
=== wtffn is now known as reZo
r0thayou could also try running "sudo pstree -p" and try to find the process name00:00
r0thathat might help00:00
TonisiusUSERS_JBOSS_TASK qa-ccrcls1sat = (root) NOPASSWD: su - cert-jbosstask00:00
TonisiusWhat could possibly be wrong with this line?00:00
riober0tha: Yeah. I right clicked the icon in the launcher and the two options is the program name and unluock from launcher. Right clicking the program name just opens it.00:00
riober0tha: Ooo, that sounds clever. I'll try it.00:00
ntzrmtthihu777I've got the idea in mind to teach myself colemak typing. is there a way I can switch between keyboard layouts on the fly, like how I use ibus to switch between english, japanese, and chinese?00:01
marikoI don't know.00:01
riober0tha: It's running under idea.sh, but "which idea" and "which idea.sh" both don't work. Is that still something I can sudo run? (Thanks very much for the help, btw)00:02
riobeThat's a neat command I've never seen before.00:02
riobeThe pstree one00:02
r0thaoh naw, which will only show the the directory the binary is in00:02
trismntzrmtthihu777: add another layout and an indicator should appear to allow you to switch between them00:02
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riobeAh, ok. But if I can figure out where idea.sh is, I should be able to gksudo it.00:03
AwesomeNewbieWhy can't linux support file endings00:03
r0thaare you trying to just run it on the command line? or automate something?00:03
AwesomeNewbiethats so annoying00:03
riober0tha: I need to run it with admin00:03
riober0tha: so it can update itself.00:03
ntzrmtthihu777trism: that simple? where do I do that00:03
TonisiusSo, anything wrong with that line?00:03
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: what do you mean, file endings?00:03
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trismntzrmtthihu777: system settings/keyboard/layout settings (at the bottom)00:04
AwesomeNewbiemy problem above00:04
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: I just came on channel, you'll hafta repeat it00:04
AwesomeNewbiewhen i right click "new document" in file browser and put in the filename with ending, this only works for some types like .c00:05
AwesomeNewbiei wrote a .xls00:05
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: you mean like extensions?00:05
AwesomeNewbieopened it, and created a document for one hour00:05
ntzrmtthihu777eg .txt, .html, .foo?00:06
jribAwesomeNewbie: how did you save it?00:06
AwesomeNewbieending <-> extension00:06
riobeThat's...odd. gksudo idea.sh (I found it in /opt/intellij-idea-ce-bin) just processes for a moment and does nothing visible. sudo idea.sh says command not found.00:06
riobeI think I did something wrong.00:06
AwesomeNewbieIt's all the same :P00:06
r0thariobe: that would be permissions00:06
r0thathe file needs to be executable so do the following:00:07
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: one, linux does suport that, two, it is not all that important, and three, you can set it up to where the new document option can create blanks of various sorts00:07
r0thasudo chmod +x idea.sh00:07
riober0tha: Oh, ok. That makes this trickier.00:07
r0thathen run sudo ./idea.sh00:07
riobeOh, I'll try that.00:07
r0thathe ./ says "execute this file"00:07
AwesomeNewbiebut i opened the file (it opend with calc, like i want) and then created the document one hour long.00:07
jribAwesomeNewbie: I just tried here to do what you said and calc will prompt you when not saving in ODF format (for example if it's a csv file) unless you disabled that feature00:08
ntzrmtthihu777r0tha: actually it says "in this directory", you cannot execute a file with just its name unless its in your $PATH00:08
AwesomeNewbiei saved severall times, and at the end closed the document00:08
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: just rename the file with the proper extension00:08
AwesomeNewbiebut now only the last sheet without formats and comments, ... is available, because calc saved it as "Text CSV Format" even though the ending it .xls00:09
AwesomeNewbieso don't tell me linux cared about the file ending00:09
riober0tha: Success!!!00:09
jribAwesomeNewbie: you created an "empty document", correct?00:09
riober0tha: Thanks a TON. lol00:09
AwesomeNewbientzrmtthihu777: what do you mean?00:10
AwesomeNewbiejrib: yes00:10
r0thariobe: no worries, exactly one year ago i didn't know my way around bash/terminal00:10
r0thayou'll pick it up quick00:10
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: I can, instead of empty document, create from that menu quite alot00:10
jribAwesomeNewbie: this just creates a blank file.  It doesn't create a blank xls file.  If you want to have the ability to create a blank xls file, you can create a blank xls file and save it to ~/Templates00:10
riober0tha: It seems pretty easy when you know what is supposed to happen and what your options are. I've been in Linux for like a week at this point, so I haven't learned too much ye.t00:11
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: blank pygtk, html, all sorts of stuff00:11
AwesomeNewbiei don't care00:11
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: exactly what jrib said. create a blank template file, call it Blank XLS.xls, and save it in that locatioin00:11
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: then, when you do the right-click create new, the new options will show up there00:12
AwesomeNewbieif i make a empty file .xls ending, it has to be .xls like it's working with .cpp, .html, and with all files on windows00:12
huedudeguise what the best way to compress files? i mean like, compress 6gbs to 100mbs, hardcore style?00:12
jribAwesomeNewbie: .cpp and .html are just text files.  .xls are not00:12
mJaykhuedude: with lots of loss :P00:12
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mJaykhuedude: srsly though it depends upon the file type when you want that much compression00:13
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: you created a blank text file and named it xls, that is your problem.00:13
huedudemJayk: what u mean?00:13
huedudemJayk: its a .iso file00:13
AwesomeNewbiebut why the hell can the damn calc think, that i want to save my table as a "Text CSV" ???00:13
ntzrmtthihu777!language | AwesomeNewbie00:13
ubottuAwesomeNewbie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:13
jribAwesomeNewbie: because that's what it was when you opened it.  And by default it warns you when saving if you will lose information because of your format00:13
mJaykhuedude: well the algorithm used to compress say a sound file will be alot different to the one used to compress say a hudge database file00:13
mJaykhuedude: if you want that sort of compression you need to find something that is very specific for your file type00:14
cronusAwesomeNewbie, i tried to recreate but i couldn't. libreoffice asked me the filetype on startup and when i selected excel it popped an error.00:14
AwesomeNewbiebut it always annoys me when saving .xls so i disabled this00:14
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ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: anyways, all you need to do is open calc, save a blank file as Blank XLS.xls in ~/Templates, or csv as Blank CSV.csv, then you can create that file-type on the fly.00:15
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: and don't blame linux based on your error. you cannot simply transform a txt file into xls00:15
AwesomeNewbiethat don't brings me back one hour of working!00:16
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: again, no one to blame but yourself.00:16
AwesomeNewbiethe competitor can!!!!00:17
puffI bought an hp photosmart 6520.  Printing works fine, it doesn't show up as a scanner.  Other photosmarts are on the ubuntu hardware support list (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScannersHp) but not the 6520.  The 6520 is on the SANE project's support list (http://www.sane-project.org/sane-backends.html) but only for SCSI.  Is there any hope of getting this working or am I just doomed to wait until SAN USB support 00:17
huedudemJayk: im compressing with 7zip lets see how it goes lol00:17
FloodBot1puff: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:17
mJaykhuedude: lemme know :)00:17
AwesomeNewbientzrmtthihu777: in windows i just click new text file. changes the .txt do .doc, .xls or whatever and everything works00:18
ntzrmtthihu777huedude: its a .iso file you are trying to compress00:18
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: then go crying back to bill gates.00:18
huedudentzrmtthihu777: yes00:18
AwesomeNewbiebecause everything else is better here!00:19
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: do as we said, and this will be just the same, better eve.00:19
bekksAwesomeNewbie: File extensions are meaningless. You have to specify the file format you want to be stored in your file, whatever its filename is.00:20
AwesomeNewbieand i also now that it's my fault, but it's anyway annoying!00:20
ntzrmtthihu777huedude: if you convert the iso to .bin and then ecm compress it you should get a very good compression.00:20
ntzrmtthihu777AwesomeNewbie: do as jrib and I said and the annoyance will be gone.00:20
chrisoei/join #javascript00:21
bekksntzrmtthihu777: .iso is an .bin with a distinct header. 99% of the data in both files are identical.00:21
ntzrmtthihu777bekks: yes, but the bin format can be ecm compressed, iso cannot. huge compression, too.00:21
huedudentzrmtthihu777: how  from .iso to .bin and then ecm?00:22
Ben64ntzrmtthihu777: thats not accurate00:22
ntzrmtthihu777emulation sites use it to store isos, and rar or 7z on top of that to save server space and download bandwidth00:22
ntzrmtthihu777Ben64: my statement or the compression method00:23
ntzrmtthihu777huedude: not sure off hand, maybe acetoneiso can do it, lemme check.00:23
ntzrmtthihu777Ben64: I attempted to icm a win7ult iso I have, no dice00:23
huedudentzrmtthihu777: im on ubuntu00:23
ntzrmtthihu777huedude: these tools are ubuntu ones :P00:24
KalebtbaconOk i Reintalled but my Cresidentials are till not working00:24
huedudekk :P00:24
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ntzrmtthihu777Ben64: then explain why its not accurate instead of just saying it is.00:25
cronuspuff, according to http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/photosmart/photosmart_6520_series.html it should work with hplip 3.12.900:25
huedudentzrmtthihu777: so.. does acetoneiso work? im installing it btw00:25
Ben64for almost all circumstances, you cannot get "huge compression" from an iso00:26
ntzrmtthihu777Ben64: thats why I said change it to bin first.00:26
Ben64of course it depends what it is, if its a cd image of text, yeah it'll compress00:26
Ben64bin = iso00:26
ntzrmtthihu777bin != iso00:26
Ben64they're almost identical00:27
ntzrmtthihu777Ben64: and that almost is what makes all the difference00:27
huedudeits a .iso of a game00:27
Ben64you can convert between them easily, because they're the same00:27
huedudepro evolution soccer 1300:27
ntzrmtthihu777huedude: where did you get it00:27
huedudetorrentleech.org why?00:27
ntzrmtthihu777huedude: is it a pc game/psx/what?00:28
Ben64huedude: we can't help you with piracy00:28
huedudepc game00:28
huedudeBen64: compressing is piracy :O00:28
Ben64downloading a game from a torrent site is, don't be dumb00:28
puffcronus: Yeah, but "sudo hp-setup" and tried USB/wireless setup, hp-setup doesn't see it ("error: No devices found on bus: usb"), even though "sudo lsusb" does show: Bus 001 Device 125: ID 03f0:af11 Hewlett-Packard00:28
puffcronus: Ahm, hm... I have 3.12.2.  Hm.00:29
arlgbrHello all! I need a little help. I've just installed the XUbuntu 12.10, but I need to pass the option video=LVDS-1:d in my kernel line (I have a HDMI monitor). However, I'm not able to get the GRUB screen, it seems be passing through it driving me with no screen at all. The question: How can I get the GRUB screen?00:30
Ben64arlgbr: keep hitting shift when the computer is booting up00:30
Ben64arlgbr: or, if you have ubuntu tweak tool, you can set grub on a delay00:30
arlgbrBen64, I'm gonna try it. Wait a minute :-)00:31
ElVermawondering if anyone is seeing the apport gpu hang problem on Dell XPS13 with 12.10...I'm flooded with error messages!00:31
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arlgbrBen64, THANK YOU SO MUCH :-)))00:34
cronuspuff, you probably have to find a way to compile the newest version from source or preferably find a trusted ppa.00:34
puffcronus: Yeah, going to do some googlnig.00:34
arlgbrIt worked like a charm.00:34
Ben64arlgbr: no problem00:34
arlgbrBen64, a last one: what the default version of GRU on 12.10?00:35
Ben64!info grub-pc00:36
arlgbrops, GRUB00:36
ubottugrub-pc (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.00-7ubuntu11 (quantal), package size 165 kB, installed size 545 kB (Only available for any-i386; any-amd64; any-powerpc; any-ppc64; any-sparc; any-mipsel; any-ia64)00:36
cronuspuff, checkout http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/downloads.html also. it has an automatic installer you can try00:37
arlgbrnice. SOrry for the dumb questions, I'm a RedHat user :-)00:37
ntzrmtthihu777arlgbr: 1.99, that is grub200:37
arlgbrBen64, ntzrmtthihu777, thanks for the info!00:37
ewookAaand a good evening. Got a fun question. I got a usb-modem plugged in working.. but I'd like to somehow catch the tty output and parse it.. any pointers how?00:39
bekksewook: Use minicom, configure a logfile, parse it00:40
ewookbekks: was thinking about that.. but I'd like to use a mysql backend. so modding http://aplawrence.com/BGarlock/logger.html could work (base the script on perl).00:41
ewookbekks: using first minicom and then perl adds to much that could go wrong..00:42
bekksewook: Sounds a bit weird. you want to store the output of a modem in a mysql db?00:42
ewookbekks: wanna log caller id's.00:42
bekksewook: Then parse the file, store the caller ids into a file, etc.00:43
ewookbekks: but wouldn't that require me to leave minicom running?00:43
ewookand if it died, so does the logging.00:43
bekksewook: Sure.00:43
ewooktrue, I would gain access to the modem straight on.00:44
bekksewook: Everything else I could imagine is a small app(to be coded) that parses the tty output and creates that file/stores the caller ids.00:44
ewookbekks: yepp. that's what I think I'd be going for since access to the pi in this case I'd be using will not have ssh running on it :)00:46
bekksewook: screen is able to keep minicom running when the ssh session is closed00:46
=== Karbowiak is now known as zz_Karbowiak
motegood morning!00:49
jeditransistorUbuntu 12.04. Can't play DRM videos in browser (like google play videos that I have purchased). Installed HAL. There is no .adobe cache to clear. What do?00:53
ewookbekks: true :).00:53
ClientAliveI'm stuck in a loop with my installation. Right after finishing the partitioning step, I'm given a message that the ESP could not be mounted and asked to choose retrun to the partitioner or move ahead. The next step if I move ahead is to install the base system. Because of the design I'm trying to implemnt, I realize I may have to manually install the bootloader after the rest of installation is done. That is fine with me and is what I had00:55
ClientAliveplanned to do. How can I get past this problem and complete the installation so I can go back and install the bootloader later??00:55
ClientAlivePartitioning info can be seen here: http://ideone.com/V37BYt00:56
ClientAliveI always misspell return like that, sorry00:56
ClientAliveoh, and if I'm try to do the next step, the base system installation, it gives me a message that it depends on another step to be done first (namely the partitioning). So I'm in a catch 22 where I just go around in a circle.00:58
ClientAlivedoes ubuntu desktop have a tarball like gentoo does? Maybe I can get this install done that way if they have it.00:59
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onryoSince gcc is part of Ubuntu I thought I would ask here. I started with an Amiga 500 then moved on to RedHat back in the early 90s. Never owned a Windows machine. Boss just asked to to port a program I wrote in C to his Windows 7. Its a little simple program. OK...now my question. What the heck should I use for is DE? He needs a GUI (retard) and I only know GTK and QT ?01:01
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AphelionZre: "package is kept back" - is there a good source of information on why a particular package might be kept back by apt?01:02
r0thaAphelionZ: it could use a library which is terribly unstable in the new version01:03
onryoAnybody that actually programs here? I mean gcc and python, bash and god knows what else are all part of Ubuntu.... I am sure some of use come from the Windows world?01:03
Ben64onryo: your question does not seem like an ubuntu one, maybe try ##windows?01:03
AphelionZr0tha: yeah, right on. I figured it was probably "for the best" but was just curious01:04
wow050I deleted my linux partition and went to reboot and got the grub rescue. I tried booting Ubuntu from a USB and it flashes like its being used but goes straight back to grub rescue.01:04
wow050Any ideas>01:04
dr_willisjsounds like the usb is not booting correctly wow05001:05
onryoI don't know the first thing about Windows. Never ever had a windows distro. Like I said I started with ASM in my Amiga 500 then in the early 90s moved on to RedHat then Debian and have an Ubuntu machine at work.01:05
dr_willisi still miss some of the features the Amiga OS had.01:05
jribonryo: right but this channel is for help with ubuntu.  You seem to want help with programming for windows, so try ##windows01:05
p_tangohi everyone... new here. its interesting , but hard to use01:05
onryojrib you dont code I can hear01:06
wow050Anyone ?01:06
wow050Guess not. Ill try on Ubuntu forums.01:07
onryodr_willis I do have the flash of nostalgia at times too. Getting the demo's to fix a 1.4 MB disk with music and ray tracing (mirror balls over a checker board etc) all i ASM for that 7.5 MHz cpu. Was fun back then.01:08
ClientAliveHere is the current output of "mount" if it helps any. I have to take a friend and her kid to the emergency room but I'll be back soon. http://ideone.com/ex3S1d01:08
ClientAliveany help appreciated. thanks.01:09
we6jboHi all01:11
we6jboI'm a substitute network systems technician01:12
onryoGoing to head over to irc.oftc.net where ppl actually develop GNU/Linux and ask people who are contributing talent. - Good bye and thx for all the fish.01:12
DarthEaron I'm at hooters and I just left chuckle cheese... Tonight is awesome01:14
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efuseupgrading to 12.1001:26
efuseit is taking absolutely forever01:26
efuseconsidering suicide01:26
ToaI just recently reinstalled (coming from LMDE) and now my previous home directory (under a different user name) is gone.  The format option was not enabled, and it is a btrfs file system (separate home partition).  The amount of free space listed is the same as it was, as if the data still exists, but I cannot find it. Any suggestions?01:28
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ntzrmtthihu777Toa: you may not have permission to view it, try doing it as sudo01:29
efusehow long do upgrades typically take?01:30
efusethis has been going on for quite a while01:30
Toantzrmtthihu777: Good guess, but I tried that. ls -A as root only shows me my home directory.01:31
ntzrmtthihu777Toa: when you re-installed, did you tell it to use the /home partition? I never got that to work right; I always did not use it on re-install and then edited the fstab to get it to automount, never had an issue doing it that way. now, on the other hand, using the installers use this partition option, I never got it to work. sorry to say, but you may be scragged :(01:31
Coded1anyone have problems with 13.04 and android phones?  When I plug in my nexus 4 it gets mounted and all is going well, when I enable tethering it disconnects on me01:31
k1l_efuse: depends on system speed and internet speed. but takes some time is not uncommon01:32
wesley_nHello everyone i am new to linux and i am having trouble getting the soundcard to work01:32
Toantzrmtthihu777: What problems did you have?01:32
BaNzounetHey, I've a problem with PHP/APACHE. I've phpmyadmin working but script in my ~username are not being render01:32
ntzrmtthihu777efuse: shouln't have done that, my friend. not only have I never had a good in-install upgrade experience, but quantal gave me hell as well01:32
ntzrmtthihu777Toa: the same one you are using, no home folder :(01:33
James_EppHow should I go about making a striped raid in ubuntu 12.10 w/ gnome-shell? Assume two 40GB (VBOX)01:34
echoeehi guys, can i get some help with the cow powered apt?01:35
echoeecurrently, this is my lsb-release01:36
Toantzrmtthihu777: so I should just reinstall and format again?  The /home directory seems to work, despite having 100GB ghost data on it.  So much for btrfs.  The features it had seemed nice.  I checked in fdisk and it reports the proper sizes.01:36
echoeeDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.10"01:36
FloodBot1echoee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:36
k1l_!eol | echoee01:36
ubottuechoee: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:36
echoeethanks ubottu01:37
k1l_echoee: its out of support. read the message from the bot and the 2 links to know why and what is a solution to upgrade01:37
k1l_echoee: but in your case i would suggest a new install since you need all upgrades untill you have one that is supported01:37
James_EppI remember when maverick came out and I was like "ermagurd linuxxxxx" meh. I'm still a n00b01:37
Toaechoee: There are tools available to help you back up your data first01:38
echoeethank k1l_, I cant really upgrade the server, as it's a live server, running some sensitive stuff01:39
James_Eppclonezilla is pretty good for imaging IMHO.01:39
James_EppIs it a radio station or something?01:39
k1l_echoee: if its sensitive i would consider putting it onto a supported LTS base.01:39
ntzrmtthihu777Toa: maybe. if its alot of texts you may be able to grep them outta the node01:40
k1l_since 10.10 got security problems that a 8year old can rush in01:40
cronusechoee, cow powered as in apt-get moo ?01:43
echoeeyes, apt-get moo01:44
echoeedeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick multiverse deb-src http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick multiverse01:44
echoeewhat I had already01:44
echoeedid all the stuff that doco recommended01:44
echoeenot sure what else i am missing01:44
echoee(12:39:52 PM) k1l_: echoee: if its sensitive i would consider putting it onto a supported LTS base. <--- in the process of doing that01:45
echoeeI am moving it cloud-base!01:45
IdleOneechoee: focus on the migration. 10.10 is no longer supported and not worth the time wasted.01:45
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echoeeessentially, i need to get git installed, push all my code onto a git trunk, does the develop/master thingy01:45
echoeelike i said, it runs sensitive stuff, and before I can upgrade this server, I need to get another server running concurrently, test it and all, etc01:46
echoeenot really an option for me to just "upgrade" it without any backups01:46
echoee*backup options01:46
TheteWhat are you trying to do?01:47
echoeeinstalling git01:47
TheteThat's all?01:47
Thetegit isn't in 10.10?01:47
echoeewell, i changed my deb to old-releases, but I got a 403 when running update01:48
echoeedeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted01:48
echoeedeb-src http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted01:48
echoeewhat I have currently, with many more01:48
Theteshould be able to just download the current package source manually and rebuild01:48
Thetealthough, it looks like it has a few dependencies, if it's not in the maverick apt you might have to just build it the old fashioned way01:51
cronusechoee, work fine here with same lines. just getting hits because there are no updates01:51
BT_5e ai01:55
BT_5alguƩm on01:55
ntzrmtthihu777!pt | BT_502:01
ubottuBT_5: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:01
ntzrmtthihu777BT_5: o use #aircrack por Backtrack02:02
echoeeso, after updating all my deps, clean and update, this is what I get when running update02:07
echoeeFailed to fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  403  Forbidden02:07
echoeenot sure what else I can do from here, asking best friend (Google) atm02:08
cronusechoee, try wget to download that file. i tried it and it seems fine from here. ie no errors and normal 1.8 size download02:11
echoeehmmm, i wonder if it's a firewall thing?02:12
ClientAlivecan someone tell me if any of these: http://ideone.com/wsAD4G  <- packages are needed by the system if I'm not running a web server on it??02:12
cronusechoee, it could be a proxy or an apt-cacher as well02:12
echoeenah, no proxy02:13
ClientAliveI am running eclipse though and I know it has some kind of web server stuff on it. I need to keep anything related to eclipse.02:14
echoeewhere can I put the packages.gz?02:14
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=== vongohelper is now known as soulShadow
mylezzzI have a 3TB external hard drive (USB 3.0) that does not seem to be recognized when I plug it in. It works fine under Windows (both 7 and 8).02:14
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mylezzzIt is using a GPT partition table and is formatted as NTFS.02:14
mylezzzWhen I plug it in, the light flashes on the drive but it doesn't show up under devices, if I run fdisk or gdisk they just seem to freeze. Any ideas?02:14
cronusechoee, did you manage to download it?02:15
echoeei can wget it02:18
hecsamylezzz: what's the output of a dmesg command?02:18
hecsamylezzz: do you see something related to the external disk you are talking abount?02:19
mylezzzyeah, on here is the output: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/68861/external-drive-not-being-recognized02:19
mylezzzthanks for responding btw :)02:19
mylezzzI get alot of "xHCI xhci_drop_endpoint called with disabled ep "02:20
cronusechoee, then there is a problem with apt configuration. are you certain that you are not using a proxy for apt?02:21
echoeepretty sure02:23
echoeethat I am not using proxy02:23
xanguahi there, i recently got a joystick with vibration support, but it doesn't vibrate on ubuntu, how can i enable it or foce it if that is posibleĀæ thanks02:23
echoeeis there a way to find out where hte setting is?02:23
hecsamylezzz: what happens when you disconnect and reconnect it to your computer? Does your drive have some drivers for Win? I'm asking this because I know about some external disks that use some strange drivers to encrypt them, and they only work with Win....they are some tricks...02:23
wilee-nileemylezzz, Have you checked the fragmentation as of late, I assume a a gpt ntfs gets fragmented, if it gets fragmented enough ubuntu will not read it.02:23
Kowmylezzz: by any chance is it a wd passport drive?02:24
hecsaExactly! passport drive was the one I was fighting against02:25
wilee-nileemylezzz, I would look at it with gparted and anyerror messages there as well.02:25
echoeealright, I am fetching packages now, thanks heap cronus02:25
wilee-nileenot sure if gparted reads a gpt though02:25
mylezzzhecsa: when I disconnect and reconnect it just does the same thing, it doesn't find it and I get those messages if I use dmesg. No drivers for win7, just plug in and play nad its not encrypted in any way.02:26
cronusechoee, great news. good luck with the migration!02:26
echoeethat was so disturbing02:26
nullxheya, can anyone tell me of a good utility to ghost a windows partition under linux (ubuntu)?02:26
echoeeall we asked was a clean install (many years back)02:26
hecsanullx: ghostzilla02:26
echoeehired VPS02:26
wilee-nileenullx, I use clonezilla for images, saves the mbr as well.02:26
nullxhecsa: checking it out02:27
echoeeany how, many thanks for your help02:27
nullxno package for that, right?02:27
mylezzzwilee-nilee: I haen't checked fragmentation but it shouldn't be fragmented, nothing is ever deleted, the collection of files on it just keeps growing one after another but I could try this if you think it may work?02:27
cronusechoee, np02:27
hecsasorry, clonezilla02:27
nullxI will google02:27
nullxyeah =)02:27
nullxI only see live cd options if I'm not mistaken for that02:27
mylezzzKow: Its not a WD Passport drive, just a Hitachi 3TB drive in an external case02:27
hecsanullx: clonezilla :) or just dd02:27
nullxdd lol02:28
wilee-nileemylezzz, I'm not real up on gpt, however we see people here and at the ubuntu forums often having a read problem because of a defrag needed or a chkdsk.02:28
hecsadd if=<the drive> of=<the file> bs=<the block size of the FS>02:28
mylezzzwilee-nilee: If I open gparted it just says scanning disks and scans forever, it never stops...02:28
nullxhecsa - heh no I know I just would like to compress02:28
wilee-nileemylezzz, There again I'm not sure on gparted in relation to gpt.02:29
Kowthere exists a bug with intel usb3 support in kernel versions <= 3.6 which results in usb3 not working as intended02:30
Kowthe only solution is to use a newer kernel, recommended 3.8.402:30
hecsamylezzz: which kernel do you use?02:30
mylezzzwilee-nilee: Also if I run fdisk or gdisk it shows my first 2 drives and right before its about to print the details of the external drive it just stops and sits there, only way to stop it is to close terminal02:30
nullxwell thanks guys I'm gonna try it now02:30
nullxthis is for local hdds right? clonezilla02:30
wilee-nileemylezzz, I just had a 2 terrabyte usb loose file permissions in windows, not exactly related, but sometimes you just have to knock out variables.02:30
mylezzzhecsa: Im not sure, how do I check?02:31
Kowmylezzz: open up a terminal and type "uname -a"02:31
mylezzzwilee-nilee: yeah everything is trial and error haha02:31
mylezzz"Linux Myles-Elementary 3.2.0-39-generic #62-Ubuntu SMP Thu Feb 28 00:28:53 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"02:32
nullxIs there any GUI tools like clonezilla?02:32
mylezzzso 3.2.0 I guess?02:32
xanguaso i got a joystick with vibration/rumble support but it doesn't vibrate on ubuntu, can i enable this somehowĀæ02:32
nullxI may be better off with acronis live.. this is not easy to work with02:33
nullxthanks though02:34
hecsamylezzz: it's a bit outdated....is there any reason to have that version?02:34
wilee-nileenullx, Macrium the free one will ghost with access if mounted.02:34
nullxchecking it out02:34
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Kowmylezzz: well you can try using the ubuntu 3.8.4 kernel but im not sure it will work right with elementary OS.02:35
mylezzzhecsa: No reason, I'm new to linux but I was trying elementary OS beta, I really like it, the only issue left is my drive not showing up. Is it possible to update the kernel?02:35
mylezzzKow: What are the potential downsides of updating the kernel?02:36
Kowmylezzz: elementary OS not booting.02:36
nullxwilee-nilee: yeah I just wanna run it from ubuntu though, not have to reboot into it..02:36
mylezzzKow: Haha fantastic, is there a way to return to the old kernel if it doesnt work?02:36
waspinatorI'm having trouble connecting to my works vpn using ubuntu. It works out of the box on windows 7 and osx. It just says it failed to connect without any error02:36
Kowmylezzz: yes i believe if you hold shift during startup you can select the old kernel02:36
Kowmylezzz: install all debs that end in _amd64.deb and also the one that ends in _all.deb02:37
wilee-nileenullx, Not sure if mountable in linux, I doubt it, you could just dd it, but grub will pickup the boot stuff, it can be problematic if on the same HD as original.02:37
Kowcommand "dpkg -i package1.deb package2.deb ..."02:37
nullxwille-nilee: nah, seperate entirely02:37
mylezzzKow: Ok so install of them using that command, then reboot and try it?02:38
wilee-nileenullx, Is the original working, and what is it you need?02:38
nullxwillee-nille: ubuntu on one ssd, windows on the other ssd.. and I have a storage drive to store the ghost image on02:38
mylezzzKow: Just run that command from the terminal in the OS now or do I need to get out of the GUI?02:38
nullxwille-nille: I use both regularly.. like, if I'm doing dev work I might go on ubuntu, if I'm gaming I might go on windows.  I want to image the windows one and just have a copy just-in-case.02:39
Kowmylezzz: you can do it now. however, before you do it.. i would reboot and make sure when you hold down the SHIFT key you get options to select which kernel02:39
Kowonly then would i install those new debs02:39
nullxI think I have an old acronis backup cd somewhere, but I think it's more practical to do it over a working install02:39
mylezzzKow: ok I'll check now, thanks for the help. I really appreciate it, hard to find decent help these days. Speak to you soon.02:40
mylezzzwilee-nilee & hecsa, same to you both. thanks.02:40
wilee-nileenullx, Personally I have all the stuff I want to preserve beyond the OS's I have that on externals, and images of the 5 OS's on the ssd in my setup, hardly nothing but the OS on the main internal HD02:41
hecsamylezzz: you're welcome! I hope you have fun using GNU/Linux!02:41
nullxwille-nilee: even so, reinstalling is a pain in the ass, ghosting is awesome in comparison IMO02:41
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wilee-nileenullx, Isn't ghosting basically a clone?02:42
nullxincluding mbr basicly02:43
nullxanyway I hink I got partimage to work successfully02:43
nullxand if it didn't work, so be it.. I'll just reinstall in the end02:43
wilee-nileenullx, Well I just use the windows backup for clones and clonezilla for the linux installs, but I do not need access to them, and all are at the most 50 gigs.02:44
nullxwindows backup?02:44
Logos01Howdy folks. I have a physical box whose GRUB seems to be borked -- I can't boot successfully and there's no difference in behavior between the "Recovery Mode" boot option and regular. What kernel parameters do I need to feed to get into the 'recovery' mode? It's not "1"/"single" like I'm used to -- those aren't working.02:44
nullxhm, why am I too stubborn to have thought of that02:45
wilee-nileenullx, every ms OS since XP has a cloner.02:45
xanguaso i got a joystick with vibration/rumble support but it doesn't vibrate on ubuntu, can i enable this somehowĀæ02:45
nullxwilee-nilee: anyhow, thanks for the help.. I think partimage will work fine in the end though02:45
FloodBot1gr1m: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:46
wilee-nileeLogos01, You can reload grub from a live cd, or get supergrub to boot in and reload from the terminal.02:46
Logos01wilee-nilee: GRUB loads fine.02:46
Logos01It's the boot that's borked.02:47
Logos01What I need are the kernel parameters necessary to boot into recovery mode because my grub menu entries are identical.02:47
mylezzzKow: Holding shift didn't seem to do anything but is it "Previous linux versions" im looking for?02:47
mylezzzKow: It's one of the options in the bootmenu02:47
wilee-nileeLogos01, Lol grub is the boot, you description suggests a broken grub. Seing it does not mean it is working.02:47
Logos01wilee-nilee: GRUB2 is the bootloader yes.02:48
Kowmylezzz: yes02:48
Logos01As I stated, there is no difference in the behavior/configuration of the two options -- "regular" boot and "recovery mode" boot.02:48
