[00:01] rsalveti, \o/ [00:02] rickspencer3, how would you expect that info to magically apper on your PC if you dont have any connetion to the system ? [00:02] you need either adb or ssh [00:03] rickspencer3: using adb would be easier === chriadam|away is now known as chriadam [00:04] adb shell cat /system/quantal-ubuntu_stamp [00:04] phablet-flash uses adb to detect the device type [00:05] does the sdk depend on adb ? [00:05] adb shell getprop | grep ro.product.device [00:05] i.e. if i didnt flash from the machine i run the sdk on [00:06] not sure [00:06] maybe it uses adb to forward the ssh port with the host? [00:06] * ogra_ didnt see any adb in todays seed addition [00:06] (loic added the ubuntu-sdk to the ubuntu-touch-meta seed today) [00:06] well, no rickspencer3 anymore [00:07] how it connects with the device? [00:07] * rsalveti didn't used sdk yet [00:07] * ogra_ neither [00:07] bzoltan1: in case you're still alive ^ [00:07] i only watched the seed change today ... [00:08] ogra@anubis:~/Devel/seeds/ubuntu-touch.raring$ grep adb sdk [00:08] ogra@anubis:~/Devel/seeds/ubuntu-touch.raring$ [00:09] no adb [00:33] sergiusens: ogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/session-manager/adding_conf_mako_maguro/+merge/154837 [00:35] rsalveti, hmm ? i thought i had added them [00:35] ogra_: nops, they were using the default values [00:35] as before [00:36] oh [00:36] ogra_: just to avoid issues later in case we change the default values [00:36] right, they had no entry in the original code [00:36] yup [00:36] phew [00:36] :-) [00:36] you shocked me for a second [00:36] :) [00:36] * ogra_ just reads all the pycon stuff ... oh my [00:37] ogra_: didn't see that yet [00:39] http://www.dailydot.com/society/pycon-dongle-joke-misogyny-sexism-adria-richards/ [00:40] someone in the audience makes a sexistic joke and in the end all lost their jobs [00:40] escalation mgmt. +1 [00:41] haha, lemme see [01:00] ogra_: what a mess === salem_ is now known as _salem [01:02] heh, yeah [01:09] bah I live in the wrong part of the world, such a PITA to get a nexus 10 in norway [01:24] brunost really? that is lame [01:25] juicyjones: yeah, small nation, small market no official release on the market here yet [01:25] ugh. the play store works though? [01:25] nope [01:25] not available here [01:26] wow that just seems like a big omission [01:26] yeah [01:26] I *can* use a proxy and order it from the UK or something, but once again a pain [01:26] just have a friend order one and ship it to you. but without the play store what would you do for apps? sideload them? [01:27] oh you can buy apps [01:27] just not anything else [01:27] well that's something [01:27] yup [01:28] You must know someone in the UK or US who can ship you one. [01:28] yeah I do [01:28] lived in the UK for 3 years [01:28] might just fly to london and meet up with some friends and grab a tablet at the same time [01:29] there you go [01:29] not that much more expensive to fly than to get it shipped anyways (oh the irony) [01:29] I would not be happy if I couldn't have gotten my N4 because of my location [01:30] except for the fact that a lot of stuff reaches this part of the world a lot later than the rest of the world its a nice place though [01:30] I would move to Norway in an instant if it were possible. [01:30] oh? [01:30] Not disparaging Seattle, it's the coolest country in the US. but I've always wanted to live in Europe [01:31] seattle is the coolest city* in ... [01:31] its not like norway is particulary warm though [01:32] it was over 10F today [01:32] WOHOO [01:32] crazy [01:32] and I'm complaining about 18C [01:33] and its dark most of the time during the winters, if you live really far north you don't see sunlight for like 3 months [01:33] and then its light all the time in the summer [01:33] yeah, I cannot live in a place like that [01:33] you adjust quickly [01:33] * rsalveti loves the strong sun we get everyday at brazil [01:33] lived far up north for a year, I survived [01:34] though I am used to harsh climate [01:34] I become useless above 25C [01:34] ugh, if the temperature climbs over 25C that is [01:34] yeah, we had ~37C a few weeks ago [01:35] horrible [01:35] I think all you northerners are the only ones who have valid complaints about the cold. :) [01:35] haha true [01:35] rsalveti: Yeah here in Sydney we had at least 2 summer days in January over 40c. [01:35] our complaints about warmth are completely invalid though [01:35] TheMuso: yeah, hard think at that temperature [01:36] 15C == Shorts and t-shirt weather [01:36] rsalveti: Agreed, which is why I invested in air conditioning. Sydney summers can get rather hot. [01:37] more than 25C and people can't be fucked with work [01:37] Please keep the language clean [01:38] sorry [01:38] * brunost has a potty mouth [01:44] brunost it's already as dark as it gets in the US here in Seattle. It's pitch black by 4 PM in december. === _salem is now known as salem_ [01:47] at mid winter the sun rises at 10 and sets at 2-ish here [01:48] combining that with working nights means that I see the sun in the weekends during the winter [01:50] Yeah a seattleite wouldn't dislike that much more. we like our moody cozy winters. but it's not as cold here. [02:06] rsalveti: yep [02:06] rsalveti: binder crash thing, but I think its triggered by something else dying [02:09] yeah, kind of shell then binder [02:12] rsalveti: anyways, some of that code is going away and some of it is getting reinforced [02:16] ricmm: yup, just saying the crash is still happen [02:16] to annoy you a bit [02:17] so you can fix it [02:17] :P [02:17] jezz, why no neon at tegra2, just to make our life harder [02:20] rsalveti: What are you guys supporting thats tegra 2? [02:20] I am surprised you mention it. [02:21] just trying to help some folks porting touch to tf101 (transformer) [02:21] which is a tegra 2 device [02:21] rsalveti: tegra2 is a lost platform [02:21] but I cannot share my android binaries as all other devices I have support neon just fine [02:21] lack of neon has been haunting us since a while ago [02:21] yup [02:22] I just hope to see a better i/o controller at tegra 4 [02:22] even tegra 3 kind of sucks regarding i/o === salem_ is now known as _salem [03:49] om26er: https://launchpad.net/phone-app === juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afl === mmrazik|afl is now known as mmrazik|afk === chriadam is now known as chriadam|away === lubuntu is now known as Guest42703 === mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik [09:14] I wonder if anyone eager to try out new stuff / break one's machine, using 12.04 or 12.10, would like to enable ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta-proper and ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-staging and then apt-get dist-upgrade + apt-get install ubuntu-sdk ? really no need if you want to focus on creating stuff instead of testing my packages :) [09:15] good morning [09:15] in addition to Qt 5.0.1 (which is already quite well tested), it brings qtbase compiled with GTK theme support (fixing qt creator fonts among else) and appmenu support [09:16] it works fine on my precise machine so I'm not expecting problems, though [09:18] and good noon, yes [09:34] bzoltan1, how does the sdk connect to a phone currently ? [09:34] bzoltan1, (using adb ?) [09:34] ogra_: primarily yes... and/or using ssh [09:34] but the ssh port forwarding is initiated from adb [09:35] bzoltan1, then we need to make sure the sdk has a dependency on adb [09:35] ogra_: Correct [09:35] i dont think it has atm [09:35] ogra_: let me check... but you could be right (what I hate) :) [09:35] at least not in what lool copied into the nes seeds [09:36] (which i think just comes from your current deps) [09:36] s/nes/new/ [09:37] ogra_: the ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins does recommed it [09:37] ok [09:37] thnen we should be fine [09:37] $ apt-cache show ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins|grep android-tools-adb [09:37] Recommends: android-tools-adb [09:37] bzoltan1, thanks ! [09:37] ogra_: no probs [09:41] bzoltan1: ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins isn't in Ubuntu though [09:42] lool: damn, you caught me :) You are right [09:42] It is not yet in the archives === Lloirv2 is now known as Lloir [09:46] I wonder if anyone would like to sponsor lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtwebkit-opensource-src to raring?