
=== TheDrums_ is now known as TheDrums
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ScottKRiddelll: Looks like we forgot to update bluedevil to the current release.04:56
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soeegood morning07:17
lordievaderGood morning07:29
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jussianyone remember the Qt/html in a web browser thing ?08:41
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agateaujussi: emscripten-qt?10:22
Riddellljussi: Wt?11:36
BluesKajHowdy folks11:44
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Riddelllhi Darkwing 12:54
DarkwingRiddelll: you have 3 'l' :D 12:54
Riddelllgosh how special of me12:55
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DarkwingRiddelll: Also, does it look like we are going to be heading toward a "rolling release"?12:55
ScottKDarkwing: No.12:55
RiddellDarkwing: nope12:55
DarkwingReally... Nothing changing then? :D12:55
Riddellshorter support period and more encouragement for people to use development version12:56
* Darkwing poders the docs12:56
* ScottK hands Darkwing an "n".12:58
kubotuDarkwing meant: "ponders the docs"12:59
DarkwingI want to switch to an online docs system, then pull them, fix the XML and upload. This way we can get more people in without forcing them to write Docbook...12:59
Riddelland we can get them online for free \o/13:00
DarkwingI just need to find the right software to use... Plus, something with a translation api built in.13:00
Darkwingor, just straight translations.13:01
Riddellmm, tricksy13:01
DarkwingI would also love a "Did this article help" button at the bottom.13:01
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RiddellDarkwing: seen ubuntu-manual?13:12
Riddellthat's quite accessible compared to the official docs13:13
DarkwingAye... hmmz.13:27
Riddellthere was a technical docs writer at the hack event I was at this weekend who commented on it as a good manual13:28
Riddellshe also says she'd be happy to do some for kubuntu if she was told what 1 hour job to do13:29
Riddellwhich is a bit limited usefulness alas13:29
DarkwingYou have an email addy?13:29
DarkwingNot really... If she can write in ODT or any text format, I'll drop it into XML/Docbook for her13:29
RiddellDarkwing: http://www.techaddiction.co.uk/contact/13:37
Riddelli think it'll need a specific appropach "update this article" etc rather than anything vauge13:37
Riddelland we'll need to convince her to install kubuntu but she's in the market for upgrading from 10.04 :)13:38
DarkwingI run the LTS on my desktop but, VM is good for it because it gives me a non-custom install13:39
DarkwingRiddell: I'll orgonaize the todo list better.13:40
MamarokI have no more notifications since my upgrade to 13.04 beta113:55
jussiagateau: itwas emscripten, thanks13:55
Mamarokgah, apparently the Notifications widget is not on the panel anymore by default13:57
Riddell/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/apps/plasma-desktop/init/00-defaultLayout.js does still say notifier13:58
soeeRiddell, todays updates make my system beta1 version ?14:00
Mamarokfor some obscure reason it was not in my panel anymore, and I have started with a fresh ~/.kde/ when I upgraded14:00
Riddellsoee: beta 1 and a week14:00
RiddellMamarok: mm needs testing14:00
RiddellI mean I'll do testing to confirm14:01
Riddellwe also need to ensure the print applet gets added on upgrade14:01
soeehow can i clone git specific branch ?14:21
ryanakcaRiddell: Seeing that I haven't made any proper changes to www.k.o in years and don't even know the current www-admin passwords, my name on http://www.kubuntu.org/contact-us should probably be replaced by whoever's currently taking care of things...14:30
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ScottKryanakca: Or you should start contributing again would be another option ...14:35
Riddellryanakca: you're assuming someone is taking care of things :)14:36
ryanakcaScottK: Does the work breakdown still include 80% of time dedicated to nagging sysadmins?14:37
ScottKOnly when we want to change stuff they need to change.14:37
ScottKMostly we try to avoid that.14:37
RiddellScottK: want to review bug 1159262 so I can review it for New?15:30
