qengho, thanks16:35
seb128chrisccoulson_, hey16:35
seb128chrisccoulson_, did you defeat chromium on arm yet? ;-)16:35
qenghoThat pit is deeper than can be fathomed.16:36
chrisccoulson_seb128, yeah, the latest version is working on my pandaboard. i've got some packaging changes to make and then i'm going to stick it in a ppa16:36
qenghochrisccoulson_: is that the library version?16:36
seb128hum, chrisccoulson_ seems busy, moving on16:38
seb128chrisccoulson_, thanks16:38
seb128Laney, hey16:38
LaneyBit of poking around upstart session jobs (looks like this will be off by default for raring so putting it on the shelf for now)16:38
chrisccoulson_sorry, went to grab a glass of water ;)16:38
LaneyRelease work16:38
Laneystarted doing some logind porting this week including uncovering more work needed to our systemd patches16:38
LaneySome GNOME updates16:38
Laneyseb128: I don't see a new pango1.0 in the series we're using? you mentioned it earlier16:38
seb128Laney, ups, I though we updated to the current serie where we updated to the harbuzz-using serie but stayed on stable16:39
seb128so ignore that16:39
seb128Laney, did the user session FFe got nacked? :-(16:39
Laneymight be able to sync glib - pochu uploaded that to exp16:39
seb128what is considered risky?16:39
Laneyit's still got bugs like looking at all the Xsession scripts16:40
seb128ok, makes sense then, it's easy to opt in to work with it and we don't have real benefit/use of it yet16:40
seb128Laney, thanks16:40
Laneyyeah, it'll be a good thing to do for S-cycle16:40
seb128kenvandine, hey16:40
kenvandinei've been focusing on getting things in order to try to finally utilize the gwibber rewrite16:41
kenvandineget that landed16:41
kenvandineso all of that should be in good shape and added some APIs the core apps folks needed16:42
seb128going to right the release team next? ;-)16:42
kenvandineplaying catch up uploading bugs fixes for online accounts now16:42
kenvandinei hope not fight :)16:42
kenvandinei begged Laney :)16:42
seb128buy some beers to Laney :p16:42
seb128kenvandine, thanks ;-)16:42
kenvandinei really want to kill that old buggy code16:42
Laneythe trappist is a good place to go in oakland you know ...16:42
seb128mlankhorst, hey16:42
kenvandinefriends is 1000x better16:42
robrukenvandine, thanks ;-)16:42
kenvandineLaney, i'm there!16:42
mlankhorstfixed armhf mesa 9.1, still looking into xserver race, rebased my kernel changes, random launchpad bug fixing, upstreaming a few of mesa changes, running testsuite for mesa 9.0.3 on radeon/nouveau/i915, etc.16:43
seb128mlankhorst, thanks16:43
seb128cyphermox said he would be out during the meeting16:43
seb128he has been focussing on bluetooth this week16:44
seb128looking at bluedroid and making bluez work on the phablet16:44
seb128doing regular indicator daily release tracking as well16:44
seb128 16:45
seb128no mterry16:45
qenghokenvandine: (You may have seen that I added you as another GOOG API owner of "Ubuntu" project.  If I get hit by a bus, you will be able to change settings.)16:45
seb128but he was not feeling well since yesterday so he might be taking some rest16:45
seb128robru, hey16:45
robruseb128, hey!16:45
robru* Make it easier to reply to tweets without having to remember to @mention the original tweet (friends prepends the @mention for you if you forget it)16:46
robru* Automatically linkify URLs, with massive amounts of test coverage to prevent trailing punctuation from breaking the URLs.16:46
robru* Fix a bug with Facebook "Stories" not being displayed properly.16:46
robru* Include fake testing data in the package for the benefit of testing packages that depend on Friends.16:46
robru* Implement since= for facebook, vastly reducing bandwidth usage.16:46
robru* Fix a bug that prevented deleted accounts from having their old messages removed.16:46
robru* Catch an unhandled exception for a harmless error condition.16:46
robru* Add geotagging support to foursquare, flickr, and facebook.16:46
robru* Greatly reduce the complexity of our model schema.16:46
seb128Laney, I've the feeling that's another team member ready to pay you some beers to see the new stuff to land ;-)16:46
seb128robru, thanks16:46
seb128tkamppeter, hey16:47
tkamppeter- Set up web page for OpenPrinting Summit and invited people to participate16:47
tkamppeter- Set up web page for Google Summer of Code participation of the Linux Foundation (with OpenPrinting being a part of it)16:47
tkamppeter- Upgraded my main PC to Raring and reported bugs, especially broken QEMU VM support16:47
tkamppeter- Updated Ghostscript to version 9.0716:47
tkamppeter- Updated system-config-printer to integrate in GNOME Control Center again16:47
tkamppeter- CUPS 1.6.2 to land later today (got uploaded to Debian already)16:47
tkamppeter- Put up new manufacturer-supplied PPDs on OpenPrinting and updated auto-downloadable packages there (Kyocera, Samsung).16:47
seb128tkamppeter, thanks16:47
seb128attente, hey16:47
attenteseb128, hi16:47
attentestarted work on the keyboard/IM indicator16:48
attentefocusing on ibus first16:48
