
=== Quintasan is now known as 18WAC4VUS
smspillazracarr: good read if you're interested http://googletesting.blogspot.com.au/2013/03/testing-on-toilet-testing-state-vs.html03:26
ninjaaronis Mir going to be using libxkbcommon for keyboard input?03:35
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
tvossalf___, ping08:20
* tvoss remembers alf saying that today is a public holiday in Greece08:20
RAOFIndeed he did.08:24
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch
smspillazheh, wayland fork drama11:34
alan_gsmspillaz: reference?11:35
smspillazalan_g: hang on11:36
alan_gsmspillaz: that's a hard attitude for anyone to engage constructively with11:49
smspillazalan_g: we will see where it goes - hopefully it will drum up some interesting projects11:50
alan_gmmrazik|lunch: I'm not what's up with this build. But it looks like it is getting glog while failing to get gflags (which glog needs). Can you spot the problem? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-android-raring-i386-build/117/console12:31
tvossalan_g, you need to adjust the packaging setup in debian/control12:39
tvossalan_g, and add glog as a build dependency12:39
alan_gtvoss: you mean like: 40+ libgoogle-glog-dev12:40
tvossalan_g, yup, but seems like you need to add gflags there, too12:42
alan_gSurely the transitive dependency on gflags should be implicit?12:42
* alan_g guesses it can't hurt to try12:43
=== mmrazik|lunch is now known as mmrazik
mmrazikalan_g: I don't know. I've noticed this failure (all mir failures are going to my INBOX) but I don't know12:49
mmrazikalan_g: maybe kdub can help ?12:50
alan_gmmrazik: I'll ask him when he comes online.12:50
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
tvosslool, bschaefer, seb128 https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cbad7ead46ab1c85a9bc118c525d02dad37e1bc9?authuser=0&hl=en13:24
seb128tvoss, is that an onair hangout?13:25
tvossseb128, yup :)13:25
seb128on my way (just grabbing something to drink)13:25
bschaefertvoss, hello, thanks13:26
* bschaefer has no web cam though13:26
tvossseb128, bschaefer you guys coming?13:29
tvosstmoenicke, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cbad7ead46ab1c85a9bc118c525d02dad37e1bc9?authuser=0&hl=en13:29
tvosslool, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-input-methods13:30
tvosslool, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cbad7ead46ab1c85a9bc118c525d02dad37e1bc9?authuser=0&hl=en13:30
bschaefertvoss, yeah, had to re-install the hangout plugin....13:32
tvossbschaefer, ack :)13:32
tvosskgunn, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cbad7ead46ab1c85a9bc118c525d02dad37e1bc9?authuser=0&hl=en13:33
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
tvossanyone from the Ubuntu kylin project here?13:34
loolseb128: do you remember who was pushing for the other input stack?13:34
seb128lool, input?13:34
seb128like xinput/libinput?13:34
seb128or ibus/fcitx?13:34
loolseb128: fcitx13:35
bschaefertheres a bunch, gcin, hime, fctix, ibus etc..13:37
GunnarHjIf I understand it correctly, currently a bunch of IM frameworks can be used in Ubuntu. Will MIR restrict the current possibility to choose the framework of your choice?13:48
ogra_why woudl it do that13:49
ogra_it might restrict the UI capabilities in the beginning ... but surely not the framework13:50
GunnarHjIs any of the frameworks good enough for all the IM dependent languages?13:56
happyaronGunnarHj: almostly, ibus/fcitx can fit for current situations13:57
happyaroncsslayer: hi13:58
happyaronseb128 GunnarHj: csslayer is also upstream developer of fcitx (along with Yu)13:58
seb128csslayer, hey13:59
seb128happyaron, ok13:59
GunnarHjHi csslayer13:59
csslayerseb128: happyaron GunnarHj: hi, I may leave for my lab meeting soon, I just login in and look around :) sorry14:00
seb128csslayer, no problem, thanks for being around14:00
GunnarHjSo I take it that we can, if we want, disregard from all the other frameworks that currently is supported by e.g. im-config.14:00
