
pleia2bkerensa: jetpack is a bit overkill for just x-posting :)03:28
pleia2we used to use identica to post to twitter, but it was terribly unreliable03:31
pleia2I don't like any solutions I'm finding03:39
philipballewI use the twitter web ui for all my tweets, or if im on the road, my go phone I got a the goodwill.03:51
pleia2philipballew: looking for something for this team, posterous is going away03:52
philipballewpleia2, Can't we just use the web ui? It is really nice.03:52
pleia2for Ubuntu Women I just log into identi.ca and it x-posts to twitter, manually do facebook and G+03:52
pleia2it's 4 web UIs03:52
pleia2identica, twitter, facebook and G+03:52
pleia2(we don't really do G+ at the moment though)03:53
philipballewI think I can look into how to better our g+ presence.03:53
pleia2manually cross-posting just seems silly03:53
philipballewwhy should we cross post?03:54
philipballewThat just gives people less reason to follow us on all platforms.03:54
pleia2we have different followers in each place03:54
pleia2some people just do identica, or just do twitter, or just do facebook03:54
pleia2a lot won't touch facebook at all03:55
philipballewSome people just do identica? Odd.03:55
pleia2but for some it's all they use03:55
philipballewTwitter is all I do.03:55
pleia2not odd, it's the only open source solution03:55
philipballewah, I guess that makes sense,03:55
pleia2yeah, since we're an open source project and all ;)03:56
MarkDude*Preaching to the choir* is much easier with a limited audience03:56
pleia2anyway, we've always posted to all these mediums so I'd like to continue03:56
philipballewGwibber should be able to do it. thats the default for Ubuntu, you know the distro you and I run.03:57
pleia2well, except G+ ;)03:57
MarkDudeBut YES, you are not really Open Source unless you use it, and complain about Twitter, Mono, etc03:57
philipballewId like to do some Ubuntu Hours with us over a google hangout03:57
pleia2philipballew: I use Xubuntu, where it's broken03:57
philipballewfor poeple who live in Rural areas03:57
pleia2that only takes care of identica and twitter anyway03:57
* MarkDude is actually been using Mint with MATE and also trying KDE03:57
MarkDudeKDE is the winner for me at this pont03:57
pleia2turns out facebook pages are a pain to update :)03:58
philipballewpleia2, yeah, lots of decisions.03:58
philipballewI only use twitter for the most part03:58
philipballewI try to tweet about 50 times a day, but often only get 30.03:58
pleia2maybe we just go back to doing identica > twitter, and manually do fb and g+03:58
MarkDudeFedora has been trying to make sumthin' to do what Posterous did, but has not achieved anything. A few have called the attempt vaporware :D03:59
philipballewMy favorite social site is Reddit though.03:59
pleia2"Connect your Twitter account to share your updates with your Twitter friends and vice-versa."03:59
pleia2huh, so could use twitter to update identica04:00
* philipballew subscribes to r/fedora04:00
pleia2actually, no, this is just identica to twitter04:00
=== mikestewart is now known as ms|Zzz
philipballewpleia2, so gwibber is not working in xfce at the moment?04:08
pleia2philipballew: right, it hooks into the gnome settings for accounts now, which are kind of fail in Xubuntu (shotwell is similar, no flickr upload, I had to install pristine shotwell from a ppa)04:09
philipballewThats why I dont trust software I have not written myself04:10
philipballewI have had libre office open for the past 12 hours straight and no problems. However I feel your pain for software not working because I use Libre office a lot04:11
* philipballew has a docx open so that makes him a closed source monster04:12
MarkDudeHorrible human being you are philipballew04:13
* MarkDude assumes you dont like kittens either04:14
* philipballew is annoyed Microsoft Word will not open his odt witht he right formatting so he can print his paper from the school computers.04:14
pleia2pdfs ftw04:14
geofftyou can just ftp them directly to your printer!04:15
geofft(this is true of a scarily large number of printers)04:15
pleia2I rediscovered the lpr command recently, when I was too lazy to go from my couch to my desk and wanted to print something04:15
philipballewgeofft, if my school admins knew how to set up a network printer I would not have to use windows as a middle man here04:15
pleia2"huh, I wonder if this will work" *printer noise* #win04:15
pleia2haven't quite sorted out the robot to pick it up off the printer and bring it to me yet04:16
geofftI am so glad that I don't care about printers any more04:16
philipballewI like to run spell checker in msword to so I can get twice the checking of my errors,04:16
philipballewwe have the option in some college classes to email the paper to the prof04:17
geofftlike the moment when I started reimplementing LPD lpq in pure-python in the lpq wrapper script04:17
geofftto work around some cups bug or another04:17
geofftwas probably the moment I should have realized something somewhere was wrong04:17
MarkDudeTrain cats to do your biddings04:17
philipballewwhats a printer cup?04:17
* philipballew does MarkDude 's biddings04:17
geofftalledegly it's common, unix, and printing.04:18