seb128attente, good luck with that, not a trivial topic ;-)16:49
seb128attente, thanks16:49
seb128desrt, hey16:49
attenteseb128, thanks16:49
desrtoh.  it's that time again!16:49
seb128desrt, it is! ;-)16:49
xnoxoooohhh wallpapers =)16:49
seb128xnox, shiny! ;-)16:49
desrtmostly this week was progress on the dconf proxy stuff16:50
desrtplus some glib bugfixing/maintainership type stuff16:50
seb128desrt, I saw you did a glib release, thanks ;-)16:50
xnoxseb128: now, I am allowed to crop the ringtail one and use it in the slideshow?16:50
xnoxit's too cute =)16:50
seb128xnox, ;-)16:50
desrtalso also starting to look at improving the efficiency of converting gmenumodels into real menus (in a way that we can share for both gtk and qt)16:50
desrtsince the current approach is quite bad16:50
seb128desrt, thanks16:51
seb128so me:16:51
seb128- some desktop updates16:51
seb128- quite some sponsoring, the queue is quite high, help on that is welcome if people have time16:52
seb128- blueprints reviews after vUDS16:52
seb128- otherwise some bugs fixing, some SRUs16:52
seb128 16:52
desrtany info on why systemd-{services,shim} are still in universe?16:52
seb128does anyone has questions/comments/topics to discuss?16:53
seb128desrt, the second MIR didn't get approved yet16:53
seb128sarnold is still doing the security review16:53
seb128and there was the logind question as well16:53
seb128but that got decided/delayed to next cycle16:54
desrtlogind is unrelated, imho16:54
seb128debian/pitti put logind in systemd-services16:54
desrtalthough i see some of the systemd libs are already in main16:54
seb128so installing the services is installing logind16:54
seb128same binary16:54
desrtoh.  interesting.16:54
desrtbut it doesn't imply that we run it or use it, does it?16:54
seb128so some work had to be done around that16:54
seb128pitti did the changes required for that16:55
* desrt is just trying not to have his changeset slip past the release16:55
seb128it will run only if you install libpam-systemd16:55
seb128well in any case, waiting for sarnold to finish the review16:55
didrocksseb128 forgot me :)16:56
seb128thanks for asking ;-)16:56
seb128other topics?16:56
didrockshey didrocks16:56
seb128didrocks, doh16:56
didrocks* prepare to get a daily release on a set of features branch16:56
didrocks* some refactoring to have multiple release sets as well16:56
didrocks* using those 2 new daily release features on the 100 scopes projects, having 40 components involved uploading daily in the ppa.16:56
didrocks* Help on this 100 scope projects to try having something rock solid by EOW. Wider testing will be opened tomorrow.16:56
didrocks* Maybe another interesting new intersection of Unity feature is coming (</teasing >)16:56
didrocks* New wallpapers packaging16:56
didrocksthanks didrocks16:56
seb128didrocks, sorry about that16:56
didrocksno worry ;)16:56
seb128I grepped my irclog to have the ping list16:56
seb128and I apparently took one where I forgot to list you16:57
desrtseb128: can you please put my nick at the start of your ping list? :)16:57
seb128and used that as the list to go through :p16:57
didrocksheh ;)16:57
desrt(or i could spend the 2 minutes to figure out how to fix irssi)16:57
seb128desrt, can do16:57
seb128I forgot on my list16:57
seb128helped didrocks on the new scope ppa16:58
* seb128 hugs didrocks16:58
* didrocks hugs seb128 back16:58
desrtanyone know how to fix irssi to highlight if a word is said anywhere in a line, not just at the start?16:58
didrocksmerci :-)16:58
seb128did I forget anybody else? ;-)16:58
* Laney casts his release team eye at "interesting ... new feature" ;-)16:58
attentedesrt, i have a script for that16:58
seb128Laney, just read it as "more free beers"16:58
didrocksLaney: you don't want to know (yet)16:58
desrthello desrt17:00
desrtcan someone say this ^ ?17:00
seb128can desrt stop that?17:00
desrtit's working now.  thanks :)17:00
seb128Laney, btw I foresee a disturbance in the force around bug #1154176 :p17:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1154176 in Unity "[FFE] Add payment preview for music" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115417617:00
didrocksseb128: spoiler!17:00
desrtoh.  reminds me17:00
didrocksspoil alert17:00
seb128thanks everyone17:00
Laneyyeah comment #13 tipped me off17:00
seb128let's wrap there17:00
desrti also spent some time this past week helping google sort out some dconf issues17:00
Laneyhe even got the unlucky number17:01
desrtand we have the mother of all issues on the radar, of course17:01
seb128desrt, nfs?17:01
didrocksLaney: you have really *no* idea how much fun I'm having :)17:01
desrtXDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set on precise and google uses nfs17:01
desrt-> boom17:01
seb128desrt, can they just install libpam-xdg-dir ?17:01
Laneydidrocks: I can try to guess :-)17:01
desrtmarga: ^ ?17:01
Laneyat least we tried to save the last minute stress/rush cycle17:02
margadesrt, I'm here, and that's correct.17:02
seb128desrt, marga: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam-xdg-support17:02
