
robrucyphermox, ping03:01
achiangogra_: you left us all hanging before... what were you wrong about for 10 years? :)03:09
pittiGood morning05:38
pittiLaney: can we / do you plan to sync glib2.0 from exp?06:47
mhr3mvo, ping?07:46
mvomhr3: pong07:53
mhr3mvo, hey there, how are you doing? :)07:54
mvomhr3: good, thanks! well, was sick in the last 2 days, but much better now. but overall good, thanks :)07:55
mvomhr3: and you ?07:55
jibelgood morning07:57
mhr3mvo, eh, freezes... so crazy times :)07:57
mhr3mvo, anyway, we wanted to ask about sc, we'd want to show all scopes in apps lens, what's the best/easiest way to achieve that? :)07:58
mvomhr3: haha, of course!07:58
mvomhr3: so the data-provider would need to send you this? and all scopes means all packages that provide a lens/scope (do we use the term scope?).07:59
mhr3mvo, yea, basically we'd want to have it the xapian index (ideally as tagged with a separate category)08:01
mhr3have it in*08:01
mhr3mvo, and there's no more lenses in 13.04, everything is a scope now :)08:01
mvomhr3: ok, how is it identified? is there something (name, category, tag, whatnot) to do this?08:01
mvomhr3: aha :)08:01
mhr3mvo, that's what i thought you could tell us :)08:02
mhr3we can add whatever to the pkgs08:02
mvomhr3: aha, cool, so you control it entirely? give me 2 minutes to look at the code etc to familiarize myself again08:03
mvojamesh: welcome08:03
mhr3mvo, sure08:03
mvojamesh: <mvo> mhr3: aha, cool, so you control it entirely? give me 2 minutes to look at the code etc to familiarize myself again08:03
mvojamesh, mhr3: it seems like the easiest option is to simply re-use the existing software-center.menu.in category for "dash search plugins"08:05
mvothat is currently using unity-lens-* as a pkgname filter08:05
mvoif you simply ensure that the unity-scope-* matches all your scope you should be fine08:05
mhr3mvo, does that mean it's also query-able (wow is that a word?) in the db?08:06
mvomhr3: you don't want to go through the db-provider?08:08
mhr3mvo, plus i hope it wouldn't be a problem to do (unity-lens-* || unity-scope-*), cause i don't think we have time to do a bunch of renames now08:08
mvomhr3: its querable directly in the DB as well, its just a bit quirky because of xapian special handling for "-"08:09
mhr3there's a db-provider? what's that? :)08:09
mhr3if that's some python class that we can't use that, cause we don't have python in apps lens/scope08:09
mvomhr3: the data provider, for some reason I thought you guys would use that for the category stuff too, but I re-remember that you don#t,right?08:10
jameshLooks like it would be pretty simple to put both names in the section08:10
mvomhr3: the dbus thing08:10
mhr3oh, iirc we use that just for previews08:10
mhr3searches are done directly in the db08:10
mhr3should be faster at least... we don't really have time to change that atm08:11
mvomhr3, jamesh: indeed, give me some more minuts to draft a sample python query thing08:11
mvoI think the only quirk is that replace("-", "_") is needed as xapian handles the "-" speical (which is rather anoying)08:12
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ogra_achiang, that debconf is authoritative08:22
seb128hey desktopers08:23
didrockssalut seb12808:23
seb128happy friday!08:23
seb128lut didrocks08:24
seb128ogra_, still talking about timezones?08:24
ogra_seb128, only answering pings :)08:24
seb128ogra_, we should undo that "debconf is authoritative"08:24
mvomhr3, jamesh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636330/ <- this should work if the scopes/lenses have desktop files you can leave line 4 commented otherwise you will have to query the a-x-i as well08:24
seb128that doesn't seem right for a 21st century OS08:25
seb128mvo, hey, alter! wie gehts?08:25
mvohey seb12808:25
pittibonjour seb12808:25
ogra_seb128, no, we dont need to ... as i said above, i was wrong for the last ten years .... slangasek explained to me that debconf should always adapt to the existing system settings (and apparently not everyone knows that)08:25
jameshmvo: currently the scopes don't have .desktop files -- there are .scope files that are kind of like .desktop files but not quite08:25
pittimvo! wie gehts?08:25
mvoseb128: not too bad, was a bit sick in the last 2 days, but much better now08:25
mvohey pitti!08:26
