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histo!ftpd | MrDyne00:02
ubottuMrDyne: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP00:02
dannywhat kind of extensions can tar extract?00:07
dannytar command00:07
dannyanyone plz?00:07
histodanny: a bunch they are all listed if you tar --help00:08
histodanny: but it's not really tar doing the uncompression it's just filtering it through other apps00:09
histodanny: like bzip2 xz lzip lzma lzop gzip00:09
Picior libraries00:09
dannyhisto: ok got you thx00:09
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lavolantaany help setting up a access point on a linux box?00:11
Adam-85i try to change mode for user to run vbox setting00:11
holsteinlavolanta: did you try from a live CD? with the GUI tool i mentioned?00:12
Adam-85sudo chown adam:users /media/Data/VBOX/usb.vmdk00:12
Adam-85and my user is adam00:12
dannyHow safe is it to download and extract a compressed file in linux?00:12
holsteindanny: depends.. i would do it as my normal user.. patiently00:13
dr_willisdanny: safe to extract...    running is another story00:13
epzil0ndepends on from where you got it i guess00:13
dr_willisdepends on a lot of things....00:14
dr_willissame as it would in any os.00:14
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epzil0nas usual :P00:14
nullucasHi, is there a way to set up a personalized input method based on simple replacements? For example, whenever I type :dollar: it replaces it with $, or :schwa: becomes ə, etcetera00:14
dr_willisworse case if ran as a user.. it messes with the users files00:14
ClientAlivehow does ubuntu maintain the kernel and bootloader as far as updates are concerned?00:15
holsteinClientAlive: there are teams.. and volunteers. developers. they update them00:16
ClientAliveholstein: oh, no. I meant in the ubuntu o/s00:17
holsteinClientAlive: how does the ubuntu os maintain the kerne and bootloader updates?00:17
ClientAliveholstein: I'm planning to use a custom kernel and possibly a different bootloader than grub2. How can I make sure that updates to those items are stopped?00:18
holsteinClientAlive: they come in when a new one is available.. the old kernels are left there.. the bootloader shoulnt need to be messed with00:18
holsteinClientAlive: you can pin.. or remove.. or just update them, and use others00:18
ClientAliveso sudo apt-get purge <kernel> would prevent any future updates to the kernel?00:19
holsteinClientAlive: no.. that would purge the kernel.. and since its not installed, not get any updates00:19
yahbahthe us is going to kill mr shutlworth00:20
holstein!ot | yahbah00:20
ubottuyahbah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:20
ClientAliveis there a way to manually stop updates? (maybe delete some script or change the configuration of aptitude or something)?00:20
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holsteinClientAlive: you can pin00:21
holsteinyahbah: please go to the ot channel with those.. thanks!00:21
ClientAlivewhat is that?00:21
holsteinClientAlive: pinning a package pins it down.. so it wont get upgraded if an upgrade comes.. its in the menu in synaptic.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto00:22
ClientAliveholstein: or can you give me a search term to use on google for it?00:22
ClientAliveexcellent. thx00:22
holsteinClientAlive: package pinning..00:22
lavolantaholstein: it doesnt work i told you my brother00:24
holsteinlavolanta: in what way?.. what are the errors?00:24
ClientAliveholstein: so then if I never install the ubuntu kernel to begin with I won't have to worry about updates anyway? Suppose I manually install a custom kernel right from the start.00:25
holsteinClientAlive: the ubuntu installer installs one. but yes. if you remove a package, it will not get upgrades00:26
ClientAliveholstein: right on. thx man00:26
ClientAliveholstein: what do you think the name to use in an apt-get command would be? Same as it's file name?00:27
holsteinClientAlive: if i were you, i would use a package manager.. synaptic.. also, i would use the stock kernel00:28
yahbahhow you doing?00:28
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ClientAliveholstein: yeah, that's not gonna be possible in my situation. I mean, maybe i could get it to happen by doing the same manual install I would have to do for a custom kernel, but then why not just make my own high performance kernel anyway? I mean, if I have to go to all the trouble anyway...00:30
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holsteinClientAlive: do what you want.. i dont think there is any reason to run a custom kernel00:30
ClientAlivebestides, booting with the kernel's stub loader is kinda the piont of this project anyway00:30
IanATompkinshello is there a server channel?00:33
ClientAlivewhat about the way getting updates of other things sometimes results in the initrd being updated? Would updating the initrd for a custom kernel be someting I need to address?00:33
IanATompkinsI'm having a ton of trouble getting wpa_supplicant to work...00:33
sensahello how can use gaming keyboard on ubuntu?00:34
sensai mean that special keybinding?00:34
holsteinsensa: i would just plug it in and see if it works00:34
holstein!server | IanATompkinsia00:34
ubottuIanATompkinsia: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server00:34
sensai know, keybinding for special keys00:34
holsteinsensa: i would just go to the keyboard bindings section00:34
sensai tryed didnt work00:35
sensalogitech g105  <---keyboard00:35
IanATompkinsthankyou | holstein00:35
sensawhenn i push G1 open help menu , F1 too00:35
ai6pgtry man keymaps00:36
sensaim newbie00:36
dr_willistheres g15 software for my logitech g1500:36
sensaenglish isnt perfect too00:36
dr_willisin the repos.00:36
sensathanks dr_willis00:37
ai6pgman keymap at the command line shows you how to change the keycodes to different keys00:37
sensaim tryin00:37
IanATompkinsoh umm, I know what it is, I've been trying to get my wireless card to connect via WPA2 for like 4 hours now.00:37
IanATompkinsI'm just trying to find a channel that might be helpful in figuring this out.00:37
ClientAliveam I remembering correctly that an initrd can be embedded in the kernel?00:40
dr_willishmm..  perhaps a tiny one?00:41
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tigrangI installed fglrx drivers and then uninstalled them because the panel and launcher in unity no longer showed, but even after installing it, they're not appearing anymore.00:46
tigrangeven after UNinstalling*00:46
dr_willistigrang:  make sure you are not using the old xorg.conf file still. Ive sene others mention/ask this in here befor. but never saw a definitive fix.00:47
dr_willisaskubuntu.com may  have some info on it.00:47
tigrangdr_willis, I dont have an xorg.conf file, Yea im looking on there, no luck yet00:48
dr_williscompiz is failing for some reason.00:48
dr_willisyou  could try stating it from a terminal so  you can see error messages00:48
dr_willisive sen this 'unity loading a partial desktop' issue with nvidia, ati, and even Intel gfx'00:48
dr_willisnever seen a definitive reason as to why - or how to fix.00:48
k1lledi try to start virtual 13.04 aphla ubuntu, but when i click to start, or click to install on HDD have a error for miss a some file, i dont remember a name of file... Sry my english is bad... someone know how i can fix that?00:49
dr_willisk1lled:  double check the dvd.iso files  md5,  veryfiy its good..  also you could try a daily build iso.  and support for 13.04 is in #UBUNTU+100:49
tigrangdr_willis, Error: Plugin 'opengl' not loaded. and Warn: No default decoration found00:50
dr_williscompiz uses window 'decorators' to handle the actual titlebar and buttons.  i think the default is gtk-decorator00:50
dr_willisopengl is what handles the 3d  stuff i belive.     Ive not messed with compiz in ages.00:51
dr_willis!find gtk-decorator00:51
ubottuPackage/file gtk-decorator does not exist in quantal00:51
dr_willishmm.. must be  a differnt name these days00:52
dr_willisi imagine its the gl issue thats killing things..  sincce its an 'error' and not a 'warning'00:54
th3k1n60fk1n65Hi I need some help with my internal hard disk. I'm a new user to Ubuntu 12.10 and I really do love it. Only problem is I can't get into my hard disk. The error I get is "unable to mount location can't mount file". Any chance I could get some help? :D00:55
dr_willisth3k1n60fk1n65:  how are you ttrying to access/mount it?00:55
dr_willisand whats on the internal hd?00:56
boston62what cause the Dummy Output in Ubuntu 12.04?00:56
th3k1n60fk1n65currently my younger brother has some .minecraft folder he needs access to. i'm in attempt to access it through go>computer>350 GB Hard Disk00:57
dr_willistry mounting it by hand. look for error messages.00:57
dr_willis!mount | th3k1n60fk1n6500:57
ubottuth3k1n60fk1n65: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount00:57
dr_willisbbl.. got a job to do.00:57
holsteinth3k1n60fk1n65: try accessing anything else there as well00:58
ritmo2k_Hey guys, at the time Ubuntu desktop 12.04 was released, there was no distinction in filename between the lts 12.04 release, are they the same, how does one tell the difference?00:59
jribritmo2k_: 12.04 is 12.0400:59
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120400:59
jribritmo2k_: if you are still not sure, be more specific about what files you are talking about00:59
ritmo2k_jrib: Ok, so why does the download page offer two links, one with, and one without lts in the "button"?01:00
sensaone more question. How can i configure, when my friend connect to my server to set alarm or aplay etc.. i tryed  set to /home/friend/.profile  and didnt work01:00
maciej234i've been having this issue with ubuntu, when i Resume from Suspend, many times the screen will just be black and won't turn on01:00
th3k1n60fk1n65i can access the file system and my cd/dvd drive but not the 350 GB Hard disk01:00
jribritmo2k_: be more specific about what files you are talking about01:00
holsteinth3k1n60fk1n65: nothing on the hard disk?01:00
ritmo2k_Just the iso, so I that I know if I installed an "lts release"01:00
jribritmo2k_: be more specific about what files you are talking about; or just trust that there is only one 12.0401:01
ritmo2k_So right now, the desktop points to 12.10 and lts points to 12.04.201:01
ClientAlivewhy do I see "updating initrd" when I do an update?01:01
m3powhello guys !01:01
holsteinritmo2k_: the 12.04 *is* the lts01:01
asmcoder8hello m3pow01:01
m3powany particular reason why i loose my DSL connection in Ubuntu 12.10 ?01:01
th3k1n60fk1n65holstein: there shouldn't be anything on the hard disk. erased the disk to install ubuntu 12.1001:01
ritmo2k_Ok, heh, I get it, just odd there are two links, and one says desktop and one says lts?01:02
holsteinth3k1n60fk1n65: open a file manager, do you see the hard drive on the left side?01:02
m3poweverything just stops and i can see it in the connection panel01:02
m3powi do have to restart the laptop to have the DSL available again01:02
th3k1n60fk1n65holstein: I can see the hard drive01:03
holsteinth3k1n60fk1n65: then click on it, mount it, and share errors01:04
ritmo2k_hostein: Check out http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop do you see that it offers two links? I have a vendor saying I needed to use LTS but I didnt, I know I picked the first link, problem is at that time, both filenames were the same, which is silly...01:04
ritmo2k_holstein: Sorry, fat fingered that msg to you01:04
jribritmo2k_: 12.04 is lts.  If you have version 12.04 (lsb_release -a), then you have lts01:04
amber__Anyone have trouble with spotify on 12.04?01:04
th3k1n60fk1n65holstein: Could not read the contents of 320 GB Hard Disk, the file is not a directory01:05
holsteinth3k1n60fk1n65: what would i do? if there is nothing on the drive, i would reformat it01:05
ritmo2k_jrib: Ok checking that01:05
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elisa87why this error ? jalal@mona:~$ git clone git@github.com:bakks/virginian.git01:08
elisa87Cloning into 'virginian'...01:08
elisa87Permission denied (publickey).01:08
elisa87fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly01:08
jribelisa87: Permission denied (publickey)01:08
kalenjohnsonyou need to include a keyfile to access it elisa8701:09
elisa87Permission denied (publickey).  jrlib what should I do?01:09
elisa87I don't know how to do so kalenjohnson01:09
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kalenjohnsonIs that the same as an SSH keyfile?01:10
escottelisa87, you need to upload your pub key to github. they have instructions on how to do that01:10
kalenjohnsonseems like the same error01:10
jribelisa87: are you the owner of this repository or do you just want to clone the code locally?01:10
th3k1n60fk1n65holstein: I'll give that a go and see what happens. Thanks for the help!01:10
elisa87no I am not the owner I want to get something from there01:10
elisa87jalal@mona:~$ ssh-add -l01:11
escottelisa87, if you just want to pull you dont need to use the git link. pull via http01:11
elisa87The agent has no identities.01:11
elisa87 jrlib01:11
jribelisa87: then git clone https://github.com/bakks/virginian.git01:11
elisa87ah ok thanks a lot escott and jrib01:12
tigranggah I dont want to reinstall =/01:14
kalenjohnsonreinstall is so fun01:14
kalenjohnsonso fresh and so clean01:14
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ksbalajiI have usb os, facing update problems. I presume many would be having similar problems. Can something be done?01:21
ksbalajiAm I connected to ubuntu?01:23
holsteinksbalaji: facing update problems?01:23
tigrangdr_willis, for future reference for someone else, removing ~/.cache and ~/.config worked01:24
ksbalajiThanks holstein - This channel used to be busy. No activity now? Yes I face update problems with my usb stick. I face initramfs update problem. I think many of us face this. Cant something be done?01:25
holsteinksbalaji: done about what?01:25
kalenjohnsonI'd say it's busy. Look at all the people01:25
holsteinksbalaji: if you want to update, just update.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ..you also can just not upgrade01:26
ksbalajiholstein: About removing this initramfs update problem.01:26
holsteinksbalaji: elaborate more about your update issue.. assume i have no idea what issue you have01:26
holstein!paste | ksbalaji use a pastebin to illustrate *exact* error messages01:26
ubottuksbalaji use a pastebin to illustrate *exact* error messages: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:27
ksbalajiholstein: I do not upgrade. I just use synaptic or update manager to update. I keep on getting some initramfs update error. I googled some and found many facing similar problem.01:27
holsteinksbalaji: open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update" and share the errors via pastebin01:27
ksbalajiholstein: ok01:28
ksbalajiholstein: http://pastebin.com/8wffDwrC This has no error since I have tried to update some time back with errors.01:32
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djshotglassis there a command line tool to look though installed packages and uninstall some01:33
jribdjshotglass: using what criteria?01:33
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.01:33
bekor friends i am using 12.04 i have old kernels that i have tried everything i can thing of to get rid of.i can not even istall new programs now.any sugesstions?01:34
ksbalajiholstein: I just am not good at handling aptitude. Maybe am not patient enough to understand messages.01:34
holsteinksbalaji: that was for djshotglass01:35
ksbalajiholstein: ok01:35
holsteinksbalaji: what is your issue?01:35
holsteinksbalaji: i see no errors there.. run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and share errors01:35
Legend2013Hello Ubuntu people01:36
bekorcan not remove old kernels, if i update to the newest kernel will it clean everything up?01:36
holsteinbekor: i keep a few old ones around on purpose.. sudo apt-get autoremove might offer to "cleanup"01:37
Legend2013Is there a specific channel to discuss developing ubuntu software?01:37
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ksbalajiholstein: I just gave the command you suggested and pasted the output. That was without errors since I just now updated - with errors. I dare not upgrade since I am on a single ubuntu usb stick. My hdd is down. My dvd/cd live copy is very old.01:37
holsteinbekor: you can always search for them in the package manager of your choice and remove them01:38
bekornothing has worked i do not mind keeping them around if i could at least still down load software01:38
holsteinbekor: ?01:38
bekori have tried that also01:38
holsteinbekor: just search and remove them01:38
bekorsearch how?01:39
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Xander_Any ideas on how to fix the sound on ubuntu 12.04? It plays, but it sounds hollow. The low end doesn't come in for some reason.01:39
ksbalajiholstein: I just wish to get information on usb update problems with initramfs not responding for updates in usb sticks.01:40
ksbalajiIt is quite some time since I logged here. I wish to know improvements in usb stick os update errors regarding initramfs not updating properly. I still have the problem.01:42
holsteinksbalaji: i dont know what you are talking about01:44
ubuntu22I just updated my 12.04 and now audacious won't play music, it will load everything fine but when I press play it doesn't do anything, like the time doesn't progress.  I also cannot listen to music on soundcloud.com01:44
bekori have tried all the tricks you suggested to remove my kernel old kernel but no luck01:44
holsteinksbalaji: i have no problem with my usb sticks.. what problem are you having? start with "im running this operating system on this machine on this hardware"01:44
holsteinbekor: i dont think so. you go to a package manager, and search "linux" and find your kernels, and remove them.. you can use synaptic01:45
bekori  can try again01:45
holsteinbekor: no.. im not suggesting you "try" anything.. if you want them removed, you can remove them via a package manager.. if not, dont worry with it..01:45
bekori have catualy tried it but maybe i do not know what i am doing01:46
bekorare you talkindg about synaptic?01:46
ubuntu22Also, when I try to view flash video's my firefox crashes / lags out.01:48
holsteinbekor: synaptic is what i suggested.. you search "linux" and sort by "installed applications".. the kernels you have will be there, in order.. you right click and mark for removal01:49
holsteinubuntu22: i use chrome for flash.. that is the only current flash available for linux01:49
ksbalajiholstein: ok np. Thanks for trying.  It is also nice to know that you have no problem with your usb stick. I shall try something like fresh install. Now, I have lucid 10.04 kernel 2.6.32-45-generic and gnome 2.30.201:49
user_Hi Guys01:49
holsteinksbalaji: trying what?01:50
ubuntu22holstein,  I just updated my 12.04 and now audacious won't play music, it will load everything fine but when I press play it doesn't do anything, like the time doesn't progress.  I also cannot listen to music on soundcloud.com01:50
holsteinksbalaji: i dont know what your issue is?01:50
holsteinksbalaji: what probem are you having?01:50
bekori have tried that and it does not work01:50
holsteinubuntu22: you have no system audio?01:50
ubuntu22holstein, I am playing a game in wine right now and there is sound working01:51
user_<ubuntu22> try to open the shell and execute command 'killall pulseaudio'01:51
zentwinHow do I boot in text mode01:51
holsteinubuntu22: ok.. so try google-chrome (not chromium) and see if that solves your flash audio issues01:52
user_Guys, i have a question about XUBUNTU01:52
user_what is the default/standard startup sequence01:52
ksbalajiholstein: While updating, I get something like not all packages updated. I scroll and find initramfs being mentioned in errors. I usually see a generating image x.x.x.x-generic failing.01:52
ubuntu22holstein, what about audacious / vlc / totem01:52
dr_williswhat do you mean user_ ?01:52
korsakofto boot in text mode, you need to use the single user mode..01:52
user_it looks like mine is little bit screwed and during the login it takes some time to initialize xfce01:52
dr_willisErr. there is a TEXT mode.. then theres a single user mode..  single user mode is a special text mode01:53
dr_willistext mode = dosent  start the lightdm  service. and a few other little differances.  single user mode =  like a recovery shell01:53
holsteinksbalaji: when you say "i get something like".. share *exactly* what message you get.. and try upgrading via the terminal as i suggested.. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:53
zentwindr_willis: I mean without any Desktop like GNOME01:54
user_dr_willis, during the login i have a blinking of the gui, it takes some time to initialize xfce01:54
dr_willisuser_:  look in your .config/autorun (or was it autostart)  directory and the /etc/xdg/autostart directory01:54
holsteinksbalaji: dist-upgrade just updates your packages.. its not a distribution upgrade01:54
holsteinubuntu22: try installing pavucontrol ..look in alsamixer and trust no lables.. try..01:54
dr_williszentwin:  that would be text mode.01:54
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode01:54
user_zentwin, google grub cyberciti, vivek have some great tutorials there01:54
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:54
ksbalajiholstein: I note to report on seeing the error message again. OH? I shall do dist-upgrade now.01:55
holsteinksbalaji: thats what i suggested, again01:55
holsteinksbalaji: that *is* an update proceedure that will either give you an error, or upgrade around whatever it is you are talking about01:56
user_dr_willis, ok it was autostart01:56
zentwindr_willis: I want to boot up with run level 1 to be precise. Do you know how to do that_01:56
user_and only two desktop files there01:56
user_dr_jesus, i already now that i can manage this in settings>session and startup01:57
zentwinuser_ I want to boot up with run level 1 to be precise. Do you know how to do that01:57
user_dr_jesus, session tab, but i dont know in which order or what should start by default for xubuntu01:57
jribzentwin: why do you think you want to boot up to run level 1?01:58
user_zentwin, you mean init? im afrain only system can do that01:58
histozentwin: from the grub menu recovery mode01:58
zentwinhisto: How01:58
user_zentwin, during the startup - if you have a grub installed01:59
histozentwin: hold the shift key down prior to ubuntu loading to get the grub menu.01:59
jribzentwin: what do you want to do once you get to run level 1?01:59
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.01:59
zentwinjrib: Rescue my work because I cannot get into GNOME, I get bluescreen01:59
user_jrib, i guess he doesent have the pass and wants to access it anyway....02:00
dr_willisim not evevn sure how runlevel 1 differs  :)02:00
histodr_willis: single user02:00
dr_willisbut ubuntu dosent really use runleveles  like other disrtos do02:00
dr_willishisto:  that would be what the recovery console uses then isent it?02:00
user_anyway guys02:00
histodr_willis: yes single user mode02:00
user_can you help my with my xface thing?02:00
histodr_willis: ofcourse it uses runlevels02:01
user_is here anybody who is using xubuntu?02:01
user_I'm interested about the default session startup02:01
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dr_willisi thought the runlevels were sort of faked by upstart02:01
ksbalajiholstein: http://pastebin.com/ZbzyjE3R -This is exactly what I was talking about! I waited quite long to get this finished. Can this be repaired please?02:01
histouser_: what are you trying to accomplish with xubuntu?02:01
user_histo, I already acomplished and its running fine :)02:02
zentwinctrl+alt+1 thru 6 didn't do squat just a black screen.02:02
histouser_: then what's your question your xfce one?02:02
user_histo, but unfortunetly i screwed the default startup sequence02:02
dr_williszentwin:  seen some video card drivers have issues with that. and somtomes the framebuffer can cause issues with the consoles02:02
histodr_willis: well in  sense. upstart doesn't know about runlevels but supports them02:03
user_histo, so every time i login, it takes some time to initialize the gui- much longer then before i screwed it....02:03
zentwindr_willis: How do I get around that, by using run level 1 or what02:03
user_histo, its somehow switching the sessions between xface and xubuntu session02:04
dr_williszentwin:  i belive the gist of  the thread in the channel was that  the 'recovery' menu item in grub. boots to the reccovery console. which is using runlevel 1. but then starts up the recovery 'menu' item02:04
dr_williszentwin:  so why do you  need runlevel 1?02:04
i-make-robotshi, ubuntu.  Where would I go to ask about automating a workflow process that crosses over from php into a bash script and back?02:04
dougWillI'm using virtualbox but the performance is bad an idea02:05
i-make-robotsI have people uploading STL files, I want to run a calculation on them and email back a response.02:05
zentwindr_willis: As long as I can get to any console, thanx02:05
i-make-robotsthe response should be stored in a database for retreival when they click a link.02:05
dr_williszentwin:  texxt mode or the recovery mode get to the consoles.02:05
histouser_: do you mean xfce? not xface rigth?02:05
histouser_: have you tested that the problem doesn't happen with a new user?02:05
dr_willisdougWill:  i tend to use lubuntu in vbox. its lighter02:05
user_histo, yes, sorry its little bit late here (gmt+1)02:05
histouser_: have you tested that the problem doesn't happen with a new user?02:06
holsteinksbalaji: i would remove the nvidia driver.. did you add any ppas?02:06
user_histo, actually i don't great idea! But in other hand i completly refreshed my user, removed the user settings.02:07
=== ezio is now known as altair
user_histo, but i will definitely try your suggestion and will let you know thx for a hint02:07
histouser_: you may have missed some user config files the hidden ones in your ~/.hidden   they start with .02:08
ksbalajiholstein: :( I do not know I have a nvidia driver! Sorry. What is ppas?02:08
ksbalajiholstein: While opting for some apps, I used to click ok to install them. May be that added ppas ? Am I catching on?02:09
holsteinksbalaji: you have something nvidia installed02:10
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:10
user_histo, I'm not so lame, even if it looks like so, I'm working as a unix/linux support but as you know no gui on the servers  :)02:10
holsteinksbalaji: i would look at my sources and see if i have any ppa's02:10
Keresi just installed another OS, but when i re-install grub i get no OS choice menu02:10
Keresit just boots to ubuntu02:10
holsteinksbalaji: can this be fixed? sure.. you just have to determine what "it" is.. and start cleaning up and troubleshooting those errors02:10
histouser_: Didn't say you were just offering suggestions. when you "switched" from xubuntu-desktop to xfce what did you do?02:11
Kereshow do you set up grub to give you a choice in which OS to boot?02:12
ksbalajiholstein: ok. I see a launchpad ppa in the source.02:12
holstein!grub | Keres02:12
ubottuKeres: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:12
dr_willisKeres:  what other os?02:12
user_histo, no prob :) just trying to replicate the issue on the new account, brb02:12
holsteinksbalaji: thats one extra source that could be causing breakage.. im not saying it is.. jsut that it could be02:12
Keresi dont have to recover anything, i can just use the boot menu since they are on 2 physically different disks... and it's win732 for buzz02:13
dr_willisKeres:  theres a option to hide the grub menu in the /etc/default/grub file02:13
dr_willisKeres:  if you boot to ubuntu and rerun 'update-grub' it should see and add the windows entry  to the menu02:13
Keresi wouldnt need hardware win32 if wine had dotnet4.0 but you guys prolly know that02:14
ksbalajiholstein: Thanks. I shall remove that and see. Now how to remove this nvidia thing please?02:14
Keressudo update-grub?02:14
dr_willisKeres:  yes. the grub docs mention this and other options.   it should list the windows partions if they are seen in its output02:14
holsteinksbalaji: just define what "nividia thing" is installed02:15
histouser_: well if you thoroughly cleansed ~ new account won't help02:15
dr_willisas for the wind .net stuff.. check in #winehq and check out 'winetricks'02:15
holsteinksbalaji: i would search a package manager for anything that is giving errors in that list and try removing it02:15
Keresyeah, some music apps just dont like wine02:15
holsteinksbalaji: i would also consider just backing up my data, and reinstalling02:15
Keresthe guys who make buzz are windows freaks02:15
dr_willisno  idea what 'buzz' is...02:16
Keresnot to worry tho, ubuntu has something now called Sunvox ;)02:16
holsteinksbalaji: takes me about 20 minutes to reinstall and get back where i am.. we have wasted more time than that just trying to understand each other02:16
Keresmusic trackers02:16
Kereswhich are like real insturments in a way... you get really used to them and you have to have exactly that when you are typing02:16
Kereslike when i was a kid it had to be octamed,02:16
savagecrochey anyone have any details on this qilin OS... i thought originally it was basically some SELinux type version of FreeBSD... is that what it's going to be replacing?02:18
user_histo, Ok, im back and the configs are completly same02:18
holsteinKeres: you can try #opensourcemusicians02:19
holsteinKeres: you can try ubuntustudio live.. i would try some native solutions02:19
user_funny thing is that the new user profile is loggingin much faster and there is a minor difference in the configs, i mean few crons and nas mount02:19
Kereslike i said, its like a particular instrument, once you get used to it you can actually "play" it02:20
escottuser_ check gnome-session-properties02:20
Keresim not here to debate that there are some awesome apps for ubuntu now02:21
Keresthere definitely are02:21
Keresits just that... you know old tracks and stuff02:21
Keresi will delete the partition after the music fest02:21
Keresdont worry ;)02:21
holsteinKeres: this is not the channel for that..02:21
histouser: well cronjobs and nas mounts wouldn't slow a user down. They should not be handled int he GUI.... how are you mounting the nas drive via ffstab?02:22
Keresok then, where to i get a copy of ubuntu for a cortex A8 1.2Gh tablet?02:22
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.02:23
Dylanhi all, I have a pretty basic terminal question - is this a good place to ask for help?02:23
ksbalajiholstein: I understand your point. Here is mine: You are helpful. It is worth my time. Sorry it also wasted yours.02:23
somsipDylan: go for it02:23
histo!ask | Dylan02:23
ubottuDylan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:24
Dylangreat, thank you! limited ubuntu / linux experience. trying to install lazylibrarian through terminal. have no issues what so ever until i try to sudo service lazylibrarian start. always gives me error: "start-stop-deamon: unable to chdir() to lazy/ (No such file or directory)02:25
holsteinksbalaji: i volunteer my time.. you are not wasting it.. im just suggesting a potential path of least resistance02:25
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holsteinKeres: i download from the ubuntu site ...http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/02:26
somsipDylan: have you followed the ubuntu specific instruction in the README?02:27
dr_willisdylan seems it wants a directory called  'lazy' somwhere. ;)02:28
Keresholstein, i dont see an image for that architecture02:28
holsteinKeres: sure.. just help define what "that" is, and i'll search it for you02:28
KeresCortex A8 1.2 Ghz with 512 ram02:28
KeresARM i think right?02:29
Dylansomsip yes, followed instructions carefully. didn't seem to have any issues until this last part. dr_willis lazy is the directory that i created where I placed the contents of the lazylibrarian zip file i downloaded from github02:29
Keres5 point touchscreen and HDMI02:29
Keresproblem is that the android OS is terrible02:29
dr_willisdylan there may  be a config file youneed to  edit and tell it where to  look for that directtory02:29
somsipDylan: that's where I was going - I'd expect there to be a path to lazy/ somwhere in one of the config scripts.02:30
dr_willisKeres:  ubuntu on tablets is in a very early stage..  and may  not be very useable.02:30
ksbalajiholstein: Thanks. ok - Now with your help, I have deleted some apps which have something to do with nvidia. I also found that I do not have nvidia hw installed. This shall do for the day. Thanks again and bye!02:30
holsteinKeres: i dont have one.. i'll search if you need. do you need me to search that device and see if its an arm chip? there are arm iso's ..02:30
duckx0rI'm trying to get a list of the number of entries in the `changes_cc` table by each user. However for some reason it's returning "1" for each user that has 0 entries. How can I make it so that it is "0"? http://pastie.org/private/d3odrdfvvaciq3eadiwhw02:30
dr_willisI like androd on my Nexus7 ;)02:30
holsteinksbalaji: good luck!02:30
Keresan ISO would be cool, but without all the working drivers...02:30
Kowwhy does quassel-client require KDE libs? it should only require QT :-/02:31
Dylandr_willis / somsip i edited the config file using sudo editor /etc/default/lazylibrarian. in that file I changed: "# [required] set path where lazylibrarian is installed: APP_PATH=lazy/"02:32
dr_willisdylan i a,m guessing you are not using the proper path.02:32
dr_willisdylan use the full path to the diretory02:33
somsipDylan: the path looks strange. I would expect it to be something like '/home/dylan/lazy' or /usr/opt/lazy02:33
Keresthanks guys!02:33
holsteinKeres: you want what drivers?02:33
Kereswell, HDMI is key02:33
Keresthats what i use that tablet for02:33
holsteinKeres: the kernel is modular, so most drivers are there.. i dont mess with the arm version personally02:34
Keresits not a big deal02:34
holstein!tablet | Keres02:34
ubottuKeres: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch02:34
holsteinKeres: whats not?02:34
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Keresits just that the android that it came with is really bad02:34
holsteinKeres: i might have missed something in the scroll back02:34
Dylandr_willis somsip the lazy folder is in my home directory. just tried changing it to /home/lazy/ but that didn't help either. is there a longer "full" path name that I can use/02:34
Keresthe app that i want to run is called sunvox, there are android and linux versions02:34
dr_willisKeres:  you  may have better luck finding an alterantive android rom for the thing.02:35
Keresthe android version runs but needs more CPU overhead02:35
Keresyeah i think so02:35
Dylannow the error message is the same, but it says unable to chdir() to /home/lazy/02:35
holsteinKeres: sounds great.. try an android channel if you are having issues on that side02:35
dr_willisdylan you dont seem to undersstand linux paths... /home/lazy would be the user 'lazy' home directory02:35
Keresyeah but it would be much better if i could also have audacity and chibitracker02:35
Keresnot complainin...02:35
Keresjust sayin02:35
somsipDylan: Is that where it's installed? Maybe,,,maybe I'll stop saying what dr_willis has already said ;)02:35
dr_willisdylan if the dir is in your USERS home the path would be /home/YOURUSERNAME/lazy02:35
Keresok guys thanks again02:35
dr_willisdylan it may be worth the time to read a few bash beginner guides to understandd the path nameing system.02:36
Dylanwelp, dr_willis and somsip, you guys solved it! i needed to update the full path. when I included /home/username/lazy it started with no issues. really appreciate your help. I'm going to read some more basic terminal info to learn from this!02:37
Dylanthanks so much for both of your help.02:37
somsipDylan: no worries02:37
=== philippe is now known as Guest4770
Guest4770Hello, I've had weird problems with package installation lately02:38
Guest4770I had to reverse to an old version of tzdata to install eclipse02:38
Guest4770and was never able to install libsdl02:38
Guest4770i tought 12.04 was stable02:38
somsipGuest4770: how did you install eclipse?02:39
Guest4770i used aptitude02:39
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120402:39
Guest4770and it reversed tzdata package to an older version02:39
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.02:39
somsipGuest4770: so that *could* be it02:39
Guest4770apt -get was just saying no02:39
dr_willisHmm. i cant imagine why  it would use an older tzdata package02:40
dr_willis!info eclipse02:40
Guest4770is there a way i can clean everything apt related and restart from a clean package list then. (without aptitude)02:40
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.0~rc4-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 16 kB, installed size 121 kB02:40
dr_willisyou are on a 32bit of 64bit insstall Guest4770 ?02:41
korsakof!info ubottu02:41
ubottuPackage ubottu does not exist in quantal02:41
Guest477064 bit02:41
Guest4770i've never had problems like these on ubuntu before02:42
Guest4770or fedora02:42
OptimizedCoderguys, when I use rdp to connect to my ubuntu machine, I spawn an X session (thats new), I guess by default ubuntu uses lightDM (coz I can see LightDM running underneath), correct?02:42
dirteanyone have recommendations for a good php editor on ubuntu? I've been trying Bluefish but it's like php is an afterthought02:42
SonikkuAmericaOptimizedCoder: unless you're using Lubuntu, which uses lxdm02:42
SonikkuAmericaor Openbox02:42
Guest4770oh, I am using Xubuntu, does it make any difference?02:42
somsipdirte: netbeans here for a few years02:42
OptimizedCoderSonikkuAmerica, hmm - whats the defualt for ubuntu gdm ?02:42
OptimizedCoderor unity02:43
OptimizedCoderI'm on 11.1002:43
dr_willisLightdm is the default login manager.. Unity  is the default desktop02:43
SonikkuAmericaOptimizedCoder: In U/Ku/Xu/Edu/Mythbuntu, it's lighdm02:43
OptimizedCoderdr_willis, got it..02:43
SonikkuAmericaOptimizedCoder: Ubuntu GNOME uses gdm02:44
OptimizedCoderso, my question is this02:44
dirtei'm installing netbeans thanks somsip02:44
OptimizedCoderI RDP, spawn a new X sesssion and everythign looks good - but my right-click does not work there02:45
somsipdirte: it's not the lightest out there, so it's worth trying others02:45
OptimizedCoderMaybe I should look at the Xsession logs.. ?02:45
OptimizedCoderis it the  .xsession-errors ?02:45
somsipdirte: and last I looked the repo version was stuck at about 6.9 but it's at 7.3 now. OT02:45
* OptimizedCoder thought NetBeans was long dead02:46
somsipOptimizedCoder: new version a week or so ago would disagree. OT02:47
OptimizedCodersomsip, yeah I just moved on02:47
OptimizedCodersomsip, the swing/UI support for Java was good in Netbeans though02:48
ubuloveI have a desktop pc 4 years old with 1GB of ram DDR2. What do you suggest ? Installing Lubuntu and stay with 1GB of ram or buy more DDR2 ram ? If available still in stock.02:49
OptimizedCoderSonikkuAmerica, dr_willis, guys any answer to X related query?02:49
