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tigrangAnyone know John Lea's nick in here (if he does come in here), or anther way to ping him? Thanks.06:52
tigrangheh nvm, just saw the contact link in LP06:53
didrocksTrevinho__: hey, around?07:22
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tsdgeosSaviq: Morning! how are we regarding the unity-core stuff?08:12
Saviqtsdgeos, it didn't build on raring, so yeah, let's extract it into a separate tree08:13
Saviqtsdgeos, can you take care of it?08:16
tsdgeosSaviq: sure, so what we want is a new branch inside the unity repo where we just build unity-core? And have that into the phablet-ppa, right?08:16
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, preferably keeping the tests for UnityCore08:17
tsdgeosSaviq: do you want me to just adapt the cmakelists and keep the uncompiled code around or kill the code?08:17
Saviqtsdgeos, whatever's easier08:18
didrocksSaviq: didn't build on raring? it surely does build :)08:19
Saviqdidrocks, long story ;)08:19
didrocksok ;)08:19
Saviqdidrocks, it's behind trunk a lot (and conflicting a lot, too)08:19
didrocksok, so not unity-core unity, but old unity-core forked :)08:19
Saviqdidrocks, yes08:21
Saviqtsdgeos, or...08:23
Saviqtsdgeos, we only use r2909..r291008:24
Saviqfrom lp:unity/phablet-mods08:24
Saviqtsdgeos, so maybe we should first try just merging that on top of lp:unity08:25
Saviqand be done with it08:25
tsdgeosthat seems sensible08:25
tsdgeoswill do as soon as i stop deleting^Wreading emails08:26
Saviqtsdgeos, ok, try going that route, make sure it builds on armhf, though08:26
Saviqin case that wasn't merged back08:26
tsdgeosarmhf is the phone/tablet?08:27
Saviqtsdgeos, and on quantal, too...08:27
tsdgeoslet's see how it goes :D08:29
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sugaI would like to get know about autopilot testing. I'm installed python-autopilot and download the autopilot test suite from bzr08:52
sugaI'm facing the issue when executing the simple autopilot test, it couldn't be succcessful08:52
sil2100suga: hi!08:54
sil2100suga: what are the problems you are experiencing? What test suite are you trying to run? What bzr branch did you download?08:54
sil2100suga: and first of all, what Ubuntu version are you using?08:55
sugaUbuntu 12.0408:55
sil2100Ah, 12.04, then it's a bit less straightforward on this version08:55
sugaWhen i execute with the simple command the below error proept08:55
sil2100suga: what python-autopilot version are you using then? Since the main archives don't have autopilot for precise08:56
sugaSo, Ur suggestion is that not better to use Python-autopilot on ubuntu12.04?08:58
sil2100suga: not exactly, it's just a bit different to use it on 12.0408:58
sil2100suga: I got disconnected and didn't get an answer - what version of python-autopilot are you using and where did you fetch it from?08:59
didrockshey sil2100!08:59
sugais there any reference for using python-autopilot on Ubuntu 12.04?08:59
didrockssil2100: btw, you have results from the last week-end autopilot runs ;)08:59
didrockssil2100: getting a little bit lower, but still work needed to be done! :)08:59
* didrocks is trying to fix some unit tests failing due to glib behavior change09:00
sil2100didrocks: is build 16 'correct'?09:00
* didrocks looks, one sec09:00
sil2100Since I see some new tests failing that didn't fail before, hm hm09:00
sugaNoo... previous build09:00
didrockssil2100: yep, that's from saturday morning09:01
sil2100suga: hm, not sure if there is one, but it's easy to do:09:01
didrockssil2100: flacky tests? :/09:01
sugaI can download from bzr repo?09:01
sil2100didrocks: it seems nvidia did something strange and suddenly all tests got broken, will check what it was09:01
sil2100suga: anyway, first of all, could you do apt-cache policy python-autopilot and tell me the version number installed?09:02
didrockssil2100: yeah, it's not the first time it happens09:02
didrockssil2100: it seems that if a service is failing, nothing tries to respawn it09:02
didrockssil2100: like the hud in the past09:02
