
paranoidhi , is the Xubuntu interface available for UBUNTUstudio as i don't like the xfce interface09:17
zequenceparanoid: Not sure what you are asking. Xubuntu uses XFCE, and Ubuntu Studio uses a custom version of that09:18
paranoidwith an easy way . i need the desktop to look like ubuntu the original which means a more beautiful desktop09:19
zequenceparanoid: Ok, so you are not wanting to use XFCE, but Unity instead?09:23
zequenceparanoid: you are free to install any desktop system you like09:23
paranoidtell me how please09:23
zequencesudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:24
zequenceparanoid: If you instead want a clean installation of Ubuntu, with Ubuntu Studio packages on top ot if, install Ubuntu first. Then add, for instance, ubuntustudio-audio and linux-lowlatency. Finish by adding yourself to audio group - and you have most of the Ubuntu Studio audio apps and configs09:27
paranoidoh oh no i need some themes only .09:29
zequenceparanoid: Have a look at xfce-look.org then09:31
zequenceparanoid: Or are you asking us how to change the theme?09:32
zequenceIt's one of the system preference apps. Don't remember which one09:33
paranoidit will be kind of you if u tell me how to change it after istalling the pack which u gave me09:33
tadpoleoh boy09:33
tadpoleif you install ubuntu-desktop then your not needing xfce themes.09:34
paranoidsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop this command will do everything r8 ?09:34
paranoidnow it's downloading some kind of files09:34
zequenceparanoid: You can abort with ctrl+c09:35
zequenceIf you don't want to install Unity, abort09:35
zequenceFirst you say you want the desktop look like Ubuntu09:35
zequenceNow you say you want to only change a theme09:35
zequenceUbuntu does not use XFCE09:36
zequenceparanoid: Have you never used the the "apt-get install" command? It will install applications on your machine09:37
paranoidi thought that UBUNTU theme  is a theme on XFCE but now i understand09:37
tadpoleDesktop Environments09:37
tadpoleUnity Gnome KDE XFCE LMDE............09:38
zequenceUbuntu only has a theme on Unity09:38
tadpolewith window managers09:38
paranoidi onlu use the ubuntu software centre  to get the apps09:38
tadpoleAtleast use synaptic09:38
zequenceIt's perfectly fine to use the software center09:39
tadpoleto each there own. :)09:39
paranoidi am an amateur in LINUX , imagine to use WINDOWS for 10 years and now u r changing everything u learnt09:39
zequencetadpole: Are you on Ubuntu Studio?09:39
tadpolelilypad 3.5.0-26-lowlatency #28-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 19 10:32:21 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:40
zequencetadpole: I mean, the desktop system. I was going to ask you to show the guy where you can change the theme09:40
zequenceI'm not on XFCE myself right now. Maybe in a couple of minutes09:41
paranoidi know the place i changed it many times before09:41
zequenceparanoid: Ok, So you want to install more themes?09:42
tadpoleClick Menu> Settings> Settings Manager>Appearance>Styles   Pick one.09:42
paranoidtake a look on this site . this themes is available for me r8 ?09:42
zequenceparanoid: I think all of those will work, yes09:43
paranoidthanks god09:43
paranoidand thank you man09:43
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=== packetfrog is now known as tadpole
tjingboemi have by default Jack 1 running. How can i switch to jack2?14:34
holsteintjingboem: what operating system?14:35
tjingboemwith my new Delta101014:35
holsteintjingboem: the hardware is irrelevant14:35
tjingboemjust wanted to say because i'm very ahppy with it :)14:36
holsteini think its a good value/quality choice14:37
tjingboemit is reallly14:37
tjingboemi had an audiophile 249614:37
tjingboembut i think this one sounds even better14:37
tjingboemit has the same chip14:37
holsteintjingboem: why did you change from jack2?14:38
tjingboemwhen i installed US12.04 Jack1 wad the default14:38
tjingboemdon't konow why14:38
tjingboemperhaps it picked something up because i did format my /home??14:39
holsteintjingboem: is everything working?14:39
tjingboemit is working yes14:39
tjingboembut i like claudia14:39
tjingboemfor patching everything to anything14:40