mylezzzKow: ok great, will try this now then. thanks.02:48
wilee-nileeLogos01, Here we call grub2 grub this is ubuntu grub2 is on every supported release.02:48
* Logos01 sighs02:48
Logos01There's a difference between 1.98 -- the original GRUB2 push -- and GRUB 2.x02:49
Logos01But to be precise this is a 12.04.2 amd64 box02:49
Logos01If you don't know how to help me, that's okay, please just say so.02:49
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wilee-nileeLogos01, I think in your need to prove your knowledge you are ignoring obvious facts and now you are be offensive, lol welcome to my ignore list, and by the way I was one of the top helpers on grub on the ubuntu forums02:50
Logos01Once again this channel proves its reputation well-deserved. Awesome.02:51
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cronusLogos ro recovery nomodeset02:57
cronusLogos01 ^^02:58
dellLogos01, I have just joined, can you explain what is the problem?02:58
mylezzzKow: I don't think it worked very well, would you take a look? "http://paste.ubuntu.com/5638971/"02:58
Logos01dell: tl;dr version -- my machine isn't booting normally and somehow my GRUB configs aren't right -- the behavior/entry for recovery is the same as normal.03:00
Logos01I was after the kernel line options to boot successfully into eithe recovery mode or single-user mode.03:00
SamuraiAlbaI have an issue with Ubuntu03:00
SamuraiAlbaHow can I convert a WUBI install to a true install?03:00
SamuraiAlbaIs there a way, and if not, what can I do to ensure my windows install remains intact with a true install?03:01
dellDo you have liveusb03:01
SamuraiAlbadell, yes.  I also have a live DVD03:02
Logos01So "ro nomodeset recovery" doesn't cut it either.03:02
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dellOk boot using liveusb, mount your ubuntu drive and issue grub-install --root-directory=/dir/of/ubuntu /dev/sda03:03
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dellYou could also issue update-grub if you are inside a chrooted environment of ubuntu too.03:04
SamuraiAlbaWill that preserve the integrity of my Win 8 Pro x64 installation?03:04
dellLogos01, have you written any manual grub configuration on /etc/grub.d/40_custom03:04
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SamuraiAlbaI also have 2 drives in my laptop, a Corsair Force GT 120 as dev/sda, and a 750GB spinner as dev/sdb03:05
disPlayhi, is anyone finding the chromium build that is in the repositories a bit sketchy when watching some movies?03:05
dellLogos01, or did you directly modify /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:05
Logos01dell: I did not.03:06
cronusSamuraiAlba, there is a nice guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi if you want to check it out.03:07
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mylezzzKow: does it look bad?03:07
dellLogos01: That means grub is loading at boot, only ubuntu would not load right?03:07
dellLogos01: What configuration did you make during your last boot, if you remember?03:08
hanasakiwhat will allow the cpu to chagne speeds .. ? slow on idle and faster on high use?   right now the cpu runs at full speed all the time03:09
SamuraiAlbaChronus, I greatly appreciate that link.  Thank you03:10
mylezzzhecsa: You still on here?03:10
hecsamylezzz: yeap...a bit sleepy, but alive :D03:10
dellhanasaki: Do you have discrete graphics card?03:10
hanasakinope.. amd chips on the mobo03:11
mylezzzhecsa: Haha, i tried updating the Kernel but this happened, would you take a look for me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5638971/03:11
hecsamylezzz: going there03:11
hanasakidell why03:12
dellhanasaki: Try this command as root "echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch". Does it slow down the cpu?03:12
hanasakicat: /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch: No such file or directory03:12
dellhanasaki: You have amd graphics card?03:12
hanasakino - amd chips on the mobo03:13
dellhanasaki: did you go to root using "sudo su -" first, before executing above command. In normal usermode that file does not appear03:13
hanasaki VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS780 [Radeon HD 3200]03:14
hanasakidell yes03:14
dellhanasaki: Ok sorry i though most would be intel graphics cards.03:14
Logos01dell: GRUB itself is loading yes. But it fails to mount my NFS mount and when I try to either skip or manually mount it hangs indefinitely at that point.03:14
hanasakiworks fine.. just runs full throttle all the time03:15
Logos01dell: Only response is to perform ctrl+alt+delete to reboot, and this behavior is the same for both boot options.03:15
hecsamylezzz: do you own a broadcom network card?03:15
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dellLogos01: did you mean NFS or NTFS?03:15
mylezzzhecsa: Yes03:15
Logos01I have a local mirror of the Ubuntu repository and all of my local net machines mount it at boot time.03:15
Logos01(as NFS share)03:16
hecsamylezzz: check (or paste there, in paste.ubuntu.com) the /var/lib/dkms/bcmwl/ file, please, to check what is wrong there03:16
hecsamylezzz: that and /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-experimental-304/304.48/build/make.log03:17
dellLogos01: If they are not the installation mounting just escapes with error. That should be no problem03:17
Logos01That is correct insofar as how the normal behavior ought to be.03:18
Logos01Unfortunately ... it's not the behavior I'm observing.03:18
mylezzzhecsa: Will do now thanks, before I do, if its of any relevance I am using bumblebee as I have Nvidia Optimus graphics. Does this matter?03:18
Logos01And either way -- the "S to skip or M for manual recovery" -- if I press "M" it *ought* to get me into a recovery shell but it's just hanging.03:18
hecsamylezzz: maybe...you can check some sort of message in the second log I pointed out03:19
Logos01Thing is ... it shouldn't even get to the point of doing network shares in recovery mode.03:19
Logos01And it shouldn't be attempting to launch all normal services -- such as squid-deb-proxy -- but it's doing just that.03:19
mylezzzhecsa: nvidia-experimental-310 is also referenced in the original paste, do I need to get that one as well?03:20
hecsamylezzz: give me some minutes...my wife claims her husband :D03:20
dellLogos01: Here is my configuration of grub2 configuration file. May be you can tweak your grub.cfg file using this. (http://paste.ubuntu.com/5639003/)03:20
mylezzzhecsa: haha no problem03:20
Logos01dell: I'd have to get into it via LiveCD for that.03:20
dellLogos01: Yes, boot usign LiveCD, mount ubuntu drive and edit your grub.cfg file. Leave other menuentry even with error. Add a new one. with these settings and reboot03:21
Logos01dell: Also, that's a "normal"/"standard" GRUB config entry (normal boot that is) -- not much help to me here.03:21
Logos01dell: That would produce the same behavior as it's functionally no different from a normal boot.03:22
dellLogos01: When you select ubuntu from grub, what message it gives?03:22
Logos01Something about my OS environment when booting into the normal/full env is borked and I need to get into single-user mode to fix it; this is problematic given Canonical's infinitely wise decision to strip out single-user mode from the kernel.03:22
hanasakicpufreq-set -g ondemand -c 0 -d 800Mhz -u 3500Mhz03:23
Logos01dell: It begins the boot, going through the dmesg statements through to loading services.03:23
dr_willishmm... init=/bin/bash is single user mode basically isent it?03:23
Logos01And then it hangs at the point I described.03:23
hanasakidell that did it... but... there is not easy way to config it on startup03:23
Logos01dr_willis: You'd think.03:23
dr_willisactually we had a discussion avbout single user mode vs text mode yesterday03:23
Logos01But unfortunately when I tried that it gave me errors related to it being an inappropriate ioctl for the device.03:23
Logos01In RHEL-verse, runlevel 1 vs 3 & 5 yeah.03:24
Logos01There are significant differences.03:24
dellhanasaki: Put it in /etc/rc.local file before exit 003:24
dr_willisthat sounds like some  hardware quirk.  ive definatly seen people use that init=/bin/bash trick befor03:24
Logos01Yeah, I know.03:24
Logos01Thing is, I know the files are intact.03:24
hanasakidell good point.. what's up though.. it used to just work03:24
Logos01hanasaki: Other option is to make an upstart job and specify the runlevels but .. eh.03:25
hanasakiLogos01:  what changed in ubuntu that it worked out of the box before and now.. :(03:25
mylezzzhecsa: thanks again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5639014/03:25
Logos01hanasaki: I am not informed enough to provide you with an answer to that question.03:26
mylezzzKow: are you still about?03:26
dellLogos01: Currently, are you logged in from a dual boot on same computer, or are you using another another computer to login and this chat03:27
dellhanasaki: I don't know, but it used to work for me too.03:27
Logos01dell: I'm talking to you from a different machine.03:28
Logos01The non-booting machine is single-OS03:28
hanasakidell when did it stop working for you ?03:29
dellhanasaki: Actually it has always been so for newer computers. I had no such problem in older one.03:29
hanasakimine is 4 years old03:30
dellLogos01: How do you mount the NFS drives, do you use fstab? I don't know much about NFS03:31
Logos01fstab, yes03:31
dellLogos01: Boot using liveusb, remove those entries and see if it boots. After you are logged in you can see why your NFS drives are having input output error03:32
Logos01dell: I highly, strongly doubt that's the source of the problem.03:33
dellLogos01: Yes boot does not depend on NFS, that means your disks are telling some bad story. Because ioctl error does not suggest any other thing.03:34
dellLogos01: May be you could try fsck using the livedisk03:36
safecancelis there a way to restrict the maximum size of all windows when maximised (globally). i.e. when any window is maximised, it is actually not, in effect creating a padded area of visible desktop space around it. "window padding" .. dconf ... somthingsuch? cluck? CLUCK?03:36
safecanceland hello03:36
safecancelmaybe i should use gDevilspie?03:38
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CorruptedHelixHi. I used UNetBootin to install Ubuntu 12.10 onto my USB drive. Attempting to go into the BIOS and boot from USB brings up an error on the screen stating that no operating system is installed, and to press Ctrl+Alt+Del to exit. Windows 8 loads up just fine, though, it's only the USB stick. Note that this computer came with Windows 7, I just did a full format and installed Win8.03:38
CorruptedHelixI don't know why it's not working, however, I have tried both 32bit and 64bit revisions (my machine is 64bit). This method has worked when I was on Windows 7.03:39
CorruptedHelixHow would I fix this issue?03:40
Nach0zCorruptedHelix: might use gparted to check that the hard drive has a boot partition set03:40
CorruptedHelixNach0z: I have no problem booting into my C: drive03:41
CorruptedHelixAnd I'm currently running windows 803:41
CorruptedHelixThe problem is, I can't even boot into ubuntu via a usb stick03:41
Nach0zoh gotcha03:41
CorruptedHelixto try it out03:41
Nach0zum, unetbootin has never worked for me, try Lili03:41
CorruptedHelixWill do...03:41
dellCorruptedHelix: Yes it should have boot flag on. You could try fdisk /dev/sdb (If that is your flash drive) and use a to mark the flag and w to write and exit03:41
mylezzzhecsa: let me know when your back, thanks again03:42
CorruptedHelixdell: No access to Ubuntu, the drive works because it's how I installed Ubuntu 12.04 before this, and Windows 8 before this03:42
CorruptedHelixthere's no reason for it not work now03:42
Logos01Hrm... just got into busybox prompt -- initramfs ... we'll see what I can do from here.03:42
dellCorruptedHelix: Then use different software. E.g YUMI-
mlt-Is it normal that after one of the recent updates for 13.04 I see a black colored menu in terminal emulator, emacs, etc instead of a solid grey of GreyBird?03:43
CorruptedHelixI was just told to use Lili :p03:43
dellLogos01: Yes, at least that was a good start03:43
CorruptedHelixI'll install YUMI and try to install from there. If it still fails, you'll know by the fact that I'll be back :)03:44
seednodeThey always come back03:45
CorruptedHelix...I hope I don't03:45
goldbugso i am just trying out ubuntu for the first time and i am having a bit of difficulty03:46
seednodeWhat difficulty in particular?03:46
Coded1does sshfs keep it's keys in a different location then ssh? I'm able to login with out a password via ssh but I added the mount option to fstab and it asks for a password.  Anyone experienced the same issue?03:46
goldbugat first once you logged into it it would not display any desktop03:46
goldbugwell i swapped graphics cards to an old one and it worked long enough for me to install the latest nvidia driver03:47
goldbugso i can get my main card working03:47
goldbugand it did03:47
goldbugso now next problem03:47
goldbugmy taskbar is off the screeen03:47
goldbugand I have no idea how to get it visible so i can actually interact with it03:47
goldbugI am running a nvidia quarto03:48
goldbugwhich says it is supported03:48
holsteinwhat says what?03:48
holstein!ati | goldbug is what i always refer to03:48
ubottugoldbug is what i always refer to: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:48
holsteingoldbug: do you have a setting on the physical monitor? sometimes you just have to fiddle around with it a bit03:49
cronusCoded1, i never used sshfs in fstab, but more likely since mounting is done by root and ssh is using the keys stored in the home folder, you should try make ssh work as root without a password03:49
Coded1cronus: ahh that make sense03:50
Coded1cronus: thanks03:50
cronusCoded1, hope it helps.03:50
vect0rI wonder if we'll ever see a usable email client that supports (fully) exchange/activesnc any time soon.03:59
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
dellCorruptedHelix: Good Luck04:02
Logos01dell: For what it's worth I'm able to chroot into the env from initramfs/busybox so ... yeah.04:05
dellLogos01: Good Luck04:06
dakotawulfywhen u type sensors and u get the out put is the temp 1 temp 2 and temp 3 the same on all computers as far as what they are04:12
Logos01dell: I have no explanation for how this is even feasible but ... it was squid-deb-proxy.04:12
dellLogos01: Wow, how could it effect the boot04:13
Logos01"I have no explanation for how this is even feasible" <-- I did it on the basis of that's where it was hanging each time.04:13
Logos01Here's the kicker though -- I never did get into recovery mode.04:13
ovrflw0xafter booting ends - i don't land at login prompt - instead i see "Reached target multiuser".. that's it then i've to switch to tty2 manually to see login prompt!04:13
alpharenderHow can I add launcher in applications?04:14
dellLogos01: Now can you reboot without problem?04:14
Logos01Just did. Gonna try uncommenting nfs entry and see if it really was just squid-deb-proxy04:15
dellLogos01: You should definitely see how that program can affect the boot.04:15
woois localhost most of the time going to be
thesadmafiosoI want to set up NFS on my local network, should I be installing "nfs-common" from the repositories?04:17
sonOfRawoo, but if you're using mysql, is different from localhost.04:18
ovrflw0xafter booting ends - i don't land at login prompt - instead i see "Reached target multiuser".. that's it then i've to switch to tty2 manually to see login prompt!04:18
Logos01dell: I have a lot of nested filesystems.04:18
Logos01Pretty sure I know what's going on here actually.04:19
woosonOfRa: im not quite to mysql yet. working on apache204:19
Logos01Filesystems for /var/log and /var/cache/apt wouldn't mount because squid-deb-proxy was trying to create directories there.04:19
sonOfRaat that point, localhost will be, yes. technically, any address in the block can be used as a loopback though04:20
dellLogos01: I don't know much about squid-deb-proxy. It seems people have lots of error with it lately. http://ubuntu.distrosfaqs.org/ubuntu-users/squid-deb-proxy-problem-on-raring-ipv6-i-think/04:21
Logos01dell: Yeah, it doesn't really even get me anything since I already maintain said NFS-based local mirror of Ubuntu04:22
Logos01(Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10, amd64 i386, main, universe,multivers,restricted security-updates...  a number of PPAs... and debian stable/testing/experimental main contrib non-free ... and CentOS 5/6 all ++ EPEL ...)04:23
Logos01I may or may not be a tad overzealous with this.04:23
ovrflw0xafter booting ends - i don't land at login prompt - instead i see "Reached target multiuser".. that's it then i've to switch to tty2 manually to see login prompt!04:24
dellLogos01: Wow that's many04:25
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
Logos01dell: Takes up about 450GB04:26
Logos01I'm not doing any source packages.04:26
chunkyheadhey guys remember i was talking abt speech2text yesterday? i found something AMAZING and wanted to share it with you guys04:27
chunkyheadjust check out this video: explains it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8SkdfdXWYaI#at=94204:27
Logos01I'm also torrent-seeding about 80GB's worth of distro ISOs.04:27
dellLogos01: Is it public mirror or your private04:27
* Logos01 is a dirty filthy leecher of repo04:28
Logos01This is my home network.04:28
Logos01If I were on something that seeding wouldn't kill my bandwidth / violate my TOS I'd be willing to host public.04:29
dellLogos01: Why, in my case my country's public mirror works fine.04:29
Logos01When you install packages via NFS mount you skip the download phase and go straight to configuration.04:29
Logos01Plus I have gigabit LAN so there's that.04:30
dellLogos01: How many computers do you use04:30
Logos01I have my soon-to-be router, my personal laptop, my mediaPC, my NAS, and my hypervisor -- those are all the physicals.04:30
Logos01I currently have 12 CentOS images running on the hypervisor, and plan on a similar number of Debian and possibly two or three Ubuntu machines.04:30
Logos01So ... all told probably about 30 OS instances.04:31
dellLogos01: Are those installations for client?04:31
Logos01Nope, just for me.04:31
dellLogos01: Why? 12 centos images. What is the difference?04:31
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dellLogos01: LOL04:32
Logos01Well, I work as an enterprise Linux admin.04:32
Logos01So I maintain a whitebox lab at home in order to keep up with the necessary skillsets.04:32
dellLogos01: Are they your test machines?04:32
Logos01Either test or performing some other job.04:32
dellLogos01: I understand04:32
mehworkhow come when i do 'sudo useradd foo' it doesn't create /home/foo, but if i type 'sudo useradd foo' again it says that 'user foo already exists'?04:32
Logos01For example I have a spacewalk server, a postgres server, an ldap server, a git server...04:33
dr_willismehwork:  use adduser. not useradd04:33
Logos01a couple of rpmbuild servers (for 5 and 6 -- the process is different)04:33
ovrflw0xafter booting ends - i don't land at login prompt - instead i see "Reached target multiuser".. that's it then i've to switch to tty2 manually to see login prompt!04:33
dellLogos01: Dizzy04:33
Logos01And two each of 5/6 i386/x86_64 purely for test purposes.04:33
dr_willismehwork:  because it is adding the user.. you are not givng all the options needed for it to make the home and other things04:33
Logos01(Two each because that way I can test clustered functionality)04:33
dellLogos01: Hadoop?04:34
Logos01Eventually I'll also have a mantis/bug-tracker server and probably set up SOGO (groupware -- think shared calendar)04:34
mehworkok thanks04:34
Logos01Hadoop is one example of something that's clustered, sure.04:34
dellLogos01: mantis does not take that much space04:34
Logos01Not at all. :)04:34
mehworkdr_willis: man useradd says it creates a new user. Confusing04:34
Logos01But it gets its own dedicated OS instance.04:34
dr_willismehwork:  it DOES create a new user.. you  need to  tell it other options IF you  want to make a home direcgory for that user04:35
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dellLogos01: You could be running all apache (what ever), mantis in same. But testing as if it were individual sure might be help. Don't know about that04:35
dr_willismehwork:  useradd has totally differnt defaults then adduser does04:35
Logos01dell: I don't have a separate Apache server for anything right now.04:36
dr_willismehwork:   i suggest you never use    useradd. but use adduser instead04:36
Logos01Mantis OS instance wuold likely cohost mantis and its apache/nginx (whichever)04:36
dellLogos01: Never used engine X04:36
dellLogos01: Is it faster than apache?04:37
dellLogos01: Default04:37
mehworkthe alternative download page for ubuntu just shows i386, but not if it's 32-bit or 64-bit. Any idea why?04:37
dr_willis386 would be 32bit04:38
dellmehwork: 32 bit04:38
mehworklike the page for torrent downloads04:38
thesadmafiosoi386 implies that it would be 32-bit04:38
dr_willisamd64 = 64bit04:38
Logos01dell: I've not used it myself but it's designed exclusively to handle static content.04:38
mehworkdr_willis: intell doesn't make 64bit?04:38
Logos01dell: So it's very optimized for that purpose, and is considered much faster for static content machines.04:38
mehworki'm so confused04:38
dr_willismehwork:  they licensed the stuff from AMD.. so amd had it first04:38
dellLogos01: Should definitely try in some of my future work04:38
mehworkdr_willis: so if i wanted to install 64-bit linux on an intel machine, i need the amd version?04:39
dr_willisAMD64 bit extensions are made by amd. and licensed by intel04:39
dr_willismehwork:  yes..04:39
mehworkwow, learn something new every day04:39
dr_willisits called AMD64 because AMD had it first04:39
dr_willisbasically. ;)04:39
dr_willissome disrtos use other names for their 64bit stuff04:39
thesadmafiosoIsn't the intel 64-bit stuff usually just "i686"04:39
mehworki don't get how someone can own the idea of 64-bit04:39
dellLogos01: Bye, my gaming time04:39
dr_willismehwork:  amd created '64bit extensions' for the  32bit chipset.. i guess... they coded in teh 64bit stuff04:40
dr_williswe never said they own the idea of 64bit...04:40
mehworksounds like intel really dropped the ball on that one04:40
mehworkanyway, thanks04:40
dr_willisintel has (had?) their own very differnt 64bit cpu but it was not backwards comaptiable04:41
dr_willistime to hit up the wiki pages :) if you want details04:41
quick-Hi , how can i get a code fpr the ps process ?04:41
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html04:41
dr_willisfind what package its in.. get the source package04:41
dr_willis!find  /bin/ps04:42
ubottuFile /bin/ps found in a2ps, blimps-utils, cd-hit, console-tools, context, emboss, ghostscript, gmt, gnutls-bin, grass-core (and 64 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=/bin/ps&mode=&suite=quantal&arch=any04:42
quick-dr_willis:  it comes as the generally in all *nix systems.04:43
quick-dr_willis:  Thanks :)04:43
dr_willisquick-:  yes.. but its supplied by one of the packages... such as 'console-tools' or 'gnutls-bin'04:43
dr_willissince itss a fairly  standard command. it most likely comes with the other core cli commands04:43
thesadmafiosoSo, I am reading up on NFS and RPC . . . it's my understanding that RPC is the protocol that allows for execution of commands on other network machines?04:44
quick-dr_willis: Yea , i got it :)04:45
quick-dr_willis: If i may ask how can i log each program used by the user .I dont wanna use acct or auditctl04:47
dr_willisperhaps rbash  has that feature (its a bash shell alterantive/feature of bash)04:47
dr_willisive never needed to log  my users. :) its just me and the dog..04:48
quick-dr_willis: Ha ha :D .Well, Thanks for the answer> Is there any dev channel for ubuntu or *nix  ?04:49
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest304
dr_willis#ubuntu-dev perhaps.04:50
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:50
quick-dr_willis:  i have an  HP with AMD Radeon gra[phics driver installed but in additional drivers it says activated but not currently i use. How can i  put it in use .04:55
Platzso, I updated /usr/bin/python3 to point to python3.3 (previously pointing to python3.2 in quantal).  Is this crazy/stupid?04:56
alpharenderwhat can I do about java apps with menus that act strange if I split the window by dragging it to the edge? Does this make sense?04:56
Platzi was having some issues running apt-add-repository when i noticed it was using /usr/bin/python304:57
Platzreinstalling python3-apt didn't work; i had to run "python3.2 apt-add-repository" for it to work w/o errors'04:58
Platzin other words, must /usr/bin/python3 point to python3.2 always in quntal?04:59
MHA152_hello everybody why my pidgin can't access my irc acount05:02
bgupta_is there an irc channel to talk about chrubuntu?05:02
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MHA152_why my pidgin can't access my irc acount05:09
=== seednode is now known as ActiveThree
Betanu701Hey guys, I have 2 hybrid Tv tuners in my computer, The digital side works perfectly on both cards, however I can not get analog to play on anything. In kaffeine it shows that there is a little signal when i can NTSC but no channels. I have cable, which they are still pumping analog through the line. Any help?05:13
somsipalpharender: some problems with java apps can be solved by running 'wmname LG3D' so might be worth a try05:14
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=== IdolWahn is now known as phunyguy
mylezzz Tried updating the kernel but getting errors, anyone take a look?05:24
Betanu701What erros?05:26
goldbugquestion: why would i not get a dashboard or any gui what so ever when i boot up ubuntu?05:27
mylezzzBetanu701: Here is the install: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5638971/ and here is the the make.logs from that install http://paste.ubuntu.com/5639014/05:27
Platzso i take it everyone is using virtualenv for python3?  no-one is messing w/ their /usr/bin/python3 ?05:28
Betanu701mylezzz: how did you update your kernel?05:29
kevinkaceAnyone familiar with php on ubuntu?05:29
kevinkacehaving trouble with include_path05:30
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
kevinkaceinclude_path = ".:/mnt/sda6/PROJECTS/CODE/polyshape"05:30
kevinkacedir exists05:30
kevinkacePHP Fatal error:  require(): Failed opening required '/AutoLoader.php' (include_path='.:/mnt/sda6/PROJECTS/CODE/polyshape') in /mnt/sda6/PROJECTS/CODE/polyshape/www/inter-test.php on line 305:31
mobinahey guys im having another 3 wireless access point n i wanna  c them in terminal wat is the command when i iwlist it only indicates the one im connecting05:32
Betanu701mobina are you reffering to ifconfig?05:32
mobinano when u click on the network manager in the wireless section it shows wireless1,wireless2,... i wanna c them in terminal05:33
dr_willisifconfig should show all mnetwork devices05:34
mobinadr_willis, i wanna c wireless available around me not the one im coonect in05:36
bobbyzkevinkace: I'm headed to bed so I can't help with any follow-up, but have you checked permissions on /mnt/sda6/PROJECTS/CODE/polyshape/AutoLoader.php ?  Without any more info I'm assuming you are running PHP from apache and apache is running as user www-date, group www-data, so that file needs to be readable by www-data group05:38
bobbyzand all parent dirs need to be set with propert permissions as well05:39
Betanu701Hey guys, I have 2 hybrid Tv tuners in my computer, The digital side works perfectly on both cards, however I can not get analog to play on anything. In kaffeine it shows that there is a little signal when i can NTSC but no channels. I have cable, which they are still pumping analog through the line. Any help?05:39
mynameisdeletedso... desktop linux wars.. I see on w3c that desktop linux use there in 2003 was 2.2% and its steadilly grown to almost 5%05:43
mynameisdeletedI see mobile-linux looks far more promising and people in 5 years may stop using desktops in preference to cloud operating system and mobile devices05:44
dr_willismobina:  there are cli commands to show seen networks.  i suggest checking the iwlist and other related commands.05:44
dr_willismynameisdeleted:  so... do yiou have an actual ubuntu support question? ;)05:45
mobinawith iwlist i get the one i connecting in  :(05:45
dr_willismobina:  check out the other wireless commands and the options for iwlist05:45
dr_willisman iwlist05:45
mobinadr_willis, wlan0     Interface doesn't have a list of Peers/Access-Points05:47
dr_willismobina:  and  'iwlist' has a scan option....05:47
mobinaven i run this :  sudo iwlist wlan0 accesspoint scan  it returns : iwlist: command `accesspoints' needs fewer arguments (max 0)05:49
dr_willislooks like its saying..  not to use the  accesspoint argument to me..05:50
dr_willishttp://linux.die.net/man/8/iwlist             says the 'accesspoint' argument is obsolete.05:51
ikillcypherHello Guys06:05
maestrojedI upgraded from Ubuntu10 to Unbuntu12.04 and now my sound card isn't fully working. I guess I have to reinstall the OS if I want to roll back to Ubuntu11 or Ubuntu10? No such thing as a downgrade, right?06:06
ikillcypherI was wondering if anyone here know of a very serious bug :( installing ATI on my Ubuntu has render my unity and everything useless it is all gone and the graphics are in low Im using 12.10 x64 Bit this bug seems to be affecting not only Ubuntu but Linux Mint as well Im hoping some developers here can help me out in my issue.. thanks.06:07
dr_willismaestrojed:  its also possible a clean instggall of 12.04 may  work06:08
maestrojeddr_willis Cool I will try that first06:08
dr_willisikillcypher:  i see variants off that issue in here all the time.. or unity only partially starts up. - you get the desktop, wallpaper, cursor and some features but the main panels dont work.06:09
dr_willisikillcypher:  seen it happpen to ati. nvidia, and intel  users in here06:09
ikillcypherok so will it be fixed?06:09
ikillcypherin 13.04 ?06:10
dr_willisim not even sure theres  a 'single' cause of the issue06:10
ikillcypherwhat is causing this??06:10
dr_willisif your  login  screen looks correct try making a new user and see if it works for them06:10
ikillcypherit is wrong :(06:10
ikillcypherit is in low graphics06:10
dr_willisthat points to a driver issue.  you tried running the ati config tool and setting a res in the xorg.conf file?06:11
ikillcypherhow do I go back to OSS ?06:11
dr_willisremove the other driver.06:12
ikillcyphercause I hear it works much better06:12
ikillcypherIm facing this btw06:12
dr_willisbut ive seen people in here that cant seem to remove it. or it still goofs up. perhaps due to a bad xorg.conf file06:12
ikillcypherok so what should I do?06:12
ikillcypherreinstall Ubuntu ?!06:12
Ben64i would just ... not use unity06:13
dr_willisif you  want to go  back to the opwn sourced drivers.  uninstall the fglrx drivers06:13
dr_willishes having issues at the login screen.. so it may not be a unity  issue.06:13
dr_willisyou could try a differnt desktop like lubuntu and see if it  lets you set the proper res.06:13
ikillcyphermy whole ubuntu is kinda f up :(06:13
dr_willisrunning that ati confoig tool might let you set the res via the xorg.conf file06:13
Ben64unfortunately i don't know much about ati06:14
ikillcyphereverything is gone unity06:14
Ben64last ati card i had was radeon 920006:14
stiltzkinHey guys, hoping someone can help me with this. I'm attempting to resize an encrypted LVM using this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions, but when I attempt to run e2fsck on my lv root, I get "Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open..." What's going on? The filesystem is not corrupted, I'm sure of that.06:14
ikillcypherBen64, it is a bug !06:14
dr_willisikillcypher:  so... install lubuntu-desktop. try the ati config tool....06:14
Ben64ikillcypher: you should still be able to open a terminal with CTRL+ALT+T06:14
ikillcyphermany people are facing this06:14
we6jboI'm trying to install google talkplugin and it keeps going back and asking me if I want to install again06:14
Ben64ikillcypher: it may be many bugs06:14
dr_willismany people are faceing variantions of the issue also...06:14
ikillcypherand it has not been fixed for a very ver long time06:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068404 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (openSUSE) "duplicate for #1068661 Low graphics mode in muxless hybrid ATI/Intel GPU systems after fglrx upgrade" [Critical,In progress]06:15
dr_williswe6jbo:  how are you installing it?06:15
Ben64ikillcypher: thats why i stick to LTS releases06:15
ikillcypherLTS is stil the same06:15
ikillcypherdude you dont understand06:15
dr_willisHybrid cards - are a known issue.06:15
we6jbodr_willis: I'm clicking on it06:15
dr_williswe6jbo:  download the .deb and install it via the terminal. then restart your browser06:16
we6jbodr_willis: and Ubuntu Software Center runs06:16
ikillcypherdr_willis Im On Legacy 3400 HD ATI Card06:16
we6jbodpkg -i06:16
Ben64ikillcypher: dude, 12.04 still has non-3d unity, so it would work without acceleration06:16
dr_willisor 'sudo gdebi foo.deb'  we6jbo06:16
ikillcypherBen64, it is cause by the graphics card06:16
we6jbook i'll try yours06:16
dr_willisif you have gdebi installed. ;)06:17
we6jbooh it says it's not installed06:17
dr_willisgdebi  is handy..06:17
=== Moonk_ is now known as moonkyang
stiltzkinAnybody? If I can't actually resize this partition then I'll have to reinstall the whole OS just to gain a few GB of space :/06:17
we6jbook i'l install it06:17
dr_willisstiltzkin:  clarify what you are doing.06:17
ikillcypherdr_willis, are you a developer ?06:18
dr_willisI dont use lvm. but perhaps others are.06:18
goldbugso why is it that i am getting this error when i try to run unity Fatal: glXQueryExtensionsString is NULL for screen 006:18
dr_willisikillcypher:  just a hobbiest06:18
ikillcypherso pretty much you know about this issue ?06:18
stiltzkindr_willis, I have an encrypted partition on /dev/sda3 containing two containers, one for swap, one for root (pretty typical setup). I want to shrink the root partition by about 15GB and the corresponding size of the LVM volume, which is what the guide I linked shows how to do.06:18
Ben64ikillcypher: he's here almost 24/7 answering questions06:19
=== chris252 is now known as chrisdambrosio
ikillcypherthis bug has been here for a very long time06:19
dr_willisikillcypher:  ive seen dozens in here with related issues..  as i mentioned.. try installing a 2d desktop. and then run the ati config tool (whatever its called) to see if you can set the res.06:19
we6jboI hope I don't forget I have that program and that I never use it again after I install the google plugin06:19
ikillcypherand I will be depress if isnt fix on 13.0406:19
dr_willisso far ive not seen you mention anything you  have done to try to 'fix' the issue.06:19
stiltzkinThe problem is that the required filesystem check before the resize fails, i.e. it indicates that my partition is corrupt or non-existent, when that is not the case (two day old install on a brand-new SSD)06:19
=== Wiky is now known as werasdf
=== werasdf is now known as Wiky
ikillcypherdr_willis, Im trying to fix the issue but If I remove this now I will lack in alot of my software support06:20