tigrangWhen I enabled "Use system title bar and borders" in chrome, after I maximize once then restore, the window borders and window action (close, minimize, maximize) dont work any longer, they click through to the window behind them02:49
dr_willisOptimizedCoder:  i dont really use rdp so no idea why it would act that way02:49
OptimizedCoderubulove, got to fleabay, you cna get good deals on old/used DDR2 RAM02:49
OptimizedCoderon the cheap02:50
SonikkuAmericaOptimizedCoder: It's Xorg.#.log, but I forgot its location... dr_willis?02:50
dr_willis /var/log/ would be most all the logs02:50
* OptimizedCoder wonders if there is an X server channel on FreeNode02:50
dr_willisor in the users home02:50
ubuloveOptimizedCoder: thanks man, but if I choose to stay with 1GB of ram because it's an old PC will I be OK with Lubuntu ?02:50
dr_willislubuntu works well on low end systems02:50
PaulCollin>ubulove< i have ddr2 rams, i can send them from international post.02:50
ubulovePaulCollin: hehe thanks but I will see :P02:51
somsipubulove: I use lubuntu under virtualbox with less ram and it seems fine.02:52
OptimizedCoderubulove, I guess you should be good with Lubuntu, but I'd look at other stripped-down distros02:52
PaulCollin>ubulove< but i think if you install lubuntu, you dont need them. :) i think its enaugh02:52
SonikkuAmericaubulove: I dunno, what does Xubuntu say you need?02:52
learnLinxUsing 12.04  sound is really screwed up..  Headphones on speaker gives sound, speakers on, no sound unless I plug in headphones.  Unplug headphones when done and sound comes out of the speakers with the headphones showing in the settings..  It seems backwards02:52
ubulovewooowww, thank you all for your replies!!!02:53
learnLinxAND,  sound is not really that good/02:53
OptimizedCoderinterestingly I have this /var/log/xrdp-sesman.log02:53
SonikkuAmericalearnLinx: Sounds like you're having issues with the new PulseAudio.02:54
ubulovePaulCollin, I will use it with 1GB ram and see. Thank you :)02:54
learnLinxHow to fix it302:54
ubuloveOptimizedCoder, I just love ubuntu :D02:54
OptimizedCoderubulove, if not apparent from that handle...02:54
ubuloveSonikkuAmerica: I like Lubuntu than Xubuntu :D Less resources.02:55
learnLinxI have beats audio and the sound really isnt great in linux. Windows its REALLY Awsome.. anything I can do to help it along02:55
ubulovesomsip, alright :D goooood then !02:55
OptimizedCoderbeats audio.. all your credibility is tossed out the window at this point ..02:55
SonikkuAmericalearnLinx: Try [ sudo apt-get install pavucontrol ] in terminal, then start it by typing [ pavucontrol ] and just messing with the volume in there02:55
SonikkuAmericaubulove: I haz no choice... I use Studio (which comes with stock XFCE)02:56
ubuloveSonikkuAmerica: hehehe okay! :D02:57
OptimizedCoderhmm - no errors from the xrdp session log, I might need to look at the X sessions' log02:57
SonikkuAmericaBeats me why Studio couldn't migrate to MATE02:57
SonikkuAmericaBut XFCE rocks all the same.02:57
holsteinSonikkuAmerica: its not in the repos02:57
SonikkuAmericaholstein: True... :\02:58
holsteinSonikkuAmerica: we chose xfce because it was the most like the older gnome2 look/feel.. and the most stable, and the xubuntu team is *very* helpful02:58
holsteinSonikkuAmerica: you can use our packages with the DE of your choice...02:58
SonikkuAmericaNot that I had qualms against XFCE of course.02:58
SonikkuAmericaholstein: And yes, you're probably right, not to mention they're making the slowest transition to GTK+ 3 (for fluency)02:59
dirtehey somsip in netbeans i go to create a new project and it just has java types available no php, do I have to add any php modules or something?03:00
SonikkuAmericaand the xubuntu team is *very* helpful <<< Yes, especially Pasi Lallinaho03:00
learnLinxbeen through all the sound settings and still only get the 2 front speakers.. there is 403:01
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SonikkuAmericaFour speakers, you say? The next thing to do is run [ alsamixer ] and see if that works instead.03:03
learnLinxK Ill install it03:04
somsipdirte: you need to install the PHP plugins, or you can download the .sh that just installs PHP without the Java stuff. Depends on how you will use the IDE03:04
Guest4770okay guys, I've fixed it by resetting my sources.list manually03:04
Guest4770it seems it got corrupted when i deactivated the restricted repo03:05
learnLinxSo... should I remove pulse audio or keep both pulse and alsa??03:05
rajhow do I get apt-cache search to show me if a package is installed?03:05
dirtethx i'm reading more on the netbeans site now03:05
SonikkuAmericalearnLinx: all you have to do is switch it: http://howto.blbosti.com/2010/04/ubuntu-make-alsa-default-instead-of-pulseaudio/03:06
boston62if your running Ubuntu 12.04 on a server, can you use the dvd drive on the PC connecting to the server? Thanks03:06
SonikkuAmerica(Ignore the part about gnome-desktop, but if it removes ubuntu-desktop, don't worry, it's "just a dummy package"03:06
holsteinalso, try pavucontrol learnLinx03:06
learnLinxSonikkuAmerica Thanks for the help03:06
learnLinxholstein  thx also03:07
SonikkuAmericaI told him that holstein. It only works for his 2 front speakers.03:07
SonikkuAmericaQuoting: <learnLinx> been through all the sound settings and still only get the 2 front speakers.. there is 403:07
SonikkuAmericaAw crap... I was about to direct him to a better link... :\03:08
rajhow do I get apt-cache search to show me if a package is installed?03:10
drkphoenixmy computer says (initramfs) unable to find a medium containing a live file syste. When i try to book it it is an inspiron  intel core i503:12
Ponch0woah i5 fancy pants03:13
SonikkuAmericadrkphoenix, can you explain what you mean by "book it"?03:13
Ponch0he probably means boot03:13
drkphoenixboot it sorry spelled it wrong.03:13
SonikkuAmericaOh. Well, let's go through the standard checklist?03:14
escottdrkphoenix, did it ever work? any recent updates or changes?03:14
love_raj: I think apt-cache is not quite what you want to use.  it seems like apt-cache is more for checking dependencies.  you can use aptitude to find out what is installed.... synaptic is a nice GUI and has a really easy way to check.03:15
drkphoenixyes it did work. I recently had to whip my computer because of issues and so i tried to reinstall it with the same disk i installed it with before. Now that error is coming up03:15
somsipdrkphoenix: 'whip' created a more evocative image...03:16
escottdrkphoenix, if you boot the livecd and download the boot-info-script from sourceforge and run that it will probably tell us enough to figure out what is going on03:16
SonikkuAmericasomsip: I know right? (drkphoenix, you don't need to repeat yourself)03:17
SonikkuAmericasomsip: But hey, give him a break... autocorrect gets in the way sometimes :P03:17
drkphoenixhow do i download the boot-info-script from sourceforge03:17
escottdrkphoenix, http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/03:18
drkphoenixi can not get to my desk top to download it03:19
escottdrkphoenix, livecd03:20
chroI deleted a file by mistake with the rm command, how can I recover it?03:21
escottchro, you probably cant03:21
escott!undelete | chro03:21
ubottuchro: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel03:21
drkphoenixyes well then if it is suppose to be on the live disk it is not on this one03:22
zltanhello, I recently encountered slow wireless connections, and the culprit seemed to be the dhcpcd.03:22
escottdrkphoenix, no it is not on the livecd thats why you need to download it03:22
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drkphoenixi can not download it to the disk it wont let me download anything else to the disk03:23
zltani identified a while back that the MTU value for wlan0 has always been 576, which is unreasonable.03:24
zltanhas anyone ever experienced a similar issue?03:25
escottdrkphoenix, you should be able to download it to the desktop and run it from there03:26
drkphoenixi can not get to the desktop to do it not on my computer i am not talking to you from my computer03:27
dirtemy wireless was acting weird today had to reboot and fixed it03:27
amigamiahi trying to install the locale language on a 10.04 server sudo apt-get install language-pack-en however its not locating it03:28
escottdrkphoenix, you wont be able to do anything until you boot your install media/livecd03:28
drkphoenixi have the liveCD i have one already installed on to a disk03:29
drkphoenixwhen i try to install it from the disk it comes up with the error but i can not get to the computers desk top so therefore i can not download boot info script i can not download it on the live disk or the desktop03:30
bmorrisoIs there an Ultrabook that supports dual displays?  And obviously amazing support for Ubuntu? Like the XPS 13?03:30
escottdrkphoenix, if you are having trouble booting the livecd you need to give specifics03:33
drkphoenixi did when i first came in here i do apologize since i was informed not to repeat myself when i boot it up it says busybox v1.13.3 built-in shell (ash ) unable to find a medium containing a live file system03:35
dr_willisbmorriso:  i  thought system76 sold a ubuntu ultrabook03:35
amigamiasomething wrong with pastebin.ca?03:36
amigamiais there another pastebin?03:36
dr_willispastebin.org perhaps03:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:36
amigamiacan someone look at this? i just bought a vps for something i needed to test out http://pastebin.fr/2680403:37
amigamiadr_willis i went francias :D03:37
dr_willisyou might want to summarize the issue a bit more for the channel.03:38
escottdrkphoenix, yes you are in the initramfs. if you knew what you were doing you could maybe figure out how to fix things from there, but you don't because most people dont. so boot your install media and select try ubuntu. download the boot-info-script and run it for us03:38
amigamiaas my earlier post i cant do my locale03:38
dirtesomsip: i'm loving netbeans :) thanks, gnight03:38
bmorrisodr_willis: 14", 4.5lb, with 720p display. Would like 13", 3lb or less and better display.03:39
drkphoenixhow am i suppose to download the boot-info-script if i cant download it on a disk or on the computer thats having problems03:39
jaydubshello, i could use some help dl'ing a package. if i try libdb4.8-dev with apt-get its says it cant locate the package. so i try to download it here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libdb4.8-dev, but it suggests package manner. do i have to enable something for apt to see it? -thanks03:39
dr_willisbmorriso:  i havent looked at laptops in ages.. and dont plan on buying one  any time soon.03:39
amigamiai am using sudo apt-get install language-pack-en-base03:39
dr_willisjaydubs:  you do have the src repos enabled?03:40
dr_willis!find libdb4.8-dev03:40
ubottuPackage/file libdb4.8-dev does not exist in quantal03:40
dr_willis!find libdb4.803:40
ubottuFound: libdb4o8.0-cil03:40
escottdrkphoenix, boot the install media. there really isnt anything else i can say03:40
amigamiathen doctor willis i did sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales03:41
jaydubsdr_willis: libdb4o8.0-cil?03:41
drkphoenixi do and no matter what i pick or click on after i boot the live disk it goes to that problem03:41
somsipdirte: cool03:41
dr_willisjaydubs:  thats what the bot found..03:41
amigamiadr_willis i get cat: /etc/default/locale: No such file or directory03:41
jaydubssorry. i am unfamiliar with the "bot"03:42
dr_willisall i know about locale would be from the !locale factoid.. i dont use the feature03:42
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/03:42
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:42
jaydubsdidnt like03:42
jaydubsarchlinux invent that or something03:42
histojaydubs: invent what?03:42
dr_willisbe a bit more verbose in your infomation and comments  :) it helps03:43
chicognui wrote my password in a .txt, but guess what ? i forgot where the .txt is... how do i found it ?03:43
amigamiaI fixed it Herr Doktor :D03:44
histochicognu: do you know what hte password is?03:44
tigrangIf I maximize a window then restore it, I can no longer Close/Maximize/Minimize it with the window actions in the top left.03:44
chicognuhisto, I don't know what is hte, but i know a part of the txt03:44
histochicognu: find . -iname 'partyouknow' -type f -print 003:45
drkphoenixdoes anyone know how to fix this problem without boot info script since i can not use it03:46
histochicognu: assuming you know part of the file name.03:46
histochicognu: if you know part of it's contents you could use grep to find it03:46
jaydubsnoted. so im better off downloading the bot's suggestioin then trying to enable "sources" ? im on ec2 right now and the sources.list says add to sources.list.d - but there is no file in there03:46
chicognuhisto, i know part of the text inside the file03:46
chicognuhisto, how i do it ?03:46
somsipgrep -ir 'partialpassword' .03:47
chicognuwith out anything else ?03:47
dr_willisjaydubs:  the sources.list file is for the standard ubuntu repos. theres 'src' repos that are commendted out by default for many of the developer/source code packages. since most people dont need them03:47
dr_willisjaydubs:  sources.list.d/ is a directory where your PPA information file sare stored03:48
histochicognu: grep -l -i "partialpassword" .03:48
somsipchicognu: if you are in your home dir, type that command03:48
somsipchicognu: assuming you saved the file somewhere in your home03:48
chicognusomsip, somewhere in the home and sub dir ?03:48
somsipchicognu: yes03:49
escottchicognu, grepping everything can be slow. if you know it was a *.txt you can --include="*.txt"03:49
somsipescott: good point03:50
chicognugrep -ir 'mypass' --include="*.txt"03:50
chicognuthis way ?03:50
jaydubsdr_willis: alright so in order to get the package i first asked about i need to uncomment something in source.list?03:51
somsipchicognu: . at the end (full stop, period)03:51
escottchicognu, it will still want a "." at the very end (and sometimes you have to flip things around maybe the --include needs to come first)03:51
dr_willisjaydubs:  whats the exact package name you are interestgged in?03:51
histochicognu: grep --include="*.txt" -irl "somepassword" .03:51
jaydubsi just saw this: deb http://ubuntu.mirror.cambrium.nl/ubuntu/ lucid main03:51
chicognui really need to learn bash script03:52
escottwell thats not bash... thats just grep03:52
dr_willisjaydubs:  a 'apt-cache search libdb' should show package names03:52
fuleotrying to do mounting... sudo mount -t smbfs //mynetworklocation/ /mnt/networkstuff03:52
chicognuescott, and that period at the and ?03:52
fuleobut am getting unknown filesystem type error03:52
escottchicognu, is the current working directory (to tell grep where to start searching from)03:53
chicognugrep --include="*.txt" -irl "gato" .03:53
dr_willis!info libdb4.8-dev03:53
histochicognu: will you please type the friggen command03:53
ubottuPackage libdb4.8-dev does not exist in quantal03:53
fuleohow do i tell what kind of fs the network path is... ?03:53
amigamiahow do you turn off apache cause i am using tomcat6 for this project and i need these ports freed03:53
dr_willis!info lucid libdb4.8-dev03:53
tigrangIf I maximize a window then restore it, I can no longer Close/Maximize/Minimize it with the window action. Double clicking the title bar does nothing. I have to do gtk-window-decorator --replace to get the functionality back.03:53
ubottu'libdb4.8-dev' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable03:53
histofuleo: I don't believe you can.03:54
buck_hello,anybody knows how can i replace a item in a text file globally?03:54
dr_willis!info libdb4.8-dev lucid03:54
ubottulibdb4.8-dev (source: db): Berkeley v4.8 Database Libraries [development]. In component main, is extra. Version 4.8.24-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 749 kB, installed size 1980 kB03:54
histofuleo: try cifs03:54
histofuleo: smbfs is deprecated03:54
dr_willisbuck_:  sed or awk are normally used for that sort of task03:54
histobuck_: whats the item that you want to replace?03:55
jaydubsdr_willis: yea i dont see it with that command- so my choices are to get the pkg the bot suggested, enable the repo that has it,  or download it manually.03:55
jaydubswhat do you suggest03:55
chicognuhisto, i did :D now i'm just waiting ...03:55
chicognutks all03:55
histochicognu: np03:55
dr_willisjaydubs:  you are using 'lucid' ? its in the MAIN repository. if you dont see that.. you got somthing very weird going on.03:55
=== Lance_-__-_-_--- is now known as lance123
chicognugrep --include="*.txt" -irl "gato" . is returning to much things :(03:56
escottchicognu, other things you could do03:56
escottchicognu, if the file only had the password its going to be very small. you could use find to find smaller files and then limit your grep to those files03:57
histochicognu: it will include all txt files under the current path recursively with the word gato in it.03:57
histobuck_: sed -ie s/item/replace/g somefile.foo03:58
escotthisto, buck_ i think it needs to be sed -i -e 's/pattern/replacement/g' filename04:00
EpicDuckI am wanting to know what do i need to develop apps for ubuntu04:00
chicognuescott, how ? something like find *txt -n 100kb ?04:00
EpicDucklike develop apps for ubuntu on a windows machien04:00
dr_willisEpicDuck:  id suggest running ubuntu in  virtualbox04:00
chicognuescott, how ? something like find *txt -n 100kb | grep gato?04:00
EpicDuckhow would i make apps for ubuntu though?04:00
escottchicognu, something like. find . -iname "*.txt" -n ???? -exec grep gato {} \;04:00
dr_willisEpicDuck:  using a programing language  that you know.04:01
EpicDuckI have visual basic 2010 but somebody with wine told me that the program don't run in wine04:01
dr_willisforget about visual basic.. learn a better language04:01
dr_willisPython is good to start with04:01
GentSirEpicDuck, Python is great for beginners04:01
EpicDuckPython that sh!t is old as dirt04:01
IdleOne!language | EpicDuck04:02
ubottuEpicDuck: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:02
dr_willisEpicDuck:  as is C and C++... so your  point is?04:02
GentSirEpicDuck, BASIC is older04:02
poeeHi. How do I Allow executing as a program on a mounted drive?04:02
dr_willisEpicDuck:  and i have used 'basic' since the vic-20 days04:02
EpicDuckI will not watch my language it is my bloody rights. Freedom of Speech.04:02
escottpoee, you have to disable "user" mounting since user implies "noexec"04:02
dr_willisEpicDuck:  no its not a right... behave or leave.04:02
tigrangdon't fight it EpicDuck04:03
poeeescott, how do I do that?04:03
escott!fstab | poee04:03
ubottupoee: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:03
EpicDuckF*CK OFF dr_willis or i will ddos you. ;)04:03
GentSirEpicDuck, this may be a semi-public area, but freenode owns the servers. If they and the channel operators don't want cussing, just respect that.04:03
dr_willisEpicDuck:  time to grow up i think.04:03
Physicisthow can I accept the upgrade or installation of some program without confirm every time? for example: (y or n) - I have to press y and ENTER.. I do not like it..04:03
DarkenvyI'm trying to enable multiple monitor on this gnome3 settup. but nvidia-settings doesnt let me04:03
dr_willisPhysicist:  apt tools often have a -y option i belive04:04
Physicistdr_willis: So, I just put -y.. I will try!04:04
dr_willisPhysicist:  check the man pages for whattever tool you are using.. Im pretty sure its -y  or --yes   but that can be a somewhat dangerouts option04:05
tigrangIf I maximize a window then restore it, I can no longer Close/Maximize/Minimize it with the window action. Double clicking the title bar does nothing. I have to do gtk-window-decorator --replace to get the functionality back. Doesn't look like its a config file in my home dir, I created a new user and the same issue. I reinstalled all of unity/compiz same thing. What else can I do?04:05
dr_willisreinstalling stuff to 'fix' things - is a windows mind set.. sounds like gtk-window-decorator is crashing for ssome reason04:06
Physicistdr_willis: -y works perfectly.. I did not had to accept..04:06
Physicistdr_willis: Thank you.04:07
andyzhi buch04:09
andyzhi buck04:09
PhysicistI find the perfect O.S.for me.. Scientific Linux.. Awsome.. I am downloading.04:10
Physicist4GB - OMG..04:10
dr_willisOMG Ponies? ;)04:11
dr_willisi doubt if theres much  it has that you cant install on a normal ubuntu install04:11
buck_there're lot of stuff you do not need.04:12
andyzHow to replace a string in vi mode04:14
escottandyz, esc-colon s/regex/replace/g04:14
dr_willisLovely - DigitalDuck seems to be tryng to DDOS my  VPS.  ....04:15
escottandyz, esc-colon N,Ms/regex/replace/g for between lines N and M04:15
dr_willisvi and grep would use almost the same syntax i think andyz04:15
tigrangdr_willis, is he succeeding?04:15
RogachHello! Is there a way list packages, that depend on certain package?04:16
dr_willistigrang:  cant say that ive noticed much sucess other then faill2ban banning 20+ ips now..04:16
dr_willissuch a handy tool.. highly reccomended04:17
holsteinRogach: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ lists that04:17
Rogachholstein: Where? I searched for a package, found it's page, but there are only the package dependencies.04:19
Alysumhello is there a way to foce and apt-get upgrade to use the local file in the case of a conflict04:24
tigrangdr_willis, well my logs aren't giving me much about what's going on. After I do gtk-window-decorator --replace, syslog has gtk-window-deco[3746]: segfault at 20 ip 00007f18c42ed415 sp 00007fffa2e44820 error 4 in libwnck-1.so.22.3.31. Dont really know what to do04:25
audiohow do i reinstall the latest stable kernel? tried to update to 3.8.1 with 12.10, got stuck on the pw screen with nouveou errors.. so i purged the image to go back and having issues since04:34
zmn1hey guys04:34
peawormsworthi would like to try installing ubuntu from a minimal install. and then download all packages from there.04:35
zmn1i'm trying to figure out what type of file this file is04:35
IdleOne!minimal | peawormsworth04:35
peawormsworthI am curious if there is a particular ordering in which packages should be installed?04:35
ubottupeawormsworth: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:35
zmn1when i do "file filename" all i get as a result is "file type: data"04:35
audiohow do you remove a kernel you just installed..04:36
zmn1i'm not very good with hexdump or od -c...any suggestions on how to find out/read the content of it?04:36
quick-audio : rmmod <module name>04:37
audioty, is that any different from sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.8.1*04:37
audioor the same thing?04:38
peawormsworthIdleOne: Im actual installing from "core" as seen here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/current/  ... which i have not tried doing yet. So its not really a mini.iso with a text based interface. Instead I want to install by using chroot and manually calling apt-get from the terminal if possible.04:38
quick-As far as i know purge will delete the config files and all the data but rmmod will only remove the runnning kernel module from the kernel table04:38
audiocause i purged it, then reboot.. now i'm getting like sluggish usb mouse usage, and tears/rendering in the boot loading screen04:38
quick-audio : As far as i know purge will delete the config files and all the data but rmmod will only remove the runnning kernel module from the kernel table04:39
audioalright, thank you04:39
IdleOnepeawormsworth: I have never done that either, not sure where you would start04:39
quick-audio: Cheers :)04:39
peawormsworthIdleOne: Im just going to try it... but my question remains: is the ordering of package installation an important consideration? Or just call apt-get install with all packages at once?04:40
dr_willispeawormsworth:  i seem to recall in the apt-get manuals that the order dosent matter04:40
peawormsworthgreat i will give this a try. thanks all.04:40
dr_willispeawormsworth:  assuming you are doing it all on one apt-get command line.. you can even install and remove packages from the same command04:41
audiodang, i guess purge removed mod too, don't see it in /proc/modules. how would i go about finding out why its runnins so sluggish all of a sudden using the 3.5 kern04:43
peawormsworthdr_willis: interesting... i didnt know that. thx04:43
audiocpu fans running on high, nothing being used looking in top or htop..04:44
dr_willispeawormsworth:  i havent rered the apt docs in ages.. so i may  be confused about some of the features. ;:)   i dident really  see where a lot of the adavanced features would be that handy for me.04:44
audiousb mouse running real laggy, but touchpad works with no lag.. doesn't make sense o.o04:44
dr_willisaudio:  they always running high from the first boot? or does it happen after  the system is up for some time?04:45
peawormsworthdr_willis: yeah. seems dangerous maybe to add and purge packages at once while you can put both commands on on line with a semicolon between them.04:45
audiodr_willis both honestly.04:45
dr_willisaudio:  i recall some X server/driver bugs that caused slowdowns afer a long uptime during my beta testing.. a restart of the X server would perk it back up to normal speeds. but that may not be the case for you04:45
audiodr_willis, i tried installing kernel 3.8.1 and it didn't work, so i purged the image and went back to 3.5.. and been sluggish since then.. been running about 20 minutes now04:46
IdleOnepeawormsworth: it would only run the second command after the first completes04:46
peawormsworthdr_willis: also it seems apt-get does post package config one at  a time, so putting multiple packages on a single line only really seems to save typing... not processing speed.04:46
dr_willispeawormsworth:  i recall you  can do an apt-get install packagefoo  purge package204:46
audioyea i rebooted a 2nd time to see if it would perk up, but working the same.. and lil things like if i load home or any folder, it will stay on loading icon until i hover over the titlebar04:46
audiothen it loads right up04:46
dr_willispeawormsworth:  no need to do 2 commands.04:46
audiobut neither of my cpus are doing more than 8%04:47
peawormsworthdr_willis: for exxample... ive seen apt-get call "update-initram" multiple times... from a single apt-get command. When really this only needs to be done one time if it waited until the end .04:47
audiois there a benchmark test or so to test the gpu card and the cpu's? to find out if it's hardware issues04:48
peawormsworthi think mining for bitcoin will test ur gpu... but not sure if it gives u wat ur looking for.04:48
IdleOnedr_willis: even so, it would run the install first before doing the purge.04:49
dr_willisi thought some of the benchmark web sites had a linxu  suite04:49
audionot sure, only been a linux user bout a month now..04:49
audioi would assume it would test the same as using win04:50
dr_willisI recall some blog postings a year or so ago where pcmark? or some other  big name benchmarking  software was now on linux04:50
audioya pcmark was a big one04:50
peawormsworthaudio: when my computer is slow... the first things i do is "df -h" to see if a disk is 98% full or more.04:50
audioi always just used the tests on nvidia website04:50
peawormsworthaudio: then I check tail the logs to see if something is reporting errors like crazy.04:51
audioell mines using 3%04:51
dr_willisdmesg may  show some issues causing slowdownms..04:51
peawormsworthaudio: also i run "top" or better "htop" if u installed that. To check process is hogging memory... like u already did.04:51
audioyea ive been watching both .. i use htop04:51
audioand nothings hogging memory either04:51
audioevery now and then xorg will jump up to 90%, but doesnt stay long.04:52
PhysicistHow can I change my APU? So tiny: 3500 with radeon 6620G - I want more.04:52
audioand i've never once seen swap move above 0 in any linux, so i assume my memory is fine04:52
peawormsworthaudio: its kinda normal to see processes jump up and down.. that seems ok. I would definately check HD space.04:52
PhysicistOh.. AMD.. Oh.. AMD.. I love you, meantime, my hardware is sox!!04:53
dr_willisi cant say ive really noticed real full HD space cause slowdowns in linux. ;)04:53
peawormsworthaudio: sometimes on a new install... u might accidentally set a partition to small.04:53
audioyeah. i have plenty of HD space.. i thought maybe it was corrupt so i tried my other HD, and same prob.. so i cant think of what else to look for04:53
peawormsworthdr_willis: if u run servers that are in use... you will see this occur when the log files fill up. I see it a lot. Also, if you do a lot of video... it can fill up easy.04:53
audioya i have almost a tb in one hd empty, and like 280 out of 300 in this one04:53
audioso its def not space04:54
dr_willisaudio:  try a difffernt desktop like Lubuntu -  and see if its also slow.04:54
peawormsworthdr_willis: it will effect computer speed.04:54
audiotried that too willis04:54
audiothe only 2 that ive found that does this the least, is mint 14 kde and ubuntu 12.1004:54
audiowould a faulty battery cause it to do that? even if plugged in04:54
dr_willisaudio:  almost sounds like some kernel/driver issue04:54
dr_willisHmm. got a CPU monitor going shoing the cpu speeds?04:55
audiocause once i took out the battery, left it plugged in and it seemed to stop the prob..04:55
audiono not atm, just re-installed04:55
dr_williscould be its throttling back the cpu  for some odd reason04:55
audioyea, is there a script or app on ubuntu to set cpu speeds04:55
audioor turn off some builtin throttle04:55
dr_willistheres some indicator-applets also  that let you  see the cpu speeds  on the top right icons..04:56
dyanthats only if you are using GNOME shell UI04:56
=== Tr0gd0r_ is now known as Tr0gd0r
audioi havent seen them on unity04:56
histoaudio: cpufreq-utils?  that stuff is all controlled by kernel now though.04:56
audioso far.04:56
dr_willishmm.. the ones  i got work in gnome-shelkl or unity04:56
dyanon unity04:56
dyanyou have to do it manually04:56
dyantheres a wensite that teach you how04:57
peawormsworthaudio: that seems strange. You may want to mess with Setting->Power. I think there is a way to tell it not to save power (slow cpu) when your laptop is unplugged.04:57
dyanlet me find it for you04:57
dr_willisactually  most all the indicator-applets i got seem to work in gnome-shell or unity.. and i recall seeing some work in lubuntu  also.04:57
audiowill apt-get install gnome-shell add the latest?04:57
histoYeah there is a frequency indicator applet that works fine can't remember the name of it at the moment.04:57
audioisnt lubuntu all lightweight and for notebooks or so?04:57
dr_willisi use lubuntu on desktops as well ;)04:58
audioya i was using some on mint, lil diff on unity04:58
histoaudio: unity is light enough for notebooks04:58
audiogot a link?04:58
audioi'll give it a shot04:58
audiocant hurt04:58
FloodBot1audio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:58
audiowell i dont need light lol04:58
histoMan do people have no idea what we used to run linux on.04:58
histoaudio: then just run ubuntu-desktop04:58
audio6gigs mem and dual cpus/gpus04:58
histoI would run lubuntu on a 48604:59
audiohush bot no ones pasteing xD04:59
peawormsworthaudio: yes it cant hurt, but it can take time. If the computer runs slow with battery plugged in and fast when plugged in... i would try to find out why that is.04:59
audiono runs same plugged or on bat peaw04:59
peawormsworthaudio: o. i misread u. sry.04:59
histoaudio: install indicator-cpufreq and monitor your cpu throttling. Alco you can cat /proc/cpuinfo05:00
audiojust the fan prob and sluggish usb so far. and the file manager acting like its lagging, but if i move mouse over the titlebar it snaps out of it05:00
histoaudio: did you install proper video drivers/05:00
audiook thx histo,05:00
audiothat i have yet to been able to accomplish on any linux i've tried.05:00
audioive had about 8 walkthrous personally. about 6 guides.. and even remotely tried by a good tech friendf05:01
=== Guest55345 is now known as Elli0tt
audiohave yet to get nvidia drivers to work correctly on this laptop05:01
dr_willisand here i just do a 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current' and reboot.. and it works.. ;)05:01
audiolucky you ;P05:01
audioi got 9700m gts05:01
dr_willisI dont even keep up with video card stuff these days.. that an old card or a very  new one? ;)05:02
audioive tried nvidias walkthroughs to the t man,. and i almost had it working on kde once05:02
audioit actually booted anyway.05:02
audioolder.. in the toshiba qosmio x708's05:02
audioabout 9 years old05:02
dr_willisi would be suprised if the current nvidia drivers had support for it.05:02
audioactually it's still one of the best cards they made05:02
audioit's listed under all their new drivers05:02
audioone of the highest clocked gpus to this day05:03
audioif you ever get bored, google toshiba qosmio x70805:03
dyannah man05:03
dr_willisi  belie  i had a 9600 ages ago... but i dont keep up with HW news/specs/ any more05:03
audiotheir beast's05:03
dyanget sony series t05:03
jaequeryot: anyone know if there is any way to perform multiple simultaneous curl calls? like 10+ at once?05:03
audiomy wife has one of the newer ones and i still smoke her in benchmarks05:04
peawormsworthi would like to use a ubuntu 3rd party ppa. But for security I would like to verify the source against the original source on the main site. Is there a simple way to do this?05:04
dr_willisI had a toshiba x???   it was a beast.. 2 hd. good video card.. ran games good.. sold it to my brother .. it weighed like 18 lbs with the powersupply05:04
somsipjaequery: on command line?05:04
audioshe'll pull about 100 fps in games and ill be 150 or 200+05:04
peawormsworthor is there any other way to really keep tabs on the trustworthy nature of a 3rd party ppa?05:04
audioya i loved it05:04
audioya its huge willis lol05:04
audiowillis lemmie ask you this before i get out of ya'lls hair05:04
dyannot convenient if its big05:04
audioif i try apt-get install nvidia-current05:05
dr_willisdyan:  it ran crysis 2 decently  well. ;)  thats what mattered at the time05:05
iFlipdoes anyone here know about mount.cifs05:05
jaequerysomsip: yes on cmd line05:05
audioand the boot fails on ubuntu, how can i recover without having to install all over?05:05
audiofrom tty or something05:05
iFlipi'm gonna shoot my brains out05:05
dr_willisaudio:  go to the recovery console and remove the drivers05:05
histo!anyone | iFlip05:05
ubottuiFlip: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.05:05
audioive tried just deleting nvidia-current, and removing xorg.conf, but never got the boot fixed05:05
dr_willisiFlip:  give us some details05:05
dyandr_willis: I just play LoL >><!05:05
somsipjaequery: I know of nothing - though I know it's possible with PHP curl. But this is not what you want05:06
audiojust by doing that? apt remove nvidia-current05:06
dr_willisaudio:  some times the noveau drivers may not get unblacklisted from what ive seen.05:06
iFlipCause it's long winded and I wanted to find out if anyone even knows before I waste everyone's time05:06
jaequeryyes i do know its possible in php, so im guessing it must be possible using standard libcurl05:06
dr_willisaudio:  thats about it.. :) cant say ive had to fight with nvidia much   lately05:06
jaequerybut how05:06
audioyeah, i've always tried manually blacklisting them,, once had the prob it didn't unblist05:06
histoiFlip: then dont' ask and don't get help.05:06
audioalrighty, thanks ima go see if i can break ubuntu and try out lubuntu ;P05:07
audiogot a link for lubu?05:07
somsipjaequery: I suppose you can loop in bash and curl....& each request05:07
iFlipdr_willis I have two linux machines and I want to set the configuration in fstab to mount the other linux machines directories to folders I have created05:07
histosomsip: what about xargs05:07
iFlipI have all the configuration setup but I keep getting this error: mount error(6): No such device or address05:07
histoiFlip: I would use NFS but if you want to use cifs it's nto hard just install cifs-utils so you can mount05:07
somsiphisto: you will need to tell me. I only know how to use xargs in limited situations05:08
dr_willisiFlip:  for linux to linux shares. you may want to look into NFS instead of samba.   also you may  want to use the samba servers ip# not the servers name in your fstab.05:08
histosomsip: actually that won't work. I'm trying to thgink of a way to have it fork05:08
dr_willisiFlip:  got a sample fstab entry for us to look at?05:08
iFlipI troed ip/servername and same output05:08
somsiphisto: that's why I suggested backgrounding each call. Not ideal though.05:08
iFlipyeah coming up05:08
histoiFlip: or a mount command you are typing05:09
somsipjaequery: does ab support query params?05:09
peawormsworth if i wanted to verify the binary of a ppa file, could i compile the source myself and get an exact binary match of the files in their binary package?05:10
audiodr_willis, i wouldnt need nvidia-settings or xorg configue like on mint?05:10
peawormsworthor are there too many variables which may make slightly different binary outputs?05:10
iFlipI had this working two days ago, but this is a test machine to see if I can get everything working before production. After re-installing linux it don't work05:10
histojaequery: for i in {1..10}; do nohup curl blah & done05:11
iFlipalso would this make a difference http://hpaste.org/8446505:11
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somsipjaequery: or if it's suitable, 'ab -c -n 10 http://{url}'05:12
iFlipI have dual nics and one is set to ip gateway --- the other is ip gateway: none05:12
iFlipI know that's a networking question but it may be related05:12
histoiFlip: mount -t cifs //IPADDRESSOFSERVER /mnt   what error do you get05:13
iFliphisto lemme try05:13
histoiFlip: also does sudo smbtree   show the share?05:14
iFliphttp://hpaste.org/84466 I get prompt for password and then the following05:15
histoiFlip: try sudo smbtree make sure the share is visible05:16
iFlipI typed smbtree http://hpaste.org/8446705:16
histohrm.. Are you sure you are using the right username and pass?05:18
histoiFlip: and which version of samba is this?05:18
histoiFlip: You aren't using samba4 right?05:18
iFlipWho suggested smbtree!!!!!05:18
histoiFlip: me05:18
iFlipO want to hug you forever and ever!05:19
histoiFlip: what was the issue05:19
* histo runs05:19
iFlip/BLACKBOX-SERVER.local/blackbox-media this was the SAMBA share and this is what I was typing //BLACKBOX-SERVER/mnt/blackbox-media05:19
iFlipI needed to take out the MNT05:20
iFlipWhen I saw that not showing in the tree it hit me. Thank you so very much I've been doing this for hours and not noticing!!!!05:20
histoahh yes sharenames are not the same as mount points05:20
audioblah, i just tried installing "apt-get install nvidia-current" then rebooted.. resolution now wont go higher than 1200, and the panel, dash or anything else did not load05:20
audioanyone have any ideas?05:21
audiohad to load xchat thruough terminal o.o05:21
histoaudio: did you try using hardware tab and selecting the proper drivers?05:21
iFliphisto Thanks so very much for the thought to check that!05:21