pleia2I can't talk about cups in a CoC-abiding channel :)04:18
geofftin my experience it's none of the three04:18
geofftobscure Apple jammed system is more like it.04:18
philipballewtime to move to #SwearWithPhil04:18
pleia2after I got over the panic of apple aquiring cups I was actually hopeful for about 47 minutes that it would lead to improvements04:19
philipballewdid it?04:19
* MarkDude heard you can swear in #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic04:19
pleia2I didn't notice any difference04:19
* MarkDude is kidding 04:19
MarkDudethis is NOT true :D04:20
pleia2MarkDude: troublemaker :P04:20
pleia2also, where have you been, I haven't seen you in like a zillion months04:20
MarkDudeBusy busy04:21
MarkDudeYou should make a Pi party04:21
pleia2jono said he'd BBQ for us04:21
philipballewIf I am in that area i will go04:22
MarkDudeVery good04:22
pleia2I'm thinking heather farms04:22
philipballewi should be in northers california "some times" during summer04:22
* philipballew is living for 5 weeks in Mexico City but will be there for the rest maybe04:22
pleia2I can never tell when you're being serious04:23
* MarkDude knows an epic cool dude that lives there04:23
MarkDudeHe has cool geek parties04:23
pleia2lots of cool ubuntu-mx folks down that way04:24
pleia2I'll be in Mexico for 2 weeks in May, but the tourist part, with beaches and mayan ruins ;)04:24
MarkDudeFunt times04:24
philipballewpleia2, yeah, gonna fly from Tijuanna to Mexico City in June.04:24
pleia2philipballew: neat04:24
philipballewliving with the loco leader there and his family04:25
pleia2philipballew: wow, awesome :)04:25
philipballewMarkDude, who is this dude?04:26
* pleia2 seeks dinner04:26
MarkDudeJuan http://k3rnel.net/2011/02/09/fedora-rally-for-sanity/04:28
darthrobotTitle: [Fedora: Rally for Sanity | k3rnel - Your friendly neighborhood blogger]04:28
philipballewoh nice!04:28
MarkDudeJuan does Fedora stuff, has arranged for Ubuntu04:28
philipballewThat seems cool!04:28
MarkDudeHe actually has  big Fedora logo on his car, studying Japanese for extra geek points04:29
jonowould love to BBQ :-)04:43
jonoI assume I dont any weird permits to do it at a park :-)04:44
MarkDudeNone needed05:02
MarkDudeWe also put up red white and blue crap so we look all patriotic whilst drinking :D05:02
* MarkDude accidentally bought spotted dick at store a few weeks ago - due to making jono joke about learning bbq and improving culinary skills05:03
MarkDudeNot sure what to do with it05:04
MarkDudeCourtney is still laughing , and my gf was just a bit confused05:04
* MarkDude has some rosemary for you to assist in the smoking process05:05
MarkDudeWill ponder the best days, and do a vote again05:06
bkerensaMarkDude: you awake?06:26
MarkDudewhats up bkerensa ?06:36
bkerensaMarkDude: just seeing if your going to OSCON this year or even LFNW? :D06:37
* MarkDude might be in Philippines OSCON time06:38
MarkDudeLFNW nopes06:38
bkerensaMarkDude: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events?rd=FedoraEvents#FY14_Q2_.28June_2013_-_Aug_2013.2906:56
bkerensaNo markdude =/06:56
darthrobotTitle: [Events - FedoraProject]06:56
MarkDudeNuthin like having 6 months turn into 9 or so07:00
* MarkDude was joking it switched to rolling release cycle07:01
MarkDudeWe will have sumthin tho07:01
darthrobotTitle: [BAMF/PI - FedoraProject]07:01
MarkDudeNot as centered on one Distro tho07:02
MarkDudeFinding what works best for a user needs07:02
=== dk_ is now known as Guest35783
philipballewpleia2, got the post meeting on my list today!15:24
philipballewkdub, Hope work is going well for you. Must be a stressful time for the project!15:27
MarkDudephilipballew: have you seen the Tropes vs Women 1st video ? http://www.feministfrequency.com/tag/tropes-vs-women-in-video-games/15:37
darthrobot`Title: [Tropes Vs Women In Video Games | Feminist Frequency]15:37
philipballewNever MarkDude15:39
MarkDudeIt has a bit of a backstory15:39
* philipballew loves a good backstory15:39
MarkDudeThe lady making it was harassed by internet asses15:40
MarkDudeJust for the concept15:40
* philipballew also loves a good back scratch15:40
MarkDudeshe was asking for like $600015:40
MarkDudeGot $160,00015:41
philipballewMaybe she needs to find a better place online to go to and avoid internet jerks.15:41
MarkDudeI dont think it works that way15:41
* MarkDude thinks it would be better to call in Jo Anna15:42
darthrobot`Title: [xkcd comic | Joanna Says Hola]15:43
pleia2you can't avoid internet jerks, they come to you (believe me)17:18
pleia2it's been a whole 7 months since I've received a threat17:19
TorikunI just heard Ubuntu will not go rollign release =(17:39
akkThey've been discussing the possibility. Has it actually been decided?17:42
philipballewakk Torikun http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Ubuntu-to-halve-support-length-for-non-LTS-releases-1825716.html17:43
darthrobot`Title: [Ubuntu to halve support length for non-LTS releases - The H Open: News and Features]17:43
TorikunYeah that article philipballew17:43
akkAm I reading that wrong? That seems like it says they're not doing rolling releases, but it's a bit ambiguous.17:46
TorikunI hear no17:46
