
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
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ahoneybunso dead03:36
* smartboyhw waves06:31
lordievaderGood morning09:34
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1157800] vlc crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_equal() @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1157800 (by Lorenzo De Liso)10:46
QuintasanKind of slowpoke but do we have Plasma Media Center 1.0 packages?11:14
yofel_Quintasan: not unless you packaged it11:25
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Quintasanconsider it done11:25
yofelQuintasan: there is some kind of package from you in the experimental PPA actually11:27
yofelfrom git though11:27
QuintasanExactly, that's why I asked if someone did 1.0.011:27
QuintasanWell. I'm almost done with it11:27
shadeslayerI haven't heard good things about it11:28
shadeslayerQuintasan: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46253411:28
ubottubugs.gentoo.org bug 462534 in Ebuilds "media-video/plasma-mediacenter - plasma media center" [Enhancement,Confirmed]11:28
Quintasanwho the hell names their tarballs like that?11:30
Quintasanyofel: The core is laggy again :(11:30
shadeslayeranyway, I have to go again. cya11:30
QuintasanSo he got segfault and whines?11:30
shadeslayeryofel: http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/issues/68011:30
Quintasanmaybe use a decent distro or USEFLAGS11:30
shadeslayerin case you didn't see it yet11:31
shadeslayernow bye11:31
yofelhm, interesting11:31
QuintasanI forgot to copy over my gpg key to laptop11:33
yofelshadeslayer: hm, thanks. I'll see if I can work something out from that.11:34
Quintasanyofel: think this random_page_cost will work>?11:35
yofelyeowch, this is slow indeed. Fetch 1000 lines from Quintasan's #ubuntu+1 log -> Total runtime: 30935.918 ms11:45
Quintasanyofel: You are using PostgreSQL there?11:54
yofelsqlite doesn't scale as soon as you have >20 channels counting all users from my experience11:55
Mamarokis that a known isuse with the beta iso amd64 that it hangs at the Preparation step?12:18
Mamaroktotally unusable12:20
yofeldid you selectin installing third party stuff?12:20
Mamarokyes, but hangs also if not12:20
Mamarokit just hangs, whatever option I try12:21
yofelhm, not good. Can you retry this from a live session and please report a bug after it hangs up with 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity'?12:21
Mamarokwait, download activated and 3rd-party disabled now works, but took ages to continue12:21
Mamaroksi is that 3rd-party hanging known12:22
Mamarokso* is12:22
yofelwell, it does install a few things in the background which takes a while - without telling you that it does something12:22
yofelso the questions is whether it does eventually continue12:22
Mamaroka while like 10 minutes?12:23
yofelnever took that long for me, but I have fast test systems12:23
Mamarokand AFAIK nothing is installed yet at that stage, it's step 2, prepare for installation12:23
Mamarokbut my question was: is activating the 3rd-party stuff thing a known isuse?12:24
yofelit is known that there is no user feedback for installing stuff, which makes it appear to be hung for a while12:25
yofelsomeone said that it completely hangs for him too12:25
yofelbut I don't think that ever got completely debugged as there wasn't enough information12:25
Mamarokit completely hanged, I waited ten miuntes and then quit12:25
yofelso if you can please file a bug12:25
Mamarokwill do, it's just not on this system, so that will not help much12:26
BluesKajHey all13:15
soeegood morning14:12
lordievaderGood afternoon15:19
Mamarokwhat package should I file a bug against when I want to request that outdated kernels are added to the autoremove group?15:48
Mamarokcause if one does not clean up by hand old kernels lie around forerver15:49
BluesKajautoremove and autoclean help keep the / clean with a small footprint on my setup15:53
Mamarokthe problem is that the old kernels are not marked as obsolete15:54
Mamarokso they don't show up in autoremove15:54
BluesKajwell, i just purge them and keep a couple as backup15:58
yofelold kernels (except current and current-1) show up in autoremove for me in 13.0416:05
BluesKajMamarok:  I like your idea , but I didn't realize that it qualifies as a bug in autoremove 16:14
Mamarokyofel: not for me16:33