tjingboemfor example, now i don't have sound in Firefox14:40
holsteini usually go with "if it aint broke" philosophy.. but if you open synaptic and search "jack" and/or "jackd" you should see the version you have/want14:40
holsteintjingboem: stop jack, and firefox will work14:40
holsteinwith pulse14:40
tjingboemcan i use pulse-jack you think?14:41
holsteintjingboem: you can do what you like.. but do you need it?14:41
holsteindo you need audio in the browser while running jack?14:41
holsteinit works out of the box with ubuntustudio.. or should14:42
holsteintjingboem: what would i do? try the live CD, and see if its worth the hassle14:42
tjingboemi like to be able to record sound from Firefox too14:42
tjingboemah, it is a hassle...14:42
tjingboemno, your words: " see if its worth the hassle"14:43
holsteini cant imagine what you would be doing that way that isnt recording something you either, could ask for a copy of, or shouldnt be recording14:43
holsteinsure.. but thats not a hassle. its just recording content that you are not supposed to14:44
holsteini usually just ask for a copy14:44
tjingboemmy daughter wants some music from youtube clips14:44
holsteini dont condone copying/stealing.. but there are a lot easier ways (if one were to google) to obtain a copy of youtube audio14:44
holsteintjingboem: you can email and ask the creator for a copy of the audio.. the youtube agreement is not "copy what you like"..14:45
holsteinim just saying.. i wouldnt let piracy dicate what packages i have installed on my system14:45
tjingboemokay, thanks for your opinion14:46
tjingboembut is jack2 etter", perhaps more stable then jack1?14:46
holsteintjingboem: btw. thats not opinion.. but we can let that go14:47
holsteintjingboem: "better" is a matter of opinion14:47
tjingboemi had KXStudio before14:48
holsteintjingboem: i wouldnt lose sleep over upgrading to jack2 if things were stable.. unless i needed or wanted jack214:48
holsteintjingboem: you can install the kxstudio ppa's if you like14:48
tjingboemi was used to jack2 and claudia and such14:48
holsteintjingboem: go for it14:48
holsteintjingboem: jack2 is in the ubuntustudio repos and the kxstudio ppa's as well14:48
tjingboemno i already have the PPA from KXStudio14:48
holsteintjingboem: cool.. you are not using ubuntustudio then14:49
tjingboembut wondered why jack1 is on my computer - i have read that jack2 is default14:49
holsteintjingboem: could be any number of reasons, since you have ppa's added14:49
tjingboemi used the disc form US12.04 version 2 and installed the PPA from KX14:50
holsteintjingboem: it is default in ubuntu 12.04.. but you are not using that14:50
zequencetjingboem: jackd2 is default on Ubuntu Studio14:50
holsteintjingboem: correct.. you can load up a live CD and se that in action14:50
holsteintjingboem: othewise.. you are not using ubuntustudio 12.0414:50
tjingboemall right, i will do that - good idea14:50
holsteinwhat would i do? open synaptic and install what i want.. catch falk and ask about using jack2 in kxstudio.. try jack2 from live CD and see if its worth it (or do my piracy from there, though i dont do piracy anymore)14:51
zequenceI believe kxstudio only has jack214:52
zequenceHe makes a custom build of it, which is not the same as we have14:52
holsteinzequence: i was thinking it could be something like that that is "breaking" the jack2 from our repos, and causing it to drop down14:52
zequenceIf you add kxstudio, it may be a bit tricky to revert back to non kxstudio14:53
zequenceWell, for someone not used to doing things like taht14:54
zequenceI think his jack just replaces the Debian/Ubuntu one14:54
zequenceOr, in other words, the kxstudio jack replaces the Debian/Ubuntu jack14:54
holsteinzequence: i think you are correct14:54
zequencetjingboem: If you want support on kxstudio, there's #kxstudio14:56
tjingboemi know - thank you14:57
tjingboemi now realize i use kxstudio...14:58
roverrbcan qmidiroute interface to the desktop manager, allowing midi control of cycling thru virtual desktops?20:20
holsteinroverrb: that im aware of, the desktop manager doesnt do that20:20
holsteinroverrb: i would try looking for, or setting a command or key combo for the DE management, and emulate that with the midi you want to use20:21