seb128csslayer, we are trying to figure out what are the main difference between ibus/fcitx14:01
seb128and what we should review/consider while trying to pick one?14:01
csslayerseb128: from the toolkit level there isn't much difference if you want to make a imf agnostic protocol for mir14:02
csslayerseb128: and even the protocol is quite similiar14:02
csslayerAFAIK ubuntu phone will go with maliit for now, so I think you might want to have some general protocol maybe ?14:02
seb128on the mir/server side probably14:03
seb128but there is also the question of configuration14:03
seb128like what is our indicator speaking14:03
csslayerthat's not a problem of toolkit level, actually anyone can write any ui, there is no much difference between im and other application.14:04
bschaefer also this is a bug report that happened last time we forced IBus in 12.10 for unity: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nux/+bug/98325414:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 983254 in Unity "Support input methods beside ibus" [High,Fix committed]14:05
csslayerah... sorry for my bad behavior one year ago14:05
bschaefercsslayer, I was pointing out that we need to support more then 1 :)14:05
seb128csslayer, what are the core difference between ibus and fcitx?14:06
seb128like what would argument would give in favor of picking one instead of the other one?14:06
csslayerseb128: the core difference, from my point of view (and I guess you guys might intereseted in) is the view on what should be handled by imf.14:07
seb128csslayer, is fcitx handling keyboard layouts like ibus 1.5 is doing?14:08
csslayerseb128: yes, that part is firstly introduced in fcitx 4.2.414:09
* csslayer is checking the release date of 4.2.414:09
csslayerJun 3 201214:09
csslayerok let me continue my "differnce part"..14:10
csslayeribus make everything a engine, each time, every user can only use one engine.14:10
csslayerfcitx also have the concept of engine, but it admits that there are some function doesn't belong to any engine.14:10
csslayerfor example: https://www.csslayer.info/wordpress/fcitx-dev/unicode-input-support/ something like this is obviously specific to chinese, english or any other languages.14:11
csslayerand for configuration part you just talked about, fcitx also make it doesn't bind to any toolkit, but just use some file to describe the configuration.14:12
csslayerand those file can be easily exploited by ui.14:13
csslayerthough we admits the nature that there are some complex one cannot be handled by this way, so some custom configuration ui part is also introduced in fcitx
racarrGot key events working all the way through a QML app over the weekend!14:17
alan_ghello racarr14:17
racarrHi alan :)14:17
smspillazmorning racarr !14:17
alan_gracarr: that sounds good. Spike or production ready code?14:17
smspillazracarr: nice work!14:18
racarralan_g: 90% production ready14:18
lool10mn left in meeting14:18
seb128csslayer, ok ... do you have any data of the number of languages/methods supported by fcitx?14:19
racarralan_g: I accumulated a few todos in the process (i.e. go back and move this class, improve this test, etc...)14:19
racarralan_g: Also, it only works with ANDROID_TYPES on14:19
racarrotherwise the android::Looper used by the InputDispather14:19
alan_gracarr: anything I can help with?14:19
racarrnever dispatches the input ready callbacks14:19
racarrso it can't read the finished signals from the client14:19
alan_gHmm, I guess that is my attempted rewrite at fault.14:20
racarr:) I will spend some time debugging it today though, unless you have any ideas to start14:20
happyaronseb128: let me make up a list for you14:21
csslayerseb128: we nearly covered everything that ibus/scim supports. (when I say "nearly" I mean I don't really know if there is some not exists in pop distro's repo)14:21
seb128happyaron, thanks14:21
alan_gracarr: Nothing specific - was always a risk reworking without proper tests in place14:21