-) it was tested to run fine on a device and fixes our known issues. === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr_ === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr_ [10:18] The core apps not been updated for a while? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily [10:27] ogra_ do we have tools to mount/examing the sparse filesystems used by fastboot? I remember using some for N7 [10:28] yeah, in android-fsutils (or -tools i always forget) [10:29] ogra_, thanks, android-tools-fsutils, you remember well :) [10:29] haha [10:31] ogra_, no manpages but descriptive enough executable names in there [10:31] got it with simg2img [10:31] -h should work .. [10:31] and for missing manpages, blame xnox [10:31] :P [10:31] xnox, I hereby blame you for missing manpages [10:32] haha [10:32] ogra_, I am still debugging why I get weird .zip file names (which is likely only a symptom of a larger issue) [10:32] CM_BUILD not being set at all here [10:32] extremely weird [10:32] ogra_, when you built from source, how do you call brunch? [10:32] like described on the porting page ... [10:32] I see that only if the target name starts with cm_ does it source those makefiles [10:33] in fact i usually copy paste :) [10:33] janimo: > www.android.org [10:33] ogra_, the porting page unhelpfully says brunch :) [10:33] heh, true [10:33] bunch i9100 in my case [10:33] not saying whether it is for ex full_mako-userdebug [10:33] or cm_mako-userdebug [10:33] oh, it would be brunch mako [10:33] the latter of course does not work as it is missing device/ and is the upstream target [10:33] for mako [10:33] no cm_ in there [10:35] unless I use full_mako-userdebug (the same as I'd pick from the launch menu) I get errors [10:35] build/core/product_config.mk:253: *** No matches for product "cm_mako". Stop. [10:35] I wonder what am I doing differently from everyone else :/ [10:35] try just "brunch mako" [10:35] ** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_mako' [10:35] do I need to add extra repos from cm by hand? [10:35] no [10:36] ogra that is what I called, brunch mako [10:36] not for the four supported devices [10:36] right [10:36] ah, k [10:36] i thought you called cm_mako [10:36] but the confusion arises from our 4 supported devices being copies/forks/entirely separate devices from upstream's equivalently named ones [10:36] lets blame git then ... we should switch to bzr anyway :P [10:37] ogra_, can you get a build going in your repo workdir by just . build/envsetup.sh && brunch mako? [10:37] dunno, let me try [10:38] ogra_, but you have built a device from scratch so far since you have the correctly named zip files [10:38] yep [10:38] mako runs fine here [10:40] ogra_, sigh, no idea what's going on :/ [10:40] do a new repo sync ? [10:41] it is a fresh one from yesterday [10:41] (and keep a tarball of the tree right after syncing so you dont have to do it over and over) [10:41] ogra_, but brunch grouper seems to proceed [10:41] let's try that then [10:41] its compiling the kernel here now [10:42] ogra_, my mako setup must have been broken somehow, grouper is on its way without the error [10:42] hmm [10:42] weird [10:42] I'll just wait and see how the zipname turns out [11:00] janimo, FYI ... Package complete: /home/ogra/datengrab/phablet-android/out/target/product/mako/cm-10.1-20130322-UNOFFICIAL-mako.zip [11:02] Anyone know of plans for Exchange email support in Ubuntu Touch? I know it's a sore subject within Ubuntu. Hence why I've not made the full switch from Windows yet. === SkavenXXI-[OFF] is now known as SkavenXXI [11:14] ogra_, grouper built correctly here as well. \o/ [11:15] ogra_, I wasted too much time on this, using the targets as presented by the lunch menu :( === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch [11:37] hikiko, hey [11:38] hikiko, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Upgrades ... [11:38] if you didnt upgrade for a long time you should better consider to flash from scratch [11:38] thanks ogra_ :) [11:38] yes that's what I ll do [11:38] last time was 1 day before christmas... [11:38] make sure to have the new phablet-tools (from the public PPA) [11:39] then you vcan use pablet-flash -l (-l for "latest") that will get you the most recent daily [11:39] *phablet-flash [11:40] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install has the pointers to the PPA etc === mmrazik|lunch is now known as mmrazik === ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [12:36] mesq: thanks for the app paterns for clock...they look awesome!!!! [12:37] nik90: You like? They do look really nice and funtional! [12:37] functional* [12:37] ok i forgot how to fix this [12:37] http://pastebin.com/CfTrP1p3 [12:37] aqcalamitaITA: I do have one question [12:38] In the timer, how does one set the timer for more than an hour? Because the current design indicate a way to adjust the minute only [12:38] Can you use the zoom? [12:39] you mean the + and the - buttons? In the app paterns, it is used to increment/decrement by a minute [12:41] nik90: thanks and you're welcome too! [12:41] mesq: I was just asking agcalamitaITA some questions regarding the timer [12:41] maybe you can answer them for me [12:42] nik90: maybe tapping on the counter could give you a numpad to punch in any time in hh:mm:ss format [12:42] Nope, sorry -- I mis-read the zoom function. It's part of the stopwatch. I'm sure you can add it manually or increment using the + and - buttons [12:43] ok that is fine with me [12:43] http://pastebin.com/CfTrP1p3 can anyone help me fix this I forgot what was needed to fix this [12:43] because using the +,- buttons to change it all the way to say 02:45 is quite a tedious task..in which case we can click on the counter text and input it using a numpad [12:47] http://pastebin.com/CfTrP1p3 === _salem is now known as salem_ [12:54] anyone?? === kgunnAFK is now known as kgunn === SkavenXXI is now known as SkavenXXI-[OFF] [13:00] Mrnerd: hi whats up [13:00] hey [13:00] http://pastebin.com/CfTrP1p3 [13:01] i keep getting this error I fixed it before its really simple.. i thought i fixed it but i guess i didnt [13:01] i cant remember what i was told to do to fixi t [13:02] who helped you last time? ogra_^^ === salem_ is now known as _salem [13:03] "/home/mrnerdisg0d/" [13:03] * Namidairo facepalms [13:03] i cant remember. [13:03] guess what [13:03] this channel is logged [13:04] right [13:04] good luck finding it. [13:04] where is it logged at? [13:04] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ === juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones [13:16] my bad guys. [13:16] phone started acting up. [13:24] thanks namidairo [13:24] thanks pmcgowan [13:25] sergiusens, whats holding back phablet-tools from raring ? i will need it for the cdimage android builds [13:25] (happy to fix whats missing) [13:27] ogra_: hmmm... it should be there... let me check! [13:27] oh,, ignore me :P [13:27] * ogra_ should have checked before [13:28] i need it in main though [13:29] sergiusens, awww ... !