
=== heroux_ is now known as heroux
brute-forceHi people!02:13
brute-forcei've got an issu02:13
brute-forcecan i attach a screenshot of my problem?02:14
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fabiohello, im trying to do a package in launchpad way14:42
fabiousing bazaar14:42
fabioI have all the login requisites done14:42
dobeyfabio: you probably want #ubuntu-packaging perhaps15:31
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=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== Gwaihir_ is now known as Gwaihir
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
fabiohello, I uploaded a package, and it failed, now I want to upload again with my code fixed and my orig.tar.gz changed18:14
fabiobut the email says rejected because DSC changes18:15
fabiohow can I reupload my new orig.tar.gz?18:15
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
dobeyfabio: you can't upload different source packages with the same version number. you need to change the version number. and you probably shouldn't make changes directly in the .tar.gz, but make patches if necessary18:35
fabiodobey, the package is geos-3.3.8 and cant bump to 3.3.918:39
fabioI have tried to bum to ppa218:40
fabiobut the orig remains the same18:40
fabiobut changed18:40
fabiomaybe only way is to apply a patch?18:40
dobeythe orig must be exactly as the upstream tarball is. changing it is bad. if there's a change you need to make for some reason, then yes you need to make a patch18:41
fabiowhat is the upsream tarball?18:46
fabioIm realized I did a complety wrong orig.tar.gz file18:48
fabioand I deleted the package18:49
fabiodobey, do you know how long I have to waiT?18:49
dobeygeos-3.3.8.tar.gz would be the upstream tarball presumably18:50
dobeyi don't know18:50
fabiomy geos-3.3.8.tar.gz is wrong18:51
fabioI only want to upload a new one18:51
fabiowith the same name18:51
fabioI realize I cant18:51
dobeywell i have to go now18:51
fabiothen I have to wait until 3.3.9¿?18:51
fabiook thanks a lot dobey18:51
fabiosorry for the beginner questions18:52
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
tgm4883So i'm having issues with a daily build recipe. I don't know much about them, as someone else set this up for me but it's a pretty basic recipe. The issue is I'm getting upload errors because it thinks the source already exists (although it shouldn't)  https://code.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+recipe/mythbuntu-daily20:01
dobeytgm4883: well it's already there, uploaded 15 hours ago20:15
tgm4883dobey, I seem to always be getting that failure though20:16
dobeywell, until the mythservervices branch bumps the version, or has some change committed, the resulting version number won't change. so yes, you're going to continue getting that failure until such a thing happens20:17
tgm4883dobey, hmm, that does seem to be there20:18
tgm4883Is there a way to see if what recipes are feeding a PPA?20:18
tgm4883dobey, oh crap. I see it now20:20
tgm4883dobey, I've got 2 recipes building the same branch in the same PPA, but they are owned by two different users20:20
tgm4883dobey, I'll fix that. Thanks for looking it over. It helps to get a second set of eyes on something, I thought it was just failing to upload and there was nothing there20:20
marcoceppiI'm getting a weird error when using launchpadlib on Windows20:24
dobeymarcoceppi: open launchpad in ie?20:27
dobeymarcoceppi: the ssl cert stuff in windows is a pain20:28
marcoceppidobey: Okay, I was able to open it in IE20:28
dobeymarcoceppi: try the launchpadlib-using script again?20:29
dobeyshould work now i think20:29
marcoceppiSame error20:30
marcoceppiI should mention this is a Windows Server 2012 VM with security that's way too overbearing20:30
dobeydunno. but it sounds like the CA chain isn't in the system cert library. we've had similar problems with u1 before, and having the user open one.ubuntu.com inside IE would fix the issue (as it would result in the CA cert getting downloaded from MS, and installed). don't think anyone was using it in win server 2012 though20:32
dobeyso unfortunately i don't have any other suggestions. :-/20:32
marcoceppidobey: thanks for the help anyways, I'll do some more hamfisted things before dusting off an old laptop to test20:34
marcoceppiOddly enough, I think `bzr branch` works over ssl, which works on this box.20:49
marcoceppidobey: same thing on Windows 7 local install, even after the aforementioned work arounds. I'll dig around more21:00
dobeymarcoceppi: interesting.21:01
fabio__hello, I deleted a version of a package in my ppa21:06
fabio__but now, the whole package is gone21:06
fabio__in the list21:06
fabio__I mean, i have xchat-2.2 and xchat-2.321:07
fabio__and i removed xchat-2.3 only21:07
fabio__and now, i have no xchat package21:07
fabio__I have done all of this via web21:07
fabio__anyone knows that?21:07
wgrantfabio__: Which PPA?21:12
fabio__one of my team21:13
fabio__I uploaded a wrong orig.tar.gz21:14
fabio__and I deleted in order to reupload21:14
fabio__but only my wrong version21:14
wgrantfabio__: You can't reupload a different orig.tar.gz with the same filename21:15
wgrantEven if you've deleted the old one21:15
wgrantyou have to change the version21:16
fabio__but it is xchat-2.321:16
fabio__i cant bump to xchat-2.421:16
wgrantYou'll have to call it xchat 2.4+repack1 or something21:16
wgrantWhy has the orig.tar.gz changed? That's impossible.21:16
dobeywgrant: because packaging is hard, and people don't know how to do it right, until they've been doing it for a long time? :)21:18
marcoceppidobey: would this be considered a bug for launchpadlib, something worth opening for tracking?21:18