histoiFlip: np05:21
audiohisto no, not sure how to get to it from terminal, i cant see the dash or panel05:21
histoaudio: jockey-text05:22
iFlipiFlip I should've come here first05:22
audiowhat did you say last histo? closed chat on accident05:23
histoaudio: yes05:23
histohave to go for a bit i'm sure others will help05:23
audionot sure what you mean05:24
audiothat the package to install?05:24
histoaudio: command to run05:24
audioya when i tried that05:24
audioit says a list of jockey-common to install05:24
audioThe program 'jockey-text' can be found in the following packages:05:25
audio * jockey-common05:25
audio * jockey-common05:25
audioTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>05:25
FloodBot1audio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:25
psrynanyone using chatzilla here?05:28
buck_i'm not sure.05:28
rodicioHi, Im from Spain, (my english is not perfect ;) )   I have a Gforce 7000M.  It works with Vesa but if I install with "Aditional Drivers" the Nvidia driver Recommended it work worst05:28
psryni have a problem with a chatzilla plugin05:28
audioanyone know anything about nvidia drivers on ubuntu 12.1005:28
psryni'll check chatzilla's channel just in case05:29
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acccaudio: whats the problem?05:31
histo!nvidia | audio rodicio05:32
ubottuaudio rodicio: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto05:33
rodicioubottu,  Thanks, here We go :-)05:33
ubotturodicio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:33
acccawww :D05:35
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ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:38
accci miss my own bot (rip) :(05:39
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audioafter installing nvidia-current on 12.10, i get past the boot and to the desktop, but resolution is jacked up and can't see dashboard or panel, how would i check to see which driver is active or select a diff one? i can bring up terminal05:50
BRKsayshey.. is this the right place to ask for a little help with my ubuntu?05:50
audioyea BRKsays  it is05:50
BRKsaysok. how to "force full screen redraws on repaint" and "don't wait for video sync" tweaks without installing ccsm?05:53
wilee-nileeBRKsays, What desktop are you using?05:53
BRKsaysUbuntu 12.04.1 lts, 32 bit. these are tewaks for horizontal lines in videoplayback.05:54
audioanyone mind helping with driver probs on 12.1005:55
wilee-nileeBRKsays, Unity if that is the desktop is a plugin in ccsm it is installed already05:55
wilee-nileeor compiz anyway05:55
audiocant even find the dang driver selectino on ubuntu... nothing in the hardware tab for video card05:56
BRKsaysmy de is unity. but there is no compiz by default. I have to install it in order to remove horizontal lines. Is there anyway to apply those tweaks without installing ccsm?05:57
buck_compiz runs rather slow with gnome.05:57
audiois there an alt for compiz buck?05:57
wilee-nileeBRKsays, Unity is a plugin in compiz running on top of gnome.05:58
BRKsaysaudio sorry I didn't understand.05:58
audioBRKsays, was talking to buck_05:58
BRKsayswilee-nilee ok. but I have to install compiz configuration settings manager to apply those tweaks.05:59
RanggaHello World!05:59
wilee-nileeBRKsays, that is just the control unless you add the extras, not sure why you would not install it.06:00
buck_I'm not sure,i gave it up recently and move to Xubuntu for that reason.06:00
audiowhats the difference from ubuntu and xubuntu06:01
audioles resource hungry?06:02
dr_willisaudio: xfce vs unity06:02
audioyo willis, wb.. hey i got a question man06:02
dr_willislightest DE would be lubuntu/lxde06:02
BRKsayswilee nilee I don't really tinker with stuffs. I would do the simple things like office, internet, music, videos. I just don't want to install an app to apply just two tweaks. Maybe there is something like "add these lines in config file" that'll do the same job as these two and I don't have to install ccsm.06:02
audioi tried installing just nvidia-current.. it booted (which is better than other dest.) but resolution was stuck on 1200. and no dash or panel showed.. i could run terminal however06:03
dr_willisBRKsays:  compiz uses the  dconf/gconf  settings.. so its would be doable.. but i dont know  the lines or options06:03
audiodr_willis,  so how can i get to the driver selection from terminal?06:03
wilee-nileeBRKsays, I would not know to be honest maybe others will06:03
audiodr_willis,  or since inxi -Dx doesnt work in ubuntu, how can i list what drivers is active06:03
dr_willisaudio:  if you run nvidia-settings tiil it will show  if the nvidia drivers are working..06:03
dr_willisif  it dosent complain then you are using the nvidia drivers.06:04
audiohm, does the instal auto black list noveau? or do i gotta do that manually06:04
dr_willisnviia-settings should black the  noveau drivers06:05
BRKsayswilee-nilee it is the thought that matters. thnx.06:05
audiowhat about xorg.configure.. i dont need to install that on ubu?06:05
dr_willisaudio:  not needed to run that i in the last several years of using ubuntu. ;)06:06
dr_willisnvidia-settings can make a xorg.conf06:06
dr_willisif needed06:06
audioalright cool, ima give it another shot and try that06:06
audioyou gonna be in here? xD06:06
audioim sure i'll break somethign along the way06:06
dr_willisunless i  get a job...06:06
BRKsaysdr_willis, what alternatives would you suggest for horizontal video tearing?06:06
audiowhat kind of work are you into06:06
dr_willisliterally - all i do is install 'nvidia-current' 'reboot' run 'nvidia-settings' tweak it,. restart the x server and its done.06:07
audioim bout ready to pay someone to fix these driver probs..06:07
dr_willisBRKsays:  compiz has a few tweaks and video players have a few tweaks/filters..06:07
audioalright, thanks man06:07
audiothis is the 2nd time i've ever gotten it to boot after installing.. so theres some progress atleast xD06:07
mradot_anyone want to go to my channel #computernerds06:09
bazhangmradot_, no advertising here06:09
buck_invite only?06:10
peawormsworthis there a link to a page showing all the default packages installed during a standard ubuntu first time installation?06:11
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tozenpeawormsworth: type in terminal: { echo dpkg --get-selections; dpkg --get-selections; } > installed-software06:13
peawormsworthtozen: thx, but this requires a fresh install first... i am looking for a shortcut ;-)06:13
tozenpeawormsworth: after this text file will be created in /home06:14
tozenok sorry06:14
peawormsworthnp. i appreciate the command anyways.06:14
IdleOnepeawormsworth: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekubuntu the Remove Ubuntu command has a list of a default ubuntu unity install06:15
Shadow__Xhello I am trying to upgrade from 10.04 lts to 12.04 lts but as the update started i received an error configuring libc6 xcreensave and xlockmore must be restarted before upgrade. I click forward and the next prompt says configuring libc6 services to restart for GNU libc library upgrade rsync mysql cups cron atd apache2. Can i safely click forward or do i need to do something else?06:16
dr_willishow are you upgradeing to the new release?06:17
Shadow__Xdr_willis: by using upgrade manager06:17
peawormsworthIdleOne: thx.06:18
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Shadow__Xdr_willis: The update manager showed a prompt to update to 12.0406:23
dr_willisShadow__X:  well that should be the proper way to update then.. but i rarely upgrade, i tend to do clean installs.06:24
calibriHi all, i am using bluetooth in atmel development board while communicating using ussp-push i am getting error mentioned in weblink  http://pastebin.com/SDsjpZ39 anyone can help me to solve this issue.06:24
Draconishello, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 but it seems to hate me in just about every virtualization program I've tried06:24
DraconisVirtualBox was insanely slow and would not boot... Hyper-V its stilla  bit sluggish. (typing in the dash has a considerable delay) is this normal?06:25
dr_willisDraconis:  i tend to use lubuntu in vbox. it seems to work nicely for me06:25
Shadow__XDraconis: is your machine slow? virtualbox should be fine (install vbox guest06:25
dr_willisDraconis:  anything without good 3d support is going to be slugish for unity i imagine06:25
Shadow__Xdr_willis: any idea on if i should click forward?06:26
dr_willisShadow__X:  is there any other option? :)06:26
dr_williswell...  i guess that answers that then..06:27
Draconisdr_willis, Host has a AMD Radeon 687006:27
Shadow__Xit seems to of been handled ok06:27
dr_willisfrom what ive heard LTS to LTS upgrades are supposed to be  tested quiet a bit..06:27
Shadow__XDraconis: afaik hyper-v is not known to have the best linux support06:27
Shadow__Xdr_willis: thanks it seems to be going ok so far06:28
dr_willisDraconis:  its the 3d support of the VM that will matter.. i reccomend trying lubuntu  in your  vms06:28
Shadow__XDraconis: did you instlal the vbox guest additions on the host?06:28
Draconisdr_jesus, got it, will download06:28
DraconisShadow__X, I couldn't even get it to boot in VirtualBox it would hang on installation06:28
Shadow__Xi run multiple base ubuntu vm's on vmware workstation without a problem06:28
Draconishave it running in Hyper-V but its pretty slow06:28
Shadow__Xah weird not sure why its doing that. I have never had an installation problem. I have had a i do not like unity problem and gnome 3 was imo worse06:29
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DraconisI think it could be my host graphics card? I'm seeing lots of horror stories about AMD on google06:29
icedwaterHello! I see partitions on my hard disk /dev/sdX using fdisk -l. Why I am not able to mount them? (live USB user)06:30
dr_willisi tend to use lubuntu  in vbox on windows machines that i cant do a normal install onto.06:30
dr_willisicedwater:  how are you trying to mount them? what fs are they?06:30
mhahehey guys trying to install yEd for flow charting. but installation is coming to a halt with this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636204/  .. im guessing the library required is 32bit while im running a 64bit version?06:30
icedwaterdr_willis: NTFS, mount /dev/sdXa /mnt06:31
icedwaterAs root, of course.06:31
dr_willisicedwater:  whats the excact mount command you are using?06:32
wilee-nileeicedwater, Open gparted and see if there are any errors sometimes a chkdsk is needed.06:32
dr_willisand any errors it gives06:32
dr_willisntfs - needing a file system check - will   keep them from mounting  to keep the data safe06:32
icedwatersudo mount /dev/sdXa /mnt --> mount: special device /dev/sdXa does not exist06:32
Shadow__XDraconis: radeon 5850 here06:33
wilee-nileeicedwater, the after the X is incorrect.06:33
dr_willisicedwater:  you are using an actual /dev/ entry and NOT  'sdXa' ?06:33
icedwaterOpening gparted gives me "Can't have a partition outside the disk!"06:33
icedwaterYes, dr_willis. I guess I could just use /dev/sda3 instead, it's not like it makes a difference.06:34
dr_willissudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/makesurethisdirexists06:34
icedwatergparted doesn't know about stuff on /dev/sda.06:34
icedwaterntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/sda1': No such file or directory06:35
dr_willisdoes 'sudo blkid' show a sda1 ?06:37
icedwaterHmm... no, it says /dev/sda is a "isw_raid_member" and there are some NTFS things in /dev/mapper/BLAH_Volume0pX06:39
icedwaterI think I missed the glaringly obvious...06:39
icedwaterLet me try to mount those...06:39
dr_willisyou using some sort of raid/lvm ?06:40
icedwaterNot intentionally :P I'm on a live USB.06:40
icedwaterBuilt using usb-creator-gtk, I might add.06:41
dr_willisthat dosent mean the PC dosent have a raid or lvm setup on the  HD.06:41
icedwaterBut I've managed to mount the RAID partition.06:41
icedwaterYes, I didn't rule it out. I just suspected Ubuntu first. :P06:41
dr_willisso it is using raid then.06:41
icedwaterFor future info, this is a Sony Vaio VPC Z117 GG.06:44
Draconishmm maybe virtualbox just hates my host machine... setup seems to be crawling with lubuntu too06:46
calibriHi all, i am using bluetooth in atmel development board while communicating using ussp-push i am getting error mentioned in weblink  http://pastebin.com/SDsjpZ39 anyone can help me to solve this issue.07:02
calibriHi anyone can help this..07:02
kgalahassaI  have an  attack on my ubuntu 12.O4, which  create found.OOO directories and put my files inside, on my data partition, what worse: it deletes them,  i 've not seen them, someone can help tracking07:07
TakeItEZkgalahassa: aren't "found.000" created by windows chkdsk on filesystem-errors?07:08
wilee-nileekgalahassa, This a wub install?07:08
kgalahassaTakeITEZ, it seems, i do not know, just before starting my windows os yesterday it ask accepting a verification of my disks , by chk...something like that07:10
TakeItEZkgalahassa: chkdsk is like linux "fsck". seems you have a filesystem problem, not an attack.07:11
kgalahassawilee-nilee, no, i just install ubuntu on a usbkey , and  i install it on another partition.07:11
kgalahassa TakeItEZ, what can i do for stopping that, or resolve problem, i want to find my files , please07:12
wilee-nileekgalahassa, Strange that as suggested the file would be the same as a chkdsk07:13
TechGPSwhen using the system wide proxy, does it also protect a pptp connection from getting your physical ip/07:14
kgalahassawilee-nilee: inside found.OOO, It creates another directories like dirOOOO.chk, diskOOO1.chk, .....07:15
kgalahassa wilee-nilee, what can i do for stopping that, or resolve problem, i want to find my files , please07:16
wilee-nileekgalahassa, I have no idea, sorry.07:16
TakeItEZkgalahassa: maybe you should ask in #windows (or is it ##windows ?), the guys there might have more ideas07:17
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TechGPSdoes the system wide proxy stop any program from using your physical ip?07:20
hXmexists a way to avoid the message "restart is required" at the motd?07:22
hXmi dont want remove the message, i want to do what it needs without restart07:23
icedwaterThanks dr_willis.07:24
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marikonot active07:25
Ranggacould anyone help me07:33
marikowhat's happening?07:33
qinhXm: kexec, ksplice?07:34
RanggaI'm trying to upgrade a server running Ubuntu 9.04, however it got stuck halfway and now it wont reboot07:34
sramhello folks is there a firewall in ubuntu i can stop ..?07:34
qinsram: iptables07:34
RanggaI could manage to get into the root by using an alternate CD07:35
sramGin...iptables: unrecognized service07:35
Ranggabut it wont run a liveCD, it'll just land on busybox initramfs07:35
Ranggadoes anyone ever had this problem before07:36
RanggaI've googled with no happy result07:36
sramrangga...full error pls and use pastebin07:36
marikodid you check the booting log?07:37
Ranggahi sram07:37
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Ranggawhatis padtebin?07:37
marikoto see what happened ...07:37
RanggaHi mariko07:37
somsip!pastebin | Rangga07:37
ubottuRangga: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:37
Ranggai can't get the system boot07:37
sramranggapaste the errors in the pastebinit07:39
Rangganow I just want to reinstall the server with the latest 12.04 LTS, however every time I put the liveCD to install it always lands on initramfs07:39
marikosome thing wrong with grub ?07:40
Rangganope grub is fine07:40
RanggaI could see the grub menu07:40
Ranggatried fsck from the alternate CD, didnt help07:40
sramwhat is fdisk -l07:41
Ranggafdisk -l will list my disks and partitions07:41
sramuse the paste bin to paste the fdisk -l results07:41
somsipsram: sudo fdisk -l07:42
Ranggasram: how can I copy the fdisk result? I can't even get the system running07:42
sramlive cd should connect to internet per my knowledge07:42
RanggaI can't run the liveCD07:43
Ranggait will ends up in initramfs (busybox)07:43
Ranggaall I could get so far to see the files is with using Ubuntu alternate CD07:43
TakeItEZRangga: have yo checked md5-sums of the live-cd iso and cd?07:44
kylechenoOis any ubuntu user ?07:45
Ranggahi TakeItEZ I haven't checksum but I assume the CD is ok, I could use it on other computer07:45
kylechenoOiv still got into trouble07:45
TakeItEZRangga: asumptions are a nice thing, but better to check stuff07:46
Ranggaand I tried different LiveCD the 9.04 11.04 12.04 all end up in initramfs07:46
sramrangga are u able to login to some other machine using these live cd's07:47
somsipRangga: is the computer definitely set up to boot from CD first?07:47
marikoboot from HD, press EAC to dump the boot log since you can see the Grub menu.07:47
Ranggayes I could use the liveCD on other machine, thats how I know it's not broken07:47
kylechenoOmariko: hello07:48
somsipRangga: no, is the computer you are having problems with definitely booting from the CD, or is it booting from HD?07:48
kylechenoOwhats HD07:48
sramecho somsip07:48
marikoif there's some thing wrong with the X system,press CTRL+ALT+F1 you can login from the console.07:49
marikohard disk07:49
Ranggasomsip: its booting from CD07:49
kylechenoOis anybody help07:49
somsipRangga: all evidence you've given so far points to the contrary07:49
somsip!anyone | kylechenoO07:49
ubottukylechenoO: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:49
Ranggasomsip: what do you mean?07:49
somsipRangga: you've confirmed the CD works ok. You've confirmed no matter which CD you use you get the same error on the broken computer. This suggest you are not actually booting from the CD07:50
kylechenoOwhen i installing ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 64bit , that accur an error about the efi07:50
marikowhat's efi?07:51
kylechenoOcannot mount the root file system07:51
kylechenoOi dont know07:51
sramis there any other firewall in ubuntu apart from usual iptable and wrappers07:51
Ranggasomsip: the case is if I'm booting from the HD I could see GRUB and then nothing else07:51
kylechenoOsomeone told me thats one of win707:51
kylechenoObut i never install win8 on disk07:51
Ranggasomsip: if I boot from CD it will give the initramfs prompt if I try to re-install Ubuntu07:52
TakeItEZefi = extensible firmware interface, the next generation "BIOS" for PCs07:52
kylechenoOmy laptop07:52
somsipRangga: fair enough. HArdware issue then?07:52
kohvihoorkylechenoO, are you installing from usb or cd?07:52
kylechenoOacer asprie 4560G07:52
kylechenoOi install it from usb07:52
Ranggasomsip: this is happening after I failed to upgrade from 9.0407:53
kohvihoordid you boot the usb with uefi?07:53
kylechenoOand i cant find another vmlinuz in usb07:53
kylechenoOthats only efi vmlinuz07:53
RanggaI don't think there's HW issue since it waas running fine before the upgrade07:53
kylechenoOthe kernel is not fittable for my laptop07:53
somsipRangga: I have no experience upgrading from an old version. It makes no sense to me why this should affect the live cd07:53
Ranggamariko: I'll try to find the boot log07:53
kohvihoorwhen i'm installing from usb on my laptop, the boot from device menu lets me choose wether to boot as regular usb or uefi usb07:54
kylechenoObut i can install 32bit on my laptop07:54
kylechenoOand boot it07:54
kylechenoOit never show me that07:54
kylechenoOin grub while booting from usb07:55
kylechenoOit was only two grub entrys07:55
kylechenoOnot yet...07:55
kylechenoOi cant remember it clearly07:56
kylechenoObut i cant find another kernel in livecd07:56
kohvihoorthe kernel should not be the problem07:56
marikolook at this:  en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Initramfs07:56
kylechenoOkohvihoor: when i boot from ubuntu livecd from usb or cds it was not really good07:57
TakeItEZkylechenoO: press F12 at boottime (or whatever key acer uses) to chose the boot device, maybe it has an alternative to efi-usb. or try to disable efi completely07:57
Ranggahi guys this screenshot of the booting: http://imagebin.org/25120807:58
kylechenoOi cant find any efi options in bios07:59
somsipRangga: this is booting to what? HD? LiveCD?07:59
kylechenoOthats some usb-hdd08:00
kylechenoOjust like that08:00
Ranggawell out of my desperation on initramfs I'm trying to re-install ubuntu now08:00
Ranggasomsip: its booting from HD08:00
Ranggabut if I try to install from a LiveCD it'll just end up in busybox initramfs prompt08:01
Ranggawhat should I do :(08:01
kylechenoOand thats some questions also08:01
kylechenoOwhile boot from usb08:01
kylechenoOit cant do that for times08:02
sramrangga if u have less time connect this harddisk to another running ubuntu and backup files08:02
RanggaI am downloading an alternate 12.04 CD and will try on that later08:02
sramand then go ahead and format it with fresh ubuntu08:02
Ranggasram: I could get into the files by booting using 9.04 alternate CD08:03
Ranggabut everytime I try to choose install from the same CD it'll go to initramfs pronmpt08:03
sramdoes it have RAID08:03
Ranggayes it is running RAID08:04
sramah i see raid what ? i think raid partition is corrupted08:04
RanggaI don't know much about RAID how do you know what RAID I'm running08:05
TakeItEZsram: still the question why a corrupted raid-partition affects live-cd boot08:06
poeehey I am trying to change read/write permissions to a folder, but it keeps reverting back .08:06
poeecan anyone tell me how to change them and make it stick08:06
TakeItEZpoee: what filesystem?08:06
flightoffirehi folks.08:06
poeeTakeItEZ, ext408:06
poeeI tried chmod -R uga+rw but even that isnt working :(08:07
flightoffireI use Mint but a friend has Ubuntu. I am 'tech support' (but new to Linux). He is *not* tech savvy and has used Ubuntu for over 2 years, go figure.08:07
dr_willisyou mount it - then chown/chmod the directory the fs is mounted to.. poee08:07
flightoffireanyway, I am trying to install a printer driver for him08:07
flightoffireI have the deb file but how do I install it?08:08
kohvihoorflightoffire, sudo dpkg -i debfile.deb08:08
dr_willisflightoffire:  it may allready bein the repos.08:08
kohvihoorand the sudo apt-get install -f08:08
poeedr_willis, its mounted already? its in /home/username/08:08
flightoffireok, one sec08:09
kohvihooror if you have gdebi, then sudo gdebi debfile.deb08:09
dr_willispoee:  double check with the mount command.08:09
sramrangga how many hdd do u have08:09
TakeItEZflightoffire: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb08:09
dr_willispoee:  then you  should just be able to do sudo chown and sudo chmod as needed08:09
Ranggasram: if it is RAID error whats the step should I take?08:09
flightoffirewhat does 'foo' mean?08:09
sramfirst tell me how many HDD ?08:09
dr_willispoee:  you are sure its ext2/3/4  -    sudo blkid may show you08:09
TakeItEZflightoffire: use the filename08:09
flightoffireok :)08:10
Ranggasram: I have 2 146GB HD attached on the server and anothe 2TB on expansion08:10
poeeyes it is ext4, I am seeing it in the system monitor dr_willis08:10
sramthen raid should be below level 508:11
Ben64poee: which folder do you want to change permissions of, and why?08:11
dr_willispoee:  so cd into the mounted directory  and use ls -l to see who owns what,  then you should be able to use chown and chmod as needed08:11
Ranggasram: on the internal HD I, when I df -h I could see only 146GB instead of 292GB08:11
dr_willisthen verify the change with ls -l again.08:11
sramyes with raid only half of the total 2 hdd's are usable08:12
Ranggasram: and the funny thing on that second external drive of 2TB if i do df -h it'll tell me its only 146GB also...08:12
sramit might be usb not in raid08:13
poeeBen64, I installed android sdk and what to create a AVD, but its throwing error cannot write . the folders are /home/username/.android and /home/username/desktop/android-sdk-linux08:13
Ranggait is RAID I could see it when the computer starts it said RAID08:13
poeeI changed permissions using both sudo chmod and nautilus but it keeps reverting08:14
dr_willispoee:   start with the basics..  what does ls -l show as who owns .android08:14
voidwalkerlulzybum lulzybumbum08:14
voidwalkerInstall Eclipse08:14
voidwalkerit helps08:14
voidwalkeror ADT08:15
flightoffireUPDATE: so far so good, just waiting for his password (via SMS) he had to head out.08:15
poeedr_willis, poee does08:15
dr_willispoee:  so what command/tool are you running that can not write to it?08:16
sramrangga atlease the minimum survival level is to be able to boot into the repaired system and be able to run mount08:17
Ranggaok what do I mount?08:18
Ranggaright now I just want to re-install it08:18
poeedr_willis, android sdk08:18
dr_willispoee:  so whats the exact command you are using...08:19
poeedr_willis, I tried chmod -R uga+rw  foldername08:19
Ranggasram: if I could get to the repaired system wwhat should I mount?08:19
poeesudo chmod08:20
dr_willispoee:   ok.. as your user poee, cd into .android and try a 'touch testfile'     does that work?   do a ls -l testfile to see its ppermissions and ownership08:20
sramrangga u should try mounting the repaired partition08:21
Ranggasram: do u mean the root partition?08:21
poee-rw-rw-rw- 1 poee poee 1708 date time adbkey08:22
poeedr_willis, ^ thats the output08:22
dr_willispoee:  and does the command  'touch testfile'   work?08:23
sramcorrect root which holds the main configuration08:23
poeeyes it doesnt display any output though, dr_willis08:23
dr_willispoee:  so ls -l    SHOULD show a testfile.. it did not show it above08:23
Ben64poee: sounds like the sdk got installed incorrectly08:24
Ranggasram: yea I could get to the repaired system by using alternate CD and choose the Fix option08:24
Ranggathen what?08:24
dr_willisdoes ls -l show a file named 'testfile' ? if so then your  permissions are correct. your  user can write to that directory poee08:24
RanggaI just copied all the configuration files and backed up the data in it and now ready to re-install the whole system08:25
Ranggabut now I can't do that with a liveCD08:25
poeedr_willis, it does show the file yes.08:26
Ranggait gives me the initramfs prompt every time i try to re-install08:26
poeemaybe the sdk is installed incorrectly, I ll try reinstalling it08:26
dr_willispoee:  so your permissions  are correct.. Your  issue is with how you are running the sdk stuff...08:26
Rangganow I will try to use 12.04 alternate CD and reformat and install with it08:27
poeethanks dr_willis08:28
flightoffirestill stuck...08:46
nocturnal_im trying to find the right driver for an nvidia geforce go 6150 in my pavillion dv6000 laptop. i have searched all over google and know i need to find the right driver and config my xorg.conf08:46
GioraHave you tried on nvidia's site?08:47
nocturnal_Giora: yup08:47
dr_willisflightoffire:  tell us exactly  what you are doing.08:47
flightoffireI typed: sudo dpkg -i /home/username/downloads/package-name.deb08:48
dr_williswhat is the exact ppackage name? the package may allreadybe in the repos.08:48
flightoffireI am prompted for PW which I enter08:48
flightoffire"cannot access archive: No such file or directory"08:50
dr_willisflightoffire:  Case is impornt in Liux paths08:50
dr_willisyou re doing a typo08:50
flightoffireI know it is the correct directory, I checked08:50
dr_willisits Desktop not 'desktop'08:50
dr_willismay be same for Downloads and downloads08:50
dr_williscd to where the file is at.. then just dpkg -i whatever.deb08:50
dr_willisthe TAB key can help auto complete pathss/names08:51
TakeItEZflightoffire: are you sure the 2270 still needs the crappy brother-debs? at least the 2250dn works with the shipped drivers (12.10)08:51
dr_willisMy brother also worked with the stuff from the repos/default drivers08:51
dr_willisapt-cache search brother                 may show packages in the repos that would be better then the .deb from the  brother site08:52
starkilleromg i dont have permision to creat a folder in my own hardrive:P08:52
GioraUse sudo xD08:53
reindeerQ: Any known bad quirks/bugs on 12.04LTS + latest Nvidia 310.40 (+ Geforce GTX460)? I am in the process of installing one of the proprietary drivers soon.08:53
dr_willisstarkiller:  totally depends on the filesystems and how the permissions are setup08:53
flightoffireDr, I am aware of case sensitivity. I do tech support for Windows periodically but very new to Linux. Thus, I can figure some thingsout but do not know Lx environment, commands, etc08:53
starkilleri used sudo to make one XD then i  dont  ave permision to put anything in it lol08:53
dr_willisstarkiller:  makes sence if your user has no rights to that directory08:54
flightoffirere brother drivers, I do not know exactly what he has.08:54
GioraSometimes I get lazy and just do sudo nautilus08:54
starkilleri think im ad,inistrador xdX08:54
flightoffirehe just tells me that he can't get his printer to work, so I think he tried to download the driver to 'fix it'08:55
TakeItEZ!permissions | starkiller08:55
ubottustarkiller: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions08:55
dr_willisstarkiller:  thats a bit of a meaningless term  in ways.. your user mayhave 'sudo' rights.. but that dosent mean they can automatically write to anywhere by default08:55
dr_willisflightoffire:  he should determine the exact printer, and check the askubuntu.com site and cups.org and linuxprinting.org  for info about it.08:55
flightoffireI lso can't seem to logon to my wireless here. I have entered correct passphrase08:55
flightoffirethanks for links08:56
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu08:56
HelpMeJoI know this is ubuntu channel but because my problem seems to be mainly on Linux I would like to ask here. When I installed Qt5 on Ubuntu 12.10 the fonts look strange. Does someone have the same problem>08:56
starkillerlol i guess ill have to read xD :)08:57
vince__hello. Im trying to get ubuntu 13.04 to show up in the boot window at startup along side 12.04 & 12.10. can anyone help out?08:57
lordcyferHello everybody08:57
starkillerthanks for the info :)08:58
vince__good day lord08:58
flightoffirewireless is set to: Mode=infrastructure, SSID is correct, MTU=automatic, Security is set to WPA & WPA2 Personal, IPv4 is set to Automatic DHCP. Did I miss anything?09:00
Ben64arent you on mint though?09:00
TakeItEZvince__: boot the installation with the main grub 8the one written into MBR) and then "sudo update-grub"09:00
flightoffireUbuntu Software Centre is not connecting09:00
reindeerQ: so, is anyone running nvidia 310.40? all ok?09:01
flightoffireBen64, u askign me?09:01
flightoffireI am chatting here on my Minty but have his lappy on my, well, lap09:01
flightoffireI use Minty, he uses Ubuntu09:01
flightoffireMint works great, but I am not familiar with Ub09:02
dr_willisflightoffire: mint and ubuntu  should support identical hardware for the most part..09:02
vince__thanks EZ- kind of noobish here though. the installation i need to boot is which one?09:02
flightoffireone would think, they are both Deb09:02
dr_willisflightoffire:  does ifconfig  show the wire card?09:02
flightoffiretype in terminal?09:03
TakeItEZvince__:the one which has written grub into MBR09:03
dr_willisflightoffire:  yes.....09:03
TakeItEZvince__: you should know which version that is, we can't09:03
TakeItEZvince__: most likely the one at the top of the grub-menu09:04
vince__ahh i see. the main boot is 12.04, so I can run sudo...ect from that and fix it?09:04
TakeItEZvince__: yes, "sudo update-grub" should find/add any linux installation09:05
lordcyferI need to know to setup a non us keyboard mapping for X with preseed for an Ubuntu 12.04 auto install http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636400/ contain all09:05
vince__EZ- thanks. That helps a ton. I'm here trying to fix it from a secondary os. should've known the main one was best for doing most everything09:06
flightoffirewhat is the linux equivalent of ping?09:07
TakeItEZflightoffire: ping09:07
dr_willismight be time to read up on some command line basics.... ;)09:08
flightoffireI can ping google.com just fine09:08
flightoffireso it IS getting access to 'net09:08
dr_willisso whats not working exacctly?09:08
flightoffirejust not loading up software packages for some reason09:08
dr_willisflightoffire:  'sudo apt-get update'   works?09:09
flightoffireUbuntu Software Centre09:09
flightoffireok, one sec09:09
dr_willisclose sotware center... use that command09:09
flightoffirelisting a bunch of stuff09:10
flightoffireseemed to work ok09:10
_genuser_guys, as usual, using universal usb installer, with ubuntu 12 live CD09:10
_genuser_but it fails to boot for Ubuntu 12.09:10
dr_willisflightoffire:  if you wan tto upgrade the system then use 'sudo apt-get upgrade'09:11
_genuser_previous versions never had this issue. is this a known problem, or should I use a lower ubuntu version?09:11
flightoffireyep, got a bunch of stuff.09:11
_genuser_fails dropping you into busybox prompt saying mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed.09:11
dr_willis_genuser_:  what exactly  is not working? the live usb is not working?09:11
flightoffireI will restart update centre...09:11
dr_willissounds like the iso maybe bad.. or the tool  had issues.. theres alternative live-usb maker tools at the pendrivelinux web site09:12
dr_willisor you can 'dd' the iso file straight to usb. but that  wont make a peristant save file09:12
CoJaBoAnyone know if theres a good (GUI) editor for Linux that supports recovery saves?09:12
julianduqueHello, i'm trying to install Ubuntu on a Asus Zenbook Prime with USB but it shows a black screen after grub, any ideas? I read the forums and threads and it seems that everybody was able to install with no problems09:13
flightoffirepoint of clarity, the Update Software Centre *does* open up with various icons showing, but clicking on the System tab results in it sitting there with rotating timer icon for AGES. I.e,, not connecting09:13
_genuser_dr_willis: booting from ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso. creating live usb stick using Universal-USB_Installer-v1.5.809:13
julianduquealso, I'm seeing a simple black grub menu, not the beautiful polished ubuntu one09:13
dr_willis!nomodeset | julianduque09:13
ubottujulianduque: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:14
julianduquedr_willis, ubottu: will try09:14
dr_willis_genuser_:  youdid verify the md5sum of the iso?     you can try  other tools also09:14
flightoffireI tried a couple of other icons, same waiting issue09:14
* dr_willis dosent recall ubuntu having a polished grub menu.09:15
starkillerwhat folder should i back up to back up my system setings and programs XD?09:15
flightoffiretime for a reboot...did I just say that  o.O09:15
dr_willisflight 'other icons' ? huh?09:15
_genuser_dr_willis: no, I did not. It's an ISO I have used over and over for my vmware VMs without problem.09:15
dr_willisflightoffire:  if this is the first update on that box.. it may have a new kernel installed and should be rebooted09:15
flightoffireother icons in Software Centre. Main page opens fine but clicking on any icon results in waiting, waiting, waiti...09:16
flightoffireyeb, brb09:16
dr_willisPeronally.. i never use software center..09:16
flightoffireyou're a command line guru right?09:16
julianduquedr_willis, ubottu: nothing happens, still a black screen :|09:16
marikoneither do i09:17
dr_willisfor irc  support - the command line is the way to  offer advice and fix things09:17
_genuser_dr_willis: altho, the Universal-USB_Installer specifically says create liveusb for Ubuntu 10.x, I guess it could be something version specific.09:17
julianduqueI know that ubuntu works neat on this model, but I'm getting frustrated.. tried with dd, Universal Boot Installer, Unetbootin09:17
dr_willisapt-get update  - has been the same for decades...... vs   (click on this icon, now click over there...)09:17
dr_willisjulianduque:  sounds like its some hardware/video quirk more then a badly made usb then09:18
julianduquedr_willis: it's an intel 4000 hd, nothing fancy09:18
dr_willisjulianduque:  what ubuntu release are you using?09:18
raveni am trying to watch a smbfs mounted folder with inotifywait but of course the smb mount does not update itself - any ideas how to workaround?09:19
julianduquetried with 13.04 (daily) and 12.1009:19
k_sze[work]Does ubuntu have it's own way of making apache2 reload the config?09:19
julianduquedr_willis: grub menu isn't the purple one, it helps?09:19
TakeItEZk_sze[work]: sudo service apache2 reload09:19
k_sze[work]TakeItEZ: I read that using `service` is the LSB way, so Ubuntu will be following that from here on?09:20
TakeItEZk_sze[work]: afaik yes09:21
dr_willisubuntu has used the service command for some time now09:21
mcnesiumi need help with byobu-tmux. i cannot reattach to a session started with „byobu -S name“09:22
mcnesiumthis is on 12.0409:23
TakeItEZdr_willis: it has, but "service" is sysvinit :)09:23
mcnesiumi didnt even know that it uses tmux by default09:23
dr_willisbyobu can use screen or tmux. it used to use screen by default. now a days it uses tmux09:23
mcnesiumobviously it did not in this case09:24
raveni am trying to watch a smbfs mounted folder with inotifywait but of course the smb mount does not update itself - any ideas how to workaround?09:24
mcnesiumi see a tmux session in htop09:24
mcnesiumbut byobu ls says „failed to connect to server: Connection refused“09:24
DirtyJobsHi all, i am trying to create a pptp server on my ubuntu 12.04LTS. I'm following some detailed instruction but it just doesn't work as intended09:24
mcnesiumand byobu attach -rd -t name says „no sessions“09:24
julianduquedr_willis: tried with: nomodeset, also no splash and still on a black screen :|09:25
dr_willismcnesium:  i thought if yyou  just ran 'byobu' it would reattatch itself automaticallt09:25
mcnesiumdr_willis: no, it opens a new session in this case09:25
mcnesiuma screen session btw09:26
mcnesiumi dont know why it used tmux yesterday09:26
mcnesiumas said, i used „byobu -S name“09:26
julianduqueneither the check disc for defects option works09:26
raveni am trying to watch a smbfs mounted folder with inotifywait but of course the smb mount does not update itself - any ideas how to workaround?09:30
julianduquedr_willis: it was the freakin' boot secure options09:31
dr_willisjulianduque:  i dont havev any pcs new enought to  have that. ;)09:32
dr_willisturn secure boot = off -->   good advice, ;)09:32
julianduquedr_willis: pheeeew, related: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208605409:32
julianduquedr_willis: thanks :)09:32
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raveni am trying to watch a smbfs mounted folder with inotifywait but of course the smb mount does not update itself - any ideas how to workaround?09:34
flightoffireDr_willis, well, I just found out he is using an old version of Ub. Nice one. Time for an upgrade09:34
dr_willis'but of course '.... dosent really make much sence raven ....09:34
ravendr_willis ?09:35
dr_williscould be inotifywait uses some mechnism that smb dosent follow.09:35
dr_willisand you may wan tto give more details instead of just repeating09:35
dr_willisperhaps some tips at -->    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2807671/can-any-linux-api-or-tool-watch-for-any-change-in-any-folder-below-e-g-sharedr09:37