#/usr/bin/env python ... [13:30] that needs fixing [13:30] ogra_: to what? I'll fix. [13:30] ogra_: I just used what autopilot did, and that's in distro [13:30] the full path to the python interpreter .. [13:31] really ? [13:31] thats broken then, distro packages should not use env, else you risk breakage if someone puts his own python into /usr/local [13:32] ogra_: makes sense... I'll fix! [13:32] ogra_: ah, it's not anymore, disregard [13:32] but if autopilot changes it i probably miss a policy change, let me ask first [13:33] ogra_: no, autopilot is as you said the right way is [13:34] ah, phew === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [13:51] hello [13:52] Anyone here ? [13:52] I have a question, about the android devices supported by Ubuntu [13:53] why the ubuntu community focus on devices made by google. All the devices are from "Nexus" family. [13:53] ? [13:53] saber_, they are much easier to work with [13:53] because you dont need to (potentially illegally) root them [13:53] easy to unlock, impossible to brick, widely available and not too expensive without a contract [13:54] they are completely open [13:54] saber_: the Nexus devices were made for things like this [13:54] saber_: that said, the community focus is everywhere, there are tens of community projects around https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices (and yes, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install only lists nexus) [13:54] saber_, and the aim of the project is to develop Ubuntu Touch, so the exact device used is of secondary importance [13:54] but nexus family is the most obvious to work with [13:54] hence going with easiest [13:54] note that in the US rooting your phone is illegal since a few weeks [13:55] there is a new law in place [13:55] ogra_, I think that is about unlocking (using a carrier different from the one yuo bought the phone with) [13:55] i thought that included rooting [13:55] there seems to be some confusion around that [13:55] ah, k [13:56] honestly I don't know the details either [13:56] http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Basic_concepts [13:56] I see now, I wonder if there a development difficulties related to drivers of the mobiles .?? [13:56] rooting and carrier unlocking and botloader unlocking, indeed confusing terminology [14:01] Thank you a lot for those information. I have one last question, how may I participate in the development of this OS ? [14:04] hi saber_ there are lots of ways to participate [14:04] what are you good at, what do you like to do? [14:04] * rickspencer3 wonders if he missed some context [14:05] rickspencer3, you did not AFAICT [14:05] rsalveti: FYI from my point of view qt5-beta-proper is ready to be copied, although it can be done on Monday as well. I wrote to mailing lists earlier that I'd let people know when we're doing the copying, but I don't know yet... [14:06] rsalveti: but I guess you'll first continue to do some testing with qt5-beta-proper anyhow. [14:07] I like programming [14:09] saber_, like programming apps? kernel hacking? [14:10] rickspencer3_, I'm using programming apps for android, but I want to start with kernel hacking with ubuntu, if it is possible of course [14:10] rickspencer3_, I'm used to programming apps for android, but I want to start with kernel hacking with ubuntu, if it is possible of course [14:11] saber_, well, one area that would help a lot is making apps with the sdk [14:11] and contributing to the sdk [14:11] saber_, http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ [14:13] saber_, if you want to do kernel hacking you could start with doing a port to your favorite device https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting [14:13] saber_, there are plenty of bugs in the various kernels used in Ubuntu. so a lot of opportunities to contribute, but I would also advise writing QML apps, porting your android ones and giving feedback === greyback is now known as greyback|food === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|otp [14:13] rickspencer3_ thank you a lot [14:13] working on the kernel is much more frustrating and has lesser impact on endusers [14:13] ogra_ thank you a lot [14:14] unless you do it full time [14:14] janimo, btw, are you a "Ranger" now ? [14:15] :) [14:15] * ogra_ just saw the mail :) [14:15] ogra_, so I read [14:16] thats the US variant of a canadian montie, right ? :) [14:16] * ogra_ wonders if jani has to wear uniform and moustache [14:16] *mountie [14:17] I like rangers, good luck Janimo_ [14:17] Thank you every body, hope to see you soon, bye ;) [14:20] ogra_, for me Ranger implies Chuck Norris [14:20] not the canadian mounted police [14:21] or the Glasgow Rangers [14:22] OOOH ! [14:23] chucknorrisified ! === mmrazik|otp is now known as mmrazik === _salem is now known as salem_ === greyback|food is now known as greyback === barry` is now known as barry_ === barry_ is now known as barry === dandrader_ is now known as dandrader|afk [14:53] hi there :) i'm trying to install ubuntu mobile on a nexus 4 just unlocked (not rooted!) but the command 'phablet-flash -l' after pushing just downloaded the quantal-preinstalled-* on sdcard, tell me: adbd cannot run as root in production builds [14:53] how workaround that? [14:53] cwm+root? [14:54] Can yu not use phablet-flash -b [14:55] nexus4 was booted [14:55] so no -b switch... === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [14:55] If it's booted to Android then run -- phablet-flash -b -l [14:55] ok. ty. i'll try [14:56] Once it's bootstrapped once, you can then run phablet-flash -l to install the latest daily build [14:57] yep. at the moment it's downloading quantal-preinstalled-system-armel+mako.img [14:57] :) [14:57] i got it [14:57] hehe [15:03] tetractys: Sounds about right! [15:03] latest daily build give me black screen at boot on nexus 7 ... any clue ? [15:04] You deleted /data partition and tried again? === ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle [15:04] tried but failed [15:04] Failed deleting it or faield after? [15:04] had to revert to earlier version [15:05] failed after [15:05] even tried the full process (reflashing android) then -b -l [15:07] hey pmcgowan or bfiller is there a place where I can see what changed in the phablet image each day? [15:08] so I know what to try and stuff? [15:08] rickspencer3: yes there is the change log [15:08] hang on [15:08] thanks pmcgowan [15:08] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/quantal-preinstalled.changelog [15:08] @agcalamitaITA: after (i can imagine) the installation of just generated 'autodeploy.zip' , nexus4 restars but screen remain blank. how to wipe /data? [15:09] pretty sparse today and it broke the build :( [15:09] pmcgowan, so I shouldn't update today? [15:10] I wonder if I can add a feature to the qt-creator plugin that displays the days change log [15:10] that would be cool [15:10] and maybe also displays the status of the build so you know if you should update [15:10] rickspencer3: wait for the rebuild, the fix was already made [15:11] pmcgowan, will do [15:11] it