
len-dtLumpy, more mumbling to you in email...01:43
micahgzequence: -look uploaded06:14
zequencemicahg: Thanks11:22
zequenceThat should hopefully mean we're done for this release11:22
zequencelen-dt: The extra data in the patch was cause when I applyed the changes (which was by applying another patch), it worked, but not perfectly - so for safety it kept .orig files of all changed files12:56
zequenceI just needed to remove the .orig files12:56
zequenceWell, from the debian patch, that is12:57
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len-dtupgrading doesn't work from a serial console. It wants a direct kb and monitor.18:27
zequenceserial console?18:27
len-dtYa, my server has an old ampex terminal. headless otherwise18:28
len-dtI upgraded from 12.04 -1 LTS to 12.04...18:29
len-dtNow I get to trouble shoot :P18:29
len-dtUpgrades don't like an SSH login either18:30
len-dtSo I had to connect a monitor to do it. All back to serial again now though.18:30
len-dtimap has a problem with permissions though. It can play with messages in the user's home directory, but not the inbox.18:32
zequencehi ttoine 18:37
ttoinehi zequence 18:50
len-dtOdd, I had to reinstall the printer driver after upgrading.19:20
len-dtzequence, re Bug #1077372 in precise. Do we really want to try fixing this?19:23
ubottubug 1077372 in ubuntustudio-icon-theme (Ubuntu Precise) "When installing Ubuntu Studio, the logo in the auto-paritioning step is wrong" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107737219:23
zequencelen-dt: What icon is it? I have forgotten about that19:23
len-dtIt would mean creating a -icon-theme just for precise. Like adding a meta that is not there now.19:24
len-dtThe current icon is the xubuntu one.19:24
len-dt(or maybe vanilla xfce)19:24
len-dtThis is not fixed till 13.0419:25
len-dtzequence, this is an icon that the user will see exactly once, when they install.19:26
zequenceI'm not too concerned about that, but I guess one could just SRU the current icon theme to precise, when fixing that19:26
len-dtAnd set it active in -settings19:27
zequenceMaybe for 12.04.3, if it feels relevant?19:27
len-dtThe only person who has said anything is smartboyhc and the only people who have commented have been on the dev team19:30
len-dtPersonally I think it is a bit trivial.19:30
zequenceI agree19:30
len-dtI would like to set it to "won't fix"19:31
zequenceBut, if we were to do any kind of significant change to the looks, we'll do that at the same time19:31
len-dtWell, if we want to change the icons and add the icon-theme. That would mean doing all the menu changes too.19:32
zequenceI could imagine doing that for 12.04.319:32
len-dtDo we want to do that? I guess the next LTS is a year away.19:32
zequenceYeah, it's getting a bit late19:33
len-dtDo we need to have a set of bug reports?19:33
zequenceI don't think they will hurt anyway19:33
len-dtWould this be SRU? or some other term?19:34
zequenceSRU, I believe. But I'm not sure how flexible they are with this19:34
len-dtI think What I need to do then is to redo the settings branch for precise from release. Then just add bug fixes one commit at a time.19:35
len-dtPeople who already have the LTS are used to what they have, changing the menu now could be confusing and seem broken if an app they use moves to a different sub menu.19:36
len-dtIt might be like the app was gone to them not moved.19:37
len-dtThose who have already installed will not be seeing a change in partition icon.19:37
zequenceIs the menu configs not put in user files, or is that just after you make an edit?19:38
len-dtIt never ends up in user files.19:38
zequenceSure about that?19:38
len-dtEven if edited, there is just a diff added in the user dir19:39
len-dtI have played with it and looked at the files.19:39
zequenceWell, I'm not going to push for it. I'm just happy if we can get the jackd bug fix in to begin with19:39
zequenceIt's getting close now19:39
zequenceAfter it's done, I'll do pulseaudio too19:39
zequenceAnd a couple more19:40
len-dtThose are more important.19:41
zequencetimothymillar: Hi23:58
timothymillarquick question how do a direct a question at you with the zequence:23:59
zequenceI didn't catch that properly23:59
zequenceHave you been involved in helping out with anything distro-wise before?23:59

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