[06:15] good morning [06:15] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/03/22/china_makes_linux_os_with_canonical_help/ [06:16] ^nice work people :) [08:15] good morning [08:24] Good Morning dholbach, ara [08:24] hey nigelb [08:25] It's a Friday! \m/ [08:35] morning [08:35] Hey popey [08:40] morning popey nigelb [08:40] Hey elfy! [08:40] Do you guys still have snow? [08:40] well some do - but they're hundreds of miles away - we have rain here ;) [08:41] which is normal [08:56] poxy rain [08:56] indeed [08:56] we don't have snow in the tropical south [08:57] http://popey.com/webcam/ [08:57] observe off-green grass [08:57] (camera problem, my grass is lush green here in the tropical south) [08:57] we have drizzle [08:58] drizzle is horrible - I'd much rather it rained properly for less time [08:58] ;D [08:59] elfy: aye [08:59] Snow coming soon :d [08:59] not to me bkerensa :) [08:59] though we had a massive down pour last night, although not as bad as Cork is geting [08:59] it's pretty bad over in ireland [08:59] more flodding and busines places ruined [08:59] :( [08:59] elfy: its a shame too since its technically spring now... global warming ftw [09:00] ftw... [09:00] I swear gremlins attack my inbox over night [09:00] it was nice and clean last night [09:00] czajkowski, mine too [09:00] \o/ The weather! [09:00] Famed #1 topic of conversation in the UK [09:00] lol [09:00] popey: nigelb started it - blame him :) [09:00] he's an honorary brit then [09:01] I was just about to start talking about food :p [09:01] oh goody [09:01] people in other parts of the world are just as crazy about talking about the weather [09:01] don't worry :) [09:01] popey: huh I thought he was a honorary Portlander since he idles in Portland channels ;p [09:01] popey: haha, I thought I get honorary brit status with my name alone :P [09:02] exactly [09:02] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXNhL4J_S00 [09:02] great song [09:02] is that making plans for nigel? [09:02] yes :D [09:02] Yup :D [09:02] I love that song :D [09:02] oh my [09:03] that's got my friday morning started [09:04] it would [09:18] popey: where in the UK do you live? [09:20] Farnborough [09:21] * czajkowski lives |-->| from Farnborough [09:22] * czajkowski lives |<--| from Farnham aka AlanBell land [09:23] one stop on the train [09:24] daker: well done :) [09:24] I approved :) === Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux [10:51] czajkowski: i believe you were talking to dholbach [10:51] hum [12:33] popey: where is it not working as I just checked with the devs before replying [12:33] I just checked by trying it before replying :þ [12:34] try and create a project with unicode in the name [12:43] hmm [12:43] * czajkowski goes off to staging [12:48] hmm so it's possible everywhere except in creating it [12:48] * czajkowski files a bug [12:48] off t poke william [13:06] popey: 13:04 We restrict names used in URLs, but that's it [13:06] 13:05 names used in URLs are lowercase alphanumeric plus a couple of other characters like . and - [13:22] czajkowski: nope.. I'm finding other places [13:22] if you do can you let me know and I'll update willia [13:22] m [13:22] in fact I just triggered a "Server error, please contact an administrator" with one [13:22] 13:06 The Fedora bug is the equivalent of our display name field [13:22] 13:06 Not our name field [13:22] If you break LP you fix it :) [13:23] I'm breaking staging [13:23] did you get an oops ID [13:23] no [13:24] popey: can you pm me the link please. [13:25] czajkowski: http://ubuntuone.com/7KT3OR55GMr1lPG09aOFrt [13:25] czajkowski: http://ubuntuone.com/0OwCkcm7tsJhrFbTFlpiC8 [13:27] I have no problem with there being broken bits. I just don't think we should be publicly asserting it's all fine without testing it, as Fedora have found, this bites you ☺ [13:27] and with our new found friends over in China, it's very possible we may have more of these kinds of issues [13:27] nods [13:28] hmm [13:28] you found an odd one [13:28] popey: can you join -ops for a tick please [14:37] When I say it rains in Ireland I do mean it RAINS! - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BF9x81TCEAIbW5K.jpg:large [14:38] that looks like the road near me [14:38] which is constructed under the water table [14:42] mhall119: cjohnston https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2013/mar/22/kickstarting-schema-migrations-django/ [14:44] daker: hmmm, they already have South, I'm not sure what the kickstarter is going to fund [14:44] integrate South in django core [14:44] what daker said [14:44] iinteresting [14:44] mhall119: A database-independent API for altering database schemas on a per-field or per-model basis [14:44] An all-new migrations framework, generator and runner [14:45] ah, so maybe it'll be more like Rails [14:47] mhall119: FYI this work is being made by South author [14:49] yeah, I read that [14:49] should be interesting [14:49] I hope they have a good plan for projects to switch from South to the new thing [14:50] "There's no intention to release this as a standalone app, nor will it work with Django 1.5 or below (as it will be part of core). " [15:58] mhall119: cjohnston goal #2 achieved £4,943 http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/andrewgodwin/schema-migrations-for-django [16:15] mhall119: actually, mind if we break for lunch? [16:15] jcastro: sure, I have a TV team meeting at 1pm my time, but it's IRC [16:16] no worries [16:16] we can go right after perhaps? [16:19] that would be fine [16:19] gives me time to write your review :) [16:21] you mean generate my review? === jw2328 is now known as james_w [18:40] have a great weekend everyone! [18:40] see you! === mhall119_ is now known as mhall === mcs_ is now known as matt_symes === fenris is now known as Guest96869