[12:19] hi all [12:27] hi sleap [12:27] zleap* [12:30] hi [12:31] whats up? [12:31] not much just setting up github [12:31] awesome :) got any code to show yet? [12:31] nope [12:32] What language do you want to get into? [12:32] python [12:32] and may upload scratch stuff, but i can upload that to the scratch website anyway [12:32] nice. Could never really get the hang of it. I use php [12:32] https://github.com/zleap/projects- [12:32] checking it out now. http://github.com/theblazehen [12:33] i need to figure out how to use it, and also set up the same account on the pi [12:33] you are doing it wrong btw [12:33] you create a repository for each project. Dont bundle them all together unless one project depends on another [12:33] ok [12:34] well so far i am just starting off with everything [12:34] Have a look at mine to see how i did it [12:34] Yea :). [12:34] Do you like the syntax of python? [12:35] its not too bad, i am fillowing the ubuntu special edition stuff [12:35] ok. If you want to try php i reccomend tizag.com though [12:35] so all the commadn line stuff i did on my main pc i just replicate on the pi so the pi is set up in the same way [12:35] ok [12:36] Why are you cloning it on the pi as well? why not just work on main pc? [12:36] so i can upload code from the pi [12:36] also you might want to install gitg for a git GUI [12:36] ok [12:36] why can't you upload from main pc? [12:36] i can [12:36] so i copy from pi to main pc then upload from there [12:36] Then why also from the pi? [12:36] oh [12:37] whats your timezone ? [12:37] uk [12:37] ok. I'm from south africa. [12:37] Run archlinux. Ubuntu community better though [12:38] just installing gitg [12:38] awesome [12:40] heard of bitcoin before? [12:40] yeah think so [12:40] Want to start trading? [12:40] ok dumb question, if I open gitg and do file open what am i trying to find [12:40] not signed up to bitcoin as yet [12:41] open a terminal and run git init [12:41] then open that folder in gitg to see commit history [12:42] ok [12:42] how old are you btw? I'm 16 [12:42] 37 [12:42] ok [12:43] ok so this isn't showing hidden files for some reason [12:43] gitg? [12:43] yea [12:43] running init creates a hiddeh folder .gitg [12:43] dont go in the .git folder just the folder containing the .git folder [12:44] yes [12:44] touch example.txt [12:44] git add . [12:44] git commit -m "sample commit" [12:44] ok [12:45] erm [12:45] what? [12:46] do i type what you just told me to [12:46] yes [12:46] ok git add . takes a while then [12:46] should be fast [12:47] is it in its own folder? [12:47] ok [12:47] so what is that doing exactly [12:47] i know touch example.txt creates a file called example.txt [12:47] creating an empty file called example.txt and adding it to what git will commit [12:48] git commit then basically makes a snapshot of the directory [12:48] ok so i need to do this from .git other wjse its from the home directory [12:49] ok do this: mkdir gitexamples [12:49] touch example.txt [12:49] git add example.txt [12:49] that says it must include in next snapshot [12:49] then git commit -m "message here" [12:50] ok done [12:50] ok [12:50] now run gitg in the terminal [12:51] ah got it [12:51] does it show your commit? [12:51] so if I do things like that from ./python/myproject it will upload projects [12:51] yes, sorta [12:52] now it is a snapshot on your local machine [12:52] to get it online create a repo on github [12:52] like projects (lets use that as a test area) [12:53] run git remote add origin https://github.com/zleap/reponame.git [12:53] ok [12:54] then run git push -u origin master [13:00] ok thanks [13:00] np [13:02] i will get there [13:02] Yea :) [13:02] i need some source code to push first [13:02] yep :p [13:03] ok i have created a new reporo called helloworld [13:03] ok [13:04] http://rogerdudler.github.com/git-guide/ [13:04] mega easy guide for noobs like me [13:05] yea [13:05] ok if I copy someting like hello.py in to gitexmples/helloworld [13:06] yea? [13:06] git add hello.py [13:06] git commit -m "added hello" [13:06] git push [13:10] ok [13:11] ok i am not doing something right here [13:12] what do you mean? [13:12] git pushcomes up with [13:12] fatal: No configured push destination. [13:12] Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using [13:13] git remote add origin https://github.com/zleap/helloworld.git [13:17] ok its uploaded python.py to git hub [13:17] ok good [13:20] ok just saved my last 78 history entries so i have a record of what i have done [13:20] can sort out the right bits later [13:20] ok [13:20] so for anyother project i do mkdir new project name cd to that directory and do git init and then repeat the other steps to upload stuff [13:20] yep [13:21] so am i limited to 5 repositories for a free account [13:21] i think so [13:22] ok [13:22] so in that case i need to delete old ones [13:22] yes [13:23] thanks [13:23] np [13:23] we have a few git experts on my local lug too [13:23] awesome [13:23] so git clone downloads stuff, i make changes ten upload new new files [13:24] yes [13:25] mm gitg seems unstable [13:25] if i click commit tab it hangs [13:25] why? [13:25] ok [13:26] i will stick to the cli for now [13:26] ok