Mamarokall the old 3.5.x ones where still there after the upgrade16:33
Mamarokand now I have alread 3 versions of 3.8.0, noe shows in autoremove, althugh the oldest one should16:34
yofelaah, it might only work for the new 3.8 kernels16:34
MamarokI think it makes sense to keep the current running and the previous one, but the users houlsd not have to lean up the old kernels by hand16:36
Mamarokto clean up*16:36
Mamarokall the old 3.5.x where still there after the upgrade to 13-0416:36
yofelI don't quite understand that part of the upgrade either. As for 3.8 the autoremove blacklist is in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernel - everything else should show up in autoremove16:40
Mamarokso it is a bug, no?16:41
yofelI don't know. When it comes to *old* kernels, the only old one I have is 3.5.0-17, which is marked as manual and so correctly still installed16:43
yofelwhich kernels do you actually have installed?16:43
BluesKajI still have ...strange 16:46
ScottKMight be a good idea if someone looked at updating bespin.19:29
Riddell"David Wonderly (david.wonderly) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members (kubuntu-members) team" yay Darkwing still loves us22:04
Darkwing:D But of course22:04
Quintasanthat reminds me22:05
QuintasanRiddell: We can't smuggle new packages into raring now?22:06
yofelffe ^^22:06
QuintasanI know we are well past Feature Freeze22:07
DarkwingWe are nearing the final beta freeze22:07
ScottKQuintasan: New packages are low risk and as long as an archive administrator is available to review, I generally approve them.22:10
QuintasanScottK: I see, I'd like to get PMC 1.0.0 in raring tomorrow22:12
ScottKOK.  If you file the FFe and Riddell agrees to do the New, I'll approve it.22:12
RiddellQuintasan: yeah I was thinking that would be good too22:18
Riddellso I'd look on it favourably if you package and test it22:18
QuintasanI have it packaged but can't upload since no keys on laptop22:19
Riddellget it to me or anyone else to upload22:19
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QuintasanRiddell: Small copyright mumbojumbo caught22:39
* Riddell learns new Polish word mumbojumbo22:42
QuintasanIt's not Polish22:42
QuintasanRiddell: dget -xu https://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/plasma-mediacenter_1.0.0-0ubuntu1.dsc22:42
RiddellQuintasan: did you file a FFe?22:44
Quintasannot yet22:45
QuintasanI'll try doing it if LP stops timing out on me22:45
RiddellQuintasan: LGPL in there too22:45
QuintasanI think I covered that22:46
RiddellQuintasan: not in the version you just sent me22:46
Quintasanah crap22:46
QuintasanI'm dumb22:46
QuintasanI just removed the whole directory22:47
=== calc_ is now known as calc
QuintasanRiddell: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/debian.tar.bz223:10
QuintasanTry this23:10
Quintasanbug #115926223:14
ubottubug 1159262 in Ubuntu "FFe: plasma-mediacenter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115926223:14
QuintasanRiddell: ^23:14
QuintasanRiddell: I'm not entirely sure if the double license file was done correctly23:25
RiddellQuintasan: looks good23:36
QuintasanScottK: Regarding KWin <-> Compiz breakage, do we ship compiz-kde?23:40
RiddellQuintasan: I think it's long since disappeared23:41
QuintasanHmm, we don't really care about the removed interface then23:41
RiddellQuintasan: boom http://paste.kde.org/704408/23:41
shadeslayertold you23:42
QuintasanRiddell: Care to install libqtmultimediakit1 if it's not installed?23:43
RiddellQuintasan: same boom23:43
Riddelllibdeclarative-multimedia I'd gues23:44
Riddelllibdeclarative-multimedia I'd guess23:44
QuintasanLet me rebuild here23:44
Riddellyep that helps23:44
Riddelljust a runtime dep23:44
Quintasanfile:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/mediacentercomponents/keyhandler/KeyHandler.qml: File not found 23:44
QuintasanI guess wildcards did not work there for me23:45
Quintasanrebuild time23:45
RiddellQuintasan: hey this thing is really working now :)23:47
Riddellbetter than last time I tried it23:47
QuintasanI just recompiled it23:47
Quintasanfor some reason I'm not getting thumbnails for videos23:49
QuintasanRiddell: Can you add that runtime dep on libdeclarative and upload?23:49
RiddellQuintasan: not without a FFe23:57
Quintasanthat brings us to ScottK23:57
Riddelloh yes you did file a bug23:59

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