didrocksand so all tests are timing out09:02
didrockssil2100: the "no respawn" is a bug in itself09:03
sil2100But still, it's very annoying and introduces a lot of false-positives09:03
sugaok thx.. I try with the command and tell the installed version09:04
sugaSo.. can u tell that is there any flexible tool for test automation on Ubuntu 12.04 unity?09:04
sugaexcept from Autopilot09:05
sugainstalled version seems as Installed: 0.1~ppa1-0~12+2~precise109:07
didrockssuga: ah, you are telling "false-positives" as well? :)09:07
didrockssil2100: ^09:07
sil2100didrocks: I actually picked that up hearing that from you ;) I like the sound of it very much09:07
didrocksah :-)09:07
sil2100suga: ok, so, hmmm, give me a moment, need to check what version is this09:08
didrocksfalse joy: olli was pulling on my legs, telling that's a "French thing". I believed for one sec it wasn't one :)09:08
sil2100suga: but it should work like with the 1.1 version, so before you run some tests from any directory, you need to set PYTHONPATH to that directory, example:09:08
sil2100You have the tests in /tmp/unity/tests/autopilot09:09
sil2100So, you do:09:09
sil2100PYTHONPATH=/tmp/unity/tests/autopilot unity list09:10
sil2100To list the available tests from the given test branch09:10
sil2100The same when using run09:10
sugaahh ... thanks... I put the test on the location and set the python path09:10
sil2100PYTHONPATH=/tmp/unity/tests/autopilot unity run name.of.the.tests.to.run09:11
sugaand let pick with the feedback from that09:11
sil2100And it *should* work, but sadly right now I have nowhere I could check that, since I'm on 13.0409:11
sugait's ok.. I try with my machine.. let u know if i face any issue09:12
sil2100Good luck09:12
sil2100didrocks: nvidia seems to have broken down on unity.tests.test_hud.HudBehaviorTests.test_dash_to_hud_has_key_focus09:13
didrockssil2100: yeah, that's when the hud process is taken down, right?09:13
didrockssil2100: and nothing restarts it?09:13
sil2100didrocks: it looks like it ;/09:13
didrockssil2100: can you please open a bug on hud and ping ted for it?09:14
didrockssil2100: would be nice to have get it fixed09:14
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sil2100didrocks: will do!09:14
didrockssil2100: other than that, I would say: look at the other configs09:14
seb128didrocks, sil2100: btw, jono opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1159200 about the segfaults he sees with the ppa09:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1159200 in Unity "Hang on previews with smart scopes PPA" [Undecided,New]09:45
seb128dednick, mhr3: ^09:45
nic-doffaySaviq, I'm back on the PageHeader tests now. What was that fix you recommended for the label hiding behind the search field? I can't seem to find it in the logs.09:47
Saviqnic-doffay, you need to check whether the label contentWidth + units.gu(40) < pageHeader's width09:48
Saviqnic-doffay, units.gu(40) being searchField's expanded width09:48
didrocksdednick: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity/fix-tests-with-latest-glib-unity7/+merge/15518909:53
nic-doffayWhat does .gu do Saviq ?09:54
Saviqnic-doffay, it's grid unit - units.gu() returns the device-specific amount of pixels per grid unit09:54
didrocksdednick: and https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity/fix-tests-with-latest-glib/+merge/155190 for trunk09:55
didrocksmhr3: oh, almost forgot about it: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/experimental-prevalidation/+build/4397994/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.libunity_6.91.7%7Edaily13.03.25ubuntu.unity.experimental.certified-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz09:56
dednickdidrocks: which tests were failing? unit or AP?09:56
didrocksdednick: unit09:56
nic-doffayThat didn't seem to do the trick for me Saviq10:00
didrocksmhr3: pstolowski: mind having a look at the libunity FTBFS? ^10:00
Saviqnic-doffay, there's a "narrowMode" prop on searchContainer10:01
Saviqnic-doffay, that's what decides if the search entry goes next to the label or above it10:01