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BrixSatCan i compile the latest vlc in ubuntu 10.04?09:46
marandihey guys , i have Quantal Quetzal on my laptop , yesterday when i start ubuntu , all desktop was gone , i mean unity and a warning pop out too report this bug in ubuntu ! now i cant use unity --reset ! how can i get default setting of unity or compize , how can i fix it ?09:55
chunkyheadi bought a mic, connected it to laptop, it's not working :| doesn't ubuntu have auto detect option?09:55
ne2kany ideas why apt-get dist-upgrade might be stalling on "run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub 3.2.0-39-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-39-generic" ?09:57
minasis there a command to check disk fragmentation in linux?09:58
minas*to check, not to defragment09:58
TakeItEZminas: fsck09:58
jonywhy is Krusader slow when accessing folders (ussing Ubuntu 12.04)?09:58
minasTakeItEZ, Is there anything that can do it while the disk is mounted?09:58
ne2kI thought update manager had crashed, so I killed it, then I did dpkg --configure -a to recover it and it's stalled at the same place09:59
TakeItEZminas: idk09:59
flightoffirehe is using Release 11.04 (natty)Q: in upgrading the kernel/op system in Ubuntu, do I simply install over the top or is there some special place or command to use09:59
minasTakeItEZ, thank you09:59
flightoffireabove is re my friends palm top09:59
flightoffirementioned some time ago09:59
ne2kminas: what is the filing system?10:00
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marandihey guys , i have Quantal Quetzal on my laptop , yesterday when i start ubuntu , all desktop was gone , i mean unity and a warning pop out too report this bug in ubuntu ! now i cant use unity --reset ! how can i get default setting of unity or compize , how can i fix it ?10:00
k1lflightoffire: you can upgrade to the next releases in uubuntu10:01
minasne2k, ext4 I think10:01
flightoffirehe is using natty 11.0410:01
k1lflightoffire: but maybe you need some work because 11.04 is outdated some time ago10:01
k1l!eol | flightoffire10:01
ubottuflightoffire: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:01
ne2khttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+question/173189 seems like need to reboot and dpkg --configure -a again.10:01
ne2kthis OS is seriously turning into Windows10:02
flightoffirei know, that is why I want to upgrade it for him10:02
icedwaterHi! How might I get libsvn1 from quantal's repos if I need it to compile Subversion 1.7.8?10:02
chunkyheadi bought a mic, connected it to laptop, it's not working :| doesn't ubuntu have auto detect option?10:02
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lhavelundicedwater: It's possible you can just use apt-get build-dep subversion. That'll fetch all the dependencies for subversion as it is in the repos currently.10:03
lhavelundOf course, dependencies may change between versions, but often, not too much.10:03
flightoffireI'm just reading upgrade instructions in Ub web site10:03
icedwaterAh, I forgot to mention I'm running precise. How ironic :)10:03
sergiufreenodewitch  laptop will give better fps in online games like WoW? Asus e-450 1.65 HD 6470M or b830 intel GMA?10:03
DirtyJobsHi all, i am trying to create a pptp server on my ubuntu 12.04LTS. I'm following some detailed instruction but it just doesn't work as intended10:03
lhavelundicedwater: Oooh. I'd look for libsvn1 on the Ubuntu repository browser, but I don't have a link handy.10:04
flightoffireupdate manager was no help10:04
flightoffireneed to do this manually10:04
k1lflightoffire: see the message from the bot10:04
lhavelundicedwater: Try searching for "libsvn1 Ubuntu quantal" or something; should bring it up. If not, let me know and I'll give it a look.10:04
icedwaterAh, I'm there. But I was thinking more of something like10:05
icedwaterpackage pinning...10:05
icedwaterI vaguely remember something like that.10:05
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto10:05
icedwaterSo you would recommend downloading the package from the repo browser directly?10:06
lhavelundWell, if you're on a different version to what you want the package from..10:06
lhavelundYou could download it from there (assuming you satisfy dependencies), then pin it using the above method10:06
chunkyheadpls help me with my mic -_-10:06
ravenhow to monitor a folder by comparing the file-list?10:06
lhavelundraven: What do you mean?10:07
Ben64!eol | flightoffire10:07
ubottuflightoffire: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:07
ravenlhavelund i need to process the filenames of file which are moved into the watchfolder by comparing "old" and "refreshed" file-lists10:08
chunkyheadhelp anyone who knows about sounds in ubuntu?10:08
lhavelundPerhaps you could use diff.10:08
flightoffireubottu, saw that b4, thanks.10:09
ubottuflightoffire: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:09
icedwaterSo ... if I want to get subversion itself from the quantal repos, I would make a preference for it and build-dep, I guess?10:09
poee!ask | chunkyhead10:09
ubottuchunkyhead: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:09
lhavelundicedwater: That sounds about right.10:09
Ben64icedwater: sounds like a good way to break stuff10:09
lhavelundicedwater: build-dep for subversion (to just grab most deps without issue).10:09
chunkyheadi asked before but you guys wouldn't answer :| i've connected my mic but when i record nothing happens, i'm using 12.04 HELP10:10
lhavelundicedwater: IDEALLY, you should probably consider if that might break stuff, like Ben64 mentions.10:10
TakeItEZraven: can't you just watch mtime of the mountpoint for changes?10:10
lhavelundIt's... not particularly elegant.10:10
Ben64if you really really need a newer version, upgrade10:10
flightoffirewait till we have AI. "Doc (relationship counselor) my computer and I have, well, relationship problems. We can't communicate. They just don't understand ME. *I* am not a computer. What do we do"10:10
Ben64or use a ppa10:10
ravenTakeItEZ the problem is its a smb share i cannot use inotifywait for because its not updating10:10
Ben64don't just get a newer version because one exists10:10
lhavelundBen64: I'm an idiot. I thought q => p. -_-10:10
icedwaterI know, but stuff is already breaking... I tried to get subversion 1.7.8 from source and install that, only libsvn1 is complaining.10:11
icedwaterSo I thought about fixing it by getting libsvn1 first.10:11
Ben64why do you need the latest?10:11
lhavelundicedwater: You'll end up in dependency hell if you're upgrading one package like that, heh10:11
poeeokay chunkyhead , right click on the volume icon on the top and select sound preferences and select input, see if your volume and mic settings are okay10:11
icedwaterBecause a repo I created on Windows was using 1.7.810:11
icedwaterSubversion 1.7.8, that is.10:11
Ben64and its not backwards compatible?10:12
icedwaterlhavelund: you mean this isn't it yet? I'm in sub-version purgatory?!10:12
sgo11hi, how can I delete gmail calendar from evolution? I just want gmail email, do not want the calendar feature. I failed to do this. thanks.10:12
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chunkyheadpoee, it's the default internal mic it's detecting, no external mic is being detected,10:12
lhavelundicedwater: You should see if there's a PPA for svn 1.7.8 for pp.10:12
icedwatertoo old (format 29) to work with client version '1.8.0-dev (under development)' (expects format 31). is the error I have,10:12
ebekendoes this speed test work for you guys? http://ks397339.kimsufi.com/10:12
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Ben64!ot | ebeken10:13
ubottuebeken: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:13
poeechunkyhead, click on the connector drop down list, do you have the other mic?10:13
lhavelundicedwater: Hmm. Well, you have two options as I see it; re-initialize that repo as stable svn, upgrade your OS, or (yeah, three options) find a PPA.10:13
chunkyheadwhere's the connector drop down list?10:14
ravenTakeItEZ i just try to find something about find -mtime - what exactly is it?10:14
lhavelundicedwater: Anything else I definitely wouldn't recommend. Imagine if that version of libsvn1 depends on another package, which depends on two more, each of which have two or three dependencies...10:14
poeechunkyhead, on the input tab in sound preferences10:14
Ben64then when everything breaks, nobody here will help you fix it10:14
icedwaterRe-initializing is OK, but the rest of my team is on Windows and using TortoiseSVN 1.7.11, ergo Subversion 1.7.810:14
TakeItEZraven: modification time, updated everytime the dir-content was changed10:14
chunkyheadthere's nothing of that sort under input poee10:14
lhavelundicedwater: Isn't Tortoise backwards-compatible at least? The client?10:15
ravenwhat is +1 in seconds?10:15
icedwaterPP's repo svn is 1.6, and is too young to handle the hot stuff... QQ's repo svn is too old, so I decided to get it from source.10:15
chunkyhead60mins raven10:15
chunkyhead60secs* ravn10:15
Ben64what about https://launchpad.net/~svn/+archive/ppa10:15
icedwaterlhavelund: Can I downgrade from within Tortoise?10:15
sgo11evolution is so stupid. I remove the gmail account and add it again. There is no way to remove gmail calendar and contacts. I have to remove the gmail accounts and re-add it without the calendar and contacts support.10:15
chunkyheadraven, 60secs*10:15
Ben64and precise's version is 1.7.510:15
Ben64!info subversion10:16
ubottusubversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.5-1ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 276 kB, installed size 1004 kB10:16
ravenchunkyhead how to achieve 1 second?10:16
poeechunkyhead, is it a usb mic?10:16
lhavelundicedwater: I don't know anything about Tortoise, I'm afraid. 1.7.7 is the latest version available in the PPA.10:16
TakeItEZraven: "stat --printf '%y\n' dir/"10:16
chunkyheadpoee, 3.5mm jack10:16
lhavelundBen64: He just wanted the deps to compile from source10:16
icedwaterBen64: yep, thanks, this looks useful.10:16
icedwaterlhavelund: Ben64: for further details, my ./configure and make drama is at http://ix.io/4Qg and http://ix.io/4Qh respectively.10:17
chunkyheadraven, i have no clue O.o let met get back to you, if u get the answer first pls let me know10:17
Dreamanhttp://picbg.net/img.php?file=c03dafd1d51f1a22.png  ubuntu 13.04 alpha full hd dts clip10:17
lhavelundicedwater: Well, I'd try and grab the 1.7.7 binaryand see if that'll work.10:17
Ben64!13.04 | Dreaman10:18
ubottuDreaman: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+110:18
poeechunkyhead, perhaps there is a problem with your mic jack?10:18
chunkyheadpoee, works fine in windows10:18
ravenTakeItEZ do you know how to script the file-list-compare thing?10:18
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TakeItEZraven: read mtime, store into a file/var, read again, compare, do somethin on change10:19
peawormsworthif I compile a package from source will it produce a binary copy of the original binary package? I mean will the hash of the binary be exactly the same?10:20
icedwaterFor what it's worth, I'm going to keep the 1.8.0 in /usr/local/bin :P10:21
lhavelundkeep it in ~/ >_>10:21
=== mogitox is now known as mogitaff
icedwaterNah, at this point it doesn't matter. I'll just use which svn when I get a working one, and rename 1.8.0 to /usr/local/bin/svn-time-to-upgrade10:23
icedwater/usr/bin/svn is a symlink now anyway :P10:23
TakeItEZraven: like http://aplawrence.com/Unixart/watchdir.html10:23
draskohi all. I can not format SD card as Linux sees it like read-only. How to force format ?10:24
ebekenis there a little switch on the SD card ?10:24
icedwaterDid you mount it correctly too, drasko?10:24
icedwaterCheck both.10:24
draskoicedwater, I did not mount it, as I want to use fdisk to change partition table. But it can not10:25
draskoIt says that SD card is RO10:25
ravenTakeItEZ something like this but i also need to prepare for the case there are more than one new fioles10:26
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icedwaterHmm, then it was automatically mounted as ro huh.10:26
draskoeven dd -f if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sde does not work10:26
icedwaterOr detected, sorry.10:26
icedwaterBe careful where you point that gun!10:26
TakeItEZraven: you just use this watch-script to trigger any action you want to perform on new files10:26
icedwatersde and sda aren't too far apart :P10:26
jnhghy_I need to create/access some dbf files throw php when I tried , I got error undefine function dbase_create(), from what I understand my php is not compiled with " --enable-dbase" my question is how do I recompile? or add "--enable-dbase" to my php?10:29
ShapeShifter499how do I get my ssh public key?  I was able to use ssh-copy-id to send my key to another internet connected ubuntu system, but this time I want to enable my windows ssh client to connect (putty)10:30
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TakeItEZShapeShifter499: use putygen, create a key, copy pubkey over, use it10:31
boston62If your operating a server running Ubuntu 12.04, there is noway to have sound or DVD. Correct?10:31
icedwaterSo, one more question... now that I have this PPA, how do I specify I want the PPA's version of subversion to build-deps for?10:33
icedwaterIt looks like a -t <something> but I can't figure out what that something could be.10:33
tux_anyone see this http://www.canonical.com/content/canonical-and-chinese-standards-body-announce-ubuntu-collaboration ?10:35
ShapeShifter499TakeItEZ, so I can't use the key I generated on my main ubuntu system?10:35
TakeItEZShapeShifter499: i'm not sure if putty can use openssh-keys, but you should better use different keys (easier to revoke if someone gets your key)10:36
ShapeShifter499ok got it10:38
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jacquesojoin #ubuntu10:45
icedwaterHi jacqueso! You're already here :)10:45
jnhghy_I need to create/access some dbf files throw php when I tried , I got error undefine function dbase_create(), from what I understand my php is not compiled with " --enable-dbase" my question is how do I recompile? or add "--enable-dbase" to my php?10:46
flightoffireok, I'm stuck. How do I upgrade from Natty to latest? Can I do it in one istall over existing, or do I need to do it incrementally?10:47
flightoffireI can figure a few thingsout but am a Lx newbie sstill10:47
flightoffireI have a thumb drive10:47
flightoffireit seems I need to do it incrementally from distro to distro, "You can directly upgrade to Ubuntu 12.10 ("Quantal Quetzal") from Ubuntu 12.04 ("Precise Pangolin")."10:48
flightoffirefrom here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades10:48
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jribflightoffire: you can do a fresh install or upgrade incrementally with natty -> oneiric -> precise -> quantal.  Your choice.10:49
flightoffire"fresh install" = wipe harddrive? Not an optoin, client's machine.10:50
flightoffirecan I do incremental to bring existing system up to date?10:50
jribflightoffire: yes.  Presumably you would make backups first.  If that's not an option, then upgrade incrementally10:50
flightoffireperhaps via thumb drive installs?10:50
jrib!eolupgrades | flightoffire10:50
ubottuflightoffire: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:50
flightoffirety jrib, how10:50
jribflightoffire: read ubottu's link10:51
flightoffireubottu, I have sent an hour reading that and can't find simple clear step by step instructions.10:51
ubottuflightoffire: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:51
jribflightoffire: (you should have backups anyway of course)10:51
flightoffireon the above EOLUpgrades link, where it says "Please make sure you have the following sources.list", do I enter the folloing commands in termianl?10:53
icedwaterSo it kinda works now...10:53
jribflightoffire: the first step is making sure your natty install is fully upgraded.  Since the version is EOL, you can use the old-releases repository discussed in the Requirements section of the EOLUpgrades page. After you do that, apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade.  Now your system is up to date.  Then make sure you have update-manager.  Then use update-manager to upgrade to oneiric10:55
sKeithshow to tell version of ubuntu, i see lucid in sources but also note there can be 10.4 + .1 .2 .3 .410:56
jribsKeiths: .1 .2 .3 and .4 are not relevant10:56
jriband it's "10.04", not "10.4"10:56
sKeithsthats right. typo.10:57
flightoffirety jrib. Don't understand all the code yet.10:57
jribsKeiths: those last numbers are just used to release images with some updates (so you don't have so many updates to download after a fresh install).  Just running regular updates once you install some form of 10.04 will keep you up to date10:57
flightoffirewhat is oneiric10:58
sKeithsah, so i'm at 10.04.4+ already.10:58
jribflightoffire: it's the code name for the version after natty10:58
icedwaterOh dear... I got the right version of the svn binary, but svnadmin is still 1.8.010:58
=== TheRainbowDawn is now known as Dawn_
Ig09Ihi all10:59
icedwaterNever mind, gotta run. Be back later. :)10:59
flightoffire' sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ' gave "The package lists or status could could not be parsed or opened." Now what?11:00
flightoffire"encountered a section  with no Package: header"11:01
DirtyJobsHi all, i am trying to create a pptp server on my ubuntu 12.04LTS. I'm following some detailed instruction but it just doesn't work as intended11:01
jribflightoffire: no context...11:02
jribDirtyJobs: you should provide details (use a pastebin if you can't fit them on one line)11:02
=== WorkingDeveloper is now known as WorkingDevel
flightoffirejrib, context: after I ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:04
jribflightoffire: pastebin full input and full output; include the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list11:04
flightoffiredifficult, it is on another computer not this one11:04
=== WorkingDevel is now known as WorkingDeveloper
flightoffireI am using Mint for chat. Other computer for diagnostics11:05
flightoffireI will see what I can figure out11:05
jribflightoffire: you just need to type the pastebin url here11:05
flightoffireI have used pastebin. The challenge is to get the data from the other pc to this chat window11:06
jribflightoffire: you read the url and type it here11:06
flightoffireclarity, from the pc to pastebin then get url here11:06
MayazcherquoiHey guys. After a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, grub spits out "error: incompatible licence." Does anybody know of any remedy to this?11:07
S_alphadid you disabled safe boot in your BIOS/UEFI ?11:07
MayazcherquoiS_alpha: I don't believe I even have UEFI/GPT enabled.11:08
dr_willisfrom what im googling - that error can be caused by many things11:09
MayazcherquoiYeah. I have absolutely no idea what, though.11:10
dr_willisfrom what google says.. the boot-repair tool can reinstall grub and fix it in many cases11:10
chunkyheadguys like in windows we can hear the input of our mic, can i do so in ubuntu also? like live audio, get what i am saying?11:11
dr_willisThe modules in /boot/grub do not11:11
dr_willismatch the version of GRUB in the MBR.11:11
Mayazcherquoidr_willis: I have read that as-well.11:12
dr_willisall the fixs ive seen basically are reinstalling grub one way or another11:12
TakeItEZchunkyhead: click on the volume-applet "audio settings" "input", adjust level11:12
S_alphawhats so wrong in reinstalling grub?11:13
Mayazcherquoidr_willis: According to grub-install --recheck, there were no errors.11:13
chunkyheadTakeItEZ, i wanna hear myself speak lol as and when i speak how to do that11:17
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chunkyheadand is there a package which converts my audio into text? so that i dont need to type, i just dictate11:17
dr_willisIve never seen those work very well11:18
chunkyheaddr_willis, that was to me?11:18
dr_willisYep. Never seen speach-to-text that works well yet.. My android does it ok.. for some people.11:19
TakeItEZimho it's faster to type your stuff than to correct all the errors from speach2text-software later11:20
chunkyheadTakeItEZ, dr_willis i just wanna try out stuff11:20
chunkyheaddo u know any such package?11:20
dr_willissearch the package manager listings11:20
MayazcherquoiIt appears this error occurs when the partitions are f**ked.11:20
ShapeShifter499does dd do anything if there are NO arguments?11:20
MayazcherquoiManaged to get it to display the menu by reinstalling grub to the HDD.11:21
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WhiteHippohi, can someone point me to a cinnamon channel ?11:21
WhiteHippois there a cinnamon channel?11:21
MayazcherquoiBut, selecting an option, gets the same error.11:21
MayazcherquoiBloody hell.11:21
WhiteHippobecause i get pointed to the linuxmint cinnamon from the ubuntu website11:21
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dr_willisIts their project i thought11:22
dr_willis!alia | WhiteHippo11:22
dr_willis!alis | WhiteHippo11:22
ubottuWhiteHippo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:22
ShapeShifter499got my answer in ##linux11:24
BluesKajHowdy all11:24
WhiteHippook. alis wasn't much help, thanks for the effort anyway11:25
dr_willisguess none exist on this server11:25
TakeItEZShapeShifter499: answer is "no"?11:25
ShapeShifter499TakeItEZ, yes11:26
ShapeShifter499yes its "no"11:26
TakeItEZ :D11:26
jribthat's not really true.  It will read from stdin and spit it back to stdout11:26
TakeItEZjrib: no it doesnt11:26
ShapeShifter499TakeItEZ, well quoting from user in ##linux "<Terminus-> ShapeShifter499: without arguments, it reads from stdin and writes to stdout."11:27
TakeItEZjrib: yes it does, sry. stdin != keyboard11:27
sKeithsi just did a dist-upgrade, any idea why a 'reboot' would not reboot. it said 'the system is going down for reboot now 15 minutes ago.11:28
ShapeShifter499jrib, nothing harmful to system or user data right?11:28
TakeItEZShapeShifter499: right, my bad11:28
jribShapeShifter499: nope11:28
ravenhow to move /usr to another partition?11:28
TakeItEZraven: boot a live-cd, move /usr, edit fstab, done11:29
sKeithsand no messages in /var/log/messages because kernel logging was stopped 15 minutes ago too11:31
MayazcherquoiWell, that never worked: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636662/11:32
sKeithssolved: it seems my ssh session was holding up the reboot. once i disconnected ssh it rebooted immediatly.11:36
lotuspsychjehi all11:39
hero100hi. there are multiple PDF files opened at the same time, I click on the icon and there is only one window sometimes. no way to see another file 'under' it.11:39
lotuspsychjewich tool can repair bad sectors on an ntfs drive from ubuntu?11:39
lotuspsychjehero100:maybe try mupdf?11:40
dr_willishero100:  alt-tab to  try to get to the others.. 13.04 has a quicklist feature for the launcher that fixes this issue11:40
=== DeviantSOP is now known as Killeroid
compdoclotuspsychje, open disk utility, and click the drive. What does it say about the health of the drive?11:42
hero100it happened sometime11:42
lotuspsychjecompdoc: disk is ok, 1400 bad sectors 31c/88f11:42
HyperbyteOn startup my Ubuntu 12.04 says "configure virtual network devices"... is this something specific to virtual machines, or is the 'virtual' referring to something else?11:43
hero100alt-tab works, thanks11:43
compdoclotuspsychje, if you click the SMART button, are there red sections like for Reallocated Sectors?11:43
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lotuspsychjecompdoc: not sure wich value you mean on smart, but type says: pre-fail will fail in 24h lol11:46
compdoclotuspsychje, sounds like you need a new drive. cant be repaired11:46
lotuspsychjecompdoc:unrecoverable sectors:2611:46
lotuspsychjecompdoc:ok mate ill send it back to store11:47
lotuspsychjecompdoc: tnx for your support11:47
compdoclotuspsychje, how old is it?11:47
ePaxI have problem connecting with openvpn. I have openvpn .zip file with .ovpn .p12 and .key and when i import all that into vpn in gnome-network-manager it asks for gateway and secret key wich i dont have...11:47
lotuspsychjecompdoc: kinda new WD elements11:48
compdocno Reallocated Sectors?11:48
compdocanyway, those raw values should be zero11:49
lotuspsychjecompdoc:not sure how thats called in my language, can you check the smart (id) for me?11:49
lotuspsychjecompdoc:oh think i found it (id5) 0 sectors11:50
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compdoclotuspsychje, any other sections besides unrecoverable sectors that are red?11:51
kionquick question i just upgraded to 12.10 and i want to have a password on my computer when it starts up before it gets to the log in to the desktop how would one accomplish this?11:51
lotuspsychjecompdoc: i dont see colours on the smart screen11:53
dv-kion: you can set a password with grub i imagine11:53
kionhow would you do that11:53
lotuspsychjecompdoc: write errors: 46 (id200)11:53
bmxscott1993im am new to ubuntu11:54
lotuspsychjebmxscott1993:good choice mate11:54
bmxscott1993can some one tell my why have i got static on the boot screen that would not show up that just purple11:55
lotuspsychjecompdoc:selftest failed lol11:56
compdocQuantity of uncorrectable errors. The raw value of this attribute indicates the total number of uncorrectable errors when reading/writing a sector. A rise in the value of this attribute indicates that there are evident defects of the disk surface and/or there are problems in the hard disk drive mechanical subsystem.11:57
ravenwww.pastebin.com/D2trMrDY how to make line 28 read the diff.txt?11:57
compdoclotuspsychje, its an odd error. I dont think Ive seen that one. Usually, you see reallocated sectors and pending sectors11:58
lotuspsychjecompdoc:ok mate tnx, ill return the drive to the store11:58
compdocok, good luck11:58
lotuspsychjeits not mine anyway :p11:58
lotuspsychjessd inside here on ubuntu11:58
otakkion: have you seen this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Passwords. Also you can usually password your bios.11:59
bmxscott1993can some one tell my why have i got static on the boot screen that would not show up that just purple11:59
compdoclotuspsychje, on google, ppl suggest you run the WD diag program11:59
lotuspsychjecompdoc:lemme try that111:59
compdocnot sure its worth trying to fix, tho11:59
kionthank you very much i will look into it11:59
bmxscott1993go on seagate they got a cool diag program12:00
bmxscott1993it fix my hdd when it sound like it blow up12:00
sKeithsbmxscott1993 is it the same static every time on bootscreen or random12:03
bmxscott1993im running it long side windows and it where you pick windows or linux but it would not show the word to select so i have to gest every time12:04
bmxscott1993and it got static there to12:05
lotuspsychjebmxscott1993:try update grub if you have win7 dualboot12:05
bmxscott1993i only have xp12:05
bmxscott1993i hate 712:06
lotuspsychjebmxscott1993:or just clean install ubuntu single, then virtualbox your xp inside12:06
lotuspsychjei never liked dualboots12:06
bmxscott1993how do i do that12:06
chunkyheadi today saw a prof who hovered a mouse over an audio file and it started playing (w/o opening any app) do u guys know of anything like that?12:06
lotuspsychjebmxscott1993:install ubuntu on your whole hd, then after install virtualbox-ose12:07
jribchunkyhead: older versionsn of ubuntu used to do that.  I think everyone complained it was annoying?12:07
bmxscott1993ow kl12:07
bmxscott1993il try it12:07
lotuspsychjebmxscott1993:then you can install xp virtual inside ubuntu12:07
chunkyheadjrib, there must be a way to get it back :(12:07
lotuspsychjeif you still need it12:07
bmxscott1993but i was just thinking of getting ride of xp12:07
chunkyheadbmxscott1993, thats a good thought :)12:08
lotuspsychjebmxscott1993:good choice, there are so many alternative packages for ubuntu12:08
bmxscott1993cus there no support for it soon eney way12:08
jonyhow can I create a shortcut which will launch a command?12:08
lotuspsychjewelcome to open source :p12:08
jribchunkyhead: googling "nautilus sound preview" now...12:08
chunkyheadi got to know abt this thing called gnome-sushi, tried installing it, but it doesn't work for some reaons, do u need the gnome interface for it to work?12:09
bmxscott1993i do like linux12:10
bmxscott1993it just take time to thiger stuff out12:10
chunkyheadjrib, oh my bad, it's working but that's not what i was looking for, i need to single click and then hit spacebar12:11
jribchunkyhead: hmm?12:12
bmxscott1993i can sign in to this chat using my phone12:12
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chunkyheadjrib, i just wanna hover to play..12:13
jribchunkyhead: some sites say you need vorbis-tools and mpg321 installed for that to work12:13
TakeItEZchunkyhead: i bet, after 1-2 days you don#t want it anymore :)12:14
jribchunkyhead: although it doesn't seem to work here in 12.10 for me.  Maybe your professor was using kde?  Or was he using nautilus?12:14
chunkyheadjrib, what isn't working for you? i use 12.04 gnome-sushi works just fine.12:15
chunkyheadjrib, prof was using gnome afaik12:15
jribchunkyhead: the hover ability12:15
chunkyheadTakeItEZ, i really love that12:15
chunkyheadjrib, which package did u use?12:15
jribchunkyhead: some sites claimed one needs the mpg321 and vorbis-tools package for the feature to  work12:16
dioioibis gnome-sushi like a quick view12:16
chunkyheadjrib, links pls? :)12:16
jribchunkyhead: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/audio-preview-in-nautilus.html12:16
jribi hate all these blog sites.  They just copy one another.  Then the information gets outdated and it's impossible to find anything else12:17
dioioibjrib: agreed12:18
chunkyheadiirc it was there in 11.10 why did they remove it? jrib :'(12:18
jribchunkyhead: it really is an annoying feature...12:18
jribchunkyhead: someone claims in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1996247 that the feature was removed in gnome 312:19
bmxscott1993you no you got the slider bar at the left hand side how do i make it like the windows one where you click like start and it come off like that12:19
chunkyheadjrib, i think i've almost got it, brb in a bit12:22
capoderraHello, everyone! I just switched to 12.04 from Windows 7 and I'm very happy except there is one thing that I'm experiencing that I think is a little weird.  When I plug in my headphones, I expect the sound to go to my headphones or when I plug in my HDMI I expect the sound to go through the TV, but unfortunately I have to go into sound settings everytime I make a switch.  Is this normal operation?12:22
chunkyheadPS: it's not annoying unless you have loads of music files lying around everywhere12:23
reCAPTCHAHey there. So I have a unique set-up. I cannot boot from a USB on a school computer, but I can boot from a dvd livedisk. I want to have persistence however... how can I accomplish this?12:23
georgijust found out by installing kernel 3.9 that the black screen is fixed12:24
georgiit is a release client do you know when the stable version will be released12:24
chunkyheadjrib, http://ubuntuguide.net/enable-audio-preview-in-nautilus tried this, not working :\12:24
sanavHello , admin , please look at my problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636772/12:24
jribchunkyhead: yes, that's the same instructions the other site had...12:24
chunkyheadanyone know how to get output from speakers as and when i use the mic?12:26
chunkyheadjrib, nvm, if i come to know abt it i'll let you know, thanks bro :)12:26
raftguidehey people. I wanted to install an os (deb distr) from an usb stick, (fat32 form, burned iso with iso to usb on it) however when i try to boot from usb it tells me there that no os can be found. any input?12:26
georgiis anyone here12:27
stefanctany idea why https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/realtime cant be accessed although it is listed at https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+ppa-packages ?12:27
capoderralot's of questions, no answers :)12:27
sanavcapoderra:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636772/ , please look here12:28
Abhijitraftguide, which os?12:28
Abhijitgeorgi, ask the actual question12:28
bmxscott1993so how do i make custem a file so it just music cus on px you can right click and make the file music then you can click play and it play all the music in that folder12:29
sanavAbhijit:  hello , can you solve my problem bro http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636772/12:29
Abhijitsanav, what is the problem? describe it here first.12:30
bmxscott1993so how do i make custem a file so it just music cus on px you can right click and make the file music then you can click play and it play all the music in that folder12:30
bmxscott1993cus on xp12:31
sanavAbhijit: i can't use/mount  my USB and modem in ubuntu (guest OS on Virtual Box )12:31
bmxscott1993so how do i make custem a file so it just music cus on xp you can right click and make the file music then you can click play and it play all the music in that folder12:31
sanavbmxscott1993:  you need xml12:31
sKeithssanav: seems like a win8 + virtualbox issue. device is not getting to ubuntu yet.12:31
bmxscott1993how do i do that12:32
bmxscott1993what like html12:32
sanavbmxscott1993: Well, use google .Its a very easy language . Aha !12:33
bmxscott1993cus i found my hd music drive for my sound system12:33
sanavsKeiths:  then what should i do ? Can you suggest me any forum related to virtual Box  ? Please12:34
sKeithssanav: windows 8 does not want to away modem (SB device 'HUAWEI HUAWEI Mobile' is busy with a previous request. Please try again later.)12:35
sKeithsmaybe pull it out and reinsert until guest can grab it.12:36
bmxscott1993im still getting use to the lingo for liunx12:36
sanavsKeiths:  tried many times , but no sucess :(12:36
sKeithsdisable modem in win8 device manager.12:36
sanavsKeiths:  O !12:37
sKeithssanav: ?12:37
georgiAbhijit the actual question is do you know when the stable release of kernel 3.9 will be released12:37
sanavsKeiths:  if i do so , then in future i can't mount other USB . :(   .Each time i have to enable/disable its service12:38
sanavsKeiths: its a headache , don't you think so ;/12:39
capoderrasanav, I'm confused about why you want me to read that.12:39
sanavcapoderra:  may be you have the solution12:40
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sKeithssanav: you cannot use the modem in both host and guest. normally this just works and host shares its network to all guests, but some isps restrict these usb modems to disallow this so you cannot share usb internet with a whole house.12:41
sanavsKeiths: ok  !12:42
capoderrasanav, virtualbox may be my solution?12:44
BryanWBwhere does upstart store pids for the processes it manages?12:45
PhysicistMy ubuntu 12.04 does not shut down, restart or suspend by itself. I have to force it with the power button. (shutdown) power off*12:48
PhysicistCan anybody help me?12:49
deungwhat is your problem?12:50
PhysicistI should maybe remove and reinstall my ATI driver...12:51
Physicistdr_willis: HI..12:51
deungok i can help you12:51
gyzellejoin /se712:53
deungfirst you have to download the flgx drivers from the ati site12:53
Physicistdeung: Are you talk with me?12:54
capoderraHello, everyone! I just switched to 12.04 from Windows 7 and When I plug in my headphones, I expect the sound to go to my headphones or when I plug in my HDMI I expect the sound to go through the TV, but unfortunately I have to go into sound settings everytime I make a switch.  Is this normal operation?12:54
deungok i musst search for ati too12:56
deungok then you install the driver and konfigure it with sudo aticonfig --initial --force12:58
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MSDandreaHey everybody, I'm having a problem, sometimes when I open LibreOffice or TuxGuitar or any Wine application my screen gets blurred. my video card is a Nvidia 6100 nforce40513:00
deungthe configuration is the importainst thing13:00
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deungMSDandrea reinstall?13:01
MSDandreadeung, already done that13:01
deungwhat does google say???13:02
MSDandreaOn Unity 2d it runs perfectly13:02
octocppAnyone else having problems with the raid arrays comming up as md125 md126 md127, etc, in no particual order on reboots? I have metadata 1.2 so I can not do update=super-minor. Is there a way to get my md0-1 back again?13:02
MSDandreaThat's a problem I haven't found in any forum a awnser, all the graphics problems are relately to ATI video cards13:03
deungmhm i don't know13:04
MSDandreaThanks anyway13:04
dioioibwhats the problem?13:05
deungyou can install the latest ati driver. i had to do this too13:05
MSDandreadioioib, my problem is that when i open Libreoffice or TuxGuitar or any wine application my screen gets blurred13:05
dioioibwow the entire screen?13:06
MSDandreamy video card is a Nvidia13:06
dioioibwhat version on ubuntu13:06
dioioiband those are the only two programs?13:07
MSDandreaSo far yes13:07
MSDandreaand wine applications13:07
bobfleminghi how is there any way to install build-essential offline? I tried downloading it from packages.ubuntu and all the deps but it wouldnt work,is there an easy way (im on windows and only have internet here)13:07
dioioibMSDandrea: are you using two monitors13:08
DJJeffsomething updated now all my fonts are "STUCK" on DejaVu Sans Book 1013:08
MSDandreaNo only one13:08
dioioibcould you post your xorg.conf I could take a look at it and see if I notice anything out of the ordinary but thats all I can think of it being right now. other than some unity effect13:09
julian-delphikibobfleming, why not give your ubuntu machine internet? :)13:09
MSDandreaok just a seccond13:09
bobflemingjulian-delphiki: i need build-essential to install the wifi drivers13:10
bobflemingjulian-delphiki: as the kernel ones (8192cu) dont work13:10
bobflemingi need "8192cu" from a site but i need the build tools for it13:11
julian-delphikibobfleming, and copying over the debs and installing them didn't work?13:11
bobflemingdebs from where?13:11
bobflemingim on windows this is only comp with net13:11
julian-delphikiright, you said you downloaded .debs from packages.ubuntu?13:11
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MSDandreadioioib, I guess there's a problem with X because this is my xorg. conf13:12
bobflemingit seemed a bit of a mess, i tried to find all the deps ad copied them but still needed more deps13:12
MSDandrea Section "Device" Identifier"Default Device" Option"NoLogo""True" EndSection13:12
bobflemingi wish there was a way to download all deps automaically as deb files13:12
bobflemingso i can copy them over13:12
julian-delphikibobfleming, apt-get --print-uris install build-essential on the ubuntu box, assuming that is has anything in its apt-cache13:13
bobflemingjulian-delphiki: i heard of that one, i will try it, then download them from the links on windows yes?13:13
dioioibMSDandrea: you have an empty xorg.conf?13:13
julian-delphikibobfleming, yep.13:13
julian-delphikiI'm headed to work now, but i'll pop in here and see if I can't help in a bit.13:14
