
Kilosmorning all05:50
Kilosand sundry05:51
superflygood morning06:06
Kiloshiya superfly 06:10
Kiloslo tonberryE352 06:10
Squirmwoop, last day of work06:15
Squirmthen 2 week break06:15
Squirmlo henkj 06:15
Kiloshi Squirm henkj 06:15
henkjhi Squirm 06:15
Squirmhenkj: I see now that you're working, you come on to irc06:15
henkjSquirm: yeah we have an internal irc server at work06:16
henkjso I connect to a few other servers as well06:16
SquirmKilos: I've also known henkj for quite some time now06:17
Kilosah thats nice06:17
Kilosfunny how they sooner or later get here06:18
Kilosbut the room small today06:18
henkjlots of people taking today off i guess06:18
Kilosothers musta taken the day off to make a long weekend06:18
SquirmI have 2 weeks after today :)06:19
Kiloslekker Squirm 06:19
Kiloswhat if they have a server crash while you are away?06:21
SquirmKilos: here's one for you06:21
Kiloshi magespawn 06:21
henkjI should plan to take some leave06:21
SquirmEncourages users not to misspell commands. Idea from http://qntm.org/suicide. Project modifies terminal configuration such that any incorrect/unknown commands inputted will delete all data on the hard drive (rm -rf /).06:21
SquirmKilos: I dunno. guess I'd have to travel 40min in06:21
Squirmotherwise my boss lives on campus06:22
Squirmbut it hasn't happened yet06:22
* Squirm touches his wooden desk the whole time06:22
Kilossuicide-linux is a working OS06:23
henkjcan't you remote in?06:23
SquirmKilos: no06:23
Squirmit's a package you can install06:23
Kilosoh just something you install here?06:23
Squirmhenkj: if the server crashes, no06:24
SquirmKilos: read that description I pasted of what it does06:24
henkjSquirm: hardware or OS crash?06:25
Squirmhenkj: either one :/06:25
Squirmif it's an OS crash, we'd have to restore from tape06:26
KilosSquirm, do i savvy it right. if you misspell a command it wipes your drive?06:27
Kiloswb magespawn 06:28
henkjKilos: that is the idea06:28
superflymorning magespawn06:28
SquirmKilos: indeed06:28
Kiloseeek no man 2+1 is not available anymore06:28
henkjif you install it in ubuntu does it pass the --no-preserve-root option?06:28
SquirmKilos: it's so you don't misspell commands06:28
Squirmhenkj: you also need to do that with RH06:28
Kilosno no. thats not good06:29
Squirmbut idk06:29
Kilosi mostly copy/paste commands i get from you guys06:29
Squirmmeh, have to use ddrescue to backup a 1Tb disk to a NAS. don't have that much space locally :/06:30
Squirmmeant to start it last night. but kind of forgot06:30
Squirmaverage 11mb/s06:30
SquirmMaaz: 1000/1106:30
MaazSquirm: 90.909090909106:30
SquirmMaaz: 1000000/1106:31
MaazSquirm: 90909.090909106:31
SquirmMaaz: 90909/6006:31
MaazSquirm: 1515.1506:31
SquirmMaaz: 90909/60/6006:31
MaazSquirm: 25.252506:31
Squirm25 hours06:31
Squirmsounds more plausible06:32
Squirmall to adjust a corrupt partition table :/06:32
henkjSquirm: indeed, I spent a few days moving content from all my externals onto NAS06:32
henkjbecause I was sick of having externals06:32
Squirmhenkj: lol. yeah. everything of mine is internal06:33
Squirm/dev/sdb1       917G  865G  5,5G 100% /media/disk206:33
Squirm/dev/sda5       838G  791G  5,1G 100% /home06:33
Squirmthey're both 100% full :(06:33
henkjI've been collecting externals over the last few years, decided to replace them with 6TB raid when I could06:34
Squirmwell, almost06:34
SquirmI have too many series/movies06:34
Squirmat work, we have a Seagate Blackarmor. accessible only by staff and contains movies and series :P06:36
Squirmwell, the photo's section is accessible by pupils.06:36
henkjthose blackarmor ones looked nice, but too expensive06:36