seb128pitti, salut08:26
pittiRAOF: upstart does dbus service activation now? I didn't know that08:26
mvojamesh: we could extend the deskotp file extractor to read/add them, that wouldn't be too hard I think08:26
* pitti vous donne beaucoup de accolades08:26
seb128ogra_, oh ok (I don't have "above", I close my client at night ... will read the irclogs.u.c log ;-)08:26
jameshmvo: they are in keyfile format with Name and Description, so hopefully that isn't too difficult08:27
mvojamesh: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/archive-index/app-install-mvo/ <- this is doing the extraction magic08:27
ogra_seb128, ah, i apologized to desrt ... and achiang asked what i was referring to :) (that caused my comment above)08:27
seb128pitti, what do you mean by "upstart does dbus service activation"? isn't dbus doing dbus service activation?08:27
* jamesh looks08:27
seb128ogra_, gotcha ;-)08:27
mvojamesh: I assume the scopes have a fixed dir they go into?08:28
jameshmvo: yes08:28
pittiseb128: I asked because I saw RAOF's reply on https://plus.google.com/u/0/107564545827215425270/posts/2yoaggm8Yth08:28
pittibut I don't want to make so much fuss on G+ about it08:28
pittiseb128: kdbus won't :)08:28
ogra_well, dbus is overrated, lets do IPC08:28
pitti(not that this becomes relevant anytime soon, I was just wondering)08:28
ogra_sokect and the like :)08:28
Laneypitti: glib> yes, I've got that on my list - will look today08:29
Laneyhoping we didn't sneak in any divergance08:29
pittiogra_: you young guys with fancy IPC mechanisms! exchange text files!08:29
ogra_pitti, you mean apps ahould just use the talk protocol  ? yeah, good idea :)08:29
pittiLaney: I had a quick look at the changelog, didn't look like it; but a debian/ debdiff review is certainly in order; thanks!08:29
mhr3mvo, jamesh, afaict we're talking about patching apps scope to query one extra db + modifying the query vs just modifying the query *and* changing s-c component, i think #1 is much simpler08:29
mvomhr3: yeah, just the query is certainly easiest, please check out if that is suffient if not I'm happy to help with #208:45
mhr3jamesh, could you ^, i'm fixing some other things08:45
mhr3jamesh, it's all in unity-lens-applications src/unity-package-search.cc08:46
jameshmhr3: okay08:46
pittiseb128: btw, could you please install ubuntu-desktop and thus libpam-xdg-support again? that should uninstall libpam-systemd08:50
pittiseb128: and then verify that everything still works? I'm still running logind only while I'm busy with fixing the upstream world for the split08:51
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chrisccoulsongood morning09:42
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you? happy friday09:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm not too bad thanks. how are you?09:43
chrisccoulsonwe've got snow again!09:43
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good09:45
seb128chrisccoulson, crazy weather this year09:45
chrisccoulsonwe have snowfall forecast for most of today and tomorrow09:46
mhr3jamesh, fyi i'm pushing http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636475/ into apps lens09:53
mhr3jamesh, well, the xapian define is important09:54
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GunnarHjseb128: Re bug 952185; actually there are two more tasks besides the openssh patch that need sponsoring: An at (ubuntu) MP and a gdm (precise) bzr branch.10:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 952185 in gdm (Ubuntu Precise) "~/.pam_environment not parsed by default" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95218510:32
seb128GunnarHj, the merge requests are picked by the sponsoring queue directly10:32
GunnarHjseb128: One MP. And no, since ubuntu-branches is not in the review list.10:33
GunnarHjseb128: And the other branch is not an MP, since there is no branch to merge against.10:34
seb128GunnarHj, shrug, that bug is a mess :-(10:34
seb128GunnarHj, if there is no mp can you add a debdiff to the bug?10:34
GunnarHjseb128: If only the sponsors were careful enough. ;-)10:34
GunnarHjseb128: Can do that.10:34
seb128GunnarHj, thanks10:34
popeyhmm, something squiffy with pulseaudio today. it keeps respawning after login11:22
ogra_it is supposed to respawn ...11:23
ogra_mor intresting would be why does it die11:23
