
Vadragash....yeah, thanks  a lot.00:00
Unit193Total package names: 52501 (1,050 k), oooor not.00:01
TIMAAhello I'm having some issues with my mouse disapearing well its over a video or picture01:06
TIMAAhello I'm having some issues with my mouse disapearing well its over a video or picture01:32
gr1mhey guise02:48
=== phunyguy is now known as IdolWahn
=== IdolWahn is now known as phunyguy
OrmusHello. How do I set up the sound system? I installed Enlightenment DR17 and I realized sound stopped working11:59
Ormusalsa seems to be ok, but still no sound given.11:59
Ormusprobably related to pulseaudio12:06
Ormusi tried to kill the daemon but says process is inexistant12:06
Ormusthen i tried to start and it fails12:06
xubuntu102compaq cq58-305ew13:01
xubuntu102installation in progress...13:01
Ormussound completely stopped here... it looks like the pulseaudio is at fault13:27
GridCube!hi | Guest4180613:54
ubottuGuest41806: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:54
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest57019
=== SonikkuAmerica2 is now known as SonikkuAmerica
jaydubsHello, my system is not booting correctly. I wanted to turn verbose boot on / quite off, so i boot off a live usb, then edited /etc/default/grub/ , chrooted to the drive i was trying to fix, and did update-grub. but it is looking for other things mounted. I could try to mount them - but this doesnt seem like the correct way to do this. Please advise. Thanks!15:54
holsteini would revert to my backed up grub and start over15:55
holsteinjaydubs: you dont need to chroot in from a live CD to show grub..15:55
jaydubshow can i debug the boot process? I need to turn quite off somehow. How can I do this if it is not from a live CD? And how do you commit changes to grub without 'update-grub' (which without chroot would not be on the right system)15:57
koegsjaydubs: you could try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair16:10
holsteinkoegs: you can /join #ubuntu where jaydubs is cross-posting16:12
=== xubuntu051 is now known as darmang
kgba little help, pls; which skype to use, this one? http://www.howopensource.com/2012/10/to-install-skype-4-0-0-8-in-ubuntu-12-10-12-04-using-ppa/16:27
kgbyou think that repo is ok?? is it the *official* one?16:30
darmangyou could always download skype for linux from the main website16:32
darmangI am in Africa so my Internet is a bit limited at the moment16:32
kgbright, but their version seems old and other places are updated/not updated; for some reason i got confused, just thought i'd ask16:32
koegskgb: this will install skype from the official partner repo, so thats ok16:33
kgbkoegs: yea sounds good, tnx! :)16:33
koegskgb: you will get currently16:33
kgb.. even from the repo, or from the site, there isn't for Quantal; skype seems to be for 12.04 only (and no amd64)16:52
kgbah well16:52
len-1304kgb the 32bit version should run fine on a 64 bit machine.16:53
kgblen-1304: tnx, yeah.. it's just a bit of stress, since they removed that cool-old version 2 for an *updated* one... which is no longer updated :(16:55
koegskgb: after using the line from your link, you just need to use "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install skype"16:55
kgbthey should've left the old one.. and just put the new one in a repo, or something :f16:55
kgbkoegs: got it, ty16:55
kgbnope, the partner repo just destroyed the entire xubuntu 12.10 system xD activated and installed 100s of things and it's not working properly (fresh install); just a heads-up17:31
kgbbb gonna take me hours to clean up17:32
koegskgb: i am sorry, but that is not normal :)18:29
koegsactivating the partner repository normally does not install anything "itself"18:29
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-AFK
xubuntu175tried to load xbuntu 12.0.4 on a dell latitude d600.  it gives me a messeage that i need a version for a kernal that supports I686 cpu.   where do i find that19:23
holsteinxubuntu175: on the site.. you might have downloaded the 64bit version.. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04.2/release/ the x86 one19:24
xubuntu175it is. do i need the 3219:25
holsteinxubuntu175: you need the x86 one i mentioned and linked to above19:26
xubuntu175thank you and have a blessed day19:26
xubuntu207hello all!  i'm trying xubuntu beta 1 out.  i cannot get flash to play in firefox.19:52
holstein!13.04 | xubuntu17519:52
ubottuxubuntu175: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:52