bobflemingok thanks ill be back if i get problems13:14
MSDandreanot empty, i'm having this:  Section "Device" Identifier"Default Device" Option"NoLogo""True" EndSection13:14
dioioiband you installed the nvidia driver13:14
MSDandreayes I installed from the Additional Drivers13:14
Guest75902hey peeps, ive gotten this vps which isnt using even 10% of its bandwidth.. im interested in giving approx 200/240gbs of bandwidth to the ubuntu community, but torrent seeding only staisfies only 40-50GBs in a good month,... any good ideas how to contribute more?13:15
dioioibdid you run the config on it?13:15
MSDandreasorry, I don't known how to do it13:15
TakeItEZGuest75902: not ubuntu-related, install a tor-middlenode13:16
Guest75902TakeItEZ: no i want to contribute to ubuntu or any other linux distro specificly13:16
LargePrimeI have silly SSH questions.  I have Ubuntu 12.10 on my server. I am trying to set up ssh user access.  the user cannot get the keys to work.  I added the key to the root/.ssh/authenticated keys file. Help please13:16
TakeItEZLargePrime: root account is locked, you cannot ssh in as root (which is a bad idea anyways).13:17
LargePrimeTakeItEZ: pardon?13:17
dioioibMSDandrea: here is a link that should help http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/how-to-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-in-ubuntu13:17
dioioibi use ATI its much easier13:18
Guest75902TakeItEZ: basicly a mirror for the full image downloadable from the ubuntu.com site;but with a bandwidth restriction after 210gb (translates to about 3/400 downloads which is good for about 1/3 or 1/5th of the downloads on a daily basis im guessing13:18
ubottuterror: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:18
TakeItEZLargePrime: add the pubkey to ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys, login as user, use sudo if you need root-rights13:18
LargePrimeTakeItEZ:  where should the authorized keys file be found?13:18
MSDandreaI've already installed Nvidia drivers manually also but it didn't worked neither13:19
LargePrimeTakeItEZ:  so /home/ user /.ssh/authorized_keys13:20
TakeItEZLargePrime: yes13:20
MSDandreaI guess I should report to canonical, because i haven't found anything like my problem with Nvidia only with ATI13:20
LargePrimeTakeItEZ: does openssh not generate that dir.  do i have to amke it manualy for each user?13:20
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dioioibyou need to generate key files for each user13:21
TakeItEZLargePrime: it will be created the first time a user uses ssh, iirc13:21
Guest75902im guessing no one knows a good way to handle my ''problem'' ? =P13:21
LargePrimeTakeItEZ:  it not generating13:21
TakeItEZLargePrime: "uses ssh" not "logs in via ssh"13:21
dioioibLargePrime: run keygen for each user. then the dir will be there13:22
Craigi have a problem using tasksel13:22
Craigcs@ubuntuSvr:~$ sudo tasksel13:22
Craigtasksel: aptitude failed (100)13:22
DJJeffsomething updated now all my fonts are "STUCK" on DejaVu Sans Book 1013:23
dioioibLargePrime: the system will download that key into the authorized_hosts file and you need the hosts key in your authorized_keys file13:23
TakeItEZdioioib: known_hosts13:23
dioioibthe easy way of adding the keys is to: cat rsa_key.pub >> authorized_keys13:23
LargePrimedioioib:  run the keygen ?  I create the keys in putty and copy them to the server13:24
MSDandreaI'm also having another problem, my mouse wheel doesn't work correctly, it scrool up normally but whe I try to scrool down it goes Down and up again, it's very annoying13:24
dioioibdon't worry about known_hosts it does it automatically13:24
TakeItEZthere is ssh-copy-id to spread pubkeys13:24
dioioibyeah that would work13:24
dioioibssh copy id is a great tool13:24
jonyI have a table printout in a txt file. How can I import it in Libreoffice Calc?13:24
dioioibLargePrime: can you telnet into the server13:25
TakeItEZhopefully not13:26
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dioioibI mean if you can't ssh can you open your port telnet in to run your keygen then close your ports and then login with ssh13:27
* pyrobisqit is back (gone 00:07:04)13:27
LargePrimei can get into the server fine.  it is my users that are having issues.  dioioib  TakeItEZ13:27
TakeItEZdioioib: there is no telnetd by default, so chances are low that someone fixes his ssh usnig telnet...13:27
LargePrimeI guess my question is how do i make and prepare users for RSA keys logins13:27
dioioibI've done it on a router with linux before but you are right13:28
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TakeItEZLargePrime: they create a keypair, using ssh-keygen. then they copy the pubkey onto the server, using ssh-copy-id. after that, they log n13:28
LargePrimeall the guides seem to be from the "get it working pov13:28
HyperbyteAfter following this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/aufsRootFileSystemOnUsbFlash my USB stick no longer gets an IP from the DHCP server on startup.  Running dhclient manually, it says "libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".  If I remove the aufs=tmpfs bit from grub and boot dhclient works again.  Any ideas what might be going on?13:28
dioioibLargePrime: best thing to do is get the user to run the keygen send you the key then append it to the authorize_keys file as TakeitEZ suggested13:28
dioioibyou could do it manually or with ssh-copy-id from the host computer13:29
B0BBYis vlc not in standard ubuntu 12 repos?13:30
jrib!info vlc | B0BBY13:30
B0BBYsudo apt-cache search vlc shows nothing13:30
ubottuB0BBY: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.5-0ubuntu0.12.10.1 (quantal), package size 1057 kB, installed size 3348 kB13:30
jribB0BBY: you should say 12.04 or 12.10 by the way, not just 12 because it's not specific enough13:31
B0BBYjrib: 12.1013:31
jribB0BBY: it's in universe13:31
k1lB0BBY: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vlc&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all13:32
B0BBYE: Unable to locate package vlc13:32
jribB0BBY: then you don't have universe enabled13:32
jrib!repos | B0BBY13:32
ubottuB0BBY: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:32
MSDandreaI guess my mouse problem is related to X too | dioioib13:32
B0BBYjrib: thanks. enabling universe.13:33
dioioibMSDandrea: yeah with the buttons. You can configure that in X but I am still new at config of inputs in x13:33
LargePrimedioioib: TakeItEZ  Is there a common way for me to generate keys FOR users and have the correct directories created for them?  Then I can just send them keys?13:34
MSDandreaman i'm so glad Ubuntu is leaving X and compiz, this thing just gave me problems13:34
TakeItEZLargePrime: man ssh-keygen, man ssh-copy-id     to read13:34
LargePrimeor am i looking at creating a script13:34
caraconanHi all. How can I just edit /etc/resolv.conf, reboot and do not lose the content? I already configured an static IP address. Thanks13:34
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LargePrimebut unless i am blind, and that happens, that is not from a sys admin tool point of view? TakeItEZ13:35
TakeItEZ!resolv.conf | caraconan13:35
ubottucaraconan: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution13:35
caraconan<TakeItEZ> thanks sir13:36
dioioibLargePrime: you can generate keys using ssh-keygen -t rsa -c <email> .. the c might be upper case you have to check the docs. but you would have to sort all user keys somehow.13:36
lcabreza1hi guys whats the difference between example.com/name and exam.example.com13:37
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beanlcabreza1: a lot.13:37
lucky___I need help13:37
beanlcabreza1: they could point to completely different servers.13:37
k1l!ask | lucky___13:37
ubottulucky___: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:37
lcabreza1bean: whats the advantage and disadvantage ?13:37
beanlcabreza1: it just depends on how you want to set it up. No real advantage either way.13:38
k1llcabreza1: that is more a topic for the offtopic channel #ubuntu-offtopic13:38
caraconan<lcabreza1> the second one is a CNAME13:38
caraconanA DNS alias13:38
lucky___ok, sorry. I downloaded wubi and put the iso on the same folder but wubi is still trying to download the iso from the internet13:38
azuroahojte   jen se  zeptam kdyz mam neco na  vzdalenem serveru  zapnute  v pozadi pod jednim usrem a odhlasim se a fungujeto dalej to je  to co chci ale   ted sem ne neco stalo stim user a  chci vytvorit noveho usera  bude  vse  fungovat jak do ted ?13:38
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caraconanThe first one depends on your HTTP server config, tipically virtual hosts13:38
k1llucky___: wubi :(13:38
caraconan<azuro> very self-explanatory13:38
lucky___wubi helps to use ubuntu inside windows just as a thid party program.13:39
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lucky___@ubottu can you help?13:40
sw!bot | lucky___13:40
ubottulucky___: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:40
izxPrinters not browseable in ubuntu 12.10. I have "browseable = yes" in smb.conf but i when i see "testparm -s" it is showing "browseable = no" How do i fix it??13:40
dioioiblucky___: isn't wubi the installer for windows13:41
k1llucky___: but because wubi is tied to windows its very very difficult to support. most recommend a native install13:41
lucky___I know, but I want to dual boot with xp13:41
petooI am going to install kubuntu -desktop, what if I don't like it, can i remove it completely with all it's packages, so that I get my system back to it's earlier stage?13:42
k1llucky___: there is no need for wubi13:42
dioioibyeah i think thats what it does installed grub and gives you dual boot13:42
k1l!dualboot | lucky___13:42
ubottulucky___: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:42
petoohey , anyone?13:42
lucky___It doesn't let me boot into windows, I did it yesterday night. Though it provides the option to boot into xp.13:42
k1ldioioib: every ubuntu install can do a dualboot. but wubi installs into the windows partition into a container. that is a ticking timebomb that will go wrong.13:42
azurohi im runnig Cs go on ubuntu over virtuall server under  some  user  but  something i gone  wrong with thath user can i create  a nother  user  a just keep gone with what a was doing13:43
lucky___Today I had to fix bootsector13:43
dioioibits been about 10 years for window and me. Lets say 6.04 LTS Ubuntu13:43
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lucky___Tell me what's to be done now? Won't wubi work?13:44
dioioibk1l: why not just install a VM13:44
lucky___My ram is only 512mB13:44
dioioibI love xbuntu for that13:44
lucky___for what?13:45
dioioiblow ram13:45
Ziggyjoin #ubuntu+113:45
MonkeyDustlucky___  wubi is only a pseudo install, it will get you frustrated and you'll come back here, telling ubuntu is no good13:46
lucky___I decided to burn the iso into a cd but realised my dvd rom is old enough to burn one :/13:47
lucky___monkey so what would you suggest?13:47
MonkeyDustlucky___  if you have enough free space, install ubuntu on its own partition13:48
lucky___As I said before I did so yesterday, but It didn't let me boot into XP, from the boot menu, I don't know why.13:48
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hikenboothello, is there a way to restore the old fashion gnome desktop that was around in the days of Intrepid and still use the latest ubuntu release?13:49
azurothanks :p13:49
hikenbootI really dispise the new desktop and long for the old one...guess I am showing my age13:49
lucky___gnome panel13:49
MSDandreaWell everybody thanks for the help, I'll still search for the solutions, see ya! ^^13:49
hikenbootapt-get install gnome panel?13:50
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lucky___Yea, try it13:50
hikenbootalso I notice a huge speed difference virtualizing it on Oracle VBox compaired with older versions13:51
dioioibhikenboot: yes gdm and pick the full version not light. or reinstall gnome313:51
dioioibnot a lover of unity myself13:52
lucky___Thinking to load xubuntu13:53
hikenbootI assume eventually they will kill off gnome3?13:53
dioioibprobably. there is always mint if they do. :|13:54
hikenbootthe younger folks probably can adapt but I hate the fact you cant even find the open and close program buttons13:54
dioioibfor me its just not enough menu13:54
dioioib8 icons down the side and a mac spotlight search for everything else.. gross.13:54
hikenbootok i did an apt-get install gnome-session but I notice that it gave me no options for switching over...is there something i have to do to register it?13:55
Guest67080Hello. I want to be able to run a linux script when the usb key is inserted in the system... The system is already on and locked13:55
dioioibhere let me find the install instructions for you13:55
dioioibthats the same one I used13:56
hikenbootI will leave you alone now its appreciated13:56
Guest67080I am looking for a distro that can be booted and also be autoran after the primary OS is running13:58
TLMi need to run a script every time i plug in my external hard-drive, but i don't want to have to click a file or paste it into terminal, how can i make sure the script runs as soon as i plug it in?13:58
seednodeGuest67080, wait, what?13:59
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seednodeYou want a distro that can be used both as a Livedisk and as a virtual client?13:59
compdocGuest67080, are there any that youve tried that havent worked that way?14:00
seednodecompdoc, what ones have you tried that have?14:01
Guest67080at the moment I am trying to use arch to make the first part work ...boot from the USB stick14:02
mdegges_does anyone know if it's possible to install the full version of ubuntu on a chromebook? I googled it but only see the option to install 'Chubuntu'14:02
seednodemdegges_, pixel or normal?14:02
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seednodeHm... Sorry, only know with Pixel14:03
compdocGuest67080, not sure exactly how you mean "autoran after the primary OS is running"14:03
seednodeI think he means one that can be run as a virtual machine within an OS, without a program? Couldn't really figure it out14:03
mdegges_thanks seed. will go through the regular install directions and see if it works14:04
Guest67080You have a windows & system thats booted and locked infront of you. What I am loking for is a disto+script that can be put on a usb stick so when its inserted in to the system that it can run onto of the OS and do x y z14:05
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compdocwell, as far as I know, no computer can run an OS then run a second OS at the same time without a virtual machine14:07
Android1218I don't think that that's possible. A linux system can only run on windows inside a virtual machine, and then it cannot access windows functions.14:07
Guest67080so it would have to be a .sh file that can be ran from the konsole and a .cmd from the prompt14:08
Android1218you could install mingw or cygwin and execute bash scripts inside windows14:09
Guest67080can you install cygwin on a usb key that can be ran from any system14:10
ikoniahow is this anything to do with Ubuntu ?14:11
Android1218google for cygwin portable or mingw portable14:11
nhnguyenec ec14:12
kantlivelonganyone know what /dev/mapper/ddf1_Data1 is? i setup software raid but typically i would just see md* devices.14:18
nhnguyenlike shit14:19
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tritonioHello. I'm coming back to Linux after a long time, should I install 12.04 and upgrade using the upgrade button in a few days, or should I install the RC? Does the RC upgrade properly to a stable version?14:22
kantlivelongtritonio: i tend to stick w/ LTS14:22
DC__hi all...I have a laptop with Win7 and want to install alongside Ubuntu but when I get to Ubuntu installation it doesn't reognize that there is windows (nor that I have created 3 partition so I can one use for it)..so what is the problem?14:22
kantlivelongtritonio: but it really depends on what you want :)14:22
DJonestritonio: You could install 12.10, you can't upgrade from 12.04 to 13.0414:22
Guest9620how do i chang the slider launch bar14:23
jribtritonio: 12.04 is the latest LTS (5 years of support from release), 12.10 is the latest stable release, and 13.04 is still in development (but yes you can upgrade to final once that gets released).  I would recommend 12.04 or 12.10.  Not 13.04 unless you actually want to help with development14:23
Guest9620to like a windows one14:23
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tritoniokantlivelong, that is what I do on server installations but I like to be on the edge on my laptop. :-)14:24
BluesKajtritonio:  13.04 is the latest RC as you call it , the latest stable release is 12.10 , not 12.0414:24
holstein!nounity | Guest9620 you might prefer going with a DE that is more windows like out of the box14:24
ubottuGuest9620 you might prefer going with a DE that is more windows like out of the box: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessio14:24
kantlivelongtritonio: then go for 12.10. unless you feel like doing dirty work on 13.04 if any arises.14:24
tritonioBluesKaj, sorry I meant 12.10 not 12.04.14:24
tritonioDJones, I meant 12.10. Sorry.14:24
BluesKajtritonio:  yes 12.10 is quite stable , depending on your graphics hardware of course. There seem to be some problems with ATI on Unity14:26
tritonioBluesKaj, ouch. I've got ATI. I'm on 12.10 right now and it seems fine though. I'll see how it goes if I start minecraft later... ;-)14:27
DJonestritonio: I'd say if you're prepared to risk breakages on a daily basis, go ahead an try 13.04, but report bugs, if not install 12.10 and wait for then end of April for the 13.04 release before upgrading14:27
DJonestritonio: Minecraft works fine for me on 12.1014:27
BluesKajtritonio:  sounds like you'll be ok then14:27
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tritonioDJones, I'll keep using 12.10 then and upgrade in a few days. I just hope the upgrade button does a good job. I didn't have any trouble in the past with it but I've read a few staories about breaking the system by keeping old configurations and stuff.14:28
tritonioThanks everyone for the opinions!14:28
iKillCypherHello Guys14:28
iKillCypherisnt a new Ubuntu coming soon ?14:28
iKillCypherlike in april or something14:28
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:29
Guest9620#right i got a 6 channel sound port how to i get it to play music out of my mic ports14:29
num7hi, does somebody know how the var. for the default gui-file-manager is called?14:29
holsteinGuest9620: thats going to depends mostly on the hardare.. if the device is designed to send audio out of an input like that14:30
Guest9620cus i just swich to ubuntu14:30
holsteinGuest9620: i would say, take it slow.. just use a stereo out... do some normal things and just get used to the OS14:30
Guest9620il put my mother boad make so you no14:30
BluesKajyour mic ports aren't meant to play music out of they're mic inputs , Guest962014:30
holsteinGuest9620: i wont know.. mic ports arent typically made to send audio like what you are trying to do, as BluesKaj says14:31
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Guest9620they are cus it is a  way channel on my computer i did it on xp14:32
holsteinGuest9620: you cant compare windows driver support... you can refer to ...14:32
holstein!audio | Guest962014:32
edheldilHi, why doesn't a package that depends on otherpackage (<< version)  pull in an older version of otherpackage when it's available?14:32
ubottuGuest9620: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:32
MonkeyDustDC__  anyone what?14:33
holsteinGuest9620: what would i do? just use the stereo out for now, and get used to the OS... think about how long you used windows before configuring surround sound14:33
DC__hi all...I have a laptop with Win7 and want to install alongside Ubuntu but when I get to Ubuntu installation it doesn't reognize that there is windows (nor that I have created 3 partition so I can one use for it)..so what is the problem?14:33
DC__MonkeyDust, that ;)14:34
holsteinDC__: i would try "sudo update-grub" and see if it picks up the windows install14:34
Android1218DC_: have you tried the manual partitioning option?14:34
xorrbitWhy does Software Update have more updates than apt-get?14:34
Guest9620i download one and it notest i put one  jack in all my ports but all i need it to do it chang the in putts to out14:34
MonkeyDustDC__  boot the live cd or usb and use gparted for the partitions14:34
DC__Android1218, yes I have14:34
beanxorrbit: because it does a dist-upgrade14:34
xorrbitor rather, how can I do updates with the Update Manager via the command line?14:34
xorrbitthat's scary :)14:35
DC__MonkeyDust, I did but it doesn't recognize partitions and that has windows on it14:35
holsteinxorrbit: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:35
xorrbithmm no that's not it14:35
Android1218DC__: so it does not show you any partitions at all?14:35
tmclaugh[work]Hi, how do I detmerine what repository a particlar installed package came from?14:35
xorrbitapt-get dist-upgrade also shows nothing14:35
DC__MonkeyDust, I just recognizes my hard disk as complete (as one) but no partitions14:35
xorrbityet Update Manager shows a bunch of updates14:35
MonkeyDusttmclaugh[work]  apt-cache policy [package]14:35
holsteinxorrbit: if you do "apt-get upgrade" and not "dist-upgrade" there could be a kernel upgrade that dosent go14:36
DC__Android1218, it shows only my disk (not any partition)14:36
Guest9620cus it use RealTek High Definition Audio driver but it for liunx but can not find any think on the web14:36
holsteinxorrbit: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ...you can copy paste that14:36
tmclaugh[work]MonkeyDust: thank you for that14:36
tmclaugh[work]Found it.14:36
xorrbitoh wait I was in the wrong terminal14:37
xorrbityes it appears to work :P14:37
FloodBot1xorrbit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:37
edheldilwhy, when I do apt-get install PACKAGE and  the PACKAGE depends on PACKAGE2 (<< version), does not apt-get  pull in an older version of PACKAGE2 when it's available and instead refuses to install PACKAGE2?14:38
Guest9620i do like ubuntu now better than windows i just got to get use to it14:39
edheldilrefuses to install PACKAGE14:39
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MonkeyDustedheldil  apt-get installs what's in the repos14:39
holsteinedheldil: there are other package managers.. try aptitude14:39
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.14:39
nhungloihello :D14:39
h-bombis 100 percent cpu usuage normal when watchcing 1080p you tube vids? I assume is has something to do with flash?14:40
holsteinh-bomb: flash or the graphics driver i bet14:40
Android1218DC__: have a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87820414:40
edheldilMonkeyDust:  yeah, but the older version is in the repos as well... it's our own repository14:40
escotth-bomb, flash is rather poorly written14:40
holsteinh-bomb: try http://www.youtube.com/html514:40
theadminescott: How do you know, do you work at Adobe?14:41
h-bombescott, i can tell14:41
h-bombi bump it down to 720 still 100 percent14:41
h-bombbut then next level down at 48014:41
h-bombcpu drops to nothing14:41
edheldilholstein:  it used to work in Lucid, does not in Precise14:41
holsteinh-bomb: and the html version?14:41
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escotttheadmin, its pretty common knowledge that its not well optimized14:41
holsteinedheldil: it?14:41
h-bombtesting it now14:41
h-bombno htm514:41
h-bombim not in the beta group14:42
theadminWhy is the music lens not finding anything? Not even local music...14:42
h-bomband ive disabled pepper flash because of the yellow dots14:42
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h-bombso yeah, its gotta be the flash then14:42
edheldilholstein:  apt-get install used to automatically pull in an older version in the above case, now it does not anymore14:42
Guest84841Hello, i downloaded the supported version of ubuntu for my dell http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201203-10678/ but wen i put in the disc and reboot notihng happen, just the dell logo is visible. when i press F2 or F12 (for bootopeiont) nothing happen. can someone help me?14:43
holsteinedheldil: and aptitude? how about synaptic? how about manually using whatever version you need/want?14:43
holstein!install | Guest8484114:43
ubottuGuest84841: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:43
jovemHow to install Ubuntu in BitchX? I've tried the source and did not work ..14:43
holsteinGuest84841: since all machines bios's are different, we realy can only make suggestions based on your comments14:43
* h-bomb will just use 480p from now on and then save 1080p for when i really want to hd goodness14:44
holsteinGuest84841: i would go into the bios and make sure you are set to boot CD's first.. or see if there is a popup options for choosing the boot device manually14:44
iKillCypheruh does ubuntu has offical USB Writer cause Im on windows 7 now and I want to write ubuntu 64bit into my usb ?14:44
holsteinjovem: you mean, you want bitchx in ubuntu?14:45
holstein!info bitchx14:45
ubottuPackage bitchx does not exist in quantal14:45
theadminiKillCypher: There are instructions on ubuntu.com14:45
edheldilholstein:  I can simply install the older version or force it with /etc/apt/preferences, that's not the point - I would like to know if there's a knob in config for it, if there was a change in policy opr something like that14:45
theadminjovem: That client is long dead, use irssi or such14:45
Beatstreetif I have a RADI5 with 3 partitions and 1 of the partitions has a LUKS header. how do I get md1 (the whole RAID) to have a LUKS header?14:45
holsteinedheldil: there are no knobs in apt that i am aware of14:45
theadminiKillCypher: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows14:46
num7hi, does somebody know waht the kworker - process is? There is no man-page for it14:46
Guest84841holstein: i only can choose my bootoption bei press F12 boot thats not possible because it stop by the dell logo14:46
edheldilholstein: (btw, it's PACKAGE : Depends: python-cherrypy3 (< 3.2) but 3.2.2-2 is to be installed)14:46
MonkeyDustnum7  k stands for kernel http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163034714:47
jovemtheadmin, And very early, but I wanted to use it .. ubuntu and I cant14:47
holsteinGuest84841: sure.. and that has nothing to do with ubuntu.. take the ubuntu disk out, and try and get to the machines bios..14:47
theadminjovem: Right. It's dead. It's no longer developed. Broken. Understand?14:47
num7Thanks for the link MonkeyDust14:48
holsteinjovem: i downloaded http://www.bitchx.com/download/BitchX-1.1-final-linux.tar.gz ,did you?14:48
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Pinkamena_Dhow can i specify a list of commands to execute (as sudo) on startup?14:49
theadminPinkamena_D: 11.10 is no longer supported.14:49
theadminOh wait14:49
theadminMy bad14:49
jovemtheadmin, former users still use it man..14:49
jovemholstein, already tried that link not only the right ubuntu14:50
Pinkamena_Dfor server, i stay with the older version14:50
holsteinjovem: its working for me14:50
theadminPinkamena_D: There are many ways to do it. One way is to create a script and a .conf file in /etc/init/something.conf, with two lines: "start on startup" and "exec /path/to/script"14:50
theadminPinkamena_D: Another one is to add the commands to /etc/rc.local14:50
holsteinjovem: i extracted the above package, and navigated to it in the terminal and launched it.. and it ran just fine it seems.. whats the issue?14:51
Pinkamena_Dexcuse a noob, but the script is not something I ever have to spefict a path to. in this case IP and IFCONFIG, can i still write then the way i usually do?14:52
theadminPinkamena_D: No, write a script, your own file, put it in /usr/local/bin/something14:52
theadminPinkamena_D: Start with #!/bin/bash and then use all commands as you normally would14:52
escottPinkamena_D, if you aren't using any bashisms #!/bin/sh would be preferred for an init script14:53
bmxscott1993is it true you can not get virus on Linux14:53
theadminescott: Eh... I wrote initscripts in Perl before so whatever :P14:54
theadminbmxscott1993: Yep.14:54
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jovemholstein, you did everything by the terminal? I'll try again here ..14:54
mJaykbmxscott1993:  no14:54
mJaykbmxscott1993:  its not true14:54
sfoobarhey, i am looking for a support channel on freenode for touchpads and/or synaptic14:54
holsteinbmxscott1993: you wont get viruses written for windows on linux.. linux is still vulnerable to attacks14:54
rsthelordHey guys!! i am booting ubuntu server 12.04 lts from a pendrive using universal usb installer but an error has come up saying failed to copy from cd-rom.. what to do/14:54
auronandacebmxscott1993: practically yes, technically no14:54
DJones!virus | bmxscott199314:54
ubottubmxscott1993: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus14:54
holsteinrsthelord: i usually just put them on a CD.. but there are work-arounds.. can you just make a CD?14:55
bmxscott1993you no Microsoft stop supporting xp so it easy to hack and get virus now14:56
Pinkamena_Dok, two questions14:56
MSDandreaHey everybody, I'm having a problem, sometimes when I open LibreOffice TuxGuitar or any Wine application my screen get all blurred, on Unity 2d that doesn't happens, my video card is a Nvidia 6100 nforce 405, I was here early but nobody could give me a anwser14:56
theadminbmxscott1993: Heh... Well, Ubuntu releases are supported for 18 months, LTS releases are supported for five years (so I recommend LTS). However, upgrades are quick, free and painless.14:56
Pinkamena_Dwhere does the .conf file supposed to be placed. and is their an preferred extension for scripts?14:57
escotttheadmin, yeah just saying its preferred is all14:57
MSDandreawhat should I do to solve this?14:57
holsteinbmxscott1993: try a windows support channel for xp support and discussion14:57
theadminPinkamena_D: /etc/init, like I said.14:57
bmxscott1993msdandrea you got the same card as me14:57
escottMSDandrea, why is libreoffice a wine application?14:57
MonkeyDustMSDandrea  you can run libreoffice natively in ubuntu14:57
theadminescott: You're misreading: "LibreOffice, TuxGuitar OR any wine application"14:57
MSDandreaNo the native LibreOffice14:57
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theadminPinkamena_D: As for "extensions", they don't mean a single thing in Linux, you could name an audio file "picture.jpg" and it'd still be recognized as an audio file by most apps.14:58
iKillCypherI feel Ubuntu is damn cool :S14:58
theadminPinkamena_D: They're used by the DOS/Windows families only.14:59
Pinkamena_Dso you guys usually just leave them blank for scripts??14:59
Pinkamena_D(i mean more for professional looking them doing anthing14:59
iKillCypherjust have to figure out how do programs in Ubuntu then my job will be done ditching windows forever :(14:59
theadminPinkamena_D: Me, yes. Some people use ".sh" for scripts.14:59
theadminPinkamena_D: Well, for shell scripts that is. Perl scripts are .pl, Python are .py15:00
MSDandreabmxscott1993 did that happened to you?15:00
holsteinMSDandrea: libreoffice makes native versions for ubuntu.. its in the repos..15:00
holstein!into | libreoffice15:00
holstein!info | libreoffice15:00
ubottu'libreoffice' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable15:00
escotttheadmin, well thats an ambiguous or in common usage, but sure he could mean that15:00
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MSDandreaYes I run the native LibreOffice, and TuxGuitar is native too15:01
iKillCypherdo you guys get paid for developing ubuntu ?15:01
theadminholstein: You people are misreading, (s)he's just listing apps with which (s)he's having problems.15:01
holsteintheadmin: thanks15:01
theadminiKillCypher: There are hardly any developers in this channel. Surely though, Canonical pays its' employees, but there are many volunteers around the world which do that without asking for money.15:02
bmxscott1993can some one tell me here i can get good themes from15:03
holsteinbmxscott1993: i just search the repos15:03
donttrustemanyone here using virtualbox ... I am having problems with detecting USB15:03
theadmindonttrustem: Do you have the Oracle extensions installed?15:03
donttrustemtheadmin, I cannot find it15:04
theadmindonttrustem: They're available on virtualbox.org, download them and install, they add USB support.15:04
bmxscott1993i love liunx cus you get help easy and your all friendly15:04
donttrustemtheadmin,  I am on the site but they are not there15:05
donttrustemopps!  found them :)15:05
MSDandreaI've been lookin for a anwser for a very long time but looks like I'm the only one having this problem, I just don't know what to do15:06
holsteinMSDandrea: i would try with different graphics drivers.. nomodeset from a live CD is an easy way to test15:08
dekroningis it possible to use 'ufw' command and configure masquerading from lxcbr0 to eth0 ?15:09
dekroningor do I need iptables for this more advanced stuff ?15:10
MSDandreaI've already done that, I've installed the ones from the Additional Drivers, from the Nvidia site, even Xorg-edgers, none worked15:10
theadmindekroning: ufw is fairly primitive to be honest, it is an "uncomplicated" firewall after all. It *might* be possible but I doubt it. So use iptables, especially if you know how.15:11
donttrustemtheadmin, installed but still not seeing the usb drive :S15:13
dekroningtheadmin: ah I thought the "u" stood for "Ubuntu" :)15:13
dekroningtheadmin: so basically i'm down to /etc/ufw/  and modifye the rules there without using the ufw command it self? or you say, ditch ufw all together?15:13
theadmindekroning: Nay, all rules are accessible and modifiable with the "ufw" command, editing the configs manually will probably just mess things up (well, that is, if you do it wrong :P) but definetly shall give no advantage.15:14
kevin|WORKhey all. so i need to vnc into my machine but i forgot to log in to create the :0 display. is there something i can do? like, ssh in and then create it over command-line? or log in remotely in lightdm or something *shrug*15:14
dekroningtheadmin: but in here they also add stuff to the files them selves: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/firewall.html#ip-masquerading15:15
theadmindekroning: hhmmmmm, okay, then I'm wrong.15:15
compdockevin|WORK, if youve installed some vnc service, then ssh is fine15:15
ConeheadPls advise on the best open source and stable (preferably browsable) backup imaging tool15:15
dekroningtheadmin: np :-) didn't mean to tell you, you we're wrong though :)15:15
theadminConehead: Imaging as in taking the image of a disk? dd then. They're not exactly "browsable", you can mount them though.15:16
kevin|WORKcompdoc: what do you mean? i have ssh, but i can't vnc in (because my user isn't logged in to server on :0) . im reading http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/lightdm/2011-October/000170.html now, hopefully that's in the right direction15:17
val_i've made a basic conf file for forcing upstart to start a program on my filesystem, i was just making the job to execute a program that fputs(getenv("HOME"), file); but looking into the file (it has well been created) i come up with nothing written, why ? are the jobs not even started as root privileges ?15:17
compdockevin|WORK, ah, so you mean you havent enabled vino, for desktop sharing. someone needs to log into the console for that to work. Otherwise, you can just install vnc4server, or tightvnc server15:18
MSDandreaI'm having another problem that I think is related to X too, my mouse wheel does not work as expected it scrool up normally but when I try to scrool down it goes down and up, how to fix that?15:19
holsteinMSDandrea: if it were my box, i would try another graphics driver, since that could be causing those issues.. nomodeset from a live CD would be an easy way i would test that15:19
Coneheadtheadmin: I tried so many in vain, that dd must be my last hope indeed, I'll try. Can you advice on dd's parameters pls?15:20
theadminConehead: The generic syntax is "dd if=/dev/sda of=imagefile"15:20
MSDandreaholstein, thanks man I will15:20
MSDandreatry that15:20
theadminConehead: It has many other parameters so you may want to read the manual page and figure out what's best for you.15:20
chunkyheadis there a karaoke package in ubuntu which automatically syncs my recording and karaoke track15:21
Coneheadtheadmin: thnx alot, I'll read the f*man15:21
MSDandreaSo, should I directly report my graphics issues to Canonical, if yes How do I do that?15:23
chunkyheadis there a karaoke package in ubuntu which automatically syncs my recording and karaoke track when i am singing. so basically i wanna create covers15:23
k1l!bug | MSDandrea15:23
ubottuMSDandrea: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:23
donttrustemtheadmin:hmm! still can detect the usb drive  :S15:23
theadmindonttrustem: Did you connect it through the devices menu?15:23
MSDandreaThanks guys15:23
MSDandreaor girls ^^15:24
donttrustemtheadmin:it is not showing any in devices15:24
MSDandreachunkyhead, if you wanna to record covers you could use a program called Audacity, It's on the Ubuntu Software center15:24
tritonioSoooo. I did all the upgrade on my freslhy installed 12.10 and the new kernel fails to recognize my wlan card and doesn't even show the password screen for disk decryption when booting. :-/15:25
MonkeyDustchunkyhead  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDGRipping http://www.softwaregeek.com/ubuntu-karaoke/p1.html http://www.filebuzz.com/findsoftware/Ubuntu_Karaoke_Player/1.html15:25
theadmindonttrustem: Huh. Did you enable USB support in VM properties then?15:25
forelleHallo everyone15:26
theadmindonttrustem: Hmmmm... This is odd.15:26
donttrustemtheadmin:very and it is causing me a bloody big problem :(15:26
theadmindonttrustem: Is it just a data storage thing? If so why not just add a shared folder? :P15:27
donttrustemtheadmin:No I need to create a bootable USB drive formy MAC through a windows box15:28
donttrustembeen trying to get this done for 4 days now15:28
forelleI installed Ubuntu 12.10 on my mothers notebook and she likes it. Now it looks like I have to deinstall it and go back to Wi for there is no way to get her Ipod 6G to work with that (tried Exaile, Rhythmbox, gtkpod). Any solutions?15:28
theadminforelle: IIRC some people have succesfully gotten iTunes to work in Wine. Try it.15:29
forellek I will try the wine solution15:31
MonkeyDustforelle  is this useful? i don't have an ipod myself http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80476115:32
donttrustemtheadmin:itś strange because ubuntu see all the drives but virtualbox only see the cd drives and external usb drives.  It doesn see the usb thumb drive :S15:32
theadmindonttrustem: That is strange indeed... I dunno, really.15:33
forelleI read there is an isue with Libgpod and Ipod 6G15:34
capoderrawhat's this thing that happens when i'm in a software and everything dims? what is that?15:34
capoderraI just lost an hour of work.15:34