happyaroncsslayer: actually everything in debian/ubuntu, all of them (including ibus/scim) are handled by me.14:22
seb128csslayer, does that include things like cyrillic/russian?14:22
alan_gracarr: I'm happy to look, but would like another hour or two first14:22
racarralan_g: Ok no hurry. I don't think I am goign to get to propose it this morning anyway14:22
racarrthe one thing that will take a little time, is the acceptance test doesn't yet consistently pass14:23
racarrbecause it needs some interprocess synchronization14:23
alan_gracarr: In that case, drop me some notes at your EOD and I'll look at it when I start tomorrow14:23
racarrso I have to readd that IPCWaitCondition type thing I was doing a whil ago, etc14:23
csslayerseb128: if you take layout part in, then yes, and fcitx's layout is not just layout, such kinds of function can also work for other language https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/File:Fcitx-Keyboard.png if correct dictionary is installed.14:23
racarralan_g: Perfect. :)14:23
csslayerseb128: I'm not very sure if m17n (fcitx has m17n-lib support) also covers that part, since we also blacklist most of m17n engine since they are deprecated by layout.14:25
* alan_g glad he kept the ANDROID_TYPES option for this eventuality14:27
racarr:) Yes14:28
happyaronseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5646507/ this list may not cover all fcitx supports, but should enough to give an impression.14:33
seb128happyaron, thanks14:33
csslayerhappyaron: keyboard layout is a larger list .. though :)14:34
happyaroncsslayer: yes, :)14:35
happyaronkeyboard layouts aren't included there14:35
GunnarHjhappyaron: Are you aware of any languages that are not sufficiently supported by the fcitx engines?14:36
happyaronGunnarHj: not yet so far, if they are already supported by ibus/scim.14:37
GunnarHjOk, thanks.14:38
happyaronGunnarHj: but there's room for improvements in detailed user experience, we don't use them day to day and that needs user's feedback.14:38
seb128tvoss, ^ happyaron and csslayer_ are also good people to ping if you have questions14:39
tvossseb128, yup, just reading the channel :)14:39
seb128tvoss, happyaron (co)maintains fcitx (and ibus) in Debian/Ubuntu, csslayer_ is one of fcitx upstreams14:40
tvossseb128, thank you :) hey happyaron and csslayer_ :)14:40
seb128yw ;-)14:40
happyarontvoss: hey, :)14:41
csslayer_also thank you guys, it's my pleasure :)14:41
csslayer_just  found my boss isn't here today... is the hangout ended?..14:41
tvosscsslayer_, yup :)14:42
csslayer_tvoss: ok then :) sorry.14:42
=== vibhav is now known as barkdog
csslayer_also welcome to #fcitx channel if you guys have further questions about fcitx14:44
=== [1]Rafal_S57 is now known as Rafal_S57
tvosscsslayer_, great, thank you14:47
Rafal_S57Hi, quick question. How much will the Mir composer be able to re-use from an existing GPU specific Android hwc implementation? Will there be a lot of work for the GPU manufacturer to ensure that their composition GPU is utilised currectly by Mir?14:48
seb128csslayer_, happyaron: tvoss updated https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-input-methods with the summary of the discussions/things we need to investigate14:50
happyaronseb128 tvoss thanks!14:51
tvosshappyaron, yw14:52
alan_gRafal_S57: in theory mir should work with existing android implementations. But the mir code isn't yet mature enough to expect this in practice.14:56
=== barkdog is now known as vibhav
tvossRafal_S57, you might want to ping kdub with that question, he is working on using the hwc interface15:00
tvosskdub, you there yet?15:00
kdubmorning folks, status, working on that scripting branch, proposed a new type of android display, working on some hwc classes today15:01
alan_gkdub: what's happening with arm/glog? I'm not what's up with this build. But it looks like it is getting glog while failing to get gflags (which glog needs). Can you spot the problem? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-android-raring-i386-build/117/console15:02
