
valoriesome good books here: 03:56
valorieone day sale 50% off 25 top titles, DRM Free PDF, EPUB, etc.. just in case someone's interested: http://shop.oreilly.com/category/deals/best-of-oreilly-dotd.do?code=DEAL&imm_mid=0a39d2&cmp=em-npa-books-videos-deal-day-best-of-dd-direct03:56
valorie[15:58] <ahiemstra> [14:15:01] pfft03:57
valoriesale is almost over though03:57
bkerensavalorie: viva la washington23:28
bkerensamoney approved and being sent to meh23:29
bkerensareserving car and hotel tonight23:29
valorieoh, have they finally got the code for the hotel?23:31
valorielast I checked it wasn't done23:31
valorietime to make sure my son wants to attend again23:31
bkerensavalorie: how big is bellingham?23:35
bkerensaI get 540 miles free with zipcar23:35
valorienot big at all23:35
bkerensabut if I go over I have to pay 0.45 a mile23:35
bkerensaits 530 miles for the trip round trip23:36
bkerensabut thats with no driving in town23:36
* bkerensa crosses fingers23:36
valorieyou can check with google maps for the diff between the college and the hotel23:36
valorieusually the Sat. night party is at the hotel, so no driving23:37
valorieexcept for maybe college --> lunch or dinner23:37
valorieusually not much driving involved23:38
valorieexcept up and back, which is a bit of a haul23:38
valoriegorgeous drive, though23:38
seattlegauchovalorie: last time the party was at the museum downtown23:52
seattlegauchobkerensa: it's a college town mostly23:53
bkerensaoh I love colleges23:53
seattlegauchothere are a couple of points of interest, ie: breweries and the ice shop downtown (can't remember the name, but it's well known)23:54
seattlegauchos/ice/ice cream/23:54

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