xubuntu207the xubuntu-restricted-extras is installed.19:52
holsteinxubuntu175: i use the google-chrome browser, since that is the only current version of flash for linux.. not chromium19:53
holsteinxubuntu207: ^^19:53
xubuntu207i'll give it a try...19:53
=== xGrind-AFK is now known as xGrind
GermainZCan I get Thunar to display sizes in KiB/MiB?21:04
SunStarView menu -> status bar?21:06
GermainZIt's displayed in KB/MB21:06
SunStaroh i got ya21:06
GermainZ(factors of 1000 instead 1024)21:06
GermainZWhy caps?22:20
GermainZOh, you missed the a.22:20
GermainZWhat's the problem?22:21
xubuntu328i installed 12.04, trackpad is not working, nor is wireles card, nor youtube22:22
GermainZFor youtube you need flash, I think it comes with restricted-extras22:22
GermainZYour wireless card isn't detecteD?22:23
xubuntu328well no, i checked in conections is not showing.22:24
xubuntu328and its not lighted up either22:24
GermainZIf you're using a laptop, make sure you didn't disable it. Some have a hard shortcut to do that.22:24
xubuntu328yes its and old notebook, still pretty novice with xubuntu22:27
xubuntu328germainz do yo know hw to get to settings for conections?22:31
GermainZIs it even detected?22:32
GermainZRun this: "sudo lshw -C network"22:32
GermainZWait a bit and it should output a few lines.22:33
GermainZIf you don't understand, you can paste to a pastebin (e.g. pastie.org or pastebin.com), but not here, please.22:33
GermainZif you don't understand the output *22:33
xubuntu328ok one second22:34
=== jcfp is now known as Guest76786
xubuntu328i dont wknow how to paste bin, only copy paste :) i can type fast thou22:37
GermainZCopy paste to pastebin.com and share the link.22:37
xubuntu328ctrl+c is not copying22:38
xubuntu328anyways is detecting the ethernet interface, but i guess not the wireless card22:38
GermainZCtrl+C is used to break commands when using the Terminal.22:38
GermainZWhat's the manufacturer of your wireless card?22:39
xubuntu328airlink 10122:42
GermainZDoes this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167156222:42
xubuntu328itried pastebin.om ctr+shift+v but did not copy22:42
GermainZCtrl+C or Ctrl+V unless you're in the terminal.22:42
GermainZyou only use Shift when in the terminal.22:43
xubuntu328ok it is in pastebin22:44
GermainZCould you share the link?22:45
xubuntu328one seond first time using it22:48
xubuntu328http://pastebin.com/qcuQkiXB gemainz22:50
GermainZGermainZ *22:51
GermainZDid you check the link I gave you?22:51
xubuntu328im checking it22:52
T0rtikÔèãà ñå)22:53
xubuntu328works out of the box, untweaked with linux restricted kernel.. ?22:55
xubuntu328mm how do i check if the conection is on?, it worked before.22:55
xubuntu328mm well, if the port is getting power, if i (or xubuntu) did not turn it off22:57
xubuntu328is not even blinking22:57
xubuntu328on terminal22:57
xubuntu328on terminal?22:58
xubuntu328anyone can help me set up a pci wireles card23:09
Unit193!Realtek | xubuntu32823:10
ubottuxubuntu328: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b23:10
xubuntu328thank you realtek23:11
T0rtikwho worked with Node.js?23:13
xubuntu328where can i check my internet conections? or internet settings?23:22
SunStarclick on the network indicator near the clock23:28
a27x64syOr, Settings Manager>Network Connections23:28
xubuntu328thank you23:29
xubuntu328if my wireless card is not blinking, does it mean is off? can i turn it on somehow?23:32
a27x64sySome laptops have an on/off button for WiFi23:35
xubuntu328this one does not. my wireles card that works and was detected with 11.10 is not deteted in 12.04 under wireless network connections23:37
SunStarsee documentation23:38
xubuntu328ok sunstar thanks23:38
xubuntu825xubuntu 328 is now xubuntu82523:41
a27x64sy825, if you run ifconfig do you see a section titled wlan0 or something similar?23:45
well_laid_lawnif it's not up you need to run   ifconfig -a23:46
xubuntu825one sec. i was runing wired conection, disconected and restarting23:47
xubuntu825one link said that xubuntu ewill use wired first23:47
xubuntu825ok the lights on the card are not on, not blinking. a27x64sy, do i ran ifconfig from terminal?23:52
a27x64syyes, run ifconfig in the terminal23:53
xubuntu825one section etho ethernet and one lo looback. no wlan23:55
CrazyArseMuttwhat determines xubuntu speed?23:56
xubuntu825ok well_laid_lawn same thing23:56
CrazyArseMutthey well_laid_lawn you work in landscaping?23:58

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