was trivial but broke startup [15:11] ack [15:11] please, can anyone remember me the method for wiping /data? [15:12] Can you access it over adb [15:12] yep bu as user ($) not as root (#) [15:13] ... [15:13] adb shell -> $ prompt [15:14] sorry but i have to leave. thank you for your advices. [15:14] see you all soon. [15:45] hello, to run ubuntu phone do I need an cortex a9 processor or can it be an A15 processor? [15:48] I mean, ubuntu only runs on Cortex A9 processors or can run in Cortex A15 or A7 processors? [15:48] llusato: it can run on A15 [15:48] does anyone here have an advent vega(aka p10an01 aka Viewsonic Viewpad 10s aka Nvidia Shuttle)? [15:48] ok and in A7? [15:49] rsalveti, found the issue with cm-.zip with ogra's help. I was calling brunch full_mako-userdebug [15:49] instead of brunch mako [15:49] I thought using the options presented by the lunch menu are the ones to be used [15:49] many thanks and a last question can ubuntu run on an A7 Cortex processor? [15:50] janimo: oh, right [15:50] rsalveti: we dont run on A7 anymore do we [15:50] well, the A7 is the new one for big.LITTLE [15:50] which is armv7 compatible [15:50] the naming is quite a mess I must say [15:50] I'm getting closer to repeating the build for VEGABEAN(CM10.1) for Advent Vega. This is my first step before tweaking it for Ubuntu-touch stuff. [15:50] rsalveti, it is confusing that one has the options cm_mako and the other two as well [15:51] we're compatible with the armv7 instruction set (cortex-a8 and cortex-a9) [15:51] also compatible with A7 and A15 based cpus, which are part of big.little [15:52] so theoretically ubuntu can also run on Cortex A7 processors isn't it? [15:52] http://forum.cyanogenmod.org/topic/69585-vegabean-android-jellybean-advent-vega-aka-p10an01-aka-nvidia-shuttle-aka-viewsonic-viewpad-10s/#entry382167 [15:52] yup, the instruction set for A7 and A15 are the same [15:53] ok many thanks [15:53] so if I but an MTK processor which is a Cortex A7 processor should be supported by Ubuntu, isn't it? [15:54] nvidia's kernel is built with hardfp for cardhu(tegra3) and ventana(tegra2). I'm still unsure if hardfp can be done for older generation harmony(tegra250), but it seems so. Can someone here confirm this? [15:54] rsalveti: of course right [15:56] Someone built an ubuntu 11.04 for Advent Vega in 2011, but it's armel(softfp) not armhf(hardfp). [15:56] pmcgowan: soon we'll have A53, A58, whatever more weird naming ARM can come with [15:56] By extension, that's why I believe getting ubuntu touch on this tablet should be doable. [15:56] right just learned about those a while back [15:56] it's quite confusing because in ubuntu phone webpage they say that the low-end phones will run just on Cortex A9 processors, but now I see it can also run on Cortex A7 and A15 processors. [15:57] hahah [15:57] that was intended to use A9 as a lower end processor example [15:57] it's because cortex A7 is more recent than A9 [15:57] not a restriction [15:57] which is a pain indeed [15:58] :-) [15:58] A7 should be better an A8 and A9 [15:58] *than [15:58] ok thanks again for you explanation [15:59] its clearer now [15:59] Mirv: you mean copying them to the proper ppa? [15:59] Mirv: I thought we'd just use the preparation ppa instead [15:59] as copying can take a while [15:59] but if you still want to keep the preparation ppa for other work, we can indeed copy them over to the proper ppa [15:59] so A7 should be better than an A8 and A9? isn't it? [16:00] yup [16:00] rsalveti: found it, I had a typo in the email addy [16:00] we have quad core A7 :-) [16:00] ok thanks. [16:00] bye [16:00] :-) [16:00] cyphermox: :-) [16:01] so Ubuntu could run on most of the ARM processors [16:02] thanks good job keep on you're in the right way [16:02] I'm still having an annoying build error, but most of it is building now. I wish I had more verbose from brunch shuttle. It sucks for me at present because I don't know which 'src' directory is not found in the error. === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk [16:05] llusato: yeah, we're just incompatible with armv5 and armv6 based cpus [16:08] ok. thanks and bye! [16:13] /exit [16:28] sergiusens: qml-phone-shell : Depends: libunity-core-6.0-5 (>= 4.14.2) but it is not going to be installed [16:28] image build failed [16:28] probably because of the new unity stuff [16:28] Saviq: ^ [16:28] rsalveti, I'm trying here [16:29] rsalveti: so build is failing... === dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch [16:30] Saviq: now that you are here, any reason for needing unity? [16:30] rsalveti, that's quantal? [16:30] sergiusens, UnityCore [16:30] Saviq: yup [16:30] rsalveti, hmm, everything should be built there [16:31] sergiusens, we're considering extracting UnityCore from unity, potentially even putting it with our own code [16:31] sergiusens, it makes no sens to build bamf and unity just for the sake of having UnityCore [16:32] sergiusens, but for now I'm just trying to bump all the needed packages [16:32] Saviq: could be because unity is still building [16:32] rsalveti, yeah probably [16:32] rsalveti, it's just waiting to be published [16:33] Saviq: cool, will trigger another build then [16:33] Saviq: did you just rebase the version or the code as well? [16:33] just wondering about any possible regression we might have [16:34] rsalveti, no, just version bump [16:34] Saviq: cool [16:35] rsalveti, I'm not courageous enough to rebase unity... [16:35] Saviq: ok, because it fails for raring [16:35] Saviq: right, we'll need to do that for s though [16:35] sergiusens, after bamf builds it shouldn't [16:35] Saviq: ah, ok [16:35] rsalveti, sergiusens when we extract UnityCore we should be fine again [16:36] Saviq: right, cool [16:36] Saviq: what's the timeframe for that? [16:37] sergiusens, early next week [16:37] sergiusens, I just wanted a quick'n'dirty fix now [16:39] Saviq: ok, I'll wait for unity for raring next week and focus on nux and friends [16:40] sergiusens, it should build in the PPA for raring as soon as bamf builds, so then we can bump qml-phone-shell [16:40] sergiusens, and we should be good temporarily [16:41] sergiusens, and we don't need nux for raring in the ppa, distro is godo [16:41] good [16:42] Hi all [16:43] I have a problem with install ubuntu touch [16:43] after deployed, my nexus 4 is booted to black screen [16:44] I follow the intructions and " try wiping the /data partition on your device and redeploy" [16:44] but how to redeploy ? [16:45] wanvo: with current daily? [16:45] it's broken, we're trying to fix it [16:46] wanvo: rsalveti adding the phablet-team/ppa and updating will probably fix it now that ubuntu-session is done [16:46] sergiusens: true [16:46] or just creating /home/phablet/.ubuntu-session/logs [16:47] phablet-flash -b -l [16:47] I install follow that command [16:47] wanvo: doesn't matter how you installed ;-) [16:48] wanvo: we are telling you, you can either wait or update the package :-) [16:48] ok, So how can I do ? [16:49] wanvo: is this your first time with ubuntu? If not, just add the phablet-team ppa and apt-get update/upgrade from an adb shell into the ubuntu chroot [16:49] wanvo: or wait ~1hour and rinse and repeat what you did [16:49] * sergiusens thinks it might be 2 hours [16:49] wanvo: or install yesterdays build [16:49] I'm running update [16:50] :D, nothing for new update package [16:50] How to install "yesterdays build" [16:53] Thanks all, maybe I will try in next days, my nexus 4 is in bootloader screen :( [16:55] well, you can try