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theadmincapoderra: That means the program hung. Not responding.15:35
theadmincapoderra: You should save more often.15:35
MonkeyDustcapoderra  and backup15:36
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jribcapoderra: what program?15:37
forelleK what I found: Ipod 6G is currently not supported by Libgpod (which is the lib most apps use for talking to an Ipod)15:37
theadminforelle: Did you try iTunes yet...?15:37
forelleI will15:38
capoderrait happened again in libre writer.15:38
capoderrawhat is going on???15:38
chunkyheadMonkeyDust, does it overlap my recording and karaoke?15:38
jribcapoderra: did you try just waiting?15:38
forellebut Im not sure if it will recognize the Ipod? wasn't there some USB issue?15:38
Michiellllaptopis there something more compatible with and perhaps more alike excel than libreoffice calc?15:38
jribMichiellllaptop: probably not15:38
theadminMichiellllaptop: Not really.15:38
theadminLO is the most functional and compatible office suite around15:39
jribunless you accept "excel" as an answer15:39
forellebut thanks anyways15:39
MonkeyDustchunkyhead  haven't tried... if you find out, then you are the expert15:39
forelleI will try that15:39
chunkyheadMonkeyDust, haha15:39
Michiellllaptopok, pity... thnx anyways15:40
kantlivelonghey all.. in parted how to do set the flags boot, raid? it seems to only allow me to set one15:40
escottkantlivelong, raid is not bootable and linux doesnt care15:40
escottkantlivelong, so just mark it as raid and leave it be15:40
kantlivelongescott: if its raid i cant install grub :/15:41
escottkantlivelong, if you have raid 1 mirroring, then grub can reliably boot that (but its not actually booting it as raid, its just booting the individual mirror)15:43
kantlivelongescott: yes.. but i cant even installl grub15:44
escottkantlivelong, for raid0 or other stripped raid levels you are best having a boot partition that is raid1 or non-stripped15:44
compdocwow:   Ubuntu is going to become the reference architecture for a Linux distribution, backed and developed by the Chinese government.15:44
kantlivelongescott: "this gpt partition table has no bios boot raid"15:44
escottkantlivelong, gpt is very different. are you doing gpt+bios or gpt+efi?15:45
RalliasIs there a USB tethering thing I can use that doesn't require additional software on my computer?15:45
kantlivelongi dont know why 12.04.2 is so complicated... it wont even show the disks if they are MBR. it will show if they are GPT.... GPT+BIOS15:45
escottkantlivelong, i don't believe that gpt has a [bios] boot flag at all (the only OS that would care is windows and its not bootable on gpt+bios)15:46
escottkantlivelong, because your system is booting the usb stick/cdrom in efi mode15:46
theadminRallias: Depends on your phone. Android's built-in tethering mechanisms work just fine for example, Ubuntu sees them as an Ethernet connection.15:46
escottkantlivelong, so it won't show a msdos partitioned disk because from its perspective the msdos partitioned disk is not bootable as your system is an efi system15:46
Ralliastheadmin, It's disabled by LG.15:47
theadminRallias: Oh... Cyanogenmod is probably the answer, eh.15:47
RalliasThere's not a build for my phone.15:47
kantlivelongescott: so what can i do here? the installer wont show any disks in MBR.. and i dont think this board has EFI15:47
theadminOh... sad hamsters.15:48
kantlivelongi dont know why this is so complicated... ive never had this crap problems before15:49
escottkantlivelong, it probably does have efi. but its configured to boot the hard disk in msdos. you can verify by checking if /sys/firmware has an efi/uefi directory. then go into your efi setup and change how the usb/cdrom boots to make it boot in bios mode and the installer will allow you to install to an msdos partitioned disk with grub-bios instead of grub-efi15:49
greenithi, i have a problem with the package "dvd-slideshow"...  when i execute it, it comes to the point where it uses ffmpeg and there it exits with an error... here is it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5637309/   can any1 help me plz?15:49
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escottkantlivelong, its just the pains of EFI, what the installer is doing is sensible although frustrating15:49
kantlivelongescott: its weird because i installed 12.04.0 on another server of the same model with no issues15:50
escottkantlivelong, its trying to do the right thing and not leave you with an unbootable configuration, but it doesn't have enough information to know that what you want to happen is possible15:50
theadmingreenit: That's a fairly ridiculous error, does it have any verbose mode where one can see the actual ffmpeg output?15:50
Michiellllaptopso how would I use excel on ubuntu?15:51
escottkantlivelong, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/101521115:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1015211 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity installed grub-efi when it should have installed grub-pc" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:51
jribMichiellllaptop: you can look into crossover office.  I'm surprised calc is not sufficient for you though15:52
greenittheadmin, seems like no15:52
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jribMichiellllaptop: or use a virtual installation of windows15:52
Michiellllaptopjrib: i got some weird differences in what i had done when i opened it in excel last time15:53
kantlivelongescott: stuffs so complicated nowadays :P15:53
Michiellllaptopand a lot of shortcuts just don't work, sadly15:53
escottkantlivelong, again check for the presence of an efi folder in /sys/firmware/ and send us the output of "sudo parted -l" to confirm my diagnosis15:53
escottkantlivelong, EFI is a real delight15:53
holsteinMichiellllaptop: there is an online version of microsoft office15:55
Michiellllaptopjrib: iĺl ttry that, thanks15:55
Michiellllaptopholstein: oh really, where?15:56
theadminholstein: That one is honestly just a joke, it can't even do half the things Google Docs ca15:56
druidj'ai join mon ubuntu  sous gnome 3 à un domaine windows en utilisant likewise et depuis je n'ai plus le boot sympa avec la tapisserie, et la résolution est en 800*600 ou un truc du genre.. une idée de pourquoi et de ce que je peux faire pour y remedier?15:56
theadmin!fr | druid15:56
ubottudruid: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:56
holsteinMichiellllaptop: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/web-apps/15:56
holsteinMichiellllaptop: theadmin im not commenting on the quality, since i have not used it.. just that is will run in linux15:57
kri8orHi, guys15:57
kri8orI have a strange problem with my wireless15:57
kri8orI can detect some networks around15:57
kri8orbut not my onw15:58
druidsorry ^^15:58
Michiellllaptopholstein: ok, thanks15:58
kri8orany ideas ?15:58
theadminkri8or: I'm just firing blind, but have you tried changing the channel your network uses?15:58
Michiellllaptoptheadmin: i shouldn't use i?15:58
theadminMichiellllaptop: You can try for sure, see if it does what you want.15:58
kri8ortheadmin how do I do that  ?15:59
kri8orin the router _15:59
Erikohola algun español15:59
DJones!es | Eriko16:00
ubottuEriko: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:00
LoneTrooperhi, anyone experienced problems with wizardpen drivers for ubuntu 12.10 or ubuntu based distro?16:02
suriokri8or: I had similar problems a few days ago, but on my Porteus 64 bit and my puppy slacko distros16:03
surioI just couldn't figure out what was going on....16:03
surioAnd w/o any intervention on my part, the systems started picking up my n/w16:04
kri8orsurio and what have you done ?16:04
surioWell I intervened somewhat....16:04
surioI deleted all the occurrences of my network settings in Porteus and puppy16:05
LoneTrooperHas anyone managed to get working graphical tablet on Ubuntu?16:05
truexfan81anyone here familiar with alclient?16:05
surioI am really not sure where they are stored in Ubuntu16:05
suriokri8or: So, basically I made the ditro start wifi from scratch ;)16:06
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ayeceehi. I'd like to report a bug in lightdm package in precise-proposed, however I don't see this "distribution" at packages.ubuntu.com. How would I go about reporting this?16:08
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truexfan81when trying to run alclient in 12.04 it complains that it can't find libstdc++-libc6.1-116:09
truexfan81however it seems to work in 12.1016:09
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you-tee-fpretty weird right ?!? http://askubuntu.com/questions/271272/nothing-is-written-in-a-file-created-from-a-upstart-job16:17
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tgm4883you-tee-f, are there any errors in the upstart log?16:20
MatRooim thinking about buying http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Linux-Kernel-Third-Daniel/dp/0596005652 but im wondering how much changes have been since 2.6 compared to the 3.2 now?16:20
tgm4883MatRoo, which 2.6?16:21
greeniti have a problem with "dvd-slideshow", can any1 help me plz? i executed it, but it stops working when it comes to ffmpeg, here is the error-output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5637411/16:22
jab416171when I go from two monitors to one monitor, the way Ubuntu moves my windows is really strange. How can I fix that?16:22
MatRootgm4883: the linux kernel version16:22
MatRoothe refered book only covers till 2.616:22
MatRooright now we're on about 3.2 /3.316:23
ikillcypherhello guys how do I know if my ATI card is working normally on my ubuntu ?16:23
tgm4883MatRoo, ok, so to answer your question, 2.6.0 had 5,929,913 lines of code. 3.2 had 14,998,651. So quite a lot?16:23
MatRooikillcypher: try a live cd? =P16:23
MatRootgm4883: crap =P thanks tough16:24
* ikillcypher has ubuntu already install16:24
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jhutchins_wkikillcypher: Can you see this?16:24
ikillcyphersee what ?16:24
ikillcypheryes I can but Im make sure im not running VGA16:25
jhutchins_wkikillcypher: This text.16:25
ikillcypherso what is the command in terminal to check and see if it installed correctly16:25
tgm4883MatRoo, that is why it's important to know the version number. eg. 2.6.39 is much less different than 3.2, compared to 2.6.016:25
jhutchins_wkikillcypher: You probably want to check what resolution you're running at.16:25
brontideJust spent some time setting up ip6tables rules… how do I preserve them across reboots?16:25
ikillcypherhow does that help ?16:26
MatRootgm4883: check the amazon link, it only specifiec 2.6 =/16:26
MatRootgm4883: specifies*16:26
jhutchins_wkikillcypher: It's easier than reading /var/log/Xorg.0.log and trying to figure out which driver is ative.16:27
ikillcypher:( Im new to ubuntu16:27
Catbuntuhow can I set some files to be copied to the user's home folder when building a deb package?16:27
Catbuntufor example, to set something to be copied to /usr/local/bin I create the folder package/usr/local/bin and copy the files there.16:27
jhutchins_wkikillcypher: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Keep going until and unless you encounter a problem.16:28
CatbuntuCan I just do package/~/.some/file.conf?16:28
jribCatbuntu: a package copying things into home seems wrong16:29
jribCatbuntu: well for starters, whose home should it copy to?16:29
CatbuntuIt's for hosting config files.16:29
brontideever learn about /etc/skel ?16:30
ripthejackerhow to set static ip in ubuntu?16:30
Catbuntujrib, it depends.16:30
jribCatbuntu: usually there's some system-wide conf location for a program and the program itself creates conf files in the home16:30
streulmaripthejacker: /etc/network/interfaces16:30
Catbuntuoh, that's true16:31
ripthejackeri have currently set it using the /etc/network/interfaces16:31
ripthejackerstreulma: i have dont that16:31
streulmaripthejacker: http://www.iceteks.com/forums/archive/t/3298/16:31
CatbuntuFor example, with XChat the .xchat2 folder isn't created until you run it for first time, is that what you mean?16:31
jribCatbuntu: yes16:31
tsunameeeeanyone have any ideas on the ashavar alclient issue?16:31
CatbuntuThe problem is that the program needs a config file to run.16:31
ripthejackermy ip is static by now my pppoe connections dont show up in network manager16:31
jribCatbuntu: so provide a system-wide one in your package?16:32
CatbuntuPerhaps copying the default files to some /etc place and then copying the editable ones to the home folder?16:32
streulmayeah: today and yesterday recovered two nas boxes :)16:32
Catbuntujrib, and what if I want to create a directory inside /etc?16:34
Catbuntufor hosting the files16:34
brontideOk, now even more confused under Ubuntu 12.10 where is static IP stored, it's not in /etc/network/interfaces?16:34
jrib!packaging | Catbuntu16:34
ubottuCatbuntu: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring16:34
ripthejackerstreulma: yes i have done that way but now my networks connections don't show up16:35
jribCatbuntu: I don't know offhand but you can read that documentation and try #ubuntu-packaging16:35
ripthejackerstreulma: and i have to connect using another program rp-pppoe16:35
Ingo2Hi, i am new Ubunto newbie and i´d like to know if someone knows this book and tell me if its any good to enter the ubuntu world: http://t.co/PPo0hVkoox ?16:37
ripthejackerplease help16:37
ripthejackerhow do I setup static ip without wrecking the network manager16:38
ikillcypherhi guys my graphics card is undectected by ubuntu :(16:38
DJones!manual | Ingo2 I've not seen that book, so can't comment on it, but you may want to look at this as well,16:38
ubottuIngo2 I've not seen that book, so can't comment on it, but you may want to look at this as well,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:38
caraconanHi there. Apparently bot the motherboard and the disks support SATA 3. Upon checking looks like they are working as SATA 2 (http://paste.debian.net/243731/). I'm unable to see any relevant config in the BIOS. Should I do something to make it work as SATA 3? I'm using a RAID 1 config with 2 disks. Any help will be appreciated. Running Ubuntu Server 12.1016:39
brontideOk, I guess I must be in network-manager mode… if I update /etc/network/interfaces will that override network-manager or do I have to do something else with init scripts?16:39
ripthejackeri manually edited the /etc/network/interfaces file to add static ip and now my network manager doesn't show my network connections16:41
brontideI guess that answers that… also official docs are silent on ipv616:41
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ripthejackerhow do i set static ip without affecting other network interfaces16:43
ripthejackerplease help16:43
HeraklesHi there, i am a IRC-newbie...., and i have a question..., is this chatroom logged somewhere..., ?16:43
Heraklesmsg me16:43
DJones!logs | Herakles16:43
ubottuHerakles: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:43
Heraklesthank you DJones..16:44
BluesKajripthejacker:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html16:45
ikillcypherhi guys my graphics card is undectected by ubuntu :(16:47
ikillcypherusing mobilty radeaon 340016:47
Enichi am trying to do unattended ubuntu installations on libvirt,  anyone can recommend good ways ?  I am trying to do something similar to vagrant up, i just want the machine to come up, so i can connect to it via ansible and configure it.16:47
ripthejackerBluesKaj: i followed that but now the connections in the network connections dont show up16:48
ripthejackerhow to connect to  a pppoe connection using command line?16:49
boston62I was going to upgrad to 12.10 from 12.04, it said graphics card might be a problem Nvidia 9500, what would be best to use then? Thanks16:49
ikillcypherhi guys my graphics card is undectected by ubuntu :(16:49
ikillcypherusing mobilty radeaon 340016:49
BluesKajripthejacker:  are you still using network manager , if so it's overwriting the interfaces file '16:50
Enichripthejacker, http://askubuntu.com/questions/83869/setting-up-a-pppoe-connection-in-ubuntu16:50
ikillcypherno one here able to help ?16:50
Enichikillcypher, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Oneiric_Installation_Guide#Installing_Catalyst_Manually_.28from_AMD.2FATI.27s_site.2916:51
BluesKajripthejacker:  that site doesn't mention changes required in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base , if you have any dns nameservers to add16:51
BluesKajripthejacker: run,  sudo dhclient eth016:52
CrazyArseMuttin a channel of 1800-  i would think there is more going on, no?16:54
DJones!support | CrazyArseMutt16:55
ubottuCrazyArseMutt: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com16:55
CrazyArseMuttthanks bots - i was hoping to read some support convos here.16:55
DJonesCrazyArseMutt: Stay around and watch, plenty of support issues over time16:56
CrazyArseMuttthanks DJones16:56
meLonI'm having a hard time with ATI drivers (OSS and Prop).  After installing either, aticonfig complains that it is unable to locate libGL.so.1.  Here is some more info: http://pastie.org/707856917:00
meLonI believe I started experiencing this problem after I attempted to use AMD's uninstall script.  I have no clue why it's not correctly installing these libraries17:01
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ikillcypherchmod: cannot access `amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-linux-x86.x86_64.runcd': No such file or directory17:09
ikillcypherchmod: cannot access `catalyst13.1/': No such file or directory17:09
meLonIt should be .run, ikillcypher17:10
=== King is now known as Guest21386
compdocikillcypher, try: sudo updatedb , then: locate catalyst17:10
ikillcypherikillcypher@aesir:~/catalyst13.1$ sudo sh ./amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/oneiric17:11
ikillcyphersh: 0: Can't open ./amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-x86.x86_64.run17:11
ikillcypherhelp please17:12
ikillcypherikillcypher@aesir:~/catalyst13.1$ sudo sh ./amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/Quantal17:12
ikillcyphersh: 0: Can't open ./amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-x86.x86_64.run17:12
swikillcypher: stop repeating yourself, if someone can help then they will17:13
ikillcypherim depress :(17:13
Enginis there a recommended tool for remote managing a linux box's firewall that i can install on my 12.04 ?17:14
sw!fr | malko317:14
ubottumalko3: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:14
malko3ok sorry17:14
swikillcypher: $ chmod 755 amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-x86.x86_64.run; sudo ./amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-x86.x86_64.run17:15
you-tee-ftgm4883: where is the upstart log ?17:15
swikillcypher: put that in a Terminal, pastebin any errors17:15
ikillcyphersudo: ./amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-x86.x86_64.run: command not found17:16
jrtappersIs there a way to get run a shell command until it stops making output, or it makes a certain output?17:16
swikillcypher: why the :?17:16
jrtappersikillcypher, run ls17:17
SonikkuAmericaikillcypher: are you cd'd to the correct directory?17:17
ikillcypherikillcypher@aesir:~/catalyst13.1$ sudo  ls17:17
jrtappersikillcypher, try typing './a' without quote marks and then pressing TAB17:18
Enginhmm there's ufw apparently17:18
Ari-Yanghi, I'm looking to install beta proprietary driver. It looks like it's recommended to uninstall any fglrx drivers with sudo amdconfig --uninstall17:18
Ari-Yangnow to do this, I have to switch over to the fglrx drivers17:18
ferronicaNeed help regarding Geary Mail, getting Connection Error17:18
jrtappersikillcypher, * 'sudo ./a'17:18
Ari-Yangthen run the command, correct?17:18
jrtappersAri-Yang, Make sure to use the signiture trick17:19
Ari-Yang@ jrtappers what do you mean?17:19
Ari-Yangnever heard of that...17:19
jrtappersAri-Yang, The prop beta drivers from AMD are nice, but they have an annoying watermark17:20
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ikillcypherim getting graphics adapter not supported by this driver17:20
Ari-Yang@ jrtappers watermark? where o_o?17:20
ikillcypherinstallition will not process17:20
jrtappersAri-Yang, This trick removes the water mark, makes it think it's not beta17:20
Ari-Yangso the watermark just sits there?17:21
Ari-Yangon everything?17:21
jrtappersAri-Yang, Bottom right, see ...17:21
jrtappersAri-Yang, http://askubuntu.com/questions/206558/how-to-remove-the-amd-testing-use-only-watermark17:21
SonikkuAmericaikillcypher: Is your Catalyst still supported my AMD?17:21
SonikkuAmerica*by AMD?17:21
ikillcypherI have no idea17:21
jrtappersAri-Yang, Change the contents of the signiture file and it is like normal17:21
jrtappersikillcypher, What card do you have?17:21
jrtappersAri-Yang, See second answer, 32 votes17:22
ikillcypherATI 3400 HD17:22
k1lledhi guys, i try to install ubuntu 13.04 alpha from USB. I make USB with that: Universal-USB-Installer- When i join at menu, to start live cd or install i have this problem: [boot loader] /casper/vmlinuz/ file not found17:22
ikillcypherMobility Radeon HD 340017:23
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Ari-Yangthanks jrtappers, will do17:23
jrtappersAri-Yang, Thats ok17:23
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PhysicistMy O.S. does not suspend, restart or shutdown itself. I have to force, press the power off button. Maybe I have to reinstall the drivers..ATI drivers. I do not like install with the ppa: xorg edgers. I prefer Download the binary file and do it manually.17:23
PhysicistCan somebody help me?17:24
holsteinPhysicist: did you add that ppa?17:24
holstein!tty | Physicist can you get to tty and sudo reboot?17:24
ikillcypher:( jrtappers17:24
ubottuPhysicist can you get to tty and sudo reboot?: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution17:24
rafaelcunhaWhat are the chances of link aggregation in ubuntu (bandwidth aggregation specifically)? I want the sum of two links of 5 Mbps, ie, a 10 Mbps link from two different links.17:24
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jrtappersikillcypher, Checking my log book atm17:25
ferronicaNeed help regarding Geary Mail, getting Connection Error17:25
jribrafaelcunha: check out axel...17:25
jrtappersikillcypher, run 'lspci | grep VGA'17:25
Ari-Yangso, I should switch over to fglrx driver, reboot so it is properly in use. run sudo amdconfig --uninstall then switch over to my default open source driver, and then reboot17:26
Ari-Yangsound about right?17:26
Physicistholstein: No I did not. My O.S. is starting normally. The problem is when I want restart or turn off. Stop in the purple ubuntu screen.17:26
rafaelcunhajrib: some kind of appliance?17:26
ikillcypherikillcypher@aesir:~/catalyst13.1$ lspci | grep VGA17:26
ikillcypher01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV620 [Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series]17:26
jribrafaelcunha: it's a program17:26
jrtappersAri-Yang, why?17:27
Ari-Yangwhy what?17:27
jrtappersAri-Yang, what is the current setup?17:27
holsteinPhysicist: can you switch to tty and use the command "sudo halt" or "sudo shutdown -h now" ? and share errors?17:27
ikillcypherI really need someone to help with me issue17:28
AaronMTCurrent Version: Textual 3.0.0 beta #4 (Git Reference: 3.0.0b4-412-g1d36511-stdbuild) (Flavor: Mud Pie)17:28
rafaelcunhajrib: this is a download acelerator?17:28
jribrafaelcunha: isn't that what you asked for?17:28
Physicistholstein: sure! I am using my PC right now, but, I can do it!17:28
rafaelcunhajrib: I was thinking about network managemente17:28
jrtappersikillcypher, im checking to dl link17:28
jribrafaelcunha: oh, then I misunderstood.17:28
jrtappersikillcypher, did you run it as sudo?17:28
ikillcypherikillcypher@aesir:~/catalyst13.1$ lspci | grep VGA17:29
holsteinPhysicist: http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/39504.aspx is relevant17:29
ikillcypher01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV620 [Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series]17:29
ikillcypherthat's what I did17:29
rafaelcunhajrib: I was thinking about something like bonding but for internet links17:29
ferronicaanyone free to help Geary Mail17:29
holsteinferronica: i would just ask..17:29
ferronicaholstein, Geary mail not working17:30
jrtappersikillcypher, 64 or 32 bit?17:30
ferronicaholstein, 64bit17:30
holsteinferronica: any error messages?17:30
rafaelcunhaWhat are the chances of link aggregation in ubuntu (bandwidth aggregation specifically)? I want the sum of two links of 5 Mbps, ie, a 10 Mbps link from two different internet links. Could bonding make this?17:31
ferronicaholstein, yes connection error while adding account17:31
jrtappersikillcypher, Dl size?17:31
ikillcypherhuh ?17:31
Physicistholstein: Good one Thank you!17:31
Ari-Yang@ jrtappers you mean what driver I'm using now?17:31
Ari-Yang^ that17:31
ikillcypher13.1 is not supported17:31
holsteinferronica: are you connected? have you tried adding another account? can you check the credentials?17:31
Ari-Yangbut when I run the uninstall command17:31
Ari-Yangdoesn't work17:31
FloodBot1Ari-Yang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
Ari-Yangso I guess I have to switch over17:31
jrtappersikillcypher, How big is the file you downloaded?17:31
k1lledsomeone with idea for my problem ?17:32
ikillcypherof 13.1 ?17:32
jrtappersAri-Yang, Try installing, it ususally works quite wll17:32
jrtappersikillcypher, yes, im checking if it corrupted17:32
ferronicaholstein, yes tried two account gmail and yahoo both same error17:32
ikillcypher114.8 MB (114,845,505 bytes)17:32
ikillcypherit is not supported17:32
holsteinferronica: and you can use another client without any issues?17:32
ferronicaholstein, unable to validate * connection error17:32
ikillcypherim able to run it17:32
ferronicaholstein, both not working same error17:33
holsteinferronica: both?17:33
ferronicaholstein, yes both account gamil and yahoo mail17:33
ferronicaholstein, same error17:33
holsteinferronica: and from another mail client?17:33
jrtappersk1lled, try yumi17:33
ferronicaholstein, fine no problem17:34
ikillcypherso what should I do now ?!17:34
ferronicaholstein, thunderbird works fine17:34
jrtappersikillcypher, Something seems odd, I get legacy in the name17:34
wumbeiI'm trying to enter my password at the terminal but when i press enter i think it just goes to the next line, and my computer's name isn't before my commandline17:34
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wumbeiwhat do i do?17:34
jrtappersikillcypher, and a different file size17:34
holsteinferronica: i would probably just use thunderbird, otherwise, you'll probably need to search for geary specific help17:35
Ari-Yang@ jrtappers but it says that I should...17:35
jrtappersikillcypher, They are probably different sizes17:35
Ari-Yang'Note: Remember to uninstall the AMD proprietary fglrx graphics if it is already installed and reboot your system. ' <-- see?17:35
ikillcyphermayeb cause that dick who gave that link was wrong17:35
ferronicaholstein, but i like geary simple and precise17:35
ferronicaholstein, any specific channel for Geary Mail17:35
ejoHi.  I'm running 12.04 LTS and having a conflict between Banshee and having my smartphone plugged into a USB port.17:35
holsteinferronica: doesnt seem like it.. but again, i would just ask the geary support venue's what is going on.. i would say you have the issue isolated to geary17:36
jrtappersAri-Yang, I have seen them work either way, your best bet would be to DL everything and do it in a recover console or TTY17:36
ejoI am not actually trying to use the smartphone WITH banshee in any way; I'm only recharging it.17:36
ikillcypher<Enich> ikillcypher, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Oneiric_Installation_Guide#Installing_Catalyst_Manually_.28from_AMD.2FATI.27s_site.2917:36
ejoBut I find that IF the smartphone is plugged into a usb port, Banshee has to be restarted 2 to 3 times before it will run.  Where do I start, in order to figure this out?17:36
ferronicaholstein, so i have to wait to rectify problem17:36
ikillcypheryeah im on oneiric17:36
ikillcypheryeah very nice !!17:37
jrtappersejo, run it from command line17:37
ikillcypherIM ON 12.10 !!17:37
jrtappersikillcypher, http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/legacy-radeon_linux.aspx17:37
ejojrtappers: you mean as a fix, or as a way to get more info about what's wrong -- i am guessing the latter.17:37
jrtappersikillcypher, see if that says compatable17:37
ejojrtappers: and thank you for the answer17:37
wumbeii am trying to enter my password in terminal but it just goes to a new line when i press enter. what do i do17:37
holsteinferronica: i dont think any of the volunteers here use geary mail at the moment.. i would ask the geary support17:37
jrtappersejo, as a first step, if it doesn't help try -v17:37
ikillcypherok so what now ?17:38
ejojrtappers: thank you.  I should have thought of that.  And I know I would have forgotten -v.  Cool thx17:38
jrtapperswumbei, Need more info17:38
ikillcypherdo you like have a official link on how to install it>?17:38
Ingo2Hi, i am a Ubuntu newbie and i´d like to know if someone knows this Amazon book and tell me if its any good to enter the Ubuntu world: http://t.co/PPo0hVkoox ?17:38
jrtappersikillcypher, I put in the card you told me on AMDs site17:38
Ari-Yang@ jrtappers so you're saying it's fine to install the beta even if I have to other fglrx drivers installed?17:39
ikillcypherI dont get you17:39
wumbeijrtappers: well it asks for my password, i type it in, and then when i press enter it goes to the next line but it doesn't show xxxx:-$ on new line17:39
jrtappersIngo2, you shouldn't need a book really17:39
jrtappersAri-Yang, I have seen it work before, it sometimes does and it's a lot easier, but if it gets odd nothing beats a single user login to fix it17:39
ikillcypherjrtappers, I will try to reinstall now17:40
jrtappersIngo2, IRC helps a lot, as does the web. It is also quite user friendly, so together it can be quite a smooth learning curve17:40
jrtappersikillcypher, ok, good luck17:41
wumbeijrtappers: is it possible the password is being entered and that it isn'tr supposed to say xxxxx-:$ on the next line?17:41
jrtapperswumbei, Depends, what command are you running? If its a gui app thats to be expected17:41
wumbeijrtappers: i'm doing sudo modprobe17:42
jrtappersIngo2, The best bet would be to dualboot a machine and play about17:42
jrtapperswumbei, try running sudo echo 117:42
wumbeiyes, that worked17:43
wumbeidoes that mean i can't do the modprobe? @jrtappers17:43
jrtapperswumbei, sounds like the command may be freezing, try running it from a root terminal17:44
wumbeijrtappers: freezing on that too :/17:45
jrtapperswumbei, What command are you running, the whole thing including arguments17:46
sacrebleuI have an ubuntu server box running latest, and I moved from one WAN to another WAN, how can I change the ESSID and related WPA2 key from command line17:46
wumbeijust modprobe b4317:46
wumbeiapparently it's supposed to 'kick start' some firmware?17:46
ikillcyphersame error message17:47
ikillcypherim getting graphics adapter not supported by this driver17:47
jrtappersikillcypher, run ls17:47
ikillcyphersudo ls?17:47
jrtappersikillcypher, just ls17:48
ferronicaholstein, ???17:48
jrtapperswumbei, try modprobe -v b4317:48
jrtapperswumbei, * sudo ^17:49
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ikillcypherjrtappers, http://pastie.org/708237117:49
subz3r0could anyone recommend me a good and fast filesystem for a usb-stick? ext4 is kinda slow17:49
subz3r0for large files...17:49
jrtappersikillcypher, Did you unzip the DL?17:50
wilee-nileesubz3r0, Are you sure it is not the transfer rate?17:50
wumbeijrtappers: same thing still. :/ i appreiciate the help though17:50
subz3r0wilee-nilee: yes i am17:51
ikillcypherI get until the GUI SCREEN17:51
jrtappersikillcypher, I thought it had legacy in the name, my mistake17:51
wilee-nileesubz3r0, Not sure how you would be when your asking about file systems, you have not actually researched a difference.17:51
subz3r0wilee-nilee: just dont want to test them all now. so a recommodation woould be ncie :>17:52
subz3r0well, fat16 is faster17:52
jrtapperswumbei, Its meant to throw up a lot of text17:52
wilee-nileesubz3r0, Understandable. ;)17:52
subz3r0but fat16 does not like big files... so thats what my question for17:52
subz3r0maybe reiserfs is faster? or xfs?17:53
nullucashi, is it possible to have layouts with more than 4 symbols for each key? I see the layouts have 4 combinations for each key (normal, shift, altGr, altGr+shift), but not more17:53
ikillcypherjrtappers, http://i46.tinypic.com/14u9mpf.png17:53
ikillcypherand how do I get rid of that yellow box too17:54
MonkeyDustnullucas  the super key and the Fn key17:54
subz3r0wilee-nilee: so? :>17:55
jrtappersikillcypher, Did you delete the first one, I see only one copy in that folder, the old one17:55
nullucasMonkeyDust, the super key is the "windows key", right? And how do you include it in a custom layout? The examples I have seen online only consider 4 symbols for each key17:55
ikillcypherjrtappers, http://i46.tinypic.com/14u9mpf.png17:55
ikillcyphersee this please17:55
ikillcypherit is stating it is not supported17:55
Ari-YangI think I'll just uinstall the fglrx drivers I have, just in case things go wonky....... Might as well follow the instructions they give me lol Though, good to know that it doesn't /have/ to be uinstalled17:56
jrtappersikillcypher, Yes, but there were two links, and only one run file, WITHOUT legacy in its name, so that may be the wrong one17:56
jrtappersAri-Yang, ok17:56
* subz3r0 pokes wilee-nilee :D17:56
Ari-Yangthanks for your info jrtappers17:56
jrtappersAri-Yang, Thats ok, happy to help17:57
ikillcypherwhy cant you just point me to a tutorial17:57
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ikillcypherI dont know what legacy you are talking about17:57
wilee-nileesubz3r0, I have never checked file systems for speed, I have not really had any problems there, I will look on the web for yah though.17:58
ikillcypherand I have been following this tutorial17:58
jrtappersikillcypher, the driver I sent you to has legacy in its name, so I was refering to it like that, because it is easier to identify a file by a word than by a revision ID17:58
subz3r0wilee-nilee: ofc i did a lil reasrch before. but no time for a long one right now... so im just here for a fast question&answer ;)17:59
ikillcypheryou sent me a driver ?17:59
ikillcypherlol what17:59
jrtappersikillcypher, That may be the wrong driver17:59
jrtappersikillcypher, <jrtappers> ikillcypher, http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/legacy-radeon_linux.aspx18:00
ikillcypherso which is wrong the site or ubuntu18:00
PraxiI'm trying to find a open source chat program to run on a website, I'm specifically looking for the one that humblebundle.com use to use.  Can someone point me to the software they used, or to a channel that would be more appropriate to ask in?18:00
ikillcypherso you sent me the wrong link18:00
jrtappersI sent you a link, you downloaded another18:01
ikillcypherim using AMD Mobility Radeon HD 3000 Series18:01
subz3r0maybe anyone else knows is... so here the question again. "Which filesystem is the fastest for an usb-stick? ext4(makes problems, slow...) reiserfs, btrfs, xfs or nilfs2 for files > 4GByte18:01
wilee-nileesubz3r0, Check out post 3 that user is probably one of the top in knowledge posters on the UF, check out his website.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156709918:01
ikillcypherok wait wait18:01
ikillcypherslow down18:01
ikillcypheryou want me to download that zip file and unzip and try installing18:02
subz3r0thank you very much @wilee-nilee18:02
jrtappersikillcypher, delete all the downloads, all the .run files, start at 018:02
holsteinsubz3r0: i usually use fat32 if im going between different os's.. ext2 might work better for usb sticks.. the speed will mostly be related to your usb hardware and the stick18:02
subz3r0ikillcypher: i would NOT install any suspicious files from any1... just a hint...18:02
subz3r0if you dont know the source, be aware18:02
ikillcypherdont be an idiot18:03
ikillcypherits ati website18:03
subz3r0but your decision18:03
ikillcypherpeople like you should be ban and kick18:03
subz3r0!lang > ikillcypher18:03
holsteinikillcypher: thats just good practice, and advice18:03
ikillcypherit is a ATI website ?!18:03
subz3r0well, watch your lang, kid...18:03
holsteinikillcypher: site like that get hacked often because of the trust you are mentioning18:03
subz3r0im not in the mood for things like that... it was just an advice18:04
jrtappersholstein, subz3r0 ,              Good advice, bad timing18:04
wumbeijrtappers: is there another way to do the modprobe? i've just added a folder to lib/firmware and i need to 'kick start' it apparently18:04
jrtapperswumbei, there is an etc file for it18:04
ikillcypherI dont get any of what he is saying18:04
holsteinikillcypher: still, the suggestion is, if you trust it, go for it!.. just know the concequences.. also, that the packages in the repos are tested for compatibility18:04
subz3r0so get a brain, retard.18:04
ikillcyphera amd site ? should not be trusted ?18:04
wumbeijrtappers: what do i do with it?18:04
ikillcyphermaybe fix your english18:04
ikillcypherthat would do18:05
holsteinsubz3r0: lets try and keep it constructive18:05
jrtappersholstein, subz3r0 , please leave advice untill the end or address it to the helper18:05
holsteinikillcypher: there should be directions at the AMD site, or in the download.. i usually try the open driver, then the proprietary one,, then i move on to ones from the site.. the manual onces18:05
jrtappersikillcypher, so DL that link, and that one should be compatable18:06
ikillcypheruh how do I set chmod it ?!18:07
wilee-nileeHey, I'm the mentally challenged one here and don't you forget it. ;)18:07
jrtappersikillcypher, chmod +x <filename>18:07
Ari-Yangokay, so I got Uninstaller for AMD Catalyst (TM) Proprietary Driver, /usr/share/ati/amd-uninstall.sh, does not exist or cannot be found.18:07
Ari-Yang when I did sudo amdconfig --uninstall in the terminal18:07
swhi is there a command to list all apache VirtualHosts running on a server?18:07
Ari-Yangso, this mean I should do sudo aptitude purge fglrx ?18:08
jrtappersAri-Yang, locate uninstall.sh , it will show you the way18:08
Ari-Yang@ jrtappers I did that, got nothing o_o18:09
jrtappersAri-Yang, Are you already using AMD drivers?18:09
Ari-Yangyeah, I switched over to fglrx-updates driver18:09
Ari-Yangshould I switch back to the open source one?18:09
subz3r0funny kid... lol...18:09
jrtappersAri-Yang, that may be the easiest way18:10
subz3r0jrtappers: yes, sorry... just put this re.... on my ignore list18:10
Ari-Yanghmmm... okay then, looks like I'll have to restart again18:10
ikillcypherloki_setup: Script seems to have failed with error code 127.18:10
jrtapperssubz3r0, Everyone learns everything at least once18:11
jrtappersikillcypher, ?18:11
ikillcypherI will restart now and see if it working18:11
KeyboardNotFoundcan i backup and restore grub loader after installing two ubuntus ?18:14