=== Wiky is now known as Wiiiky
dr_willisikillcypher:  ive seen dozens in here with related issues..  as i mentioned.. try installing a 2d desktop. and then run the ati config tool (whatever its called) to see if you can set the res.    <<<<<<<<<06:20
we6jboaww it didn't work. google chrome isn't seeing that I've installed the plugin06:20
=== Wiiiky is now known as Wiky
Ben64stiltzkin: i'd bet it's because it's encrypted. i don't know anything about encrypted filesystems or lvm though, sorry06:20
ikillcypherok wait brb06:21
stiltzkinBen64, but it's an unlocked volume, I've already set up the volume groups and applied the decryption key, as the guide says to do...06:21
dr_willisi  always have lubuntu  installed as a backup desktop. (and its what the wife uses)06:21
voozeset irc_join_delay 2006:21
we6jboaww it didnt work06:21
stiltzkinAt this point maybe it is easier to just reinstall. I thought I would try this first06:22
ikillcyphercompiz (core) - Info: Unity is not supported by your hardware. Enabling software rendering instead (slow).06:27
=== Madkiss_ is now known as Madkiss
dr_willisthat points to a driver issue.06:28
ikillcypheryes :(06:28
dr_willisno 3d support06:28
ikillcypheryes it cause by AMD fglrx video driver06:29
dr_willisor unity isnot thinking it has 3d support.06:32
goldbugso why then am i getting a Fatal: glXQueryExtensionsString is NULL for screen 0 for a nvidia quadro 1300?06:33
goldbugit says that the card is supported06:33
muya_Anyone know how I can improve copy speeds over scp when copying files from linux to pc using pscp?06:37
ikillcypherdr_willis, I installed : http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/legacy-radeon_linux.aspx06:37
=== JAO is now known as Guest23487
dr_willisusing the non repo drivers mean you are basicallyon your own.06:40
ikillcypherit is using some VESA Graphics06:49
dr_willisvesa is the bottom end drivers used when all else fails06:51
ikillcypheryes it is using that is default06:53
ikillcyphernow :( I know that proprietary has some serious issues06:53
ikillcyphermy best is to either use a open source driver06:53
lotuspsychjesoundcloud lags on firefox, any lightweight alternatives for ubuntu to download the soundcloud livesets?06:56
dr_willisthe propitary drivers disabled and nlacklisted the oss drivers06:57
ikillcypherdr_willis, what ?!06:58
dr_willisuninstalll the fglrx drivers.. unblacklist the oss radeon drivers07:01
ikillcypherdr_willis, Im using OSS Driver now07:09
ikillcypherwell I guess :( this is it07:09
GeekBlogTVthis is never it07:09
GeekBlogTVits never too late....07:09
GeekBlogTV....to switch to Fedora07:09
thufir_do you say ~/myHome or /~myHome?  the first one, right?07:10
Ben64thufir_: ~ = your home directory07:11
dr_willisikillcypher: the vga driver is not the same as the radeon driver. which areyou using07:12
ikillcypherIm using OSS Radeon driver07:12
ikillcypherradeon                895730  207:13
ikillcypherDriver : Unknown07:13
ikillcypherExperience : Standard07:14
thufir_Ben64: so, you would write ~/thufir/whatever.txt or would you write ~/whatever.txt if "thufir" is my home directory?07:17
thufir_Ben64: thx07:18
sonOfRa~ANYNAME/ is ANYNAME's homedir07:20
sonOfRa~/ is the current user's homedir07:20
dr_willis~ = /home/usersnane07:21
maestrojedI am trying to install ubuntu12 from a USB drive. I am using Startup Disc Creator to copy my ISO and setup my USB drive. However on boot I get "missing operating system". I think I may just need to make this drive "bootable". Can anyone help?07:21
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sonOfRadr_willis, not necessarily.07:22
dr_willismaestrojed: you havesn os on the hd allready?07:22
maestrojeddr_willis yes, But I want to install over it.07:23
maestrojeddr_willis I have Ubuntu12 currently running. I was going to install a fresh install because my sound card is not fully working.07:24
dr_williseither the usn was made wrong. or  the bios isbooting the wrong device07:25
maestrojeddr_willis I confirmed in the bios that the usb boots first. I see a "missing operating system" message first, for a second or two, then it moves on to grub. I think that message is when it tries to book from the usb. I will keep researching07:26
maestrojeddr_willis I have made the usb multiple times (with Startup Disk Creator every time)07:27
maestrojedIs there a better way to make it?07:27
dr_willistry tools from the pendtivelinux site  or dd07:27
dr_willistry tools from the pendtivelinux site  or dd07:28
maestrojedok, thanks.07:30
Fireintheholehello all07:34
Fireintheholei am getting this error on my xcaht07:35
Fireintheholeany help??07:35
Fireintheholexchat with tor and onion address07:35
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl07:36
=== cece is now known as Guest58109
Fireinthehole@ubotto i am on windows and using tor bundle07:37
Jordan_UFireinthehole: This is #Ubuntu, not #tor, #xchat, ##windows, or #freenode.07:38
ntzrmtthihu777Fireinthehole: not to be an arse or anything, but if you are on windows why come to the ubuntu channel for help?07:38
ntzrmtthihu777Fireinthehole: perhaps this is telling you something :D07:38
maestrojedcan I choose to boot from usb using the GNU Grub?07:39
Jordan_Umaestrojed: Yes.07:39
maestrojedJordan_U I don't know these commands well. I don't think my device is listed. But I see I can used a CLI. Do you know how to do this?07:40
Fireintheholefuck u gayssssssss.......u are assholes and u get fuck youselfs bye............07:41
dr_willishmm.  and the bot gave him help....07:42
contrapunctusTalk about taking it too personally.07:42
muya_my menus keep going white without displaying any options. any idea what the problem could be?07:43
MHA152who know an e-book for python3 in persian?07:43
Guest49383Hello Herbert07:44
Guest49383Hello Herbert07:44
HerbertWestHello, A little Question. It's a good thing install compiz in Xubuntu 12.10?07:46
contrapunctusHey folks...it appears PyQt4 is installing only for Python2 and not Python3.3 as I want...how do I do this? :( Ubuntu Studio 12.0407:47
dr_willisyou can.. but why HerbertWest07:47
HerbertWestmmm thinking.. u r right better dont07:48
dr_willisxfcw wont use it by default07:48
contrapunctusdr_willis why not? God knows Linux could do with bling xD07:49
HerbertWestxfce id god07:49
dr_willisxfce  uses xfwm407:49
HerbertWestomg *good07:49
dr_willisi tend to use  lubuntu07:50
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.07:50
HerbertWestohh I see it07:50
contrapunctusAnyone for my query? o.o07:51
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python07:51
HerbertWestdr_willis thank you very much! ill marry with Lubuntu !07:52
=== wolfbyte is now known as Kernel|Panic
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
EnriqueMorenoHi guys. Can someone please help me get the audio coming through my line-in to my speakers?08:06
ntzrmtthihu777I like my gnome-panel very much, thank you :308:06
dr_willisEnriqueMoreno:  you might have to toy with the pavumixer or  some pther pulse tools.  or use jackd08:07
EnriqueMorenodr_willis, could you please walk me through it?08:08
dr_willisEnriqueMoreno:  not really. I rarely  use jackd. and im not on a ubuntu box agt the moment08:08
dr_willischeck askubuntu.com perhaps08:08
dr_willisyou might not have to use jackd08:09
EnriqueMorenodr_willis, I tries askubuntu already. The question gets ignored always08:09
dr_willisyou did Search first?08:09
EnriqueMorenoI tried to use alsamixer, but "line-in" doesnt appear in the list08:09
EnriqueMorenoYes, I did08:09
dr_willisalsamixer often has sliders to the left/right that youmight not notice08:10
=== ericab is now known as ericab_away
EnriqueMorenodr_willis, I checked it well08:10
dr_willisthe pavu* tools might give better controll08:10
EnriqueMorenoI have no command called pavumixer available08:10
dr_willisso install it..08:10
EnriqueMorenowhat is the name of the packet?08:11
dr_willis!info pavumixer08:11
ubottuPackage pavumixer does not exist in quantal08:11
Ben64!info pavucontrol08:11
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (quantal), package size 140 kB, installed size 953 kB08:11
dr_willis!info pauvmixer08:11
ubottuPackage pauvmixer does not exist in quantal08:11
EnriqueMorenoah, pavucontrol! Thanks!08:12
dr_willisapt-get install pa<tab>   ;)08:12
dr_willisor use the  search feature08:12
EnriqueMorenodr_willis, I dont know how to do search with apt-get08:12
dr_willisapt-cache search pattern08:12
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)08:12
EnriqueMorenoOk, i got it. lets see if I can find something useful here..08:13
ferronicaneed help regarding Geary Mail getting, not able to sync yahoo mail and not unable to add GMAIL or any other new other mail account error: Error in connection08:14
ferronicaNeed help urgently...08:16
EnriqueMorenoGreat, not only I didnt fix it, but now sound doesnt work at all08:18
EnriqueMorenoIm gonna have to reboot -_-08:18
nocturnal_is there a way i can make my wireless work without having to modprobe every time i login?08:21
ntzrmtthihu777nocturnal_: you can add it to your, ah what was it, /etc/modprobe file, methinks.08:27
ntzrmtthihu777anyone care to assist me with this script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5639420/ asked in #bash, but active members seem to be busy assisting another.08:28
peawormsworthntzrmtthihu777: im not a bash expert, but how is $size set?08:30
=== dbugger is now known as EnriqueMoreno
EnriqueMorenoIm back08:30
EnriqueMorenodr_willis, that didnt help :(08:30
=== Neutron01_ is now known as Neutron01
Neutron01hi, good day everyone.08:33
Neutron01is any pls suggest me good movie editor for ubuntu? :)08:33
peawormsworthntzrmtthihu777: I think the first 'if' condition is comparing string to integer.08:35
ntzrmtthihu777peawormsworth: well mother of perl! I did not replace it on the second part of the script, $size should be the stat thingus in the first if08:35
peawormsworthntzrmtthihu777: but still... Im getting all "Large" response... no matter wat the file size. so i dont think the comparison is working.08:36
peawormsworthntzrmtthihu777: this is fun... i dont know base ;-)08:36
peawormsworth^^ bash08:36
dr_willisall your bash are belong to us? ;)08:36
ntzrmtthihu777peawormsworth: yes, I'm gettins same response.08:36
ntzrmtthihu777make your time08:37
peawormsworthntzrmtthihu777: change the condition to $(cmd) > ###08:37
ntzrmtthihu777someone set us up the fork bomb08:37
ferronicaneed help regarding Geary Mail getting, not able to sync yahoo mail and not unable to add GMAIL or any other new other mail account error: Error in connection08:37
ntzrmtthihu777peawormsworth: ahhh, interesting idear....08:37
peawormsworthntzrmtthihu777:    [[ $(stat --printf="%s" "$i") > 7168008:38
peawormsworththat seems to change the first part to a number.08:38
* ntzrmtthihu777 hugs peawormsworth tightly08:38
peawormsworthntzrmtthihu777: its still not working in my tests. let me know if it works for u. im still playing with it.08:42
ntzrmtthihu777peawormsworth: it works 100%, but its based on very small files's bitesize08:43
peawormsworthok. great. i would make sure tho. The comparisons are still not working quite right for me.08:43
ShutterstromHi, If I have minidlna installed using "apt-get install minidlna", and then try to install an upgraded version of minidlna using "make install". Where is my manuall installation of Minidlna installed then? Does it replace the existing installation?08:44
EnriqueMorenoHi guys. Can someone please help me get the audio coming through my line-in to my speakers?08:45
ntzrmtthihu777peawormsworth: you are going into the credits of this script, no if and buts08:45
ikillcypherguys how do I install windows from ubuntu :( using USB ?08:46
ntzrmtthihu777*ifs ands or buts08:46
dr_willisikillcypher:  you might want to ask in #windows on how to make a bootable usb from a windows iso file.  win8 i think you can image to usb.. not sure about win7 there may be tools at the pendrivelinux site that can do it08:47
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: there is a tool to write a win iso to usb, not sure of the name. likely a cd/dvd would be a better idea, and in that case brasero (for a gui) or dd (for command line) is a good choice.08:47
dr_willisi imagine the lifehacker site has some guides on the topic also08:47
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: in fact you may be able to dd the iso directly to the usb drive... read something to that effect once...08:47
ikillcypherIm on Ubuntu :(08:48
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: what you trying to install windows for, exactly?08:48
dr_willisthe #windows guys are more likely to know the tricks to installing windows then we are.08:49
ShutterstromHi, If I have minidlna installed using "apt-get install minidlna", and then try to install an upgraded version of minidlna using "make install". Where is my manuall installation of Minidlna installed then? Does it replace the existing installation?08:49
ntzrmtthihu777!patience | Shutterstrom08:49
ubottuShutterstrom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/08:49
dr_willisShutterstrom:  it depends on where the compuling tells it to go..   normally the ./configure part of the compile can have options to tell it where to install to08:50
auronandace!checkinstall | Shutterstrom08:50
ubottuShutterstrom: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!08:50
dr_willisbest would be to find a PPA for the minidlna server08:50
dr_willisthen source+checkinstall08:50
* ntzrmtthihu777 makes note of checkinstall for future source compilation...08:51
ikillcypherntzrmtthihu777, Im trying to install windows on my harddisk08:51
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: I get that, but *why*, may I ask08:51
ikillcypherC# ?08:52
ikillcypherschool work ?!08:52
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: you need a C# ide, then?08:52
dr_willistrying to conqure the free world?08:53
auronandaceikillcypher: you could always put windows in a vm08:53
dr_willismost pcs these days have windows cds or some sort of recovery method...  unless you deleted your  windows recovery partitions.08:53
ikillcypherindeed I did08:53
you-tee-fhello: http://unix.stackexchange.com/unanswered08:54
ikillcypherand full install Ubuntu08:54
dr_willisyou-tee-f:  you might  want to summarize the question a bit for us.08:54
* ntzrmtthihu777 removed all traces of win$ from his machines, even sanding off the super keys :308:54
you-tee-fcan you dr_willis hehe08:54
dr_willisyou-tee-f:  and ubuntu quesions would be best asked on askubuntu.com08:54
you-tee-fsorry i was failing the paste, it's both unix, linux, ubuntu trouble08:55
ferronicadr_willis, hi08:55
you-tee-fi have a problem with my screen08:55
you-tee-fplease consider checking my question on stackoverflow08:56
ntzrmtthihu777!details | you-tee-f08:56
ubottuyou-tee-f: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:56
ikillcypherhttp://www.imagebam.com/image/93e97c245001468  it is frozen how ?!!08:56
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: dunno, did you do anything unusual?08:57
ikillcypherno !08:57
dr_willisthe graphical 'consoles' can  use the framebuffer, or nonframebufer displays you-tee-f  - if you want to use differnt res's you would wan tto use the fremabuffer method and perhaps tweak things with fbset, or grub options08:57
ikillcypherhow do I cancel08:57
=== Onixs_ is now known as Onixs
you-tee-fdr_willis: can you lead me more, that thing is really haunting my nights08:57
dr_willisim not sure if 'unix' uses  framebuffers or not.. so if its ubuntu related.. the unix.*  would not  be the right way to do it.08:58
ntzrmtthihu777killall apt-get, methinks. this is why I never use software center; either apt-get or synaptic for me08:58
you-tee-fdr_willis: i'm on ubuntu08:58
dr_willisyou-tee-f:  fbset ccommand may help. I tend to disable the framebuffer.. and search askubuntu.com08:58
you-tee-fi see08:58
you-tee-fi will see what i can do08:58
dr_willisyou-tee-f:  but you  posted that question to a UNIX.* group08:58
ikillcypherikillcypher@aesir:~$ killall apt-get08:58
ikillcypherapt-get: no process found08:58
you-tee-fhmm yes right but i thought it was also Linux thing08:58
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: are you using this machine right now?08:59
dr_willisyou-tee-f:  err.. UNIX is not LINUX08:59
ikillcypheryes Im08:59
you-tee-fdr_willis: i know i know, but the website08:59
ikillcypherit is stuck08:59
you-tee-fis for LInux and Unix08:59
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: is a reboot out of the question?08:59
ikillcyphernot going to reboot08:59
=== derWachert|BNC is now known as derWachert
ikillcypheris there any other way08:59
dr_willisconsole and 'sudo service lightdm restart'  will force X to restart.09:00
ntzrmtthihu777open system monitor, look for a process named like software center or aptitude.09:00
ntzrmtthihu777dr_willis: on that note, what does it mean when a process is labeled zombie in gnome-system-monitor?09:00
dr_willisntzrmtthihu777:  its dead and undead.. and cant be killed.. I think the only way to remove them is reboot..09:01
starkilleri need help XD09:01
dr_willis'nuke them from orbit just to be safe'09:01
ntzrmtthihu777dr_willis: nah, I killed them easily, just curious as to the meaning09:01
dr_willisIn the term's metaphor, the child process has "died" but has not yet been "reaped". Also, unlike normal processes, the kill command has no effect on a zombie process.09:02
starkillerdr wills XD its there anything i can do to save my  ubuntu settings XD09:02
dr_willisstarkiller:  i dont know what your initial problem is.09:03
ntzrmtthihu777dr_willis: interesting read :D09:03
starkilleri ust wanna save my programs and configuration :)09:03
ntzrmtthihu777starkiller: to what end?09:04
dr_willisstarkiller:  so... whts stopping you?09:04
dr_willisare we going to  have to play 20 questions to get to the real problem?09:04
starkillerso if my system fails i dont have to  costumise and get all the programs lol09:04
=== dan_ is now known as Guest33050
dr_willisso copy  the stuff to your UbuntuOne account..09:05
ntzrmtthihu777starkiller: ah. well you can do backups, or there is a cloning technique09:05
ntzrmtthihu777!clone | starkiller09:05
ubottustarkiller: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type Ā« aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages Ā», move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type Ā« sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install Ā» (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate09:05
starkillerwow thanks ubottu XD sonds  to pro for me but ill try it lol09:07
dr_willisit just makes a text file with a list of your installed apps...09:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:07
dr_willisit dosent backup your apps... just a list of whats insstalled09:07
=== noobunlimited is now known as psicho
starkillerlol tht sounds even better doctor wills:P09:08
ntzrmtthihu777dr_willis: d'ya think you can have this executed every 24hours or so? just in case of emergency, like09:09
dr_willisntzrmtthihu777:  would seem rather pointless. ;)09:09
dr_willisi tend to know  what apps i want installed on a clean install09:09
dr_willisand i beta tet so much stuff - that a list like the above would reinstall tons of junk i might only have used once09:10
EnriqueMorenoHi guys. Can someone please help me get the audio coming through my line-in to my speakers?09:10
=== kojul is now known as kojul_zZz
ntzrmtthihu777dr_willis: if its written into my dropbox folder it would be available in the event of a horrid accident. I don't, I tend to remember stuff from old installs as I attempt to use them, lol09:10
dr_willisEnriqueMoreno:  start by seeing if you can record line in audio?09:10
starkillerthanks guys you are so helpful ill see u laters:P09:11
EnriqueMorenodr_willis, how can I see that?09:11
dr_willisEnriqueMoreno:  theres a sound recorder app i  belive.09:11
dr_willisive not used line in sound - in years09:11
EnriqueMorenoos I just plug the mic in line in, and record it?09:12
dr_willisand with the smart-sensing jacks many  sound cards use.. the system may  not even be seeing the line in as a line in09:12
dr_willisa  MIC in - is differnt from a LINE in.. i belive09:12
oliverpEXT4-fs (dm-3): bad geometry: block count 183109840 exceeds size of device (183109760 blocks)09:13
oliverpIs it safe to run resize2fs /dev/mapper/disk1 ?09:13
dr_willissee if you can record from the mic in also.09:13
EnriqueMorenothe mic in works all right09:14
jugglehow to take the screen shot of the active page on ubuntu ?09:14
jugglei am trying alt + prtSc but its not working09:14
ntzrmtthihu777juggle: are you sure? check your ~/Pictures/09:15
juggleok i will check09:15
jugglei tried alt + prtSc but there is no file in ~/Pictures/09:17
ntzrmtthihu777juggle: did you try just prtsc?09:17
juggleno i tried alt + prtsc09:17
juggleto take active page printscreen09:18
ntzrmtthihu777try it alone09:18
ntzrmtthihu777ah, that trick.09:18
ntzrmtthihu777juggle: are you using unity? methinks the dash interferes with it...09:18
juggleyes i am using unity.09:18
jugglewhen i use alt + prtSc i heard a sound like doh09:19
=== Motoservo_ is now known as Motoservo
jugglebut there is no any file09:19
ntzrmtthihu777juggle: try re-assigning the keycut, or use scrot and manually crop09:20
* ntzrmtthihu777 brb bio09:20
juggleok ,thank you09:21
=== mpmc|Away is now known as mpmc
dr_willisit gets scary the many  ways the alt and ctrl and super keys get used for so many tasks. ;)09:24
dr_williswonder if somthing is grabbing the alt-key09:24
peawormsworthwhy would this print anything?09:25
peawormsworthif [[ 5 > 1000 ]]; then09:25
peawormsworth  echo "5 is larger then 1000"09:25
nocturnal_how can i remove an nvidia driver i installed from their site?09:25
peawormsworthI assume it is doing text comparison. How do I force integer compare?09:25
ntzrmtthihu777peawormsworth: because its true?09:25
ikonianocturnal_: you need to remove the modules, there is an uninstall option in the binary package, but I don't have confidence it works %100 of the time09:25
dr_willispeawormsworth:   i  thought bash used   eq snd other 'tests' not >  for numers09:26
ntzrmtthihu777dr_willis: actually you can use > just as easily09:26
ntzrmtthihu777peawormsworth: all joking aside, methinks you got it formatted wrong.09:26
ntzrmtthihu777if test09:26
ikonianocturnal_: while it's not what you want to hear, it's really one of the core reasons to depend on package managers09:26
ntzrmtthihu777  echo09:26
dr_willisi rarelyu bash these days. ;)  i just r3ecall bash  needing sme extra work with  numbers09:26
peawormsworththis site says ">" works on string and numeric, but doesnt specify how to force it: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/comparison-ops.html09:27
peawormsworthit seems like bash should assume numbers in the above case unless I quote one of them.09:27
ntzrmtthihu777peawormsworth: best bash site ever http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide09:27
dr_willisdont assume bash  assumes09:27
nocturnal_ikonia: it's a .run file09:28
ntzrmtthihu777/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "else" unexpected (expecting "then")09:28
ikonianocturnal_: yes, I know that, that's the binary package I referenced09:28
bekksnocturnal_: Their readme should tell you all you need to know.09:28
ntzrmtthihu777/bin/sh: 1: [[: not found09:28
ntzrmtthihu777what the heck09:28
ntzrmtthihu777test false09:28
dr_willisyou are using sh not bash09:28
ikoniantzrmtthihu777: maybe take this to #bash ?09:28
ntzrmtthihu777:/ dang, the in-irc thing works in sh.09:29
ferronicaneed help regarding Geary Mail getting, not able to sync yahoo mail and not unable to add GMAIL or any other new other mail account error: Error in connection09:29
ntzrmtthihu777ikonia: no need, I solved my problem, just curious about peawormsworth's query09:29
peawormsworthdr_willis: You were right. I should use "-gt" instead of ">" which is exactly opposite of how perl does it.09:29
ikillcypherHi Guys09:30
ikillcypherIm unable to mount my USB09:30
llutzntzrmtthihu777: you see the difference between "/bin/sh" and bash?09:30
peawormsworthntzrmtthihu777: thanks for the bash link.09:30
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: why you trying to mount it, exactly?09:30
ikillcypherto install windows ISO using unetbootin09:30
dr_willispeawormsworth:  i notice the examples in the abs guide also  " " everything it seems09:30
ikillcypherIm getting something to run chkdsk in windows09:31
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: and it should be a simple as opening it in your file browser.09:31
ikillcypherbut  I dont have windows and Im on Ubuntu09:31
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: again, why you need windows? you said C#, details?09:31
ikoniaikillcypher: that's normally down to an unclean removal from windows09:31
ikillcypherntzrmtthihu777, I need it for alot of reasons09:32
ikoniaikillcypher: the best way to resolve it, its to boot into windows, run chkdisk - and return to ubuntu with a clean disk09:32
ntzrmtthihu777ikonia: he has no windows machine to use.09:32
ikoniaikillcypher: there are other options but that is the most "official" response09:32
ikoniathen you need to use one of the less official tricks to mark the disk as clean09:33
ikoniabeing aware of the risks they can have09:33
meetis there any way to customize the notifications? I mean I am not able to even click them or hide them.09:34
ntzrmtthihu777ikillcypher: there are ways to make a bootable win$ usb in linux, and vice versa, but all entail a bit of risk. the native tools work best on the os they were created on and installs.09:34
EnriqueMorenoHi guys. Can someone please help me get the audio coming through my line-in to my speakers?09:35
dr_willishe could just reformat the usb flash drive09:37
Ritchiehello everyone! could somebody help me with a startup srcipt? it solved my video issue in skype but I always have to start skype via terminal with the script. how do i make this permanent in skype that it starts with these options?09:38
dr_willisRitchie:  you could make a start_skype.sh  script and run it that way09:38
dr_willisand make a launcher for the start_skype.sh09:38
dr_willisor alter the existing skype.desktop  file to  run the script09:39
ntzrmtthihu777!patience | meet09:40
ubottumeet: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/09:40
Ritchiedr_willis, thank you for your help, it was an early joy it seems, because skype always asks to accept the terms everytime I start it, so there must be some other solution to find09:42
=== mohammad_ is now known as Guest72439
Guest72439hi everyone...does any one know how set https proxy in ubuntu?09:42
=== Guest72439 is now known as emor
emorhi everyone...does any one know how set https proxy in ubuntu?09:43
Seveasemor: in the System Settings, click on Network. Then on network proxy.09:43
SeveasThat sets it for gnome-y applications, not for apt though09:43
* Pataa Paul McCartney- Hope of Deliverance [03:59]09:44
emorseveas:tnx for your replying i know but i have socks account aand i want to use myy password and username to connect with09:45
emorseveas: i want set it to firefox09:45
HerbertWestHi, I would like to know how to join to ubuntu development.09:45
Seveasemor: edit -> preferences -> advanced. Topmost 'Settings' button09:45
Seveasemor: username/password will be asked for the first time firefox needs them09:46
emorseveas: do u worl with proxifire in windows?09:46
Seveas!development | HerbertWest09:46
ubottuHerbertWest: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment09:46
Seveasemor: this is not a windows support channel.09:47
emoriseveas: i know i want program like proxifire windows but in ubuntu09:47
HerbertWestSeveas ubottu Done! TY FYI09:47
bekksemor: Dont expect anyone in here to know a specific windows application.09:48
Seveaswhat does proxifire do?09:48
emorseveas: its set proxy with https protocol and set it to all applications.. with user and passwor09:49
Seveasemor: that'd be a good thing to have, but there is no such thing yet and there probably won't be: application developers are instead encouraged to use the proxy settings as set by the gnome tools or in the environment.09:51
ATHFHi. I keep getting messages "Sorry, Ubuntu 12.10 has experienced an internal error - send an error report to help fix this problem" Like... non-stop, to the point that I just have to move to another desktop and ignore them09:53
emorseveas: can i use the https with network settings and use my user and password and open site with firefox through that proxy?09:53
ATHFIs there a way to disable these messages or make them less obtrusive?09:53
GentSirATHF, stop using Unity09:54
emorseveas: do you know what proxy chains program and how it works?can this help me in this ?09:55
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SeveasATHF: these messages are generated by apport, you can remove apport to stop the messages from appearing.09:58
ntzrmtthihu777Seveas: interesting... I like some of the messages, but most are an annoyance. can you configure apport?10:00
meetntzrmtthihu777, any solutions for my question? btw i did not repeat my question.. what was that about10:01
emorseveas: i used network settings to set proxy... every thing is ok but i cant use it in firefox...any solution?10:03
Seveasemor: I gave instructions for firefox above.10:04
Seveasntzrmtthihu777: no, apport is an all or nothing deal10:04
emorseveas: its dont have https...it have http and socks10:04
neroescan someone help me with installing an MSI digivox trio10:06
bekksneroes: What is it?10:06
neroesand DVB tuner10:06
neroestv tuner10:06
emorseveas:my server is us-https1.behvpn.pro10:06
emorseaves: in firefox network settings where should i put it?10:07
ferronicaRICOH Aficio SP 1200S supported by elementaryOS10:08
bekksemor: In the proxy field.10:08
emorbekks: http  or socks?10:08
emorbekks:its dont have https10:09
bekksThere IS a field SSL proxy, and there is a checkbox "use this proxy server for all protocols" directly under the HTTP proxy field.10:11
bekksemor: So why dont you had the idea to insert your proxy in the http proxy field and check that checkbox?10:12
ntzrmtthihu777meet: actually you did. but no.10:13
meetdid I post the question twice by mistake? sorry for that10:13
ntzrmtthihu777Seveas: that sucks :/10:14
emorbekks:sorry for bothered u...its workeddd,:)10:14
emorbekks: thanks10:14
bekksemor: You could have tried almost all possibilities in that dialog window within a minute :)10:15
emorbekks: im new in linux:) i didnt notice that check box:) its my first time to do this... im sorry:)10:16
bekksemor: Actually, I just looked up that dialog settings on a windows box. :)10:17
emor bekks:ok:)10:18
emorbekks: do you know instant messenger to share photo?10:19
emorbekks:like yahoo messenger in windows:)10:19
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ntzrmtthihu777emor: skype10:20
ntzrmtthihu777and you may be able to configure telepathy to do it.10:21
emorntzrmtthihu777 : it cant connect yahoo account..can it?10:21
ntzrmtthihu777emor: skype? or telepathy?10:21
emorntzrmtthihu777: both10:22
ntzrmtthihu777erm, not telepathy, gwibber was it?10:22
neroesso can anyone help me install an "MSI digivox trio" a DVB tuner10:22
emorntzrmtthihu777:pidgin or empathy...cant this help?10:22
ntzrmtthihu777emor: likely, do a google search for pidgin or empathy plus yahoo10:23
emorntzrmtthihu777:tnx i will10:24
emori have windows in my hard drive....i want it dual booted with ubuntu can i do that?10:26
ntzrmtthihu777emor: easily10:26
emorntzrmtthihu777: sorry:) i have many problem with this ubuntu10:27
ntzrmtthihu777emor: personal opinion here, but I highly reccomend using 12.04.2 && not unity.10:27
neroesemor: there is even a guide on how to on ubuntus site http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/windows-installer10:27
ntzrmtthihu777emor: and if you like i can walk you through it10:28
emorneroes: i have ubuntu installed in my computer10:28
emorbut windows is not comes up10:28
emori mean its not in dual boot that i can choose between ubuntu and windows10:29
neroe5emor: so you want the boot menu10:29
emorntzrmtthihu777:tnx i will very thankful10:29
emor<neroe5> yes10:29
emori want choose between them10:30
emor<neroe5>:automaticlly ubuntu comes up10:30
neroe5<emor> are they installed on same drive?10:31
ntzrmtthihu777neroe5: no install, yet. methinks he is running from live disc10:32
emor<ntzrmtthihu777> no i create partition swap root boot10:33
fredrik__When I try to install Skype, it says that Wherever you re, whereever they are (Skype) first must be removed. How do I do that?10:33
neroe5<emor> otherwise this should do the trick10:34
neroe5<emor> forgot the link http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-with-windows10:34
emorneroe5: no i used something else then free up 50 gig and then create 3 partition10:34
ntzrmtthihu777fredrik__: how are you trying to install it?10:35
emorits not in same drive10:35
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freshminthi recently my system updated to kernel 3.2.0-39-generic-pae ubuntu lts 12.04 i had lots of problems with display freezings and like to downgrade to 3.2.0-38-generic-pae the booting option is still available in the boot menu but i like it to automatically boot with the 38 kernel, how can i do that10:36
fredrik__With the central10:36
emorneroe5:should i go in that site?10:36
ntzrmtthihu777Fenaralan: what do you mean central?10:36
dellfreshmint: Copy that entry to upper part of /boot/grub/grub.cfg file10:37
fredrik__Ubuntu Software centre10:37
neroe5emor: it contains a guide on how to install ubuntu alongside windows, which is what you want i take it10:37
fredrik__I have the Swedish version so I had to check for the English name. :)10:38
emorneroe5:u right but its done in windows....i dont have windows...it not boot up. if i want to do that i should reinstall windows and then install ubuntu again.i dont wanna do that..10:38
neroe5so you have to setup a boot manager10:39
bmxscott1993good morning10:40
fredrik__I first installed it with the software centre, but it wouldnt start after that. So I tried the terminal. Now I want to do a fresh install and try again.10:41
neroe5<emor> are you in linux or windows right now10:41
ntzrmtthihu777fredrik__: sudo apt-get purge skype, then sudo apt-get install skype10:41
emorneroe5:linux...i have windows but its not comes up ..10:42
emori am in linux now10:42
bmxscott1993im bmxscott as well10:42
bmxscott1993signed in on my phone10:42
fredrik__ntzrmtthihu777> Thank you! :)10:44
neroe5<emor> i'm still very new to ubuntu but you should be able to boot on your windows installation bychanging you boot device in your bios or boot device list10:44
ntzrmtthihu777fredrik__: sudo apt-get install and forget about Ubuntu Software center =_= thing is heck.10:44
somsipfredrik__: make sure that purge gets rid of ~/.Skype too10:45
bmxscottCan some one tell me how to get my input to go output on my jacks10:45
neroe5i'm not quite sure about how to get a boot manager in what you have10:45
bmxscotton ubuntu10:45
emorneroe5 : i cant i use my windows cd to repaire start up bot its cant helped10:46
fredrik__Thanks for the tip. I will try to study the terminal.10:47
neroe5emor: say what10:47
neroe5emor: can't you use it or does it not work?10:47
emorneroe5 : its came with dont send! i didnt see like it10:47
emor<neroe5> : no it doesnt worked10:47