tvosskdub, did you see Rafal_S57's question about the hwc?15:04
kdubalan_g, my plan is for consolidate-crossbuild-scripts to kill ~kdub/mir/ndk-rewrite and to have your glog branch stack on top of it nicely15:04
Rafal_S57thanks, I'll ping kdub specifically with my questions - Hi kdub15:05
kdubRafal_S57, yep, i'm working on that today... we do gles composition without hwc at the moment, but we should have hwc/gles composition soon15:05
alan_gkdub: I'll wait patiently then. ;)15:06
kdubalan_g, hopefully not too patiently :) i'll focus on that branch starting now before i hop to the hwc work for today15:06
Rafal_S57kdub: so in theory, the composition GPU manufacturer will not have to do anything to support Mir, as long as they have Android hwc implemented correctly? (in time, when Mir is matured)15:07
kdubRafal_S57, yep15:08
Rafal_S57kdub: ok, sounds good. Do you expect any kind of interaction with the composition GPU manufacturers, or can they "ignore" the Mir work and focus on Android support?15:10
racarr[ RUN      ] BespokeDisplayServerTestFixture.clients_receive_input15:11
racarr[       OK ] BespokeDisplayServerTestFixture.clients_receive_input (210 ms)15:11
tvossracarr, \o/15:13
kdubRafal_S57, can't say what they'll do, but if they ignore us, it won't hurt us15:14
tvossRafal_S57, we are certainly happy for any kind of interaction with GPU manufacturers, however, vanilla HWC support is fine with us :)15:14
racarrtvoss: I can make you a video later today :) ... atm my phone is broken and my DSLR is in a room covered in wet paint15:16
tvossracarr, \o/15:17
tvossracarr, what color?15:17
Rafal_S57kdub, tvoss: I'm currently scoping a support task for a composition GPU manufacturer, as they've asked us to look into what will be required to support Mir. From what you're saying, it seems to me that there is no "must have" support work to be done. Any idea of what kind of "nice-to-have" interaction you'd like?15:18
racarrtvoss: Just a boring grey...we painted the concrete floor on our whole back room :)15:18
racarrit was ...a boring chipping dirty grey before15:18
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
kgunnracarr: good stuff!!15:20
kgunnracarr: the input work...but the grey paint is cool too :)15:22
kdubRafal_S57, i'll have to think about it... as far as api support, we're pretty happy with the android hal15:24
kgunnRafal_S57: my 2 cents...i concur with kdub15:25
kgunnRafal_S57: as long as you've got gles compliance, we should work15:26
kgunnRafal_S57: any "goodness" from overlay or "special sauce" should be hidden under hwc15:26
kgunnRafal_S57: so we plan to work on those interfaces as well15:27
racarr:) thanks15:28
kgunnRafal_S57: sort of supposing, if you're a gpu ip guy....you've got EGL_image_external (since android sort of mandates it)15:28
kgunnRafal_S57: do you have some gles vendor extensions in mind ?15:29
Rafal_S57kgunn: there are some GPU specific optimizations, but they are already hidden inside the hwc. I have to run now (gotta pick up kids) but will join tomorrow. Thanks to all for the answers so far!15:32
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|otp
jonoboom: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTMzNDk16:08
racarrjono: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/wayland-devel/2013-March/008131.html16:09
racarrjono: Seems familiar ;)16:10
jonocan we bring him into Mir to help?16:11
ogra_he seems to be very wayland focused16:14
racarrIt's more than that the goals are very different16:14
racarr"- A project to learn about compositors and think about new compositing concepts16:14
racarr- A place for the community to openly discuss and contribute to the project16:14
ogra_he actually wants to work on wayland ...16:14
racarr- A place to create new and exciting desktop effects16:14
racarr- An environment that encourages learning about the Linux Desktop,16:14