Saviqnic-doffay, that's where the condition needs to take the label's contentWidth into account10:02
didrocksmhall119: pstolowski: looking at it, I can bet this is the same cause, one sec10:02
mhr3didrocks, seems that way10:08
mhr3didrocks, so what exactly did they do to glib? if the binary is not present they ignore the desktop file?10:08
didrocksmhr3: exactly, see https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=f641699299ed2713cf247e3465bb1a21612b36f710:09
didrocksmhr3: I'll fix it in few minutes, debugging something else meanwhile10:09
nic-doffaySaviq, property bool narrowMode: label.contentWidth + units.gu(40) < pageHeader.width10:13
mhr3i'm a bit worried what other things will break10:13
Saviqnic-doffay, yeah, looks roughly OK, does it work?10:14
nic-doffayNo, that was what I had done prior Saviq10:14
Saviqnic-doffay, pastebin your diff (with the tests) please?10:15
mhr3didrocks, it looks like the pygi overrides files in libunity are not installed for python3, could you add the necessary deb voodoo to make it happen pls?10:22
mhr3cc: davidcalle ^10:22
didrocksmhr3: will do, is the override the same than for python2?10:23
mhr3didrocks, yep10:23
mhr3didrocks, merci10:23
davidcallemhr3, didrocks, thanks :)10:23
didrocksdavidcalle: mhr3: de rien :)10:24
didrocksdednick: tell me once you are happy with those branches, that will enable to start another daily10:25
dednickdidrocks: sure. give me a sec.10:26
dednickdidrocks: you want me to global approve?10:27
nic-doffaySaviq, test: https://pastebin.canonical.com/87598/10:28
didrocksdednick: yes please :)10:28
dednickdidrocks: done10:28
nic-doffaySaviq, https://pastebin.canonical.com/87599/ Diff there10:29
didrocksdednick: thanks!10:29
Saviqnic-doffay, https://pastebin.canonical.com/87601/ seems to work for me10:31
nic-doffaySaviq, I'm doing a ./build then running qmlscene tst_PageHeader.qml, not seeing a fix though.10:44
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Saviqnic-doffay, just resize the window, you'll see that it goes away when there's not enough space10:52
Saviqnic-doffay, that calls for a test, btw10:54
nic-doffaySaviq, the label still appears over the search box though.11:06
nic-doffayIf the label is too long.11:06
Saviqnic-doffay, you mean when you expand it? then yeah, use units.gu(50) or so, I didn't take margins into account11:08
nic-doffayYeah when it's expanded Saviq11:10
Saviqnic-doffay, yeah, I didn't take margins into account - units.gu(40) is the width of the expanded search entry11:11
Saviqnic-doffay, but the label has a margin etc.11:11
Saviqnic-doffay, so units.gu(50) looks fine, leaving some space between the label and expanded search entry, too11:11
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didrocksmhr3: davidcalle: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/libunity/install-python3-override/+merge/155206 FYI11:36
didrocksmhr3: davidcalle: we need to have libunity7 rebuilding first though before approving that one11:36
davidcalledidrocks, thanks, this was blocking some previews :) By the way, I've found a way to have geolocalized weather photos11:38
didrocksdavidcalle: yeah, I saw your post on g+, this is awesome!11:39
didrocksdavidcalle: not sure how many photos you find though ;)11:39
davidcalledidrocks, quite a lot actually, and it's flexible enough to give small cities a photo from the largest city near them.11:40
didrocksdavidcalle: I think for my week-end html5-app, I will steal some of your logic here :)11:40
davidcalledidrocks, sure :) btw, you can even submit some pictures of Lyon's weather http://www.flickr.com/groups/projectweather/ to have them in the scope, because there is nothing yet for it.11:43
didrocksdavidcalle: interesting, will do! :)11:43
didrocksdavidcalle: there is no limitation in term of calls?11:43
davidcalledidrocks, I'm using the API key we have in distro since 12.10, I'm not sure of the limit, but since it's fine with our current load...11:45
didrocksdavidcalle: excellent, will definitively have a look :)11:45
nic-doffayCould anyone have a look at this and recommend more tests which could be done?11:48