yesterday's build with phablet-flash -u http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/20130321/ [16:56] rsalveti: awe I just got a call from 0000000000 [16:57] pmcgowan: hm, probably hidden number [16:58] Saviq: are you creating a new launchpad project to host the unity piece you are extracting? [16:58] Saviq: if yes, and already have a name for it, I can look into creating the jenkins build jobs today [16:59] boiko: awe: did we ever investigate how to deal with hidden numbers when dealing with calls? [16:59] pmcgowan just got a call from 0000000000 [16:59] rsalveti: feels like a phone from 10 years ago! [17:00] rsalveti: so, we have some code in phone-app for that, unknown and private numbers are identified by -1 and -2 (-2 and -1, don't really remember) [17:01] rsalveti: but the implementation in telepathy-ofono is probably missing, does ofono have special flags for those? [17:02] excuse me all, is there an image I can install on a Samsung galaxy S III (SCH-I535)? [17:02] boiko: not sure, would need to investigate that [17:02] I am really interested in testing it and using it on this phone. [17:03] just curious about why 00000 [17:03] might be the way rild is doing hidden numbers [17:03] rsalveti: might be [17:04] sergiusens, nah, we'll see next week [17:06] boiko: added as a wi at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-telephony-stack [17:06] hi everyone... [17:06] rsalveti: nice! thanks [17:08] sorry to come here just for help, but anyone's having issues with their phone not starting up on Ubuntu Touch ? On mine it used to work, then I used QtCreator interface to flash daily image and since then, it won't start in Ubuntu anymore. [17:08] I can flash it back to Android fine, but can't restart it in Ubuntu at all. [17:08] rsalveti, any idea why flashing a recent daily with autodeploy.zip results in lack of GUI? I realized my device not booting was just a daily I downloaded two days ago. With the 95 build as used by flash-tools it works [17:09] using the same system.img (this is on mako now) [17:09] ah I see it seems normal with latest daily ? :) [17:09] but I'm also flashing with phablet ... [17:10] current daily image is broken, a new one should be landing in ~2h [17:10] rsalveti, thanks [17:10] janimo: Anidel todays build is broken, a new one is being made [17:10] meanwhile you can enable the ppa and update the packages or simply flash yesterday's image [17:10] allright...but phablet is also downloading latest one? [17:10] janimo: but you said a previous one didn't work for you [17:10] sergiusens, rsalveti but I had the same with an image downloaded earlier this week [17:11] so may be a different issue [17:11] janimo: from 95 we might have changes at platform-api and hybris [17:11] still, using 95/ works [17:11] but I am using a system.img built from sources synced yesterday [17:11] janimo: can you check the bzr revs of your platform-api and hybris branches/ [17:11] ? [17:11] janimo: black screen is the effect for many causes [17:12] janimo: logcat will usually tell you more, but I believe you'll probably see a segfault at ubuntuappmanager and qml-phone-shell [17:12] it seems we broke the api compatibility with the latest changes at platform-api [17:12] platform- version 0.18 (rev 44) [17:12] hybris revno 123 [17:13] rsalveti, ^ [17:13] janimo: hm, latest for both [17:13] janimo: mind pasting your logcat? [17:14] rsalveti, a moment [17:16] rsalveti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5637562/ [17:18] janimo: hm, seems the ubuntu container wasn't even started [17:18] no message from hybris or ubuntuappmanager at all [17:19] rsalveti, I'll flash the working image and compare logcats === dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader [17:21] janimo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5637572/ [17:21] from mako [17:22] janimo: see that there are quite a few other messages related with the ubuntuappmanager [17:22] also suggest to try to initialize the container by hand to see what happens [17:22] rsalveti, ubuntu_chroot shell you mean? [17:23] sergiusens: yup thanks! [17:24] janimo: that to check if the files are correctly in place, but without any argument to start upstart [17:24] just ubuntu_chroot [17:26] rsalveti, root@android:/ # ubuntu_chroot [17:26] mount: Device or resource busy [17:26] swapon: /data/ubuntu/SWAP.swap: Device or resource busy [17:26] then it rebooted [17:27] rsalveti, I'll test the new image in 2 h, in the meantime will try the tf101 again with the known good image [17:27] janimo: hm, then it was probably up already [17:27] janimo: just check with ps to see if can identify any upstart or ubuntu related service [17:27] if so, then the container is up correctly [17:29] janimo: right, ok === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:32] rsalveti, sergiusens: what do you think about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/wingray#Redistributability? [17:33] rsalveti, /system/bin/ubuntuappmanager is running accoring to ps [17:33] the only service that look ubuntuish is NetworkManager [17:34] the rest of the daemons nare rooted in /system/bin [17:34] /usr/bin/powerd may be another that is up [17:38] dholbach: let me see [17:39] janimo: so it seems the container is up [17:39] might be due ubuntu-session then [17:39] lets try again with the newer image once it's out [17:42] dholbach: non-commercial redistribution of the Authorized Android Enabled Device Software (the "Limited Purpose"). You may grant your end users the right to use the Software for the Limited Purpose. [17:43] seems we're good [17:43] let me check the original license file [17:43] * dholbach dances the samba [17:43] oh, didn't know the binaries were available at the google website [17:44] guess they can probably fit at the same model as we have for the nexus based devices [17:44] and we can also start producing it as well [17:45] sergiusens: ogra_: pmcgowan: seems we can enable the build for Motorola Xoom as well [17:45] do we want to land it together with the other images at cdimage? [17:46] do we want to support it ? [17:46] ogra_: I don't see why not (community support) [17:47] ok [17:47] i didnt think we wanted to actually do community builds [17:47] nice [17:47] as long as the distribution stuff is clear [17:47] since once we have like 50 community supported devices building an image will take a day or so [17:47] ogra_: well, we could provide at least a way to build and share them [17:48] we cannot have 50 supported devices unfortunately [17:48] i would add all the code to git but not do regulatr builds [17:48] pmcgowan: yeah, seems we can distribute them just like the nexus ones [17:48] * ogra_ is just concerned by raising build times with each port we roll an image for) [17:49] maybe we could build it separately from the others, not sure [17:49] "if you support motorola xoom, why don't you support my xperia Z ?" [17:49] it's just that this is the first case of a community oriented build that we can actually build and deploy like we do for the nexus devices [17:50] ogra_: can we distribute the files? [17:50] if we commit to roll images for community supported image we eventually need to do it for all of them [17:50] that's the main question and concern around the other devices [17:50] well, my main concern is that a build already takes 1h now [17:50] for four device types only [17:50] sure, ~20 mins per flavour [17:51] that's we could think about doing that separately [17:51] so 200min for 40 devices ... [17:51] we will not have 40 