neroe5emor: have you tried to change your boot prority to make the windows partition higher than your linux partition that should make you boot up in windows10:51
neroe5emor: i have to run now10:51
bmxscott1993how got the new tomb raider10:51
emorneroes5: where should i do that?? i cant find anything like that...its not detect windows at all!10:52
emor<neroe5> : ok tnx for ur help;010:52
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bmxscott1993my grub screen just purple and got static help i have to gest every time i go on it i have to his up load of time to make shore im on ubuntu10:53
emorwhat is grup screen?10:54
bmxscott1993my grub screen just purple and got static help i have to gest every time i go on it i have to his up load of time to make shore im on ubuntu10:55
ntzrmtthihu777emor: grub screen, its the bootloader used by linux, and it loads windows in dual boot systems10:55
ntzrmtthihu777!patience | bmxscott199310:56
ubottubmxscott1993: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:56
meetHi. I have a dell N5110 system. I installed 12.04. But I am not getting any touch scroll options in the settings menu for mouse. Also, I tried the instructions given here: http://goo.gl/B2snx which had once worked for me on elementary OS based on 12.04. but it's not working for me now. what can I do?10:56
bmxscott1993ok thank for helping im in the right derecshon10:57
emor<ntzrmtthihu777>:how can i use that?10:58
dellmeet: I also have N4110, I don't have any problem at all.10:58
emor<ntzrmtthihu777>i asked my question in this site http://askubuntu.com/questions/271467/how-to-dual-boot-the-ubuntu-and-windows-7-againafter-install-ubuntu10:58
emor<ntzrmtthihu777>: can u explain the solution that he said in that site?10:59
ntzrmtthihu777emor: its pretty simple if you are used to ubuntu, but for a noobie its a bit much. have you ever used cmd.exe in windows?11:02
emor<ntzrmtthihu777>   yes11:02
meetdell: i got n5110. btw did it work out of the box?11:03
emor<ntzrmtthihu777>  its not worked in my terminal.... can u test it and tell me resault?11:04
dellmeet: Yes no problem at all.11:04
ntzrmtthihu777emor: I've done it a time or two, are you connected to the internet on said machine?11:04
emor<ntzrmtthihu777>  yes im connected to ethernet now11:04
bekksemor: Neither I am using yahoo, not instant messaging, I'm living in 2013, not the 90s :) Sorry, I havent used instant messaging for a decade now.11:05
emorbekks: ok thanks:)11:06
ntzrmtthihu777emor: ok, what, *exactly* are you typing into terminal?11:06
emor<ntzrmtthihu777> i copy paste it.... i will paste it  paste.ubuntu11:07
ntzrmtthihu777emor: ok.11:07
TomaszKaplerWhich ubuntu version would be best for an external hard disk?11:07
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ntzrmtthihu777TomaszKapler: for using an external hard disc or being installed to it? either way the answer is the same: any currently supported version.11:08
bekksTomaszKapler: Doesnt matter.11:08
EnriqueMorenoHi guys. When I run "alsamixer" I cant seen the line-in. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?11:08
emorit says connect internet but iam connect know11:09
dellmeet: May be you could try by installing xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-lts-quantal and other dev packages. Search synaptic in "Synaptic package manager and see"11:10
ntzrmtthihu777should be no problem, if you are online...11:10
bekksemor: Why do you want to install boot-repair?11:10
TomaszKaplerOK thanks!  I am in a crisis situation, ubuntu keeps telling me there is less and less space on the drive it is using, windows has crashed irreperably i need to do something.11:10
ntzrmtthihu777bekks: he cannot boot his windows, methinks.11:10
emorbekks:its my question11:10
emor<ntzrmtthihu777>: i use proxy can it cause that errore?11:12
ntzrmtthihu777emor: maybe. save yourself some time, type ntz then tab when talking to me11:14
TomaszKaplerI am using ubuntu 10, it keeps prompting me to upgrade but there is no space.  Can I upgrade but install on  the large partition?11:18
jribTomaszKapler: you could backup and then do a fresh install11:18
mohammadbekks:  any suggestion?11:18
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TomaszKaplerjrib: ideally yes but I face a few obstacles and need to make sure i don't screw up.  i want to rid this machine of windows altogether.11:20
jribTomaszKapler: what obstacles?11:20
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TomaszKaplerno blank dvd to make a boot disc - unless i only need a cd11:21
jribTomaszKapler: 12.04 should fit on a cd iirc.  12.10 won't unless you use minimal (and then packages will get downloaded during install)11:22
TomaszKaplerjrib: so I was thinking it may be better to have an external bootable ubuntu hard disk11:22
TomaszKaplerjrib: ok i will try - thanks.11:22
num7hi, is it save to logout via "gnome-session-quit --force-logout" ? or is it possible that any data get lost? I want to find a short why to logout of the gui via the cli11:23
ntzrmtthihu777num7: easily done. ctrl+alt+f111:25
emorntzrmtthihu777>:that command worked...11:25
ntzrmtthihu777or isn't there a backspace hotkey?11:25
ntzrmtthihu777emor: then do the next one.11:26
emorntzrmtthihu777> after doing that what should i do?11:26
ntzrmtthihu777what have you done so far? add the ppa, update, install?11:26
emorntzrmtthihu777> i mean when i did all of it11:26
emorntzrmtthihu777> im in update11:27
ntzrmtthihu777run boot-repair11:27
num7ntzrmtthihu777: hm, ctrl+alt+f1 just open the tty111:27
ntzrmtthihu777rather, sudo apt-get install boot-repair11:27
emorntzrmtthihu777> yes im installing it11:27
emorntzrmtthihu777> its done11:28
TomaszKaplerAlright, I am totally clearing my machine for the first time since it was bought in 2009.  Using Ubuntu as primary system for the first time.  Very much look forward to contributing once I have a working handle on the apps I need.11:28
ntzrmtthihu777num7: isnt that what you wanted? there is another hotkey involving backspace that will drop you straight to tty in the current session.11:29
emorntzrmtthihu777> i enter boot-repair and its application open up what should i do now?11:29
ntzrmtthihu777emor: just run boot-repair and use the default option, that should do the trick11:30
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cfhowlettSince you only want me for my green card ... :)11:30
cfhowlett... sorry.  ignore.11:30
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emormartyplummer : is  when i do that windows will show in boot list?11:31
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ntzrmtthihu777emor: when you start your pc it should give you an option to start windows now11:32
emor<ntzrmtthihu777> i didn't change anything i just apply it  and then it says boot successfully is that right?11:33
EnriqueMorenoWhen I press "M" in "alsamixer", mute isnt working. Anyone can tell me why?11:34
KurzaHello, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an old machine via wubi, but I'm stuck as it says that I need 256MB ram (I have 223 or sth). I don't need GUI (I'll use it for a server), can I just skip the message and install it? And if no, is there any small edition of wubi that's going to install the server version?11:37
cfhowlettKurza, on it's BEST day, wubi is a testing platform to see if you like Ubuntu.  If you don't meet the minimum requirements, expect unforeseen consequences11:39
ntzrmtthihu777EmLeX: should be fine.11:39
Kurzacfhowlett, aham thanks11:39
darrellanyone online11:42
cfhowlettdarrell, only a few thousand of us today ...11:42
cfhowlettTomaszKapler, what do you need help with ... details ...11:44
TomaszKaplerha ha, command interface?11:44
ubottuTomaszKapler,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:45
turkcei have11:45
turkcedovecot not runnig11:45
turkcetĆ¼rkƧe deskten11:47
turkcetĆ¼rkƧe desktek lazm11:47
TomaszKaplerAfter a little more research, I think I'm going with Poseidon "distro"11:47
auronandace!turkey | turkce11:48
ubottuturkce: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, TĆ¼rkƧe yardım ya da geyik iƧin /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.11:48
turkce !turkey | turkce11:48
ubottuturkce, please see my private message11:48
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, TĆ¼rkƧe yardım ya da geyik iƧin /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.11:49
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EmLeXntzrmtthihu777: ?11:59
mattho2is there any better screen manager for xubuntu 12.10?12:08
tMH-hello *. ppl, I was needed to resize /dev/sda1 on vmware, added free space, removed swap, then reallocated space and then created swap again. now I see that the original disk (which wasn't touched for backup reasons) have not the same structure as my new disk.12:08
tMH-backup disk have /dev/sda1 ext4, /dev/sda2 extended and /dev/sda5 swap on it.12:09
tMH-my new disk now have /dev/sdb1 with ext4 and /dev/sdb2 with swap12:09
tMH-is it ok?12:09
tMH-(when backup disk is only one installed on system it has /dev/sda scheme naming, of course)12:10
EmLeXtMH-: should be fine if you use udid`s and not names in your fstab12:12
Enginhow come some part of the file system become read-only after an upgrade ?12:12
Enginany idea ? /var/lib /var/log are the ones I noticed to be read-only12:13
Enginmysql stopped working12:13
Enginit turns out my entire root is readonly right now12:13
Engin/dev/sda2 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)12:14
ntzrmtthihu777EmLeX: yes?12:14
ntzrmtthihu777Engin: isn't that a good thing?12:14
EmLeXntzrmtthihu777: u hilighted me 30 min ago12:14
ntzrmtthihu777in general?12:14
ntzrmtthihu777EmLeX: ah, my bad. was aming at another e name.12:14
EmLeXah k.12:15
Enginroot@localhost:~# mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda212:15
Enginmount: cannot remount block device /dev/sda2 read-write, is write-protected12:15
Enginmy entire system is collapsed12:15
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Enginlooks like hdd is failed and kernel remounted it readonly12:19
bmxscott1993where can i get themes from12:19
EmLeXbmxscott1993: try ubuntuthemes.com12:20
bmxscott1993and how do i install themes12:21
uvalabeing a long-time claws-mail user, something new happened when I reinstalled it; now while sending a message it fails with this error message; http://troll.ws/image/ef00301c12:21
EmLeXbmxscott1993: http://www.ubuntuthemes.org/how-to-install-theme.html12:22
bmxscott1993ok thank12:22
uvalaI tested it between own mail adresses which are not encrypted, still the same message comes12:22
pyrobisqithow can I run /usr/bin/foo on a screen with the name foobar?12:30
joey8Hi all, I have a NASTY in my computer somewhere. When I ever I click a LINK in FireFox it takes me to a spam-site instead of where it is supposed to go. Any advice at all - maybe remove firefox and install it again? - ANYBODY got any ideas please ****12:31
jrtappersIs there a good media player with uPnP as simple to use as WMC?12:31
jrtappersjoey8, hosts file?12:31
pyrobisqitjrtappers, XBMC12:31
jribjoey8: create a new profile in firefox12:31
joey8jribāž¤  ok thanx12:31
joey8jrtappersāž¤ not sure what you mean mate12:31
jrtapperspyrobisqit, Full screen on a two screen setup makes XBMC clone12:32
pyrobisqitjrtappers, windowed mode12:32
jrtapperspyrobisqit, is there a way to have it in fullscreen on one screen?12:34
pyrobisqitjr-windows, fake fullscreen by maximizing the window so that it fits the screen entirely12:35
jrtapperspyrobisqit, It still has the top bar, but looks good12:38
pyrobisqitjrtappers,  depending on your current WM, you might be able to remove the window frames altogether12:39
harrycan some 1 help me to install play desk12:43
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Guest87743totally new to ubuntu12:43
Guest87743i tried the instructions, getting error messages12:43
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HeraklesHi, i get a general question regarding the Sudo-command in Ubuntu....12:53
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Heraklesis any body selling old Linux Documentation..., or knows where to find ?13:00
Herakleswhere to buy...13:00
lousygaruaHerakles, what do you need it for?13:01
lousygaruaHerakles, you are talking about a physical medium such as a book or paper?13:01
ikoniaold linux documentation ?13:01
Kurzawhy would you need an old documentation13:01
ikoniaHerakles: you know this is #ubuntu - a technical support channel for the Ubuntu Linux distribution ?13:01
lousygaruaHerakles, the open source world is ever-changing. Documentation of the past is no longer relevant in the present.13:02
lousygaruaHerakles, that's why you should search the web.13:03
lousygaruaHerakles, now what is your Ubuntu problem? Otherwise please go to #ubuntu-offtopic13:03
joey8jribāž¤ hi jrib, just for your info, creating a new profile does not work, thanx anyway, peace.13:04
joey8Hi all, I have a NASTY in my computer somewhere. When I ever I click a LINK in FireFox it takes me to a spam-site instead of where it is supposed to go. Any advice at all - maybe remove firefox and install it again? - ANYBODY got any ideas please ****13:04
jribjoey8: rename ~/.mozilla13:04
joey8ok will i have to reinstall13:05
jribjoey8: what?13:05
jribjoey8: have you renamed ~/.mozilla?13:05
joey8not yet13:05
joey8just looking up how to do that #13:06
jribjoey8: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.old13:06
joey8ok thanx13:06
joey8ah mover of couirse13:06
joey8ah move - of course13:06
Seveasjoey8: please close firefox *before* doing that13:07
joey8ok dokey13:07
ubukouhello folks13:07
ubukouanyone using dual screen setup here? im having trouble keep flash players full screen when it is not on focus13:08
ubukoui mean13:08
xcvt01hello friend how are you13:08
ubukouwhen i change the window focus it gets back to window mode13:08
ubukougood xcvt01 thanks13:09
Seveasubukou: you mean full screen youtube and the likes? Yeah, that's a "feature" of youtube, not an Ubuntu bug.13:09
NotSoSimple_hello xcv, I am new to ubuntu13:09
ubukouyea.. youtube and the works Seveas13:09
ubukouSeveas, so  there is not a fix??13:09
Seveasubukou: none that I know of. Of course I do not know everything :)13:10
ubukouSeveas, no one does mate dont take it hardly..13:10
NotSoSimple_how can I escape of messages of who joined chanel and who leaved?13:11
ubukouanyone else? any insights?13:11
pmitrosDid Ubuntu have any updates in the past couple of months which may have regenerated ssh host keys?13:11
NotSoSimple_it makes hard to follow the discussion13:11
jribubukou: here's the windows fix: http://lifehacker.com/5419028/keep-flash-videos-in-full-screen-on-dual-monitors now just figure out what they do and do the same in ubuntu?13:11
ubukouvlc is able to stay on full screen.. windows seems to be able to hold fullscreen13:11
SeveasNotSoSimple_: xchat?13:11
pmitrosI'm seeing a funny ssh error message ("Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!") about host key changes.13:11
ikoniaubukou: vlc is not flash13:12
ubukoujrib, windows seems to do well13:12
jribubukou: more info: http://lifehacker.com/5560912/keep-flash-101-in-full-screen-on-a-second-monitor this is probably mostly useless to you but might give you a starting point13:12
ikoniapmitros: it's normally a reverse dns lookup problem13:12
NotSoSimple_I am in windows XP now13:12
ubukoujrib, ill try and make it work13:12
ubukoujrib, thanks13:12
SeveasNotSoSimple_: oh, you're using the webchat. I don't think it has an option to ignore those13:13
NotSoSimple_ok, than I will try to focus13:13
NotSoSimple_1st time in ubuntu chat13:13
NotSoSimple_I installed ubuntu 10.413:13
jribubukou: likely more relevant: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/ubuntu-multi-monitor-tweaks-full-screen.html13:13
pmitrosikonia: In this case, it says host key has changed (rather than non-existent). Accessing the machine via HTTP shows the right machine.13:13
ikoniapmitros: ok - so has the host key changed ?13:14
NotSoSimple_and can't log in to internet; very frustrating:D13:14
pmitrosikonia: Not that I'm aware of -- unless an apt-get update/upgrade did it, it should not have changed.13:14
SeveasNotSoSimple_: 10.04 is almost three years old. Please try a newer version, such as 12.1013:15
ikoniapmitros: either a.) the host key has changed b.) someone has a man in the middle box acting as an explot. Which seems more likely ?13:15
NotSoSimple_I made the "sudo pppoeconf" but still not connect13:15
pmitrosikonia: That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out.13:15
Seveaspmitros: was the machine reinstalled by any chance?13:15
SeveasOr was the hostname moved to a different machine?13:15
ikoniapmitros: so checking the host keys time stamps....seems a good idea13:15
BluesKajHey all13:15
pmitrosikonia: I did not run any ssh key-gens or similar myself. I did do many updates/upgrades13:16
Seveashello BluesKaj13:16
pmitrosSeveas: Machine is same as it was for years, again, with the exception of updates/upgrades.13:16
ikoniapmitros: they can auto generate depending on your setup13:16
BluesKajhi Seveas13:16
onixxhello all, I have a question in regards to live CD persistence. I currently have pxe netboot over nfs working. I'd like to "save my changes" to a local casper-rw file. I have added persistent in my append line on the pxe server config but without success13:16
uvalabeing a long-time claws-mail user, something new happened when I reinstalled it; now while sending a message it fails with this error message; http://troll.ws/image/ef00301c13:16
ikoniapmitros: checking the time stamps on the host keys may give you confidence13:16
Seveasikonia: no, ssh keys don't auto-regenerate. pmitros can you pastebin the full error?13:16
ikoniaSeveas: there is an expire setting on host keys13:16
ikoniaSeveas: that can have the same error13:16
onixxit seems you can't nfs boot + persistent on usb at the same time13:17
NotSoSimple_I can't use ubuntu 12.10 cos I have only 256 RAM13:17
Seveasikonia: where's the documentation for that? Never heard of it13:17
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: you also can't use 10.0413:17
ikoniaSeveas: hang on, i'll see if I can pull the info13:17
NotSoSimple_ could install it13:18
SeveasNotSoSimple_: get a newer computer or use something like puppy linux. Ubuntu is not meant for computers made in the last century.13:18
NotSoSimple_and they say it can be used with 256 RAM13:18
NotSoSimple_it has a celeron at 3 MHZ13:18
jribNotSoSimple_: try lubuntu?13:18
NotSoSimple_not so old13:18
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: you won't be able to use ubuntu on that13:18
pmitroshttp://pastebin.com/wrNuiA1R (changed machine to machine.org and IP to something bogus)13:18
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: it's lacking ram13:18
jribNotSoSimple_: also, ram is fairly cheap...13:19
NotSoSimple_I installed lubuntu and ubuntu on same har disk13:19
pmitrosMachine is on MITNet, which is well maintained. I am on wireless to Comcast, which I have no clue about.13:19
ikoniaSeveas: solaris only ting - it's basically a script that's run as part of their security kit13:19
ubukoujrib, man that was a really cool link.. many usefull things in it.. thanks..13:20
Seveasikonia: ah, that explains why i never heard of it, only used solaris as a user :)13:20
cronuspmitros, if this machine has not been updated for a while, there was an update to address a ssh key vunerability that changed the keys when installed.13:20
NotSoSimple_but I have same problem in both lubuntu and ubuntu: can't connect to internet13:20
jribubukou: no problem, google did most of the work :)13:20
sujanwhat up?13:20
ikoniaSeveas: it's not even a real expire, it's basically a trigger on date type event that runs a script to re-generate, so not even real expire13:20
Naruto_Xboycan someone help me13:20
ubukoujrib, i have been googling, but is seem to have used the wrong keywords.13:20
Seveaspmitros: is the IP address for machine.org correct? If so, log in cautiously and check timestamps on /etc/sshd/*13:21
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Naruto_Xboycan someone help me13:21
ubukoujrib, strangely enough i have the correct flash plugin enabled. doesnt seem to work.13:21
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: you have to ask a question for someone to know if they can help you13:21
pmitroscronus: This machine is updated regularly, but has not been ssh'ed to in a few months, so I would not have noticed a key change13:21
jribubukou: iirc the site said you need to modify it, or use html5, or use some extensions13:21
ikoniapmitros: have you checked the time stamp on the host keys.....13:21
pmitroscronus: I'm Googling around right now. Do you have a pointer to the update, by chance?13:21
* pmitros tries. Curious. ssh in fails. 13:22
ubukoujrib, you need to modify for any other browser except chrome/ium13:22
xcvt01what's up13:22
ikoniapmitros: you need to remove your local cached key for it to allow you in13:22
cronuspmitros, sorry, no. but it was released more that a few months ago. probably about a year.13:22
ikoniapmitros: otherwise that would defeat the object of the ssh key-chain13:23
ubukoujrib, for chrome you need to use the correct plugin.. anyway i ll google again using other keywords.13:23
ubukoujrib, thanks again13:23
onixxdoes somebody has good experience here on pxe booting the live CD ?13:23
pmitrosikonia: I get this error: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206637113:23
Naruto_Xboyi have one laptop Asus K56CM i have install ubuntu 12.10 with bumlebee it work ok, bumlebee has turn off my nvidia Gt635M off, today im upgrade to ubuntu 13.04 :( i install new bumleebee bot work :( my laptop is very hot by nvidia card not turn off, please help me turn off this :( sory my english is bad , THank you very much , THank team13:23
ikoniapmitros: is that your error or someone elses13:24
xcvt01i'ev trie but stoop the test13:24
xcvt01because my study13:24
jribubukou: the site proposes two options: 1) use html5 or 2) modify the flash plugin with a hex editor13:24
pmitrosikonia: It is someone else's, but I get the same one.13:24
xcvt01try pxe13:24
ubukoujrib, hmm html5 i must have missed that.. i ll read again.13:24
ikoniapmitros: then why are you saying you get errors about host keys changing as that is nothing to do with a host key change, thats the ssh application failing13:24
ikoniapmitros: I also hope you're not ssh'ing in as root13:25
onixxxcvt01: i have pxe booting working, now I would like persistence on a usb flash drive connected to the computer13:25
ubukoujrib, ohhh the first one.13:25
pmitrosikonia: Step 1: I got ssh host key errors (as in pastebin). Step 2: Folks here advised me to clear host key and try again, and inspect remotely. I decided to try. Step 3: I got the above error.13:25
ikoniapmitros: ok, so it looks like sshd is the problem13:26
ikoniapmitros: if you get that exact error13:26
ikoniapmitros: I suspect it probably just needs a reboot after some updates.13:26
ikoniapmitros: although it could be more than that13:26
jribpmitros: the server is ubuntu?  What version?13:26
pmitrosikonia: Now I'm concerned about a man-in-the-middle compromise.13:26
alainushi . I'm trying to get my VPS (ubuntu 12.10 64) to have my local time , but i don't want to mess with any of the other configurations. any tips on how to do it properly ?13:27
pmitrosjrib: It is Ubuntu. I am not sure about the version. I would guess around 12.04 or 12.10.13:27
xcvt01ubuntu 13.04 stiil in debuging13:27
ikoniaxcvt01: what ?13:28
pmitrosjrib: Or thinking about it, definitely one of those two.13:28
jribxcvt01: 13.04 is still being developed and has not had a final release yet if that's what you are asking13:28
pmitrosProbably 12.10, but possibly 12.04.13:28
joey8jrib,seveasāž¤ Hi guys, thanx for your input but alas I am still gettin forwarded to spam/wrong websites when I sometimes click links on my firefox pages. thanx any way, peace.13:28
xcvt01<onixx> u use slax13:29
cfhowlettjoey8, happens to me all the time ... of course, I AM in China  ....13:29
xcvt01<ikonia> try to remove it13:29
joey8cfhowlettāž¤ oh no 情13:29
onixxxcvt01: yes13:29
ikoniaxcvt01: you're not making sense13:29
joey8Hi all, I have a NASTY in my computer somewhere. When I ever I click a LINK in FireFox it takes me to a spam-site instead of where it is supposed to go. Any advice at all - maybe remove firefox and install it again? - ANYBODY got any ideas please ****13:30
ikoniajoey8: it's probably a firefox plugin or a dns problem13:30
joey8ikoniaāž¤ thanx, yes i agree it may well be a firefox problem.13:30
xcvt01<Inkonia> as i think ubuntu 13.04 still in alpha version  so it's ready just for devlopers and debugger for test it ok13:31
xcvt01<onixx> it's good for office work the slax13:31
Naruto_XboyI feel it is good, but I cannot turn off the nvidia card you can get me off it13:31
ikoniaxcvt01:.....I know 13.04 is in development, hence why it doesn't make any sense what you are saying13:31
Naruto_Xboyyou cat help me turn off this card nvidia my laptop have two graphic card13:32
pmitrosSo I guess no more ideas?13:32
ikoniapmitros: what do you mean no ideas, you've been pointed at the problem13:32
NotSoSimple_thanks ikonia! I can't see the led from the ethernet card activating as usual:it may mean that the nework card, the ethernet is the problem?!13:33
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ikoniaNotSoSimple_: if there is no link light on, check the card/cable/switch it's plugged into13:33
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: the link light is normally a level above software, suggesting a hardware problem somewhere in your chain13:33
NotSoSimple_the light it is13:34
NotSoSimple_but is not blinking13:34
ikoniasorry what "the light it is" ?13:34
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: is the link light on or off13:34
NotSoSimple_the green light is on13:35
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: is your computer working on the network ?13:35
NotSoSimple_not now13:35
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: ok, so what have you done to debug it ?13:36
MalsasaHello, I have a text files containing 100 blogspot.com and 50 othernames.blogspot.com. How if I wanna change matching blogspot.com into #blogspot.com with sed, and dont affect the othernames.blogspot.com? Just matching blogspot.com has to be changed. Thanks.13:36
Naruto_XboyLaptop tĆ“i rįŗ„t nĆ³ng nĆ³ cĆ³ 2 card đį»“ hį»a tĆ­ch hį»£p 1 lĆ  intel HD4000 vĆ  nvidia GT635M, bįŗ”n cĆ³ thį»ƒ giĆŗp tĆ“i tįŗÆt GT635M13:37
NotSoSimple_I tried "sudo pppoe config"13:37
NotSoSimple_no error13:37
Naruto_XboyMy laptop is very hot it has 2 integrated graphics 1 is intel HD4000 and Nvidia GT635M, can you help me off GT635M13:37
NotSoSimple_restarted, and expected to work13:37
NotSoSimple_it doesn't13:37
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: check if your network card has a valid IP address, check it has a valid gateway, and valid dns servers13:38
pmitrosCurious. The old ssh key was ecdsa-sha2-nistp256. The new one is ssh-rsa. Does anyone know what it would be, by default, for Ubuntu?13:38
NotSoSimple_i communicate as I have my id and password13:38
NotSoSimple_and how can I check those?!13:38
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: no-one asked you for any id or password13:39
ikoniapmitros: how are you conneting to the machine if you can't ssh in ?13:39
NotSoSimple_I explained how I config it13:39
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: yes, and I told you what to check13:39
NotSoSimple_I know it is not to communicate that13:39
pmitrosikonia: I am not connecting to it. I have ~/ssh/known_hosts, and a backup, ~/ssh/known_hosts.old13:39
NotSoSimple_but I don't kno where13:39
pmitrosikonia: I diffed the two.13:40
NotSoSimple_I know in windows, but here I don't13:40
ikoniaNotSoSimple_: I don't understand what you are saying, so maybe someone else will help13:40
NotSoSimple_I don't know where to check the IP?!13:40
ikoniapmitros: ok - so you know the key has changed then13:40
ikoniapmitros: so your question is now a.) has the key changed on the host, or the middle ground13:40
pmitrosikonia: Exactly.13:41
pmitrosikonia: And if I know what the key should be going Ubuntu->Ubuntu, I will have my answer.13:41
ikoniapmitros: however as you have sshd crashing that could be on the final machine/middle machine13:41
ikoniapmitros: so your going to hit a problem13:41
ikoniapmitros: check the dns name of it matches the IP you expect13:41
ikoniapmitros: I suspect your key problem maybe related to the fact that sshd is actually crashing13:41
pmitrosikonia: If it is ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, I will know man-in-the-middle. If it is ssh-rsa, I will know the old key was bad.13:42
ikoniapmitros: you don't know that at all13:42
ikoniapmitros: hence why I'm saying you need to check the actual target machine13:42
shock_oneHi, guys. Which utility does Ubuntu (13.04) use for suspend to RAM?13:43
ubottushock_one,: Raring Ringtail is the codename for Ubuntu 13.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+113:44
pmitrosikonia: One possibility is that, at some point, I ssh'ed to a machine with DNS issues from where I am, many months ago.13:44
shock_oneubottu, thank you, but I think the previous version uses the same tool.13:44
ubottushock_one: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:44
ikoniapmitros: what do you mean ?13:45
pmitrosikonia: If Ubuntu does not give ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, that would be the only explanation.13:45
ikoniapmitros: no it would not be13:45
ikoniapmitros: you have a machine with sshd crashing....13:45
ikoniapmitros: you've not checked the dns->ip is correct13:45
ikoniapmitros: you've not checked the time stamps on the keys13:45
pmitrosikonia: DNS->IP is correct.13:45
ikoniapmitros: you've not got any informaiton to make a "guess" on13:45
shock_onecfhowlett, thank you, but I think the previous version uses the same tool.13:46
pmitrosikonia: Do you have a way to tell me what the correct host key type for a default Ubuntu install is? ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 or ssh-rsa?13:46
cfhowlettNaruto_Xboy, greetings13:46
ikoniapmitros: I'm sorry - this is a pointless discussion, you're not listening, checking the default key type means nothing13:46
uvalawhat might this mean i f it appears after clicking on "send" in a mail program? http://troll.ws/image/ef00301c13:47
Naruto_Xboyhello cfhow left ;)13:47
pmitrosikonia: For what is stored in known_hosts? I believe both are generated.13:47
pmitrosikonia: I am listening. I am not agreeing. There is a difference.13:47
ikoniapmitros: ok, then there is no point in me progressing this with you13:47
pmitrosikonia: I do not have physical access to the machine right now.13:48
bmxscottIm doing what one of you side i removed the xp iso and ubuntu the reinstall ubuntu first then xp so i do not just get purple screen with static on grub screen with no righting13:48
pmitrosikonia: I could, with a trip away.13:48
ikoniapmitros: I'm not progressing this any more13:48
bmxscottwill that work better13:49
winuxanyone receiving my message?13:51
ikoniawinux: you've not said anything apart from a pointless ":D" comment13:51
CapprenticeHi is there any one who can help me with creating a custom application launcher ? I have tried this , but it wont work. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5640148/13:51
winuxhi ikona13:51
pmitrosikonia: You have two options when there is a disagreement. One is to assume the person you are talking to is an idiot, and discontinue the discussion. The second is to understand the source of disagreement, and to come to a consensus. At that point, one side or the other learns something.13:51
ikoniaGuest41806: please don't ask if any one can help you - we don't know until you ask a question13:52
ikoniapmitros: please stop trying to engage me13:52
Capprenticeikonia,  can you see in in my paste and tell me why is not it working ? although when I use the same command from terminal it works !13:52
ikoniaCapprentice: I've not been following your question, sorry13:53
bmxscottgoodbye bbc center13:53
ikoniaCapprentice: I'm sure the channel will help rather than asking people13:53
ikoniabmxscott: nothing to do with this channel13:53
pmitrosDoes anyone else know whether in an Ubuntu->Ubuntu connection, the host key will default to ssh-rsa or ecdsa-sha2-nistp256?13:53
CapprenticeOk. Anyone else knows how to put more than one args in EXEC=""  in a .desktop file ?13:53
CapprenticeHi is there any one who can help me with creating a custom application launcher ? I have tried this , but it wont work. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5640148/13:56
linuxuz3rhow do you remove an app and its dependencies?13:57
auronandacelinuxuz3r: sudo apt-get remove whateveritis13:58
auronandacelinuxuz3r: then you can do: sudo apt-get auto-remove13:58
Capprenticeppa-purge can remove a ppa and all came from it.13:58
ikoniawho said it was in a ppa ?13:59
Naruto_Xboy nvidia problem on 13.04 beta. Who can help me13:59
Capprenticedo u always need to cut off some one ! ikonia13:59
ikoniaNaruto_Xboy: #ubuntu+1 is the correct channel for 13.04 discussion13:59
ikoniaCapprentice: yes, if the information is not helpful/valid13:59
Naruto_Xboyok thank ikonia ;)13:59
CapprenticeHow its not valid ?!!@#$#@$@13:59
ikoniaCapprentice: is he using a PPA ?14:00
CapprenticeWhen he told you he is not ?114:00
ikoniaI didn't see him say he was trying to remove a PPA14:00
Naruto_XboyI will switch to channel #ubuntu+1 thank ikonia14:00
CapprenticeThat does not conclude he is not.14:01
ikoniaCapprentice: it is bad advice if he's not14:01
ikoniaCapprentice: maybe find out more about the problem before dishing out advice14:01
CapprenticeAll hail the genius !14:01
ikoniaCapprentice: drop the smart mouth please,14:02
ikoniaCapprentice: if you're going to help - offer good help, or don't bother,14:02
CapprenticeYou need to be more polite to ppls.14:02
echoCapprentice: off the top your .desktop seems fine, in what way is it not working?14:02
ed_i need some help!!!14:02
ikoniaCapprentice: I am being polite, hence why I'm asking you to stop14:02
Capprenticeecho, it wont start xvidcap14:02
ed_anybody out there?14:03
ikoniaed_: 1600+ people in the channel14:03
echoCapprentice: you might try giving the full pathname of xvidcap in Exec14:03
echoCapprentice: alternatively it might also be that the .desktop file needs to be marked executable14:04
ed_looking for someone to answer some stoopid 12.04 upgrade questions14:04
CapprenticeI dont know where it got installed ? but putting only exec=xvidcap works14:04
ikoniaed_: just explain your problem clearly, and people will help if they can14:04
echoCapprentice: cool :)14:05
CapprenticeNo not cool. padsp needs to be preceded to be able to record sound. Otherwise soung wont be recorded.14:06
ed_my install went OK ; i have a separate /home partition that doesn't seem to be affected but i have no desktop, evolution, etc.... on 12.04 ????14:06
echoCapprentice: on a side note, to find out where an executable is located you may run "which name-of-executable" eg. "which xvidcap" in the terminal14:06
ed_things are not linked up so to speak....evidently bacause i did a fresh install instead of upgrade....14:07
echoCapprentice: so maybe try full path of both padsp and xvidcap14:07
Capprenticeok I will try that.14:07
Capprenticewhich pdasp returns nothing !14:09
echo!ubottu hi14:09