len-dtPD might be the better interface for that.20:21
len-dtPD = PureData20:23
SquishyHi everyone.22:29
zequenceSquishy: Hello there22:30
SquishyJust wanted to say Hi. I'm new to Linux but I've played around with it before. Ubuntu studio is my first serious install22:32
zequenceWhich version is it?22:32
zequence12.04, 12.10?22:32
zequenceI would either recommend 12.04, or our upcoming release 13.0422:33
zequenceDepends a bit on what you'r planning to do22:33
Squishy12.10 i think. I downloaded the latest version using YUMI for windows.22:33
Squishy64 bit if it makes any major difference.22:34
zequencenot really22:34
zequenceHere's our beta1 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/13.04/beta-1/22:35
zequenceof 13.0422:35
zequenceFinal release next month22:35
SquishyYeah I'll not bother with a Beta. I can just about work firefox on Linux distros nevermind anything else lol.22:36
zequenceThe beta is just fine22:39
zequenceI'd recommend it over 12.10 anyhow22:39
zequenceThere are a couple of bugs in both 12.04 and 12.10 that haven't been straightened out yet22:39
SquishyCan i update from 12.10 to the beta via terminal?22:40
zequenceYes, and that's something we're encouraging people to test right now actually22:40
zequencesudo do-release-upgrade22:41
zequenceIf that doesn't work, you can try: sudo do-release-upgrade -d22:41
SquishyI'm in Scotland by the way. Will this mess up my local settings like keyboard layout/time zone and such?22:42
SquishyNewbie remember? Sorry.22:42
SquishyOk thanks. I'll do that now22:42
zequenceNo worries.22:42
SquishyDidn't work. Used the -d as you said and that one worked22:43
zequencethe -d is for development release, so that makes sense22:44
zequenceSquishy: what kind of graphic card do you have?22:44
SquishyRadeon something by AMD22:45
zequenceok. installing proprietary drivers might not work22:45
zequenceIf that is important, I'd go for 12.0422:45
zequenceShould be AMD ATI, if it's fairly new22:46
zequenceyou could do: lspci | grep VGA22:46
SquishyLucky for me i lost the original driver software a long time ago and it's never really bothered me. I'm not a gamer or anything22:46
zequenceWorks a bit differently on Linux when it comes to graphic drivers22:46
SquishyI use this laptop mainly for ripping my dvd collection and encoding video22:47
zequenceThere are free, open source drivers for all sorts of graphic cards, but only Intel writes their own free drivers22:47
zequenceThe AMD free drivers are farily decent. Actually, both AMD and NVIDIA are good enough for playing 3d games22:48
SquishyI'll install sysinfo and tell you ina  moment22:48
zequencelspci works just as well22:48
SquishyI need to install sysinfo anyway22:48
Squishyand i have no idea how to get that pipeline in my text22:49
zequenceSquishy: If you encounter any problems doing the upgrade, I'd appreciate if you let me know.22:50
Squishyused lspci and this is what i got 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Trinity [Radeon HD 7520G]22:50
Squishyyeah no problems so far but i'll be sure to let you know22:50
SquishyThis is a dual boot with win7 by the way. ubuntu is installed on a 40GB partition. I assume this update wont affect that?22:52
zequenceAnytime you update the kernel, grub will be updated22:52
zequenceUpgrading to a new release is no different22:53
zequencegrub is the Ubuntu boot loader22:53
SquishyOk thanks. I'll pick this up soon enough at the moment i'm just sort of swimming in a sea of jargon.22:54
SquishyDecided to switch over from Windows after considering the stress relieving properties of throwing my windows laptop against the wall and calling it some rather offensive names.22:55
Squishy12 crashes in one day (yeah i counted after the 3rd crash) was enough of a push for me.22:56
zequenceWindows can do that to you. When you have problems with Ubuntu though, it feels totally different, cause very often, you can just google it, find out why you have a problem, and do all the plumming yourself to fix it22:57
zequenceOr you ask someone. You may even ask the developer directly in many cases22:58
SquishyMmm I'm not big on asking questions. I like to learn myself.22:58