popeywell indeed11:26
ogra_anything in ~/.xsession-errors ?11:27
popeybug 107854311:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1078543 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Raring) "[raring] Pulse audio fails to start with error 'Failed to open module "module-esound-protocol-unix": file not found'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107854311:28
popeygetting that11:28
ogra_geez, why is that loaded at all11:28
popeyno mention of pulse in xsession-errors11:29
ogra_got steam installed on a 64bit machine ?11:30
popeyhmm, killed pulse and now it loads11:33
* popey reboots11:33
popeyogra_: aha! it respawns madly if you logout/login, not if you reboot11:55
* popey files bug11:56
seb128Laney, not liking the winter weather or....?12:15
Laneyyeah, just arrived at blue fin - cold cold12:15
seb128no lunch outside today then? ;-)12:17
Laneydefinitely not :P12:17
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Laneypitti: ah, we still have a glib diff for python:any BD12:41
cyphermox_" good" morning!12:54
cyphermox_Laney, I'm ready to upload evo 3.6.4 I guess12:54
cyphermox_I can' t really do a build test though; I'm on a live CD12:54
cyphermox_(for raring)12:54
Laneyyou sound supremely confident!12:54
cyphermox_you are genius12:55
cyphermox_oh wait12:55
cyphermox_that's going to be some hoop jumping but yes I can do it12:55
Laneydid your pc break or something?12:56
cyphermox_one won' t boot, the other's SSD freezes up all the time12:56
cyphermox_I got disk errors12:56
cyphermox_sitting in a cafe right now, on a live cd on my laptop, waiting for the parts shop next door to open12:56
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Laneyoh man, brutal12:58
pittiLaney: ah that; damn Debian freeze :)12:59
seb128pitti, sorry, forgot to reply to your ping this morning, installing ubuntu-desktop didn't bring libpam-xdg-runtime in, I guess that's only a recommend? in any case I swapped back, will let you know if I find any issue13:03
seb128pitti, btw, what was the status of langpacks? wgrant said the other day you guys sorted it out and you were going to trigger an update ... is that correct?13:20
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mterrydidrocks, so how does the privacy control ("remote-content-search") for scopes work in the new smart scope world?13:43
didrocksmterry: it will stay the same13:44
didrocksmterry: and disable the smart scope service13:44
didrocksso no talk to the server13:44
didrocksmterry: btw, yesterday you relaunched the unity stack, but didn't publish it (it was in manual publishing mode)13:44
didrocksmterry: we had a lot of tests failing during this daily release this night. I bet for a service crashing/flacky tests and seb128 reran them (still running on some arch)13:45
mterrydidrocks, ugh, whoops13:45
didrocksmterry: do you mind publishing them (they will be in manual publishing mode still because some upstream stacks are in manual publishing)13:45
mterrydidrocks, I saw that he did, yeah.  ati had a lot of failures, it's usually reliable13:45
davidcallemterry, on top of that, all scopes have a RemoteContent true/false field in their .scope file. To ensure even local non-recommended scopes are blocked.13:46
mterrydidrocks, after they finish sure13:46
didrocksmterry: thanks! also there is one compiz regression13:46
didrocksone sec…13:46
didrocksbug #115816113:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1158161 in Compiz "[regression] Unmaximized windows can't be closed, minimized, moved" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115816113:46
didrocksmterry:  ^13:46
didrockswould be good to get a fix in13:46
mterrydavidcalle, so if there is a RemoteContent=true field, and that preference is turned off, the scope won't be used?13:46
jcastro /msg didrocks argh this new dash.13:47
didrocksmterry: sam has a fix in lp:compiz (not lp:compiz/raring)13:47
didrocksjcastro: :)13:47
didrocksmterry: but the description is not encouraging13:47
jcastroso this lag inbetween each character typed, is killing me13:47
didrocksjcastro: yeah, there is a bug for the searching on each keystroke13:47
didrockswhich is doing that…13:48
mterrydidrocks, you mean the "such a disaster" line?  :)13:48
didrocksmterry: rather "I have no idea why it does. Scary."13:48