mohammadwhat is best download manager in ubuntu?14:09
=== mohammad is now known as Guest59364
Martinjo84yafc :D14:09
Capprenticeprozilla {prozgui}, flareget14:09
k1lledwget ?14:10
Guest59364wget? is that speed ok? iwant something like internet download manager in windows14:10
arglbrHey all. I'm trying to put my HDMI audio to work. Both "sudo aplay -l" and "sudo aplay -L" shows the HDMI audio. But running them as a regular use shows no sound cards at all (you can see the output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5640193/). At Pavucontrol I'm just able to see the "Dummy output" in the "Output devices" tab. I've tryed to reinstall pavucontrol, no success. Can someone take off a rabbit from the hat? The OS is XUbuntu 12.0414:11
Guest43282wget gets more than firefox for me14:11
echoCapprentice: either you mistyped (before you typed padsp, now pdasp) or the program is not properly installed14:11
Guest43282(or like that)14:11
=== Guest59364 is now known as emor
Capprenticeeek ! Mistyped14:12
Guest43282Is there any tutorial how to integrate my c++/qt app into unity/gnome? (Desktop application)14:12
Guest43282(make use of quicklist etc)14:12
emoris there another option in download managers?14:12
Guest43282for command line?14:13
Capprenticeecho, thank you. it works now.14:13
Guest41806how to immgration14:13
Capprenticeputting the abs path makes it work.14:14
dveimafter another update, i got message "failed to idle channel 0xcccc0000" when log in14:14
Guest43282@emor  curl14:14
emori want download manager for ubuntu...which on should i install??14:14
dveimreload helped, but it may appear again, what does this message mean?14:14
IdleOneGuest43282 take a look at developers.ubuntu.com14:14
Guest43282@emor curl, wget, steadyflow,  or for firefox FlashGot/Down them all14:15
Code_FactoryHey guys I'm hoping someone could help me with a strange problem I started facing with ubuntu 11.1014:15
Code_FactoryI recently installed a bunch of apps14:16
emor<Guest43282: which one is better? like internet download manager in windows14:16
Code_Factoryand now when I choose open file for some apps the file dialog freezes14:16
Code_Factoryanybody know where I should start tracing the error?14:16
Guest43282@IdleOne there is quickly with Python, but I want to develop in C++ (QTCreator)14:16
Guest43282@IdleOne Is there no such template for it?14:16
Guest43282@emor I recommend DownThemAll for Firefox, since you can use it in every operating system14:17
IdleOneGuest43282: I don't know. I believe that page does mention an irc channel you can ask in14:17
emorGuest43282: how can i get that?14:17
Guest41806i dont14:18
Guest43282@emor Open firefox browser, goto >addons.mozilla.org< and search after downthemall14:18
Guest43282@IdleOne I already asked at the devel channel, but noboy cares really14:19
Guest41806i want to get ajob14:19
deungcool I want an sandwich14:20
Guest43282I didn't found anything related with c++qt and Unity14:21
=== Guest43282 is now known as greg_25
arglbrHey all. I'm trying to put my HDMI audio to work. Both "sudo aplay -l" and "sudo aplay -L" shows the HDMI audio. But running them as a regular user shows no sound cards at all (you can see the output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5640193/). At Pavucontrol I'm just able to see the "Dummy output" in the "Output devices" tab. I've tryed to reinstall pavucontrol, no success. The output of pactl list is here too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/564014:23
Code_Factoryhey can someone point me to the error log, I'm trying to figure out why some software is freezing in certain events14:23
greg_25@arglbr amd or nvidia grahphics?14:24
m3powHello guys !14:25
m3powIs there some sort of desktop calendar same like in this pic : http://img.netupd8.com/my-humanity-icons.png14:25
m3powthe one that shows on the right bottom side of the desktop14:26
arglbrgreg_25: Is Cedarview (GMA3650)14:26
greg_25@m3pow maybe you should check out conky14:26
m3powon it greg_2514:26
arglbrthe proper driver are installed, video all OK (1080p, etc.). But no sound at all.14:27
alainusi want to install inkscape development version. how do i get what ppa repository to add looking at the list at https://code.launchpad.net/inkscape ? (it would be the first one)14:27
greg_25@arglbr: maybe googlin after  >> Cedarview (GMA 3650) ubuntu << will help you?14:27
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arglbrGreg, yeah, I did it a lot to get video working properly. But now the issue is audio... no audio at all. I'm doing it right now to sound too.14:28
greg_25@alainus: development versions mostly are compiled from source  (bzr,git..)14:29
OerHeksalainus, use the stable PPA, but be carefull with PPA's, they can give issues >> https://launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/+archive/stable14:29
greg_25It seems only working with older kernel/older version of ubuntu14:31
MonkeyDustalainus  if you really want the source, use sudo apt-get source14:31
alainusok thanks 114:31
greg_25@alainus: http://communities.intel.com/message/16097214:31
arglbrYeah, that's why I've downgraded to 12.04. Seems the best version to support it.14:31
greg_25there is a complete tut14:31
arglbrAnd indeed is, I have no issues to get video working properly14:32
greg_25Not very ubuntu friendly card14:32
greg_25 /linux14:32
arglbryeah, agreed.14:32
greg_25Any qt ubuntu developer here?14:33
arglbrBut I invented to get a home-fuckin'-cheap video server LoL14:33
ikoniaarglbr: stop with the language14:33
ikoniaarglbr: it's uncalled for and not welcome14:33
MonkeyDustgreg_25  try #ubuntu-app-devel14:33
roastedQuestion - is there some sort of "resync" time for the df -h command? I deleted about 100GB worth of data and a disk is still showing 97% full... as if nothing changed.14:33
arglbrikonia, sorry14:34
greg_25@arglbr maybe take a look at raspberry pi14:34
greg_25cheap, customisable, hd and easy to get online14:34
mylezzzHad a problem with external hard drive not showing up and a couple of people suggested to update the Kernel but getting errors when I try to update it. Anyone able to take a look for me?14:34
arglbrI'm gonna see it. I'll give a try at XUbuntu, trying to put sound on it. After I'll give a shot at RaspberryPI14:36
greg_25@MonkeyDust neither in ubuntu-app-deveopers nor ubuntu-devel anybody seems to have a answer^14:38
dylandisclaimer: i am a noob, and my questions may cause your blood pressure to rise. please be tolerant. what do i need to look at to make sure my local ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS x86_64 vm is identical (or close enough) to the ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS x86_64 AMI i plan to use for deployment? My list of things i know how to check: platform (match), release (match), architecture (match), RAM, Hard disk size14:40
dylanunclear on: desktop vs server (naming conventions of vagrant boxes are inconsistent)14:41
NotSoSimple_I creeate a DSL connection and can't connect to it14:41
dylandon't know how to check on vagrant box: hypervisor, virtualization type, root device type14:42
NotSoSimple_what can be the cause,I put connect automatically14:43
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dylanec2-describe-image gives me all of this information14:43
dylani have looked into http://linux.blogs.com.np/2010/04/05/how-to-move-a-virtual-machine-from-ec2-to-virtualbox-or-kvm/ and http://church.cs.virginia.edu/genprog/index.php/Converting_an_EC2_AMI_to_a_VirtualBox_.vdi but am concerned that i might do harm to my machine because they're a little over my head14:45
dylanand more generally, i'd like to know have a list of the "nuts and bolts" for reference14:45
ThinkT510dylan: also your first article appears to be from nearly 3 years ago14:46
dylanbut it seems to be credible. i've had a lot of luck with older articles, especially re: linux topics14:47
ThinkT510dylan: i'd be careful, a lot can change the further you go back14:48
MonkeyDustdylan  try #kvm or #vbox14:48
dylancertainly. that's why i'm asking you good folks for help :)14:48
MonkeyDustdylan  there's also this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM14:49
dylanif i did feel comfortable following those articles, i'd use the release versions specified there, then try to convert the process for newer release14:49
ThinkT510!rootirc | LWHEE14:51
ubottuLWHEE: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.14:51
dylanmvm appears to be redundant on a lot of the stuff that i'm handling with vagrant14:51
MonkeyDustdylan  did you ask in #vbox or #kvm?14:52
dylani am now14:53
dylanbut i imagine that their expertise would be a little more specific to kvm which appears to be a replacement of the vm that i'm using14:55
MonkeyDustdylan  either way, the question may be beyond the scope of this channel14:55
Heraklesc-newbie is trying lerning C in Ubuntu.... but compiling a file (HelloWorld-progg) Ubuntu tells me "File not found" (#include <stdio.h)14:55
dylanat any rate, do you have any critiques, supplements, or comments to the list of items that i've put together?14:55
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dylanfair enough. thought it wouldn't hurt to ask14:56
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somsipHerakles: if as pasted, you're missing a > at the end of the include14:57
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CodyShow do i make my computer go faster15:03
CodySits slow15:03
ThinkT510CodyS: what are you using?15:03
CodySUbuntu 12.10, i am running it on a 1gb netbook15:04
klaasyou can try using lubuntu if your netbook is especially slow :D15:04
ThinkT510CodyS: 1gb ram isn't much nowadays, more ram would likely help15:04
contrapunctusGuys...any painless way to install new versions of python3-qt4 on Ubuntu Studio 12.04? :(15:05
ThinkT510!backports | contrapunctus15:06
ubottucontrapunctus: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:06
contrapunctusThanks, ThinkT51015:07
ntzrmtthihu777can someone tell me how to disable my touchscreen? I think its registering a constant click state, so doing things can be a pita15:08
xodiakinstalling Ubuntu 12.10 alongside Win8 and Linux Mint. I'm at the 'allocate space by dragging the divider...' thing is, I don't know if the left or right side showing allocated space is for Ubuntu install.15:13
xodiakany help would be Greatly appreciated15:14
=== SonikkuAmerica2 is now known as SonikkuAmerica
ThinkT510xodiak: a screenshot would be helpful15:15
deungdo you know gparded?15:15
xodiakThink, Yeah, I don't know if I can do a ss during an install lemme see15:15
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bazhangdeung, gparted; yes, whats the issue15:16
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ntzrmtthihu777xodiak: i would, as a personal opinion, reccomend you not go with quantal.15:18
xodiakntzrmtthihu777, can I ask why?15:18
SonikkuAmericaxodiak: Especially if you need a production environment15:18
ntzrmtthihu777bad experiences and the fact that precise is supported 5 years.15:19
killeranyone knows of a website traffic analyser program for ubuntu15:19
killershould be dynamic15:19
xodiakI'm mainly a Mint / Cinnamon person. But I like playing around with Ubuntu / Unity on occasion. I just sold an older ubuntu only laptop and was just going to put Ubuntu on a smaller partition to mess around.15:20
ntzrmtthihu777ok, I did lsmod and found the likely module running my touchscreen, a few processes are using them, how can I kill them before unloading the module15:20
ThinkT510killer: i thought most of those were browser based (so doesn't really matter what os you use)15:20
SonikkuAmericakiller / ThinkT510: There's iftop15:20
xodiakwhat is recommended image dump lsite?15:20
killerany terminal  based15:20
SonikkuAmericakiller: iftop is terminal-based15:21
ThinkT510xodiak: imagebin.org is nice and minimal15:21
killerSonikkuAmerica: kk i will give it a try15:22
ntzrmtthihu777hid_multitouch         13038  015:23
ntzrmtthihu777usbhid                 47238  1 hid_multitouch15:23
ntzrmtthihu777hid                    99636  3 hidp,hid_multitouch,usbhid15:23
ntzrmtthihu777can I safely unload hid_multitouch and not scrag something up?15:23
Heraklesthanks for your help somsip15:23
xodiakokay. I'm at this screen during an Ubuntu install. I'm need to know which side (left or right) is for the Ubuntu install. http://imagebin.org/25137515:24
xodiakPardon the quality... I used a camera :\15:24
l337n1nj4Does anyone know a good website for beginners to learn how to use Terminal properly?15:25
ThinkT510!terminal | l337n1nj415:26
ubottul337n1nj4: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:26
SonikkuAmericaxodiak: Are you using the erase and install option / do you have an empty HDD?15:26
xodiakSonikkuAmerica, I'm installing alongside windows8 and Linux Mint15:26
l337n1nj4Thank you ubottu!15:27
ntzrmtthihu777l337n1nj4: looking to live up to your name?15:27
l337n1nj4Yup, looking to use Ubuntu to it's full potential :-)15:27
SonikkuAmericaxodiak: OK; do you know the size of your Windows and Mint partitions?15:27
ntzrmtthihu777l337n1nj4: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide is full of good info15:27
l337n1nj4Thank you! All the help I can get is appreciated!15:28
SonikkuAmericantzrmtthihu777: If you want to know how to use bash specifically15:28
xodiakSonikkuAmerica, Windows is 281GB, Mint is 204GB, Swap is 5GB and there like 8.5 GB unallocated.15:29
ntzrmtthihu777SonikkuAmerica: Yeah, its rather specific but I think its a good place for a n00b to start :P15:29
SonikkuAmericaxodiak: 750 GB total?15:30
l337n1nj4I've learned a few things, but I'm not at the level of knowledge I'd like to be at. Yes, I am still a n00b (only been using 12.10 64-bit for over a month now) but I hope that changes within the coming months15:30
* ntzrmtthihu777 started there when he was a n00b15:31
Herakles500 GB it says in the picture he send...15:31
dylanl337n1nj4: if you do choose bash, be sure to upgrade to bash 4.0 as it adds some critical functionality (like associative array support)15:31
killerSonikkuAmerica: how can i monitor trffic to my site "example.com" using iftop15:31
l337n1nj4I'll make sure that I do that, dylan!15:32
xodiakSonikkuAmerica, the sizes I listed are total alocated sizes. It's a 500GB drive. Wind8 partition has 147 GB free and Mint partition has 78 GB free15:32
MonkeyDustdylan  ubuntu 12.10 has bash 4.215:32
SonikkuAmericaxodiak: My guess is it's trying to throw Ubuntu into whatever free space it can get15:33
ntzrmtthihu777GNU bash, version 4.2.24(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)15:33
ntzrmtthihu777Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.15:33
ntzrmtthihu777License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>15:33
ntzrmtthihu777This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.15:33
ntzrmtthihu777There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.15:33
FloodBot1ntzrmtthihu777: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:33
dylancool, didn't know that. maybe i should have said "be sure you're using"15:33
ntzrmtthihu777geeze what happened to the 1 line -v result =_=15:34
l337n1nj4Haha that just made my life a little easier15:34
xodiakSonikkuAmerica, I kind of figured that, but I'm still not sure if the left or right side of this screenshot will be used for the Ubuntu install. http://imagebin.org/25137515:34
SonikkuAmericaxodiak: I wouldn't use that option if I were you; I'd back up one step and choose "Something else" and create a new partition if that's what you're trying to do15:34
ntzrmtthihu777xodiak: this ^15:35
xodiakSonikkuAmerica, Okay. I will do that. Greatly appreciate the help15:36
ubottuciao: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».15:36
=== Mike is now known as Guest4753
Guest4753I have just installed Kubuntu, how to run firefox from it?15:36
ntzrmtthihu777=_= who needs warez when you got gnu/open source?15:37
Guest4753I ran Mozilla Firefox Installer and it announced to be installed successfully but still there is not command firefox in available path15:37
ThinkT510Guest4753: firefox is in the repos, there's no need to download it from the website15:38
Narelj'ai un problĆØme wine avec bumblebee sous ubuntu derniĆØre version: marche trĆØs bien hors wine mais erreur GLX dĆØs que j'essaye de lancer starcraft par exemple15:38
ThinkT510!software | Guest475315:38
ubottuGuest4753: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:38
Narelpas de problĆØme pour lancer le jeu avec chip intel intĆ©grĆ©15:38
angsdoes ubuntu have wheel group?15:38
ThinkT510!fr | Narel15:38
ubottuNarel: Nous sommes dƩsolƩs, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en franƧais, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:38
ntzrmtthihu777Narel: #playonlinux15:38
Guest4753I haven't download it from the website, just it looks like Mozilla Installer installed Mozilla from a repository on the hard disk15:39
Guest4753The question is how to run firefox?15:39
MonkeyDustGuest4753  what goes wrong when you try?15:39
ntzrmtthihu777=_= if noobs wouldn't go about willy nilly installing this and that and just used the software center like normal folk would be no issues15:39
dylannarel has a problem with bumblebee over ubuntu's previous version. it works very well at first but errors "GLX" when he tries to play starvraft, for example15:40
NarelI've a little problem with bumblebee and wine, when I try to launch a game (starcraft by example) I wine with an error GLX, no problem with native opengl games15:40
SonikkuAmericaGuest4753: Is this on Kubuntu?15:40
Guest4753Just there is no command "firefox" in the available path, it is not in K-menus as well15:40
Guest4753Yes, it is on Kubuntu15:40
Narelno problem with intel with wine15:40
ikoniantzrmtthihu777: can you please stop calling people "noobs" like it's a bad thing15:40
SonikkuAmericaGuest4753: You might ask in #kubuntu, but alternatively, you might [ sudo apt-get install firefox ]15:40
OerHeksGuest4753, open Muon package manager and search for Firefox15:40
l337n1nj4I've never had any problem using downloaded programs that I didn't get from the Software Center (i.e. Ubuntu Tweak)15:41
Guest4753Muon Software Center?15:41
deungnick deung15:41
SonikkuAmerical337n1nj4: Too bad Ubuntu Tweak is going down the drain15:41
ntzrmtthihu777heh, or apt-get l337n1nj415:41
Narelntzrmtthihu777, don't think about a wine problem15:41
ntzrmtthihu777I never use software center anymore, but its good for noob15:41
l337n1nj4SonikkiAmerica: What do you mean?15:41
ntzrmtthihu777Narel: how did you install it? wine manually or via POL?15:42
NarelI think it's 32 bit lib use with bumblebee15:42
bazhangntzrmtthihu777, stop calling people noob15:42
Narelwine installed manually15:42
SonikkuAmerical337n1nj4: The creator dropped support beginning with Raring. (Quantal is still available)15:42
MonkeyDustntzrmtthihu777  don't say noob or n00b please, better use the word 'beginner'15:42
messa4does anyone see me?15:42
Narelworks fine with Intel chip15:42
Narelbut not with optirun15:42
SonikkuAmerica!anyone | messa415:42
ubottumessa4: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:42
Neutron01software center is cool15:42
l337n1nj4messa4: I see you , Sonikku: That sucks! I love Ubuntu Tweak!15:42
Guest4753So Muon Software Center claims Firefox to be installed15:43
Narelsoftware center is for lamers :)15:43
ikoniaNarel: stop15:43
Guest4753How could I get the exact path to the executable file?15:43
Narellol just a joke :)15:43
ThinkT510Guest4753: which firefox15:43
Neutron01that cat15:43
messa4ubottu: thats becasue I dont have any questions about linux. I jsut was wondering if I can talk on this chennel without register etc.15:43
ubottumessa4: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:43
MonkeyDustGuest4753  which [package]15:43
SonikkuAmericamessa4: Yeah, you can15:43
Neutron01its cool15:44
ThinkT510Guest4753: which firefox15:44
Neutron01i always want to throw cat in well15:44
SonikkuAmericamessa4: The only thing we ask is keep it Ubuntu-related in here; use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat15:44
DJonesNeutron01: Stop, this is Ubuntu support, not general chat15:44
l337n1nj4LinuxGirl: Weren't you in the LinuxMint chat sometime ago?15:44
Neutron01sorry DJones,15:45
Guest4753But it seems to be a recursive absurdity. When I check "More Info" it seems like only Installer is installed15:45
Guest4753No information about the real Firefox15:45
SonikkuAmerica!ot | Neutron0115:45
ubottuNeutron01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:45
Neutron01wow there is other channel.. hurray15:45
SonikkuAmericaGuest4753: Try running [ firefox & ] in a console15:45
Guest4753not installed15:46
stojicGuest4753: best would be to remove firefox that you downloaded from mozilla's website and install it using the software center15:46
Guest4753I haven't downloaded it from Mozilla's Website, it was on KUbuntu by default by seems to have no effect15:47
stojicGuest4753: I see, I have misunderstood the problem.15:47
Guest4753but below the results of apt-get install firefox are:15:47
OerHeksGuest4753, maybe running updatemanager solves your issue.15:48
SonikkuAmericawith a hyphen15:48
Guest4753Reading list of packages... Ready.15:49
Guest4753Building dependency tree15:49
Guest4753Reading the state... Ready15:49
Guest4753Package firefox has no available version but an another package refers to it. It usually means that package is lacking, that it has been replaced by an another package or it is not available from sources set by now.15:49
FloodBot1Guest4753: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:49
MonkeyDustGuest4753  try sudo apt-get update, first15:51
Neutron01humans are evil.15:51
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Guest4753MonkeyDust, with no arguments?15:53
jaydubsHello, my system is not booting correctly. I wanted to turn verbose boot on / quite off, so i boot off a live usb, then edited /etc/default/grub/ , chrooted to the drive i was trying to fix, and did update-grub. but it is looking for other things mounted. I could try to mount them - but this doesnt seem like the correct way to do this. Please advise. Thanks!15:53
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MonkeyDustGuest4753  idd15:53
Guest4753MonkeyDust what is Idd? apt-get update requires no arguments, it is the message announced15:55
Guest4753Do you want me to update the whole system?15:55
MonkeyDustGuest4753  sudo apt-get update synchronizes your pc with the sources15:55
jaydubsMonkeyDust: Any ideas on how to debug Ubuntu boot?15:56
jaydubslike how to turn verbose output on from a live OS?15:56
cronusjaydubs, you could edit the kernel options from grub by pressing a key (i think it is e).15:57
MonkeyDustjaydubs  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions15:57
holsteinjaydubs: thats not the way i was reading you quesiton in the other channel15:57
jkbbwrhow can I remove everytihng dekstop based via the terminal15:58
holsteinjaydubs: did you revert to a saved backup of your grub? and the machin is booting now?15:58
jaydubsholstein: yea its xubuntu os, didnt think to check for the irc until after15:58
holstein!grub | jaydubs if so, you can refer to this for grub options15:58
ubottujaydubs if so, you can refer to this for grub options: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:58
bazhangjkbbwr, you want to revert to a server install?15:58
jkbbwrbazhang: im on a debian image and someone slapped loads of dekstop stuff on it so its not 100% ubuntu but this is the best place to ask15:59
Guest4753OK, So I have already updated my packages15:59
bazhangjkbbwr, #debian15:59
jkbbwrbazhang: bah15:59
alexxio_empathy ubuntu integration is not good...can you please suggest some other app to use with instant messaging?15:59
jaydubsholstein: system was up and running. process crashed and wouldnt restart. did a reboot. now i see the flash os flash screen, but then nothing. cant be reached with ssh either. so i wanted to debug the boot process15:59
MiriaHi, i am Linux newbie and iĀ“d like to know if someone knows this Amazon book15:59
Miriaand can tell me if its any good to enter the Linux world: http://t.co/UG9xJhIFEh ?15:59
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bazhang!ot | Miria15:59
ubottuMiria: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:59
ikoniaMiria: you asked about that yesterday, and I explained about it16:00
holsteinjaydubs: did you do an upgrade? if so, mabye just try booting an older kernel16:00
ThinkT510alexxio_: pidgin16:00
jaydubsno upgrade. no nothing. just reboot16:00
jaydubsbut i dont see the grub menu during boot, so i dont know how to edit the boot commands16:00
Guest4753OK, thank you very much for your help, a nice firefox is ran on my monitor by now :)16:01
jaydubsUsually you can press 'p' and edit the kernel command16:01
demoxcvcv 1234516:01
=== Miria is now known as IngoPan
Guest4753I am connected to the Internet by an ethernet cable, is there a way to do with wireless?16:01
jaydubsGuest4753: do you have a wirelss card?16:02
jaydubssure ....16:02
jaydubsyes or no16:02
=== IngoPan is now known as Miria
jaydubsthen you need the card's driver so the OS can talk to the card16:02
jaydubsopen a terminal and type 'ifconfig' tell us what you see16:03
Guest4753eth0, eth1, lo16:03
jaydubsholstein: did i loose ya16:03
Guest4753There is a lot of details about each of them16:03
holsteinjaydubs: you can address the channel.. any volunteer can help16:04
jaydubsGuest4753: ok, so if your OS knew about your wireless card you'd see something like 'wlan0'16:04
ThinkT510jaydubs: some wireless cards can be detected as eth as well16:04
jaydubsfuckin hate ubuntu16:04
Guest4753ifconfig | grep wlan - no results16:04
jaydubswhy do we need update-grug and bullshit16:05
jaydubswhy cant i edit menu.lst and be fuckin done with it16:05
holsteinjaydubs: language please16:05
bazhangjaydubs, no cursing16:05
holsteinjaydubs: you can use whatever packages you like16:05
ThinkT510Guest4753: lspci16:05
ThinkT510Guest4753: use a pastebin to show us the result too16:05
jaydubsyou guys can watch my language but you cant tell me a simple way to turn verbose boot on a system thats not booting16:05
holsteinjaydubs: probably would be a good use of time to test the hardware.. if things were working well, and just broke for no reason16:06
jaydubsright, but fdisk shows the disk. and the partitions. and like i said, i see the xubuntu flash screen16:06
jaydubswhich tellS ME its the OS16:06
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holsteinjaydubs: i might run a memory test, and test the hard drive.. then i would just boot a live CD and see if the issue is with my OS or the hardware16:07
holsteinjaydubs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelBoot16:07
jaydubsholstein: im on a live cd, i want to edit grub menu16:07
tgm4883jaydubs, menu.lst doesn't exist in grub2 (AFAIK)16:08
holsteinjaydubs: you can use the above debugging without permanently editing grub16:08
jaydubsbut an edit goes unserviced without 'update-grub' , correct?16:08
holsteinjaydubs: i would just boot, and not permanently edit the grub16:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:08
holsteinjaydubs: above, you can read about how to show what you are looking for without editing/breaking grub16:08
Guest4753Hm, KUbuntu seems to have some strange problems with strong passwords16:11
demotest1 21316:13
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=== Foobaz is now known as Bazba
Guest4753It is a very strange, my KUbuntu sometimes refutes to handle long password properly. By now I have "rechanged" it to the same as it was earlier and the things seems to work again16:16
Guest4753But I have the same problem about a half an hour.16:16
cronusjaydubs, i think in some systems you have to press shift to get grub menu on boot16:16
VivekanandaHey everyone. Trying to run videos in Html5 on lubuntu 12.04 firefox. Youtube runs fine in flash. about:plugins tells me this --http://paste.ubuntu.com/5640505/. I am referring to link this --http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1940921. What should I do ?16:17
xanthaosI need to activate samba in ubuntu, I'm familiar with Fedora. I see service command but it doesn't recognize smb or samba16:18
xanthaosany advice?16:18
bmxscott1993how do i get grub16:18
ThinkT510!samba | xanthaos16:18
ubottuxanthaos: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:18
tgm4883Vivekananda, please don't put -- directly before your links16:18
Vivekanandatgm4883: ok :)16:18
Vivekanandaso is this ok -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1940921   ?16:19
tgm4883Vivekananda, much better, now I can click on it16:19
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Vivekanandayep gotcha. Sure will do in future16:20
bmxscott1993what the link for grub16:20
Guest4753Which sda partition is supposed to be Windows partition??16:20
swbmxscott1993: 'what the link?'16:21
MonkeyDustGuest4753  normally, sda116:21
ThinkT510Guest4753: entirely depends on your disk layout16:21
tgm4883Vivekananda, hmm. I never thought about it (I use chrome) which works fine. Did you go to http://www.youtube.com/html5 page and see if all the plugins were OK?16:21
bmxscott1993for dual boot16:21
Narelnobodies use bumblebee here :(16:21
Guest4753mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows  -t vfat -o umask=000 complains that wrong fs type, bad option or something like that16:22
tgm4883Guest4753, why would it be vfat?16:22
ThinkT510Guest4753: does you windows run on fat32 or ntfs?16:22
tgm4883Guest4753, surely NTFS16:22
wilee-nileeGuest4753, A factory install may have sda1 as the boot partition and sda2 as C the main operating system, it is easy to tel, be sure you know. it is16:22
BluesKaj!info bumblebee | Narel16:22
ubottuNarel: Package bumblebee does not exist in quantal16:22
Vivekanandatgm4883: I want to use html5 so I and watch videos as faster speed not available in flash. I went to the page and I see check marks for Video Tag and WEbM and I see  ! for h.26416:23
Narelthere is a package in a PPA16:23
Guest4753Yes, NTFS : ). It works now16:23
Narelofficial method16:23
ThinkT510Narel: ppas are in no way official16:24
BluesKajNarel: http://bumblebee-project.org/install.html16:24
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Can you share what you need the link exactly for?16:24
Narelbumblebee is good in natives16:24
Vivekanandatgm4883: Also I am trying to do what is suggested here -- http://class2go.stanford.edu/faq  question number 316:24
Nareljust a prob with wine when try to launch a 32bit game16:25
Narelwhen I test glxspheres or sauerbraten that's good16:25
VivekanandaI see the options all right but they are greyed out16:25
tgm4883Vivekananda, reading some threads, it looks like h.264 isn't supported in firefox16:26
bmxscott1993i can to see the grub boot menu and i need like the full code so i can put xp as well on it and im still getting purple screen with static and no logo on boot is it my bios setting i got nvidia16:26
tgm4883Vivekananda, that said, I opened firefox, joined the html5 trial and I can playback html5 videos in youtube16:26
tgm4883Vivekananda, (I'm assuming it's using webm, so that probably won't work for other parts of the web)16:26
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Run sudo update-grub in ubuntu to add XP if XP is instaled16:26
Narelbut when I want to launch starcraft with wine with optimus it's crashing16:26
RexterI can't get my Amazon Prime videos to work on ubuntu. In Firefox, clicking on the play button simply doesn't do anything, in Chromium, it looks like it's going to play, but then tries to update the player, and fails.16:27
NarelI've seen a lots of users use optimus with wine without errors in Ubuntu16:27
Vivekanandatgm4883: I can play them too no problem ( in Html5) but I want to speed them up. Speed options are greyeed out. do I need the h.264 for speed to work ?16:27
tgm4883Vivekananda, oh, hmm. Let me check16:27
bmxscott1993my mother board it geforce6100pm-m2 v2.016:28
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Grub2 has a part called the os-prober it will find other installed operating systems with a update16:28
bmxscott1993it say can not find grub16:28
tgm4883Vivekananda, yea it looks like it16:28
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Did you install ubuntu from windows?16:28
bmxscott1993no form cd16:29
bmxscott1993from cd16:29
tgm4883Vivekananda, I'm guessing at this point, since I can't disable h.264 in chrome16:29
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Are you in the ubuntu desktop?16:29
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, The install or the disc?16:29
Vivekanandatgm4883: the other browser is the chromium default. Should I try it ?16:30
Vivekanandawhat other options do I have to make this work ?16:30
RexterHas anyone got Amazon instant video to work on ubuntu?16:30
bmxscott1993cus im going to run it with windows but not installed it yet16:30
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, So if you run in the terminal    sudo update-grub      it errors?16:30
tgm4883Vivekananda, yea try it. I'm unsure what chromium supports (I use chome, which is the closed source version)16:30
SIGKILLerdoes anyone here have any experience with ntop?16:31
bmxscott1993it did the sudo update-grub  thing it found it16:31
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Hmm so post all that information with the command here and give us the http address   http://pastebin.com/16:32
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bmxscott1993but still when i turn the computer on it like all fizzy and just purple screen16:32
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Ah cool, I was typing as you posted. ;)16:32
dave311Hi guys, sorry if this is a dumb question I'm still fairly new to linux. I know my usb devices are in /dev/ttyACM, and I know I can type lsusb to see a list of attached devices. But for example if there is a device shown with lsusb on bus 005 device 002, how do I work out whether it's ttyACM0 or ttyACM1 etc etc? I hope that makes sense16:32
Vivekanandatgm4883: Thanks , chromium does both. :) I installed the plugins as on the other site so I think it might be that a restart can cause mozilla to work too if not still chromium works for speed is ok with me16:32
tgm4883Vivekananda, sweet16:33
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Lok here you will at the grub menu insert nomodeset in the kernel, it is a onetime fix to get in and load graphic drivers. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313216:33
bmxscott1993wilee-nilee il record it upload it to youtube then give you the link so you no what i mean16:34
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, You did say you were in the desktop, does it look normal there?16:34
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Cool I have to run to the store for a moment but there are many that can help.16:35
bestdndrunning "rvm use 1.9.2" gives me "Using /usr/share/ruby-rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180", but when i run "ruby version", it can't find it and suggest 1.8 or 1.9.1.  how can i install ruby 1.9.2?16:35
exexex_guys may I drop a quick question about /etc/shadow file ?16:36
exexex_if I cat this file: I cannot see the password's hash in daemons etc.. but I see a "*" there16:37
exexex_I mean their $2 field is *16:37
hansi3482hey Guys16:37
exexex_anyone could explain to me why that ? But I can see the password hash for my user and the root user16:37