tsdgeosSaviq: i've done the merge, but there's a billion things that don't build in quantal now, i'm going to make it build unitycore only, ok?11:56
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah I suspected as much11:56
Saviqtsdgeos, but at least we'll be able to keep on top of lp:unity11:57
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didrocksmhr3: pstolowski: https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/libunity/insert-scope-id/+merge/155197/comments/33888713:11
pstolowskididrocks: ah, thanks13:12
cyphermox_good morning!13:12
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didrockspstolowski: yw ;)13:12
didrockshey cyphermox13:12
cyphermoxhey didrocks13:12
cyphermoxhow are you?13:12
didrocksgood good, had fun due to glib this morning…13:12
didrocksand you?13:13
cyphermoxgood good, things are green, makes me happy13:13
didrockscyphermox: watch out next time you have something new13:13
didrockscyphermox: glib changed its way of dealing with .desktop file13:13
cyphermoxoh fun13:13
cyphermoxI'll keep that in mind13:13
cyphermoxchanged how?13:13
didrocksif the Exec= refers to a binary which isn't in the PATH13:13
didrocksit will ignore it13:14
cyphermoxoh. cute.13:14
didrocksmakes sense in most of case13:14
didrocksnot for testing…13:14
cyphermoxdidrocks: you can fix PATH for testing ;)13:14
didrocksas you ship .desktop just to test something13:14
didrockscyphermox: well, you need to ship those binaries…13:14
didrockswhich maybe you don't want13:14
didrocksso I set to /bin/true :)13:14
mhr3didrocks, pstolowski, it wasn't really necessary to bump it in the first place13:15
didrocksmhr3: just be coherent if you bump it please :)13:15
pstolowskimhr3: I know it wasn't a hard requirement, but it's required for the functionality to work as expected13:17
mhr3pstolowski, oh but you bumped the requirement on the home scope branch13:18
pstolowskididrocks: I guess it's enough to bump the version in the existing changelog entry (that says UNRELEASED)?13:19
didrockspstolowski: yeah, just modify this one13:19
didrockspstolowski: we should remove the ~ btw13:19
pstolowskididrocks: "6.91.8-0ubuntu1" ?13:21
didrockspstolowski: got it! :)13:21
pstolowskididrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/libunity/insert-scope-id/+merge/155221 pls13:24
didrockspstolowski: speaking of which: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libunity/libunity-7.0/view/head:/data/client-scopes.json13:25
didrockspstolowski: there is no scope ids for gwibber/photos13:25
didrocks(and gwibber should be friends)13:25
didrockspstolowski: maybe we should fix that at the same time?13:26
pstolowskididrocks: right13:26
didrockspstolowski: tell me once done :)13:27
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pstolowskididrocks: afaict, looking at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-lens-friends/libunity7-compatible/files/head:/data/ , it's not 'friends', but 'social'?13:40
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didrockspstolowski: package is friends, social is the master scope name AFAIK13:42
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pstolowskididrocks: hey, you've approved already? I'm updating client-scopes.json14:10
didrockspstolowski: well, I wasn't sure if you wanted to finally push to the same branch as it was 45 minutes ago :)14:10
didrockspstolowski: ok, will remove the approval14:10
didrockspstolowski: done :)14:10
pstolowskididrocks: I had a lot of fun and confusion trying to find actual gwibber scope, and then also understanding what we want. and we're also missing .scope files for photos, adding them as well14:11
didrockspstolowski: thanks!14:12
mzanetti_tsdgeos: lol: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner/280/artifact/qml_phone_shell.tests.testconfigurations.TestNexus4.test_hide_hud_click_outside_handle.ogv14:15
mzanetti_what the heck is happening here14:15
tsdgeospoor guy :D14:16
Saviqdednick, you coming to standup?14:31
dednickSaviq: be there in a sec14:31
mhall119didrocks: hey, what's delaying the smart scopes?14:38