mterrydidrocks, OK, who is managing the compiz/raring branch?  They should review the code13:49
didrocksmterry: well, nobody since duflu is working on something else :/13:49
didrocksmterry: so basically, you? (surprise surprise!) :-)13:49
didrocksmterry: sil2100 has some knowledge of compiz13:49
didrocksnot sure in that area of the code though13:50
mterrychange seems simple enough13:50
didrocksyeah, we can try just confirming it's fixing it13:50
didrocksand having someone playing with the decorator13:50
didrocksit's reproducible 100% of times13:50
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ritz__cyphermox hi, sorry to bug you, does the sru request look fine ? -  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/111631713:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1116317 in network-manager-applet "Needs option to create user connections by default" [Wishlist,In progress]13:52
mterrydidrocks, will test myself and file MR for it when I confirm.  Then maybe you can approve for landing13:53
didrocksmterry: thanks a lot13:53
didrocksmterry: yep, I will just trust your words :)13:53
sil2100didrocks, mterry: I checked the code, but didn't build-test it yet13:54
* sil2100 was lunching13:54
sil2100For Sam's fix13:54
didrocksthx sil2100!13:56
mterrydidrocks, so...  this RemoteContent field for scope files.  If the user has set privacy to ON, a RemoteContent=true scope won't be used?13:56
didrocksmterry: basically, the scope will be started13:56
didrocksbut will look at this privacy key13:57
didrocksand if it's set to ON13:57
didrocksit won't look13:57
sil2100I'll backport it to raring later ;p13:57
didrocksalso, the smart scope won't set your search on the server13:57
davidcalledidrocks, that's the old way. Unity will decide to start it or not.13:57
didrocksdavidcalle: right, but some will still be started13:57
mterrydidrocks, but only those with RemoteContent=false?13:57
didrockslike the music remote and photo remotes13:57
didrocksright davidcalle?13:57
mterrydidrocks, those may look at the preference key to optionally use remote sources?13:58
davidcalledidrocks, right, these ones, since they have the "always-running" dconf-key check internally.13:58
didrocksso it's a combination of both :)13:58
mterryso always-running -> looks at key; RemoteContent=false -> looks at key; RemoteContent=true -> not even started if privacy on13:59
mterrydidrocks, davidcalle ^ ?13:59
didrocksmterry: almost ;) (RemoteContent=false won't look at the key as they don't search for remote content…)14:00
davidcallemterry, remotecontent false don't need to look at the key at all. But yes.14:00
mterrydidrocks, davidcalle: what about a scope that looks at local as well as remote content?14:00
didrocksmterry: they are separate scope14:00
didrocksunder the same master scope14:00
mterryah... hm14:00
didrocksbut separate scope14:00
mterrydidrocks, so MIR wise, launchpad and sshsearch scopes use python2 and thus are icky.  Would you be super sad if they weren't installed by default?14:01
didrocksmterry: I think the executive decision is to install all of them by default, regardless of the technology14:02
didrockslaunchpad is python2 because of launchpadlib14:02
davidcallemterry, that would be unfortunate to have github without launchpad, but paramiko and liblaunchpad are the bad guys.14:02
didrocksnot sure about why sshsearch is14:02
mterrydidrocks, paramiko14:02
didrocksok paramiko :)14:02
mterryMIR doesn't care *why*14:03
mterryMIR's answer is port liblaunchpad (why isn't that ported yet!)14:03
mterrydidrocks, but you think there's an override in effect here14:03
didrocksmterry: right14:03
davidcallemterry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/lazr.authentication/+bug/100743714:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1007437 in lazr.authentication "Support Python 3" [Undecided,New]14:04
mterryWell, in those two cases (liblaunchpad, paramiko), other desktop stuff needs those to be ported.  So adding a couple lenses to that pile isn't the worst.  When we get serious about python3, we can consider either porting what we need or dropping these lenses14:05
mterryAdding a couple lenses for now won't hurt14:05
didrocksmterry: agreed14:06
didrockslaunchpadlib in python3 would be great as a lot of our tool are depending on that14:06