nyx114hansi3482, hi16:37
skinofstarshi, i wonder if someone can help me. i'm havng problems with apache setup for local development. forbidden 403. i've got a setup like this http://pastebin.com/661Tcaec16:37
bmxscott1993right i did allocation failed: out of vmalloc space - use vmalloc=<size> to increase size. command it say no such file or directory16:37
nyx114can i reinstall ubuntu without losing my home folder?16:38
bmxscott1993yer desk top is nomal and clear but when i boot it up16:38
KalebtbaconCan someone help - I installed Ubuntu with Wubi and the password and Username i set arnt working. i re installed it  6 times but keeps saying invailed password. and now it wont give me the screen to go back to windows all i can do is Guesr16:38
angswhen I execute  apt-get build-dep  wpasupplicant. what version of wpasupplicant's dependencies are installed?16:38
skinofstarsnyx114: if you installed home in a separate partition, it should be fine16:38
Guest4753OK, I have successfully run wpa_supplicant, but is there a replacement for dhcpcd in KUbuntu?16:38
hansi3482I have one Question, can i make program links on my desktop?, sry but im a neardy in linux =)16:38
nyx114skinofstars, it's on the same partition16:39
bobbyzexexex_: It means there is no password set for those system accounts.  That's a good thing.  If an account will not be logging-in interactively via a password, it shouldn't have one set16:39
Merlinkahi all!16:39
skinofstarsnyx114: that may be an issue then. it's a good pracice to put /home in a seperate partition16:39
bcbc2Kalebtbacon: it sounds like you got 13.04 installed. Either that or ran an out of date 12.04.1 version of wubi.exe (which also installs 13.04). And 13.04 is broken bug 115570416:39
ubottubug 1155704 in Wubi "13.04 installer doesn't create user account" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115570416:39
hansi3482and why i am the only one how is grey?16:40
Kalebtbaconyes i have 13.0416:40
nyx114hansi3482, are you using xchat?16:40
bcbc2Kalebtbacon: if you log on as guest you should be able to shutdown/restart and then Windows will boot16:40
Kalebtbaconit boots ubuntu at start16:41
nyx114skinofstars, my hard-drive has limit of 4 partitions. im using a partition each for windows, swap, ubuntu, windows sys stuff16:41
bcbc2Kalebtbacon: only the first reboot after installing. Thereafter you should see the Windows boot manager with a choice16:41
Kalebtbaconi saw it for a second then it disaperred16:41
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bcbc2Kalebtbacon: how many times have you rebooted?16:42
Kalebtbaconprobable 416:42
Kalebtbaconnow its 516:43
bcbc2Kalebtbacon: do you have a windows repair cd?16:43
fizyplanktonim running ubuntu 10.04 32bit. i have 2x 2gb ddr3 ram modules installed, which are going bad. if i replace them with 2x 4gb chips (since i plan to eventually transition to 64bit via dual boot), will the 32bit blissfully ignore the extra 4gb? i would like to be able to smoothly go back and forth from 32bit to 64bit16:43
Kalebtbaconits a netbook, cant old CD's16:43
Kalebtbaconthats why i used wubi16:43
ausxxhinteresting, installed 12.04.02 64b, included LAMP, went fine16:43
ausxxhthen apt-get upgrade failed for mysql 5.5?16:44
bcbc2Kalebtbacon: you can create a windows repair USB... but I guess you haven't16:44
ausxxhi never had issues with fresh install in the past16:44
ausxxhis this a bug?16:44
Kalebtbaconcan i create one onn another computer?16:44
bcbc2Kalebtbacon: yes - make sure the architecture/windows version matches16:44
KalebtbaconThanks :) ima go test that out now :)16:45
bcbc2Kalebtbacon: and don't try wubi in 13.04. The devs are talking about dropping Wubi altogether16:45
crxssehi! with which bash command can i check how many ram is used by my kubuntu? it is 32bit and i am not sure whether it uses pae for my 8gb ram :)16:45
Kalebtbaconah kk16:45
Kalebtbaconso i would need a USB for it?16:46
bcbc2Kalebtbacon: yes16:46
bobbyzfizyplankton: If your question is whether or not you can run 32bit without problem on > 4G ram, the answer is yes, you can.  without PAE, I think you'll only see 3.5GB of memory.  With PAE, you'll see it all.  I don't know what all you have installed, but transitioning to 64bit is really not a big deal.  You shouldn't really need to dual-boot.  Just backup your data and install 64bit16:47
bmxscott1993im BACK16:47
bobbyzfizyplankton: That assumes your processor is a 64bit processor, of course16:48
fizyplanktonbobbyz: transitioning to 64 bit will be a major deal for me. im still in the very early stages of going from 10.04 to 12.04. i have a very unusual and fragile configuration, and the way i see it, if it aint broke, dont fix it. whats pae16:49
scoobyhow do I (from the command line) upgrade from 10.4 to 12.4?16:49
fizyplanktonscooby: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:50
bobbyzfizyplankton: I don't know your situation, so I can't comment.  However, keep in mind that you can run 32-bit apps on 64-bit with the right libraries installed.  PAE is physical address extension, and allows addressing >4GB memory on 32bit systems16:50
scoobyfizyplankton: ty16:50
jrib!upgrade | scooby16:50
ubottuscooby: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:50
KalebtbaconQuick question how do i make USB boot from startup?16:50
nyx114Kalebtbacon, you should change your boot device order16:51
jribscooby: follow the server instructions there.  Also take care that the versions are "10.04" and "12.04", not "10.4" and "12.4".  They correspond to YEAR.MONTH (i.e. 12.04 represents 2012 April)16:51
KalebtbaconIs that when it says HP and gives me a couple of options16:51
fizyplanktonbobbyz: interesting. the most unusual aspect of my setup is that i have 5 monitors. it just barely works in lucid. cant get it working in precise yet.16:52
scoobyfizyplankton: the command you gave me does NOT upgrade the version.  It upgrades the packages within the realease - not what I want16:52
scoobyjrib: the link you gave me is not for the command line  - I need a command line way to upgrade from 10.4 to 12.416:53
jribscooby: as I said, follow the server instructions.16:53
bobbyzfizyplankton: The 32 vs 64 bit architecture shouldn't have much bearing on your monitor configuration.  Once you get your monitors working on precise, the same configuration should apply to 32bit or 64bit16:53
scoobyjrib: I do not see such instructions on the page you gave me a reference to16:53
jribscooby: more specifically, here you go: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades#Network_Upgrade_for_Ubuntu_Servers_.28Recommended.2916:53
fizyplanktonscooby: i quote: "dist-upgrade - Distribution upgrade, see apt-get(8)". it should work. thats how i originally upgraded my laptop, before it crashed and i network installed it16:53
jrib!dist-upgrade | fizyplankton16:54
ubottufizyplankton: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.16:54
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:55
fizyplanktonbobbyz: true, but in my experiance, shouldnt and wont are 2 different terms16:55
fizyplanktonscooby: i guess i was wrong. sorry. thats was a long time ago for me16:55
scoobyfizyplankton: yes I know - and ty for trying16:56
scoobyjrib: so, any help possible16:57
jribscooby: I linked you directly to the section; I don't know what else you want me to do16:57
qwert  do-release-upgrade16:57
bobbyzfizyplankton: I know you are hesitant, but there is very little difference from a user perspective between 32 and 64 bit.  You have to do what you are comfortable with, but I think you will find that the bitness will have very little bearing on your setup16:57
bmxscott1993i got 71% for this video to upload then i can show you my prople more clearly16:58
CatbuntuI have a virtual  box running on an Ubuntu host, running Ubuntu Server. How can I access that virtual machine from the host?16:58
CatbuntuI tried ifconf but "" doesn't work.16:58
scoobyjrib: ty - I see the seond link now - ty16:58
fizyplanktonbobbyz: well, thank you for your help16:58
jhutchins_wkCatbuntu: If nobody here knows try #vbox16:58
bobbyzfizyplankton: Obviously there is a performance difference and your cpu architecture has to be compatible, but the packaging on ubuntu makes the architecture largely transparent to an end-user16:58
bobbyzfizyplankton: yw16:58
ferronicaanyone help me regarding Geary Mail?16:59
GioraHey guys is it possible to install pidgin-encryption without installing pidgin it self? (I have it installed already from the src)17:00
Boyputikany guru.s online :)17:01
bobbyzCatbuntu: You might consider using a different adapter type than NAT if you wish to routinely access the guest interface from your host17:01
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CatbuntuI use NAT and Host-only, bobbyz.17:02
Guest7228how to use my logitech webcam on ubuntu17:03
bobbyzCatbuntu: Remember you can also have multiple adapters attached to a guest.17:03
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Looking back at your posts there are rather confusing to be you answer yes and no to several questions.17:03
jribGuest7228: just plug it in usually17:03
crxssehi! with which bash command can i check how many ram is availible for my kubuntu? it is 32bit and i am not sure whether it uses pae for my 8gb ram or works with 4 only :)17:03
jribcrxsse: free -m17:03
qwertcrxsse, free17:04
crxssethank you :)17:04
Whiskey`Wonkahmm, im trying to install cacti 0.8.8 from backports but 0.8.7 is still listed as latest (non backports)17:04
Whiskey`Wonkawhat am i missing?17:04
ferronicaanyone help me regarding Geary Mail?17:04
CatbuntuThat's what I do bobbyz.17:04
CatbuntuI have both NAT and Host-only.17:04
bobbyzCatbuntu: Then you can access the guest via the address from the host-only adapter17:04
Catbuntubut the host-only adapter has the same IP that the guest.17:05
Catbuntuoh, no, ignore that17:05
CatbuntuIt doesn't work.17:06
ferronicaanyone help me regarding Geary Mail?17:07
CatbuntuAlso I have a web server running on the host and using Host-only's IP showed host's localhost.17:07
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, We want to help, however if this is a language issue lets be aware of that and maybe there is a channel for you that may be better, just trying to help. ;)17:08
OerHeksferronica, see https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/geary/17:08
Catbuntuhmm, but responses to ping.17:09
bmxscott1993no it no problem of language issue17:09
bobbyzCatbuntu: Make sure you have configured the host-only networking correctly.  Check the settings under File -> Preferences -> Network.  When that is configured, you should see a virtual interface on your host when running ifconfig.  The guest interface has to be configured to be on the same network, etc17:09
ferronicaOerHeks, im facing some problem with it17:09
Catbuntuand how can I configure the guest?17:10
bobbyzCatbuntu: Are you running ubuntu on the guest as well?17:10
Catbuntuyes, Ubuntu Server17:10
ferronicaOerHeks, not able to add account tried two account yahoo and gmail both same problem17:10
dharanihi im using http://www.davidrevoy.com/data/documents/recordscreen_12-04.zip17:10
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, Cool then two things speak succinctly, and read the questions carefully, we can help best when contradicting information is not presented.17:10
ferronicaOerHeks, im using ubuntu 64bit 12.0417:10
dharanito record my sessions17:10
Catbuntuand the vboxnet0 adapter appears on host's ifconfig but not on guest's.17:11
bobbyzCatbuntu: okay, then edit /etc/network/interfaces .  Right now it probably only has an entry for auth eth0 (assuming eth0 is your NAT adapter).  You'll need to add a static entry for eth117:11
dharanibut im unable to capture the audio from the otherend17:11
dharanican any one help me out17:11
dharanihi im using http://www.davidrevoy.com/data/documents/recordscreen_12-04.zip17:12
dharanito record my sessions17:12
dharanibut im unable to capture the audio from the otherend17:12
CatbuntuI tried bobbyz, lets see if it works17:12
bobbyzCatbuntu: Something along the lines of:  auto eth1\n  iface eth1 inet static\n  address\n netmask
bobbyzCatbuntu: 'sudo service networking restart' after that config is in place17:12
dharanihi im using http://www.davidrevoy.com/data/documents/recordscreen_12-04.zip17:13
dharanito record my training sessions with skype but i'm unable to capture the audio from the otherend17:13
Catbuntuthe address should be the same than the Host-only's IP?17:13
OerHeksferronica, i just tried gmail, works fine. what error do you get?17:13
dharaniplz help17:13
steve_fiheya guys, I want to clone my gpt ubuntu disk to a smaller SSD, and i am wondering if I resize the partition on the source disk, will the "dd" command copy the unused space as well?17:13
bobbyzCatbuntu: Then you should see the static ip for eth1 when running ifconfig on the guest.  If you can, then from the host you should be able to ping the guest17:13
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bobbyzCatbuntu: No, the guest needs a distinct IP different than the host, but on the same subnet.  If host is, then guest should be or any other last octect other than 1 or 25517:14
ferronicaOerHeks, when i fill all mail account details and click ADD Error Unable to connect *Connection Error17:14
bobbyzCatbuntu: After the configuration is in /etc/network/interfaces on the guest, you need to restart networking on the guest with 'sudo service networking restart' and then you should be able to run a ping command on the *host* and ping the guest IP17:15
Catbuntuthe service networking restarts says "stop: Unknown instance, networking stop/waiting"17:16
Catbuntui'm trying to restart and see if it works17:16
ferronicaOerHeks, any idea about it17:17
bobbyzCatbuntu: my mistake then.  Run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:18
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scoobyjrib: just wanted to say ty - the upgrade is complete - thanks to you17:18
Catbuntuyay, it worked now bobbyz!17:19
Catbuntuthanks :)17:19
bobbyzCatbuntu: yw17:19
artykhello i need some help pl17:20
OerHeksferronica, i found a bugreport @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/geary/+bug/1072046  but geary is still in development, version 0.2117:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1072046 in Geary "Geary should give an explanation when unable to connect" [Undecided,Fix committed]17:20
ferronicaOerHeks, so problem with Geary??17:21
bmxscott1993this is my problem purple screen and static http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8F5Bte52fA17:21
OerHeksferronica, i think so, post your issue @ http://redmine.yorba.org/projects/geary/issues it might help.17:21
bmxscott1993where the vide to my problem i made17:21
artyk####o i upgrade to ubuntu 12.10 but now my computer but is  deconfigured not sound all horrible graphics no taskbar just a mess17:21
ferronicaOerHeks, what version do you use17:23
ferronicaOerHeks, 0.2.0 or .3.017:23
drag0nzhey guys, is there any way by any chance to use Windows Remote Connection Desktop to remote into ubuntu?17:23
LargePrimehow do i list running processes?17:23
OerHeksferronica, i just tried 0.2117:24
ferronicaOerHeks, not updated to latest one17:24
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MonkeyDustLargePrime  ps -e17:25
ferronicaOerHeks, i think problem with 0.3.0 but no one reported for version 0.3.017:25
wilee-nileeLargePrime, Top or htop if instaled will show running processes in the terminal.17:25
OerHeksferronica, where do you get 0.3 ?17:25
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doomlordis there an irc channel devoted to linux desktop environment generally17:25
doomlordenvironments ^17:25
bmxscott1993this is my problem purple screen and static http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8F5Bte52fA17:25
ferronicaOerHeks, auto updated17:26
OerHeksferronica, ubuntu 12.10 or 13.04 beta?17:26
ferronicaOerHeks, geary 0.3.0~r935-0+pkg898~precise117:26
MonkeyDustdoomlord  type /msg alis list *blah*   (with the asterisks17:26
ferronicaOerHeks, ubuntu 12.0417:27
artykso i upgrade to ubuntu 12.10 but now my computer  is  deconfigured not sound  horrible graphics no taskbar just a mess any idea17:27
ferronicaOerHeks, check software Center there you will see17:27
OerHeksferronica, you are on elementry OS ?17:27
wilee-nileedoomlord, not that I know of there are at least 50 possibilities for a desktop.17:27
ferronicaOerHeks, yes17:27
ferronicaOerHeks, yes17:27
ferronicaOerHeks, same thing17:28
OerHeksferronica, derivates are not supported here. join the elementary os irc channel.17:28
doomlordyeah i realise ,and #linux is usually more generaly wheras #ubuntu is *just* ubuntu...17:28
MonkeyDustdoomlord  it's called dedicated17:29
bmxscott1993<wilee-nilee> this is my problem purple screen and static http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8F5Bte52fA17:29
bmxscott1993look at the video on the youtube link17:30
wilee-nileebmxscott1993, That is helpful, but beyond my area of knowledge, others can help though I suspect.17:30
ferronicaOerHeks, Ok17:30
doomlordcan full ubuntu be installed on the chromebook pixel17:31
doomlordi've heard of 'crouton' or something17:32
bmxscott1993this is my problem purple screen and static http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8F5Bte52fA click the youtube line and that the video of my problem and it look like a black screen in the vid it no it purple17:32
bkfitzAnyone have a suggestion on E-print/Google Cloud Print integratoin with Ubuntu17:32
bkfitzWant to make sure whatever I buy has drivers for linux17:32
MartynKe-hey, so i have a 100Mb pipe at home with a static IP, an old laptop and a ubuntu iso. quseiotn is: Can i host a website off of it using a domain that i have already registered!?17:33
wilee-nileedoomlord, Info on the web says yes, take a look for yourself.17:33
bkfitzMartynKe: sure17:33
bobbyzbmxscott1993: I see a line of output before X starts indicating nouveau is in use.  If you are okay using proprietary drivers, then you might consider installing the nvidia drivers17:33
artykPL i upgrade to ubuntu 12.10 but now my computer  is  deconfigured not sound  horrible graphics no taskbar just a mess17:33
MonkeyDustdoomlord  is this useful http://www.zdnet.com/chromebook-pixel-run-ubuntu-alongside-chrome-os-7000012381/17:33
bobbyzbmxscott1993: If I had to take a guess, you might be seeing a problem with nouveau and kernel mode setting or the framebuffer in general17:33
MartynKe-bkfitz: can u point me in the right direction for some good docs for this? as i really want to get this up and running today! :)17:34
MartynKe-i work in IT so im OK with tech lingo, just not done THIS before.17:34
bmxscott1993ok thank17:34
bmxscott1993il try that17:34
bkfitzjust create an A DNS record for your domain that points to y our static IP, make sure port 80 is directed to your laptop in your router, install apache on the laptop and bada bing.17:34
MartynKe-cool! i'll do that! :) thenno odubt i'll be here for apache help! ;)17:35
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bkfitzMartynKe: Apache questions would be best addressed in "httpd" channel17:36
bkfitzMartynKe: but all you do is:17:36
bkfitzsudo apt-get install apache217:36
bkfitzthen put your html inside /var/www17:36
bobbyzbmxscott1993: np, good luck17:36
MartynKe-so can i "install" wordpress itno the apache stuff?17:37
MartynKe-im used to wordpress17:37
bkfitzwhat kind of site?  you may want to look at  wordpress or drupal17:37
MartynKe-cool! does the apache take ccare of the mysql side of things?17:38
bkfitzeasy peasy, just get apache installed, then google "ubuntu apache wordpress"17:38
MartynKe-as in install it? i can create the db no worries.17:38
bkfitz"take care of"?  apache hosts the wordpress content which is stored in myssql17:38
MonkeyDustMartynKe-  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP17:39
MartynKe-nice. hey man...thanks for your help! :) i have plenty of stuff to be getting on with now! hey one last Q...ubuntu 12.04 server or desktop?17:39
bkfitzmake sure you leverage ubuntu firewall to block all ports except 80 or you'll be hacked in no time17:39
MartynKe-server has no gui. i assume i can add that though?17:39
bkfitzgoogle UFW17:39
bkfitzwhat do you need a gui for17:39
MartynKe-will do! :)17:39
bmxscott1993it install in but is it to do with bios setting or just drive17:39
MartynKe-ive alrwasys used ubuntu with a gui.17:40
bkfitzno need.17:40
bkfitznot for a webserver...17:40
MartynKe-althoguh i suppose if all i will is wordpress i suppose you're right!17:40
MartynKe-**will use17:40
MartynKe-k...i'll be bk later! thank you so much for your input! :)17:40
bkfitzyeah... don't install X17:40
bkfitzgood luck17:41
MartynKe-thanks! just wish i had a better laptop do to this on! :( but oh well! in time! ;)17:41
rosco_yI want to copy a bunch of photo cds to my hd and organize them visually with software--can anyone recommend good software to help me do this?17:41
bobbyzbmxscott1993: What you posted looked like problems with the nouveau drivers.  If you install the nvidia drivers, then you should reboot for the change to take effect17:42
MartynKe-rosco: adobe bridge! ;)17:42
bkfitzany laptop will be fast enough to run apache/mysql/wordpress for a small site17:42
rosco_yMartynKe-: ty, I'll check that out !17:42
MartynKe-we'll see how it goes! ;)17:42
bmxscott1993thank for the help17:42
bobbyzbmxscott1993: yw17:42
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MartynKe-oh...bkfitz: which do you recommend...Server 12.04 64bit OR 32bit?17:45
bobbyzMartynKe-: You can also look at amazon EC2.  You can run a 'micro' instance continuously for free for 1 yr.  I use that as free hosting for a client's Joomla site17:45
bobbyz(staging site rather...it's temporary)17:46
MartynKe-the main concept here with my project is so that i can host my own. ;)17:46
MartynKe-but thanks for the mention on that! looks good for something else ihave planned!17:47
bobbyzMartynKe-: Yes, you would be doing that with EC2 as well.  You manage the entire virtual server yourself17:47
bobbyzMartynKe-: anyway, just something to think about17:47
MartynKe-defo something to think about! :)17:48
MartynKe-hso for server...32 or 64bit? which is best?17:48
MonkeyDust64bit for 64bit hardware17:48
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Guest23556OK, So what is a command for dealing with eth interfaces in KUbuntu?17:51
Guest23556There must be one as it is able to connect to internet from the very beginning by an ethernet cable17:52
Guest23556But it is not dhcpcd17:52
MonkeyDustGuest23556  this looks quite basic http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO/networking-concepts-HOWTO.html17:57
MonkeyDustGuest23556  start with ifconfig to get the basic description17:58
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jhutchins_wkGuest23556: If you are running the Network Manager, you will want to use that or disable it.18:00
Adriannomhi.  having trouble getting my wifi card to work.  ubuntu 12.10, lspci says "Network controller: Ralink corp. RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI".  compiled the ralink driver but iwconfig says no wifi card.  anyone have any ideas?18:00
alcuadradoHi, I'm preparing a livecd to run a software in machines not controlled by me, and the software needs a partition mounted (any partition, it auto-detects them and choose the biggest). The thing is that in ubuntu live by default partitions aren't mounted unless you try to access them in nautilus. How can I change this so they are automatically mounted at boot time?18:00
ikonia!wifi | Adriannom18:00
ubottuAdriannom: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:00
Guest23556I am not sure where Network Manager is, I have opened something what is called Network Connections18:01
Guest23556It sees one wired connection and no wireless connections18:01
ikoniaGuest23556: that is it18:01
Adriannomikonia, i've come here after rtfm.  if i've missed something, maybe you can point me in the right direction?18:02
ikoniaAdriannom: what part of the document I've just proved is not working18:03
Adriannomikonia, what?18:05
gmcinnesanyone know why /proc/sys/vm/pagecache would be missing?18:05
ikoniaAdriannom: I've just provided you a document on wireless networking, what part of that document is not working18:05
Guest23556I have look through document the link to which has been given above but there is no the explicit command I want18:05
Guest23556I just want to get access to eth interfaces18:06
Guest23556like dhcpcd eth118:06
Guest23556It works in another Linuxes but I suppose that Kubuntu has to have its own command, otherwise internet wouldn't be turned on18:06
angshow can I install netlink library and headers?18:07
angswhat package do I need to install ?18:08
chrisircHow would you back up an ntfs partition from within Ubuntu, when that partition is ~350GB in size, has only ~23GB of active data on it, I've got 60GB of space for the backup, and cat $partition|gzip is taking more than 60GB?18:08
ikoniachrisirc: just copy it off18:08
Adriannomikonia, i didn't say anything about the document "not working".  though it seems like you are just being facetious?18:08
ikoniachrisirc: "cat" partition isn't going to do nothing18:08
chrisircIt contains a windows system. And permissions etc. need to be restorable.18:09
chrisircikonia, cat /dev/sda118:09
ikoniaAdriannom: no, you said you had read the documentation, I've just given you another document with known good information in it, so there are your "pointers" if you read the document18:09
ikoniachrisirc: no way should you be doing that18:09
chrisircWhy not?18:09
ikoniachrisirc: that is not valid data18:09
wilee-nileechrisirc, All windows releases since XP have a cloner, if it is bootable use it, it only saves the data.18:09
chrisircikonia, hu, nonsense, if you use that to restore the partition then that's just fine.18:10
ikoniachrisirc: sorry - it's not, but if you believe that, carry on18:10
g0toI just added the line "g0to    ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/truecrypt" to my sudoers file but it keeps me asking for password when I run truecrypt18:10
chrisircwilee-nilee, thanks, will check for that.18:10
chrisircikonia, why would it not be?18:10
g0tois the line above well formed?18:10
ikoniachrisirc: just carry on18:10
wilee-nileechrisirc, the basic xp I forgets it exact name needs to have t loaded from a install cd is all.18:11
jribg0to: are you running "sudo /usr/bin/truecrypt"?18:11
chrisircikonia, cat /dev/sda1|gzip > /mnt/backupdisk/backupfile.gz; then for restoring, create a partition of identical size, zcat /mnt/backupdisk/backupfile.gz > /dev/sda118:12
Adriannomikonia, your link wasn't what i had already read.  are you saying read every link under the document that you just pasted before asking questions?18:12
g0tojrib, nope, I was just running it as a regular user18:12
ikoniaAdriannom: no, I'm saying read the link I just gave you18:12
wilee-nileechrisirc, With W7 and 8 you need a pro version to get multiple cloning not sure about vista, probably the same.18:12
jribg0to: this is your issue?18:12
ikoniachrisirc: you can keep saying it all you want, but that doesn't change it18:12
chrisirc(ikonia, also, I'm actually doing /dev/sda, since I want the partition map as well for convenience; that wasn't in line with my wording of "partition" though, so I cheated that to sda1)18:13
chrisircikonia, now tell me why that would fail.18:13
ikoniachrisirc: just carry on18:13
g0tojrib, yeah, I think that that was the problem18:14
CorruptedHelixHello! Does anyone know how I would install the Plantronics 780 software in Ubuntu 12.10? The software for these headphones is required to take advantage of it's Dolby technology (7.1 surround sound).18:15
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: is there a linux package for the software ?18:15
CorruptedHelixI have tried using WINE to launch the executable in the disc's contentes.18:15
CorruptedHelixI've looked around, but I don't think so.18:15
g0tojrib, I had this problem (http://askubuntu.com/questions/68327/why-does-truecrypt-ask-for-administrator-password) and I though that I could run it as a regular user18:15
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: I would not advise you to use wine like that to interact with hardware18:15
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: the sad truth is, they may not have linux support18:16
CorruptedHelixRegardless, I need a way to make it work. The setup fails to launch when launched with WINE.18:16
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: regardless of how much you want it to work, it's very probably that it will not work due to a lack of linux support18:16
CorruptedHelixThat's unfortunate. :/18:17
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: just reading through some docs on the web, and it suggests that you can only use them in mac os / linux as normal 2 channel headphones18:17
Adriannomikonia, i'm gonna guess that you are really trying to direct me to the troubleshooting link?  or what?  basically the device only exists under lspci, nowhere else.  iwconfig doesn't help18:17
ikoniaAdriannom: no, I'm not trying to direct you to anything, I'm trying to ask you to read the information i've given you and then if you can't get it working, ask specific questions18:18
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Adriannomikonia, i guess i'm going to run out of time.  thanks for trying to help, i guess i wasted too much time on this before coming here.  shame i didn't find that link the first time.18:20
bobbyzCorruptedHelix: Your best bet is to poke around the ALSA mailing lists.  That type of USB headset is something that would need corresponding ALSA drivers on the linux side.  You'll probably be able to get it to do 2.1 surround, but until/unless it is supported by ALSA, it likely won't do 7.118:27
bobbyzCorruptedHelix: but ALSA is definitely what would be responsible for the hardware support on the Linux side, so it's best to poke around at the source on that one (ALSA lists)18:28
CorruptedHelixbobbyz: Can I get direction on this? I'm a Linux noob. Otherwise, I've sent Plantronics a support email.18:28
ikoniabobbyz: docs suggest it will do 2.1, but that's it18:28
bobbyzCorruptedHelix: First question -- Do you have it working as a 2.1 surround headset yet under Linux?18:28
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: plantronics official line on that device is not supported on linux or mac os18:29
CorruptedHelixI'm testing that at the moment.18:29
CorruptedHelixThe headset currently works in Ubuntu, tested audio with the Sound application. Not sure if it's set as default output, however18:30
ikoniaactually plantronics do not seem to support any device on linux18:30
CorruptedHelixRegardless, I've just tested. The microphone and speakers themselves do work.18:30
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: basic functionality should be fine18:31
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: it's only the software layer that should fail18:31
CorruptedHelixI'd love to get that 7.1 surround working, if possible, but that's acceptable18:31
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: I don't believe you will get that18:31
bobbyzCorruptedHelix: then as ikonia says, you'll probably have to live with 2.1.  Plantronics doesn't support that hardware under Linux.  The functioning 2.1 support you have right now is not thanks to Plantronics, but rather thanks to the ALSA project developers18:32
bobbyzCorruptedHelix: So while an ALSA developer could very well add 7.1 support in the future, it looks right now only 2.1 is supported18:32
AlbinoGeekPackage php5 php5dev php-pear etc don't even exist?18:34
AlbinoGeekWhat gives?18:34
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: what do you mean, "what gives"18:34
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: there are numerous php packages18:34
AlbinoGeekWell, why don't they exist in the apt repo?18:34
ikonia!info php518:34
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2 (quantal), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB18:34
bobbyzCorruptedHelix: Much of the hardware support on Linux does not come thanks to the original device manufacturers but rather from Linux community kernel developers that add support for the hardware themselves18:34
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: yes it does18:34
AlbinoGeekikonia: And php5dev ?18:34
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: that doesn't look like a valid name18:34
AlbinoGeekThe "php5" package misses phpize and other base components required for pear.18:35
AlbinoGeekSo... yeah.18:35
AlbinoGeek!info php5-dev18:35
ubottuphp5-dev (source: php5): Files for PHP5 module development. In component main, is optional. Version 5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2 (quantal), package size 494 kB, installed size 3313 kB18:35
AlbinoGeekPerhaps /18:35
AlbinoGeekOh yeah, there we go.18:35
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: have you actually done a package search ?18:35
Adriannomikonia, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?action=show&redirect=Rt61WirelessCardsHowTo <--- this is the main document i was working off.  so to answer your original question, "sudo iwlist ra0 scan" was the point that the document failed.  it returns "ra0       Interface doesn't support scanning."18:35
ikoniaAdriannom: so rather than just coming in complaining about pacakges with the wrong names, open the package manager, and actually search18:35
AlbinoGeekikonia: Nope, I stay miles away from s*buntu18:35
ikoniaAdriannom: that was for AlbinoGeek18:35
Adriannomikonia, hehe ;)18:36
ikoniaAdriannom: s*ubuntu ?18:36
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: s*ubuntu ?18:36
AlbinoGeekikonia: I won'18:36
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: won what ?18:36
AlbinoGeekikonia: I won't flame about ubuntu in the ubuntu channel *18:36
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: sorry, i don't understand18:36
AlbinoGeekBut yeah, not happy with it; wouldn't even use it at all if clients didn't have it on their servers.18:36
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: I'm asking you to look for packages using the search function, before complaining that they don't exist, because you've typed the wrong name18:37
AlbinoGeekSo, besides knowing yum == apt-get ... yeah.18:37
AlbinoGeekYeah, what is the search function in ubuntu ?18:37
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: https://help.ubuntu.com - have a scan through the basic introduction to ubuntu18:37
deungthe dash has an search modus18:37
AlbinoGeekapt-get search didn't return.18:37
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ikoniaAlbinoGeek: it gives an overview to the basic desktop/server based functions18:38
AlbinoGeekI'll note as well this machine doesn't even have SSH.18:38
hansi3482Hey Guys why i m the only who is grey?18:38
AlbinoGeekAnd it also bitches constantly that it's not `precise`18:38
AlbinoGeekwhatever that even means.18:38
ikoniahansi3482: what ?18:38
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: what complains ?18:38
Adriannomikonia, are you a representative of ubuntu or just a random helper?18:38
ikoniaAdriannom: random18:38
AlbinoGeekikonia: Every command complains that it's not precise.18:38