didrocksmhall119: the fact to run 40 python process I would say14:39
didrocksdavidcalle: ^14:39
didrocksand maybe the REST results14:39
didrockssome part are also ran by the server14:39
didrockswhich can be slow14:39
nic-doffayHere's the MP everyone: https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/unity/page-header-test/+merge/15524214:39
mhall119IIRC, there were only about a dozen local scopes, the rest were server-side14:40
mhall119and I'm *assuming* that the server-side is cloud-scalable14:40
davidcallemhall119, didrocks: the fact that searches are not properly canceled yet. If you move a master scope out of the home dash (with a dconf key), you can see it running as fast as any lens.14:40
didrocksmhall119: we have 40 installed14:41
davidcalle29 new local scopes, IIRC14:41
mhall119davidcalle: I did notice that it wasn't cancelling searches when the search term changed14:41
mhall119didrocks: and isn't the point of the new service the fact that we won't have to run them all?14:42
MacSlowSaviq, something (like ListView) that's set to interactive: false does not allow any interactive child-items anymore?14:42
mhall119"having 40 python processes" was baked into the design14:43
pstolowskididrocks: updated https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/libunity/insert-scope-id/+merge/15522114:43
SaviqMacSlow, no, that just means the listview itself won't be interactive14:43
SaviqMacSlow, i.e. you won't be able to drag it, essentially14:44
didrocksmhall119: right, but the recommendations by the server is not optimal14:44
MacSlowSaviq, ok tkx14:44
didrocksmhall119: so right now, we are running them all to get results14:44
didrockspstolowski: thanks!14:44
SaviqMacSlow, http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-flickable.html#interactive-prop14:44
mhall119didrocks: also something that was expected, and will start to resolve itself as the server learns, right?14:44
didrocksmhall119: right14:45
didrocksmhall119: but there are still room for improvment on our side first :)14:46
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didrockssil2100: FYI, latest of the latest results available :)15:29
didrocksdednick: sil2100: did you get any progress today on it? ^15:29
dednickdidrocks: working on it now. i think the basic problem is that the scopes are slower at displaying results, and there are points in the AP tests where it doesnt actually wait.15:30
dednickwhich is where the flakyness comes in15:30
didrocksdednick: yeah, that was part of my guess once I saw that you didn't as much fixed ones as planned15:30
dednicksometimes the results are available, sometimes not15:30
didrocksyeah :/15:30
didrocksdednick: we should maybe wait for the full timeout?15:31
mterrydidrocks, heyo.  re: daily release of the touch stack.  Let's say I wanted to enable daily releases of qtubuntu into our touch PPA.  How would I do that?15:31
didrocksmterry: with the 100scopes project, all my planning around the touch stack is screwed. I would have hope we got some discussion and all the platform ready by now, but I'm postponing it for now15:33
dednickdidrocks: there are many places where it just does something like "get_results()[0]" without verifying that there are results yet. so it's just about adding the wait functions between.15:33
mterrydidrocks, k15:33
didrocksmterry: is everything that qtubuntu build-dep on already in the distro or daily-releasing?15:33
didrocksdednick: ah nice!15:33
mterrydidrocks, libhybris and ubuntu-platform I think are not yet daily-release15:34
mterrydidrocks, I'm not sure anything is daily-releasing yet?15:35
didrocksmterry: libhybris is the android side15:35
didrocksmterry: I asked a lot of people to decipher the story to be able to build what we need to build on x8615:35
mterrydidrocks, yar, qtubuntu is armhf only right now15:35
didrocksmterry: didn't get anyone communicating though :)15:35
didrocksmterry: so yeah, if you can look at it and know what's needed to be done to build on x8615:35
mterrywhich is a problem, but a separate one from daily-release15:36
didrocksI think is was mzanetti_ telling me that everything can build on x8615:36
