
skellatUnit193: Alrighty, I think it should look a little better now: https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/15423601:18
Unit193I just think it's odd having "back at the disconnected computer" twice, but it does clearify where you should be.  --update --upgrade is default, but that's pedantic. You really need to do --update twice?  Wow...  As a workaround for flash,  you can enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin.  Looks pretty good!01:42
Unit193skellat: For some of my data, I've just been going off the manpage http://man.cx/apt-offline so it's not first hand.  Thanks for taking an interest in getting this in.02:02
skellatUnit193: Doing --update twice is just a safety measure02:11
skellatYou don't *have* to do it02:11
skellatIt is the **safe** thing to do02:11
Unit193That works for me.02:12
skellatThe one thing I don't mention in the direction is that there may be significant time that passes before you get to a connected computer02:13
skellatConsidering how Time Warner Cable has been swinging from .3 Mbps down to 1.8 Mbps down even though we're paying for 2 Mbps down as of late...the directions aren't mere abstractions to me but things I have to keep in mind02:15
skellatPardon me, that should be "oscillating" between .3 Mbps down *or less* and 1.8 Mbps down02:15
skellatUnit193: That man page is very old as it has a caveat even the man page in *Precise* doesn't have02:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
lderantime to see what bugs I can fix 14:03
lderanwell hopefully i can find a bug which i can help with lol17:18
GridCubelderan, why dont you check http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-raring/group/topic-raring-flavor-xubuntu.html and see if there's anything there you can do :)17:58
lderanwill do GridCube 18:00
lderanwell i can look into making the meetingology bot output wiki friendly, also have no issues with helping with documentation until i am upto speed with x/ubuntu bug fixing19:14
pleia2I think ochosi can chime in here too, but I believe bug fixing upstream in debian (the xfce packages) is pretty important too19:18
skellatThe sooner Wheezy gets done, the better19:19
pleia2err, not ochosi, mr_pouit!19:19
pleia2skellat: for sure19:19
skellatThe 100 bug wall finally got cracked so the Debian folks need help making it across the finish line19:20
pleia2I'm on this list http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pkg-xfce-devel19:20
pleia2yeah, 93 was it? woo19:20
lderanwill see what i can do to help, probably not much lol19:20
pleia2heh, I'm a sysadmin by trade - programming is not my forte :) so you can certainly help more than I!19:21
pleia2I'm mostly on that list to keep an eye on bugs that I know will pop up and bother people (and me)19:22
lderanfair enough19:25
skellatpleia2: I think this is ready for you to take a look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/15423619:45
pleia2skellat: running out to door now, but I'll take a look later19:45
pleia2thanks for working on this <319:46
skellatNot a problem19:46
knomelderan, if you want to look at the meetingology output, AlanBell can help you with the meetingology side, and i can help you with the side what kind of output we want20:28
lderansounds good to me20:29
knomelderan, for that, you want to join #meetingology :)20:30
knomelooks like the IS "fixed" ubuntu wiki tables20:41
Cheri703I know it's too late for 13.04, but I noticed something today that seems like it should be in place for 13.10 (or whatever the next one is)21:54
Cheri703the login screen doesn't have access to on-screen keyboard from the accessibility menu21:54
NoskcajCheri703, yeah, the login screen needs improvement22:13
knomethe thing is, accessibility isn't working well anyway22:14
Cheri703It'd be great to have it for people who are unable to use a normal keyboard, but I just needed it because my bluetooth one wasn't being recognized. If I didn't have a backup USB one floating around, I would have been locked out of my computer due to lack of a shortcut to onboard. which isn't great.22:34
knomeas i said, accessibility in general isn't working well. if it all worked as expected, we'd probably put more effort in getting the login screen to work22:46
knomeit doesn't help much to be able to log in to an unaccessible desktop22:46
Cheri703it does if the reason you need it isn't accessibility per se22:46
Cheri703once I was in, I could troubleshoot why my bluetooth wasn't connecting. but without being able to log in, I had no way to do that22:47
Cheri703I'd think it couldn't hurt to add one shortcut to the login screen, regardless of anything else being "fixed". but I'm not a dev, so who knows22:47
knomethe reality is that we either fix the login screen so you can login when your bluetooth kb isn't working or do 10, 20 or 30 other things22:47
Cheri703yeah, I totally have no idea how much of an ordeal it is to fix that, or if that ONE fix will apparently keep work from happening on up to 30 other things, but it was just something I figured I'd point out as a lacking feature that at least vanilla ubuntu has.22:48
knomei reality i don't know the real workload either, but that's definitely not our main focus22:49
knomevanilla ubuntu has lots of features we don't22:49
Cheri703well yes, but it's pretty standard across operating systems to have a keyboardless option for logging in. it's pretty basic22:49
knomesome of them are design decisions, some of them are limitations by xfce/other things we use and some of them are limitations from developer time/motivation22:49
Cheri703*it's a pretty basic expectation that it'd be there22:50

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