
ChinnoDognot morning00:49
oiaylemgood then00:54
waltmanIt's always morning somewhere00:56
oiaylemwhere might you all be from?00:58
oiaylemI wonder.00:58
waltmanI believe most of us are Pennsylvania, seeing as how this is the Ubuntu Pennsylvania Local Community Team :)01:05
waltmanMany of us live in Philadelphia or nearby01:06
JonathanDSome of us who think we don't live in Philadelphia or nearby actually reside in a holodeck.02:48
ChinnoDogholodeck, arch05:56
ChinnoDogIt didn't work05:56
rmg51Morning JonathanD10:14
JonathanDhi rmg5110:14
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to al and to all some good bacon!15:02

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