didrocksmterry: well, I'm taking that as part of "let's bootstrap"15:36
mterrydidrocks, I remember asking around and everyone told me to ask someone else15:36
mzanetti_yes, it was mzanetti_15:36
didrocksmzanetti_: so, do you know what's the issue when an app is depending on qtubuntu?15:37
didrockswhich is armhf* only15:37
mzanetti_didrocks: then it should only depend on qtubuntu for armhf15:37
didrocksmzanetti_: but the app can work without it?15:37
mzanetti_didrocks: yes15:37
didrockson x8615:37
didrocksqtubuntu is and will really stay amrhf-only?15:38
mzanetti_didrocks: here's the explanation:15:38
didrocksmterry: did you see that in the packaging?  ^15:38
* didrocks listens!15:38
mzanetti_didrocks: we have Qt as a middleware15:38
mzanetti_didrocks: qtubuntu sits below qt, as a Qt plugin15:38
mzanetti_didrocks: the app sits above Qt15:38
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didrocksok, so the app always dep on Qt, not qtubuntu15:38
mzanetti_didrocks: I think our apps would also work on the phone without qtubuntu15:39
didrocksand qtubuntu is installed by seeding it on amrhf15:39
mzanetti_didrocks: just lack hardware acceleration support etc15:39
mzanetti_didrocks: yeah, exactly15:39
didrocksah, finally, someone explaining it \o/15:39
mzanetti_didrocks: if an application has a direct dep on qtubuntu Imho its wrong15:39
mzanetti_didrocks: well... Qt would bail out on the device saying: No hardware backend found15:40
mzanetti_didrocks: but we could install some mimimalistic, no-accelerated backend instead of qtubuntu and itll work too15:40
didrocksmzanetti_: making sense15:40
dandraderany wiki or webpage explaining the setup for an armhf chroot for building packages for the device? I have one it's been a while since I last used it. I fear it might be outdated (e.g. using wrong apt sources)15:41
mzanetti_didrocks: the equivalent of qtubuntu on the desktop is libxcb (and probably some qtxcb package  - dunno the exact names)15:41
didrocksmzanetti_: ah, this is the part binding to surfaceflingers?15:42
mzanetti_didrocks: yeah! I think qtubuntu was split up in 3 packages lately, so I don't know exactly which part sits in which package... ricmm could help you there15:43
mzanetti_didrocks: but yes, in general, thats the idea15:43
didrocksmzanetti_: and what about the ubuntu-platform-api?15:44
mzanetti_didrocks: thats one of those 3 packages I meant15:44
didrocksah :)15:44
mzanetti_didrocks: but now we are getting into the area where a rocket scientist has better information than I do15:44
mzanetti_e.g. ricmm or jhodapp15:44
didrocksok ;)15:44
didrocksthanks a lot mzanetti_15:45
mterrymzanetti_, qtubuntu-media is another of the 3 packages?15:46
mzanetti_mterry: I think so, yes.15:46
mzanetti_but as I said, the exact details of those packages are a bit out of my scope... I work mostly from Qt upwards15:46
mzanetti_so don't rely on everything below with 100% on me15:47
didrocksmzanetti_: it's already a lot in the stack :)15:49
luvmardy: yo, thanks for having a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/signon/+bug/1156776 .. but signon-plugin-oauth2-0.15  still does not build :-/ ... another issue now16:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1156776 in Online Accounts: Sign-on daemon "signon-plugin-oauth2-0.15 fails to build" [Low,New]16:00
luvI updated qmake .pro files in signond to build "signon-plugins" as .so as well and then I got signon-plugins-oauth2 to build16:01
luvbut maybe there is a reason why it's not built as a shared object ... :-s16:01
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kgunntsdgeos: just curious...what's left on hud unit/autopilot tests?16:05
tsdgeoskgunn: i'd say i'm mostly done16:05
tsdgeosmy plan was having a review today on what was missing16:05
tsdgeosbut i got hooked on fixing the unity-core build in raring by Saviq16:06
tsdgeosso haven't done it16:06
kgunntsdgeos: cool :) i was bp digging....np16:06
tsdgeosstill paying our fork everything in incompabile ways punishment16:06
kgunntsdgeos: no doubt....remerge hell16:07