ubottubug 1159262 in Ubuntu "FFe: plasma-mediacenter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115926215:30
ScottKRiddell: Done.15:30
ScottKRiddell: What do you think about updating bluedevil?  We're a major release behind ATM.15:31
* ScottK thinks we probably should, but can't test it.15:31
RiddellScottK: yeah was going to look at that shortly, I see alex blogged about it too15:31
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DarkwingI have a couple of BlueTooth dongles...15:35
Darkwingand a laptop with bluetooth built is.15:35
kubotuDarkwing meant: "and a laptop with bluetooth built in."15:35
DarkwingPrecise, Quantal and Raring15:36
RiddellScottK: do you agree this new bluedevil doesn't need a FFe? http://www.afiestas.org/bluedevil-1-3-released/16:59
Riddellit's just bugfixes according to that post16:59
ScottKRiddell: Agreed.17:01
xnoxso in gtk world libindicate got deprecated in favor of using messaging-menu-dev (~quantal FFe). I'm now looking at reverse dependenices and I'm now finding: libindicate -> plasma-widget-message-indicator -> kopete-message-indicator.17:02
Riddellafiestas_: why the new version number for bluedevil 1.3?17:03
xnoxNow I am confused, is this meant to integrate kopete with indicator in a gnome DE -> in that case it needs porting to messaging-menu.17:03
afiestas_Riddell: what do you mean?17:03
Riddellagateau: ^^17:03
Riddellafiestas_: why 1.3 rather than 1.2.2?17:03
xnoxand is plasma-widget-message-indicator -> dissplay libindicate in a KDE DE? -> in that case it should be ported to display messaging-menu 17:03
Riddellafiestas_: it looks like bug fixes only17:03
* xnox ponders what should I be porting to what =)17:04
afiestas_Riddell: because there is a huge patch that I did not wanted in 1.217:04
xnoxunless this is all kde specific and nothing to do with gtk side of things.17:04
afiestas_removing the thread from KDED and use async dbus api instead17:04
agateauxnox: plasma-widget-message-indicator is the kde equivalent of the message menu17:04
agateauxnox: it is based on libindicate-qt, which is a wrapper for libindicate17:05
Riddellkopete-message-indicator recommends plasma-widget-message-indicator but it can aso work with unity messaging applet17:05
agateauxnox: and kopete-message-indicator is a kopete plugins which makes it work with those message menus17:05
xnoxcool, thanks.17:06
xnoxNow libindicate is depreated in favor or "src:indicator-messages" & libmessaging-menu-dev, which doesn't seem to have a -qt variant =( *sigh*17:06
* xnox wishes gir could generate C++/Qt style bindings.17:07
Riddellthe seems like quite an oversight from the people who did that deprecation17:07
xnoxRiddell: it really means that all the apps that got ported to messaging-menu work in Gnome/Unity, but don't work in KDE. And only "legacy" unported work in KDE, but not GNOME/Unity.17:08
* xnox is dizzy and day-dreaming about XOR function17:08
Riddelltime to remove the whole messaging menu from KDE then?  what a shame17:09
ScottKxnox: It means Canonical is consistent in how good a job they do of coordination can working with others.17:56
ScottKRiddell: Unfortunately, I think that's true.17:56
murthyhello everyone17:56
murthyRiddell: did smartboyhw change his nick?18:10
Riddellmurthy: no don't think so18:14
Riddellhe's just not online much at the minute18:14
Riddellhe did say something about nookita at the weekend18:14
Riddellnot sure the current status of that18:14
ScottKHe was asking for reviews.18:16
murthyRiddell: are we allowed to use the latest standards for new packages and can we update the standards of the present packages to the latest?18:17
murthyRiddell: last time i was told not to do that, but i saw in a changelog that smartboyhw has updated the standards to the latest18:18
Riddellmurthy: of course you're allowed to and encouraged to update them but not if it makes a diff compared to debian18:19
Riddellyou should read over the current debian standard to ensure it complies with it18:19
murthyRiddell: that implies we can use the latest standards for new packaging?18:20
Riddellmurthy: of course18:20
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
xnoxmurthy: i started to always do it, just to get matching/latest lintian nitpicks.19:06
murthyxnox: ok19:13
sudeepHi. I am an undergraduate student. I have worked with Qt and C++ to create small applicationsn like games, music players, hotel automation softwares etc. Can somebody recommend me a open source project in KDE for me to begin? Ideally the priject should be small scaled so that there is a lot of scope of contribution.19:34
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murthysudeep: did you take a look at the kde gsoc 2013?19:52
murthysudeep: http://community.kde.org/GSoC/2013/Ideas19:53
murthysudeep: kmix is in need for devs19:55
sudeepmurthy: Actually I am new to open source and want to proceed slowly i.e. by starting of by fixing bugs etc. 19:56
murthysudeep: ya, kmix is one such19:56
sudeepany more? Like I had a look at arora browser. It was really nice but was dead.19:57
murthysudeep: do you want to work for kde or do you want to work for kubuntu particularly?19:59
sudeepmurthy: Anyone. I have mostly being doing GUI programming. Now I am looking for something application like a web browser or music player or desktop manipulator wherein I can add features.20:01
murthysudeep: do you know python?20:03
sudeepmurthy: yup!20:04
murthysudeep: in that case what about the kubuntu installer ubiquity? 20:05
sudeepmurthy: Ok. I am sorry but I would like to work in C++. I will have a look at ubiquity anyway. Anymore suggestion in c++?20:07
murthysudeep: have you seen this http://community.kde.org/KDE/Junior_Jobs   ?20:10
murthysudeep: ignore kopete in that list20:11
murthysudeep: plasma media center is also one20:13
murthysudeep: if you know qml you could port some of the plasma widgets20:14
ScottKshadeslayer: I may have been blaming you unfairly.  This exam thing must be cultural.  vibhav was just blaming exams for lack of contribution.20:24
murthyScottK: same condition here20:32
ScottKmurthy: shadeslayer was the master of the things he could do, but not for exams.20:37
ScottKNow it's usually something about sleep.20:37
murthyScottK: ya, but he is not Mr. unstoppable :D20:39
Quintasanyofel: ping20:43
yofelQuintasan: pong, more or less20:44
Quintasanyofel: Do you have problems when trying to unlock from suspend?20:44
murthyyofel: hi20:44
murthyQuintasan: you are not able to unlock?20:45
yofelnope, works for me always. It's more a questiong whether it *locks*20:45
Quintasanmurthy: More precisely -> I open the lid -> get the password promt for unlock -> I can input the password but pressing unlock does nothing20:46
QuintasanI finally killed it with dbus20:46
murthyQuintasan: let me check20:47
murthyQuintasan: works here20:47
QuintasanIt doesn't tirgger every time here20:48
murthyQuintasan: trigger what?20:48
Quintasanthe bug...20:49
murthyQuintasan: anything in the logs?20:50
QuintasanCan't say anything for sure, .xsession-errors yields nothing20:50
murthyQuintasan: kde version?20:51
murthysame here20:52
murthydo you have some component from masters installed? i guess that may be a cause20:53
QuintasanThat's a wild (and incorrect guess)20:53
QuintasanI thought you have an idea but I guess you're as clueless as me about that20:53
murthyI haven't come across the bug yet20:54
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
yofelQuintasan: ping21:16
Quintasanone more time in 3 seconds :P21:16
yofel!ping | Quintasan21:16
ubottuQuintasan: pong!21:16
jussiQuintasan: its all your fault...21:17
Quintasanyofel: I have no fucking idea why but sometimes my plasma notification get misplaced21:17
QuintasanLike, they go to the middle of the screen instead of right above the task bar21:17
yofelif you mean top-middle with different style then knotify is not running21:17
Quintasanyofel: no, the style is oxygen21:18
yofelQuintasan: weird21:18
jussiQuintasan: evil21:18
Quintasan!ping | Quintasan21:18
ubottuQuintasan, please see my private message21:18
jussiQuintasan: I had that on an older release21:18
jussiQuintasan: because I can...21:18
QuintasanI just removed the damn notification from systray and readded it and now it works21:18
jussiQuintasan: Im going to bed, good night21:19
Quintasanjussi: Well you've been so long here21:19
Quintasanjussi: Good night then21:19
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=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
QuintasanI'm off to bed too22:54
yofelnini Quintasan23:00

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