mterrydavidcalle, another question.  I see some questionable copy-paste code it looks like.  In musique, audacious, clementine, gmusicbrowser, and guayadeque:14:06
mterry            if model.get_value(iteration, 1) == "musique":14:06
mterry                image = "file:///usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/audacious.svg"14:06
mterryThis is in the preview code14:06
mterrydidrocks, and everything seems to depend on gir1.2-dee-1.0 but not actually use it?  not a MIR blocker, but just odd14:07
davidcallemterry, these previews haven't been ported to the new api, afaik.14:07
didrocksmterry: right, we removed on some14:08
didrocksmterry: not all though, but I plan to do that14:08
mterrydavidcalle, so that's dead, unused code right now?14:08
mterrydavidcalle, is porting to new preview code planned for raring?14:08
seb128pitti, hey14:09
davidcallemterry, so this code is not actually used yet. It will be in a few days I hope, I've updated the maintainer on the new preview API last night (it has landed a few days ago).14:09
seb128pitti, do you have special translation foo on launchpad?14:09
davidcallemterry, planned for raring.14:09
mterrydavidcalle, thanks14:09
seb128pitti, like, can you change https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+source/hud/+imports to "approved"?14:10
seb128czajkowski, hey, ^14:10
mterrydidrocks, aha!  sshsearch says RemoteContent=false and then checks the key  ;)14:11
didrocksshould be RemoteContent=true14:11
didrocksdavidcalle: ^14:11
didrocksno, it should be false14:11
didrocksbut no need to check the key14:11
didrocksmterry: it's extra-picky :p14:11
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mterrydidrocks, davidcalle: well, with those concerns, MIR seems fine for this set14:14
didrocksmterry: you did see the home scope code as well, right?14:15
didrocksmterry: as it's the only one which is different from others14:15
davidcallemterry, that's unfortunote for the sshsearch mistake, but GREAT for the MIR, thanks! :)14:15
mterrydidrocks, no, it wasn't in the list of new packages.14:15
mterryoh yeah it was14:15
didrockshum, sure?14:15
mterryjust a different list14:15
didrocksmterry: right :)14:15
mterrydidrocks, OK, will look14:16
didrocksmterry: it's a none boring one14:16
mterrydidrocks, yay?14:16
didrocksmterry: and you know what? you can directly bother pstolowski and mhr3 for it :p14:16
didrocksmterry: it's the smart scope service14:16
didrocksso agregatting all data per master scope14:16
didrocksagregatting the home dash14:17
didrocksand sending data to the server14:17
didrocksa nice playfield! :)14:17
rickspencer3hey didrocks, seb128 what's the word on the street regarding new dash? looking good today?14:27
rickspencer3(I haven't dist-upgraded yet today)14:27
didrocksrickspencer3: if you dist-upgrade now, you will get the in dash payment as well14:27
didrocksrickspencer3: some fixes, still some work to do, I hope to process a rebuild tonight and have the friends scope14:27
rickspencer3didrocks, so you think dash payment will land?14:28
didrocksrickspencer3: well, at least, it's now in the ppa, QA on OLS gave their +1 on their testing on it with the 100scopes14:29
didrocksthe merge reviews have been acked14:29
didrocksso it's a question of testing14:29
didrocksthere are still some cases where they are unclear about14:29
didrockslike if you card expire, no feedback14:29
didrocksso they are trying to figure out that14:29
didrocksand they need the +1 on the FFe bug from Mark14:29
rickspencer3didrocks, seb128 said something about sabdfl asking for ppa testing or something first14:29
rickspencer3did all that happen?14:29
BigWhaleHmmm... Alt+Right Click on a window is captured by Unity and not sent to the application. Can this be disabled?14:29
didrocksrickspencer3: it's just what happen?14:29
didrockssee my:14:29
didrocks15:27:25      didrocks | rickspencer3: if you dist-upgrade now, you will get the in dash payment as well14:30
didrocksrickspencer3: that's what I'm working on for the past few days, sees the email you were CCed :)14:30
didrocksso as told in those emails14:30
czajkowskiseb128: you pinged?14:30
didrockswe can start testing in the ppa14:30
didrockswe have an easy revert path14:30
didrocksin case things are not ok or mark didn't +114:30
rickspencer3didrocks, yeah, I saw that, I just didn't know if it was specifically what sabdfl asked for14:31