zequenceI should also recommend you to check out #opensourcemusicians, which is the most popular linux audio user channel22:59
zequenceThen you have #jack, #ardour and a few others22:59
zequence#kxstudio is fairly popular too. It's a OS based on Ubuntu23:00
zequenceSome people add it to Ubuntu Studio23:00
SquishyActually just off the top of my head is ubuntu studio suitable for professional audio work straight out the box or would it need a fair bit of tweaking first?23:00
zequence13.04 is definately ready23:01
holsteinSquishy: also, it depends on what you do23:01
holsteinSquishy: ardour and JACK are capable.. but not trivial to get running23:01
zequenceSquishy: low latency ready. No configs needed23:01
Squishyone of my friends runs a recording studio so does a lot of work with audio. He worls mostly with mac but i'll recommend this to him23:01
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro23:02
holsteinSquishy: i do tracking, mixing, and mastering professionally with these tools.. i could do it from an ubuntustudio live CD23:02
zequenceSquishy: One thing to check out in that case is Ardour 323:02
zequenceWhich is not installed on Ubuntu Studio. It'll come with 13.1023:02
Squishyalmost finished the upgrade. No problems so far, very smooth.23:04
holsteinim running 12.04, and will likely keep my pro audio machine on 12.0423:04
holsteinnot that there is anything wrong with the other releases23:05
zequence12.04 is LTS, and will be supported for many years. 12.10 will be supported for 1 1/2. 13.04 only for 9 months23:06
zequenceFrom now on, all non LTS release will only be supported for 9 months23:06
zequenceThere's also a possible trend starting where people use the development release - not recommended, but it's more or less as stable as releases23:06
SquishyJust got asked if i want to enable realtime process priority with jackd23:13
SquishyI have no idea if i want to do that or not23:13
zequenceReally? Answer yes by all means23:13
zequenceSquishy: Could you check something else. See if you are in audio group, using the command: groups23:14
zequenceWithout realtime priority, you can't get reliable operation at lower latencies.23:14
Squishywhere do i use the command groups?23:16
zequencejust in a terminal23:16
zequenceYou should get a list of groups you are member of. One of them should be audio23:16
SquishyNo i got this adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare23:17
zequenceSquishy: This makes me suspect you are not on Ubuntu Studio at all23:17
holsteinyeah.. i would fresh install.. or just use the live cd23:17
zequenceAn upgrade would not change those things23:17
zequenceSo, that's not the problem here23:18
zequenceI think what you installed in the first place was not UBuntu Studio23:18
SquishyI downloaded the iso from the website, put it on a flash drive and installed from the flash drive23:18
holsteinSquishy: what iso?23:18
SquishyI went here http://ubuntustudio.org/download/ and downloaded the 64 bit iso23:19
zequenceSquishy: You were using Yumi you said. Sure you added the ISO, or you added something else?23:20
zequenceThe groups won't change until you reboot23:20
zequenceDid you already do that, btw?23:21
SquishyYUMI = Your Universal Multiboot Installer. It just let's me have a load of bootable stuff on one flash drive and choose between them. I use it for re-installing windows and keeping a lot of recovery stuff on one flash drive23:22
Squishynot re-booted yet no. still upgrading23:22
holsteinmaybe you chose the wrong one23:22
Squishynope. My terminal has my name followed by @Ubuntu-Studio and it's the same when i log in.23:24
SquishyNot to mention the slideshow and welcome messages during my install all sayign ubuntu-studio23:24
zequenceIt's very weird23:25
holsteinSquishy: you made that name at login, though it seems you have ubuntustudio23:25
zequenceSquishy: You'll need to add yourself to audio group, to get realtime privilege: sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER23:26
zequence"groups" won't show it until you logout and login again23:26
Squishyok. I'll do that once the upgrade is finished. should be fairly soon it's been unpacking and processing triggers for a while now23:27