holsteinKeyboardNotFound: sure18:14
subz3r0jrtappers: that's the deal. but there is no reason to be discourteously.18:14
wilee-nileeKeyboardNotFound, Backing it up is old school, however grub is easy to wipe if needed and reload18:15
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tjbiddleAnyone have experience with reprepro? Can't seem to find any documentation regarding virtual packages on it.18:16
surioAnyone has experience with FileZilla?18:17
jrtapperssubz3r0, I didn't mean to cause offence, and if I did I am sorry18:17
jrtapperssurio, Some18:17
holsteinsurio: i have used it.. and gigolo18:17
tjbiddlesurio: Yes18:17
surioCheers... I am new to it.. just using it to transfer some large files18:17
tjbiddlesurio: Drag and drop :p18:17
surioHowever, the upload speed is nothing short of atrocious18:17
jrtapperssurio, You could try using nautilus, it has a connect to server option18:18
tjbiddlesurio: What are you bandwidth limits on your local machine and server?18:18
suriotjbiddle: yup. that's the usp for me ;)18:18
subz3r0jrtappers: i wasnt talking about you in any way.18:18
surioI'm on broadband18:18
surioand haven't set up any limits on filezilla18:19
surioServer is Sourceforge.net ;)18:19
suriojrtappers: too late I'm halfway through18:19
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jrtapperssurio, Ok18:22
tjbiddlesurio: What kind of speed are you getting on the upload? Not sure what your setup is, but I generally stick with VPS's - and they generally are on a 100mbps port, which is generally enough. Not sure what size file you're ftping, but my home speed is like 50mbps up and 20 down or something. 20 down you're getting.. 0.625MB/s? Not too speedy :p18:23
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surio~8KB/sec uploads! fed up!18:25
Guest20373HI. Everytime I upgrade I get information about missing kernel, where can I delety an entry about that kernel?18:26
epzil0nhey guys, is there's some easy way to share my 4G mobile broadband preferably using a gui tool? i have looked around and googled a bit for it but no luck so far..18:27
BluesKajGuest20373:  dist-upgrade18:27
subz3r0epzil0n: you could share it over bluetooth18:28
subz3r0never tested it before, but should work18:28
subz3r0or have a look how "routing" works18:28
epzil0nsubz3r0: ok, well that could be one solution but since i'm already dual booting with windows it's dead easy to do it there.. but i want to ditch windows and go all in with Linux and this is just one of those last things that needs to be fixed first since i got no regular broadband anymore18:30
mguyJust push the hotspot button like the girl in the commercial18:30
epzil0nmguy: was that meant for me?18:30
subz3r0mguy: :D18:31
subz3r0epzil0n: well, it depends on which way you want to use. Second nic, router/switch, bluetooth, wlan?18:31
epzil0nsubz3r0: i got this 4g modem and then mu ethernet cabel is connected to my router also there's no bluetooth in this computer18:32
epzil0ngot a dongle though18:32
subz3r0epzil0n: yes, but how you want to share the internet connection?18:33
epzil0nsubz3r0: through ethernet as i do it in windows18:34
mguyUbuntu has that in an option doesn't it?18:34
Bray90820is there anyway to turn the onscreen keyboard off from the terminal18:34
epzil0nand i see that windows configures it as the default gateway using the first ip in that subnet18:35
subz3r0epzil0n: that what ive asked for. you could configure the system where the dongle is as router18:35
mguyepzil0n: turn on ip forwarding and setup routes and NAT and a dhcp server and you're all set18:35
subz3r0and add this pc as default gateway in the configs of the other pc18:36
epzil0nsubz3r0: yeah that's what i have already done to make it work in windows18:36
jrtappersCan XBMC be run on one screen of a two screen setup?18:36
subz3r0mguy: that will be tricky, if he wants some one click solution. mayber you could guide him trough the steps... i gotta go... enjoy the weekend :)18:36
mguyLet me dig out the old 'IP Masquerading' text file18:37
subz3r0first lunch, then party :)18:37
epzil0nwell why i'm asking this is because it's just so damn easy in windows and if there's no gui for that in ubuntu well then i have to do it the hard way18:37
jrtappersepzil0n, there should be one, in network manager18:38
epzil0nmguy: thx but i have already been reading that without any luck ;)18:38
mguyepzil0n:  be omre specific about what didn't work etc18:39
jrtappersBray90820, Yes, 2 commands, but you may be able to run them together18:39
epzil0njrtappers: i have looked everywhere but as far as i can see there's no options for that, but maybe i missed something18:39
Bray90820jrtappers: what are the commands18:39
jrtappersepzil0n, open network manager18:39
jrtappersBray90820, ps -C onboard18:40
jrtappersBray90820, That should return one line18:40
Bray90820so to enable it i would run "onboard" and to disable it i would run "ps -C onboard"18:40
epzil0njrtappers: i'm on ubuntu 13.04 now and it does not look as it use to18:40
jrtappersBray90820, that gives you the PID, then use kill18:41
jrtappersepzil0n, change settings and set IP to shared to other18:41
Bray90820jrtappers: what do you mean18:41
epzil0njrtappers: pk, i'll try that once more.. but it didn't work the first time.. but as far as you know it's doable using NM right?18:42
jrtappersBray90820, I can do it in two commands, I will tyr to make them into 118:42
Bray90820but to enable it i enter "onboard" right18:42
jrtappersepzil0n, I use Wifi -> Laptop -> Ethernet -> PC when my powerline adapters stop working18:43
jrtappersBray90820, yes18:43
Bray90820then to disable it i run "ps -C onboard"18:43
epzil0njrtappers: ah, exactly like do but then i use windows in this desktop ;)18:43
oz0neis it anyplace i can read more about the semantics of ownership of files in homefolders? e.g. if root make a file in my homefolder. why can't i take ownership of it with chmod, but i can delete it and i can rename it.18:44
jrtappersBray90820, That gives you the ID, i need to rember how to send that to kill in one command18:44
Bray90820you could use &&18:44
epzil0njrtappers: well i figure it out tomorrow, just needed to know that it's doable using NM so thx guys for your answers :)18:44
Bray90820i think18:44
surioremember me, I'm the guy who was having trouble with filezilla upload speeds? :/18:45
* surio feeling sad because it's so slow18:45
jrtappersBray90820, Got it18:47
Bray90820what is it18:47
jrtapperspkill onboard18:48
Bray90820lets try it18:48
jrtappersand to start it and continue using terminal onboard &18:48
Bray90820jrtappers: :-) it worked i now have tablet mode working on my tablet/netbook hybrid18:49
jrtappersBray90820, Happy to help18:50
oz0neofc, i ment with chown18:50
Bray90820i have been trying that for like 3 weeks18:50
jrtappersBray90820, IRC is the best way to fix problems18:51
* Nakai50 18:51
Extremewell said Nakai5018:51
oz0nejrtappers: i don't agree, i never see any respons to my questions there :(18:51
Bray90820unless the people are duchess like i have experienced many times18:51
jrtappersoz0ne, your question would probably be better in #ubuntu-offtopic18:52
jrtappersBray90820, Some are, but there are lots who are not18:52
oz0nejrtappers: may you explain me why that is an offtopic? =)18:53
Bray90820true but i have found channels where like 90% are duchess18:53
ikoniaoz0ne: becauese it's not an ubuntu issue18:53
jrtappersoz0ne, I see it as learning, not a support question18:53
ikoniaBray90820: can we stop with the duchess nonsense, this is an ubuntu support channel, please use it for that purpose18:53
tgm4883Bray90820, which ones?18:53
jrtappersWindows ones are pretty bad18:53
ikoniajrtappers: enough please.18:54
Bray90820ok i will only talk about on topic stuff18:54
ikoniaBray90820: thanks18:54
oz0neso it is a common known issue? i thought it was smart to ask in ubuntu as i stick with ubuntu and had no idea if that is a general issue?18:54
ikoniaoz0ne: it's the correct behaviour18:54
ikoniaoz0ne: it's not a bug/issue18:54
oz0nethanks to you bouth, ikonia and jrtappers18:55
jrtappersoz0ne, Thats ok18:56
* surio :'( filezilla is still slow18:56
oz0nejrtappers:  sorry for not expressing it as a issue, but i was scared of my chair, when doing scp to the server and managing to mess with root files. server had its webuser exploited. so as i was not aware of that behaivor it seemed for me that they somehow had managed to escalate priviliges.18:57
s5fsAnyone running ubuntu on a MBP or MBPr?18:58
Ari-YangSo I ran sudo aptitude purge fglrx-updates but I still see it in the additional drivers list in software sources18:58
CoreyNot natively. :-)18:58
Ari-YangI suppose that there is something else I have to do?18:58
Jordan_U!anyone | s5fs18:58
ubottus5fs: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:58
CoreyAri-Yang: May have to rmmod it.18:59
oz0nejrtappers: so the way to force a file in userhomefolder would be to add +i flag? : )18:59
s5fsJordan_U: was my question unclear?18:59
Coreys5fs: Don't poll. :-)18:59
Ari-Yang@ Corey what do you mean?18:59
Corey!poll | s5fs18:59
ubottus5fs: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:59
ChogyDandid you guys know that flash updates have stopped?  That you have to use chrome flash now18:59
ikoniaChogyDan: what ?18:59
jrtappersoz0ne, that should stop and changes to it18:59
CoreyAri-Yang: apt-get purge is going to remove files, but it won't unload the module from your kernel if memory serves. A reboot or a rmmod will.18:59
DJoness5fs: It didn't really ask a question, better to explain your question in detail and see what replys you get19:00
Ari-Yang@ Corey after I did sudo aptitude purge fglrx-updates I did reboot19:00
oz0nejrtappers: ty again : ))19:00
ChogyDanikonia: not much else to say.  Linux flash is frozen at 11.2, unless you use chrome's pepper api19:00
CoreyAri-Yang: Then it's still showing up?  Odd.19:00
ChogyDanI just switched, now Im on 11.6...19:00
ikoniaChogyDan: the flash announcment was made a long time ago, it's not a problem19:00
s5fsI'm seeking recommendations for a 15" laptop, must support 16gig ram and have a nice display and solid linux support. I'd like something similar to a MBP or MBPr but non-apple. B19:01
s5fsBudget is up to $3k.19:01
Ari-Yangsudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx-amdcccle19:01
Ari-Yang^ will that remove?19:01
wilee-nileeAri-Yang, I use the Ubuntu Tweak in a ppa for removing modules, the easy way.19:01
DJones!hcl | s5fs19:01
ubottus5fs: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:01
Bray90820jrtappers: when i put "onboard &" into a bash script it doesn't work19:01
genii-arounds5fs: Perhaps enquire in ##hardware19:01
s5fsDJones: I do not wish to see an HCL, I want real user feedback.19:01
ikonias5fs: Lenodo T4 series19:01
ikonias5fs: maybe better to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic19:01
s5fsikonia: How is this off-topic? I'd rather ask my hw compat questions pre-purchase rather than clog the channel post-purchase.19:02
DJoness5fs: This isn't the right channel for that, better to ask in ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic or check the HCL19:02
jrtappersBray90820, What do you mean by doesn't work? Does it work at terminal?19:02
s5fsDJones: okay thanks19:02
ikonias5fs: it's not a support question, you don't want the hardware support list, you want to chat to .....19:02
Bray90820well i put "onboard &" into a script ran it but the onscreen keyboard doesn't show19:03
Bray90820jrtappers:  hang on let me check something19:04
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jrtappersBray90820, ?19:09
Bray90820it appears as if "onboard" works in the script but "onboard &" does not work19:10
jrtappersBray90820, does the script need to do anything else?19:11
Ari-Yangso, anybody else got an idea on how to remove additional drivers (where they won't show up in the 'additional drivers' tab in the software sources list?19:11
Bray90820the script does nothing else19:11
jrtappersok, then just use onboard19:11
tgm4883Ari-Yang, is it showing up as active (with a green dot)?19:12
Jordan_UBray90820: Try "onboard & disown".19:12
Bray90820but i have another script with "pkill onboard"19:12
Ari-Yang@ tgm4883 I'm using the open source driver atm and not the fglrx-updates proprietary driver. Though when I did use it there was no green dot, instead like a cardboard box saying that 'a proprietary driver is in use'19:13
Bray90820onboard & disown did not work19:13
Ari-Yangit seems that the green dot shows if I'm using a recommended driver...19:13
tgm4883Ari-Yang, does it currently show "in use"?19:13
Ari-Yangwhen I used it yesterday, it said 'a proprietary driver is in use'19:14
jrtappersBray90820, if it does nothing else you could run just 'onboard'19:14
tgm4883Ari-Yang, what about today19:14
Ari-Yangafter I purged it?19:14
Ari-YangI haven't tried19:14
tgm4883Ari-Yang, so what is your question then?19:14
Jordan_UBray90820: How are you running your script?19:14
Bray90820jrtappers could i also run another script later with "pkill onboard"19:15
Ari-Yang@ tgm4883 my question is why is it still in the 'additional drivers' tab when I ran sudo aptitude purge fglrx-updates?19:15
tgm4883Ari-Yang, because that isn't showing you drivers that are installed19:15
Ingo2Hi, i am a Ubuntu newbie and i´d like to know if someone knows this Amazon book and tell me if its any good to enter the Ubuntu world: http://t.co/PPo0hVkoox ?19:15
Bray90820Jordan_U:  i have it set to execute when i rotate my screen19:15
Ari-Yang@ tgm4883 really? o__o;19:15
tgm4883Ari-Yang, it's showing you drivers it thinks are compatible with your hardware19:15
ikoniaIngo2: best thing is to read reviews19:15
Ari-Yangso how do I check to see if it uninstalled?19:15
Ari-Yangjust in case19:16
Jordan_UBray90820: Does it work if you execute it from the terminal with "/path/to/script"?19:16
Bray90820Jordan_U: i seemed to have fixed it19:16
Bray90820jrtappers: it seems to be fixed19:17
Bray90820"onboard" did the trick19:17
Ari-Yang@ tgm4883 is there a way to check and see if it uninstalled? just in case19:17
jrtappersBray90820, ok19:17
jrtappersAri-Yang, The prop driver checks before it installs so if it asks then its still installed, if not it is not19:17
Bray90820now if flash video worked without stuttering everything would be perfect19:18
Ari-Yang@ jrtappers what do you mean? what's the 'prop driver'?19:18
jrtappersAri-Yang, The beta AMD propietary driver19:19
Ari-Yangoh, well I haven't installed that yet19:19
Ari-YangI guess I'll run sudo aptitude purge fglrx restart and move on with installing the beta19:19
holsteinBray90820: i suggest trying the actual google-chrome browser with current flash to troubleshoot19:20
Bray90820is there any way i can get system wide click and drag for touchscreen scrolling in apps such as Gwibber19:20
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cardpuncherHi, I would just like to know when the support for Lucid 10.04 ends for the desktop. End of March or end of April?19:21
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)19:21
holsteincardpuncher: ^19:21
cardpuncherThank you holstein.19:21
Ari-Yang@ jrtappers http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JNt1nhYH what does the {p} stand for?19:22
Bray90820holstein: that's what stutters but only in full screen19:22
iFlipDoes anyone know the CLI command for Python that will run the .py file in the background so I can close the terminal window and it keeps running19:22
iFlipI want to start a .py file from SSH and close my connection and the process keep running.19:23
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jrtappersAri-Yang, It may be propietary19:23
Ari-Yangyeah, I thought so too19:24
genii-aroundiFlip: Should probably run it from inside of a screen session then19:24
jrtappersiFlip, add an & to the end19:24
DJonesiFlip: I don't run python files, but maybe running via screen/byobu or using nohup19:24
DJones!screen > iFlip19:24
ubottuiFlip, please see my private message19:24
iFlipubottu thnx19:25
iFlipjrtappers do I need a space or place the & right next to the .py file19:25
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iFlipDJones does that go at the end of the command19:25
jrtappersiFlip, after a space, it should work, if not screen is also an option19:25
DJonesiFlip: I only use byobu, basically gives a never ending terminal session19:26
Bray90820holstein: would you know what's going on with my flash player19:30
theixleI'm trying to fix an issue with my netgear usb wifi dongle. I've followed some instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1806839 but my connection is dropping after a while and I'm not able to reconnect.19:31
theixleI can pastebin outputs if needed.19:31
iFlipDoes not seem to be working. I want to lunch CouchPotato.py from my iMac because my server is headless. CouchPotato likes to crash from time to time.19:32
iFliplunch = launch19:32
iFlipWhen I use & I get what appears to be a PID. But when I try to access the http:// for CouchPotato I get dead air.19:33
holsteinBray90820: flash is just not that great on linux.. you are using the one from google-chrome?19:34
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veyoonhi everyone, is there a way to lower the lcd brightness? my is actually to high19:34
escottveyoon, if the buttons aren't working you can echo ## | sudo tee /sys/something/whatever/backlight19:35
Bray90820yes i am19:35
Bray90820holstein: yes i am19:35
Bray90820holstein: it's prob because i am on a netbook19:35
veyoonescott:  my buttons are working fine. it is more the lowest brightness i can set which is still to high19:35
DakotaFlash works great for me.19:35
holsteinBray90820: not much else to do... AFAIK19:35
DakotaWhat your problem?19:35
veyoonarte the brightness levels configurable?19:36
escottveyoon, if guess you could still mess around with /sys/class/backlight?19:36
escottiFlip, nohup19:36
Bray90820Dakota: are you on a netbook19:36
veyoonI can reach way lower levels by setting it in /sys/.../brightness19:36
escottjrtappers, iFlip backgrounded processes can still die after the terminal closes19:36
veyoonbut not by pressing the buttons19:36
DakotaFar from it Bray90820.19:37
Bray90820well i think being on a netbook is my problem19:37
DakotaIf you ctcp version me you will get my specs.19:38
iFlipescott thnx :(19:38
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RalliasIs there any way to use execi in conky so it doesn't block the rest of conky from updating?19:38
danielgtIs this the right channel to ask a question about cpio command?19:38
jrtappersveyoon, Use keyboard shortcuts then, custom19:40
Dakotao/ Rallias19:41
veyoonjrtappers:  thanks, I already thought about this. I hoped I could just set the minimum brightness somewhere19:41
mobinahey guys how can i install my webcam?19:45
escottmobina, plug it in. open cheese and test if it works19:47
Extrememobina: you should be able to plug-in your webcam and use it straight away.19:47
Extrememobina: also, install cheese: sudo apt-get install cheese19:47
mobinaescott, i use laptop and installed 3 apps change prefrences but it doesnt work19:48
holsteinmobina: you installed cheese? and tested?19:48
mobinathe error is could not connect /dev/video19:48
mobinabut when i lsusb it return my camera model19:48
holsteinmobina: thats from vlc? how about cheese?19:48
mobinain chesse the screen is black19:49
holsteinmobina: is there a physical cover on the camera?19:49
mobinaholstein, wat do u mean? there isnt anything on the camera19:50
holsteinmobina: both of mine have physical covers.. when i forget to open them, the output is black19:50
mobinano it doesnt have19:51
holsteinmobina: what settings did you change? you might want to try cheese from a live CD in case you changed something important testing so far19:51
holsteinmobina: is this a new device? have you ever seen it functioning properly?19:51
mobinayea it used to work well my system is a  bit old19:52
mobinaVaio VGN-SZ64019:52
holsteinmobina: i usually go back to what worked via a live CD, and see what was supporting it, and how, and try and add that support into the current version im using, if i can19:53
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mobinait use to work well with ubuntu 10 and fedora 1519:54
escottmobina, have you checked the v4l website for the particular chipset of your camera?19:54
mobinav41 works fine but v42 returns error19:54
escottmobina, v41/v42 what are those?19:56
Ari-Yanghow do I enable source code repository in synaptic package manager?19:56
mobinaescott, v4l1 n v4l219:57
mobinaAri-Yang, wat do u mean source code? do u have config file?19:57
Ari-Yanghmmm, mobina not sure.. maybe I will. Was looking at instructions of manually installing catalyst (amd latest beta driver)19:58
Ari-Yangit's step 219:58
ldleworkHi I just installed 12.10 on a new machine and then rsync'ed my ~/. from my old ubuntu 11 machine. Now I get libGL error: failed to load driver: i965 however both the required drivers are installed.19:59
Ari-Yangso I guess I d/l the zip, then unzip it...19:59
jrtappersWhat is a good way to get disk usage of a headless server?19:59
ldleworkI fear that something in my home directory is causing ubuntu to look elsewhere or not look at all19:59
ldleworkAny help would be appreciated.19:59
jrtappersAs in what folders are using a lot of space19:59
mobinaAri-Yang, in unzip folder do u c any file name configure?19:59
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.20:00
Ari-Yangmobina, again, not sure yet, before d/ling it I'm going to restart20:00
Ari-Yangbrb in 3-4min20:00
frank__hello from Gainesville fl20:03
Ari-Yangalrighty, now to install the latest beta driver...20:03
jrtappersWhy does ls not show the right disk usage amount?20:03
ldleworkjrtappers: use -h ?20:04
tgm4883jrtappers, is ls suppose to show disk usage?20:04
bekksBecause ls doesnt show disk usage, but list directory contents.20:04
bekks"du" displays disk usage.20:04
ldleworkDoes anyone know how to ask a package where it installs stuff?20:04
jribldlework: dpkg -L, but why?20:04
jrtappersldlework, tgm4883 It says that the total usage is 101K in / when run as root, I think that is not correct20:04
ldleworkjrib: Secondlife is looking i986_dri.so which is installed but it can't seem to find it where it looks20:05
ldleworkjrtappers: that's stuff in /20:05
jribjrtappers: define "it" in your last sentence20:05
n1c3t34hey guys, anyone of you ever setup a wlan adapter in a vm and could help me with an error?20:05
jrtappersldlework, first line of ls output, total 101k20:05
jribn1c3t34: you should just say the error20:06
bekksjrtappers: thats all in /, without subdirectories.20:06
bekksjrtappers: use "du -h" or "df -h" instead of ls.20:06
tgm4883jrtappers, 'ls' doesn't show me any sort of usage20:06
n1c3t34@jrib it says fatal error module ndiswrapper not found :/20:07
Ari-Yangmobina, it's a .run file20:07
n1c3t34i tried like 5 sites on google, 5 yt videos but nothing helped20:07
mobinaAri-Yang, only?20:07
mobinaif there isnt any then run in in terminal20:07
Ari-Yang@ mobina http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx20:08
Ari-Yangd/led latest beta driver, you see?20:08
Ari-YangI'm following these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Installing_upstream_drivers_directly_from_AMD.27s_website20:09
Ari-Yangstep 2 is enabling the source code repo in synaptic package manager20:09
Ari-Yangand that's where I'm stumped.....20:09
n1c3t34so no one in here knows how to install windows drivers in linux correctly?20:09
Ari-Yang@ n1c3t34 I don't. if I had to make a guess, wine maybe?20:09
jrtapperswhere is it that deleteable logs are stored on ubuntu?20:10
n1c3t34tried... wine+ndiswrapper but i got this error20:10
n1c3t34and no forum have helped20:10
tgm4883n1c3t34, why are you using wine?20:10
bekksjrtappers: /var/log20:10
n1c3t34vecause i want to install a wlan adapter20:11
tgm4883n1c3t34, well wine isn't going to help you with that20:11
bekksjrtappers: running sudo apt-get clean will be more useful, most likely.20:11
n1c3t34yeah but ndiswrapper right?20:11
Mariolai have made an update and now internet doesnt work. It says now network card is 1Gbit (but i think it isnt in reality) i can connect to the router but internet doesnt work?!?!20:11
tgm4883n1c3t34, probably20:11
jrtappersbekks, so if I symlink that to the external (slow) then my disk usage will stop increasing20:11
n1c3t34but i got this error as i said20:11
ldleworkjrib, thanks20:11
tgm4883n1c3t34, what network card?20:11
Jordan_Un1c3t34: You should always try native linux drivers first.20:12
n1c3t34so it wont work :/20:12
n1c3t34i didnt tried finding them20:12
Jordan_UMariola: Please pastebin the output of "ifconfig".20:12
n1c3t34i got a WNDA3100v220:12
MariolaJordan_U first i have to reboot because im now here on windows, what other commandos could i try to fix it?20:13
tgm4883n1c3t34, what version of ubuntu20:13
n1c3t3412.04 precise20:14
tgm4883n1c3t34, additional drivers doesn't find it?20:14
n1c3t34nope :/20:14
Jordan_UMariola: To diagnose, "ifconfig", "route -n", "ping", and "tracepath". To maybe fix things if you're lucky (not knowing what's wrong yet) "sudo dhclient eth0".20:15
n1c3t34_damn just got a disconnet :/20:16
n1c3t34_anyone saw something interesting so far?20:16
SKiTZOi have captured the mouse in my program, but when an exception is raised while running the program in gdb (in eclipse), the program stlil holds the mouse captive and i am unable to use it for controlling anyhting. are there any smart ways to avoid this?20:16
Ari-Yang@ mobina I know what to do with the .run file20:17
MariolaJordan_U many thanks :) i reboot and try it now bye -thanks20:17
Ari-YangI have another question, so I need to do this on 12.10? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SDeuLpnH20:17
tgm4883n1c3t34, 32 or 64-bit OS?20:18
capoderraWhy do I have problems with Ubuntu? Everything works, but yesterday my computer restarted without warning and today Libre Writer dimmed and became unresponsive. I've lost a couple hours of work.20:19
tgm4883capoderra, sounds like hardware issues20:19
Ari-Yangso I ran sudo apt-get install libqtgui4 and sudo apt-get install dh-make dh-modaliases execstack in terminal, I get http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=UGZc6Dsd20:27
Ari-Yangthese are commands that I /may' have to do for manually installing catalyst20:27
beanAri-Yang: are you using software center right now?20:29
Ari-Yangyou mean if it's open?20:29
Ari-Yangno, not at all20:29
Ari-YangI only have 2 firefox windows20:29
beanare you using apt-get in another tab20:30
Ari-Yanghexchat, a folder, terminal, and synaptic package manager20:30
beanyou can't have that open while doing apt-get20:30
beanit locks20:30
Ari-YangI'll close it then20:30
ShutterstromHow can I install missing liberaries when I'm trying to run make command and it tells me liberaries are missing?20:32
beanShutterstrom: it depends on the package20:34
Fuzzleswhen i try to run TF2 i get "GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode"20:34
Darkstar1evening all and QQ which files do I need to edit to declare my nameservers? editing resolv.conf doesn't seem to do it20:35
Shutterstrombean, I'm trying to install Minidlna from source code and after unziping tarball and running make command Ubuntu tells me the names of missing liberaries. But I know how to install them.20:36
Shutterstrombean, I'm running ubuntu server and tereminal only.20:37
beanDarkstar1: probably look in network manager if you're on desktop, i believe it controls that20:37
beanShutterstrom: okay, apt-get install <packagenameoflibrary>20:37
Darkstar1bean: not on desktop I'm logged in via cli20:38
beanDarkstar1: but is it a ubuntu-desktop installation?20:38
beanDarkstar1: ifnot, /etc/resolv.conf should be correct.20:38
Darkstar1bean: yeah it's a desktp onstall acting as a server20:38
Shutterstrombean, "cound not found package libavcodec" :(20:39
Shutterstrombean,  could*20:39
Jordan_UShutterstrom: sudo apt-get install minidlna20:39
beanShutterstrom: apt-cache search avcodec and see what it has, I dont know the name20:39
Darkstar1bean: also I VNC'ed into it and can't see the network manager20:39
beanDarkstar1: hmm, well if network manager is running it likely controls DNS.20:39
Jordan_UShutterstrom: Or if you're absolutely certain that you need to compile from source (why?) then "sudo apt-get build-dep minidlna".20:40
ShutterstromJordan_U, Thanks, I already have Minidlna installed that way, but I want to upgrade from 1.0.21 to 1.0.2520:40
Jordan_U!backport | Shutterstrom20:41
ubottuShutterstrom: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:41
beanDarkstar1: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf: likely has a line that says, dns=dnsmasq  -- Comment that out to say #dns=dnsmasq20:42
beanand then restart networking stuff.20:42
Jordan_UShutterstrom: There's also a tool to automate backporting something yourself, which may help you.20:42
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ShutterstromJordan_U, But if I download minidlna source code I have to compile it. But when I try to, Ubuntu tells me I'm missing these packages. Even though I have an older version av miniDlna on my server20:45
beanShutterstrom: why are you upgrading? because the official version doesn't libavcodec support?20:47
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Shutterstrombean, because current version resize album artwork to 160*160 px which makes them of bad quality when viewing artwork.20:49
beanShutterstrom: okay, what ubuntu version are you on?20:50
gQuigsdoes anyone have an official reference for the exact date Ubuntu 8.04 will stop being supported?20:50
gQuigsthis askubuntu question, has one that I can't verify: http://askubuntu.com/questions/262828/what-day-in-april-will-ubuntu-8-04-hardy-server-be-scheduled-for-end-of-life20:50
BluesKaj!8.04 |  gQuigs20:51
Shutterstrombean, 12.04 LTS (64 bit server)20:51
ubottugQuigs: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.20:51
beanApril 2013 (Server)20:51
beanis when support for 8.04 ends20:51
ikoniabean: it says in the factoid you've just seen20:51
beanaware, it just says "2013"20:52
gQuigsyup, I know that, I am asking for a specific date20:52
gQuigsI know it's april too :)20:52
beanwhere as ubuntu.com/Releases says april 2013.20:52
jjgalvez__I tried to use ctrl-atl-f1 today to open a new screen (I wanted to kill something that was stuck) and all I got was a blank screen, anyone know how to figure this out?20:53
BluesKajbean:  that's for the server edition20:53
beanAware, BluesKaj, I'm assuming thats what he meant20:53
beanthus, you know, i said (Server) after it.20:54
holsteinjjgalvez__: i dont.. but i have seen that when i was using some odd via graphics drivers.. i never really "fixed" it.. i just used other drivers20:54
Shutterstrombean, and also, when I'm searching for liberari using apt-cache search <name> the result codec name ends with 53 for all my searches. I.E. livavcodec (missing) -> livavcodec53 (search result)20:54
beanShutterstrom: if you upgrade to 12.10, there is 1.0.2420:54
_ohmI am trying to run mysql and I get the following error http://pastebin.com/NPVA3y2k20:54
beanShutterstrom: that is likely20:54
_ohmPlease help20:54
holsteinjjgalvez__: i would say, try booting your older kernel20:54
gQuigssorry, I should have been more specific - I'm looking for the date in april when the 8.04 Server version stops being supported20:54
bean_ohm: that means your mysql server isn't running20:54
genii-aroundjjgalvez__: Try f2 instead of f1. I found on my kubuntu that the lightdm greeter occupies console 1 until the desktop comes up and had to do it that way before20:55
holsteingQuigs: i would plan on the 1st.. i would say, it could depend20:55
jjgalvez__genii-around: none of them work (other than f7)20:55
genii-around!eol | gQuigs the info should be somewhere here :20:55
ubottugQuigs the info should be somewhere here :: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:55
_ohmbean, I have tried the command 'sudo server mysqld start' and get 'mysql start/running' but when I run mysql I get the same error20:55
Shutterstrombean, but I really like to fololow through with this installation so that I learn how to do it. :)20:56
jjgalvez__holstein: I'll try booting into the old kernel, if that works what do I do? will I always have to pick the old kernel everytime  I reboot?20:56
_ohmbean, i have tried just about everything I have found on google but to no avail, how do I turn it on?20:56
holsteinjjgalvez__: you'll know where the issue is.. thats all..20:56
genii-aroundjjgalvez__: Yes, that is unusual.20:56
bekks_ohm: check wether mysql is running using "ps -ef | grep mysql"20:56
Shutterstrombean, but what about the "53"-extension.. Can that be installed instead of the lib. asked for?20:57
_ohmbekks, I get this output http://pastebin.com/H7j55wLj20:57
jjgalvez__holstein: genii-around ok going to give that a try brb20:57
BluesKajgQuigs:  then you have another month or so left20:57
beanShutterstrom: yeah, that can likely be installed instead, you might need the ones with -dev20:58
bean_ohm: pastebin me the output of "ps aux | grep mysql"20:58
gQuigsBluesKaj: where did you find that?20:58
Shutterstrombean, thanks. I'll give it a try! :)20:58
DJonesgQuigs: Server editions are supported for 5 years, so as it was released on 24th April, I'd plan on eol being around that date in 201320:58
_ohmbean, http://pastebin.com/yuX2zmeY20:59
BluesKajservers are 5 yrs , gq20:59
tacorwinHello all. :) How do I sign up for a Ubuntu Membership?20:59
BluesKajgQuigs: ^20:59
DJones!membership | tacorwin20:59
ubottutacorwin: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership20:59
gQuigsDJones: BluesKaj: that does make sense, thanks20:59
tacorwinwait, that didnt do anything..21:00
Shutterstrombean, "53" lib was already installed..21:00
Shutterstrombean, "53" lib was already installed.. trying dev...21:00
beanthe -dev is what you need to compile stuff with21:00
DJonestacorwin: THe bot doesn't repeat info if its been asked in the last few minutes to avoid spamming the channel21:01
BlueProtomanI'm trying to connect my laptop (Ubuntu 12.10) to my Toshiba Thrive (which runs Android) so I can transfer my files, but my computer isn't recognizing my tablet.  It did once, but timed out because it took a while to scan.  Any tips?21:01
tacorwinDJones: oh, okay.21:01
_ohmbean, any luck?21:01
_ohmbekks, any luck?21:01
DJonesBlueProtoman: I'd suggest installing Airdroid on the tablet, it may be the easiest method21:02
bean_ohm: mysqld isn't running, you might want to do restart the mysqld instead of starting it21:02
_ohmbean, what is the command for that?21:02
bean_ohm: you did it with "start" earlier, try "restart"21:02
bekks_ohm: Try running mysqld with the options needed to provide your my.cnf, and see why it errors out. Before doing so, investigate the mysql logs why its freaking out.21:03
BlueProtomanDJones: Holy shit, this is amazing!  Thank you!21:05
_ohmbean, I did service mysql stop/start, it hangs on start are there any logs I can check to see if something went wrong?21:09
bean_ohm: /var/log/mysql.log or maybe mysqld.log21:09
Ari-Yangdo I have to reboot after replacing the 'UNASSIGNED' line to get rid of watermark?21:10
bekksWhich watermark?21:11
Ari-Yang@ bekks http://askubuntu.com/questions/206558/how-to-remove-the-amd-testing-use-only-watermark21:12
Ari-Yangthat watermark21:12
Ari-Yanganswer 2 with 32 votes21:13
negevdoes anyone know of a way to dual boot osx 10.8 and ubuntu with apple filevault enabled?  i've tried many different things but can't get it to work21:13
tacorwinDJones: the site did not clearly explain how to add/edit your Wiki to add a membership page.21:14
_ohmbean, the log is empty in vim21:15
bean_ohm: idk what to tell you then21:15
bekks_ohm: Then try starting mysqld as I told you above.21:15
_ohmbekks, "sudo service mysql service start" ? What is the specific command?21:16
_ohmbecause service mysql start/restart completely hangs21:16
beantacorwin: what have you done to get membership? you have to contribute to get membership21:16
l_rwhat version of the gcc compiler will ubuntu 13.04 use?21:17
l_rnote that gcc4.8 is out21:17
beanl_r: it depends on if it was released before the feature freeze.21:17
l_rbean, oh..so they won't switch to gcc 4.8?21:17
genii-around!info gcc raring21:17
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.120ubuntu8)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-1ubuntu8 (raring), package size 5 kB, installed size 41 kB21:17
Ari-YangIsitll have the watermark21:17
Ari-Yang* I still21:18
l_rwhat a pity21:18
bekksAri-Yang: Why is that so important?21:18
Ari-Yangbekks, well, for one thing, it's' kind of annoying =/21:18
bekksAri-Yang: How long do you see that watermark, actually? :)21:19
Ari-Yangbekks, for ever..........21:19
Ari-Yang@ jrtappers told me of it21:20
Ari-Yanghe isn't here....21:20
Guest11866i need help in my wireless21:20
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Guest11866can anyone help me?21:20
Guest6474hello every body!21:20
bekks!ask | Guest1186621:20
ubottuGuest11866: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:20
_ohmbekks, can I just purge the entire database and start over?21:21
beanl_r: thats how it works though, can;t just have shit all willynilly21:21
Shutterstrombean, I got it to work after installing all development packages. Thanks.21:21
tacorwinbean: i just wanted to try to get one.. i mean, i haven't done anything important, I created the new WINE portion to the manual for 13.04, i have created the idea of an "official" Ubuntu Artwork website, so artists can create and distribute their work among other members, without spamming the mailing lists (which this idea is in effect, its just not endorsed by Ubuntu <ubuntuart.org>). I have also hosted two Ubuntu training s21:22
tacorwinessions in my neighborhood. I'm hoping that is enough...21:22
bekks_ohm: Purging a database will not magically make your mysql daemon start again.21:22
beantacorwin: tacorwin https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards21:23
tacorwinbean: Thanks! :)21:23
wabashI would like to find out if Ubuntu 12.10 live CD includes GParted before I download it. How can I find this out?21:23
Guest11866i cannot connect to my wireless connection in my home...it want authentication code foreverrr ..i know i spell it right....even i remove my password from my wireless modem but its trying connect for about 30 sec then  its says wireless connection disconnected!21:23
Ari-Yangso is there another way of getting ridof the annoying watermark?21:23
beantacorwin: that was linked on the page linked to you initially ;)21:23
l_rif ubuntu uses gcc4.7.2 by default, does it mean it will not provide gcc4.8 as an additional package in any case?21:23
Guest11866i dont know what too do21:23
beanAri-Yang: don't use beta drivers? :)21:23
Ari-Yangbesides that =/21:24
tacorwinbean: oh.. I must have read over it. haha.21:24
genii-aroundl_r: I'm currently on 13.04 and apt-cache shows me only gcc-4.7 ... 4.8 may end up being added sometime after release21:24
Guest11866i dont know what drive im using it21:24
wabashAnyone here know about how to find out which packages are included in a Live CD?21:25
gQuigswabash: it does21:25
gQuigswabash: http://releases.ubuntu.com/quantal/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.manifest21:25