seb128czajkowski, hey14:31
rickspencer3(after a short chat with seb128 last night)14:31
didrocksrickspencer3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1154176/comments/1314:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1154176 in unity "[FFE] Add payment preview for music" [Undecided,Fix committed]14:32
didrocksthis is why it's in the experimental ppa14:32
rickspencer3ok, I understand now14:32
cyphermox_hey mterry14:34
seb128rickspencer3, sorry if what I said yesterday didn't make sense/was lacking details14:34
rickspencer3seb128, it's all ok14:34
rickspencer3I was just asking14:34
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mterrycyphermox_, hi, what's up?14:35
mterrydidrocks, home scope c/r/p's some lenses.  It c/r's asklibreoffice, but doesn't p it.  Intentional?14:43
didrocksmterry: hem, I was testing you :)14:44
didrocksmterry: want to MP for it? ;)14:44
mterrydidrocks, I'll just push14:45
didrocksmterry: ok ;)14:45
didrocksmterry: don't break an in-process merge though14:45
mterryguh fine  :)14:45
mterrydidrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-scope-home/missing-p/+merge/15497314:48
cyphermoxritz__: hey, yeah it looks fine, just won't be exactly that patch14:48
ritz__cyphermox, thank you :)14:49
ritz__cyphermox, also, lp#965895, sru filled, with the debdiff14:50
seb128pitti, unping about hud template approval, got it done14:50
ritz__cyphermox, TIA14:50
ritz__let me know, if anything needs to fixed14:50
ritz__seb128, ty :)14:50
ritz__gn folks :)14:51
cyphermoxdah, why did he leave so quickly :(14:51
mterrydidrocks, seems like that privacy switch is not coded yet?  Bug 1158782 seems to think not, and I don't see RemoteContent in the home scope source15:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1158782 in unity (Ubuntu) "When privacy switch is on don't query client scopes with RemoteContent=true" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115878215:00
mterryseems problematic15:00
didrocksmterry: no, it's in progress :)15:01
didrocksbut noted15:01
kenvandinedidrocks, yay... i see results in the friends lens from jamesh's branch :)15:04
kenvandinedidrocks, i see you played with it a bit15:05
kenvandineit's using the wrong renderer15:05
kenvandinebut it's something :)15:05
didrocksyeah ;)15:05
didrockskenvandine: do you mind switching to the right renderer?15:05
kenvandineis that a bug or something that doesn't exist anymroe?15:05
didrocksif you have time15:05
didrockskenvandine: I don't think so15:05
didrockskenvandine: open a bug against unity15:05
didrocksfor tag15:05
kenvandinedidrocks, so it is using HORIZONTAL_TILE, you're saying you think that might just be a bug in unity right?15:07
didrockskenvandine: yeah, probably15:08
mdeslaurdidrocks: quick question: what creates the "unity" compiz profile when a user logs in?15:17
seb128mdeslaur, your computer does15:19
mdeslaurseb128: oh! that would explain it :)15:19
mdeslaurseb128: do you know the answer?15:19
seb128mdeslaur, the answer is "that's more complex that it should be"15:20
seb128mdeslaur, there is a profile copy on first login iirc15:20
seb128mdeslaur, for some reason which have to do with compiz having a backend for your storage backend15:20
seb128like cpp->gconf/gsettings/ini15:21
seb128mdeslaur, what are you trying to figure out?15:21
mdeslaurI am trying to enforce default gsettings for unity...but creating gschema.override file only seems to affect the "Default" compiz profile15:22
mdeslaurso I'm trying to figure out what exactly is creating the "unity" compiz profile15:22
seb128mdeslaur, try asking on #ubuntu-unity, sil2100 probably knows the details15:35
mdeslaurthanks seb12815:35
pittiseb128: langpacks> yes, I'm waiting for the first LP export, then I can build them15:44
pittiseb128: I can't approve imports or translations15:44
seb128pitti, launchpadlibrarian.net/134834696/ubuntu-raring-translations.tar.gz15:46
seb128pitti, isn't that the export?15:46
seb128pitti, it's listed on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+language-packs15:46
seb128pitti, or do you need something else?15:46
pittioh, nice!15:46
pittino, that's it15:46
seb128pitti, great ;-)15:46
pittiseb128: it's not cron'ed yet, as the first (full) build needs some special care15:48
seb128pitti, ok15:49