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: can you give me an example ?18:38
AlbinoGeekikonia: Right, if I go into their webmin and type: ping google.com18:39
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: that is not in ubuntu18:39
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: webmin.....18:39
AlbinoGeekIt returns with a complaint about security updates, that the system isn't `precise` and that I should do-release-upgrade18:39
quick-hi ,the sound on my system is incresaing and decresing on its own and i am having trouble typing due to this . Can you please tell me how to stop this. I tried disabling the pulseaudio service but that didnt help. I am having a HP CQ 45 207 TU notebook18:39
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: sounds like they have hacked away at their machine18:39
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: I'd ask them to sort it out, as webmin is not a part of ubuntu18:39
AlbinoGeekikonia: >ubuntu18:40
hansi3482Can i make link from programs to my desk?18:40
AlbinoGeekikonia: Yeah, this guy doesn't know jack shit about linux.18:40
ikoniahansi3482: sure, there are desktop links18:40
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: please tone down the language, there is no need for it18:41
Adriannomikonia, i did what you asked and told you which part of the document you linked me to didn't work.  is there anything more you need?18:41
ikoniaAdriannom: what exactly didn't work18:41
Adriannomikonia, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?action=show&redirect=Rt61WirelessCardsHowTo <--- this is the main document i was working off.  so to answer your original question, "sudo iwlist ra0 scan" was the point that the document failed.  it returns "ra0       Interface doesn't support scanning."18:41
AlbinoGeekikonia: Year sorry, not very happy with having to touch this distro whatsoever.18:41
wilee-nileehansi3482, You might be more specific as to the app/programs you want to have a launcher for.18:41
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: When it is referring to 'precise', 'precise' is the name given for the most recent Ubuntu long-term support (LTS) release.  So complaints of not being 'precise' and about security updates indicate the server is running an older version of Ubuntu, possibly one that is outside of the support period18:42
Adriannomikonia, just search that doc for "sudo iwlist ra0 scan" i guess...18:42
hansi3482sry for Firefox or Thunderbord18:42
ikoniaAdriannom: are you using a ralink RT61 ?18:42
Adriannom" having trouble getting my wifi card to work.  ubuntu 12.10, lspci says "Network controller: Ralink corp. RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI".  compiled the ralink driver but iwconfig says no wifi card.  anyone have any ideas?"18:42
ikoniaAdriannom: is the ralinmk driver you compiled actually loaded18:43
Adriannomikonia, nope, not by the look of it18:43
Adriannomikonia, no errors though18:43
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ikoniaAdriannom: how are you checking if it's loaded ?18:43
Adriannomikonia, in fact, activating the module is further down that page18:44
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: I don't use webmin, so I can't help with webmin itself, but it is likely trying to alert you very loudly that the version of Ubuntu installed is old and is susceptible to security flaws.  If the release is outside of the support term, then it might not even get security patches anymore, so it might be trying to loudly suggest an upgrade to a version that receives security patches18:44
Adriannomikonia, lsmod | grep rt18:44
ikoniaAdriannom: ok, so have you tried loading it18:44
wilee-nileehansi3482, I have not tried dragging but I believe if in unity you can drag them from the dash. http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/add-application-shortcuts-to-your-desktop-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/?ModPagespeed=noscript18:44
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quick-join ubuntu-bugs18:44
AlbinoGeekbobbyz: Kind of hard to upgrade without SSH, or any means to enter commands though.18:45
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: I'd advise you not to upgrade18:45
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: as it sounds like your system has been modified, which means the upgrade process is not to be trusted18:45
AlbinoGeekWhy is it that every Ubuntu machine I see is this "modified"...18:46
AlbinoGeekOh well.18:46
Adriannomikonia, hm... my mistake, the module does appear to be loaded18:46
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: I don't know your specific situation, but I'd side with ikonia and advise a reinstall on 12.04 server (LTS version, 'precise')18:46
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: ubuntu isn't modified, it's the people who run it that modified it, ask them18:46
AlbinoGeekbobbyz: If reinstall was an option, it wouldn't have Ubuntu and I wouldn't be here :/18:46
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: do you actually have a device called ra0 ?18:46
Adriannomikonia, not under iwconfig18:46
AlbinoGeekikonia: There is no /dev/ra0  ; if that's what you mean.18:46
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: can we give the ubuntu hate a rest, it's getting really tedious18:46
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: sorry, that ra0 was for Adriannom18:47
AlbinoGeekThen again, there wasn't even a /dev until I pointed it.18:47
AlbinoGeekBecause yeah, very "modified"18:47
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: there can't not be a /dev18:47
Adriannomikonia, the wireless card isn't showing up under iwconfig18:47
AlbinoGeekikonia: "modified"18:47
ikoniaAdriannom: what about ifconfig18:47
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: there can't not be a /dev18:47
Adriannomikonia, nor ifconfig18:47
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: one thing I can say is that if you have root access through webmin, you should probably be able to install SSH via 'sudo apt-get install openssh-server'18:47
ikoniaAdriannom: ok - can you pastebin the output of ifconfig -a please18:47
AlbinoGeekikonia: There wasn't a visible /<anything>  ; the entire "shell" (if you can call it that) was chrooted/jailed/some other magic in /home/admin18:47
ikoniaAdriannom: (use sudo)18:47
Kaliosanyone know anything about /dev/dvb i can see my tuner cards with lspci with drivers however no dvb18:48
AlbinoGeekbobbyz: Tried that, it said openssh-server didn't exist.18:48
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: ok - so that again, is someone modifiying it with a chroot, that doesn't mean there is no /dev18:48
quick-hi ,the sound on my system is incresaing and decresing on its own and i am having trouble typing due to this . Can you please tell me how to stop this. I tried disabling the pulseaudio service but that didnt help. I am having a HP CQ 45 207 TU notebook18:48
Adriannomikonia, http://pastebin.com/9q9NZLdD18:48
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: I'd suggest talking to the people who run this, as you're not going to benifit from any of the standard ubuntu help18:48
Adriannomikonia, both cards are wired18:48
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AlbinoGeekikonia: Yeah, I have no idea; they're some Christian webhost (lit: "truefaith" is their name) and they've no idea about the server either.18:49
ikoniaAdriannom: that does suggest the card is not active, normally because the module is not loaded18:49
ikoniaAdriannom: ok, so I think you're done with this channel18:49
AlbinoGeekThey said they installed Webmin via their sh, and that's it.  They haven't "modified" it past that according to their logs.18:49
ikoniaAdriannom: sorry,18:49
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: so I think you're done with this channel as it's modified18:49
ikoniaAdriannom: not you18:49
Adriannomikonia, rt61 is under lsmod, and that's the module the document wants me to load18:49
AlbinoGeekikonia: You need to type more than one character before pressing tab :P18:49
ikoniaAdriannom: this sounds picky, but can you confirm that your card is actually an rt6118:49
ikoniaAlbinoGeek: agreed18:50
Adriannomikonia, all i currently know is "Network controller: Ralink corp. RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI" - could that be 2500 instead?18:50
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: cat /etc/lsb-release18:50
ikoniaAdriannom: even so, I'd expect tha tmodule to support it18:50
Adriannomikonia, :(18:51
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: See if that file exists or not, and what version of ubuntu you're on18:51
AlbinoGeekbobbyz: File not found ... moment, I'll sudo it18:51
AlbinoGeek"modified"  ugh.18:51
ikoniaAdriannom: just having a little research on that module18:52
disPlaywhy the clamtk version in the repos is not the latest?18:52
wilee-nileedisPlay, latest compared to?18:53
Adriannomikonia, thank you, because i'm out of my depth beyond this point18:53
ikoniaAdriannom: I've personally never used that module so I'm flying a little blind, just give me a few minutes18:53
disPlaywilee, the latest version on the clamtk website is 4.4418:54
ikoniaAdriannom: just out of interest, can you sudo rmmod that module ?18:54
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: Okay, that means you are on Lucid, the previous LTS version.  Now : grep 'lucid main' /etc/apt/sources.list18:54
wilee-nileedisPlay, Ubuntu repackages apps to run in its OS, they only move so fast.18:55
disPlayok thanks for the information.18:55
Adriannomikonia, yup18:56
ikoniaAdriannom: ok, now do a sudo depmod -a18:56
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: And also grep 'lucid-security main' /etc/apt/sources.list.  I don't need to see the output...just want to confirm you have repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list18:56
Adriannomikonia, running18:56
Adriannomikonia, done18:56
ikoniaAdriannom: is the module loaded now ?18:56
Adriannomikonia, nope18:57
AlbinoGeekbobbyz: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted18:57
AlbinoGeekThat's it.18:57
ikoniaAdriannom: good, so sudo modprobe it18:57
Adriannomikonia, done, it's back18:57
ikoniaAdriannom: now lets look at sudo ifconfig -a again18:58
Adriannomikonia, same18:58
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: Okay, so that means you're setup for apt.  Now : 'sudo apt-get update'  .  The package list is probably horribly outdated and needs update via that command18:58
ikoniaAdriannom: that's frustrating/odd18:58
AlbinoGeekbobbyz: Says there's 0 to update, 2 to remove (old linux-headers linux-kernel, says to use autoremove etc.)18:58
Adriannomikonia, here is the lsmod | grep rt: http://pastebin.com/P0aWZ7Lv18:59
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: that means you ran 'apt-get upgrade' and not 'apt-get update'18:59
AlbinoGeekbobbyz: sudo apt-get update18:59
Adriannomikonia, only "rt61" is removed.  does that help?18:59
ikoniaAdriannom: that actually looks good18:59
ikoniaAdriannom: bit of a random stab,18:59
ikoniaAdriannom: considered a reboot,18:59
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ikoniaAdriannom: (shouldn't be needed but this is being odd)19:00
Adriannomikonia, i rebooted before i came here but i could try19:00
ikoniajudahlion: blist does nothing19:00
ikoniaAdriannom: the depmod changes things19:00
Adriannomikonia, brb19:00
judahlionikonia: what should I use to see all the people who are online in IRSSI?19:01
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ikoniajudahlion: /who19:01
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ikoniajudahlion: worth joining #irssi channel for irssi help19:01
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: I lost my connection there, so I might have missed a response from you19:02
judahlionikonia: good idea19:02
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Adriannomikonia, no change19:02
ikoniaAdriannom: now that is annoying19:02
bob3Hello - does anyone know how to (easily) create a custom live cd? I heard about Reconstructor at http://build.reconstructor.org but it seems like it's not free.  Basically I'd like a live cd so when it boots up I already have - skype, truecrypt, the flash plugin for firefox, etc. already installed so I don't need to do this manually each time I start up the computer.19:02
Adriannomikonia, looks like i'm outta time too19:02
Adriannomikonia, thanks v much for trying19:02
ikoniaAdriannom: can you come back19:02
ikoniaAdriannom: I see you are on UK time - as me19:02
ikoniaAdriannom: I'll be happy to do a little more research19:03
Adriannomikonia, not tonight, but possibly tomorrow19:03
the_hydrabob3: try remastersys19:03
ikoniaAdriannom: i'll do a little digging19:03
ikoniaAdriannom: please feel free to ping me19:03
bob3the_hydra - thanks, I'll take a look19:03
the_hydrabob3: welcome19:03
bobbyzAlbinoGeek: anyway, the good news is that you are still on an LTS release (10.04), which still receives security updates, at least from Canonical/Ubuntu.  And if, after apt-get update, the server is saying that only a couple of packages need updating, then that's also good news, because unattended updates were probably on, and security updates were being installed automatically19:04
Adriannomikonia, thanks, i will :)19:05
myersgHey, I am trying to install this one game using the ubuntu software centre It gets so far and just stops the progress bar and shows the install botton again.19:06
myersgis the game19:07
sam113101why do I get no icon for gvim in the dash bar?19:07
judahlionmyerg: can you click on the back arrow of the software center and then go back19:07
atriuswhat generates that MOTD with the load and IP information and such in it?19:08
myersgjudahlion..It doesn't help19:12
atriusnm..found it19:12
Marveli`ve upgraded to kernel 3.5.0-27. but my pc fails to boot! I've used the advanced option in grub to boot the previous kernel. whats the best way to downgrade permanently19:13
sam113101why do I get no icon for gvim in the dash bar?19:13
ikoniaMarvel: remove the package19:14
Marvelfrom the software centre ?19:14
ikoniaMarvel: whatever package manager you are happy with19:14
Marvelhmm I cant seem to find the package19:15
ubottusumo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».19:16
oliverpWhen using diff to compare two directories (diff --brief -r dir1 dirt), will it compare binary files as well?19:18
ralienhello, i got a friend pc to fix but i'm not familiar with ubuntu19:19
ralienso i need some input19:19
jhutchins_wkoliverp: Yep.19:20
oliverpjhutchins_wk: ok! :)19:20
the_hydraralien: spell it out19:20
ralienhe's on runlevel 2 but lighdm does not start19:20
ralienit might be greeter problem19:20
Mattiuciao a tutti19:21
jhutchins_wkralien: Runlevels don't do much in ubuntu.19:21
mjaykany1 here a jeep ?19:21
the_hydraralien: i guess the problem is his display is not properly configured19:21
jhutchins_wkralien: Can you start it manually?19:22
ralienjhutchins_wk: i was dropped to tty19:22
the_hydraralien: try to check /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:22
ralienso i checked runlevel first19:22
muszekhi... is it possible to remotely wake a computer from suspend? I guess not, but I'd love to be proven wrong :)19:23
ralienmuszek google wake on lan19:23
demuszek, you can, wakeonlan19:23
the_hydramuszek: maybe via WOL (wake on LAN), but that's just a guess19:23
muszekralien, de: does it need to be configured?19:23
ralienmuszek bios19:23
holsteinmuszek: the hardware needs to support it, but i used to do it19:23
muszekcrap, I need to configure it :)19:24
ralienthe_hydra: can't see any errors, i can startx without any problems19:24
ralienlightdm.log shows that it successfully started19:24
dehey, what do i do if ls /sys/devices/cpu/  shows only : format  power  rdpmc  subsystem  type  uevent. and theres no cpu0 cpu1 etc? i cant set governor or anything19:25
ralienbut later it just stops and exits19:25
ralienx-0-greeter has some errors19:25
raliencan unity greeter work on any driver like fbdev?19:26
ralienbecause my friend told me he was messing with xorg.conf19:26
ralienbecause he had screen issues19:26
kniteI'm trying to compile an app from a git repo, which needs me to run ./autogen.sh before config and make. this fails with - configure.ac:102: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR on EC2. what package(s) am I missing?19:27
the_hydraralien: frame buffer? I don't think so19:27
kniteinternet says aclocal, but I can't figure out what that's part of...19:27
ralienthe_hydra: how do i know where is the problem?19:28
ralieni have no experience with this unity stuff19:28
the_hydraralien: you said you saw no errors in Xorg.0.log? are you sure?19:29
ralienthe_hydra: 0 errors, server terminated successfully19:29
the_hydraralien: can you do : grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log and put the result in pastebin?19:29
ralienthe_hydra: it's on unconnected pc, but i can try19:30
the_hydraralien: who knows, maybe we can dig valuable info there19:30
jhutchins_wkralien: So you haven't really described the problem. Does it go directly to console from boot?  Does it start the gui then drop to console?19:31
jhutchins_wkralien: What heppened before this behavior started/19:31
trismknite: would be in the automake package, don't know if that is your issue though, would make sure you have autoconf, automake, and pkg-config19:31
ralienjhutchins_wk: log says it starts lightd successfully19:32
ralienjhutchins_wk: and i'm dropped to tty, because lightdm exits19:32
ralienjhutchins_wk: i checked greeter log and there are some errors19:33
knite@trism: thanks for replying. autoconf and automake are installed, pkg-config doesn't seem to be available (yum).19:33
trismknite: it's in main so shouldn't be hard to find19:35
dreamonWant to start. 4 programs on different position. 2 terminal windows. one firefox and one geany. how can I position them by bash? gnome-terminal --geometry -> works. but the other?19:35
MartynKe-bkfitz...u there?19:35
knite@trism my bad, checked for pkg-config. pkgconfig is installed.19:36
trismknite: is it a public git repo? (I'll take a look and see if it works here if so)19:37
sam113101where can I find a .desktop file for gvim?19:38
knite@trism yep, I'm killing two birds with one stone - learning about bitcoin and EC2 by compiling a miner. https://github.com/pooler/cpuminer19:38
knite(not expecting to profit, to pre-empt those comments. :-) )19:39
myersghow do I update my open source graphics?19:39
myersgopengl or something like that?19:39
theadminmyersg: Just run the Update Manager, check for upgrades.19:39
theadminmyersg: And install them, obviously19:39
ralienthe_hydra jhutchins_wk http://pastebin.com/zhZGu2Hf19:40
MartynKe-hey...im running ubuntu server and i do not want a GUI. if i do sudo apt-get install gedit, it mentions 130mb of dependencies...seems a lot for an editor in the gui. any other ideas?19:41
MartynKe-all i need to do is edit a conf file19:41
DJonesMartynKe-: Use nano rather than gedit19:41
theadminMartynKe-: Use vim, nano or emacs, or any other of the console editors.19:42
MonkeyDustMartynKe-  gedit is for use within a gui19:42
MartynKe-ah nano! thanks19:42
MartynKe-im new! ;)19:42
DJonesMartynKe-: To install gedit, you need to install a GUI, so its probably pulling in the entire gnome/unity desktops19:42
theadminDJones: Won't pull in the desktop, but at least Xorg and GTK...19:42
theadminDJones: Which is a lot already19:42
krabadorhi, people i would to know if it's normal that zsync process are slower than the complete dowload if the iso from the same server19:43
MartynKe-how do i exit nano?19:43
theadminMartynKe-: The shortcuts are at the bottom. ^ means Ctrl, M- means Alt.19:43
theadminMartynKe-: As such, Ctrl-X.19:43
trismknite: think I worked it out, misleading error message, it is failing on missing a libcurl macro, so you need one of the libcurl dev packages19:44
MartynKe-thanks ;)19:44
trismknite: I went with libcurl4-gnutls-dev, seemed to do the job19:44
knitehow did you figure that out?19:44
trismknite: looked at the configure.ac file at line 10219:45
extropianpiratecould someone help me? i'm trying to use dual monitors with an intel hd 2500 built into my core i5, they're currently mirrored, but system settings and xrandr only detects one monitor. the monitors are connected via DVI and HDMI ports on the back of my comp, Kubuntu 13.04 beta19:45
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theadminextropianpirate: 13.04 is not supported here, go to #ubuntu+119:46
MonkeyDustsome nick "extropianpirate"19:46
extropianpirateis there any way to downgrade from 13.04 to 12.10?19:46
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theadminextropianpirate: No, you'll have to reinstall.19:47
afreakklI just installed debian from CD , 12.10 I think, and it never during the install asked what I wanted the root pw to be(It asked what i wanted as usr pw) .. And now I dont know what my root pw is19:48
knite@trism. heh, deep, I must be tired. package author recommends libcurl4-openssl-dev, which doesn't come up on a yum search but does appear online at packages.ubuntu.com. do I need to add an additional repository to yum or enable access to a dev toolchain?19:49
DJonesafreakkl: Did you install debian or ubuntu? They're two different operating systems19:49
escottafreakkl, this isn't the debian channel and19:49
MartynKe-how do i back one directory folder?19:49
escott!root | afreakkl19:49
ubottuafreakkl: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:49
BluesKajafreakkl:  debian or ubuntu ?19:49
afreakklI mean ubuntu lol19:49
MartynKe-cd ???19:49
the_hydraralien: that is all? so far I see no errors19:50
MartynKe-nvm got it19:50
DJonesafreakkl: Ubuntu doesn't use a root password, you use the password you gave the first user to gain admin privileges19:50
Mattiuscusate come si entra nelle liste grazie19:50
trismknite: it's in main too, not sure why you're using yum unless you aren't using ubuntu. On ubuntu should just be: sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev;19:50
ralienthe_hydra: jhutchins_wk http://pastebin.com/DtKrEbt919:50
Kaliosanyone know anything about /dev/dvb i can see my tuner cards with lspci with drivers however no dvb19:50
MonkeyDust!it | MartynKe-19:50
ubottuMartynKe-: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi Ā« /join #ubuntu-it Ā» senza virgolette)19:50
ralienthe_hydra: there are 0 errors in X log, i told you19:50
afreakklDJones : when i write su it asks for pw, and the user pw doesnt work19:50
theadminafreakkl: Use sudo, not su.19:50
ralienthe_hydra: the problem lies somewhere between lightdm, unity19:51
MonkeyDust!it | Mattiu19:51
ubottuMattiu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi Ā« /join #ubuntu-it Ā» senza virgolette)19:51
afreakkloh ok19:51
wilee-nileeafreakkl, The user is the super user access you will  just sudo appropriate commands and enter the user password. Ubuntu has not root password and don't make one it is not designed for one.19:51
wilee-nileethe admin user that is19:51
afreakkloh ok thank you :p19:51
theadminafreakkl: Example: "sudo apt-get install firefox" instead of "su ; apt-get install firefox". To get a behaviour similar to su, you can use "sudo -i"19:51
afreakkl:D ima go install some drivers then19:51
BluesKajafreakkl: when you were installing you were asked for a username and password , do you recall them ?19:52
PleuguinI'm trying to use apache mod_gnutls and it just does not work, anything I should be aware of ? It seems like the directives get parsed correctly, but mod_gnutls filters never get called19:54
MartynKe-in relation to this command: CREATE USER 'wordpress'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wordpress'; <---- does that imply that IDENTIFIED BY '****' is the passwordd??19:58
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theadminMartynKe-: Yes.19:59
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bjais there a way to configure which compiler options dkms rebuilds kernel modules with?20:03
tyler_wylieIs there an IRC channel setup for Ubuntu Tablet yet? Lookin around for it on the webs20:03
theadmintyler_wylie: #ubuntu-touch20:04
tyler_wylietheadmin: Much thanks!20:04
Pleuguinlooks like it'/quit20:06
MartynKe-how can i enable sftp on a ubuntu server (no GUI)20:07
MartynKe-or or ssh?20:07
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)20:07
theadminMartynKe-: Basically sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:07
MartynKe-thanks. it wont load a gui will it?20:08
holsteinMartynKe-: read what is about to be installed, and make sure are agree20:08
BluesKajssh is command line20:09
theadminMartynKe-: No it won't, why the heck would it?20:09
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BluesKajsftp is gui if you use the network folder option, MartynKe-20:10
MartynKe-just curious dude. not done this before.20:10
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bkfitzAnyone familiar with Cloud print options and integration with UBUNTU?20:14
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Yokobrguys, i'm recieving this message ERROR (dkms apport): kernel package linux-headers-3.7.0-7-generic is not supported20:16
Yokobrwhile installing fglrx20:17
theadminYokobr: You're using an unsupported kernel...20:18
bjaI'm actually seeing something similar with virtualbox, and it has nothing to do with unsupported20:18
bjaand everything to do with the module not compiling20:18
theadminbja: Yes it does. 3.7 is NOT a supported kernel in Ubuntu. It's from a third-party.20:19
bja(check your make.log)20:19
theadmin(or maybe they're using Raring which isn't exactly supported either, not here anyway)20:19
Yokobrnevermind, just fixed it by myself20:20
bjatheadmin, if a proper kernel-headers has been installed and the module compiled, you would not see that message20:22
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afreakklis it really tricky to install nvidia drivers for ubuntu 12.10 ?20:33
Noskcajafreakkl, no drivvers are hard to install, except AMD legacy20:33
afreakklI did this http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-quetzal-nvidia.html but im not even sure if its installed yet,, shows unknown graphics under system , and the HDMI output doesnt work20:34
deadmundIf I ssh to another machine (that I am logged into via the gui) who I can I open gui applications on the remote machine using the ssh connection?20:35
theadmindeadmund: export DISPLAY=:0 and then just like normally.20:37
deadmundtheadmin: thanks20:37
PatrickDickeytheadmin: I'm guessing you do that in the ssh terminal window, right? (after you've logged in)20:37
theadmindeadmund: (:0 is the default, but see whatever display your actual X server uses by running echo $DISPLAY inside of an X terminal)20:38
deadmundtheadmin: Thanks!20:38
meteors2313Hey everyone I want to get my nickname registered20:38
meteors2313Can anyone help me out and guide for the same?20:39
sonOfRa/msg nickserv help20:39
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DJones!register | meteors231320:39
ubottumeteors2313: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type Ā« /nick <nickname> Ā» to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:39
meteors2313!register | meteors231320:40
ubottumeteors2313, please see my private message20:40
SoruSomeone knows how to install dungeon defenders from the humble bundle? I got this when I try to execute it, because when I click it, doesn't happens: bash: ./dundef-linux-03052013.mojo.run: File or directory doesn't exists.20:40
theadminSoru: You're not in the right directory or you typed the file name wrong.20:41
Sorutheadmin: But if I tab it, it writes the name for me, so i'm on the right directory :S20:42
theadminSoru: Err. That's odd.20:42
sonOfRaSoru: maybe it has unresolved dependencies? I had a similar problem once with the android developer packages20:42
theadminSoru: Is it executable?20:42
Sorutheadmin: yes20:42
sonOfRaIt had unresolved dependencies, and the error it showed when trying to execute was that the file of the executable could not be found20:42
Jordan_USoru: Please post the exact error message, copied and pasted, rather than a paraphrase.20:43
theadminSoru: sonOfRa makes a valid point. Use ldd to check what the executable depends on, see if you have all those libs.20:44
acollinsIf I see a setsockopt error -22105 in a log file, how do I work out what it means? I can't see it in any man pages and googling doesn't match anything meaningful.20:44
SoruJordan_U: ash: ./dundef-linux-03052013.mojo.run: File or directory doesn't exists.20:44
Sorutheadmin: sonOfRa: Ok, thanks. Let's see..20:44
Sorutheadmin: It's not a dinamic executable20:45
Jordan_USoru: I'm surprised to see such a basic error message that is gramattically incorrect...20:45
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SoruJordan_U: Sorry, I don't have it in English20:45
SoruJordan_U: I do my best20:45
theadminSoru: LANG=C20:45
SoruAhhh ok20:46
Sorubash: ./dundef-linux-03052013.mojo.run: No such file or directory20:46
Jordan_USoru: Whenever you're modifying output that someone has asked for to debug a problem, make sure that you explain that you have modified it (in this case, translated it).20:46
Sorutheadmin: Now, the correct is: not a dynamic executable20:47
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Jordan_USoru: That's probably because it's a 32 bit executable but you're missing 32 bit libraries.20:47
SoruJordan_U: Sorry, thank you.20:48
Jordan_USoru: No problem :) You're welcome.20:48
SoruJordan_U: Do you know what packages I need for downloading the 32 bit libraries?20:49
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tay1how do you guys get into this channel using ubuntu? i tried using xchat20:49
tay1but there was some error message about sasl20:49
sefsefi am on using Ubuntu20:50
tay1what are you using?20:50
tay1which client20:50
sefsefand how did you install xchat?20:51
MartynKe-hey quick question about the server role LAMP. is it best to install these components individually AFTER a server 12.04 install OR DURING the install??20:51
tay1from the ubuntu software store20:51
theadminMartynKe-: Doesn't matter at all really.20:52
huttanMartynKe-: either way is fine, personally i like to do it manually20:52
tay1cmon there has to be someone who is using xchat on ubuntu20:53
SoruI'm using Quassel20:53
tay1do you need to configure it or do anything to get it to working?20:53
huttantay1: it should simply be: sudo apt-get install xchat20:54
MartynKe-ok, well I'm thinking if i let it do it DURING the install, i can then do an apt-get update or apt-get upgrade right??20:54
MartynKe-I'm new to this, sorry if the question is dumb!20:55
huttanMartynKe-: yeah ofcourse20:55
sefsefDo sudo apt-get update first20:55
sefsefthat way you get the latest version upon insta..20:55
tay1do you hvae to configure it?20:56
MartynKe-ok cool. well i'll go for the auto install during setup and then do the update & upgrade. my intention is to get a wordpress site on here20:56
huttantay1: no, its already built for ubuntu when u get it through apt20:56
sefsefto do both at once, do it this way:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat20:56
roland-hey, is there a way to install some minimal version of ubuntu ? and install other things manualt20:58
DJones!minimal | roland-20:58
ubotturoland-: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:58
theadminSpeaking of the alternate/minimal installer, is this debian-installer or just Ubiquity that looks like debian-installer?20:59
tay1it said it wa salready the latest20:59
* _goxxsy_ veche drugari ! :-) :D21:00
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roland-12.04 works with uefi?21:00
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:00
theadminroland-: Yes, if you're using automatic partitioning you shan't worry about anything, if you're doing it manually see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:01
=== meteors2313 is now known as ankit
sai93is there anything that is similar to itunes in ubuntu?21:03
holsteinsai93: yes21:04
Jordan_Usai93: There are many music players / media libraries / whatever applications, including some with integrated Music/Video "stores".21:04
sai93any examples?21:05
BluesKaj!rs | _goxxsy_21:05
ubottu_goxxsy_: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.21:05
holsteinsai93: many.. can you load up a live CD?21:05
_goxxsy_:-) Thanks21:05
sai93i am using ubuntu now..21:05
holsteinsai93: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/itunes is a little dated21:06
Jordan_U!players | sai9321:06
ubottusai93: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:06
holsteinsai93: depends on the question.. if its "how can i manage my ipod?", that is quite different than "what can i play my music in?"21:07
sai93its more of what can i play my music in..i want the same ux as of itunes..21:07
holsteinsai93: ux?21:08
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sai93ya same design..21:08
Jordan_Usai93: Rather than looking for something "like iTunes", I would recommend just trying multiple players and looking for one you like.21:09
holsteinsai93: depends.. if you want itunes, you really should just run itunes.. there are many players21:09
sai93something that shows the entire music library in a decent way so i can access everything easily..21:09
theadminsai93: Ubuntu's Rhythmbox that comes with the default install can do that...21:10
holsteinsai93: the file manager shows my music library.. many of the players do that.. i would start with the default one and go to the popular ones21:10
sai93the rythmbox is not very good in that aspect..i guess i have to try a few alternatives..21:11
Jordan_Usai93: Many players do that, though of course yours and my definition of "in a decent way" differ. For example, for my uses iTunes is a very poor fit whereas quod libet is great, but my uses are probably very different from yours.21:11
holsteinsai93: so, thats one you dont like... or havent learned to configure.. banshee is another, and that is a nice list above ^^21:11
sai93ya i guess i am going to try some and find the ones that i like..thanks..21:12
_goxxsy_bora1 veche drug ! :-) :D21:12
bora1goxxsy vece i pozdrav21:12
Nexus_RussiaHi all. Please tell me how to enable font smoothing in Wine? Sorry for bad english: ()21:12
theadminsai93: You can run iTunes in Ubuntu. See !wine21:13
sai93ya i heard it is not very effective..but will give it a try..21:13
theadminsai93: "effective" is relative. Some software runs better than in Windows, some other fails completely.21:14
bora1goxxsy ovde nemas sem nas iz yge:)21:14
theadminbora1: English, please.21:14
theadminNexus_Russia: I don't think wine can do that :(21:14
bora1theadmin znam Al necu ovo je moj maternji:)21:15
bobbyzNexus_Russia: Use winetricks21:16
cakebossHey all. I am trying to send emails from terminal (no smtp server) using sendEmail. However I am getting a refused connection. Can anyone help me accomplish what I need done (that is, can anyone help me figure a way to send emails w/o an smpt server)21:16
Blacklite_bora1 what language was that?21:16
theadminAnyone know what bora1 is speaking? Send them to the right channel, please.21:16
Kurzathat's serbian21:16
pawieckiHi i have a question: How can i turn on and setup an old, wireless pc card (pcmcia)? It was detected and used while installing but now i can't get it to work (using cli)21:16