racarrprogramming and wayland/northfield.16:15
racarr- An environment that is less restrictive and encourages uninhibited16:15
racarrfree-flow thinking16:15
racarr- A project that aims to get as many compiz effects as possible,16:15
racarrnot requirements driven16:15
racarrworking in a wayland compositor"16:15
racarrwhich is kind of the opposite of what mir is doing.16:15
jonomakes sense16:17
alan_gjono: I don't think he's a good fit16:20
ninjaaronSo I asked last night, but I had to go before I saw an answer: is Mir going to use libxkbcommon for keyboard input?16:51
racarrninjaaron: It's not entirely clear :)17:20
racarrthe bits that would be useful to us17:20
racarrare largely the keymap and key character mapping17:20
racarrcurrently we are using the android keymapper.17:20
tvossracarr, it used to be the plan :) ninjaaron, any specific reason why you are asking?17:20
racarrtvoss: Yes I was ust getting ready to say17:21
racarrit seems likely it will end up that way though :)17:21
tvossracarr, sorry :)17:21
racarran issue we will visit soon once the basics for keyboard input land17:21
racarrtvoss: Hehe no problem.17:21
racarralan_g: At this point now that we have some stuff under an end to end test do you think it makes sense to start refactoring some interfaces in droid-input, etc...17:25
racarralan_g: i.e. it would be useful for testing if droidinput::InputChannel were mockable17:25
racarrp.s. have some time to look at the looper thing?17:26
alan_gracarr: assuming that it doesn't conflict with killing USE_ANDROID_TYPES17:26
alan_gracarr: About half an hour - unless I get interrupted17:27
alan_g(which I sort of expect tvoss to do sometime)17:27
racarr;) ok17:27
tvossalan_g, please clarify :)17:29
alan_gtvoss: <tvoss> "yup, ....before pulling you onto the hangout"17:30
alan_gracarr: so, can I try to help? Or shall I look in the (UK) morning?17:32
racarralan_g: well hmm it would be useful if you have time17:32
=== mmrazik|otp is now known as mmrazik
racarrI am not sure that the answer isn't just to use the android implementation here17:32
racarrwhich just uses epoll which seems like a more clear way to express what this is trying to do17:32
racarrthan using async_read from boost::asio17:33
racarralan_g: The problem as it presents, is the usage of looper by InputDispatcher (see around InputDispatcher.cpp l3132)17:34
racarrhandleReceiveCallback never fires17:34
racarrthat's as far as I have gotten :) because it works with the android types17:35
alan_gracarr: which executable are you using?17:36
racarralan_g: acceptance-tests17:37
racarris that true17:37
racarrno thats not17:37
racarrthe actual server binary :)17:37
racarralan_g: No. that one landed just a sec.17:40
racarralan_g: lp:~robertcarr/mir/receive-input-in-client17:41
racarrchecking for missing files17:41
racarrhow surprising there were missing files ;) pushed a second time17:42
ninjaarontvoss: re: libxkbcommon: I'm a linguist, and I use a lot of custom keymaps, so I have a lot invested in xkb.17:43
ninjaaronit would be nice not to have to do it over.17:43
tvossninjaaron, sure :) I'm close to eod'ing. Would you mind if I ping you tomorrow ~13.00 UTC?17:44
ninjaaronIt's a date.17:44
racarrerr...pushed for actual now17:47
racarrI have the most problems with my ssh agent :/17:47
alan_gracarr: It is building.... But I don't think I can do anything much before EOD17:49
racarralan_g: No worries :)17:49
alan_gracarr: Oops: ...display_server/receive-input-in-client/examples/eglapp.c:88:49: error: unused parameter ‘surface’ [-Werror=unused-parameter]17:50
racarrit's not really blocking me17:50
racarralan_g: Yeah I just pushed another revision XD17:50
racarrI committed an inprogress revision to push for you17:50
racarrmade the egl app demos quit when you hit q :)17:50
alan_gracarr: I'll pick up in the morning - you can get things tidy first. (and tell me exactly what you run/expect in an email)17:51
racarralan_g: great thanks!17:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|life