kgunnalways is a pain16:07
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tvossSaviq, ping16:31
Saviqtvoss, pong16:31
tvossSaviq, are we aware of https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/115901116:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 1159011 in touch-preview-images "on Nexus 7 Indicators do not work until an application has been activated from the launcher" [Undecided,New]16:32
Saviqtvoss, no16:32
Saviqtvoss, I don't have a 7, though :/16:33
tvossSaviq, is that bug logged against the right project?16:36
kgunntvoss: let me chase16:37
kgunntvoss: i have a 7, just tested against the description - i kind of think its right16:41
kgunntvoss: meaning current behavior16:41
kgunntvoss: if you're on the greeter (aka lock screen)16:41
kgunntvoss: you shouldn't be able to fiddle with indicators16:42
kgunntvoss: a question for design to settle i suppose16:42
tvosskgunn, can you assign it to someone to take care of it?16:43
kgunntvoss: yep...going to point it to a design folk16:43
tvosskgunn, thanks16:46
kgunnmpt: ping16:48
didrocksmterry: thanks for backporting this commit!16:49
Saviqkgunn, http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unitynext/17:00
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, did the merge, this is the monsted https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity/phablet-mods-merged/+merge/15524317:04
tsdgeosafter that we need this change in the shell https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity/new_unitycore_api/+merge/15528617:04
Saviqtsdgeos, you rebased?17:04
tsdgeosSaviq: for some reason the CI is failing, mzanetti_ says mmrazik knows why17:05
tsdgeosSaviq: merged lp:unity into the phablet-mods thing17:05
Saviqtsdgeos, I thought you'd just get lp:unity and cherry-pick from lp:unity/phablet-mods17:05
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah but in the end i thought it'd be safer to make sure i did not leave anything out to merge17:05
tsdgeosSaviq: i can do the cherry-picking if you prefer, now that i know what files don't build anyway :D17:06
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah that's right, I just wanted to save you the merge17:06
Saviqor the conflict resolution, more17:06
tsdgeosmerge was "easy-ish"17:06
tsdgeosproblem was going into device+quantal and skipping stuff that don't build17:07
tsdgeosin the more "fine grained" possible way17:07
tsdgeosso we still run as much tests as we can17:07
tsdgeosat this stage i've dpkg-buildpackage'd in device+quantal and VM+raring and built unity/phablet on top of it17:07
tsdgeos"should" work (TM)17:08
Saviqtsdgeos, great17:16
Saviqwill get on it first thing tomorrow17:18
tsdgeosSaviq: i'm eoding too, let's see if mmrazik can have a look at the CI job in the meanwhile17:22
* tsdgeos waves17:22
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mardyluv: hi! can you find a libsignon-plugins.* somewhere in your system?17:41
luvwill do when i get back home - am i looking for a package or a file?17:43
mardyluv: a file; IIRC the package has a similar name, though17:43
mhr3larsu_, ping?17:52
larsu_mhr3: on my way to lunch. Talk later?17:55
mhr3larsu_, just a quickie17:55
mhr3larsu_, do you know who would know about gvfs-httpd?17:55
larsu_mhr3: nope :)17:56
mhr3see... quickie :)17:56
larsu_haha nice17:56
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kgunnSaviq: looks good...good to get that one out there18:12
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luvmardy: http://pastebin.blesmrt.net/3103/19:32
luvmardy: only relavant libs i have installed in the system are libsignon-plugins-common.so.* (don't mind libsignon-plugins.* in my home - it's a custom build after modifying .pro file, upstream doesnt build shared objects there by default)19:34
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kgunngreyback: ping19:45
greybackkgunn: pong19:45
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matzipanhey guys, I applied for them ailing list a  while ago21:28
matzipandidn't have any success21:28
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