dobeymarcoceppi: it's worth tracking. i don't know if it's a bug in launchpadlib itself, or python, or curl (whatever http thing is being used on windows)21:19
marcoceppiIt seems to be httplib/ssl that's actually "failing", but it only seems to be happening for launchpadlib21:19
marcoceppiI'll open a bug for it then to track, maybe someone else will have insight on this21:20
fabio__I got a the svn of the project and make the debian folder21:21
fabio__but just after the checkout the project comes only with autogen21:22
fabio__and i did the configure on a wrong machine21:22
dobeymarcoceppi: yeah. #launchpad-dev or #bzr might be a better place to ask as well, as there's probably more people with knowledge of it in one of those21:22
marcoceppidobey: thanks, I'll pop my head in there and ask as well21:23
fabio__then i did tar -cjvf project-3.3.8.orig.tar.gz project-3.3.821:23
fabio__and debuild -S21:23
fabio__and dput21:23
fabio__but the tarball is wrong21:23
fabio__now I am in trouble21:23
dobeyof course it's wrong21:23
fabio__how can I do then?21:24
fabio__how can i have to do sorry21:24
dobeywell, project is not xchat, and the version's totally different21:25
fabio__is geos-3.3.821:25
fabio__I got geos-3.3.4 debian folder21:26
dobeywhy don't you build from the upstream released tarball then?21:26
fabio__because it doesnt exist21:26
fabio__I want to package the svn project of geos21:26
fabio__im doing wrong?21:27
wgrantHuh, what happened to xchat?21:27
fabio__sorry a lot i thought it could be more understandable21:28
fabio__I did svn checkout svn://geos/tags/3.3.821:28
wgrantSo, I need a specific link to the PPA, and references to the version that you deleted, and the version that you think was inappropriately deleted21:28
fabio__there is a 3.3.8 package which is wrong21:29
fabio__with a failed-build tarball21:29
fabio__I deleted that via web, and I cant see any geos package, which it worries me, because I use 3.3.4 on production21:30
fabio__but i never deleted that21:30
fabio__only 3.3.8 version21:30
wgrantIf you upload a newer version, the old version will automatically be superseded21:30
wgrantIt'll only publish one version per Ubuntu series at a time21:31
wgrantSo if you have 3.3.4 in lucid, and upload 3.3.8 in lucid, 3.3.4 will be superseded and unpublished21:31
wgrantIf you then delete 3.3.8, no version will exist in lucid21:31
fabio__ok I will upload lucid7 version of 3.3.421:32
fabio__but the 3.3.8 tarball is wrong21:32
fabio__then how can I put the right tarball21:32
fabio__i have the right one because i made the ./configure file on lucid and tested21:33
fabio__but i cant upload21:33
fabio__I thought a fail build because the source code could happen21:34
fabio__and then can reupload21:34
wgrantAn orig tarball is usually an orig tarball21:34
fabio__but I dont know how to name 3.3.8-1 or something21:34
wgrantSo it is not allowed to change21:34
wgrantYou have to rename the tarball and change the version in the changelog to match21:35
fabio__okok i learned today21:35
fabio__ok I will try21:35
fabio__you mean in debian/control21:37
wgrantdebian/control doesn't have version numbers21:38
wgrantExcept in dependencies21:38
fabio__the last package I uploaded was geos (3.3.8-0cdb1~lucid2) lucid; urgency=low21:39
fabio__and it ask me to geos-3.3.8.orig.tar.gz file21:39
wgrantfabio__: If you're generating these tarballs yourself from svn, you'll probably want to name them something like 3.3.8+svn2013032221:39
fabio__how can I do to debuld -S to ask me for another filename21:39
wgrant'cause at the moment they look like they're actual release tarballs21:40
wgrantdebuild calculates the filename from the version, and there's no way to override it21:40
fabio__what I have to write instead geos (3.3.8-0cdb1~lucid2) lucid; urgency=low21:40
wgrantIf your tarball is named geos_3.3.8+whateveryouadded.orig.tar.gz, you version will need to be 3.3.8+whateveryouadded-0cdb1~lucid221:41
fabio__ok will try21:41
fabio__thanks a lo wgrant21:41
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
fabio__nooo oo21:51
fabio__wgrant I did it21:52
fabio__but i forget to take my gpg key jaajaja21:53
fabio__and I am in another pc21:53
fabio__the last question21:53
fabio__will supersed tthe geos_3.3.8.orig.tar.gz?21:54
wgrantfabio__: Yes, 3.3.8+svn20130321 is greater than 3.3.821:55
fabio__perfect, the only thing is the revision of the svn is the released 3.3.821:56
fabio__and now it appears as a random revision21:56
fabio__but this is only aestetic21:56
wgrantfabio__: Why don't you use the 3.3.8 release tarball?21:59
fabio__where is it?22:00
fabio__and now, i have to rename it22:01
fabio__because i uploaded the wrong one22:01
fabio__I got that22:01
fabio__and Its got the configure!!!!22:02
fabio__i am a silly fucking idiot22:02
wgrantfabio__: http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.3.8.tar.bz222:02
fabio__I will upload this tarball wit your +svn appended22:02
wgrantNah, don't use +svn in this case22:02
wgrantThat's just even more confusing :)22:03
wgrant+really1 or +repack1 or something22:03
fabio__but i cant use only 3.3.822:03
fabio__because this is my problem22:03
wgrantRight, so it can't be ideal, but it can at least be less confusing and wrong than +svn22:03
fabio__then how I name the version?22:03
wgrant3.3.8+repack1, or 3.3.8+really122:04
wgrantIs what I'd use22:04
wgrantIt's up to you, but I wouldn't use +svn12391294151, because it's not an svn export22:05
wgrantAnd it's best not to lie in versions more than you have to22:05

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