
pdurbinjust posted https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/eQoNMP5HSE1 about http://butyoureagirl.com/14015/forking-and-dongle-jokes-dont-belong-at-tech-conferences/13:00
macopdurbin: i find it telling that the company in question fired only one of their two employees involved. that points to him having already had a record13:22
pdurbinah. didn't know that13:23
pdurbinI do have some sympathy for him. I used to be young and (more) stupid.13:24
macohe's "mr-hank" on Hacker News and confirmed that his coworker Alex (the guy looking at the camera in the photo) was not fired13:41
melodiehello !23:26
pdurbinmelodie: hello!23:54
melodiehi pdurbin !23:58
melodiehow are you ?23:58

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