devices... [17:51] it'd be awesome if we could though [17:51] we have 40 "kind of works" ports on the list [17:51] or so ... i didnt actually count [17:52] but there is a lot [17:52] sure, but I'd think we cannot distribute images for them due legal restrictions [17:52] it's almost impossible to find devices which allow us to distribute binaries [17:52] ok [17:52] this is the first case :-) [17:53] ogra_: I don't think we'd need to support all community builds [17:53] just like not all Ubuntu flavors become official ones [17:53] no, but people will ask "why is my port not supported" once we go beyond the nexus set [17:53] rsalveti: boiko I did a test where I blocked my incoming number, and the nexus did not even display the call [17:54] our resources are limited, people understand that, so we can pick which ones will give the most benefit with the resources we have [17:54] ogra_: yup, they will [17:54] if there are legal restrictions we indeed cant build them [17:54] yes, if we legally can't then we can't [17:54] pmcgowan: yes, well, rsalveti is going to investigate that in the ofono level [17:55] but i suspect of the ~40 devices there will be more that have no legal issues [17:55] boiko: I saw two behaviors, a random call from 000, and my blocked call which did not even get answered [17:55] will we start building for them too ? [17:55] ogra_: but if we can legally distribute, and we have the resources to build and distribute some communty ports, then we should do that [17:55] pmcgowan: interesting, but yet, we never investigated this behavior at the ofono level [17:55] tahts my point, each port we roll adds 20min [17:56] ogra_: rsalveti I say we build community ones in a different path? Also make phablet tools force you to add --comunity so it's clear perhaps [17:56] sergiusens: maybe [17:56] i dont care about the naming [17:56] sergiusens, why "--community"? [17:56] but we could build them using jenkins for example [17:56] but i woould like to be able to just run "build" on the build server and have all images come out at the rear end [17:56] and the "official ones" via cdimage [17:57] if it's distributable it'd be great if we did that [17:57] no [17:57] dholbach: if it breaks, we are not in urge to fix... not sayning won't fix, just not in _urge_ [17:57] rsalveti, that defetas the purpose ... [17:57] sergiusens, we could print a disclaimer for some of the devices [17:57] ogra_: not necessarily [17:57] say something like "this is not development focus, yada yada yada" [17:57] all should come from the same builder so we dont run into environmental differences [17:57] ogra_: rsalveti can't use jenkins for external, IS won't allow it [17:57] we just want to help people bringing new ports, and providing a build infra might be enough, if we don't want to affect the other images from cdimage for example [17:57] sorry s/external/distribution [17:57] sergiusens, phew [17:58] rsalveti, i understand that and i dont want to be a blocker [17:58] but i thihnk we should have a plan before blindly starting to add images [17:58] ogra_, yeah stop blocking! :-P [17:58] ogra_: sure, that's why we're discussing it here :-) [17:58] :) [17:58] to try to identify a plan :-) [17:58] ogra_: rsalveti I can create a new build job out of band from the nexus line [17:59] rsalveti: create a blueprint ;-) [17:59] one more wont harm but i expect there to be more [17:59] rsalveti: and a session :-) [17:59] if the number of devices which have redistributable blogs is very limited anyway.... [17:59] sergiusens, :P [17:59] sergiusens: yeah [17:59] * ogra_ has no prob if someone distributes his blog :P [18:00] bah [18:00] long day [18:00] sergiusens: will create the bp and put you as assignee :P [18:00] * sergiusens 's blog is on github, can be forked :-P [18:00] rsalveti, add it ... i'll think about how to do it on cdimage [18:00] rsalveti: sure [18:00] yeeeeehaw [18:00] rsalveti: I can fill in the gaps, but no idea how to create those beasts [18:00] sergiusens, be careful with "forking" ... think of pycon [18:00] oh dear [18:00] friday [18:00] :) [18:00] * sergiusens doesn't want to be fired [18:00] :-P [18:00] dongleforked ... [18:01] ogra is the king of trolls [18:01] or was it forkdongled [18:01] * dholbach hugs ogra [18:01] yeah, feels like a friday :-) [18:01] let [18:01] let's move on to other things :) [18:01] must be [18:02] indeed...and it's time to go. Thanks for you help before guys. Ttyl. [18:02] rsalveti, sergiusens so first just add the code ... i'l make sure once we're on cdimage we'll have the "additional builds" run in a separate time window [18:02] yup [18:02] * rsalveti creating a blueprint for it [18:02] nah [18:02] dont add extra paperwork [18:03] we have enough [18:03] it may have been asked many times before... ubuntu touch and touchscreen notebook device install instruction. please kindly direct me thanks. [18:03] gigglefight: it's in the /topic ;) [18:03] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install ... [18:04] :) thanks kindly. got it! :) === kgunn is now known as kgunnAFK [18:06] rsalveti, who's going to do the team report next week? [18:06] rsalveti, once you send it I'll make sure to publish it on the ubuntudev accounts === std_ is now known as std [18:09] Anyone working on getting touch working on a trasformer prime [tf201]? [18:09] check the device list on the wiki [18:10] it's not on the list [18:10] (see topic) [18:10] Thought there might be pointer to someone/somewhere else it might be getting worked on [18:10] well, you could look at the xda forums ... if there isnt anyone either, then i guess nobody works on it === mibofra is now known as mibofra_AWAY [18:12] i love the look of ubuntu touch on adb device would there be a way to have that on a touchscreen device that is non-adb? and where would i find its how to? [18:13] dholbach: ogra_: sergiusens: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-sponsoring-community-touch-builds [18:13] dholbach: not sure, will send an email asking for volunteers [18:13] sergiusens: hint hint [18:13] :P [18:14] rsalveti: team report? [18:14] rsalveti, bah [18:14] dholbach: when is it due? [18:14] ogra_: so now you can track the WI :P [18:14] sergiusens: I'm doing for this week, need a volunteer for next one [18:14] sergiusens, the idea was to get it out every end of the week [18:16] we can probably use the same format and use rsalveti's tool === mibofra_AWAY is now known as mibofra [18:19] dholbach: ack, is tomorrow ok? [18:20] sergiusens, it looks like rsalveti is covering this week already [18:20] Whats the best way to debug a "Program finished unexpectantly" error? This error appears when I switch between a three tab layout. There isn't any freaky code anywhere. Is there a method in QtCreator? [18:20] sergiusens, next week would be yours then :) [18:20] hi there, i'm looking for some help installing ubuntu touch onto my nexus 10 [18:20] allancd, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install [18:21] dholbach: ack... but next week is very short ;-) [18:21] oh yeah? [18:21] sergiusens: you can do at the other monday then [18:21] yeah i followed that but after doing the steps it got into a continual loop whereby it would show the google text image and then just go black [18:21] i've tried wiping data and cache to no avail [18:22] ^ did anyone have the same problem as allancd - allancd: that was with today's image? [18:22] yeah i "phablet-flash"-ed it about 10 mins ago [18:23] the morning image is broken [18:23] there is one building now [18:23] allancd: you can fix it by making a directory at .ubuntu-session/logs or wait for the update [18:23] thanks pmcgowan, allancd: ^ [18:24] how would i go about doing the former [18:25] rsalveti: other Monday and Tuesday I am out [18:25] or should I just reinstall android and then wait for the update [18:26] can anybody help me out. I don't see local manifest file. I'm done repo syncing but all i see is manifext.xml not a local manifest file. Unless they are the same thing [18:26] they are [18:28] Is it copyrighted? [18:30] allancd: get an adb shell, ubuntu_chroot shell then mkdir [18:32] oh okay somebody told me they was different. Thanks and when it says update your local manifest are they saying open manifest.xml and then add in your lines in? I ask all this because I'm trying to port it to the evo v/3d cdma but i think i did it all wrong because it wouldn't make a image [18:32] yes, you edit manifest.xml and then call repo sync [18:33] after you added the right lines for your device [18:34] alright I shall go do that now. hopefully no more mess ups [18:38] i'm a bit stuck - i've booted into recovery, opened up a terminal and typed adb shell which has worked [18:38] but i dont know how to ubuntu_chroot shell [18:41] allancd: sorry you can let it boot normally, while the UI did not display the system does boot [18:41] allancd, well, in the shel you type exactly that [18:41] *shell [18:41] yeah it just says ubuntu_chroot not found [18:41] oh, but right, what pmcgowan said, you need to be in the normal system [18:41] with the black screen [18:42] ah right, it doesnt let me get that far - i'm gonna reinstall android, reinstall ubuntu and then try this [18:42] cheers [18:45] hahaha [18:49] ok so now when i try to flash-all.sh it just hangs on waiting on device [18:49] any advice [18:51] rsalveti: keeping parallel builds for the indicators stuff isn't going to be easy [18:52] sergiusens: should we deal with them separately then? [18:53] rsalveti: yeah, I'm also delegating code fixes to renato_ ;-) [18:54] managed to get it to flash android - seemed to not register on my pc being in fastboot mode on occasion [18:55] allancd, try re-pluggin the cable [18:55] yeah i got it now thanks [18:55] sergiusens: :-) [18:55] i'll try touch again and let you know how it goes applying the fix [18:56] allancd, well, the image build should be ready soon [18:56] so i would just wait [18:58] ok cool will just hold off then [19:01] cheers for the help anyway === juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away [19:10] I'm booting into a black screen, so how do I wipe the /data partition on my galaxy nexus (maguro)? [19:10] onamae, with todays image ? [19:10] yes [19:10] there is a bug ... [19:10] we really need a way to mark the image status or take them down [19:10] create /home/phablet/.ubuntu-session/logs/ and it will magically start working [19:11] I'll try that [19:11] the code crating that dir is broken, rebuild is in progress [19:11] *creating [19:12] pmcgowan, once it is on cdimage only images that passed the autotest will be published as /current [19:12] its all worked out in WIs already ... just missing implementation (but all due this month) [19:15] ack === sdk is now known as Guest74481 === juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones === mhall119_ is now known as mhall [19:27] after creating /home/phablet/.ubuntu-session/logs/ it still didn't work, so I ran qml-phone-shell and it looks like it is using the tablet shell [19:27] I also tried rebooting and it still was a black screen [19:28] maybe I should just wait [19:32] cyphermox: your last email reply was for me-only, not sure if you also wanted to reply to the ml [19:33] I'm not sure if the default reply option is to reply to the ml [19:37] Oops. [19:37] Yeah, it was meant for the mailing list. I'll resend === kgunnAFK is now known as kgunn [19:44] onamae: new build some come in minutes [19:44] onamae, the easiest way to fix the problem is to just edit the ubuntu-session script directly to create the dir [19:44] when adding lines into manifest.xml do you go all the way to bottom and add your line in last for instance my line is...... [19:44] it's in /usr/bin [19:45] jus change [ ! -d $logdir ] to [ -d $logdir ] [19:45] when connecting my nexus 4, my ubuntu doesnt seem to recognize/mount my device. I am in debug mode [19:47] I have followed the guid on the touch-wiki and the device is unlocked [19:48] winb you mean in android? On quantal some people have trouble with mtp === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [19:52] cyphermox: ye quantal [19:54] It could be a gvfs issue. You tablet is configured for MTP already, and it's not seen or is it erroring when you try to mount or copy files? [20:01] hey guys todays image seems to of left me at a black screen on the n7 is there anything that can be done other than wait for a new image? [20:01] davmor2: sorry about that [20:02] the easiest way to fix the problem is to just edit the ubuntu-session script directly to create the dir [20:02] davmor2, my fault :( [20:02] change [ ! -d $logdir ] to [ -d $logdir ] [20:02] remove the ! [20:03] hi. I have an N10 that someone else flashed for me a day or two ago. I need to try another daily (I can't type the wifi password in with no keyboard) but when I attach the tablet to my computer while the tablet is in the bootloader, adb devices doesn't find the device. any idea on what to do? [20:04] gary_poster: not sure why its not detecting it, I have seen folks switch usb ports to make it work [20:04] I can't seem to save ubuntu-session with nano, pressing enter seems to be ignored on the save screen. is there another way I can edit that file [20:04] but you should be able to type in a wiwi password with the osk no? [20:04] ack pmcgowan will try [20:04] onamae, vi === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [20:05] pmcgowan, ogra_: I'm sorry I get I need to remove the ! but from where exactly please [20:06] line 8 iirc [20:06] what do these lines means? fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/cm-10.1 error: Cannot fetch CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_msm8660-common. i got that after adding my lines into manifest.xml then doing repo sync [20:06] davmor2: you can alos just make the folder [20:06] [ ! -d $logdir ] || mkdir -p $logdir [20:09] pmcgowan, that was tried by onamae and it failed. It's much easier to just modify the script cause then you don't have to worry about perms [20:09] and it's a 1-char change [20:09] awe: thats what I did earlier today [20:09] just made the folder [20:09] pmcgowan, no luck, running the gamut of the available ports and fiddling. I'll try another computer next... [20:09] * ogra_ is syncing the new image over to cdimage now [20:10] gary_poster: you said its already got ubuntu touch on it? [20:10] pmcgowan, yes [20:10] gary_poster: do you have the latest adb tools? [20:11] pmcgowan, I'm on quantal, and I installed the phablet ppa and did the update install dance per the installation instructions [20:11] pmcgowan, within the last half hour [20:11] gary_poster: ok sounds right [20:11] maybe restart the adb server [20:12] try an adb kill-server; adb start-server [20:12] thats another case Id seen === pfcode_ is now known as pfcode [20:12] k trying [20:13] then plug it in again [20:14] pmcgowan, kill-server, [unplug], start-server, [plug]: no luck :-/ [20:14] hmm [20:14] ogra_: this one *should* be good :-) [20:14] we got some other changes, but hopefully it'll not break the image [20:14] seeing