
ochosimicahg: what kind of instructions would you need?00:08
micahgpulling tarballs + packaging, idk, haven't looked at that pacakge yet00:10
ochosimicahg: i'm heading for bed soonish, is it ok if i try to put everything i know/think that needs to be done in an email or a pastebin for you?00:11
micahgochosi: nah, should be ok00:13
ochosimicahg: ok, for convenience i'll at least give you a list of themes incl. links to the respective tarballs for Raring00:13
ochosimicahg: there you go: http://dpaste.com/1028397/00:18
knomelinks that are not links are stupid00:18
ochosiyeah somewhat true00:18
ochosii guess that's a pastebin problem00:19
knomethey could auto-<a> links00:19
knomeor as most would say, "autolink urls"00:20
knomebut meg00:20
ochosibut it's a dumb plaintext service00:20
knomei don't think the dumbness is the problem, resources are ;)00:20
ochosiyeah, i kinda meant that00:21
ochosiit's "dumb" by design00:21
ochosiok, i'm off for tonight00:28
ochosisee y'all00:29
knomegood night00:29
skellatAdded another bit of documentation as to how to use apt-offline: https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/15423000:41
skellatGotta remember to get it and apt-offline-gui on the CD00:42
knomeskellat, would describing apt-offline-gui be any longer than the current one?00:42
skellatHold on00:43
skellatI'm on precise on my laptop also watching NCIS too00:43
Unit193Minor detail, my merge also s/leafpad/mousepad/ and fixed some info on DNS servers.00:43
Unit193skellat: Booo.  :P00:43
knomeUnit193, i'll try to remember to add that to the changelog next time00:43
skellatUnit193: We're in the same state.  If memory serves, you should be able to watch NCIS on WOIO-TV even. :-)00:44
Unit193knome: If you feel like it.00:44
skellatChannel 19 covers not just Ashtabula but Greater Mansfield too00:44
Unit193skellat: NCIS is on my ban list, and not really anything comes in around here.00:44
skellatknome: Actually, give me about an hour and I'll probably get apt-offline-gui described00:46
skellatknome: Would I need to resubmit if I push a new commit to Launchpad, though?00:46
knomeumm, i don't know00:47
knomei just made a "resubmit" review00:47
knomethere's the "resubmit proposal" button at the top right of the MR page00:47
knomethat would do it00:47
knomeUnit193, was there bug numbers for the fixed you just mentioned?00:49
Unit193knome: Not that I know of.00:50
knomeUnit193, pushed a new changelog00:52
Unit193Heh, well I suppose that works too.00:52
knomeskellat, this isn't a hard requirement, but if you think there's a way to describe the needed steps without point to any specific application name, that would be good00:53
knomeskellat, or use an example like xubuntu-desktop00:54
skellatknome: I pulled something high from popcon that wasn't in the base install00:55
skellatI can adjust that, though00:55
knomeas i said, not a hard requirement00:55
skellatI'm adding the language about apt-offline-gui now00:55
knomei need to go to bed soon00:56
pleia2me too00:56
knomepleia2, huh? it must be like afternoon there :)00:56
pleia2(just kidding, but I am tired!)00:56
pleia2it's 6pm, getting ready to go out to a lug meeting00:57
skellatknome: No worries.  I'll fiddle with stuff and have more for you in the morning to play with.00:57
knomepleia2 can approve too00:57
knomeit's just that i have to do the actual merges00:58
skellatI'll just hit resubmit before I go to bed.  Tomorrow is a driving day so I'll be disconnected as I have appointments around the 700+ square miles of Ohio's largest county.00:58
knomemh, good luck and strength for that00:58
skellatknome: Thanks00:59
hayden_Is Xubuntu planning on doing anything with the Ubuntu Touch OS?01:10
knomeat the moment no and in the future most probably no01:10
Unit193http://screenshots.debian.net/package/apt-offline-gui Ah, not bad.01:15
knomeok, i'm off for today01:20
knomesee you tomorrow01:20
hayden_Out of curiosity, why is gimp being added in to 13.04 by default?01:22
micahggimp was only removed due to lack of space, we added more space, so it went back01:27
hayden_Ahh, I see. Is there anything else that's being considered to add by default?01:28
micahgmeh, uploads in the morning04:13
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
GridCubeknome, http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ this place jsut list to precise, no quantal, who i should report that?15:31
scottbombQuestion for anyone here. I am testing the Xubuntu 13.04 ISO. I tested 2 random languages, Armenian and Bangla. I logged out and back in with each and nothing is translated. Does this mean that no one has done the translation or should I file a bug? If it's a bug, against what package do I file it?18:43
ochosiscottbomb: did you change the language in the greeter?18:43
scottbombworks for German and French18:43
ochosihave you tried a reboot?18:43
ochosiafter installing that is18:43
scottbombOnly after installing ISO, not just the lang packs18:44
scottbombrebooting now to see if that helps18:45
scottbombRebooted machine and selected Armenian on greeter but icons and menu are all in English, except for Software Center, which is in Armenian.18:51
ochosithen maybe much of it is not translated yet18:52
ochosito armenian18:52
ochosior some language-packs are missing18:52
micahgwe don't install armenian and bangla on the ISO18:53
ochosihey micahg 18:53
scottbombOk, so not a bug then. The same is true for Bangli except some is translated, some not. If I'm not mistaken, the machine downloaded the languages when I installed them for testing.18:54
ochosimicahg: actually i have to run off now, but maybe we can talk later :)18:54
Unit193http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.com/2013/02/news-1gb-iso-for-xubuntu-1304-raring.html#comment-form if anyone was interested.19:34
Unit193skellat: And you didn't see a simple way to remove the package name?  Re: Merge.  (I have no commit powers, so can't be of much help.)20:17
Unit193knome: Ah, so technically we should be able to close https://code.launchpad.net/~giuseppeterrasi/xubuntu-docs/margin/+merge/128380  with a link to  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/xubuntu-docs/raring/revision/20  no?20:22
knomeUnit193, yes.21:34
Unit193knome: Heard back, and Keryx has been geared towards maintence due to development constraints, they continue to work with bugfixes as time allows.21:40
Unit193knome: Want me to close it?21:50
knomeUnit193, if you're on it, sure21:56
knomeUnit193, i think LP should close it when the new package is uploaded21:57
knome(i mean automaticallY)21:57
knomeat least the bug # is mentioned on the changelog21:57
Unit193Ah, alright.21:57
knomebut i don't know21:57
knomepitivi is far from the stablest apps21:58
knomeit even beats inkscape 10-0, and that's bad21:59
Unit193Wasn't there another sane application to use?21:59
knomepitivi seems to scratch my itch the best.22:00
knomeapart from crashing.22:00
knomei think i'm just doing something weird22:01

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