[15:30] wow, look at me...I'm on irc on a saturday afternoon!! [19:12] Is AdaFruit a respectable vendor to buy from or are they under any sort of version of "The Taint"? [20:08] I believe they're fine. what do you mean by the taint? (they do have really high shipping though) [20:52] Cheri703: Political Correctness, or the lack thereof. [20:53] The witch hunts that happened after the Ted T'so matter, now this thing with the people at PyCon, and the like [20:54] what ted tso matter [20:54] I've just been losing just track of which vendors are politically correct and which ones are not [20:55] I know Evan Prodromou over at E14N did a loud ditching of Sendgrid over their handling of the PyCon matter [20:55] hmm...I don't know which side of the issue you're on, so I'm not going to press further. [20:56] (and this isn't really the place to re-hash the whole thing, there's plenty of places for that if folks aren't familiar with the situation) [20:57] anyway, dog dinner time. I'll be back later [23:32] hello