[01:24] cjohnston: I still get 4 tests failing on your 1.4 branch [01:27] oh god :( [01:29] daker: it's not all that bad [01:29] it was 1 test 4 hours ago [01:29] mhall119: can you pastebin the log ? [01:31] yeah, give me a minute, I'm reviewing a different branch atm [01:35] daker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5630001/ it looks to be the same 4 tests that always failed for me on that branch [01:35] cjohnston: ^^ [01:39] 11.59.20 < cjohnston> mhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/propose-meeting-not-attendee/+merge/153465 is updated to fix the tests from the 1.4 MP [01:39] ya we have fixed test_update_from_launchpad_sets_participant_essential, right ? [01:39] oh, you expected me to be paying attention? [01:41] no [01:43] heh, good [01:44] I have to approve your 1.4 branch first, then the propose-meeting one, otherwise tarmac will freak out won't it? [01:44] yes [01:45] mhall119: does line 23 of https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/propose-meeting-not-attendee/+merge/153465 look ok? [01:45] that's what seemed to be causing the grief [01:46] cjohnston: yeah, it shouldn't happen in reality [01:46] I approved the 1.4 branch, and reviewed the propose-meeting branch [01:47] so you just need to mark it approved once the 1.4 branch is landed by tarmac [01:47] ok [01:47] ty [01:47] np === neunon is now known as snoonan [10:23] daker: still the same problem [21:35] mhall119: doanac` is now the summit expert