
ben_saysso.  ubuntustudio64 installed on a lenovo T40001:33
ben_sayswondering what any oppinions on audio interface.01:34
ben_saysits it best to snag something like PreSonus AudioBox USB01:34
zequenceben_says: http://wiki.linuxmusicians.com/doku.php?id=hardware_matrix01:34
ben_saysok ill dig around there.01:34
zequenceThe one you mentioned is probably one of the most reliable multichannel usb devices01:35
ben_sayscool.  one thing i'm trying to get more updated on is what is the lag on somehting like htat.01:36
ben_saysis usb> firewire, but basically negligible? or is it way better to use a tower with pci stuff...01:36
ben_saysb.c id love to be able to use this laptop atop a keyboard then be able to move it around for voice stuff.01:36
zequenceI have very little experience with usb myself, but PCI and firewire both work fine, if your HW doesn't give you any problems01:37
zequenceThere are a few people who've been using the Presonus. You could try asking about this on the Linux Audio User mail list01:38
ben_saysgreat. thanks01:39
holsteini have a presonus firepod02:14
ben_saysthat is firewire?02:15
ben_saysi'm just reading and reading on all these audio boxes.02:17
ben_sayscool stuff indeed.02:17
timothymillardoes anyone know the best way to upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 12.10?03:36
SunStarsudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:38
holsteintimothymillar: "best" can be arguable.. i like to backup my data and fresh install03:38
timothymillarthis is a fresh install so I have nothing to save03:39
timothymillarjust want to get current so I can help with development03:39
timothymillarSunstar: i'll give that a whirl thanks03:39
SunStargood luck03:40
holsteinif its a fresh install.. why upgrade?03:48
SunStarcuz its not bleeding edge03:49
holsteini mean, i would just reinstall03:49
SunStarprolly should have told him he could get 13 if he wants03:49
SunStari agree03:50
SunStarits still good to play around and learn how to use the OS. upgrading is a good thing to have experience with03:50
holsteinwont hurt anything... unless it does03:51
SunStarwell like he said it wouldnt hurt anything if it blew up03:51
zequencedist-upgrade won't upgrade the release04:03
zequenceIt's just a way to do a normal update04:04
zequencei.e., sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:04
holsteinwhat is it? do-release-upgrade ?04:04
zequenceThat timothy guy was going to help out with development, and I suggested he help us testing the release upgrade to 13.0404:05
holsteinzequence: nice!04:06
holsteinzequence: he'll be back, i bet04:06
zequenceholstein: We could really use some more people04:08
holsteinzequence: yup...04:08
SunStarill run it04:15
SunStarhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/13.04/beta-1/  <-- this the right place?05:59
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aweroi'sup folks, if I download the 13.04 beta 1 can I still upgrade to the normal version once it's out or do I need to install it again?10:25
zequenceaweroi: raring will always be raring, but if there are any default user settings that are changed before final release (which most likely won't happen for Ubuntu Studio), those will not appear in your home folder11:45
zequenceThat's pretty much it11:45
zequenceSunStar: Correct. That's our beta1 which we are testing right now12:17
mika__How to change XFCE interface to GNOME ?17:10

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