Squirm4.5Tb of free space currently06:36
henkjI bought a hp proliant microserver and put 4x2TB drives in it06:36
Squirmthose are nice06:37
Squirmthing is. I like the fact that if I move my pc, all my stuff comes with06:37
Kiloshmm... magespawn is todays yoyo06:38
SquirmI can't remember the password for it :/06:38
henkjI like being able to access my stuff acroos devices in the house now06:39
henkjas long as they understand samba it works06:40
Squirmhenkj: it is nice, but I'd do that with my pc06:40
Squirmah, this blackarmor also has 4x2Tb drives06:41
henkjSquirm: I prefer not to leave my pc on all the time because it's so much more powerful than a NAS needs to be06:41
henkjdoes the blackarmor have it's own OS/webinterface or do you install your own OS on it?06:42
Squirmit just has a webinterface06:43
Squirmwhat's nice though, is it connects to our AD. so you can set group permissions on shares06:44
henkjah that is nice06:44
henkjI eventually gave up trying to set up authentication with samba06:44
henkjI've also been meaning to hook up my printer to it06:45
SquirmI have setup an LTS with AD logins06:46
Squirmhenkj: http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/188441_10151516315266670_324717987_n.jpg <<-- A friend of mine took that photo up here. brilliant!06:48
Squirmmagespawn: struggling a little there?06:54
Kilosi dont think he is even there06:54
henkjSquirm: that is amazing07:02
Kilosai! unity is so hardekwas. installed lubuntu then mate both with 10 workspaces then ubuntu-desktop and unity ony has 407:05
Kilosbut at least 12.04 sees the 3g that way07:05
SquirmKilos: you can set the workspaces though07:13
Kiloshow do you get more. ive been installing without delelting mavericks /home to get more than 407:14
Kilosthat was the first thing i tried to do on unity is get more07:15
Kilosoh that myunity thing. it didnt work here before because it said im on 2d07:20
Kilosinternet very sick, ian complaining in rustenburg as well07:36
Kilosi was down to 46KB/s last night07:37
superflyKilos: Seacom is down, by the looks of things07:53
Kilosoh my, ty superfly 07:53
Kiloshi Vince-0 08:03
inetprogood morning08:08
inetproKilos: copy/pasting commands from here can be very dangerous, don't do it!08:08
Kilosyou must make sure they are spelled correctly inetpro 08:10
Kilosgood morning to you08:10
inetproKilos: my spelling skills are horrible08:10
Kilosthats why i always wait a bit or even query you then you fix it08:11
Kilosteasing man08:12
Kilosyou not as bad as YOU think you are08:12
Kilospackages from ubuntu 12.04 wont work in debian kde , am i right?08:15
Vince-0Hi Kilos 08:19
superflyToday I got the smallest specification I have ever seen... it was an image 170px by 240px08:30
zerefhi guys08:56
Kiloshi zeref 08:59
nuvolariis it just me or is google full of stuff this morning?08:59
nuvolariMaaz: ping mail.google.com08:59
Maaznuvolari: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4006ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 6.054/6.388/6.894/0.328 ms09:00
Kilosthe whole net is sick nuvolari 09:00
nuvolariit seems like that oom Kilos :'(09:06
superflyKilos: no, ubuntu packages are not compatible with Debian09:23
superfly(as far as I know)09:23
Kilosty superfly 09:24
inetpro22/03 11:00:21 <Kilos> the whole net is sick nuvolari09:41
inetprothat ^^ is a very wild statement09:41
inetprothe whole net is one massive network of networks09:41
Kiloshere we go apples and pears09:42
Kiloshiya maiatoday 09:42
inetproKilos: exactly09:44
Kilosthe network between your pcs etc should be fine because you are there09:44
Kilosthe browsing one that google uses is sicker09:45