bobbyzNexus_Russia: 'sudo apt-get install winetricks', then winetricks, select default wineprefix, change settings, and select the font smoothing you want21:17
melkorWhen I use the 3.8 kernel, my microphone doesn't work.21:18
bora1It was the Serbian :)21:18
PatrickDickeybobbyz: Isn't winetricks installed automatically with wine anymore?21:18
Blacklite_On zna da je tvoja majka , u redu.21:18
theadminmelkor: That's not a supported kernel on Ubuntu.21:18
bobbyzPatrickDickey: it might be, I don't know.  Apt-get install will be a no-op if it's there already, though21:18
Blacklite_how is my serbian?21:18
PatrickDickeymelkor: Are you using Raring by chance, or did you compile it yourself?21:18
melkorPatrickDickey: neither, I'm using mainline.21:18
theadminmelkor: The kernel for Quantal is 3.5, which is the latest one can support here.21:19
bora1Keep it be great))21:19
melkorIs raring going to be 3.7?21:19
Blacklite_сŠøŠ»Š»Šø Š”рŠ±Šø. Š·Š°Ń€ Š¾Š½Šø Š½Šµ Š·Š½Š°Ń˜Ńƒ Š“Š° јŠµ Š¾Š²Š¾ ŠµŠ½Š³Š»ŠµŃŠŗŠ¾Š³ ŠŗŠ°Š½Š°Š»?21:20
theadmin!info linux-image-generic raring21:20
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB21:20
theadminmelkor: 3.8, apparently.21:20
PatrickDickeymelkor: You might be able to get help in #ubuntu+1 then.21:20
theadminBlacklite_: Please refrain from breaking dumb terminals in English-speaking channels :P21:21
Blacklite_oh. sorry.21:22
grex_25there are local channels for your languahes21:22
Blacklite_I'm using konversation, I didn'21:22
Blacklite_ realise.21:22
PatrickDickeyBlacklite_: I'll have you know, it was a goat. :P (sarcastic translation of whatever you typed)21:22
theadminBlacklite_: Nah I'm on quassel but saying for others21:22
Blacklite_srry everybody with terminal irc clients.21:23
Blacklite_I meant no harm21:23
theadminBlacklite_: dumb terminals. Those that kinda break when you give them something they can't read... I don't think they exist anymore21:23
PatrickDickeyBlacklite_: You might be able to do it in ubuntu-offtopic though.21:23
theadminWhatever, let's get back on topic21:23
edd_Can someone help me with few issues am having with unbuntu storing shite loads of logs and crashing up my server :S21:24
theadminedd_: Make sure you have logrotate installed.21:24
* PatrickDickey although it's useful to know you can do it (the different languages) so you can direct someone to the right language channel.21:24
edd_yeah  theadmin  i have i even just ran it in the console21:25
theadminedd_: Hmm... That's odd then, but you can clean out the logs manually (rm -rf /var/log/*)21:25
edd_Someone said my var/logs is full and i have no idea what do with it as i dont have gui :(21:25
PatrickDickeyedd_: along with what theadmin said, I'd install webadmin. You can delete your logs through it, and probably disable logging in some of the applications.21:25
edd_PatrickDickey: i have webmin21:25
edd_where is it that would be fantastic21:25
PatrickDickeyedd_: I'll look at mine. I know that it has modules like logwatch or similar. And I think in the individual servers, you can disable logging.21:26
Blacklite_I'm using OpenSUSE, rage at me if you dare21:26
edd_Ok thanks PatrickDickey  this is 5th ive fixed it am running out of things to delete here :( and most of wemin gives me errors "Failed to open /etc/webmin/logrotate/version for writing : No space left on device"21:27
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jocelynis there a way to upgrade 10.10 apt-get update fails as well as upgrade21:28
Blacklite_yeah, liveCD - then install21:29
Blacklite_after backing up, of course21:29
theadminjocelyn: Not really... You'd have to update to 11.04 but that's EOL too so not much you can do.21:29
theadminjocelyn: So yeah, reinstall21:29
PatrickDickeyedd_: What I'm seeing is in logrotate on Webmin, you can force it to clear the logs out now (rotate them). You can look at the individual servers to see how to disable logging.21:29
edd_i will delete stuff thne i can access that21:29
torpethello, is it possible to install ubuntu in uefi-mode while windows 7 installed on a separate disk but uses mbr-partitiongin?21:30
torpetwill the uefi bootloader be able to chainload the conventional windows-install?21:30
theadmintorpet: Sure, why not.21:30
jocelyneek is there a repo i can just  grab dep files from21:30
theadmintorpet: Ah, as for the bootloader I'm not sure. But it's on a different HD.21:30
theadminjocelyn: For 10.10? No, because it's EOL. They all were taken down.21:30
edd_PatrickDickey: where about is this21:31
zzzevhey all, i'm writing a bash script to set up a basic set of software non-interactively on a fresh ubuntu install, but i run into a grub error (loses track of original install location) that requires me to interactively set the install devices for grub. i can interactively fix the problem by running dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc, but im looking for a non-interactive way to set it (i know it needs to be /dev/sda)21:31
PatrickDickeyedd, you have to install the module (Log File Rotation) in webmin. Then it's under System.21:31
theadminzzzev: Can't you just use "grub-install /dev/sda")21:31
ikoniaedd_: I assume you know webmin is not supported on ubuntu ?21:31
edd_it is21:32
jocelyntheadmin,  ok thanks21:32
edd_Am using it...21:32
ikoniaedd_: it's not21:32
ikonia!webmin | edd_21:32
ubottuedd_: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.21:32
zzzev@theadmin: no, unfortunately that doesn't seem to set it permanently, i believe the comment on this answer refers to what i need to do, but its not descriptive: http://askubuntu.com/a/9164421:32
edd_worked for 12 weeks?21:32
edd_Now its not :/21:32
theadminedd_: The fact that it works doesn't mean it's supported.21:32
theadmin!wfm | edd_21:32
ubottuedd_: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/21:32
edd_il look into it21:33
edd_for now id like my site back running :S21:33
MartynKe-hey so I'm editing my ipaddress in the interface conf fileā€¦how do i save it?21:34
MartynKe-i set it to static, but i need to save it now21:34
ikoniaMartynKe-: it's just a text file, how you save it will depend on your editor21:34
PatrickDickeyedd what I'd say to do right now, is go into /var/log and either delete everything in it, or keep the most recent version of every log.21:34
ikoniaMartynKe-: are you using a desktop ?21:34
MartynKe-i just Worte my dns servers in and now i need to save.21:35
ikoniaMartynKe-: so you don't have a desktop running ?21:35
PatrickDickeyMartynKe-: what editor are you using? vi, nano, emacs, etc?21:35
theadminMartynKe-: What editor are you using? Depends. In vim, it's :w, in nano, it's Ctrl-O, in emacs it's Ctrl-X Ctrl-S. In editors for mortals, it's Ctrl-S.21:35
MartynKe-pretty svim21:35
edd_PatrickDickey: i only have console and webmin21:35
PatrickDickeyProbably :w then MartynKe-21:35
MartynKe-that just types a : and a "w" ?21:36
zzzevsorry to bump the same question; but can anyone explain what the comment on this answer means (the debconf bit)? http://askubuntu.com/a/9164421:36
theadminMartynKe-: ...exit the insert mode21:36
theadminMartynKe-: Escape.21:36
PatrickDickeyedd, cd /var/log ls -l (to see what's there) and either rm -f *.* or start deleting manually.21:36
MartynKe-says recording21:36
theadminMartynKe-: Don't use vim unless you know how... You could ruin some stuff. It takes learning.21:36
ikoniaMartynKe-: why are you using a server install if you can't use the basics of a text editor21:36
ikoniaMartynKe-: why not run this on a desktop with helpful tools ?21:37
theadminikonia: vim isn't exactly your common text editor, eh21:37
MartynKe-i got it. thanks21:37
* PatrickDickey prefers nano over vim and emacs... But has to get used to vim for a class next Fall.21:37
theadminPatrickDickey: Here's a good way to learn: http://vim-adventures.com (needs a GUI browser with sane HTML5 support, though)21:38
edd_PatrickDickey: no such directory /var/logs21:38
PatrickDickeyMartynKe-: for future reference when it comes to vim, you could go to linux-tips.com and download their graphical cheat sheet for it.21:38
PatrickDickeyedd_: try /var/log I didn't get my 23 hours of sleep today, so my brain is a bit foggy. :)21:39
MartynKe-thanks patrick!!21:39
edd_now ill delete it all21:39
edd_balls to it21:39
PatrickDickeytheadmin: would Google Chrome be sane enough for the site?21:39
theadminPatrickDickey: Most certainly :)21:39
YokoBRguys, i'm downgrading to 12.04 to support amd legacy drivers.. xserver is 1.12 on 12.04, right?21:39
* PatrickDickey really wonders if I'm sane enough for the site. :P21:40
ikoniaYokoBR: you need to re-install21:40
ikoniaYokoBR: you can't downgrade21:40
theadminYokoBR: "X -version" tells me "X.Org X Server 1.11.3"21:40
edd_PatrickDickey:  i think it did it mate :S21:40
YokoBRikonia, yeah, i mean reinstall21:40
edd_this is 6th time ive fixed it though21:40
ikoniaYokoBR: that's fine, just checking21:40
roland-12.04 has gnome 2 or 3?21:40
theadminroland-: GNOME 3 with the !unity shell.21:41
ThinkT510roland-: 321:41
YokoBRikonia, it's such a shame that amd won't realease legacy drivers for 1.13 above21:41
PatrickDickeyedd_: next time, before you delete everything, find out what all is logging there. And then google the different applications to find out how to disable logging. Or how to limit the size of the logs.21:41
edd_ok mate thanks21:41
ThinkT510roland-: 10.04 is the only currently supported lts with gnome2 (and that desktop support ends next month)21:41
edd_am checking virtual server now to see what i can turn off21:42
theadminroland-: Ubuntu has an official Xfce version, called Xubuntu. It's extremely similar to Gnome2, try it.21:42
roland-i like xfce21:42
PatrickDickeyYokoBR: It's a case of they claim that they've maxxed out the graphics cards capabilities. In reality, it's also a case of "We want you to buy new cards."21:42
edd_Log file is empty21:42
ikoniaPatrickDickey: I'd appreciate you not making things up about vendors21:42
edd_am getting the hang of this21:42
* PatrickDickey likes LXDE also21:42
roland-used it before, but instead of xubuntu I can use ubuntu minimal and apt-get install xfce4 right?21:42
edd_TY PatrickDickey21:42
edd_tytytytytytytytytyty <321:43
FloodBot1edd_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
ThinkT510roland-: yes21:43
theadminroland-: That works too.21:43
edd_PatrickDickey:  the flootbot told me i should thank you like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5641497/ :)21:44
PatrickDickeySorry, I should have put IMO after my comment. As, the second portion was purely my opinion.21:44
ikoniaPatrickDickey: there is no need to make any comment21:44
PatrickDickeyedd_: Not a problem. Of course you need to thank a few others. They were pointing you in that direction as well.21:45
phenriquei want recover two HD volumes of my computer. It had windows. What is the best linux distribution for do it?21:45
edd_True, thanks everyone else also :P21:45
AdvoWorkanyone got any ideas why when i'm copying lots of files from an iphone 4 to my local drive, it hangs after a while and stops transfering? can't work out whats going on..21:45
ikoniaphenrique: any should work fine21:45
edd_Lets hope fix 6 fixes the issue21:45
AdvoWorkim using ubuntu 12.1021:46
PatrickDickeyedd_: Eventually you'll have to clean out the directory again. You'll want to go through the individual applications though, and disable logging if you don't need it.21:47
melkorAdvoWork: what are you using to copy?21:47
edd_ok well am in webmin now it looks like everythign is making logs haha21:47
phenriqueikonia, is there any small distribuition what mount all partitions?21:48
ThinkT510!webmin | edd_21:48
ubottuedd_: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.21:48
ikoniaphenrique: well, any of the ubuntu based ones should work21:48
edd_ubottu: what can i use instead?21:48
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:48
AdvoWorkmelkor, just in nautilis. i plug the phone in, it mounts the phone, lists as afc or acf:// or something similar  and then i go into it, then dcim and try and copy the photos21:48
PatrickDickeyedd_: You could google webmin alternatives and see which ones are supported on ubuntu, if any.21:49
edd_will do21:49
edd_for now ill jsut get by on this21:49
edd_its only my uni project21:49
FloodBot1edd_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:49
edd_testuser - testaccount21:49
xodiakJust installed ubuntu 12.10. Graphics experience seems okay mostly. Until I move a window around the desktop. Very jerky and kind of laggish. Any ideas?21:49
ikoniaedd_: please calm down21:50
edd_PatrickDickey:  awstats? this is probs the cause there is masses of info21:50
PatrickDickeyedd_: It's an automated script. They do that, because it can disrupt the chat room. And depending on how the flooding is done, it can knock people out of the room.21:50
jhutchins_wkedd_: logrotate should be installed and should prevent the log directory from filling up.  You might want to look at why it's not.  Possibly something webmin messed um.21:50
jhutchins_wkmessed up.21:50
edd_Oh ill save tha tin note pad and get on that tomoz i forgot about that pat did say21:51
AdvoWorkmelkor, any suggestions?21:52
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melkorAdvoWork: maybe check dmesg?21:53
melkorDoes the phone go to sleep or change states while you are copying?21:53
AdvoWorknou, nothing, i even turned off auto lock incase it was that, ill check dmseg21:54
PatrickDickeyedd_ you might look at Zentyal http://www.zentyal.org It's a Small Business Server that runs on Ubuntu. Kind of a Microsoft Small Business Server replacement.21:54
boston62If running a private server that is running Ubuntu 12.04, why would you need to install audio, video etc.? There not in use.21:55
zrbeckerI have a radeon video card and I just install xubuntu. How can I check what driver it is using? It is my understanding there are 2 for radeon cards.21:58
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onicromdoes anyone know of a way to set crontab to use a different timezone (and yes ive googled none of the methods mentioned work) .  i used to use fcron but that is no longer part of ubuntu (im using 12.04)21:59
ikoniaonicrom: it has to use the system time22:00
NP-Completeassanyone able to tell me what the size of their kernel is?22:00
ikoniaNP-Completeass: why ?22:00
NP-Completeassikonia: we were discussing kernel sizes in #gentoo, and I wanted a comparison with another distro22:01
ikoniaNP-Completeass: it really doesn't matter, as it depends on the version, the modular kernels are not a good example22:01
onicromikonia: but i dont want it to use the system time, the system time is UTC and we need a particular job to run in a timezone with DST22:02
ikoniaonicrom: that's not going to happen22:02
onicromikonia: i could make it happen with some hacks but im trying to avoid that22:02
myersghow do I uninstall a .deb from the terminal?22:02
ikoniaonicrom: no, you can't,22:02
NP-Completeassikonia: aww, you mean you won't just ls -l /boot for me? :)22:02
Gioradpkg -r22:02
PatrickDickeyDanikar: you could type fglrxinfo into a terminal. It will give you detailed information about the card and driver.22:02
melkorNP-Completeass: from 143M to 160M for 3.8.422:03
onicromikonia: yes yes i can (shell variable plus that `at` command)22:03
ikoniamelkor: still use apt-get22:03
NP-Completeassthank you melkor.22:03
onicromikonia: the other less hacky version is to just install fcron from source22:03
ikoniaonicrom: cron doesn't run from a user shell22:03
ikoniaonicrom: installing fcron from source won't change the fact that it uses the system clock22:03
DanikarPatrickDickey, command not found. is there a package i need to install first?22:03
onicromikonia: with fcron you can specify the timezone to execute the job and i used this successfully in ubuntu 10.0422:04
melkorNP-Completeass: that is the /lib/modules/linux-XX sizes.22:04
ikoniaonicrom: sorry, I can't see how that can work22:04
onicromikonia: why not?22:04
onicromi can22:04
ikoniafair enough22:04
Cache_MoneyWhy didn't this cronjob run successfully?  http://pastie.org/709422822:05
ikoniaCache_Money: python normally isn't in /usr/local/bin22:05
PatrickDickeyDanikar: sudo lshw -C video it will tell you what driver is installed22:05
ikoniaCache_Money: you are also not using absoloute paths22:05
onicromCache_Money: is the test.py executable?22:06
Cache_Moneyikonia: okay.  the command $ python test.py works22:06
onicromchmod +x /home/ubuntu/cronjobs/test.py22:06
ikoniaCache_Money: yes, "python" does not mean /usr/local/bin/python22:06
ikoniaCache_Money: and your shell enviornment has a cwd - your cron enviornment doesn't22:06
GioraHey is it possible to turn off scroll lock when changing language on ubuntu 12.10?22:06
onicromtry /usr/local/bin/python22:07
onicromtry /usr/local/bin/python /home/ubuntu/cronjobs/test.py22:07
PatrickDickey!ATI | Danikar This page will help you troubleshoot your graphics card.22:07
ubottuDanikar This page will help you troubleshoot your graphics card.: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:07
onicromdoes that work?22:07
Cache_Moneyikonia: so, what would the directory path be then?22:07
DanikarPatrickDickey, thanks22:07
ikoniaCache_Money: to where the file is22:07
Cache_Moneyikonia: that's what I did: </home/ubuntu/cronjobs/test.py>22:08
ikonia4cnot in the script you didn't22:08
ikoniaCache_Money: not in the script you didn't22:08
ikoniaCache_Money: again /usr/local/bin/python is not normal for python, and you didn't use absolute paths in the script22:08
Cache_Moneyikonia: the Use Case section is in the cronjobs directory22:08
ikoniaCache_Money: ok - that has no relevence to what I just said,22:08
onicromikonia: thanks anyway22:09
bobbyzCache_Money: He's telling you to update the shebang line (#!/usr/local/bin/python from your scripts)22:09
onicromi shall hackaway22:09
ikoniaCache_Money: you just I just asked you about absoloute paths, and the wrong path for python and you responded with "my car is blue"22:09
bobbyzCache_Money: change that first line of your script to either #!/usr/bin/python or #!/usr/bin/env python22:09
Cache_Moneyikonia: sorry, i misunderstood22:11
Heavensrevengeah life22:11
Heavensrevengeok, in ubunru, where does it keep the kdmrc file? as im using kdm as a login manager and its trying to autologin into the cinnimon desktop and failing since im using it in vmware and i imagine it fails without 3d acceleration22:12
Heavensrevengei just have no idea where the configuration file of kdm is to prevent autologin into the desktop env22:12
GioraVMware has 3d support for linux22:12
PatrickDickeyHeavensrevenge: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf maybe?22:13
Heavensrevengewell ive got the check box checked, regardless its trying to autologin into a DE i cant use, so i need to stop ot :P22:13
Cache_Moneybobbyz: Changing the shebang from #!/usr/local/bin/python to #!/usr/bin/python didn't work.  Neither did #!/usr/bin/env python...22:14
ravenhow to configure a _transparent_ wlan gateway (machine should uplink traffic of local cable network via wlan)22:14
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PatrickDickeyCache_Money: when you put the cronjob in, did you put it in as the ubuntu user or sudo?22:17
ExilepilotGuise, I need help :/22:17
ExilepilotI'm guessing this is the right place?22:17
Cache_MoneyPatrickDickey: as ubuntu.  I just added a tast as $ sudo crontab -e22:17
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bobbyzCache_Money: make sure the script is executable (chmod +x /your/script.py)22:18
PatrickDickeyif you used sudo crontab -e, then you need to make sure that root has permissions to that file.22:18
Cache_Moneybobbyz:  here is the result from $ ls -l   -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 119 Mar 23 14:12 test.py22:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 119 in Launchpad itself "wrong escaping of tab characters in exported .po files" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11922:19
bobbyzCache_Money: that means it is not executable.  chmod +x test.py22:19
ravenhow to configure a _transparent_ wlan gateway (machine should uplink traffic of local cable network via wlan)22:19
Cache_Moneybobbyz:  okay, thanks22:19
bobbyzCache_Money: you're welcome.  What happens is that when the file is marked executable, then your shell will execute that first shebang line, feeding the file name as an argument22:20
bobbyzso #!/usr/bin/python becomes '/usr/bin/python test.py'22:21
Apellizcoshola a todos necesito ayuda22:21
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: feel free to ask your question. If somoene can help you, they will.22:21
ExilepilotFirstly, when I logged in I had an error "ICEAuthority"... something about updating, I then tried to log in using ALT + CTRL + F1 and check but I relized my home folder was encrypted but I have no idea what the passphrase is because I can't remember setting it up. Now I am in a mega head ache, I tried making another account and now when I login it logs me out automatically. FYI: Using IRC in guest account.22:21
ExilepilotDoes that make any sense, if not I'll try explain a little clearer.22:22
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: when you tried logging in via CTRL+Alt+F1, did it prompt you for a password to access your home folder?22:23
Apellizcosalgun espaƱol por aqui22:23
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PatrickDickeyApellizcos: puede ir a #ubuntu-es por ayudar. O si hablas ingles, entonces ayudamos aqui.22:24
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: were you able to get into your home directory? If you tried, I mean.22:25
JpmhExilepilot: your home folder is not writable, this is a permissions thing.  Just boot in recovery mode, then when on as the root change te permits of /home/yourUser to 700 amd re-boot22:25
ExilepilotJpmh: Change the permits of /home/? (I am a noob) How22:26
JpmhExilepilot:  chmod 700 /home/WhatevereYourUserIs22:27
uvalahello, anyone can help me with a problem sending email (using claws-mail) ?22:27
Cache_Moneybobbyz: I'm pretty sure I did everything correct  http://pastie.org/7094346  Still, I couldn't get the cronjob to run successfully22:28
ejv!anyone | uvala22:28
ubottuuvala: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:28
Cache_Moneyis the command in the cron table correct?22:28
ExilepilotRight, I'll try it22:28
ExilepilotWhat does it do exactly, if I may ask :)22:29
* PatrickDickey is thinking that the passphrase was your login password.22:29
uvalasure :) this is the error I get while sending email: http://troll.ws/image/ef00301c22:29
=== Jobbe^ is now known as Jobbe
janisozaur_how do i disable aptd starting on every boot?22:29
ikoniauvala: what is not clear about that ?22:29
uvalaikonia, I dont know why this appears. I use the same program with the same settings for months now, it happened only after recent reinstallation22:30
ikoniauvala: look at the error "cannot get recipents key...."22:30
bobbyzCache_Money: It probably executed but wrote to your home directory now.  You have 'with open(<relativepath>)' which is going to open with the current working directory as /home/ubuntu when that script is run22:31
uvalayes, thing is, this appeared when I tested it between my own accounts, which were not encrypted22:31
uvalaikonia, yes, thing is, this appeared when I tested it between my own accounts, which were not encrypted22:31
ikoniauvala: it thinks they are, checking your settings22:31
Cache_Moneybobbyz:  oh, you're right22:32
uvalaikonia, but nowhere in the settings, including the privacy section, is any encryption. it cant be, because the whole system has been newly installed22:32
ikoniauvala: it thinks it is22:32
ikoniauvala: also check the smtp server it's sending to - that may require encryption22:33
bobbyzCache_Money: Also a couple more pointers.  First, you can 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' and see when cron jobs are executing (marked CRON).  Second, if a job outputs anything to stdout or stderr (the latter being the case when something blows up), your user is mailed the output22:33
YokoBRguys, please.... I've installed 12.04, but says that xserver is 1.13... i need 1.1222:33
ikoniaYokoBR: you can't have it22:34
bobbyzCache_Money: You can use the 'mail' program to see the local mail that was delivered to you from the cronjob22:34
uvalaikonia, it is the same smtp server I've been using. besides, it worked between another pair of accounts of mine22:34
YokoBRikonia, so i can't have my gpu running correctely22:34
ikoniauvala: ok, so the problem is your config for your accounts then, if it's working for others22:34
PatrickDickeyYokoBR: Which grahpics card do you have?22:34
Cache_Moneybobbyz:  would I add the tail command to the end of the command within the cron table?22:34
bobbyzCache_Money: no, that's a command you would run from a new terminal.  It will just output the contents of the log file as they are udpated22:35
YokoBRPatrickDickey, Hybrid HD 4250 and HD 631022:35
uvalaikonia, I changed nothing with my account settings, either22:35
uvalaikonia, I will check everything once again now22:35
PatrickDickeyYokoBR: Have you looked at the information on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI by chance?22:36
YokoBRPatrickDickey, mine is muxless, so switcheroo won't work. Also, ati legacy driver needs xserver 1.12, and ubuntu's 1.13.22:37
ravenhow to configure a _transparent_ wlan gateway (machine should uplink traffic of local cable network via wlan)22:38
ikoniaraven: sorry what ?22:38
ExilepilotDon't know what chmod 700 /home/myhomedir does.22:38
ExilepilotI did it though22:39
ikoniaExilepilot: changes the permissions22:39
belidzsikonia it's called bridging22:39
ikoniabelidzs: yes, I know what bridging is22:39
belidzsi wanted to address this to raven, sry :)22:40
ExilepilotStill can't login to my account, when I login it logs me out right after22:40
PatrickDickeyYokoBR: while I'm not sure how "supported" this is, it is from the AskUbuntu site. And I've seen it here before. http://askubuntu.com/questions/223970/amd-legacy-driver-in-12-1022:40
Exilepilotexec -o whoami22:41
YokoBRPatrickDickey, That's what i'm doing right now, although i've already tryied on 12.1022:42
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: Are you on ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10?22:43
JpmhExilepilot: chmod changes the permissions of the /home... to the value 700 - 700 can be thought of as 4+2+1 in the first digit and 0 in the next two.  4 is allow write, 2 allow read, 1 allow execure.  The first digot is for the owner, the second digit, which we left as 0 is for other members of the group and the third for all others22:43
=== scotty is now known as Guest16762
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: from the terminal, type ls -l /home22:46
PatrickDickeyWhat you're looking for is on your home directory, does it show your name or something else next to it? For example on mine it showsdrwxr-xr-x 88 patrickdickey patrickdickey 12288 Mar 23 00:09 patrickdickey22:47
uvalaikonia, it was indeed the config - thank you very much!22:51
ExilepilotPatrickDickey: Should I give you the output?22:53
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: just tell me if it's your username or not? It should be the same all the way across the line.22:53
ExilepilotThe whole output is my username that I have problems with22:54
PatrickDickeyhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/197746/error-could-not-update-iceauthority-file-and-problem-in-configuration-se might be helpful then Exilepilot. It says make it chmod 755 instead of 700.22:56
ExilepilotYes, but does when I login to the account it say's "Perhaps you should try 'ecryptfs-mount-private'", when I do this it asks me for a passphrase that I don't have? So, changing permissions will override this?22:58
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: That, I'm not sure about. I'll do a little more digging.22:59
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: did you change your password by chance, or install Gnome 3?23:03
ExilepilotPatrickDickey: I forgot to add a little more context, yes I did change my password this was because I couldn't login via ALT+CTRL+F123:05
ExilepilotI changed this via root (recovery mode)23:07
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: then I think you need to do sudo chown -R ricky:ricky /home/ricky In the searching, I've seen it as sudo chown ricky:ricky /home/ricky also.23:09
ExilepilotPatrickDickey: As root?23:09
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: If you can do it as root, then don't put sudo before it. Otherwise no, you'll have to do it as an administrator though.23:10
YokoBRguys.... i'm almost installing 10.0423:10
ikoniayou should not be root23:10
ikoniathe root account is locked23:10
YokoBRi can't live with this anymore... i need my amd drivers23:10
PatrickDickeyikonia, he'd have to boot back into the Recovery Console to do it as root, correct?23:11
YokoBRand as it seems, 10.04 is my only option.23:11
ikoniaPatrickDickey: I've not been following, I don't know what you are trying to do, I do know you should not be root though23:11
PatrickDickeyikonia: Exilepilot is logged in on the Guest Account. He's getting an ICEAuthority not updating error when he logs in under his account, and it logs him back out.23:12
ikoniaPatrickDickey: so just delete the authority file23:12
ikoniait will re-create when he logs in23:12
YokoBRPatrickDickey, ikonia, do you guys think i should downgrade to 10.04?23:12
PatrickDickeyikonia: also, he changed the password for his account from a recovery console. And he has an encrypted home.23:12
ikoniaYokoBR: what ?23:12
YokoBRikonia, i need to install that ati drivers.. and i need xserver 1.1223:13
ikoniaPatrickDickey: well that just sounds like a pointless mess, another example of using encyption when there is no real need and now having a problem23:13
ikoniaYokoBR: so ?23:13
YokoBRikonia, do you think i should install 10.04?23:13
tarquacan someone tell me how to get xorg to ignore EDID in ubuntu 12.10? every page i look at has a different answer23:13
ikoniaYokoBR: you should use whatever meets your requirements23:13
YokoBRikonia, thank you, sir23:13
PatrickDickeyYokoBR: In the link that you were looking at (the one I gave you also), if you use their third party ppa (Yes, I know that's not supported here), it downgrades your X Server to 1.12.23:14
ikoniaYokoBR: apply common sense, your card is in legacy support....it doesn't work in later versions either a.) update your card b.) use an older system c.) get a custom xorg build23:14
YokoBRpatrickdickey, i've downgraded, but got a black screen.23:14
YokoBRikonia, it's a laptop, i can't upgrade. The custom build crashes everything, leaving me a black screen.23:15
PatrickDickeyYokoBR: Did you do a clean install of 12.04? I'm asking because originall you were on 12.10 right?23:15
ikoniaYokoBR: ok, so that leaves "b"23:15
YokoBRPatrickDickey, clean install.23:15
YokoBRikonia, sure23:15
ikoniaYokoBR: problem solved,23:15
YokoBRdamn you ati. :(23:16
ExilepilotPatrickDickey: I'm pretty sure there's a way I can decrypt my home folder from live CD, if so I can retrieve all the 'useful' data and do a clean install. Also learn from my mistakes 'encrying home folder'23:16
PatrickDickeyExilepilot: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/04/introducing-ecryptfs-recover-private.html might help then. Otherwise google mounting an encrypted home folder from live cd.23:18
irc4My wifi switch is clearly on and it's telling me I have wireless disabled by a hardware switch. I tried Windows and Backtrack as well (it's the same). Here is what ubuntu gives me in terms of logs: http://pastebin.com/iugKikyw23:26
irc40: ideapad_wlan: Wireless LANSoft blocked: noHard blocked: no1: phy0: Wireless LANSoft blocked: noHard blocked: yes23:28
irc4but the switch isnt on sigh23:28
kostkonirc4, tried:  rfkill unblock all  ?23:29
kostkonirc4, sorry i meant:  rflist unblock all23:29
kostkonno it's rfkill :/23:29
kostkonirc4, rfkill unblock all23:30
irc4Yes, under wireless networks it still says "wireless disabled by a hardware switch"23:30
Jordan_Uirc4: Maybe the switch is simply broken. Is it still under warranty?23:30
bobbyzirc4: make sure it's not disabled in your BIOS too.  If it is still disabled even under Windows, I would check BIOS settings23:30
irc4I checked the bios too. Thanks.23:30
irc4Well I was using airodump-ng and closed the laptop... if that did anything lol23:31
irc4by mistake I did23:31
irc4then I rebooted from backtrack and wireless stopped working23:31
sebastiansam55anyone know of a way to export sounds from soundfont files?23:31
irc4Should I try updating the bios in hopes of magically turning it back on?23:32
irc4"Solution: To solve the problem simply:Shutdown the computerTake out the battery and reinsert it"23:33
irc4I guess I'll try this =[23:33
irc4If this works please suggest it to others brb23:33
irc4will tell you what happened23:33
sebastiansam55anyone know where I should ask about something like that then?23:36
WelshyRobHi guys, I'm desperately trying to install quake2 (for my coursework), on by ubuntu box I have looked at all the official docs, but haven't had any joy. Can anyone recommend what to do?23:36
Espen___Anyone have experience from sending emails to alsa-devel?23:41
Espen___mailing list?23:41
Espen___Im not sure if my email reached through, and how long i should expect before it appears?23:41
k1l_Espen___: that is not a real technical ubuntu support issue, right? better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic23:42
Espen___well, it can be. but i doubt anyone can help me23:43
Espen___i've tried asking here before23:43
Espen___anyway, for you feeling up for trying: all s/pdif out devices resets the volume to 100% after, a switch from analog to digital playback23:44
Espen___showcased here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7dBJkviD4Y&t=00m15s23:45
NetworkNerd7Hey there guys, I got a laptop that has confirmed bluetooth compatibility, and is detected in lspci. The problem is that it is not being found in hcitool dev. This is an inspiron e1505 laptop. The bluetooth has worked on windows before. I've tried almost everything on google.23:45
NetworkNerd7Any ideas?23:45
NetworkNerd7(ubuntu 12.10)23:45
PatrickDickey!Bluetooth | NetworkNerd723:46
ubottuNetworkNerd7: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:46
NetworkNerd7No luck with that utorial.23:50
NetworkNerd7hcitool dev lists no devices23:50
AphelionZhi, i have a laptop that has a 32GB SSD and a 500GB HDD. I mistakenly installed ubuntu on the HDD. Is there an easy way to more or less just copy my filesystem over to the SSD, boot from there, then deal with the HDD?23:50
NetworkNerd7Nor does lspci or lsusb list it. It is only showing on the dellWirelessCtl23:50
NetworkNerd7HOWEVER, it DOES say on dellWirelessCtl --bt 1, that bluetooth is not installed, but it is supported, and enabled at boot.23:51
=== Espen___ is now known as Espnu
irc4Hey again. So I re-flashed my bios and it solved the Hardware Switch issue with my wifi.23:56
Soru_Someone knows why If I execute dungeons defender it doesn't start?23:56
irc4For some odd reason, my computer went into hibernate when running airodump-ng... and the wifi hardware switch stayed off permanently23:57
irc4anyway thanks23:57
linux389anyone know how to fix the "sudo poweroff now" not turning off my desktop? I am on ubuntu 12.10 and the dual boot shuts down fine in windows xp.23:57

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