if I can get the steam-powered laptop to work [20:15] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/ [20:15] new image is up [20:15] rsalveti: gary_poster has a deal where adb devices is not seeing his nexus 10 when its in the bootloader [20:15] or is that normal? [20:15] editing the file didn't work for me, I even tried removing /home/phablet/.ubuntu-session in case my original creation of that folder was causing problems [20:16] gary_poster: can you see it when you let it boot into ubuntu? [20:16] if I run ubuntu-session all I see is "Redirecting output to local session logs" and it just exits [20:16] ogra_: ta [20:16] thanks for your patience all ... and sorry for the breakage [20:17] I'll try flashing the new image [20:17] how do i fix this fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/cm-10.1 (im porting it to the evo 3d [20:17] pmcgowan: adb cannot talk with the bootloader [20:17] he needs to use fastboot for that [20:17] yeah took me a minute [20:17] gary_poster: ^^ [20:19] * sergiusens mentions that it seems that the build is complete and in sync in cdimage, anyone care to try? [20:19] rsalveti, pmcgowan, oh! sorry, misread for the case of already installed. Will try. pmcgowan, yes, can see it then, but I guess that's not a surprise now. Will retry from bootloader... [20:19] vg [20:20] sergiusens: downloading [20:22] sergiusens: installing now [20:24] pmcgowan, sudo fastboot devices shows the device. adb devices still does not see when I am in bootloader (and phablet-flash does not work). Am I supposed to run phablet-flash while machine is running ubuntu? [20:24] gary_poster: yes [20:24] ah! got it. trying thanks [20:26] rsalveti: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/nux/glib/+merge/155054 [20:26] yay, it is doing things [20:26] * ogra_ wonders if anyone noticed that he added the legal notice to the cdimage page [20:26] now you have to actually scroll to see the images :P [20:27] ogra_: I wonder if people read at all ;-) Myself included :-P [20:27] haha, yeah, i just read it for the first time either :) [20:28] rsalveti, i guess for the xoom we need to add an additional license URL then [20:28] since currently we only point to nexus [20:30] ogra_: there a legal notice [20:30] s/there/there's [20:30] :) === mibofra is now known as mibofra_AWAY === mibofra_AWAY is now known as mibofra [20:38] ogra_ , pmcgowan: Yay! I got a Home screen and everything WooHoo! [20:39] great [20:39] ! [20:39] hah good [20:39] pmcgowan, I'm also all straightened out and on the network. thanks! [20:39] * davmor2 easily pleased [20:39] good stuff [20:39] night all have a great weekend and thanks for the fix [20:39] thanks for the test [20:40] of bfiller https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/nux/glib/+merge/155054 [20:40] are you secretly sneaking nux and compiz into the phone ? [20:41] ogra_: it's already there... for a very small specific thing [20:41] ogra_: notify-osd [20:42] ah [20:42] wow [20:42] i didnt know that was woven into nux [20:42] ogra_: need it for raring until the thing transitions [20:42] yep [20:43] for some reason i cannot do this code to extract the data from my phone cd device/htc/shooter. when i do adb devices it shows my phone put when i put that code in it says no such file or directory [20:47] ogra_: yeah, it's the way things are until they stop being so ;-) [20:47] haha === fenris is now known as Guest96869 [20:49] boiko: can you check once CI is done? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/indicator-messages/g_type_init-guards/+merge/155064 ... hope it doesn't break quantal === lpotter-bris is now known as lpotter [20:54] ogra_ I can use o's to login in again now woohoo. [20:55] :D [20:55] sergiusens: I would really prefer if renato_ or maybe lars could take it a look (they know GLib way better than I do) [20:58] sergiusens: but in any case, the changes make sense [21:02] boiko: :-) [21:03] sergiusens: about the telepathy-logger-qt, yes, it is going to be a problem, as that newer version is a qt4 package and the one we use is qt5 [21:03] sergiusens: oh, wait, no, because the binary packages are named telepathy-logger-qt5 [21:04] sergiusens: so it is fine for now, but later it would be nice to have the same source package building both the qt4 and qt5 binary packages [21:05] boiko: good, if it's not going to be a problem, I'll leave it as an S task [21:06] sergiusens: yep [21:07] sergiusens: I'll approve your MR, the version of GLib in quantal already warns that g_type_init is obsolete [21:08] sergiusens: they can blame me after if it breaks ;) [21:12] I flashed my Nexus 7 and it's got a black screen ☹ [21:12] I did add some packages to test qt 5.0.1 to it earlier but it all broke so I re-flashed it, and now it's just permanently black screen - light on [21:12] popey, when [21:13] so it has image 40 on it [21:13] the image that cdimage spit our 1h ago should be fine again [21:13] yeah, 40 was crack ... you can hack the fix in though [21:13] if you dont want to reflash [21:13] meh, 41 is downloading now [21:13] edit ubuntu-session ... its a 1 char fix [21:13] * ogra_ messed it up [21:14] 13% [====> ] 70,564,432 7.43MB/s eta 92s [21:14] wheeeeee [21:14] I'll just flash it ☺ [21:14] envy .... [21:14] you brits and your fiber [21:15] heh === salem_ is now known as _salem [21:31] \o/ fixed [21:33] :) [21:33] was only one exclamation mark to much in the image [21:35] boiko: does it? I could of just removed it :-P [21:36] ogra_: entropy of new image was low ;-) [21:36] :) === juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away [21:40] hmm, in the latest image otto's contact details overlap "People recently in touch" on the home screen [21:41] popey, what device ? [21:41] N7 [21:41] hmm [21:45] popey: screenshot? [21:45] kk [21:45] popey: if not, I think from what greyback told me once, it's a nasty Qt bug [21:48] sergiusens: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-03-22-214652.png [21:50] popey: not exactly the thing I used to see... is it 100% reproduceable? (respawn shell?) [21:51] bah, reboot and it goes away [21:52] i was thinking some issue with GRID_UNIT_PX ... but that wouldnt only affect the people stuff [21:52] * popey shakes a fist at the gods of qml [21:52] heh [21:52] popey: then it's probably the same thing.... making the lens bounce on the edges also fixed it at times for me [21:58] AC100 new release with working WiFi: https://phablet-paz00.googlecode.com/files/cm-10.1-20130319-UNOFFICIAL-ac100.zip [22:04] man its a pain in the ass to install ubuntu on nexus 4 when on 12.10 because of mtp problems [22:06] phablet-flash is not happy with the workaround on mounting my nexus 4 [22:10] Any ideas? [22:17] winb, there is some gvfs mtp process that you can kill to quieten it [22:34] hey rsalveti should I go ahead and install the daily now? [22:36] too lat4e [22:36] * rickspencer3 updates [22:44] rickspencer3: it's good on manta [22:44] has anyone tried UT on Galaxy S3? [22:45] thanks sergiusens [22:45] I'm updating my nexus 7 [22:45] build 41 is fine rickspencer3 [22:55] phretor, see the devices page on the wiki ( /topic) [22:56] ogra_: officially, I know S3 is unsupported [22:57] phretor, there is a port afaik ... see the device page [22:57] ogra_: it's marked as WIP [22:58] I'm talking about i9300 [22:58] ogra_: just wanted to say the new image works, thanks for the help ogra_ and awe [22:59] great! [23:05] onamae, awesome === lbt_ is now known as lbt === LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze