
=== Pici` is now known as Guest9250
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czajkowskifor those who do videos this may be useful https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-videos-captions05:27
czajkowskijono: ^05:27
jonoczajkowski, cool :-)05:30
czajkowskijono: how's the little 'un05:31
jonoczajkowski, he is awesome05:32
jonohe keeps smiling and smiling :-)05:32
jonoparticularly when he loads up his nappy just before I am about to eat lunch in a restaturant today05:32
jonoczajkowski, how are you doing?05:32
czajkowskinot bad, got jon to book us a few days away next weekend in torquay05:34
czajkowskihave it in my head I want to go there, kept hearing about it growing up so trying to cross off English places to visit :)05:34
czajkowskiplus want to see Fawlety towers05:34
jonowill be a nice break :-)05:35
czajkowskiaye, :-)05:35
jonoalright, I better run, early night for me05:35
jonoafter a late night last night05:35
jonoJack's first night in a hotel05:35
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dholbachgood morning07:49
nigelbGood Morning dholbach!08:03
dholbachhey nigelb08:03
philipballewhello Ubuntu people!08:37
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dholbachdpm, hi Alter - wie war der urlaub? :)09:05
dpmhey dholbach, gut, sehr gut :)09:06
dpmUnd wie lauft's hier?09:06
dholbachauch gut :)09:07
popey\o/ fixed.. linux-image*extra was missing09:26
vibhavmy blog doesn't feed to planet09:31
* vibhav remembers pushing his commit to ubuntu planet lp09:31
philipballewAnyone wanna upvote?09:55
* philipballew awaits getting to the front page!09:59
czajkowskiphilipballew: hey if you're free some evening this week or next week want to get cracking on the join action items10:22
czajkowskidholbach: if a user wants to bring up a discussion on something technical such as pulseaudio, which list is best10:30
dholbachubuntu-devel-discuss@ probably?10:30
* dholbach hugs dpm12:16
* dpm hugs dholbach :)12:16
dholbachdpm, you might have seen some other mails as results of the CC catch up with the translations team - it was a super productive meeting12:17
dpmdholbach, I've seen bits of it. Pierre Slamich seems to have taken on some tasks, which is awesome. Who else was there?12:17
dholbachdpm, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/03/21/%23ubuntu-meeting.html12:18
dholbachteolemon, hannie, YoBoY, cqfd93, trijntje and others12:18
dpmdholbach, great. Also, if CoC v2 has landed in LP do you have superpowers to update the code in LP? It seems the old version is still in trunk. If the new one is merged into trunk then I should be able to update my branch and then send a mp for an i18n'ized CoC12:20
dholbachlet me check12:20
dholbachdpm, done12:22
dpmdholbach, cool12:24
=== Pici`_ is now known as Pici
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jonodpm, all set?15:01
dpmjono, yep15:01
jonodpm, I am there15:01
dpmjono, ok, there in a sec15:02
jcastro_jono: we still have a conflict with my moved call and the call I am on now, I figure we can sort it in ~30 or whatever?15:02
jonojcastro_, oh I thought that conflict was for that specific day15:03
jonojcastro_, so it needs to be 30mins later?15:03
jcastro_it seems this call is weekly15:03
dpmjono, sorry, having problems with logging into g+, will be there in a minute15:03
jonodpm, np15:03
dpmjono, argh, sorry, I'll try again15:06
jonodpm, np15:06
jonojcastro_, ok, I will move it back by 30m15:07
jcastro_jono: oh wait15:08
jcastro_oh no, I got mixed up, nm.15:08
jcastro_<-- ignore me, the 30min delay is correct15:08
jonojcastro_, cool15:19
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jonocjohnston, hey16:04
cjohnstonhey jono otp.16:05
jonocjohnston, quick question: is there a way in which I can see a monthly milestone by team in status.u.c?16:05
jonoI want to see monthlies by team and individual16:05
cjohnstonI'm being asked the same question by multiple people in multiple channels.. :-/16:06
cjohnstonNot to my knowledge jono16:07