wabashgQuigs: Excellent! thank you.21:25
gQuigswabash: every release has a manifest file that tells you what is in it21:25
_ohmbekks, I have no idea what to do then. "sudo service mysql restart" hangs and every fix just results in more errors.21:25
wabashgQuigs: Cool. Is Gparted the most modern thing for resizing and moving partitions?21:26
bekks_ohm: Then start mysqld from the cmdline, not using "service...", provide the options for using your my.cnf and see why it refuses to start.21:26
gQuigswabash: it's what I would recommend... but be careful.. partitions can be difficult, read all gparted warnings21:27
wabashOh, n problem there gQuigs.21:27
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wabashgQuigs: Do you know how ubuntu does gpg key checks for its package downloads?21:27
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bekkswabash: For ensuuring you get officially signed downloads.21:28
wabashbekks: Exactly. So are the keys in a pki directory somewhere?21:28
wabashand, which keys are included? And can I add more keys?21:29
MoPacHas anybody here had problems with getting their edge flipping settings in CCSM to stick?  (See https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/1158607 )21:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1158607 in Ubuntu "Edge flipping fails after one flip following each login" [Undecided,New]21:29
bekkswabash: Never cared about a .pki in that context :)21:29
MoPac^ I'm in 13.04, but I think it also affected me in Quantal21:29
wabashbekks: Why not? that's what gpg keys are.21:30
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bekkswabash: Why should I care with something I dont want to care with?21:30
wabashOk, anyone else who can help me here?21:30
wabashI'd like to know how Ubuntu manages its keys for the gpg check for new packages that I add.21:31
you-tee-fthen i can't help21:31
=== puff` is now known as puff
you-tee-f\me puffs21:32
you-tee-fcheck this fail21:32
you-tee-f(freaking TeX syntax, always get me confused...)21:32
jonascjHi, I've "disabled" Network Manager but on boot I keep getting the message "waiting for network configuration", "Wait 60sec more for network configuration" - how do I prevent that? (network manager have been disabled by commenting "start on (local-filesystems and started dbus)" in /etc/init/network-manager.conf)21:32
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest77356
dmkuHi. I want to install postfix on my VPS for logging and some notifications. Should I use real hostname?  Or using fantasy names is normal method?21:33
loosebruceHi all , I have just got my very first ubuntu web server . I know I need to do the following 1) setup Gnome 2) setup VNC server. However I tried the command "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell" however It cannot find the package list21:34
genii-aroundjonascj: You probably want managed=false   under the [ifupdown] section in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf21:35
OerHekswabash, those keys are stored here > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Authentication_Tab and you can add your own PPA & key21:35
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details21:35
puffRunning 12.4 LTS.  I bought an hp photosmart 6520.  Printing works fine, it doesn't show up as a scanner.  Other photosmarts are on the ubuntu hardware support list (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScannersHp) but not the 6520.  The 6520 is on the SANE project's support list (http://www.sane-project.org/sane-backends.html) but only for SCSI.  Is there no hope?21:35
loosebruceI tired using "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" but it couldnt find that either21:36
wabashOerHeks: Thank yo uvery much!21:36
lousygarualoosebruce, you don't want a GUI on a Unix-based server :)21:37
emorhi every one.....i have problem with my wireless plz help me...i cant connect to my wireless connection its want authenticating code forever...i know i spell it right i even removed my password and tried it once again but its trying to connect after about 20 sec it says wireless connction disconnected21:37
loosebrucelousygarua:  I just got a VPS Ubuntu 10.10 up and running, I want to get VNC setup so I can setup stuff21:37
mifritscherDoes anybody use wine successfully on ubuntu 12.04.2 64 bit , especially 32 bit 3D-apps and on a intel-GPU? And being on the 3.5.x kernel21:38
loosebrucethe thing I dont understand is why It cant find any of these packages that I try and install21:38
mifritscherI've a "hard" library problem: libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so: undefined symbol: drm_intel_gem_bo_map_unsynchronized) - and I'm curios if it is my system or it is a general problem of ubuntu 12.04.221:38
gsprHow can I revert individual upstream commits included in a Ubuntu kernel update? (I'd like to help find the cause of bug #1140716, but am unfamiliar with how Ubuntu builds its kernel, and it's been years since I built upstream myself)21:39
ubottubug 1140716 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "[regression] 3.5.0-26-generic GPU hangs" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114071621:39
emorhi every one.....i have problem with my wireless plz help me...i cant connect to my wireless connection its want authenticating code forever...i know i spell it right i even removed my password and tried it once again but its trying to connect after about 20 sec it says wireless connction disconnected21:39
mifritscherloosebruce: what about an apt-get update?21:39
OerHeksloosebruce, 10.10 is EOL end of life, that is the issue21:39
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.21:39
mifritscheroh, yes^^21:39
jonascjgenii-around: it already says "managed=false" under /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf21:40
loosebruceOerHeks: if its out of date OS why is this VPS letting me use it?21:40
genii-aroundjonascj: Are there entries in /etc/network/interfaces ?21:40
jonascjgenii-around: if I want network manager to do absolutely nothing I might just purge it, mightn't I?21:40
emorhi every one.....i have problem with my wireless plz help me...i cant connect to my wireless connection its want authenticating code forever...i know i spell it right i even removed my password and tried it once again but its trying to connect after about 20 sec it says wireless connction disconnected21:40
genii-aroundjonascj: You could try. although I'm not sure what dependencies it might want to also remove with it21:41
jonascjgenii-around: yes, /etc/network/interfaces is filled with configs - that's what I want to do, just use /etc/network/interfaces21:41
emorhi every one.....i have problem with my wireless plz help me...i cant connect to my wireless connection its want authenticating code forever...i know i spell it right i even removed my password and tried it once again but its trying to connect after about 20 sec it says wireless connction disconnected21:41
OerHeksloosebruce, there is a fix, you can install packages but don't get recent security updates21:41
OerHeks!eolupgrade | loosebruce see the part with "old-releases"21:42
ubottuloosebruce see the part with "old-releases": End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:42
genii-aroundjonascj: If you're getting the "waiting for network" "waiting 60 more seconds" then probably the /etc/network/interfaces setup is timing out, not that network manageis at fault21:42
emorhi every one.....i have problem with my wireless plz help me...i cant connect to my wireless connection its want authenticating code forever...i know i spell it right i even removed my password and tried it once again but its trying to connect after about 20 sec it says wireless connction disconnected21:42
emorhi every one.....i have problem with my wireless plz help me...i cant connect to my wireless connection its want authenticating code forever...i know i spell it right i even removed my password and tried it once again but its trying to connect after about 20 sec it says wireless connction disconnected21:43
emorhi every one.....i have problem with my wireless plz help me...i cant connect to my wireless connection its want authenticating code forever...i know i spell it right i even removed my password and tried it once again but its trying to connect after about 20 sec it says wireless connction disconnected21:44
DJones!repeat | emor21:45
ubottuemor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:45
lousygaruaemor, what computer are you own? What model?21:45
emorasus a42ja21:45
lousygaruaemor, can you run `lspci` in a terminal and paste the results on pastebin.ubuntu.com to show us the results?21:45
emori searched everywhere21:45
emor.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DMI (rev 11) 00:03.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev 11) 00:08.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Core Processor System Management Registers (rev 11) 00:08.1 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Core Processor Semaphore and Scratchpad Registers (rev 11) 00:08.2 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Core Processor System Control and Status Reg21:46
emorsorry i will copy it again21:46
emorits too much21:46
emor Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 100021:47
emorits wireless part21:47
lousygaruaemor, use pastebin.ubuntu.com21:47
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emorwhats this site?21:48
emorwhat should id do there loutgarua21:48
willi44hi ! hat schon jemand einen USB-Monitor mittels displaylink zum Laufen gekriegt ?21:49
lousygaruaemor, you can paste text in it, and then you can send me the URL of the page once you submit the text. Then I can see the text you submitted.21:49
DJones!de | willi4421:50
ubottuwilli44: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:50
lousygarua!pastbin | emor21:50
lousygarua!pastbine | emor21:50
emorwait plz21:50
lousygarua!pastebin | emor21:50
ubottuemor: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:50
iLogicalluzThis has been happening since last power outage, I went to #xchat they said i need to disable ipv6, i did it in the network manager reconnected but it didnt work21:50
iLogicalluzi've put ignore instead of automatic on nm21:51
iLogicalluzi cant ping ipv6 addresses21:51
emori think it is21:51
iLogicalluzpinging irc.freenode.net get's stuck21:51
emordid u see that? lousygarua21:52
CLStarrHi. I recently installed Ubuntu using the installer for Windows, and I'm having trouble getting it started from boot even though it's been fully installed and partitioned. When I boot the Ubuntu distro it just lingers at a typing prompt with a single blinking line. Did I do something wrong or do I need to enter something to make it actually wake up?21:52
lousygaruaemor, yes21:53
iLogicalluzHow do I disable ipv6 on ubuntu?21:54
emorin others sites i found out my wireless hardware is azurawave but i didnt find my driver for linux21:54
lousygaruaemor, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1941350&p=11768573#post1176857321:54
CLStarrIs there anyone who would be able to answer my question?21:55
lousygaruaemor, this is the solution for a guy who had the same problem21:55
lousygaruaHello CLStarr, what computer do you own?21:55
lousygaruaCLStarr, and what Ubuntu version did you install?21:56
CLStarrlousygarua: Laptop, Windows 7.21:56
lousygaruaCLStarr, what is the Laptop21:56
lousygaruaCLStarr, what is the Laptop's model21:56
CLStarrlousygarua: Ubuntu 12.1021:56
CLStarrSony Vaio...Lemme check the number.21:56
lousygaruaCLStarr, Ubuntu 12.10 is a great choice :)21:56
emoryes i see that i will try it thanks for your help ...21:57
OerHeks!nomodeset | CLStarr21:57
ubottuCLStarr: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:57
CLStarrubottu: Thanks, checking it out right now.21:57
ubottuCLStarr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:57
CLStarrOh. :P21:58
mupsor grub isn't intalled in the right place, depends how your system boots21:58
kyle_randHey.  I uninstalled the shopping lens a LONG time ago, but when I browse amazon, an amazon logo shows up in my dock, and won't go away.21:58
CLStarrmups: I just used the Windows installer and it downloaded everything automatically.21:58
lousygaruaCLStarr,  Z-series...PCG-31112L21:58
lousygaruaCLStarr, http://thedaneshproject.com/posts/ubuntu-11-04-blank-screen-on-boot-solved/21:58
kyle_randHow do I get this amazon spyware off of my machine?21:58
lousygaruaOerHeks, CLStarr, yeah i's the 'nomodeset' problem.21:59
CLStarrlousygarua: Got it. So just F6 while booting?21:59
lousygaruaCLStarr, just follow the instructions.22:00
kyle_randAnyone?  Amazon icon appearing in dock many reboots and long after removing the shopping lens22:00
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OerHekskyle_rand, can you post a screenshot with that icon and dash open ?22:02
OerHeksawesome :-D22:02
davidcallekyle_rand, hi, this not the shopping lens, this is a webapp (you can also have, twitter, google news, etc.) It's a smart launcher that allow websites features on the desktop: youtube and music websites in the sound menu, a lot of options on right click on the launcher, etc. You have probably clicked on the "Integrate Amazon to Ubuntu" pop-up while browsing Amazon.22:02
kyle_randdavidcalle: Well it's new, and I didn't install it.  I NEVER clicked that crap.22:03
jribkyle_rand: it's probably just the webapp22:03
davidcallekyle_rand, ok. Anyway, to uninstall it, look for Amazon in the software center.22:03
tgm4883davidcalle, I think it's installed by default (the webapp)22:03
kyle_randdpkg --get-selections shows nothing with amazon in the name.22:04
davidcalletgm4883, oh right :)22:04
kyle_randtgm4883: webapp is the name?22:04
tgm4883kyle_rand, it's probably something like "unity-webapps-amazon"22:04
davidcallekyle_rand, the name is unity-webapps-amazon. But looking for webapps or amazon works too22:04
jonascjI still get "Waiting for network configuration" "Wait 60sec more for network configuration" on boot - even though my /etc/network/interfaces seems to be just fine (manual ifdown and then ifup -a does not give any errors=22:05
kyle_randThis crap goes beyond making a unix desktop easy to use, it's making it creepy.22:06
CLStarrI'm back and it didn't work.22:06
davidcallekyle_rand, fwiw, you can also, in the Dash, right click launchers you don't like and click on uninstall.22:06
kyle_randAnd the only webapp listed were unity-webapps-service and unity-webapps-common.  ONly common could be removed.22:06
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:06
kyle_randdavidcalle: Nope.  Right click on it, it says amazon basket, wishlist, etc, but nothing about removing it.22:07
emorlousygarua, in that tutorial that you gave me said....dmesg | grep "iwlagn" returns what should i write in terminal?22:07
davidcallekyle_rand, in the applications part of the Dash22:07
CthonianFruitsbrb guys22:08
=== scotty is now known as Guest64468
CthonianFruitsgotta hard reboot.22:08
kyle_randdavidcalle: Nope.  It's not showing up. Looks like removing webpp common did the trick, but it's sleezy and sneaky how they put it in there.22:09
Kordagood afternoon!22:09
=== skellington__ is now known as skellington
jribkyle_rand: you understand what webapps are?22:09
KordaSomebody could help me please?22:10
kyle_randjrib: Yes I do, intimately.  I've written quite a number of them.22:10
chemicaltoiletWhat do you need help with korda?22:10
kyle_randjrib: Do you understand how easy it is for one that links into your desktop to do things you may not like?22:10
KordaMy network card don't work22:11
Korda02:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe22:11
KordaOS Ubuntu 12.1022:11
jribkyle_rand: never mind.  I don't wish to continue this discussion here22:11
Kordachemicaltoilet: Do you know why?22:12
kyle_randjrib: Canonical hasn't done anything to earn back the benefit of the doubt.22:12
chemicaltoiletsudo modprobe rt2800pci might do the trick, have you tried that?22:14
chemicaltoiletReplace 2800 with 309022:14
Kordachemicaltoilet: Can you help me with this? I don't know how to do, I'm a litle lay with it22:15
Kordachemicaltoilet: and sorry if I say something wrong, I'm from Brazil and my english isn't so good, but I can understand you22:16
chemicaltoiletThats okay korda do you know how to use terminal?22:16
Kordachemicaltoilet: I do22:16
chemicaltoiletI can definitely understand you too korda, so far your english is magnificent22:16
Kordachemicaltoilet:  ^^,22:17
Kordachemicaltoilet: What do I have to do on terminal?22:18
jjgalvez__thanks all for the help with the ctrl-alt-f1 issue, it ended up being the last nvidia driver update. I just upgraded to version 310 of the driver and that fixed the issue22:18
bmxscott1993im using my phone on the chat now22:18
chemicaltoiletIf you open terminal try using "sudo modprobe rt3090pci" and see if that works for you22:18
chemicaltoiletSame here bmxscott1993, are you using androirc too?22:19
Kordachemicaltoilet: anonymous@korda:~$ sudo modprobe rt3090pci22:19
KordaFATAL: Module rt3090pci not found.22:19
jonascjwill "ifup eth0" fail if eth0 is set to dhcp and not network cable is attached? Could that be what's happening at start up of my ubuntu? That eth0 with "auto" and dhcp is hanging because it is disconnected?22:21
genii-aroundjonascj: Bingo22:22
nfdDumb question time: in what package could I find gtk2-devel?22:23
nullucashi, is it theoretically possible to have a keyboard layout where pressing one key produces more than one unicode character? (Example: pressing "j" I'd get "dʒ"). Or is this nonsense?22:23
chemicaltoiletKorda i think your driver is unsupported and blacklisted but thats okay we might still be able to fix this22:23
nfdI need it to compile another project.22:23
chemicaltoiletTry rfkill unblock all then install https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt3090/+files/rt3090-dkms_2.3.1.3-0ubuntu0~ppa1_all.deb22:24
bmxscott1993i did not no this chat keeps logs22:24
jonascjgenii-around: yeah, it causes no delays if I actually connect the nics. So I need to remove "auto" or live with this delay22:24
mininessieis it better to wait for the ubuntu beta or to use the stable final relase of ubuntu and then update within22:25
trismnfd: libgtk2.0-dev22:25
Kordachemicaltoilet: What do I have to do now?22:26
chemicaltoiletThat is "rfkill unblock all" and you may need to do this as super user22:26
chemicaltoiletThen click the link to get the correct drivers for your card22:26
nfdIt looks like I actually already have it installed (but the project still won't compile).22:27
mininessieis it better to wait for the ubuntu beta or to use the stable final relase of ubuntu and then update within22:27
Kordachemicaltoilet: anonymous@korda:~$ sudo rfkill unblock all22:27
ner0xAny way to download a folder in ubuntu one rather than a single file? (On the web interface)22:28
* _goxxsy_ veche drugari ! :-)) :DD22:28
Kordachemicaltoilet: I don't know if it work or not22:28
chemicaltoiletThis is just to unblacklist your card22:28
mininessieis it better to wait for the ubuntu beta or to use the stable final relase of ubuntu and then update within22:28
Kordachemicaltoilet: okay22:28
emorevery one...lsmod | grep iwlagn...what does it mean?22:28
chemicaltoiletThen with the link i posted above download your drivers, this should do the trick22:28
nfdAlso, while I'm here...22:28
emorevery one...lsmod | grep iwlagn...what does it mean?what should i type?22:29
mininessieis it better to wait for the ubuntu beta or to use the stable final relase of ubuntu and then update within22:29
Kordachemicaltoilet: I did dl of your link22:30
nfdxscreensaver keeps crashing when I lock the screen. It locks up everything, alt-sysreq-K did nothing (though this might be xubuntu's configuration), numlock keys didn't trigger lights. Had to hard reset. Reinstalling xscreensaver didn't help.22:30
acovrigI'm getting 'cpio: not implemented or invalid option' when running 'update-initramfs -u' and when I boot, it doesn't see my LVM...22:30
emorevery one...lsmod | grep iwlagn...what does it mean?what should i type in terminal??22:31
genii-aroundmininessie: It's usually better to wait for the final.22:31
bekksemor: Thats the command: lsmod | grep iwlagn22:31
chemicaltoiletIf it doesnt automatically install, grab it from your download directory and install it with the package manager22:31
emorwhen i type it nothing happend22:32
Kordachemicaltoilet: I used a double click in this package and the system said that "it's a dangerous package"22:32
mutantewonders if samba-common and samba-common-bin are default or what pulls them in, because i notice i have that package all over the place without actually needing Samba at all22:32
bekksemor: lsmod lists loaded kernel modules, grep iwlagn filters that list for the iwlagn module. If it isnt in that list, it looks like "nothing happened".22:32
emorbekks: i typed it but nothing happend22:32
mininessiegenii-around: i know this but i am wonder should i just download 13.04 or upgrade 12.10 to 13.0422:33
Kordachemicaltoilet: Can I continue?22:33
chemicaltoiletYes this is because it was blacklisted, if you want to wait 20 mins though i can test it on my comp to confirm its safe22:33
mutantemininessie: /win 1522:34
mutanteoops, ignore that. sry22:34
genii-aroundmininessie: After final release, to upgrade from in your 12.10 is the usual. This way all your settings and so on are preserved22:34
emorbekks: what should i do..? i cannot do anything without it...22:34
bekksemor: Did you try: modprobe iwlagn22:34
Kordachemicaltoilet: "The installation of a package which violates the quality standards is not allowed. This can cause serious problems on your computer. Contact the person or organization that provided this file and include the details below."22:34
bekksemor: sudo modprobe iwlagn22:34
emorw8 e sec22:34
mininessiegenii-around: but right now i don't have ubuntu installed22:35
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emorbekks: nothing happend again22:35
dbuggerhey guys. Can someone please help me set up my system so that my line-in sound though my speakers?22:35
Kordachemicaltoilet: detail below http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5638455/22:35
bekksemor: Now run: lsmod | grep iwlagn again.22:35
genii-aroundmininessie: So if you were planning to install anyhow, just install the latest current release ( 12.10 ) and then after April 25 when 13.04 becomes final, you will get an option to upgrade to it from within there.22:36
emorbekks:again same result22:36
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bekksemor: Then take a look at "dmesg" what happened.22:36
bmxscott1993i love ubuntu now im use to it just started to use it it easy to fix and get great help from user thank for all you people for helping me22:37
chemicaltoiletKorda what does lspci | grep work put out22:38
emorbekks:its worked22:39
bekksemor: What do you mean by that?22:39
mininessieis there an extension to move the unity menu bar thing22:39
Kordachemicaltoilet: anonymous@korda:~$ lspci | grep22:40
KordaUso: grep [OPÇÃO]... PADRÃO [ARQUIVO]...22:40
KordaTry 'grep --help' for more information.22:40
bekksKorda: lspci | grep work22:40
Kordaok, sorry22:40
emorno my problem still exist22:40
chemicaltoiletAdd "work" to the end of that command kprda22:40
emori mean dmesg worked:)22:40
chemicaltoiletSorry ill remember quotes next time22:40
emorthis is resault22:41
Kordachemicaltoilet: anonymous@korda:~$ lspci | grep work22:41
Korda02:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe22:41
bekksemor: Whats the output of "ifconfig -a"?22:41
EnriqueMorenohey guys. Can someone please help me set up my system so that my line-in sound though my speakers?22:41
emorbekks: i have problem...i cannot connect to my wireless connctin22:41
chemicaltoiletCheck out this link you may need to fiddlenwith it22:42
bekksemor: Yes. And I bet ifconfig shows "wlan0" - which is your wireless adapter.22:42
emorbekks:its says enter autentication code..i enter it correctly but its want it again.i removed my password from wireless but its trying connect for 30 sec and then its says wireless disconnected22:43
emorbekks: i will pastebin that22:44
Kordachemicaltoilet: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5638478/22:45
chemicaltoiletKorda did you check out that link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186057422:46
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emorbekks: no its ethernet!22:46
bekksemor: Of course. Because WLAN uses Ethernet, too.22:46
chemicaltoiletKorda this applies to 12.x too22:47
jose106EnriqueMoreno, have you tried using a live cd to see if it's not hardware?22:47
bekksemor: And being connected using ppp0, trying to connect using wlan will fail most likely.22:47
Kordachemicaltoilet: I'm going to try now22:47
jose106EnriqueMoreno, I don't know much about it, just suggesting22:48
emorbekks: i want fallow this site http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1941350&p=11768573#post1176857322:48
chemicaltoiletThis should definitely fix your problem let me know if you still need help, ill be here all night lol22:48
emorbekks: can i help me? what do you mean by that?22:48
bekksemor: Disable your dialin connnection, the try to enable your wlan. Trying to run both at a time will not work most likely.22:50
Kordachemicaltoilet: even I using "rfkill unblock all" say it http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5638498/22:50
emorbekks: you mean i disconnect with wired connection then try to wireless?22:51
bekksemor: No. I said: disable the dialin connection, then connect to your wireless.22:51
emorbekks: im sory i dont know what do you mean by dialin connction? you mean dsl connection 1?22:52
EnriqueMorenojose106, I already had it once22:53
EnriqueMorenobut I reinstalled the OS and I lost it22:54
bekksemor: Yes.22:54
bekksdxtr_1: No need to contact me outside this channel.22:55
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emorbekks:  i cant connect again:(22:56
dxtr_1hey everybody22:56
dxtr_1Can i ask you something guys ?22:56
bekksemor: How did you disconnect your connection without leaving this channel?22:56
chemicaltoiletIf its not blocked you should be able to install that package22:56
emori did disconnected22:57
chemicaltoiletYou may need to use gksu apt install /path to package/22:57
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chemicaltoiletSorry that's apt-get korda22:57
emorbekks: i dont know maybe i reconnect again soon...and i dident close the page,,22:58
k1l_chemicaltoilet: gksu and apt-get is totally wrong22:58
bekksemor: You didnt left this channel, so you did not disconnect.22:58
Kordachemicaltoilet: but it say that Wireless lan is "hard blocked"22:58
Kordain the tuto that you posted to me it's need to be all "no"22:59
emorbekks: im sorry i will try this connecting again.22:59
k1l_Korda: is there a button or switch to turn wifi on?22:59
Kordak1l_: yeah, and fn+f5 combination too23:00
k1l_Korda: turn the hardware switch and try rfkill again23:00
k1l_Korda: the rfkill output is sugesting that the wifi is turned out per switch23:01
Kordawith the button turned off http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5638525/23:01
Kordawith the button turned on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5638529/23:02
k1l_Korda: hmm23:02
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emor_bekks:i tried that but it didn't worked...23:03
emor_i stuck in this for 3 4 days,,,,i traied evry thing but i cant solve that!23:04
EnriqueMorenohey guys. Can someone please help me set up my system so that my line-in sound though my speakers?23:04
Kordachemicaltoilet: Can I call you on pvt??23:05
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emor_how can i find my wireless driver?? its azureware ge 781....i searched every where...23:06
bekksemor_: lspci -k or lsusb and in addition: lsmod23:07
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levois there any program like tsocks for http proxies either?23:08
jose106EnriqueMoreno, have you checked Additional Drivers under Software Sources?23:11
bekksemor_: line 69 to 71. You are using the iwlwifi driver.23:11
EnriqueMorenojose106, I installed ubuntu restricted extas, if thats what you mean23:11
emor_bekks: i searched in internet...and in some sites says your wireless model is azureware ge 781. but in ubuntu its known as intel 1000 n?? does it problem?23:12
bekksemor_: The device uses the Intel 1000 bgn chipset.23:12
jose106EnriqueMoreno, no, I'm referring to checking for additional drivers you might be missing23:13
emor_bekks: so whats diffrent between iwlwifi and iwlagn?23:13
EnriqueMorenojose106, I wouldnt know how or where to do that...23:13
bekksemor_: They are two different drivers.23:13
jose106EnriqueMoreno, are you using ubuntu 12.04?23:14
EnriqueMorenojose106, yes23:14
KordaOh God ... I need to make wireless work :/23:15
jose106EnriqueMoreno, go to Systems Setting, Software Sources, Additional Drivers tab23:15
jose106EnriqueMoreno, check to see if you have any sound cards listed23:15
emor_bekks:can u see this page? and help me too do this?23:16
EnriqueMorenojose106, i have 4 Nvidia entries, but no sound card23:16
bekksemor_: Well, which exact problems do you have following that page?23:17
jose106EnriqueMoreno, do you have it listed under Sound Settings, Input tab?23:17
EnriqueMorenojose106, what is "it"?23:18
jose106EnriqueMoreno, Line In card23:19
EnriqueMorenojose106, under the Input Tag I see "Analog Input, Built-in audio"23:19
emor_bekks: i did every thing until( dmesg | grep "iwlagn" returns) in first post ....23:19
emor_bekks: i have same resault just like he is...23:19
cronuslevo, you could try using iptables: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/TransparentProxy-6.html23:21
jose106EnriqueMoreno, what't computer are you using?23:22
EnriqueMorenojose106, Im not sure how to answer that question. What do you mean?23:23
jose106EnriqueMoreno, model23:23
EnriqueMorenoIts mounted by pieces. Its not a branded one.23:23
EnriqueMorenojose106, I think its called hybrid23:23
emor_bekks:when i enter dmesg | grep "wilwifi" its resualt is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5638596/23:24
bekksemor_: The result he has is "Glad it's working".23:24
SonikBoomAre there any MTP drivers needed for connecting a phone to Ubuntu?23:25
SonikBoom*Android phone23:25
jose106EnriqueMoreno, did you have to visit the manufacture's website to load the driver last time it worked?23:25
EnriqueMorenojose106, I dont really remember what I did23:25
bekksemor_: Then read on.23:25
emor_bekks: i will but mine command is diffrent result23:26
bekksemor_: Did you replace the firmware file like he did?23:26
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bekksemor_: Why not? Why dont you follow his article when referring to it then?23:27
sun_devilI cant print from ubuntu laptop.  Wonder if I can connect wireless printer via usb to router and use home network?23:28
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iderikI have a process that wont stop. Ive tried "killall"-command and in System Monitor.23:28
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julian-delphikiiderik, you probably need to kill its parent process.23:29
BigFistsun_devil I'm using wireless printer in my network from ubuntu23:30
jose106iderik, or reboot23:30
BigFistbut it's canon printer, so it was plain and simple to setup23:30
BigFistand it just works23:30
jose106EnriqueMoreno, we might not have an expert on sound cards right now, sorry for not helping23:31
iderikjulian-delphiki: thanks23:31
sun_devilBigFist, the wireless part of printer does not work, but my router has usb.  Never tried it that way23:31
julian-delphikisun_devil, it depends on if its compatible -- it may be. not really an ubuntu question23:32
EnriqueMorenojose106, thanks anyway23:33
BigFistsun_devil: afaik it depends on router, you should check in manual does it support your printer, I have one old robotics router and it supports only few printers23:34
sun_devilIts not a router issue, wireless Kodak printer is not compatible with anything other than HP23:35
BigFistthe younger is your router the more likely this could work, as long as your ubuntu will be able to talk to this printer23:35
AwesomeNewbieI saved a xls file with libre office but now i have just the last sheet and when i open it, calc first needs to "import text file" ? it there a way to restore it? the  .~lock.filename.xls is still here but only contains "myubuntu ,myubuntu,mycomputer,23.03.2013 00:29,file:///home/myubuntu/.config/libreoffice/3;"23:37
bekksAwesomeNewbie: Thats only the lock file.23:38
AwesomeNewbiebut another way?23:38
sun_devilBigFist; 6 month old Netgear23:39
bekksAwesomeNewbie: Just restore your backup of that file then.23:39
AwesomeNewbiesorry, closed window, instead of accessing it23:40
bekksAwesomeNewbie: Just restore your backup of that file then.23:40
AwesomeNewbiewhat did you wrote?23:40
AwesomeNewbiewhich backup?23:40
riobeCan I elevate the permissions of an already running program? I'm trying to update IntelliJ IDEA and when I tell it to do it's update magic, it gets multiple access denied errors.23:40
bekksAwesomeNewbie: The one you hopefully took before deleting stuff in your file.23:40
AwesomeNewbiei don't deleted anything23:40
AwesomeNewbiecalc just saved it wrong23:41
AwesomeNewbiei just created the file!23:41
KalebtbaconHello, can someone help me with a very serious Problem23:41
awayKalebtbacon, yes?23:41
AwesomeNewbiebut calc saved it as "Text CSV Format" ????23:42
TheWickedOneHey guys I need some help23:42
julian-delphiki!ask | Kalebtbacon23:42
ubottuKalebtbacon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:42
bekksAwesomeNewbie: Then you chose that file format for saving.23:42
Kalebtbaconi installed Ubuntu with Wubi and i choose my Username and password "k" but it keeps saying invailed password23:42
TheWickedOneI need to move a file into a directory owned by root.23:42
AwesomeNewbiei created a filename.xls23:42
jribTheWickedOne: what file and what directory?23:42
AwesomeNewbieopened it, wrote in it, and saved it23:42
terabith3110 f3110w 1|nux h4ck3r5 wh47 |5 7h3 m057 53cur3 v3r5|0n 0f ubun7u ?23:42
bekksAwesomeNewbie: The file extension is meaningless.23:43
AwesomeNewbiethats the problem!!!!!!!!!23:43
julian-delphikiKalebtbacon, thats not really a "serious" problem, why not just reinstall wubi with a normal, decently long, password.23:43
julian-delphikiterabit, thats annoying, stop.23:43
jribAwesomeNewbie: try to replicate the issue and file a bug if you can23:43
TheWickedOnejrib: It's a game mod file has to be put in a program file23:43
bekksterabit: The one that doesnt mess up your keyboard.23:43
jribTheWickedOne: can you be more vague?23:43
KalebtbaconWell i have ameeting in 5 minutes so it was urgent, to me23:43
terabitju1|4n-d31ph|k|: |5n'7 7h47 h0w |rc p30p13 741k 70 b3 h4ck3r5 ?m4yb3 y0u 4r3  n00b23:44
jribterabit: stop that23:44
bekksterabit: plonk.23:44
TheWickedOnejrib: It's a minetest mod folder that needs to be put in minetest-game folder23:44
terabitb3kk5: y35 bu7 | m34n f0r vp5/53rv3r23:44
jribTheWickedOne: just give filename and directory name23:44
jribdirectory path*23:44
julian-delphikiterabit, for a server i'd go with 12.04 lts.23:44
AwesomeNewbiebekks: jrib: I don't care about the wrong saving, next time i will create it ordinary with calc instead of "new file" in the file browser23:44
bcbc2Kalebtbacon: boot in recovery mode, from a root shell remount rw, change the passwd.23:44
julian-delphikiterabit, but seriously, thats annoying23:44
ldz420I am using ubuntu 12.04 - am having issue with openjdk-6 on some applications. I am able to install openjdk-7 but when trying to install eclipse from apt-get it requires openjdk-6 and some other packages like default-jre which is also part of the issue.. I can install eclipse from tar but wanted to know if I could work around issue with deb or apt-get?23:45
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TheWickedOnejrib: When Minetest was installed permissions were given to root. I cannot move the file into the directory.23:45
terabit4hh ,7h4nk5 . f0r 7h3 |nf0 . w|11 G0 w|7h 7h47. | h0p3 |7 w|7h574nd5 dd0523:45
AwesomeNewbiebekks: jrib i would just like to restore some kind of temponary file or something so that i don't have to do it all again? But thit won't be possible, right?23:45
riobeCan I elevate the permissions of an already running program in Ubuntu? I'm trying to update IntelliJ IDEA and when I tell it to do it's update magic, it gets multiple access denied errors. I want to start it, then elevate it, then tell it to check for updates and update itself. Is this possible?23:46
jribTheWickedOne: well my advice would be to see if there's a directory in ~ that you can use.  If not and the documentation confirms (including debian-specific one if it exists in /usr/share/doc)  that you should copy the file like you want, then you can use "gksudo nautilus"23:47
riobeI'm new to Linux, and I'm looking for an equivalent of run as admin.23:47
julian-delphikiriobe, no.23:47
julian-delphikiriobe, you need to run it as root to make that happen23:47
TheWickedOnejrib: ill try23:47
julian-delphikiriobe, sudo will work before hand though23:47
riobeSo I need to start the program from the terminal with a sudo command?23:47
julian-delphikiriobe, or gksudo, sounds like you have intellij installed improperly though23:48
jribriobe: ideally you would install your software through APT and update that way23:48
riobejulian-delphiki: I wouldn't know. I just got it from the software center and opened it from the launcher.23:48
riobeThe software center version is out of date, and the program's behavior of checking for updates caught that.23:48
riobeNever heard of gksudo. I'll go google that.23:49
TheWickedOnejrib: accomplished. I give you sincere thanks from the corrupted ones.23:49
bekksTrazi: That was the wrong window.23:50
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bastardlywho is trazi23:51
Trazibekks: Sorry23:51
bastardlyis he an fsb liaison for ubuntu. that looks like encoded things23:52
riobeIs there a way to figure out what command an icon on the launcher is running?23:53
riobeI have no idea where my executables for programs I install go, and was hoping to use that to figure it out. :P23:53
r0thariobe: try # which <programname>23:54
riober0tha: Thanks for the answer...but I don't really understand what you mean for me to do.23:54
r0thaopen up a terminal and type which <the name of the program>23:56
riobeAh, ok23:56
riobeI don't know what the program is called in the command line though.23:56
riobeIt's IntelliJ IDEA23:57
riobeThey didn't call it idea, or intellij-idea23:57
riobeSo I was hoping to use the launcher icon to cheat and see what the called the program there.23:57
BaNzounetHey guys on can I downgrade my php version to 5.3.10 ?23:57
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diddledanbastardly, the code that Trazi posted looked to be base64 encoded, and decoding it revealed "howdy guys?" - I'm guessing he meant to plop it into a programming channel23:59
r0thariobe: ah did you try right clicking? I rarely use the desktop now so I can't remember the best way to do it :/23:59

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