akkReducing support time from 18 months seems very reasonable, though it's a bummer that they made it 9 months rather than a year17:46
TorikunI heard the support is often lacky anyway17:47
akkwhich means you can't ever skip a release if it doesn't work right for you.17:47
Torikunthey do not spend too much times fixing non-lts bugs17:47
pleia2the article is goofy, there were 2 things decided:17:47
akkThere isn't really any support in terms of bugfixing -- never has been17:47
Torikunwhat what is their support17:47
pleia21. half support for 6 month releases to reduce maintenace burden17:47
akkbut there's support in terms of getting security updates, which is very important.17:47
TorikunThey should only support the release until the next release17:47
pleia22. provide a development rolling release that goes through all of this for folks who want to track it, so they don't stop at 13.04, they just stick to the development sources17:48
akkAh, so there's an optional rolling release (like debian sid) but it doesn't replace regular 6 month releases?17:48
akkThat's a good setup.17:48
akkDidn't they sort of have that already, though, with people just using the alpha of the next release?17:49
pleia2there was always a stopping point at a release, eventually the alpha became the release17:49
akkThis way they don't have to change the release names in /etc/apt/sources.list every time.17:49
TorikunThey should stop wastign resources on releases when they release a new one17:49
Torikunthat willo help17:49
akkTorikun: So everyone should be forced to upgrade to new releases immediately when the release comes out?17:50
pleia2the alpha of the next release always came a couple weeks after a release, so they'd have to wait and switch over17:50
TorikunThey have the choice to upgrade, not forced17:50
pleia2I'm not sure the exact mechanics of this have been worked out though :)17:50
akkTorikun: It's not a choice if the release you're on stops getting security updates.17:50
TorikunIt is always a choice17:51
pleia2it's unclear to me whether the dev branch will freeze or not when the release branch does17:51
akkWell, it's a bad choice, then. :)17:51
Torikunwell maybe everyone does not need the latest security fixes17:51
akkI wouldn't run an OS that didn't get security fixes.17:51
pleia2(makes sense that it wouldn't freeze, the myth that developers will focus on bugs if the release is frozen is unsatisfying)17:51
akk(we won't discuss how often I apt-get upgrade -- not all that often -- but it's a lot more often then every 6 months)17:52
TorikunUbuntu made it more efficient to upgrade from release to release right?17:52
Torikunso upgrade to your next release as a way to stay more secure with fixes17:52
akkYeah. Except when a release comes out that doesn't support your hardware or breaks a critical package.17:53
akkI've skipped releases for that reason, and it was nice that the old release had support until the n+2 release came out.17:53
akkNow people will have to build packages themselves, or downgrade to the last LTS, if that happens.17:53
akkOn the bright side, it seems like it's been happening a lot less often.17:54
Torikunah just use CentOS or Debian SID lol17:54
pleia2it turns out it's crazy expensive to support a release for 18 months when the vast majority of users who use the 6 month releases upgrade to the next one pretty quickly17:54
akkAnd it's good that resources won't have to go to security fixes for 3 releases at a time any more.17:55
akkYeah, 18 months is crazy-long.17:55
Torikunpleia2: your right17:55
pleia2so 9 months gives people 3 months to upgrade17:55
Torikunok 7 month support!17:55
Torikunno more17:55
pleia29 months was the decision17:55
Torikunlet me email Mark now17:55
akkI was just saying how releases that don't work on particular hardware was getting less common --18:45
akkand an hour later, mail comes over ubuntu-devel-discuss about how Quantal can't suspend on thinkpad X20118:46
akkwhich would be a showstopper for me (I never got around to upgrading to quantal, but now I'm glad).18:46
pleia2I'm happy about how well suspend works on my lenovo, even in raring18:54
akkIt works great on my Dell; on the Lenovo in Pangolin, it works about 80% of the time so I have to keep an eye on it.18:58
akkBut it sounds like it got a lot worse in Quetzal.18:59
akkIt's apparently a function of being connected to an external monitor.18:59
akk(which I never do with the Dell, except projectors)19:00
=== greg-g is now known as GregoryGrossmeie
=== GregoryGrossmeie is now known as greg-g
MarkDudepdpc is going away22:35
* MarkDude predicts mass hysteria http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmzuRXLzqKk22:35
darthrobot`Title: [Mass Hysteria - YouTube]22:35
MarkDudeGeeknic is ostensibly on it's own22:36
raevolwhat's pdpc22:37
geofftIt was the non-profit that runs Freenode.22:39
raevoli see22:39
* MarkDude wrote that in sarcasm font , btw22:42
MarkDudeWell not the geeknic part22:42
MarkDudeSome mechanism will likely deal with the cloaks in the mid -longterm, imho22:43
greg-gwhy do we need long term support for cloaks that indicate supporting an organization that no longer exists?22:55
* MarkDude bows to such logic. 23:16
MarkDude<my argument is invalid>23:17

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