zequenceSquishy: To see which kernel you are on: uname -r23:29
zequenceshould be something like 3.8.0-12-lowlatency23:29
SquishyI'd like to look up to see just how far over my head what you just said was but i'm scared i'll break my neck.23:30
zequenceSquishy: That's the part of your OS that is actually Linux23:31
zequenceThe core of it all, the kernel23:31
zequenceThere are two kinds for Ubuntu23:31
zequencelinux-generic, and linux-lowlatency23:31
zequencelinux-lowlatency is the Ubuntu Studio special kernel. It's more or less a clone of linux-generic, but with some tiny changes to make it perform well at lower latencies23:32
zequenceEverything else, all the applications, the window manager, the console, all that, is not Linux23:33
zequenceUbuntu is really a GNU/Linux OS. GNU is a set of applications, such as bash which you run in the console23:34
Squishyyeah they are just programs written specifically to interact with the kernel am i right?23:34
zequenceIf you ever heard of Richard Stallman. He's the guy who started all of this. then at some point came Linus and wrote a kernel that made the OS complete23:35
zequenceAll applications interact with the kernel, really23:35
zequenceBut, the kernel itself can't really do anything23:35
SquishyStallman...he created the unix kernel and Linus made a clone of that didnt he?23:35
zequenceNo, Stallman set out to create a free version of Unix23:35
zequenceAnd created GNU23:36
zequenceThere's a GNU kernel as well, called HURD, but after 30 years, they're still working on it23:36
zequenceIt's a bit more complicated23:36
zequenceOr, I should say, the kernel can't boot itself. It manages all the programs, and makes sure they all get access to HW, and their share of CPU, etc23:37
zequenceThe linux kernel also contains a massive amount of drivers23:38
zequenceThat's why when you install Linux, you don't need to install drivers for most common HW. It's all included23:38
Squishylaptop froze for a moment there23:40
Squishybut i have this in the terminal Unpacking linux-image-3.8.0-12-lowlatency23:40
zequenceThat's the latest linux-lowlatency. You'll want that if you are going to do any kind of live audio23:41
SquishyDennis Ritchie. That's the Unix guy i was thinking about23:44
SquishyThat was bugging me23:44
zequenceYeah, he was one of the authors of the original UNIX23:45
zequenceThat, and the C programming language, which basically all modern programming languages are based on23:45
zequenceAnd not to say, all OSs are written in23:45
SquishyYeah, The guy was a legend. Shame Jobs went first. He deserved a lot more media coverage23:46
SquishyOnly reason i know of him was because of a conversation i overheard23:47
zequenceI think Jobs might have introduced the personal computer to the home a bit sooner than it would have otherwise, and some things became norm. In the long run, when computers no longer look anything like they did in the 80s, I think somehow the legacy of Ritchie might be a bit more longlived23:50
zequenceI think of Jobs as a sociopathic fashion geek, but maybe I'm just not getting his genious.23:51
zequenceA relentless businessman too23:51
SquishyI think of jobs as the manifestation of the sin of hypocrisy.23:52
zequenceRichard Stallman is the father of free software though. He not only started the GNU OS, but also wrote the GPL license, under which the Linux kernel, and so many other applications are licensed under23:53
SquishyAs far as i'm aware macs take free software and slap a proprietary GUI onto them then charge you through the nose to use it.23:54
zequenceOSX has a lot of UNIX and free software in it, yes23:54
zequenceBut, not iOS23:54
zequenceOSX uses a version of the BSD kernel, I think. Also, the X window system, which is the same that all Linux based uses23:55
SquishyMaybe that's just me being Biased. I've never liked apple since i got forced to use it at school and i find a lot of iProduct users to be rather pretentious.23:55
zequenceI have a iBook3 actually. Got it from a friend recently. Installed latest Debian on it. Works ok23:58
zequenceBelongs in a museum by now23:59
Squishynever even heard of the iBook3 is it new?23:59
Squishyoh, apparenlty not lol23:59

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