margaWill that fix it?17:02
seb128that should just work on precise afaik17:02
desrtmarga: did you find out of the issue was caused by concurrent access?17:02
seb128marga, that will make XDG_RUNTIME_DIR defined, not sure if that's enough17:02
margadesrt, I found out it was NOT caused by concurrent access.  It was caused by kerberos credentials expiring17:03
margai.e. NFS gone baby gon17:03
desrtnot much we can do in that case, then17:03
margatrap the sigbus and not die?17:03
desrtfwiw, if you use the latest dconf with full proper NFS support, there would be no chance for this to happen anymore17:04
desrtbut it doesn't help much on precise17:04
margaSo, the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR doesn't help in that case?17:05
Sweetsha1kseb128: here is the resolution, why I was this short on words in the meeting: http://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/autopkgtests-for-adults/ <- I just didnt want to repeat myself.17:05
desrtbut with new dconf it would17:05
desrtbecause the entire database gets stored in the runtime dir in that case17:05
desrtso mmap is safe17:05
seb128Sweetsha1k, lol, I like the title ;-)17:05
margauhm... Is it not possible to trap the SIGBUS and just not get new data instead of dying horribly?17:07
desrtdealing with SIGBUS is quite difficult17:07
desrtfor at least three reasons17:07
desrtfirst is that unix signals in general are extremely difficult to handle when combined with threads... you could get a SIGBUS in one thread, run the handler, then get a SIGBUS in another thread and run a concurrent handler... both of which would try to deal with the situation at the same time17:08
Sweetsha1kseb128: "LibreOffice -- based on technology breaking your toolchain since 1985" -- I had to canibalize the source package as the full package would make the adt-image run out of space before even starting the tests, but when copying the package into the image.17:08
desrtand because of the extremely limited number of things that it is 'safe' to call from signal handlers, you can't do locking to prevent this problem17:08
desrtsecond reason is because after the signal handler returns, the process 'tries again' with whatever caused the SIGBUS17:09
desrtso the solution need to involve mapping in a valid page (maybe zero-filled?) over the area that was invalidated by NFS disappearing17:09
desrtthird problem is that there is no way to register a SIGBUS handler for a particular region of memory -- you can only have one global SIGBUS handler17:09
desrtso if dconf tried to solve this problem and so did something else, they'd end up stepping on each other's toes17:10
desrtwe thought about adding a framework to glib for dealing with these types of situations17:10
desrtbut decided that it wasn't worth the bother17:11
desrthere's a question: what do you expect to happen if the user's homedir disappears out from under them?17:11
desrta solid answer to that question may at least give us something to work towards17:11
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
margaSo, if the screensaver is still running, the user can enter their credentials and re-get the kerberos ticket, so that NFS comes back.17:13
margaThis is what happens most of the time for NFS using users, they re-enter their credentials on Monday and everything works.17:13
desrtentering their password at the screensaver brings back NFS?17:13
desrtsome sort of pam magic is there?17:13
desrtvery interesting17:13
margaSo, we only need the screensaver to stay on the bus... :)17:14
desrtso new dconf takes a new approach to nfs17:15
* marga nods17:15
margaCould we maybe backport this to precise? Or does it have many dependencies?17:15
desrtbut now that i think about it, it may not deal well with the nfs-temporarily-gone case17:15
* desrt didn't even know this was possible17:16
desrtone thing is for sure: apps won't crash anymore17:16
seb128marga, the new dconf requires the new glib atm17:17
margaoh :-/17:17
seb128not sure how much of that is needed17:17
seb128or if you could make it work easily on the old glib17:17
desrtprobably not tonnes17:17
desrtit also requires explicit setup for nfs17:17
margawhat do you mean by explicit setup?17:18
desrtyou have to configure the dconf profile to tell it to use the nfs backend for the user's database17:18
desrtwhich i guess would not be a big problem for you17:18
desrtbut there would be a problem: it uses a different database format17:18
desrtso the user's settings would disappear17:18
desrt(ie: the existing ones from before the switch)17:18
margawell... it should be possible to write a migration script, right?17:19
desrtyes.  probably even fairly easy.17:19
desrti'm starting to think that maybe i should just write a new backend that automatically switches on when NFS is detected and uses the existing database file17:21
desrtprobably would only take a couple of days17:22
margasounds good... But I'd really just go for a simpler patch17:22
desrti don't think there's a good simple patch here17:22
pittidesrt: wrt. bluetooth, that actually rings a bell17:23
desrtpitti: got a bug?17:24
pittibug 69833117:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 698331 in pm-utils "thinkpad T410: Bluetooth not getting disabled on suspend" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69833117:24
pittidesrt: we dropped the sleep.d quirk from pm-utils a while ago though, as it didn't seem necessary any mroe17:24
pittiat least I got that bug on my machine as well, and it was fixed with a kernel update17:25
desrtwhat kernel update?17:27
pittidesrt: if you put http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/49bluetooth into /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d, does it fix that?17:27
seb128speaking about bluetooth17:27
seb128chrisccoulson_, did you file that bug you were mentioning in London?17:27
seb128chrisccoulson_, the hook that got dropped and makes bluetooth not work after suspend on the latitudes?17:28
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seb128pitti, not sure if it's the same issue, chrisccoulson_ was complaining about a quirck which was needed for bluetooth to work after resume on the e6410 and got dropped17:29
pittiseb128: might be that or bug 71564317:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 715643 in pm-utils (Ubuntu Maverick) "Bluetooth modules cause random S4 hangs" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71564317:32
pittiI did get bug 698331 on my machine, and that one was fixed in the kernel in precise17:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 698331 in pm-utils "thinkpad T410: Bluetooth not getting disabled on suspend" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69833117:33
seb128well, not sure what's going on exactly17:34
seb128but I can confirm that bluetooth stops working after suspend/resume on my e641017:34
seb128chrisccoulson_ knows the specific, I will wait for him to pong ;-)17:34
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jibelchrisccoulson_, is there any specific system requirement to run xpcshell tests multiple_geo_listeners and multiple_geo_listeners_wrap, like access to an external service? I noticed they both hang on amd6418:03
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chrisccoulson_hi seb128, will check the scrollback in a few minutes18:15
chrisccoulson_(sorry, not been too well today)18:15
seb128chrisccoulson_, (no worry, get better)18:16
chrisccoulson_jibel, there shouldn't be any special requirements, particularly network access. the test suite has it's own http server for stuff like that18:17
chrisccoulson_i'll check quickly though18:18
chrisccoulson_jibel, is there any chance that another service has port 4444 on localhost?18:21
chrisccoulson_that will make it hang18:21
jibelchrisccoulson_, there is nothing on this port18:32
* didrocks waves good evening18:36
chrisccoulson_jibel, is it reproducible? and is it happening on a test that you manually trigger?18:37
chrisccoulson_i wonder whether you could modify the test script in the zip file, to add a try/catch around the test code18:37
chrisccoulson_and log any exceptions18:37
chrisccoulson_jibel, hmm, the reftest failures on amd64 are pretty weird. eg, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/raring-ppa-adt-ubuntu_mozilla_daily_ppa-firefox-trunk/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/86/testReport/junit/layout.reftests/reftest-sanity/blank_html/18:57
chrisccoulson_(you can copy the data URL's in to your browser addressbar to see the screenshots)18:58
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jibelchrisccoulson_, it is reproducible bu only when run automatically19:36
chrisccoulson_jibel, did you see the screenshot from the reftest failure i linked? it looks like there is a proxy server in the way19:37
jibelchrisccoulson_, no, I don't see any screenshot or failure, the reftest you linked "passed"19:41
chrisccoulson_jibel, oh, that's weird. it showed as failing here, but it shows as passed now that i've refreshed it19:41
chrisccoulson_jibel, in any case, the screenshot from the failure it was showing is http://paste.ubuntu.com/5629135/19:42
chrisccoulson_i've just copied the data URL from the log19:42
jibelchrisccoulson_, ah thanks, I see, there is a proxy but noproxy is not set for localhost19:45
jibelchrisccoulson_, what's the command line to run only 1 test for example dom/tests/unit/test_multiple_geo_listeners.js ?19:48
chrisccoulson_jibel, /usr/lib/firefox-trunk/testing/run_xpcshell_tests xpcshell/tests/dom/tests/unit/test_multiple_geo_listeners.js should do it19:50
jibelchrisccoulson_, one slave has a broken proxy configuration and jenkins always selects it to run firefox-trunk amd64. I'll fix that first thing tomorrow morning, to avoid breaking things while I'm asleep :)19:55
chrisccoulson_jibel, cool, thanks!19:56
jcastrohey guys, for the juju gui we want to have icons, so we've decided on a scheme (icon.svg), but I need to figure things out like filesize etc. Is there a spec somewhere for svg icons for the desktop I can steal?19:57
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