KilosMaaz, coffee on09:47
* Maaz washes some mugs09:47
KilosMaaz, and grandpas09:47
MaazKilos: Sorry...09:47
Kilosinetpro, have some coffee and relax09:48
* inetpro is very relaxed09:48
* inetpro just doesn't make head or tail of what Kilos was trying to say above09:49
Kiloshave you tried downloading stuff this morning09:49
Kilosor doing an update09:49
Kilosand no probs?09:50
inetprono problem at all09:50
Kilosnot very slow09:50
Kiloslucky man09:50
inetproeven Maaz says it's fast09:50
Kilosnuvolari, it must be your setup because the pro says there are no probs09:50
Kilosso seacom isnt down09:51
inetprortt min/avg/max/mdev = 6.054/6.388/6.894/0.328 ms09:51
Kilosonly my modem is sick then09:51
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!09:51
inetpronot everyone is dependent on seacom09:51
KilosMaaz, ty09:51
MaazYou are welcome Kilos09:51
inetproin fact probably something like 0.01% if not less09:52
Kilosyou gotta change your surname09:52
Kilosinetpro, ^^09:54
* Kilos hides09:55
Kilosdid you go vote for tara?09:56
Kilos2 or three days left and she needs to get into the top 509:56
Kiloshmm... just found a sms on modem using modem manager-gui10:05
KilosGood day10:05
KilosIncident:3382229- The site was upgraded to 12 MB,please log onto:www.speedtest.net to measure your speed.10:05
KilosKind regards10:05
Vince-0recommending use of speedtest.net is stupid10:09
Vince-0what's the speed difference to joburg vs london10:09
Vince-0speed test to a joburg server vs london server10:10
Vince-0I find local servers are double the speed to the UK / paris10:11
Vince-0with Mweb anyways10:11
Kilosit said 1.4 Mb/s10:12
Kilosso devided by 8 is min10:13
Kilos175kB/s methinks10:13
Kilosinetpro, the net is sick10:14
inetproKilos: no10:14
Kilosis it just my 8ta?10:14
inetproKilos: a small part of the net that you utilise is sick10:15
Kilosok then inetpro my net is sick10:15
inetproKilos: eish! 10:17
inetproYou'll have to do a lot more voting10:17
Kilosis tshe that far behind to make 5th place?10:17
inetproshe's in 7th place at the mo if I read this correctly10:18
Kilosshe is gonna end up an old lady doing art10:19
inetpro112 of 1,228 votes10:19
Kilosi cant vote again, its a once of thing10:21
Kilosshe is only like ten votes behind 5th and 6th place10:23
KilosVince-0, did you vote and you superfly ?10:23
Kilosand you nuvolari ?10:23
KilosSquirm, ?10:24
Kilosinetpro, go onto your network and tell them all to vote10:34
* Kilos waits for ai!10:34
Kiloshey Squirm get the whole school to vote10:35
nuvolariI did oom Kilos!10:37
Kilosty nuvolari 10:38
nuvolariinetpro: seacom? is there something going on with the cables?10:38
nuvolariit only seems to be the google traffic10:38
Kilosdunno how to get more 10:38
inetpronuvolari: ADSL speeds hit by SEACOM downtime http://mybroadband.co.za/news/adsl/73828-adsl-speeds-hit-by-seacom-downtime.html10:39
Kilosmy connection is also sick nuvolari 10:39
Kilosless than half normal speed10:40
nuvolariugh ok thanks inetpro 10:49
nuvolarimaybe I should just take leave for the rest of the day10:49
nuvolarigetting lots of SSL handshake failed errors when accessing google services10:50
nuvolariMaaz: google ssl handshake failed10:51
Maaznuvolari: "Why do I receive exception: SSL handshake failed ..." http://www.entrust.net/knowledge-base/technote.cfm?tn=6098 :: "Debugging sSL handshake failure using network monitor – a ..." http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sudeepg/archive/2009/02/16/debugging-ssl-handshake-failure-using-network-monitor-a-scenario.aspx :: "Fixing 'SSL handshake failed: SSL error: Key10:51