pittiseb128: I started the build of the packages now15:50
seb128pitti, danke!15:50
pittiseb128: I guess I won't get to testing/uploading them before Monday, though15:50
seb128we will maybe have updated translations in raring :p15:50
seb128pitti, just discovered today that quite some templates are outdated in raring15:50
pittiour in-laws are visiting over the weekend (they are already here), so I won't be able to steal away much for computer stuff15:50
seb128pitti, no worry, you shouldn't work in the W.E! no hurry as well, can wait next week15:51
seb128pitti, we need to figure how to make rosetta import the .pot from the daily build ppas, we overlooked that part with the daily landing15:52
seb128pitti, I guess didrocks will talk to you about that15:52
pittioh, we don't grab the translation tarballs from that, I suppose15:52
didrocksyeah, but in a call :)15:52
seb128yeah, that sucks15:52
pittiso we need to enable pkgbinarymangler in those PPAs, and teach LP to look at those15:53
seb128and we didn't have updates langpacks to say "hold on, my translations are uptodate, how much unity is not translated"15:53
seb128I just noticed today while checking something else15:53
seb128pitti, seems about right15:53
seb128well, not before next week in any case15:53
seb128friday 5pm is not the time to start figuring that out ;-)15:54
seb128no hurry as well, we did manual uploads or updated .pot meanwhile15:54
kenvandinecyphermox, autopilot question15:55
kenvandine11:49:59.775 WARNING __init__:197 - Caught exception while searching for autopilot interface: 'DBusException("Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.DBus': no such name",)'15:55
kenvandinewhat do you think could be causing that?15:55
greybackanyone have any idea why I have no messaging indicator in my panel?15:56
kenvandineit continues to timeout while trying to find the object15:56
cyphermoxkenvandine: no clue15:56
cyphermoxkenvandine: ask mzanetti in #ubuntu-unity15:56
kenvandinecyphermox, can you point me to an example of anything using it?15:56
cyphermoxI really only did the packaging ;)15:56
kenvandinei just used qtcreator to add autopilot tests to my project :)15:56
cyphermox(actually, the packaging review)15:56
cyphermoxmzanetti has a branch ready to land for autopilot-qt test examples, give me a second15:57
cyphermoxkenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/autopilot-qt/add-tests/+merge/15369515:57
cyphermoxthat might be good examples15:57
seb128greyback, is indicator-messages installed?16:00
seb128greyback, is that a new install?16:00
greybackseb128: yep, package installed. It's an upgrade, but it was missing in quantal for me too, somehow16:00
seb128greyback, I think the new design makes it being hidden until you start/configure an app using it16:01
seb128greyback, e.g empathy, xchat(-gnome), tb...16:01
greybackseb128: I've Empathy running, I'll look into its settings.16:01
greybackindicator-messages-service is running...16:01
seb128greyback, larsu can probably help you16:01
greybackseb128: ok thanks!16:02
greybacki'm loving the new icons, they're gorgeous16:02
seb128greyback, oh, random comment, empathy by itself doesn't integrate to the indicator-messages, you need telepathy-indicator16:08
seb128greyback, just in case you don't have this one installed for some reason16:08
greybackseb128: yep I have that too16:08
seb128larsu, ^ help :p16:09
greybackI'll wait for larsu :)16:09
larsugreyback: hey :) Are indicator-messages-service and telepathy-indicator running?16:11
larsuand do you have at least one account set up in empathy?16:11
greybacklarsu: yes, yes and yes16:12
larsuwhat does `gsettings get com.canonical.indicator.messages applications` give you?16:13
greybacklarsu: ['gwibber.desktop', 'empathy.desktop', 'thunderbird.desktop', 'redditredditcom.desktop', 'telephony-app.desktop', 'telephony-app-sms.desktop', 'telephony-app-phone.desktop', 'GMailmailgooglecom.desktop', 'xchat.desktop']16:14
larsuand you don't see the messaging menu at all?16:14
larsuthis is weird...16:14
greybacknope, sorry. I've not seen it for some time actually. In quantal too :(16:14
seb128greyback, that's standard unity, not your own hacked version, right? ;-)16:15
larsuseb128: lol16:15
greybackseb128: it's all legit :)16:15
seb128larsu, well, unity-2d hacker, you never know :p16:15
larsugreyback: so I guess you've already restarted the messaging service? (if only by restarting your machine)16:16
seb128greyback, I guess it's not there if you keyboard navigate left/right? (e.g not an icon issue)?16:16
greybacklarsu: I killed the process, I think it respawned16:16
larsuyeah, that's what it does16:16
seb128greyback, I mean if you you open another indicator and do left/right16:16
greybackseb128: good idea. Checking, it's definitely not there16:16
seb128it's not opened on the way at some point?16:16
greybackuh oh, version "12.10.6+bzr340+pkg0~quantal1" looks very wrong16:18
greybackfor indicator-messages16:18
greybackmust be an old PPA breaking everything. Feck, sorry guys16:18
larsugreyback: just to be sure it's not the panel's fault: install libindicator3-tools and do `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-loader3 /usr/lib/indicators3/7/libmessaging.so`16:18
larsuyeah, upgrade to a new version first, please ;)16:18
greybackI'm just surprised an old quantal version wasn't replaced by raring16:19
seb128greyback, buggy ppa versioning :-(16:21
seb128greyback, we are on 12.10.6daily16:21
greybackseb128: so I see yes.16:22
seb128greyback, just sudo apt-get install indicator-messages/raring16:22
seb128greyback, you might want to "dpkg -l | grep ~quantal"16:22
greybackseb128: I'm doing a PPA purge too, just to be safe16:22
larsuseb128: ooh, I didn't know about this syntax16:22
seb128in case you have other packages in the same state16:22
seb128larsu, ;-)16:22
greybackseb128: that's a nice tip, thanks!16:22
seb128larsu, you can use =<version> or /<serie>16:22
larsuseb128: yes, I know about =version, but then you have to know the exact version...16:23
* larsu wants to install something now to try it out16:23
seb128larsu, enable a quantal source and do apt-get install eog/quantal :p16:24
* Laney goes away for a short while - on holiday for the next two weeks but might be around now and again. See you soon if you're not online before I go!16:32
seb128Laney, oh, enjoy your holidays!16:33
LaneyStill around over the weekend if people are :-)16:34
* Laney sneakily nominates some peer reviewers then scurries off16:34
Laneyhave a nice fortnight!16:34
kenvandinedidrocks, quick, easy, obvious fix https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/unity-lens-friends/libunity7-busname-fix/+merge/15501116:43
didrockskenvandine: approved :)16:43
didrockspitti: seb128: we should discuss that on Monday :)16:43
seb128didrocks, +116:44
didrocks(yeah, I'm way behind because of meeting/triaging issues)16:44
kenvandinedidrocks, should i push that to the team branch?16:44
kenvandinei assume there is no merger for that :)16:44
didrockskenvandine: yeah, there is no automerger yet16:44
didrockskenvandine: there will be in ~1h16:44
* kenvandine goes back to figuring out autopilot tests :)16:44
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tkamppeterjasoncwarner_, hi18:11
* didrocks waves good evening19:36
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rickspencer3getting facebook photos in my dash is pretty cool22:53
cyphermoxcool :)23:08
cyphermoxrobru: ping?23:10
robrucyphermox, oh hey... I can't remember what I wanted ;-)23:19
cyphermoxrobru: ah, ok :)23:19
robrucyphermox, it had to do with landing touch apps in raring. how's that going for you? most of my stuff is blocked on other packages that haven't landed yet23:21
cyphermoxI was busy with the bluetooth and a bunch of other smaller details, I was starting now23:22
cyphermoxare you block on anything mine?23:22
cyphermoxI can do them now in priority, and it can go even faster assuming you help reviewing the packaging changes?23:22
robrucyphermox, can't remember now... something about autopilot, and libhud-qt-qml. you doing either of those?23:35
cyphermoxwe did land autopilot-qt yesterday23:36
robrucyphermox, oh great23:36
cyphermoxlibhud-qt-qml might be mine too, but was blocked on ted finishing up making hud work on desktop, IIRC23:36
cyphermoxyup, libhud-qt is mine, BLOCKED.23:37
cyphermoxted's WI is INPROGRESS23:37
cyphermoxwe should make a bot to find out the status of work items.23:38
robruyeah, I emailed ted about it already, but hadn't gotten a reply23:38
robruI should set my workitems to blocked ;-)23:38

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