racarrAlmost done with self review and cleanup for receive-input-in-clients. Lunch break now though!19:01
=== racarr is now known as racarr|lunch
=== racarr|lunch is now known as racarr
racarrkdub: Shwarma at a picnic table on a grey windy day reminded me of copenhagen :)19:27
racarrremember "the mathematical proof of the display server"?19:27
kgunnracarr: i'm curious...."the mathematical proof of the display server"?19:34
kdubracarr, hah19:37
racarrkdub: Haha, it was just...on the train back to the hotel one night, we were talking...I don't remember exactly how it went, but just about how we expected19:49
racarrthings to roll out over the next few months19:49
racarrand you were like "And after that is when we finish the mathematical proof of the display server"19:49
racarrand I found it very funny at the time :)19:49
racarrbecause I was almost thinking about that somehow aha19:50
kdubracarr, yeah, might have just been the boston public transport19:50
kdubbut we were relating how  if we were developing aerospace software, we'd have to submit a proof with our changes19:51
racarrEverytime we drop a frame a plane drops from the sky :(19:51
racarrthough who knows I read an article about software at spacex19:52
racarrand they talked about how "They don't have hard real-time requirements"19:52
kgunnracarr: kdub  :))19:56
racarrkgunn: Previous mir sprints involved much more getting stuck on street corners in the suburbs of boston and late nights in copenhagen20:03
racarrthan the relatively tame london sprint ;)20:03
kdubexcept  for me... :/20:03
racarrMm :(20:03
racarrexpanded the client input acceptance test so it reproduces the failure with USE_ANDROID_TYPES=false seen in the server binary20:15
racarrtrying to fix it now.20:16
Rafal_S57hi kgunn, do you have a minute to finish our discussion of hwc support in Mir and GPU vendor interaction?21:08
kgunnRafal_S57: busy now sorry21:27
Rafal_S57kgunn: ok, np21:28
racarrintermittent test failure in input acceptance test :( race with the server shutting down before the client handles all the events. difficult to solve without a timeout so going to use an unnamed IPC semaphore.21:48
kdubracarr, in which branch?21:56
kgunnRafal_S57: i'll be on tomorrow morning US central time...just ping22:05
racarrkdub: ~robertcarr/mir/receive-input-in-client22:11
racarrnot proposed yet :)22:11
racarrit turns out there are at least two races...22:11
racarrim currently waiting on the tea kettle, and then going to attempt to deconstruct it carefully22:11
racarrkdub: If you are curious ;) the test is the single acceptance test in acceptance-tests/test_client_input.cpp22:14
racarr-.- I got it to always pass but now its sometimes long running22:28
racarroh...it was a race between resetting the wait condition and the other thread posting it again XD...b ecause I didn't make reset_and_wait22:34
racarrwait_and_reset ;)22:37
racarrhttps://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/receive-input-in-client/+merge/155368 wheeeee23:02
racarrRAOF: ping?23:14
RAOFracarr: Pong.23:22
racarrRAOF: Wondering what we need to do to land the mesa changes23:25
racarrthings are broken in trunk atm for clients that use mir_connection_get_egl_display (rather than cast MirConnection directly)23:25
RAOFAh, so. Last time I tried to build your mesa changes, they didn't work, so I didn't merge them.23:26
RAOFracarr: Could you point me to the current mesa changes that you expect to work? I'll test and then merge them :)23:29
racarrRAOF: let me figure out how to use git23:29
RAOFUrgh :)23:29
racarrRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5647997/23:32
racarrjust format-patched from my working branch :)23:32
RAOFAnd that should work with mir trunk?23:34
racarrRAOF: It should! let me double check I am not branch confused23:37
racarrthere have been a lot of branches ;)23:38
racarrRAOF: Yes23:38
RAOFracarr: Sweet, thanks.23:39

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