Maazusage violation in ..." http://andrewbrobinson.com/2011/11/01/fixing-ssl-handshake-failed-ssl…10:51
Squirmseacom is having fun with you guys13:11
psyatwhi Kilos 13:13
psyatwhi Squirm 13:13
psyatwhoi henkj 13:13
Kiloshi psyatw 13:13
Kilosdid you go vote for tara?13:13
psyatwwho is that?13:14
Kilosmy daughter13:14
Kilosif she can get in the top 5 then she can try sing her way to the end13:15
Kilosgrab all workmates and friends to vote too13:16
psyatwok, I will vote now13:16
Vince-0amazing! web browsing doesn't work but IRC works13:35
Kilosyeah irc works well13:42
Kilosmxit even better13:42
nuvolariwait, what?14:16
nuvolarioh, probably seacom14:16
SquirmI think we go out on seacom and I think it's fine14:18
Squirmseems fine14:18
Vince-0mweb doesn't have any notifications about seacom, just a bunch of ADSL fault areas of which I am in one14:21
nuvolarihmm, I had lots of google issues14:21
nuvolaribut that seems resolved now14:22
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Trixar_zaOk, got the 2GB+1G promo deal now14:51
Trixar_zaJust hope it works14:51
Trixar_zaOh and Kilos, when I recharged, the buggers gave me 10GB Wifi access14:51
Trixar_zaLike I'm near a Telkom Wifi tower >.>14:52
Kilosyou sure14:54
Kilosdial *188# and see what it replies14:54
Kilosshould get 2 smses back14:54
Kilosi saw mine also said something about wifi but the 2+1 is there14:54
Kilosyou did purchase the 2+1 hey Trixar_za ?14:55
Trixar_zaI just think the Wifi came with the 8ta More14:55
Trixar_zaSo when I loaded airtime, it gave me the same as 'free airtime' and the wifi14:56
Trixar_zaThey both expire in 6 days, so it probably is like that14:56
Trixar_zaBut hell, if I was near a telkom wifi tower, I'd be downloading like crazy right now :P14:57
Kiloswhat do the wifi towers look like14:57
Kilosdo they add the wifi to the cell tower?14:58
Trixar_zaSimilar to cell towers I think14:58
Trixar_zaBut you'd pick them up as Telkom if you scanned for wifi14:58
Trixar_zaI think >.>14:58
Kilosi aint got a wifi card in  here or antennae14:58
Kilosoh Trixar_za  you gotta go vote for tara14:59
Trixar_zaMy phone as wifi. That's pretty much it14:59
Kilosmy daughter14:59
magedroidHowdy all14:59
Kiloshi magedroid did you vote yet?15:00
magedroidNo not yet Kilos15:00
=== magedroid is now known as magespawn
Kilosyo Cantide go vote15:00
Cantideand hello :)15:00
Kilosvote for tara15:01
Kilosmy brat15:01
Cantideoh right15:01
magespawnwill do when does it finish15:01
Cantidei saw that on the mailing list15:01
Cantidedon't i need to sign up or something?15:01
Trixar_zaOk, voted for Tara-Lynn15:01
Kilosty Trixar_za 15:02
Cantidei see it now15:02
Kilostoo much typing to add the lynn too15:02
magespawnFor all those on mweb adsl  they have a seacom fault as from 08:16 this morning, i have stopped my quassel from auto connecting till it is solved15:03
magespawnThats why all the joins and parts earlier, which i apologise for15:04
Kilosty magespawn we actually spoke about you yoyoing morning15:05
Kilosnot your fault lad15:05
magespawnI would have seen it earlier but i was out on the road in the bush15:06
Kilosthought so15:08
Kilosnot serious15:08
Kilosnope Cantide just go to the link and vote15:09
Cantidei did :p15:09
Kilosi think it records pc ip addresses15:09
Kilosso you dont try lotsa votes15:09
Kilosty magespawn 15:09
Kiloshow far is she behind the 5th and 6th peeps now15:10
magespawnNot sure15:12
Kilosok i go see ty15:12
magespawnLater all, on my way home15:12
Kilosshe needs 2 more to go into 5th plsace15:14
Kilostumbleweed: hi there you wanna vote?15:14
Kilosoh and drussell 15:14
Kilosgreetings hows it in the uk15:15