jonocjohnston, ok, we need to build this16:07
jonocjohnston, who is your boss?16:07
jonojcastro_, gonna be a few mins late, wrapping an email16:30
dholbachdpm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityWebsite does not seem to mention app development yet - I'm not sure if we should squeeze it on http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-developers16:31
jcastro_jono: no worries, I'm hanging out16:31
dholbachdpm, I'm currently leaning towards mentioning it on the "development" page, and linking to a separate page and mention it on the main page as separate point as well of course16:32
dholbachdpm, what's your opinion?16:32
dpmdholbach, on a call, can we catch up on this and a couple of other things tomorrow morning?16:33
dholbachdpm, sure16:33
jonodpm, dholbach, balloons, jcastro_, mhall119 hey17:28
jonosee the email I just sent re. monthly planning17:29
jonoit is urgent17:29
jcastro_got it17:29
jcastro_and ack!17:29
dholbachjono, yep, got it17:30
dholbachjono, will do it first thing tomorrow17:30
balloonsread and excited :-) this week is definitely head down, hands on keyboard17:32
dholbachall right my friends17:36
dholbachgot to go - dinner time!17:37
dpmjono, ack17:38
chilicuilbom apetite dholba.ch"17:38
dholbachchilicuil, muito obrigado17:39
* mhall119 lunches17:40
jonojcastro_, heh18:00
jonoNewsted is playing his first show 2 miles from my house18:01
jononot surprising, he lives here18:01
jcastro_and you're not going?18:09
jcastro_well, I'd make him shave first18:09
jcastro_That phil guy told me how to solve my getting-a-print-of-old-metal-shows for my mancave btw.18:10
jcastro_basically he was like, no photographer will respond to you, they sell to the bands not you, rip the page out of the book and have it blown up18:10
jonojcastro_, I am probably gonna go18:35
bkerensajcastro_: any news on the booth?18:39
pleia2bkerensa: with canonical paying for the booth, will any of the standard loco contributors to it be able to get in?18:40
pleia2or is it just canonical folks this time?18:40
pleia2since the loco has always run the booth, it would be ashame to be shut out this year just because canonical is buying a booth18:41
bkerensapleia2: idk jcastro had asked if we had volunteers available and I said we would indeed since we have ran the booth for a few years now18:41
pleia2(other locos have encountered this in the past, and it's very troubling)18:41
* pleia2 nods18:41
bkerensain speaking with Sharon at O'Reilly she indicated that Canonical had already paid for the booth but I have heard nothing as of late18:41
jcastro_bkerensa: I'm checking up on it18:55
jcastro_I thought it was just like last year except we got you the nice booth this time?18:56
bkerensajcastro_: oh ok well that works then18:57
jcastro_that was my understanding anyway, I asked for details18:57
bkerensajcastro_: if you watch Sons of Anarchy then "I accept that"18:57
jcastro_iirc you said you had the people so we pulled the trigger18:57
bkerensajcastro_: we always have the people :P18:57
PabloRubianesjono, ping have a minute?19:03
jcastro_bkerensa: ok so Canonical already has a booth in the businessy OpenStack section19:06
jcastro_so we should be fine19:06
jcastro_jono: Robbie said to ping you wrt. to the ubuntu booth at oscon though, seeing if you were wanting to do something with mobile?19:07
bkerensajcastro_: Yeah if we had a demo phone I would be interested in doing demos during the expo days19:08
bkerensajcastro_: will those who come down to man be getting passes? In the past the non-profit booth is usually  3 passes or so19:09
bkerensaim sure that can be figured out later19:09
bkerensajcastro_: would also be happy to talk about Juju if we have some of the material from last year available19:11
jcastro_I'll have handouts and shirts again19:11
jcastro_and I will have at least 2 N7's for use.19:11
jcastro_I dunno about the passes, waiting for a response on that19:11

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