Trixar_zaOnce-off Telkom Mobile DataTue Apr 30 20132046 MB - Once-off Telkom Mobile Night Surfer DataTue Apr 30 20131024 MB - Bonus Wi-Fi Data Unlimited SpeedSun Apr 21 201310240 MB - Once-off All Networks DataTue Apr 30 20134 MB15:24
Trixar_za^-- lol15:25
Trixar_zaThat's what the onnet.8ta.com site shows15:25
Kilosthats a nice bonus if you are near a wifi tower15:26
Trixar_zaTrue, but I'm not :/15:26
Kilosnor me15:26
Kilosi have an old nokia that does wifi, do you just click scan and will it find any wifi in the area or must it be programmed in15:27
Trixar_zaWould be useful if I was in Cape Town at the moment though15:27
Cantidei also have that wifi data... but no idea how i would be able to use it ,_,v15:31
Kilosjust looked, nearest wifi is over the mountain from us16:10
Cantidehow do you check?16:13
Kilossec i get the link for you16:16
Kilosyou can move around till you near where you are16:17
Kiloslike google earth i think16:17
Kilosthere are most likely other wifi peeps as well16:21
KilosCantide: ^^16:21
KilosTrixar_za: how far are you from the nearest wifi place16:22
Cantidefar from me..16:24
Cantidethanks, Kilos 16:24
Kilosim sure one can make an external antennae thats directional to get further16:25
Kilosas long as there arent mountains in between16:26
Trixar_zaNo clue. Probably Bellville or some other big town16:26
Trixar_zaWould probably be near shopping centers too16:26
Kilosmethinks maybe inetpro could get one with an outside antenna there where he is16:28
Cantidehey Squirm :)16:46
Kiloshow far is your repair job Squirm 16:54
SquirmKilos: with what?16:54
Kilosthat corrupt partition table i think it was16:54
SquirmI think the image will be complete tomorrow morning16:55
Squirmthen I can start messing with the table16:55
Kilosgood luck16:55
Squirm461Gb of 1Tb16:56
magedroidEvening all17:20
magedroidHere is an idea for some  http://ncrmnt.org/wp/2013/03/19/theres-a-server-in-my-pocket/17:22
somaunnhello everyone17:49
Kiloshi somaunn Vince-0 17:57
Kiloswb mage17:57
Kilosaw i missed robopaul17:58
Kiloshopefully the internet is in better shape tomorrow18:03
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:04
=== Vince-O is now known as Vince-0
Vince-0I switched to FNBconnect on IS and International access is better18:04
somaunnguys, i need your advise18:35
somaunnwould like to launch a business that can be managed from18:39
nuvolari_stupid stupid 18:56
nuvolari_left my git user exposed18:56
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
Trixar_zasomaunn: If you figure that out, tell me how. I'm looking for the same kind of thing.19:05
somaunnTrixar_za, Okay19:06
Trixar_zaSo far I'm just making business cards, some fliers and working on a website (and organizing web hosting with a friend)19:07
somaunnTrixar_za, have a look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2pLohbOnZw19:09
somaunnTrixar_za, i've just got it minutes ago19:09
somaunnmay help19:10
somaunni've actually almost finished with my home office19:11
somaunnlooks good but still need to add few things19:12
Trixar_zaThese days you're forced to make your own business19:14
nuvolariI somehow messed up iptables20:49
nuvolariwithout using it directly20:50
nuvolariI tried vuurmuur, then uninstalled it20:50
nuvolarinow I can't ping anywhere20:50
nuvolariexcept home20:51
nuvolari(I know you can mess up badly with iptables, but that's all I know about it)20:52
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
SquirmMaaz: tell Kilos it's 01:28 and there is 780Gb copied. hopefully backed up bu the morning23:28
MaazSquirm: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode23:28

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